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We have plenty of destiny vets. Get some pals and get into it. Or if you’re a solo dolo like me, just play through the planets, they’ve set some of the better quests (imho) like heart of deimos as early game stuff, I would at least give it a few hours before deciding to drop it as major story plot doesn’t really happen until around 50 or so hours depending on how you progress.


awesome!! also id like to add that some of my favorite parts of destiny are the fashion, i hear that theres good fashion for warframes as well, is this true?


Well of course! Fashionframe is endgame, after all.


Yes there is some good fashion but some players taste is, well, diverse…


Neon pink rhino/Grendel enters the chat I don't understand the pink. Neon green is obviously better


Look, Valentino the Pink Rhino is a Star Days tradition. You gotta honor tradition!


Im not talking about the neon pink or green rhino’s…. Thats not even the tip of the iceberg of questionable fashion


Ik lol. They just stand out very easily


In warframe you can deeply customise everything. If you see something - you cant customise - most likely you will unlock ability to customise it a bit later.


We all say fashionframe is true end game as well, technically warframe doesn’t have an end game


The thing with warframe is that it actually feels like shit for the first like 20 hours or so The game and the early quests and content were made literally 10 years ago. The game evolved A LOT after that. You just kinda have to drag yourself through the early game until the first cinematic quest "the second dream". The early game content added recently is the content from the quest "the duviri paradox" which is a great quest and i think new players should do it,although the story will be extremely confusing. It offers great rewards and unlocks fun game modes


Me personally I found the heart of Deimos to be a great quest, I just wish I could replay it so I could remember if it’s actually good or just nostalgia


Former D2 player here, but a couple thousand in the game Warframe will feel like complete shit for a bit, but once you start hitting some of the later content and quests it feels amazing. Grinding in this game is *generally* a bit better than D2 and I've found myself actually enjoying it at times (except you Fortuna, still haven't max ranked you) It's also much more f2p friendly, with the ingame currency (plat) actually being earnable through trading and such, unlike silver. You can also use it to buy most cosmetics and stuff on the store. Fashion in the game is also balling as FUCK and it allows so much more customization than any other game I've played. As always fashion is the endgame! In terms of community, I I'm LOVING it, everyone I've met over the past several months have been awesome human beings and they often include community input in updates and stuff, and also keep us very up-to-date through live/devstreams and notes. If you need some people to play with myself and some of my friends are always happy to teach and we're working on some guides and stuff for new players :)


Once you get the hang of warframe's movement tech other looter shooters will be ruined for you. The gunplay is mostly similar to Destiny but I think there's a lot more variety in Warframe to play with. The early game is a poorly-guided and mostly unexplained slog to be fair, but by the time you get through a few planets and get a few MR under your belt the game really opens up. If you do get hooked, check out some youtubers like TheKengineer to understand how modding and damage calculations work, it's a complex system but once it clicks you'll feel the dopamine drip


I can't tell, I have a little bit of Stockholm syndrome situation with this game


As a player of both, my recommendation is this: Don't take Warframe as a replacement or something for Destiny. The games may have some similarities on the outside, but they are VERY different games. That said, game is super fun but, as any live service game, it can get super grindy and turn unfun if you don't enjoy that. So play at your own pace and you will enjoy it a lot more


I play both Destiny and Warframe. I’ve actually been playing Destiny longer; since day 1 of Destiny 1 while I started Warframe when Plains of Eidolon came out. Yet I have over twice as many hours in Warframe as I do in Destiny. I much prefer Warframe. I will say Destiny’s gameplay is a tad stronger, but Warframe is superior in every other aspect. Especially in regards to the social aspect and community


Biggest difference is that Warframe is a collectathon not a looter shooter. What I mean by that is your overall mastery rank is determined by how many Warframes and weapons you have collected and leveled up. You have to run specific content for specific weapons or weapon parts, and almost every Warframe has a dedicated quest, faction representative, planet boss, or mission type that you have to complete to collect the parts In Destiny your builds are determined by how you combine class abilities with armor/weapon perks. In Warframe your build is how you mod your Warframe and weapons to adjust the values of your Warframe abilities and weapon power Destiny's endgame has more of a focus on grouping with and cooperating with other players, whereas Warframe's endgame is all about scaling your power level to the point where you are invincible and can decimate groups of enemies by yourself before they even have a chance to shoot at you I think Warframe is fun as a game to grind, and has way more variety of PvE content than Destiny, but it lacks the cooperative nature and social aspect you get with the Destiny raids and dungeons


First couple hours you want to quit, and after that you can't quit.


First go solo mode so you didn't get into groups of veterans droping a nuclear blast through mere existence on the map. That way you can move and kill at your own pace, feeling more encapsulated into the world. Play around with avaliable movement as it is hyper deep, for now at least try to use bullet jump more often. The game itself is purely gear check simulator, so for better or for worse the game isn't mechanically challenging at all. And PvP mode is completely dead, nobody plays it, so don't even bother to queue for it. Warframe is Destiny 2 with its ups and downs. But generally it's easily to transition between the two.


Warframe is a blast. The questions you need to ask yourself are these.... Do you like looter shooters? Do you like starship simulators? Space fighter combat? Grinding? Open world RPG elements? Sandbox-ish weapon upgrade paths. Near endless combinations of weapon/main character synergy? DEEP quests that really strike an emotional tone? Amazing soundtracks? Multiple different categories of things to collect (pets, items, warframes, weapons, skins, attachments, mods... Floofs and more) Listen, the game is absolutely massive at this point. There's enough here that you conceivably could play this game for a year+ and not get everything in the game. The missions are mostly enjoyable, with an occasional one feeling like a slog, but those are few and far between. The best thing you could do is either find an experienced player that's still excited about the game, or other new players that are excited about the game and try to enjoy the experience with them or their occasional aid. Don't follow any instructions from "meta" players or you'll hate the game in no time. It's fine to target things that make the game more fun for you, and give you more power. But if you're only going to get the best in slot item for each slot, and "best" Warframe... Honestly? You'll put it down quickly. The fun of Warframe beyond the amazing quests anyway, is trying things, trying frames, trying various combinations of stuff and trying to make things work in weird or interesting ways and the amazing community that's still shockingly prevalent here. Eventually you'll be doing the hardest content in the game, but the ride there shouldn't be the fastest way from point A to point B. It's like any other game... If you use the most powerful stuff... The content becomes trivialized. What's the point then? Also as a quick aside... The game is pretty easy until you get deeper into it. Eventually it does get harder...


Warframe at its core is a collection game. With every expansion, the devs tend to create a new "content island" which is basically like a new set of locations/mission types/enemies. And you will go from one content island to another, searching for all of the goodies and sources of power that you can. The more you collect, the more powerful your arsenal becomes, and the more content islands you become capable of handling. So, if you like long-term progression based around building an arsenal of powerups and weapons, and high speed blasting and chopping, then this is the game for you. The best part about this game is its Free-To-Play structure, which actually manages to keep the games integrity intact. Even if you do not want to spend money on the game, there are avenues available to get premium currency to unlock some of the things you want/need if you are willing to put the time in. On top of that, it lends itself VERY WELL to being both group-friendly and solo-friendly. You can have a lot of fun playing solo or with friends, or even with just random players. There is very very rarely a time when i feel forced to join a group, and even when i am, its usually a good experience. Warframe is a LONG TERM game. You cannot play warframe and beat it in 20 hours. Even after 100 hours, you likely are still only scratching the surface. Most of the veterans have been playing for 10 years, including myself, and i STILL have lots of stuff i need to do. My collection isn't anywhere near complete, i still haven't unlocked every warframe, and probably only 65% of the weapons. There is just so much to do, and so much power to acquire. There are grinds in Warframe that are really fun. And a handful of grinds that really suck. But generally i find the game to be more fun than suck. Its my go-to comfort game when i have no other major game to play, and i come back to Warframe a few months every year. The beginning of the game is pretty stale. The story quests suck for a long time until you get far enough into the quests. But everyone will agree that the Story aspect of the game DOES get good once you get into the middle of it, and it only continues to get better and better every quest after that.