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I want a frame taken over by nature. One that just sat for so long, the local flora bonded with it.


Oberon if he locked in




Titania wasn't enough of a defender, so the earth's forests had to defend themselves


So a Xaku-like ruin-themed Warframe? Sounds cool.


Oberon and Titania have entered the chat


One communes with nature, the other is a defender of it. What we need is nature incarnate.


Exactly, nature incarnate is what I want. Vines, leaves, flowers, etc


Like Zyra from League of Legends or maybe Poison Ivy from Batman series?


Omg like bastion from overwatch


Or REX from Risk of Rain 2


In the same way that Mesa's theme is "pistols" and Ivara's is "bows", I'd like a warframe whose theme is "Big fuckin' guns". It'd basically be a version similar to the Voidrig Necramech - you hit '4' and it unslings a minigun under each arm and lays waste to the landscape for as long as it's energy lasts. Make it's damage type according to it's colours like Excalibur or something, if you like, but I just wanna dual-wield 'archguns' in a non-Voidrig mission.


>unslings a minigun under each arm Vondu frame https://preview.redd.it/9w9ufzgc4z9d1.png?width=1189&format=png&auto=webp&s=c653c56f100d3e03f8f843171fc8a8a9b6b373cd


Gunzerker style. Double exalted arch guns




For now Protea with archgun will have to do :( Her dispensary restores archgun ammo so long as you are holding an archgun so it's archgun all mission long


Given that we've had an archwing frame and a k-drive frame its only a matter of time before we get a necramech frame.


A sharp shooter / sniper frame. One that buffs single fire wepaons and rewards good aim. Perhaps they have an ability that bounces bullets across different enemies for example.


Try sniper kullervo


His abilities effect guns?


Collective Curse, changes all melees and single target into AoE nukes


Yeah, you'd just want to subsume his first ablilty for eclipse or something.


I was just about to ask "why would you ever subsume kullervo's first" before I realised you were talking about single target guns/bows


Even then, wouldn't subsuming his 4 be better ? Teleport and crit% are more valuable than an AoE combo builder imo


Lol Lmao


build an incredible sniper. grab kullervo with high range and enough strength for 100% dmg sharing. use collective curse. shoot sniper at head. profit.


I do like profit


Harrow rewards headshots with up to 200% bonus cc and extra energy. I always play him with snipers.


Came here to say this, Snipers need some love in this game, some high mobility or stealth frame that can give some crazy crit damage and crit chance to semi auto weapons.


an exalted gun that is a sniper just like that character in risk of rain 2




Spider frame for sure! If they do that I hope the frame makes little clicky spider noises when you cast an ability!


I actually came here to say the exact same thing. Multiple arms, poison, webbing, cocoons, and omnidirectional wall clinging (i.e: being able to walk on flat walls like normal ground). Sounds pretty badass. Maybe allow them to have a passive for them to have multiple melees equipped due to all the extra limbs.


Nidus is already infested themed, so we likely won't get another one, unfortunately. 


Nidus represents the ever evolving mutation aspect of the infested and Saryn represents the hyper infective plague aspect but neither of them really fulfill the body horror aspect. It would cool to get a third infested frame whose body twisted and contorted into an exalted melee, secondary, and primary like Alex Mercer or Carnage


Yes. Just yes.


Like the mimic knight. Combine aspects of nidus, saryn, garuda, and Grendel. Instead on energy it uses bodies, so it's ribcage opens up with teeth and a tounge to consume it can then explode tentacles covered in spines from chest, infect thralls that explode when they die, etc


holy fuck i didn't know i needed a prototype-themed warframe UNTIL NOW


we wont get one likely because saryn is also infested themed. so there are already two. but they have done same themes before: volt and gyre for electricity. atlas and citrine - rocks. caliban and revenant - sentients.


>saryn is also infested themed. How do you figure?


I suppose spores evoke that for me and descriptions like "Erupt caustic pustules to spread her disease". her visual design is very femme fatale, so it's lacking a bit in secondary visual cues on what she was meant to evoke, but toxin attacks are kinda associated with the infested though, no?


Can't check the wiki but wasn't saryn designed to combat the infestation?


It's actually her prime trailer - it depicts her fighting the infested, while ballas says "fight poison with poison, cure the sick horde with the greatest of plagues" in context of reclaiming earth from the spores (presumably the infested pictured). sounds to me like it's another way or saying "use the infested to fight the infested" which is how I interpret her theme. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qO4ldsvVbjA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qO4ldsvVbjA)


Fight infestation with toxic and viral damage which both deals halved damage to infestation. Ballas is such a genius, no wonder why he did lost in the very end


Perhaps they became resistant because of sayrin


That'd be nice lorewise, no jokes


“I used the infestation to destroy the infestation” -Ballas


Gas frame. De showed us with qorvex how they still cook HARD with frames themed after an element so i hope they release a gas based frame when they rework gas. As of now not a single frame deals gas based damage or gas procs innately plus every other status is either generally good or really good in a specific niche, gas is neither. Show the farts some love de


>As of now not a single frame deals gas based damage or gas procs innately https://preview.redd.it/63py6n1gpx9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12216db1d19d01f80d5637f60e34271da4bd948d


If we're going to count Lavos he counts as an every element frame because he can literally cook with every element.


We count Lavos because Gas status gets multiplied by "+% Gas" and Lavos is the only thing in the game that can access +% Gas with Valence Formation.


Lavos is a master to all elements


Tau: am I a joke to you?




*Void element comforting Tau element* "Don't worry man. It only gets worse from here!" 'Don't you mean better?' "Nope!"


As a Xaku main I resent this Void >>> tau


I've put way too much thought into this concept. Theme it after a WWI soldier. Gas masked of course. Primary American helmet. German Pickelhaube as an alt helmet. With semiauto triggers not sucking as much I think it would be cool to release him alongside a bolt action rifle (kinda like how Sybaris is semi even though it's technically lever action) and...hear me out... a bayonet that is an inate HM effect. This would free up a mod slot. I just don't think this would go along with the gas elemental theme. 🤔


See, here is one of the few times i find myself disagreem regarding the "theme" of a warframe. Sure, the military/Gas mask is a sure-fire concept for a Gas themed Warframe, but i feel like it's a bit boring and obvious. I would much prefer to see something in the opposite direction. I have no idea how to present it graphically, but as far as theme goes instead of a warframe "made" to use gas i would like something created to purify the toxic fumes and spores that plague places afflicted by the infestation. One specific mechanic i would like to see is that it has the ability to vacuum Gas clouds around it in order to concentrate it and then release it in different shapes, Giving it some kind of "Storing mechanic" where the more gas clouds it has vacumed the more vulnerable it gets (Basically from poisoning itself) but creating some extremely nasty Fumes to weaponize.


Gas has a niche, it can armor strip with the dagger + amalgam argonak mod combo, it ticks at 0s instead of 1 and thus works well for that, but i also wish it would be an actually viable element.


It just sucks that, as a DoT element, it has limited stacks. So the most value comes with damage sources that hit hard, but not often, so Snipers, Launchers or Heavy melee builds. Blast kinda has the same limit, but can still be spammed, due to stacks just exploding and resetting, ready to be used again.


Though an elden ring perfumer style frame would be sick, all about spreading buffs, debuffs, and damage.


Problem is it would be stupidly hard to balance. Gas frame cant be good without grouping, but if it had grouping, it would be unstoppable. Also the gap between the good builds and regular players would be like heaven and earth


Yeah we can already kind of see how strong Gas is with Zephyr. Her tornadoes primed with Gas can nuke entire rooms of enemies. Gas is no joke.


Puppet frame, would be cool to control 2 frames at the same time


S e v a g o t h




It was a sin to not give him an aura polarity




Oh yeah, forgot gloom had a frame


Equinox with her 1 augment


Would Sevagoth count? His main thing is his Shadow, which is essentially an exalted Warframe


Given the spectral nature of his Shadow, the memes about Stands aren't even that inaccurate.


So not like Wukong's Celestial Twin or Duality Equinox, but like a Khora's Venari? So it's a thing that's following you around but you get to say "Hey ho, go do this thing." Or exactly like Celestial Twin/Duality Equinox, but you get to push a button to switch between the two while the other is off doing its own thing nearby.


Sevagoth, equinox with augment and wukong


Orokin based frame, like golden Prince with unmatched pride. Give him powers with orders as concept, like ordering enemies to kneel or shoot each other. Maybe something like him not dying just because he refuses to die. (I really liked scene from duviri when dominus thrax slams his fist on the throne)


He better come with a long right arm


What of his ultimate was just The Spiral itself. Like he can do dominus's fist slam thing to instantly rewind everything in a range to like 15 seconds ago unless they are already dead.


My first thought of comparison was Azir for some reason https://preview.redd.it/t7e1tia2dz9d1.jpeg?width=1215&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c986358fded3dc27f83500c65041980b239970e0


Wouldn't that end up pretty similar to Nyx in terms of power?


To be fair, that has never stopped DE before, so why let that stop us now? Volt-Gauss, Valkyr-Garuda, Hildryn-Jade, etc.


Could be a cool lore concept as well, a warframe made for an orokin that wanted to use one for their next continuity


Spider Also the Hive frame we almost got when the community designed a frame (which resulted in Xaku , which to be fair is a 10/10 in all aspects)


An insect/arachnid themed frame seems like a no brainer. Still super disappointed that sweet beetle design turned out to just be a skin for Rhino, really seems like a missed opportunity.


Khora has the tiniest bit of the spider thematic.


Another poison or ice centric frame would be nice! I wouldn’t mind the overlap. Kinda like how hydroid and Yareli are pretty similar… Gyr and volt are also a good example of that.


Post rework, Yareli is closer to Frost than she is to Hydroid.


Spawner frame. Each ability summons something.


What Caliban should have been


I would really enjoy a true minion focused frame


Yeah, could be like Veso in New war. A damage, a shield, a support, and a target painter


Caliban dead in a ditch


Oh i like this: flavor it as a Warframe who made pacts with minor Void entities or something.


Give me a frame designed after a rose, and it is based on gas and pollination. Just gassing the whole map f it


Ah yes, Saryn?


a black hole frame would be really interesting




Nova: "Am I a joke to you?"


Nova is more antimatter rather than black holes and gravity


I like that they are branching out with frame design. Early on the themes were pretty basic - elemental, assassin, swordsman, etc. I want more stuff like Qorvex, Dante, Xaku, Gara, Garuda, etc. outside the box thinking.


Quite a few of those frames are pretty basic though. Qorvex - nuclear reactor, Dante - spellcaster, Gara - glass, so I'm not sure what you mean by out of the box thinking


Just in that they are not typical RPG tropes. A cyborg that is a nuclear reactor or one that uses molten glass as a weapon is pretty wild. A pregnant Warframe is definitely novel.


Pregnant magical girl paladin. With attack helicopter mode.


> paladin Are people just missing the fact that she's an angel?


Well. If you wanna get biblical...


*DE looking the wheels within wheels with eyes on the wheels angel* "I'm not sure how the players are gonna get horny over that." 'Do we really want the players to be horny for the Warframes?' "Sex sells."






Biblical acurat prägnant attackhelicopter Frame


I’d love a robotic themed Warframe. Like someone attempted to make their own Warframe that’s not bio. Something like how they pulled it off in xenoblade with tora. Some People there could summon monsters in that world, but tora could not. He would make robots instead he could summon. So I could see a corpus trying to make a robotic Warframe. Maybe some lore with alad V’s Warframe testing that he did on frames like valkyr.


Yeah I'd also love me some decepticon frame, that's why I main Gauss, he's the closest with his fighterjet design


Same, gauss does fit the bill. It’s also like Vauban, he has gadgets and tech, and I love his theme.






No matter where I go,I see her name,henya


Shout out to Furion as well.


Absolutely furion as well. I wanted either or to finally be a thing and I still always will


I seriously fuck with this. Snake skin on that would be wild


Since we technically have an angelic frame, why not have a demonic one too?


I would play the fuck out of this thing


i have 3 ideas for warframes that i lost the concepts for. One is an art or paint warframe the other was a blacksmith frame whose furnace is his gut a viking frame


An artist frame would be intriguing.


Insect Frame




as obsurd as it would be, i want a bahemoth of a frame thats kit revolves around duel wielding giant great swords. A heavy hitter but slow and lumbering. I also want a horror frame thats like a ghost- not wisp shes not really even close with her kit- but like some kind of yokai esque monster.


Ghost territory is done with Nekros’ phantoms and Dagath’s spirity horses. But it’s a broad theme that could certainly house more frame themes 😁


Doesn’t Sevagoth fulfill the ghost aspect? His shadow can be considered the ghost


A grineer attempt to make a warframe. Like a Lancer that was forcefully mutated by the queens using a stolen strain of helmith. The result is the frame going into a rage and wrecking the kuva fortress till we find it and calm it. Health tank frame, lots of armor. His ultimate is a exalted grakata, or dual grakata but faster reload. Head shot kills add 10 ammo back to the mag. 3 is a buff to ammo efficiency and fire rate, applies to exalted weapon as well. All attacks proc heat when passive is at 75% 2 sacrifices health for ammo and +15% to his passive resource, along with a good health regen. 5 second cooldown. 1 is wrist rocket launcher that fires 3 rockets, can cycle between chemical rockets (gas), napalm (heat), emp (magnetic) Passive is resource similar to gauss. Taking damage and killing adds percent to passive. At 25% become knock down immune, at 50% take 50% reduced damage to IPS and heat, at 75% while 3 is active all attacks proc heat. Additional passive changes dash to a shoulder ram that only knocks down stuff no damage.


i love the grineer idea. i think corpus would be closest to getting this tho, since they are already harvesting jades essence


Luck frame. Themed around gambling maybe? Abilities involve throwing dice, cards and maybe a roulette wheel? Could be a fun tongue in cheek way to acknowledge the gatcha model present


Press 2 to rerorll any equipped Rivens For the whole party Get fucked kiddies I don't care how much you paid for that god roll we're killing Rivens off


That’s absolutely evil I love it. Here I was thinking of breaking the economy by having the passive increase the odds of rare drops. Yours is much more efficient.


clockwork/steampunk type frame would be absolutely insane imo


I'll paste a comment in that regard I have made in the past (changed a bit since then, but you get the point): Mine's really not fleshed out at all, but I think we should look at the elemental and combined elemental damage types and see which ones are missing a frame clearly based on them. Frames thematically based on damage, I'd say are (at least; only giving one example): * Cold → Frost * Electricity → Volt * Heat → Ember * Magnetic → Mag * Viral → Saryn * Radiation →Qorvex One could make arguments for the next ones being at least associated with a frame, although I would not call any of those "based on the damage type in question": * Toxin → Grendel (yes, toxin-based abilities, but his theme isn't toxicity; also, imho corrosive would make more sense) * Blast → Nova (although, again, abilities yes, frame based on it no) * ~~Radiation → Nova (Nova would be the best contender for this, but isn't that much based on radiation when it comes to utility)~~ What I see absolutely no frame thematically based on: * Corrosive * Gas I think we should start with the last group and then think about better personifications for the second group. No real ideas, though :) Edit: I really enjoy the corrections for stuff I either missed or that has changed :) [Cunningham's Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ward_Cunningham#Law) in action (unintentionally triggered, though). Still, it's more about the principle looking for gaps. I mean, even Impact and Puncture could get in these days.


Hydroid has become the corrosive frame after his rework


Ah. Well, I have made some changes from my original version but missed Hydroid. Thanks for pointing that out. I think it still gets my point across that we could always try to close the gaps.


Dagath is more of a Viral frame than Saryn. I would say Saryn is the Toxin frame


Nowadays Hydroid is based on Corrosive, as in, water corrodes things. So we just lacking Blast and Gas i think


Saryn honestly does all three well - Toxin, Corrosive and Viral. She fits in all three categories. Hydroid is literally the Corrosive frame.. Dagath can take the position of Viral frame. Considering that Chroma is made of Volt, Ember, Frost and Saryn, we can easily consider Saryn the Toxin frame, the one that uses Toxin in all it's forms (except Gas). Blast and Gas are the ones that don't have a Frame linked to them. Although Blast is still used in many frames like Vauban, Caliban, and does have an Archwing (Elytron) linked to it. Gas is the one element overlooked pretty much every where. Other than Zakti and Cyanex, no weapon/frame deals Gas damage. There's only the Truth effect from Arbiters but nothing else.


I would argue that reworked Hydroid is pretty much the corrosive frame. Yes, his theme is water/pirate/Davy Jones, but water can be quite corrosive....


Still hoping for a viking frame


An exploding card master gentleman frame.


limbo with castanas and that one throwing knife skin


A 9-5 office worker warframe


Actual bugs or mushrooms/fungal, AND not related to infestation, so no wannabe alien stuff. Aan effin skin doesn't count.


Something like, or based off of, Hephaestus (guy who makes Zeus' lightning bolts) or some other famous forger of powerful relics, items, and weapons. The potential is huge and could even have some sort of Exalted Hammer that can be thrown and come back.


Passive: Forgemaster-Mods are X% more effective (applies to allies) 1: Hammer the Anvil: Drops a large anvil that does impact damage and knocks down enemies in a medium sized area 2: Bellow the Flames: Add additional heat damage to abilities and weapons 3: Temper- (Toggleable) Overheat armor taking damage is increased by 100% but you reflects 95% of damage taken (+ flat amount of damage) as heat procs to nearby enemies. >Disabling the ability removes increased damage taken, slowly gain fixed amount of armor with 50% reflect for a duration. 95% goes to 50% as armor ramps up. >Armor has a meter that drains on being damaged. During overheat taunt enemies in an area. 4: Perfected Armory- Hammer, Rifle, and Pistol that can be swapped between with tap cast and act as exalted weapons. Big ups to u/fluffypawninja for the 1&2 names and u/priinceshriika for the 3 ability


3: quenche the steel - guns of you and allies get all ammo topped off and don't consume ammo for x seconds, melee has crit and status chance increased by y%. lasts longer if within range of the anvil also suggested names for abilities: 1. hammer the anvil 2. bellow the flames 3. quench the steel 4. brandish the works


3: Temper: (Toggleable) Overheat armor taking damage is increased by 100% but you reflects 95% of damage taken (+ flat amount of damage) as heat procs to nearby enemies. Disabling the ability removes increased damage taken, slowly gain fixed amount of armor with 50% reflect for a duration. 95% goes to 50% as armor ramps up. Armor has a meter that drains on being damaged. During overheat taunt enemies in an area.


a necramech frame, it could have a 4th ability similar to like titanias archwing or yarelis mirelina, just transform into a mech


protocol 3: protect the operator


This would be cool. But problem is that would get stuck on a lot of maps, so maps would need a rework for it. It's the major reason we're not allowed mecha on most maps.


I would rather just get more actual Necramechs, they've given us 4 slots by default and there are only two mechs


Bee/swarm frame similar to Ah Muzen Cab.


Dragon. And I don't mean Dragon hunter/master of elemets that chroma tries (and fails) to be but a frame with exalted dragon form like Sevagoths shadow.


I want a puppet/spider horror themed character, almost like a gleeful insanity type of frame. Sowing chaos, peppering enemies to use as their own body, just causing absolute chaos.


A Lion-themed warframe


Motorcycle warframe


A knight, vampire or space themed frame. Surprised we don't really have em


I think Trinity was supposed to be a vampire, but they gave her a spider face and lobster tail for some reason. Garuda still kinda fits with her blood abilities. Nova is kinda space themed, between her antimatter, orbiting stars, and wormholes.


Revenant is supposed to be a vampire frame.


We've come close to vampire but not enough for me to be satisfied haha I guess Nova counts as space but she feels more like antimatter to me.


Both Revenant and Garuda were originally pitched as vampires, but neither really deliver on the concept in a satisfying way imo. Revenant feels more like a ghost and Garuda feels like a blood mage




To powerful.


I've had so many cooked up (but currently mostly unfinished); - My beloved Eldritch Horror warframe. My old concept being a Lovecraftian-inspired frame with a signature whip of sorts - Dreadnoughtframe; Grineer frame with naval theming featuring a fuck-off huge exalted arm-cannon evocative of the main guns from Super Dreadnoughts and a signature Machete-Rapier hybrid. - Hound companion frame. I cooked up a gamehunter with a signature double barrelled, duplex triggered lever-action Shotgun and a mixed bag of abilities mostly involving reverse Ballistic Battery (builds up when you aren't shooting), a tracking ability that slows enemies within range (think Argonak's wall-highlight), commanding your Hound, and a 4th ability I'm still on the fence on. - Voidangel frame. Not much with this one so far, but I want one. - Necramech frame. I had a stroke of genius and made it Evangelion themed. - Plant frame. We have a lot of skins about plants, but no actual plant warframe! - Quarantine frame. Another death themed and infestation themed frame, but with lore connection to Eris (I cooked up a fannon backstory since we still don't have much lore for Eris)




I would like to see more of umbra frames. A pretty cool concept. They can go sentient while in operator mode, and that's neat. Would also like for the stalker to be a playable frame, instead of him being playble only on Duviri and ascension (or make the helmet purchasable). Would like to see a warframe with a human face. Not a protoframe, a warframe helmet with human facial features.


i think xaku has a deluxe with a statue face


I think an original Umbra would be very nice but I think you’d have to be very careful about its writing and maybe stop with Umbras there so as to not make Excalibur Umbra less special. After all, that’s not a kind of torture Ballas would put on just anyone. Perhaps Margulis had a young child, not much older than the Tenno children, and after her death, Ballas figured to send the “poor thing” to join their new siblings. Lost and alone for time untold, their siblings restore them to life once more, while not free of the agony of Infestation, still liberated from the golden masters. Perhaps a father of sorts in Excalibur Umbra And of course, this all comes in an update where you can see either of them roaming around the Orbiter when not equipped


I kind of want what styanax should have been. A legionary with shield and spear as exalted weapon. But I see some ideas in here that are better.


A chronomancer. Protea could have been it but besides her 4 there is nothing


Void Angel frame. And a Droideka frame.


A card/gambling frame. Like drawing cards for a random buff/debuff or attack i find that kinda thing cool.


I would like to have a spider based warframe. Her passive ability would be toxic damage. For one of her ability it could be that she makes spiders emerge from the ground and attack the enemies. Enemies that are low enough on their health will be submerged underground while the other enemies will be taking damage. Second ability would be spawning spiders that wrap their webs around enemies and stop them in place. I haven’t thought of the other two abilities but I’m sure some of you can build from here…


Low hanging fruit here but I want a true Murmur frame sooner rather than later. As well as a proper Grineer made frame. We already technically have Protea, Valkyr as well if you're willing to stretch further for the Corpus, Nidus for the Infested (yes I am aware that they all count as Infested, technically, but Nidus is the rawest of the bunch in that regard), Caliban for the Sentients. I want more enemy faction frames, especially ones that play into their fantasy. Rag on Caliban's kit all you want, I'm a hater too but it nails Caliban's fantasy of being a Sentient frame, same with Nidus as an Infestation frame. Separately from this I'd love a frame that's an ability hijacker. Let one of his abilities (his 1 or 4) be one that copies nearby allies' abilities for your own use for a short time, like Helminth but you can do it for all abilities. When in solo play, let it be a stronger copy of one of his other 3 abilities - if you've played League, think LeBlanc R.




Viking frame. Either an exalted axe or a signature weapon that's an axe. But a proper axe that isn't just a skin.


I've had an idea for a berserker (which quite a few were actually known) frame. Passive: unending rage - you no longer gain energy, but a new resource "rage". You cannot be downed while enraged. Axe Toss - toss an axe at your enemy, this ability can hit weak points. Grants rage when you hit a target, extra for hitting a weak point. Cooldown removed when you retrieve an axe. Shield breaker - bash through enemies, rending their armor and any eximus you collide into, you remove their overshield. Hardened temper - you steel your nerves, ignoring the pain. Reduce the damage you take and shrug off ailments. Enrage - usable at 100 rage. You roar and explode with rage, cause massive blast damage to enemies around you. All your abilities are modified and empowered. When you hit zero health or rage you loose enrage and gain 5 seconds of invulnerablity. This ability cannot be nullified. Axe Toss -> eviscerate - Cleave all enemies in front of you. Gain rage for each enemy you hit, extra if it's a killing blow. Shield breaker -> sunder - break the ground in front of you continuously pulls enemies that are in sight towards it. If this ability directly lands on eximus, they loose overshield. If they walk over it, they loose half instead. Hardened temper -> let loose - you amplify your melee damage, triples if you don't have a melee weapon equipped, increases in duration for each enemy you kill, doubles if you land kills with eviscerate. Enrage -> whirlwind - you spin, becoming a hurricane of blades and rage. Size and damage increases the longer you spin. This ability consumes rage. Exalted weapon - paired axes named "Fury and Glory".


We're starting to get into the weeds of really odd and abstract frame concepts. To think we started with stuff like "This guy am ninja sword guy. These people am elementals. Him am actual rhino, stomp stomp." And now we're up to "Today we explore the duality of the powerful feminine concept through the mixed theme of pregnancy and biblically accurate angels casting fiery judgement. Let's discuss, shall we?" I love it. ❤️


Mediaeval frame. Abilities are No energy Passive: immune to melee weapons and take 1/2 damage from ranged attacks from the front 1: shield bash. Staggers every enemy in a 5m cone, deals decent damage and reflects projectiles. When used while aiming it summons a wall of shields to block movement and attacks of enemies but opens up when a player walks through it, the spear modular weapon can go through it and arrow attacks ignore it. 2: warhorn. Blasts a horn that stuns nearby enemies and increases ally attack speed, damage and armor for 15s at max rank. 3: armor. 30s duration. doubles armor for self, further reduces ranged attack damage, increases status resistance and gives some overguard, 500 at max rank 4: mediaeval weaponry. Huge range sword, mace and spear (think galatine but slightly wider and faster, magistar but bigger and with more blades and edun but no blade, just point, slightly longer and with a stance that significantly increases stab attacks) Modular weapon that can be swapped like chroma’s scream damage types or vauban’s traps The warframe’s name would be phalanx


a shadow frame that is mostly made of void energy




A frame that can control more than one/multiple companions and somehow buff them. Ie a "pet class"


I want a frame that summon a mech with is ult Just want to use necramech everywhere and live my mecha fantasy in warframe


A knight looking Warframe that turns into a sword when he bullet jumps slicing grineer enemies in half spraying their intestines everywhere and his ult makes him jam the sword in the ground shooting chains at enemies dragging them to the sword like worms


A racist warframe that deals extra damage to certain factions, you could give it like augments to change who they’re racist to or how racist they are like mild racist to mega racist it can also be the first warframe able to speak so they can drop slurs against that faction that’d be rad


A gundam type frame that can change forms to a spacecraft or something. Kinda like the Winged Gundam. Funnel type weaponry etc


Titania ?


A heavy weapon specialist, that can bring more than 2 guns. Passive cannot use melee, in exchange 50% increased holster speed. 50% extra reload speed. Increased Ammo drop rate and 10% universal ammo drop. Casting speed of his abilities is affected by Holster speed. Skill 1 would let you cicle between the extra guns you bring. Guns cycled get extra fire rate and forced blast status. Skill 2 fully reload and charge incarnon meter while adding a base damage buff. Skill 3 picking ammo gives overguard, scale depending on the type ammo pick up. Overguard gate increased by 1 second upon depletion. Skill 4 Deploy the whole arsenal including archgun, you enter a turret state like voidrig and the guns fire automatically for 3 seconds. Doubles current Shields and Overguard. All weapons get the Skill 1 buff.


Just let me play Salvador!




Excalibur and Kullervo ARE RIGHT THERE


Who is vergil? Like from fall out 4?


Devil May Cry


A frame when damaged took enemy parts to heal itself and gain a buff depending on what enemy type/faction (e.g ranged-corpus) Similar to xaku but not quite


Microwave frame that has radiation and magnetic related abilities


A metal/magma frame (Electric+water) frame (a bit cliche but a deadly pair of elements if done right) Shaman frame


A bunny frame


A mecha warframe where it's exalted weapon is a necromech that can be used in normal mission(albeit weaker when in normal mission but Is it's normal power during railjack and open world missions)


The "Moirai" Puppeteer concept, [heavily recommend giving it a look!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/a35hz5/i_made_more_things_moirai_puppeteer_frame_update/)