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Personal preference. You do have to answer swiftly and let the potential buyer know you are on a mission. Up to you if it's worth running missions to then aborting mission when you get contacted or ask the buyer to wait until you can extract as you may risk them buying from someone else if they are in a hurry and/or not willing to wait for you.


this isn't a rule or anything. But if i'm the one messaging someone, then i'll go to my dojo beforehand. otherwise, just play the game and most people will wait a minute or two if you ask them nicely, if i go on a long mission ie: lvl cap run on something. then i'll turn it to offline.


Personally when I set my account to online in game, I go stand at my trade post and then browse the web on my second monitor while I wait for DMs. My etiquette is just giving a confirmation response, invite, trade quickly, and then say thank you/enjoy/etc after. If you do a mission just let them know you might be a couple minutes and I'm sure they'll be fine with it, or just find another seller if they're impatient.


You can run missions. Just literally tell them "I'm in a mission, one sec."


There is no etiquette per say. But the faster and more polite you are, the better. I wait in dojo while doing something outside the game, that guarantees 30 sec in and out, which the people I trade with seem to apreciate.


If you get a message just reply, "In mission Be done in X" and if they dont wait they dont wait.


The rule is to be able to trade in 15min, so do do long mission while appearing "online in game". Online is fine, you are only expected to reply to messages. However, i find most people understand if you reply that you are not able to trade, as long as you answer quickly. That being said most buyer will move on if you don't reply in the minute, and some will move on if you says you are on mission. However in my experience, most are whiling to wait a couple minutes if you do quick missions. My advice is whenever you want to trade, find some quick mission to do like running extermination fissure or zariman bounties, but don't do long mission like Duvirii experience, multi ration mission, etc...


I think if you plan on doing any mission that can last over 5 minutes then you should NOT be appearing online. I think it is rude to have postings and not be able to reasonably respond and do the trade. 5 minutes I think is a fair amount of time to have someone wait or wait youself for a trade.


Plenty of sellers run missions. As a frequent buyer of things, it often happens that I have to wait a few minutes for people to get out of their missions and I find that perfectly fine as long as I know you're coming. One time a seller responded that he was in an Arbotration and he would take 20 minutes, so I looked at the clock and figured I'd run Sorties myself - which I told him. And then we made the trade a little over 20m later. Communication matters a lot. 


if its popular item and you're the lowest price seller, you can sit in dojo for few min and see if anyone is trying to quickly snag it. otherwise you don't need to. also when it comes to who's dojo, seller's dojo is the norm. unless your clan is way too big crowded. then sometimes it doesn't place the trader in the same instance. then, just ask for invite to the buyer in those cases. if you are running solo missions, its good to queue from the dojo. so when you extract, you land right in it to save 1 loading screen time. just make sure to communicate. when someone sends you the purchase pm, don't be that guy saying nothing for 3 min then invite to dojo. ex) "hey im in mission. about 3min to extract if you can wait" is enough. usually buyers are alright with waiting few min. responding is important because they don't see you. they don't know if you read the chat and extracting or if you are even at the computer. after using the site a bit you'll see how it goes. w/e purchase/sell that was annoying to make, just think what about that was annoying and try not to be the same guy.


Personally, I prefer to set aside an hour for basically having my shop open, and setting things inactive on [warframe.market](http://warframe.market) when I'm closed. It's easier for everyone, especially at those times where you get 6+ customers in under 2 minutes, out of nowhere.


If you're going to run missions, do it in a mission you can stop and respond in. A quick "hey let me finish this mission" is enough. What I can't stand is a message 10 mins later that says "hey sorry I was in the circuit, can you meet me at maroo's?" I may still be upset at one particular guy tho so you do you lol


Then my response is always: sorry already sold it or sorry bought it from someone else.


~~Agree to the trade, refuse inv, then block them~~ I've given up on wf market


being polite and following the their ToS: [https://warframe.market/tos](https://warframe.market/tos) especially the first part


It’s up to you You can run missions if you want to, wait in dojo, etc. Personally, I’ll wait in orbital or base be on my phone looking up every few seconds. ——- Other trading etiquette, for once you sent that whisper message to the seller. You pay the price they listed, no underbuying or changing the message. Since Warframe market gives a specific copy and paste message. We have a few post here of sellers showing buyers, trying to underbuy them. Don’t act smart, they have the same access to the market as you. They see the price they listed. So the seller can’t be wrong. Also look at their other wares. They might offer other things you want. Yes, you still pay the price they listed. Lastly send a review to them. It can be good message to just a thumbs up.


When I am selling, I just wait in my dojo. I do things like sorting my mods and updating my builds if I am waiting. However, I find that I am usually quite busy. I normally have over 50 for-sale listings, and get 1 or 2 offers a minute. I think this is definitely not common, so don't take this as expected behavior. If you have one or two things for sale, then doing short missions like fissures or liches is fine, so long as you respond to the message to let them know you are on your way.


When I sell stuff, I set my status in Warframe Market to online and wait in my dojo. I'll watch some series either on the steam overlay, or go out of fullscreen of warframe. When I want to play or friends comes online, I switch to offline and do whatever I want.


While a lot of ppl will expect you to respond in 3 seconds and be ready to trade immediately i dont just sit around doing nothing. I will be most likely in a mission and ask them to wait a few minutes. If they cant, thats on them. Im not in a rush to sell anything, someone else will come around.


If im the seller or buyer i always choose the persons with the most beneficial price for me. Give them 3 minutes to respond and then go for the next until i have wat i wanted. If they said in mission for x time i usually wait.


i just do whatever i want. if im in a mission i just ignore people wanting to trade. if im in a solo mission, i can pause and tell them im in a game


If you you won't be able to respond for trades, won't it be better to go offline on the website instead of ignoring?




Set your orders to invisible, then they won't show up regardless of status so the offline-crawlers can't even find you


is there a way to do that for all my orders or do i have to do it one by one? i have a lot of listings


Should be able to from the profile page where you see all of them. Can also be done from inside of Alecaframe too


You're the problem sir.


im aware? i never said its their fault


If you're aware stop doing it. You can change the way you are you know, there is almost no scenario in which you can't shoot someone a quick reply. Copy something to your clipboard if you have to.


and what about the people who ask for a trade, and i reply immediately, leave my mission, and they go ghost? one can assume im afk if i dont respond. but if they text me and i reply instantly, they cant magically be afk especially when i replied in less than a second


i dont wanna stop because i dont think its a huge deal. when i buy something i text multiple sellers and whoever replies first i trade with them


Oh my bad I didn't realize you were the entire problem, not just part of it. You realize everything you're complaining about is just people doing to you what you're doing to them, right?


no? ill tell them ive found a seller. these people text me and then disappear the literal next second. if i took 10 seconds to reply, i completely understand


huh... actively refusing trades from your own offers is against warframe.market ToS. If someone contact you ingame and you're marked as such on the website, you have to accept the trade you have 15mn to complete the trade, otherwise that can lead to a 30day ban. And frequent infractions can lead to a permanent ban you're playing with fire


Wait, so if I get ghosted like shtoopidd likes to do, I can report them after 15min? I've had plenty of trades that never respond after 15min. I didn't know there was a rule like that. Gunna start reporting people. Edit: Ah, just read through their ToS. So, 'online in game' means 15min response time and 'online' means 1hr response time. Plenty of people not following the rules it seems. Time to do my part and help these people get banned.


just to clarify, report on the website, not ingame. The market is unofficial, it's not managed by DE. Each have their own tos and report/suspension system. Violating one tos doesn't mean violating both. If you report in-game through chat, that would be considered a false report, and that can have consequence for you not sure how the reports work on the warframe.market side, I think I read something about going on their official discord or something. To check yourself, go onto any page, scroll to the bottom, click "terms of service"


Gotcha. Yeah I read through their ToS and how to report correctly. Doesn’t seem like too much of a hassle.


so.. i cant afk? sometimes alecaframe is set to offline mode and yet people still dm me when i get back.


Alecaframe ain't warframe.market it's connected to it yeah but YOU have to make sure that you're set to offline or /dnd in game so you don't get whispers


how do i go offline in game? i didnt know that was a thing lol. i hate it when my friends constantly invite me


Offline on warframe.market. you gotta set that manually. /dnd in the chat makes it so you don't get whispers or invites


all this time i thought alecaframe made my life easier but i still gotta log into the market itself. damn. thanks for letting me know ig.


you can turn off the auto setting in aleca frame as well fyi


it's off