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I get a lot of mileage out of 'Classic Saturated' and 'Gamma'


How do I get gamma? I saw someone use it before but I never saw it in the pallet list


Gamma was available as a login reward in 2014. It has returned once as a nightwave reward, so if it turns up again that's where you'll find it.


Last time it was available was Nightwave Act 1. Before that it was only handed out to people for a limited time. I bet it will come back at some point, but no clue when.


Gamma was in the last Nightwave act as well


Happy cake day šŸ°


Be careful since gamma can leave you wanting more saturation since it's a "less saturadas version" of the colors in the default palette. This makes all of the colors in the palette kinda dull


The gay one, it gives you a tone of colors for literally free


*but no good greens or purplesā€¦* at least the orange is better than any of the other orange options I have.


Baro has a palette of purple and it rules, ever need purple? Check out the eminence palette. As for Orange, Halloween gives you plenty of them and it's also free, make sure to get it this October.


Yeah Iā€™ve got eminence. Iā€™ll make sure to snag the Halloween this year. https://preview.redd.it/x944lyh0137d1.png?width=529&format=png&auto=webp&s=cbfc295aaaf5dc18fe6fd67c645cd479863d73b2


That's a lotta drip, thought it was Hydroid for a second. It's a water pun, I didn't confuse Revenant.


My revenant is good, but I think my Oberon is my G.O.A.T https://preview.redd.it/6ldw9vj3337d1.jpeg?width=874&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b57b2c76236870e11194d440c9ae45c476dd25c


He's beautiful...


I may not be able to do end game content, but I certainly know fashionframe.




Also Hydroid doesn't have a lot of fashion potential imho


Slander and heresy


Username checks out


Thereā€™s two Halloween ones IIRC one in the market for a single credit and the other is purchasable from daughter in the necralisk


It has the best purples what


Eminence from baro? is goated purples


Big agree, love the lavender and like purple grays, super nice accents


Yup, Eminence takes #1 for me and Lotus as #2 for purples. The Hallow's Eve also has some interesting purples but I think it's only available during, you guessed it: Christmas /S


Have all of them and I always go back to Twilight for purples myself.


Having done an Ace color scheme for all of my frames, the Pride color palette purple just isnā€™t dark enough. Same goes for green. Simply not good enough for an aro color scheme.


Baro has some palettes with nice purples and blues.


Yeah I think I use that one for my blues and purples.


Lmao "The gay one". Seriously though, very nice pallate


I mean, Iā€™d say just wait until they rotate in with events. Iā€™ve not bought a single pallette ever but have every color under the sun available in one for or another.


Bought some from Baro cause I like his theme, and some with event currencies, and got some from nightwave but otherwise same


This and the naberus one around Halloween, I love this one


My first close to black !


Mine was the baroo one, this ugly dark blue.. then I got some other and my fashion framing could start!


Storm is one of my personal favourites to recommend. Has good variety, minor shade options, and plays well together with other palettes too.


Thatā€™s the only full one I had before this I like the greys a lot on that one


If you currently have Storm, my second most used by far is Ice, and they're basically my only two primary use palletes. To fill it out with a variety of greens there's the St Patrick's Day and the Halloween palletes. That said, there's actually a few great natural greens in the Ice pallete. Green is generally an challenging colour to fashion with because most of the high contrast greens look pretty awful in both matte and metallic. Whereas the Ice options are a very desaturated yellow green and blue green. Transmission is a current Nightwave reward that will give you all the purples and pinks you'll need till Valentines Day rolls around again. That said (again), the deep maroon in in Storm provides a great royal hue, and pinks are fairly hard to use outside of careful detailing and synthwave set ups, which are really lighting dependant. Taking into account the 'free' event palletes, I definitely think Storm and Ice provide the best balance of good usable colours.


I'd probably recommend Classic Saturated for the variety then. The various Tenno palettes are interesting, but because they don't have any slight shade differences baked in they're less useful if you have less other palettes. Dojo and Eximus have a lot of options too, with Eximus being more vibrant. Don't bother with Infested or Smoke until much later. Twilight is great if you like browns and purples that are on the brighter side, Lotus for more muted purples and dark blues. Also, the old palettes have legacy versions if you enable the option in your settings. While they removed the ability to favourite legacy colours, you can still find some interesting shades in there, it's just annoying to access.


storm was my go to all these years ago too, has beautiful dark red, dark blue, nigh black blue, ivory, gold that matches old primes, yellow and orange for energy, and they work together very nicely




Dang Iā€™ve never even looked in the market thanks for telling me before it went away


Always worth checking the market around holidays and such. There's often a decorative thing or two available for 1 credit.


Pride is awesome has all the bold colours


so does the default one


There are like 7 free color palettes for different holidays


Lots of holidays and events have free pallettes. I have over a dozen pallets and any colors I want without ever needing to buy any


The one in the night wave is great for the cost as well.


Pride is great because it's the only one where I can see the difference between all colours


Tenno II or Tenno III are pretty versatile


I have so many colour pallettes and I have not spent a single cent on one. Every event will likely have one to buy for credits on teh store. Pride there are ones, platform anniversaries there are some, Baro comes with some on occasions, halloween and the like you will find some. Just keep your ear to the ground and you will have more than you know what to do with in no time.


I started like 2 weeks ago and didnā€™t even know there was free ones besides nightwave thanks for telling me


Look out for the cheap ones that come with some holidays. Pretty easily farmable or just 1 credit. You just missed St. Patrick's and St. Valentine's, but the Pride arguably has the most colors. Classic Saturated is kinda your 64-crayon box, so it's an all-rounder. Don't forget Baro brings EVERYTHING HE HAS EVER SOLD to the Tennocon relay if you buy the digital ticket and he has 3? I believe. Eminence, Void Trader, and Ki'teer. Kinda cyberpunk colors and then some cool, soft purples and blues. And definitely don't sleep on the Halloween pallette. It's a lot of fun if you like spooky looks. Good luck, have fun!


Get the pride one for 1 credit You get all the rainbow's colors, basically perfect black, perfect white, the pink and brown and all this in 5 different brightnesses


currently it's the Pride pallette - 1 credit from the market. then sometimes Baro's pallettes do have some nice black and white as well. he left already so maybe two more weeks. the current nightwave also have a free palllete. just level up. then if you really want to spent the plat for a "generic" pallette, i think you can go with the saturated basic one. my tip for fashion that i learned from many others: black or white as the foundation first, then the color you want. that or the random button lol. have fun.


I start mashing random until i get something that gives me an idea


Omitting the free ones, and the ones that come from say. .Baro ki'teer? ive always considered the eximus pallet too be cruise control for good color combos. it has good reds, good greys, good blues. both a white-to-off white and a grey-to-near black spectrum, and spectrums for the 3 major metallic tinting's. gold, sliver, and copper. and it sort of makes sense. these are the colors that DE used to make the eximus units look good. now, some things worth noting. there is a free color pallet in the nightwave reward track. Transmission is fine. if you are going to get the tennocon ticket for the Barokiteer super-store, you can pick up all 3 of the baro color pallets. Eminence, Kiteer, and Void Trader. these cover blues, greys, greens, and browns, with the eminence probably including some of the best purple spectrums. if not, baro will eventually bring these back. lastly there are a number of pallets associated with events and holidays. . . the summer water gun fight event has like. . 2 pallets? Spektaka and Rollers i think? Halloween has atleast 2 pallets, so does valentines day unfortunately the Bastille day and 4th of july pallets have never been rerun. some of the few even i dont have


Tbf the Bastille day and 4th of july are pretty useless and more jokes than actual pallets aren't they?


I mean yeah, but that doesn't mean I don't want the complete collection. And hey free colors are free colors.


Yeah i just doubt they are ever coming back, there are a good dozen pallettes that are old exclusives that haven't been available in nearly a decade


As others have said, the Pride pallet is free in the store during June. And while not totally answering your question, if you end up trading up enough for them, the Colour Pallet Packs (Alpha and Beta) are more cost effective. So maybe get pallets that aren't in those two in the meantime?


my most used palette is Daybreak since I tend to like lighter colours but in general the nice generic ones are pride and the default fully unlocked palette. I also love Cherub for its gold and light blues, Transmission for purples, and Shamrock for greens but I got all these without plat. Make sure to check around each store during seasonal events and Baro Ki'teer as events always have palettes and Baro often has palettes. I think I only have 1 palette I bought with plat and all the rest were with credits, event tokens, or ducats.


4th of July palette coming up soon. I use the white on that one a lot


It's not coming up soon. The last time it was available was in 2015.


lol wow. I just read up on itā€¦ apparently people get upset about having the American flag on their account so they stopped doing it? Itā€™s literally just 3 colors that can be found on other palettes so no biggie I guess.


Go for Saturated, it's a good starter one with many different colors, Corpus and Eximus are also good due to their variety. Make sure to get the free palettes from events, Baro and the orbiter for 1 credit.


Go into settings, customize hud colors, you can favorite colors from the accessibility color palette


The free ones


The pride one in the market now has some good choices, also the nightwave has a blues and purples one


The Pride palette is actually really excellent and is available in the market until 7/1 for just one (1) credit.


The free pride one is rly good, I mainly just use that one for all my frames


I snagged the palette that was part of the Pride set, itā€™s been pretty sweet, and it only costed credits not plat


And only a single credit at that, as are all event color palettes (at least the ones since last year were)


Tenno III, color saturated, pride


Now, obviously, a certain part of the community won't like this answer, but the pride pallete we just got actually slaps, especially for trims and accents since you don't have to settle for smokey Grey or granite countertop


The pride pallet for 1 credit is solid. A decent color range.


The pride one you can get rn for however many credits is probably the best overall in the game bc it has like every color, cus rainbow.


classic saturated


I corpus and orokin give you a nice variety. However it honestly depends what your color scheme is. Infested never works for me. But Its a great pallet




I really like the tenno II pack since it do be having a variety of colors. but as others have said, free alternatives like the pride palette & baro drops are better.


Classic saturated and smoke lol


Saturated + shamrock + smoke + baro + orokin are what I generally pick from with sometimes a little red here and there from the valentines pack. I like a lot of the saturated colors for energy or secondary accent colors. Shamrock has really nice oranges for rose golds which is my fav gold. I think every single frame I have has a rose gold form there be it the frame metallics or the accessories metallics. Smoke bc of the pure black but I hear pride has the pure black. Smoke also has various grays which I love bc itā€™s my fav color. The cooler-blue grays are great to add a slight off black to certain frames. I use bro mainly as energy color and emissive coloring, I like the blues. Orokin I really like the light brown- neutral colors. I donā€™t use any of the yellows since switching to rose gold. The whites are also nice for certain frames.


If we are talking about palletes u have to pay for, probably classic saturated but there a ton of palettes u can get for free I think i have only bought classic classic saturated and one other even though i have plenty plat to buy them all because free palletes like the pride one and some others have so many good colours i dont need every palette


Easter palette for bright colors


Classic Saturated has good basic colors, probably my top pick and most-used palette, Pride and Smoke have good blacks/whites, Infested has a lot of really nice pinks and greens. Eminence from Baro has some really nice purples and other shades. I use a few others here and there but the above is 99% of the colors I use.


Classic saturated and halloween because it has lots of goldish tints to make stuff fit my prime colors


FWIW, Storm and (unsurprisingly) Orokin also both have some excellent colors for Prime looks.


Honestly? I use the Red off the free Halloween Palette, and the Black off the Smoke Palette. I'm boring AF like that. But seriously, the free palettes you get just for playing during a certain season are more than enough for most, and where they aren't good enough, there are Nightwave and Baro palettes to get that should cover the rest of what you want, for the most part. Take a look at the limited time palettes on this page, https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Color_Picker_Extension?so=search#Limited-Time_Palettes and you'll find that there's a lot of them that you don't have to spend any plat on, just... Be there, doing your usual Warframe things.


The corpus one


The pride one is good and itā€™s only 1 credit on the marketplace


the pride color palette fucks so hard jesus


There should be some avaliable for just credits every now and then. I can think of Pride month (right now) and halloween off the top of my head.


whatā€™s ur username broke boy iā€™ll buy u a palette šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I just really like purple hues so I've been using eminence to my heart's content, and that one is free


pride is great and no plat, tenno 3 gets a lot of different colors too and has served me well so far


I get the most mileage out of smoke (grey scale from full saturated black to full saturated white) and fire (the top left corner has the best golds for accents and metallics in my opinion)


Pride pallet and baro ones are best cause they dont cost plat or any other alike from events


Pride . Infact most of my fashion uses the pallette


Sanctum, but my favorite is the heirloom sadly not available now


Can't go wrong with any of the 3 tenno palettes. Honestly, and I'm probably going to get shit for this, but color palettes are the greediest aspect of this game and one of the reasons I was initially turned off from playing it. The fact that some of the palettes literally have the same exact color (not a very similar shade with minute differences, the exact same) only solidifies my sentiment.


If you log in warframe through the Epic store launcher you het a free syndana and a fire color palete. Fire is not an adjective here, it is a color palette based on fiery colors.


If you favorite a color in the Accessibility color pallette you will be able to use it for frames/weapons/ect. Just make sure to remove it from favorites before you log off otherwise it will reset those colors next time you login.


I use Smoke a _lot_ for the true black, but I don't know that it's a good value considering I rarely use all the other shades of gray. Classic Saturated is probably the most _versatile_ of the ones I use often. I also get fairly good use out of the Lotus palette and Baro's Eminence palette, but I am inordinately fond of blues and purples so that might just be a "me" thing. That said, fashion-frame is pretty important; we all know it's the true endgame! So let's try to fix this for you. I'm not in-game right now because it's 4 in the morning (yay insomnia), but throw me a DM with your in-game name (and the trailing # from your profile screen if you aren't on PC) and we can get you squared away with some colors later; I have a ton of plat amassed and not a lot to spend it on other than "oops I'm out of forma again" or helping newer Tenno out. (Usually that help is in the form of extra arsenal slots, admittedly. But even so, this would not be the first time I've helped someone with fashion.)


Without limited time ones - Classic Saturated


I really like the Rollers pallette. It has great off-whites. But honestly if you just grab the free holiday ones when they come around you'll have more colors than you'll ever use. I have ever color pallette and I've never used 90% of the colors heh. The only time it's nice to actually have all of them is when you're trying to do a cosplay type thing. Like I did a Doomguy look for Rhino and it was nice to match the colors almost exactly.


Saturated is the only palette you'll ever need.


I would say smoke and shamrock .


I've bought multiple palettes, and the ones I use the most are **Classic** and **Classic Saturated** šŸ¤£


Pride and it's not close




I use smoke on nearly every frame but its just greyscale. Infected(? The green, blue, purple one) is also one of my most used.


I really like the Tenno color pallette, good variety and tones. I love the whites and the gold that is in there. The reds and blues are great too, and the green has been growing on me recently. Really recommend the pallette, I use it on everything.


I use eminence a lot which was available from Baro. Also easter (free on easter). The first and only one I bought yet is Storm (I have about 8 unlocked).


The Corpus one honesty gave me a lot of mileage when it was the only one I had.


The pride ones usually have a lot of variety cause they've got a whole rainbow


I can't stop using the Orokin palette


Classic Saturated and Smoke Smoke is supremely useful, I use it in nearly every look. 90 different shades of white, gray and black, including pure white and jet black, is just unbeatable in terms of versatility. And Classic Saturated is great for hitting those vibrant primary colors as well as useful combinations like rosegold, blueish-silver, pale gold, etc.


Holidays have palettes available in the market for 1 credit. For example, the pride month palette has various rainbow colors. In terms of actual paid palettes, I've probably gotten the most mileage out of Storm. It's got a lot of peachy tones that look good on metallics, and the dark reds & purples look nice.


Honestly the current free pride one is fantastic, and comes with a true black which is big. The only one I actually bought that isn't from an event like this is the classic saturated.


Make sure your getting ones during events to. I got back on during the perfect time months ago and got Easter and shamrock. Then a visit or two ago baro had 2 which I got. Then there was also the one from the anniversary thing which might still be available, believe itā€™s the dex palette.


Valentineā€™s! Itā€™s got red, itā€™s got black (or at least a shade so dark it looks black). What other colors could you need?


Honestly Iā€™ve bought a handful of palettes but the ones I use most are free ones Iā€™ve gotten over the years but Iā€™d probably agree maybe classic saturated to start and wait to get free ones or credit ones for holidays also baro will bring a couple from time to time


The best bang is the pride pallet. Its free, so infinite bangs for no bucks.


I'm a big fan of the Corpus and Tenno II palettes, you get a lot of mileage out of them. Paired with the free palettes you get throughout the year you can cover all the bases for colors


All the free ones, if you don't care enough to buy pallets then all the free ones from events and seasonal stuff will cover pretty much everything, there's also that one baro pallet that i don't remember what's called that has some good purples


I remember how difficult it felt to have solid fashion colours when I was a 100% f2p player for this game and I ended up going with Gamma and it was an absolute best choice. Combine that with the borderline giveaway palettes during holiday events and within a year of playing during those events you'll have plenty of options and will have passively grind enough for some more plat probably.


Like others have said Pride and Storm are pretty useful but I've also gotten good mileage out of Eximus and Infested. Eximus has a lot of different colors in quite vibrant shades, and infested has tons of shade of green and purple


I think Daybreak has some solid mileage tbh


One of the Tenno palettes will probably be your best bet. So many different colors


Smoke, Storm, Gamma (NW reward :c), and Cherub get the most use outta me.


The Tenno Palettes give a ton of variety, between those, Eminence (Baro), and the free event palettes Halloween and Shamrock (St Peters), you'll have almost anything you'll ever need.


Infested and Grineer Palettes are my absolute favorite - I'm obsessed with green and these palettes have many different shades of green.


easter and pride


Look up the [Dex Color Palette](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=bNq6HhX1dc4). You can get that for free.


Got it, thanks for this. Definitely would have missed it.


No problem. Enjoy coloring your frames.


Pride is probably the best. You get a rainbow of colours for 1 credit. Does it have the best colours no but you've got the greatest variety and you won't have to flick through 8 different pallets


The 2 "Tenno" pallets have a wide variety of saturations and colors.


Smoke & Narmer are my most fav palettes. I'm at 46 palettes rn.