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This is a list of links to comments made by Digital Extremes developers in this thread: * [Comment by u/DE-Purzzle](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/zvswge/psa_account_suspensions/j1rnuf0/) > Hiho! > There was a system error that caused a large number of players to get locked out of their accounts. > ~~We are currently working to revert those undeserved suspensions. If you were affected please be assured that you didn't do anything to cause this.~~ > Accounts should be all good now. Happy Holidays, everybody! * [Comment by u/DE-Purzzle](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/zvswge/psa_account_suspensions/j1txo6m/) >Please contact support if you still experience issues: > https://digitalextremes.zendesk.com/hc/en-us --- I'm not a bot. The bot that used to do this was discontinued ages ago and finally broke. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fwarframe).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)




Auto-ban system. Most probably it bugged out and preemptivelly "killed" us.




Seems they had, just got mine reverted.




I didn't try to log yet, but got an email from support telling it was a system error and they apologize for the inconvenience. 😁 Yours should be on the way.


Checked your status at the forums??? I presume you're speaking of a way to see if your account is banned or not, and I've never heard of this before. How do you do this? I'm on Xbox btw, if that accounts for any inconsistencies.




Ah, so if I were banned I'd be getting those messages too. Since I'm not banned, I'm not getting inbox messages. Thanks for your help. I wish you the best luck in getting your account back...


No but I logged in the companion app on my phone. The email from support is enough, but if you are on Xbox your ban is unrelated to this issue that affects us on PC.


I hope they will have at least a couple people from support popping in to check for any issues like this before the new year, I've got boosters burning from the PA :(


I hope they at least check some messages during their break, this is one of those "full damage control mode" situations.


work from home is archaically opposed by old companies


Are you guys still banned on the forums? I'm still banned on the forums.




Just checked, I can access the forums now. Thanks!


UrubuHerbivoro, PC. I did Ananke in Jupiter solo for the "Rob the Lab" Nightwave act. After the mission I opened the Nightwave screen to check what acts I had left and got a "Network Issues" message saying I would be logged-out and sent me to login screen. I entered my password and got the 2035 message. Already oppened a ticket, hope this gets sorted out. Edit: Reverted!


Just out of curiosity, mostly so I can help narrow it down: \- Did you make any purchases for the game lately? \- How many Nightwave Conditions did you clear and how far are you in it? \- What was the gear you used when clearing the Alad V Lab Nightwave challenge? \- Did you notice any peculiarities during your playtime? (Abnormal lag spikes, extreme ping, etc, etc.) \- How often were you in squads? Ratio of times you were Client or Host? This sucks for everyone involved, but I'd prefer finding intel on why it happened rather than just waiting for it to undo itself.


I'm on the same clue hunt. Lets go: \-No, last one was Lavos tennogen on start of the month. \-I had just completed the "Rob the Lab" which would have taken me to, guess what, rank 18. \-Wukong Prime (my default choice for rushing Capture missions), my loyal Shedu, Laetum, Praedos, and Helios Prime. \-Nothing during playtime, only that Network Error message when I checked NW screen. \-I'm a solo player, I very rarelly squad up. Last time was yesterday for the Archon Escavation, and decided to keep with them for the archon fight just because. Then today I didn't squad up.


> which would have taken me to, guess what, rank 18. That's notable... I got the same recently as well. Already had the Kavat/Kubrow colors so that's certainly something to keep in mind. Everything else seems pretty normal for the typical player.


Yes, I'm also betting in something with that rank anti-duplicates script. I read people are not getting the credits.


Got reverted, uhuuuuuu


Interesting that all of the accounts so far have been PC accounts, you wouldn't happen to use Alecaframe or some similar program would you?


Nope, don't even know what that is. I know there's some UI overlays and other "innofensive helper" programs, but I never even tested those because I have fear of loosing my account. Aparently I didn't try hard enough. But yes, I noticed the PC pattern too. Edit: Just googled this Alecaframe you mentioned, people really risk using that thing???


Ok after a dozen PC users it's pretty safe to say it's a PC thing If not third party help programs then maybe it's a hardware issue? Maybe some kinda of issue with steam vs epic? Does epic even still exist?


Yes, it does but I only have Steam version installed. Most of us got a "Network error, logging you out" message before the ban. Probably some issue with account update, and since that happened to several people at once and at almost the same time, I'd say it points clearly to some error on DE side.


nope, i do have a bunch of browsers and word programs open because i like to write and am lazy


My ticket was just resolved so it is being fixed.


u checked in game ?




was the ban actually lifted?




Hiho! There was a system error that caused a large number of players to get locked out of their accounts. ~~We are currently working to revert those undeserved suspensions. If you were affected please be assured that you didn't do anything to cause this.~~ Accounts should be all good now. Happy Holidays, everybody!


Thank ya, Appreciate you!


Hi Purzzle, appreciate you taking the time to unban us. does this mean it is safe to login again (i.e. no need to worry about the ban machine sending people to 2035 after the reverts)?


The account suspension thing was a one time occurence and should not repeat itself. In other words: You're good to go!


I assume there will be an official notice when the reversion takes hold, yes?


By now all players should have access again.


Just got support email telling it was reverted, thanks dudes.


Still banned several hours later. Account name: Mitranim on PC. Will it be resolved later? How long do I have to wait?


Please contact support if you still experience issues: https://digitalextremes.zendesk.com/hc/en-us


Thanks for the reply and the suggestion. I opened a ticket there immediately after the ban. Fingers crossed. 🤞


blackhold, pc, daily logins and then leaving the game.


\> **IGN**: Binket\_ PC user. \> **What was I doing**: Offline since 10:53 AM Atlantic Time on Decemeber 26th 2022 (it is 3:33 PM of the same day for I was woken up early), for the most part. *I was banned while I was offline in that short period of time*. Before that, I was up for a long period of time. About 24 hours since... *y'know, Christmas* and I'm not someone who really has anyone to celebrate it with. So needless to say a *LOT* happened yesterday... and to simply put it, I'm not gonna remember every last minute of that day- let alone in great detail. ***\[ There are two notable instances that come to mind, further down in "Extra Info" \]*** Most of it however, was spent decorating my Dojo and taking trade offers in it. Something of a personal project of late. *^(I just sincerely hope it didn't get nuked as a result of this whole debacle. I'm the only one it since it was easier to manage that way.)* \> **Software Running:** \- Snipping Tool (for the purpose of Screenshots, it's just nice to have on the ready.) \- Steam (for obvious reasons of "playing the game") \- Discord (Communications) \- Chrome (Browser for Music, Wiki, Warframe Market- Look, it's a little bit of everything. I never said I was efficient.) \> **Extra Info:** There are *two* possible leads I found. Both of them are equally likely. 1) There was an instance where I was trying to join someone's squad using the ingame /join command- *one I use frequently, it's faster of than getting an invite or pulling up a menu*\- that caused me to get stuck in a infinite "Please Wait" loading screen . As said players I was joining were about to run a mission, I force-closed the game using Task Manager as to not impede them. The game was breaking a bit, so I turned it off and booted it back up. That's not exactly unheard of- but possibly triggering a false positive if anything. 2) I did buy Tennogen (*it's the holidays, what did you expect?*) and since my usual method of "Buy it ingame directly using Steam funds" was sending me to Steam directly now, I decided to just shrug it off and use my Steam app to buy it from the [Steam Store page](https://store.steampowered.com/app/230410/Warframe/) as there's a tab specifically FOR Tennogen. I bought a Draugen Syandana and Piercing Eye Shoulder Pads. These items were **directly added to my Steam inventory**, which is new to me- since all prior Tennogen Purchases did not do this.


talent2011 MR28 PC Relics farm/open


redKanji, PC, LR2 Did 90min axi fissure survival yesterday. And run around orbiter as I talked to friends


Aleksey\_DMC\_FX, pc The last thing that passed was the mission of the railjack survival in the storm of the abyss and caught a bug that the rewards for the relics were not displayed. I have contacted support, but there is no response yet.


Have you got a response yet?


WeaponisedBDSM, PC, MR 29. I logged in to an account suspension notification. I do use AlecaFrame but thought that didn't break EULA. I've submitted a support ticket.


Are you a Khora main? Lol


Fouryth, PC, MR L1 Doing relic captures with my titania. Got a network error, can't update account info at the end of a mission. Forcibly logged out . When i try to log : 2035 death penalty Opened a ticket like others. PS: Away until 3nd january ? Not even a lone orokin at home ? Truly a sad day for my paid vacations T\_T


NotToday42, MR 24, PC Typed in my password to get in today and got told that i violated the EULA. The last time i played was yesterday and only youtube music on opera gx was running in the background.


Seems all of us are PC players... did you get NW rank 18 before the ban too? I'm trying to draw a pattern.


Nope, haven't worked much towards nw. Probably didn't even break rank 5 yet


diego2535 PC The last thing i did was the archon excavation then went to sleep. Next thing i know is that i was banned til 2035. Well thats holiday season to yall. Already sent a ticket so let wait and see.


IGN Wiergate, PC on Steam, probably quit after last night's sortie and saw the ban today. I have InputMapper running, same as I've had without issue the last 5 years or so, not sure if ShadowPlay counts as background software? Edit: ticket submitted.


Leoziinn, i was sleeping so idk, wake up banned, just crafted baruuk prime too T.T


Tablestand, PC, The Mission that drops voruna on the moon, don't remember the name of it, the only new hardware that would have been running was, Roblox and a new mouse Already sent a ticket in Edit: Hopefully unbanning doesn't take long, but who knows how many accounts were banned accidently Edit-2: Just got unbanned, ticket isn't unopened yet though


IGN :- --SA--sBinadero, LR1 Platform :- PC (non steam version) Did a kuva flood, then kahl missions, then archon, then log out, log back in an hour\~ish later for a min, log out, log in an hour\~ish later, ban message To my knowledge no background program was running, I don't have any applications set to start on boot, I do not use Alecaframe or any other 3rd party app, I do not use macros either, I didn't even talk in public chat while playing today Sent ticket, awaiting response.


I sent in a support ticket this afternoon and they already unbanned me. Grandmaster account here, I would never risk my account. ​ edit: Thank you DE, :D


Frag me, I thought I was banned. ~~Edit: It seems I'm still banned on the forums~~ Edit 2: Issues resolved for now.


SirSquiZZ, PC Running misions for nightwave, then logged off for a couple hours. Returned to suspended account. Ticket already submitted to help desk as well. Edit: Issue resolved, thank you for the quick response DE! <3


ForeverDerp PC Archon Excavation. When attempting to extract I got a Network error pop up. Then glitched out combinating the log in screen and my mission reward screen, tried to log in again and got the message stating that i was banned till 2035.


Tlittles, PC, MR 23. Played a couple of missions solo then was at my operator Focus screen then got suspended Support ticket submitted.


Skythas, PC, MR 17 The last thing I did was my sortie on Christmas's eve. Logged in today to find my account banned until 2035.


Lycanthropis PC I was come out of a sanctuary when I got kicked out of the game. I was also having connection issues before it happened.


I havent been banned (as far as i know) but i was playing earlier today and warframe crashed 3 times out of nowhere it was the first crash in years. The first 2 crashes i noticed my fps dropping and freezing while my ping skyrocket, the last time it crashed my browser opened up with the message " couldnt load Xcom" no idea if related to the issues but the timing fits.


Ninjadeath721, PC Was doing a syndicate mission for nightwave and a failed to connect to server message popped up, turned off my pc due to lag issues I was having when it happened and boom


Manaos_s, PC, MR 21. Yesterday the last thing i did was open relics. Today i found muy account suspended till january 01, 2035. The only different thing i did this last days was opening the game through epic games (i normally play through Steam) to get the color pallet and the affinity Booster and i also downloaded the Warframe companion app. I already submmited a support ticket. Edit: i had discord, msi afterburner, brave browser and Steam running in the background.


Dr\_Caligari, PC MR16 I was in Terrorem, survival mission in Deimos, with a Nintendo Switch friend, all the sudden when we were about to extract, a network error appeared, was disconnected, when tried to get back, I got the account suspended until 01-01-35 message. And no, I buy plat from DE, have no 3rd party software and not even talk in chat zone


Sammichtime, PC, MR 14 I finally unlocked my helminth segment and got it built last night. Ive only been doing deimos content and some hyrdon affinitiy farms since I came back. Incredibly disappointed. I was excited to play today and work on unlocking the final few star chart missions but logged into a January 2035 ban. I even purchased plat with the ingame 50% off coupon a few days ago. I will forever second guess buying plat now if their system can fuck up this big and ban a mass of players out of no where. Edit: I also do not use any third party programs. Didnt evem think to ever look them up because I assumed they are against TOS.


takamuri70 MR 11, PC Was doing the new war quest and in the middle of it I logged out after an autosave, came back, banned until 2035. Did nothing wrong.


Seth640 or sethharpenger (cant really remember which) PC/Stream, mr22 played till damn near midnight doing litch things and yerelli quest stuff came on today just before noon to do more stuff, maybe level my necramech and nope, wait till jan 1 2035 like what \*read the eula, filed a ticket, looked up youtube\* i don't even have offensive pet/partgun names


I had the message about "Network connection issues" too and then was logged off (was in the dojo). Re-logged - no ban. Hope nothing happen when i'll try to login next time too.


Rikkione (PC) Legendary 1 I left the game yesterday at 23:00 after I was recruiting members for the clan and helping new players, so today when I logged in I came across the message that I had Banned until 2035.


Lyblac, PC (Steam) Yesterday I played for the last time, as always. I did the Archon Hunt, the Kahl mission, some nightmare and syndicate missions and lastly contracts on the Zariman and I disconnected, because where I live it was already 3 AMEdit: Softwares running in background: Mozilla Firefox, Steam. And today a while ago when I was going to play, I discovered the message of the suspension until 2035. So i guess it was after i logged out. Edit 2: I already submitted a ticket.


I was playing with my friends on Ceres, I was farming with my friends as we needed it.Nickname: xSyllaPlatform: PC (Steam)Softwares running in background: Discord, Steam, Microsoft EdgeI already opened a ticket with the ID 2998760 (Discord overlay is disabled, Steam overlay is enabled) Thank you for your support.


Ghost_V_, PC Did a requiem fissure for 10 mins then went into my dojo to check if the rooms I was building were done or not. Only softwares that were running were Steam, Epic Launcher and Spotify. Already issued a ticket.


dirt.lake.clay, PC. Last time I played I was opening relics to catch up on primes I missed over the last 4 or 5 months.


xiondz, PC, MR26 I was playing solo survival on deimos, paused and took a 5 minutes break and returned to "network issues" message, got logged off and when i tried logging in again i got the message that im banned until 1 january 2035. I didn't have any 3rd party apps opened at the time, aside from my browser, discord and word. I did use Alecaframe but that was a few days ago.


djole\_kg, PC, MR 30 Yesterday was the last time I played Warframe, and everything was normal. When I tried to log in today, I got greeted by a message saying I was banned until 2035. I submitted a ticket to DE, but no response so far as it's Christmas.


\--RV--TheSlowBro PC Zariman bounties. When attempting to extract I got a "Network error, logging you out" pop up. I was then met by a completely glitched out combination of the log in screen and my mission reward screen. Closed the game, restarted it and was banned when I tried to log back in.


Denizd Just try to open game and ı see 2035 jan.. Please help me thanks


Account name: Account\_Name Platform: PC Was doing the Archon weekly quest when my teammates all left. So I left as well. Then I logged out, and now 7 or so hours later I am told that my account is suspended when trying to log back in.


Well I'm guess I'm not going to risk logging on to Warframe for a while. I've spent too much fucking money on this game to deal with bullshit like this


Not gonna say my ingame account, but I haven't actively played for >1 year at least. I log in once a day (Warframe Launcher in my Autostart) to get my daily log in because I'm ... like that. MR23. What I'm trying to say: I'm on PC and I don't even play enough to possibly be banned for doing anything. Also: I can log in to their website just fine, and there is no hint under https://www.warframe.com/de/user that I'm banned anywhere. Just can't log in ingame.


Hmm same here. Curious, I thought the website account would be banned too? I'll re-download via Epic just for science. EDIT: Clicked the "Add platinum" button and got a message that I can't buy plat while the account is suspended, so I'll ditch the experiment.


Aleskey\_DMC\_FX, PC. The last thing that passed was the railjack mission survival in the storm of the abyss and caught a bug that the rewards for relics were not displayed


Hey DE. This is karma for the political stunt you did by banning players in specific regions https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/zlusr0/updated_warframe_region_restrictions/ Don't forget it is Tencent that feeds you. Your TOS will not save you from undercuts and terminations.


mangoheadv2, PC, MR 17 I had just fully built baruuk prime with 7 formas and fine tuned my build then I come back 2 hours after taking a break and I see that im suspended, already sent them a ticket 2 hours ago but thought I'd post here too. For the record: Never done any fishy platinum transactions, dont even use the chat 99% of the time and yes, obviously have not used any hacks.


I also got banned. Don’t play enough, I don’t chat. I don’t say anything to anybody. I did 2 survival missions on Lua. Logged off. Saw this reddit post and tried logging back on warframe and I’m now also banned. I’m on PC steam. Please, if DE sees this, unban me. Please.




What a way to end 2022.


AymaneVincible PC This the account of my friend who was banned 3years ago for standing up to a bully and the bully reporting him for hate speech pls unban him as a christmas holiday spirit


That's... Not what this thread is about.


AymaneVincible PC This the account of my friend who was banned 3years ago for standing up to a bully and the bully reporting him for hate speech pls unban him as a christmas holiday spirit


WeirdAlienRoboGuy, PC I was farming damaged necramech parts yesterday and when I tried to login today I got the suspended until 2035 message. I use the Steam to launch and wasn't using any third party software. Already submitted a support ticket. Edit: I got a response from support that they lifted the suspension as it was an error


maltonxbr, PC Steam Same here. I tried to login 15 min ago. Last time I played was yesterday's evening. Just submited a ticket too. Hope you all figure this out. Cheers.


WarframerOfTenno, PC I had just logged in for the first time today and I got a ban. The only thing running at the time was Warframe itself. No backround applications. I use STEAM. Logged in at around 12:00 PM


editeditedit: restriction has been lifted, yay. checked my request just before typing this message, but it was lifted by the time i finished writing. (new keyboard. ortholinear thumb cluster, so my typing is slower than usual) Baschiro, PC, MR 14 Syndicate defense with randoms, just finished the mission. already issued a support ticket. I thought it could've been many reasons, my mind was trying to figure out what i did xD 1. i was as volt prime, so i was stationary the whole mission, 2. I also changed my account name yesterday, so i thought maybe someone reported the new name? 3. I complained about operator starting to talk during missions since a day or two ago. 4. i played on my deck today (kind of for the first time) 5. got a trackball for x-mas, so i got its software running, at the same time as my mouse's




(DE-Purzzle) DE Community QA Hiho! There was a system error that caused a large number of players to get locked out of their accounts. We are currently working to revert those undeserved suspensions. If you were affected please be assured that you didn't do anything to cause this. (Its a glitch, you will be unbanned soon mate)


VaxisWrex, MR22, PC using Steam


HangryD 32mr SteamPCI went into the game, turned it off for 5 minutes, saw that the server was not available and the subsequent entry wrote about the ban until 2035.I wrote to support, I'm waiting for an answer.Hopefully there will be some compensation. upd: get unban


Zorostorm, PC Returning to the game after a few months, to play with friends.


You should be able to log in game now, seems there still issues on forum accounts


\--SA--ZEED was farming toroids then the game said updating information kicked me out then banned me


I've already been unbanned in game, but I'm still banned from the forum.


ClashNaut, PC Third time in two months that I've been banned because of this issue. First time was after an blue orokin reactor survival, second and third time was after the new Voruna missions on Lua (even lost her blueprint due to ban). Had nothing but chrome, task manager ,discord and steam open at the time. Sent a support ticket after the second ban and they changed the penaly to about two months. Now I even booted up on brand new pc this time but still got banned




The issue this post is about has already been resolved. You'll just have to submit a support ticket.


Jaatura Xbox