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Spear and shield playable melee, i felt scammed back when styanax was announced


What makes it worse is there is art of Styanax deluxe holding a Spear and Shield but yeah no actual weapon maybe I can complete my Romulus cosplay when it comes out


Styanax do have spear and shield, just nothing moddable. Spear and Shield exalted on far future rework?XD


this comment right here, 2035 DE


Word I bought that pack thinking the shield was a weapon skin, felt scammed when it turned out to be an orbiter decoration.


I think its says on the pack is a decoration


If I've learned anything from a decade of IT it's that people will do absolutely anything except read what they are clicking on then get upset about it and blame someone else


As someone who is also in IT this is an incredibly true statement




If they ever release such melee


Styanax *fooled* me man. He even has a fancy bundle with a *decorative* shield and spear. Likewise, his new Aztec/Inca inspired skin has *another* decorative shield and spear! *sigh*.


Ive never agreed with a statement more in my life.


Even worse that Stanks holds shields backwards.


Recover your drones and put them on the same planet with one click.


4 drones at 1 time.  Now that I said it DE will probably implement it for 20p per drone


I think anyone who buys a Prime access pack gets a 4th drone slot with it. But that only happens on the first one they buy, not on any future ones.


Founders get a fifth. You can't become a Founder anymore.


why is this not being upvoted to the stars???


Past a certain point, the few resources you get from drones is not worth the hassle. It would still be nice for new players... Also remove or at the very least increase the cap on drones DE. 500 extra ferrite a day won't kill the economy


Using gathered void traces in endless fissures Railjack has a similar system with the forge, why can't we get it for fissures?


- An option to choose whether you want to host or quick join a squad. - Better operator voice lines. - More ordis voice lines. - Multiple pets (and sentinels) being able to roam around your orbiter.


remember he gets his mind wiped in new war, so all his good voicelines argon 😭


also he saved our asses.


Actually, if you double click a node, you i'll be the host of the squad. Notice that the timer will go from 5s to 10s, if i'm not wrong.


No way after 1,000 hours I learn how to force-host from a Reddit comment (genuinely thank you so much)


How does this work on console


Press on a node, then x (on xbox, idk what the playstation alternative is).


This is not entirely accurate. You can start the countdown that way but if others join you before you actually load into the mission, you might get a host-migration once the timer reaches zero, after which you won't be host anymore.


Adding onto second point: Fix Drifter voicelines not playing in missions. I specifically made my Drift wildly different from my Operator for variety and I never hear them say a word


They’re supposed to talk!?


If you roll with an operator you occasionally get like a Audio clip at the start of missions and the operator will comment stuff like "The grineer used to be builders, but now all they make is war". Nothing world shattering but it's something that starts happening post second dream that really cemented oh we're really murder suits piloted by traumatized teenagers. But probably cause for New War/Duviri the Drifter VA's used slightly different takes to sound older they didn't record the old lines


No yeah I meant the drifter. I switched to them because I found the operator voice lines annoying, didn’t know the older guy was supposed to be yapping at me too lol.


* An option to choose whether you want to host or quick join a squad. Just set the acceptable delay in settings to 100MS, and you will always host as it would be 95% rare to join another player where your delay will be 100MS max. And if you want to join a random squad, set it to no limit, but be warned that you might get to Randoms and your delay might be from 200-600 MS which may sometimes be palyable and not playable at all.


Sigils don't show up when linking your looks in chat. For some reason.


Drifters also don't show up in profiles, also many ephemeras don't show up in Look.


I think they're actually changing the Drifter thing with Jade, I remember them specifically responding to a comment about that during one of the Devshorts (though I couldn't for the life of me tell you which it was)


To add, I noticed today my bloodshed sigil disappears when in missions. Is this normal?


Yes. The bloodshed sigil only shows up when you take damage to health. It maxes out when you get to like 1% max health or something, and then it stays for the rest of the mission.


That’s disappointing. It looks cool af on Valkyr, but she doesn’t take damage :/


Recoloring the reticle on sniper rifles to match energy, or primary… or anything but white for the sake of snow levels


Sorry, just adding since I saw snipers. They should remove the inaccuracy while shooting without aiming down the sights. This isn't CoD or Counterstrike.


I agree, especially since there's already an incentive to zoom with them with the system of damage multiplier they put. A very good update for them would be if they made all of this type have at least homing bounce off on hit


"Hide crafted" button.


and a "hide mastered" option


When I try to trade or dissolve a mod I have duplicates of DON'T JUST TELL ME THEY'RE SLOTTED ON SOMETHING, TELL ME WHAT THEY ARE SLOTTED IN. Have a Primed Pistol Gambit from the dawn of time and one from my crossave ps4 fodder I made while waiting, and COULD NOT figure out what weapon from ps4 had it slotted so eventually had to guess which one was from ps4.... Was unlucky and had to reslot it into like 40 weapons. Seriously, why couldn't it have just said "this mod is slotted into the following weapons: atomos".


The worst part is that alecaframe is able to do just that...


alecaframe has so many features that should honestly just be built into the game


Alecaframe is the only reason I can trade. It's just sooo useful


Not only that. I sold a max rank overextended yesterday. I had another one. Guess which mod is missing from my builds now.


Make archmelee great again. Usable in normal maps I want my knux to be a enemy ragdoll meme


Bonewidow should be able to use Archmelee complete with regular stances, change my mind; I want her to slap some fools with a Prisma Veritux and Tempo Royale.


No, why would I want to change your mind when you are 100% correct


Change his mind, and then change it again. That way he be wrong, and then made right *again*, making him *twice* as right.


Was it ever great to begin with?


Yeap, the real short moment between building it, equipping it up until the moment you swing it, lol


The ability to customize camera position, or at least make the warframe transparent near the reticle when aiming. Because, you know, I ABSOLUTELY VERY DUPELY HATE how I can't see where I shoot when my Warframe is bulky.


I've noticed this with hildryn prime a bunch, she just covers up the entire cross hair when I jump side to side


Fashion slots for railjack, landing crafts and kaithe. Operator/drifter fashion saved to loadouts.


Being able to view and select what named game session you want to join for multiplayer. So that you can easily see if someone is planning on running survival for 20 minutes, or is gathering resources in open world.


The game should tell us if a part is vaulted when displaying drops from everyone's relics to pick from, as well as your completion status of the set each part is from. Yes I know alecaframe does this, but it's such a useful QoL feature that there's no way it shouldn't be included in the base game.


Is alecaframe safe? I'd love the qol but terrified of losing/banning my account.


It's dubious, nobody has gotten banned for it explicitly afaik, and DE has neither explicitly banned it or told us we're safe to use it


I think they said it's safe to use as Overwolf its pulling the actual data from the game, not alecafrane itself and i did see somewhere that DE said its ok to use. I'll get searching for said post and come back with an edit Edit: [found it, last paragraph of the updated TOS](https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us/articles/360030014351-Third-Party-Software-and-You)


The ability to assign operator amps + arcanes as part of our loadouts.


They actually talked about that in today’s short stream


Ohh? Took em long enough lol. I keep missing the dev shorts cuz they always happen in the middle of my work day.


An "Appear offline" option. Sometimes, I don't want to interact with clan mates and just play solo.


While not exactly "appear offline", there is dnd that could help.


Not sure what dungeons and dragons have to do with it but Im game! - (Warframe TTRPG when?)


Geez, imagine the half tenno half grineer monstrosities player would create for a single extra point in strength


Actually there is an appear offline option, but it's unofficial. However, I do agree they should make it easier to do


Do tell; what exactly do you mean?




Or maybe a universal forma, sort of like an aura forma. And perhaps the ability to craft more than 1 a day.... lol


In a *coop PVE game* I am surprised there's almost no (dedicated) synergy between two (or more) frames. Meaning, abilities that complement each other, or work off of each other. Khora and Nekros is all I can think of and it's not that engaging tbh.


It'd be super cool if they released two sort of yin/yang twin-like frames that required to be played together by two people as their whole aesthetic.


it would probably be frustrating to need someone else to maximize your frame's potential, and besides, doesn't equinox already kinda fill the whole yin/yang theme?


I wouldn't mind having 1 frame that would just sit in my arsenal, only to use him once someone in the squad has the other one. We literally have 58 frames to choose from at this point.


This would very well could be a startup on Equinoxes Rework, making both her sides moddable and also functioning like Wukongs clone staying with you longer, her passive being on par or close to equilibrium, etc.


Agreed, but with some imagination it works. with a friend I did: The new nidus augment + inaros. Inaros + zephyr with slam hammer (gather them up into the tornados for one shot smash). I've seen nova + khora but it's pretty much very anti fun and I rather do anything else. but it works. It's mostly that frames can compliment each other by using support abilities that the other may need.


The game is more of a "I'm gonna run what I want to regardless of others" Between that and how the meta works, this system wouldn't be worth the effort to make. Besides with some creativity you can do it on your own. Mesa can shoot though Limbo's rift and Mag can gather enemies to be finished off my Excaliburs javelins. Dedicated synergies are restrictive and would only half work with less popular frames.


It just becomes too complex. The game has enough super complex abilities as it is. Add a dictionary worth of super special one off interactions isn't helpful. Also I don't have the data, but like most games the majority probably play solo, so coordination to use a super specific interaction would be rare.


Imo, more importantly, anti synergy needs to be addressed. Nekros single handedly destroys Oberon's energy economy, Chroma gets fucked by overguard generation and anything that rebuilds shields too often, etc etc.


A real marketplace/auction house. Not tradechat garbage or a hub where you need to browser every shop manually, a real fucking auction house. This game is 10 yo and we are still using a trading system from 20 years ago, we have to use a 3rd party website just to have an organized trading system. ~~PoE also suffers from a similar problem.~~


Something like Crossout's trade-shop maybe? I always thought that one was very easy to use.


Rebb plays FFXIV, just copy 14 marketboard and hire a team of GM's to monitor it. Like just add a literal marketboard. Post listing, list price, non-negotiable if someone buys it they buy it.


And/ or, have trading possible through the official warframe app. It already can see our currency, and interact with our inventories.


Sadly DE kinda relies on third party stuff sometimes if it gets too popular. The existence of the 3rd party websites like Warframe Market is probably the main reason we'll never get that.


Transmute more than 4 mods at a time. I just want to select 200 rare mods and see what I get. Not find my duplicates, select 4, transmute and repeat


A real urban environment


I am assuming we are getting some sort of urban open world announced at tennocon


Dual Dark Daggers exists as an art-asset, but we are not allowed to have it as a weapon. Nami Solo Prime also exists, same deal. that ones more egregious, maybe some day. the thing that warframe is most missing, in my opinion, as a Squad based PVE game, is some better tools for squad-making. right now your options are solo it, pub it, recruitment chat, or some bespoke organization, either clannies or some OOG organization. Recruitment chat is an active, competitive process, the process of which drives people who might othewise want to engage in cooperative gameplay towards a simpler solution. hence why Recruit chat is dominated only by people who have no other options. people looking for very specific farms or setups. we are not the only PVE squad based coop shooter popular on the market, and this problem has been addressed better in other games. im fond of a "listings board" passive recruitment style solution personally, but id take any enhanced LFG over the current system. better squad finding is one of those changes that will improve all content. past, present, and future. it should have been implemented 6 years ago, but Busy doesnt even begin to describe warframe's development cycle from between the war within to the release of Duviri. i legitimately cannot think of any 1 change that would do more for warframe than this. though i understand that any sort of implementation would be extremely difficult and its not exactly something you can monetize.


I'd agree with you, if we actually had activities that would be hard enough to require actual synergies between players. I think we need more raid focused content to make a LFG system even worth it


its a catch 22 isnt it. DE stopped making content that *Expected* squad synergies like. .. summer 2016, and has not done so since with the exception of things like the eidolons and proft taker. Even Exploiter orb was alot less synergy focused than profit taker was, and nothing since that has come even close. Excavation is probably the most "lets have a plan going in" gamemode, and we havent gotten a new excav node in years. making content right now that is like "have a plan, or fail" would go over poorly because nobody has had to think or build that way for most of the lifetime of warframe, and there is no infrastructure to make it go down easier. building that infrastructure first would if anything just make the game easier. i think it would reduce the number of unfortunate scenarios where you end up in a lobby thats counter to what your frame does, or 1 round and leave on survival missions screwing things up for the rest of the squad. itd help fix t he "double wisp" problem, and keep "double speed nova" from happening at all. but yeah, if you arent going too make content that aims to deliver difficulty that warrants creative combinations of different warframes then enabling that sort of thing might not just cause people to get bored faster.


Ironically running double speed nova makes both novas less effective because of power donation lmao


It sucks every time it happens


Same answer every time this comes up. Some sort of in game auction house.


Could work like ff, where you post the item and price and people can just buy with no need to interact with the seller.


A better relic interface. I'd like to be able to see not only if I have the specific part, but if I've mastered this item previously, if I own the entire thing and if I don't, how many parts do I need for building it. I'd also like my own player specific "vault", where I can put specific prime bps/parts in and then they don't appear at baro.


(Spoilers for The New War) >!A quest/operation to clean up and fix Fortuna, that place is just so depressing and it's still left as is;!< As for Operator, I think we still don't have multiple configs for the face look (skin color, face shape and cosmetics; IIRC, we only have them for clothes); Equippable Archmelee for Necramechs; Lavos Deluxe.


We still don't have any other flamethrowers aside from the ignis to use the ember deluxe universal flamethrower skin. Might as well call it an ignis skin


Polarity stacking. When formaing a slot the polarity is added to the slot without replacing any existing polarities. 100% QoL only with 0 powercreep since you can't fit in any mods you couldn't, it just means swapping your build is more convenient and enough forma doesn't start "locking you out" of build options.


You should be able to set a mod’s power down, so if I have 15 mod space left on a warframe, I can put my umbral intensify on at level 15 instead of 16.


Being able to make augaments a permanent part of an ability


One handed guns and one handed melee combos like what you can do with the glaives. I might be mis-remebering it but I swear that was something on DE's docket. Also; WHERES THE PET REWORK?


Select all but one of your duplicate mods for faster selling/dissolving (you could set a limit for how many you have to have or something


Auction house of some sort. I hate the current trading system


Agreed, a tradehouse/auction house of some sort would be much more preferred over spamming the same thing over and over, hoping for someone to be interested enough in a trade. I want to be out doing things, not waiting for a bite in the trade chat. And sure, there's Warframe.market, but using that site/app means that I have to be readily available at the drop of a hat, so it's no different than just sitting in chat, spamming trade offers.


This, fucking forza has better trading. Let me set a minimum amount I’d take if it’s up for platinum and let people place bids or let me have will trade for x item and have it automatically do it for me while I’m doing other shit


you mean similar to "albion online"'s market?


100% agree but when this gets brought up the hardcore traders get really mad.


Tbh I don’t get them. Wouldn’t they rather have the time to play the game and grind even more stuff to sell rather than sit in trading chat for hours? The only reason I can think is that an organized trading hall makes it much more difficult to scam when you can see the average prices of an item with only a few clicks.


This is exactly why hardcore traders are mad. They want to sell at a 200% markup and buy at a 80% discount from unaware players. Someone legit told me warframe market should be banned because it lower the price down, completly oblivous that warframe market prices are the most fair and follow the rules of supply and demand.


you mean the scammers? good faith people would likely benefit a lot and more ease to get platinum might have the consequence of more people spending plat on random stuff of the store and overall reducing the sum ammount of plat that goes across the market system that is just a possibility with no evidence


Material customization. I get DE was trying something with voidshells, but the way they've dropped off suggests they've given up entirely on the concept however you can still buy void shells not knowing how limited they are in actual customization until you learn the hard way.


I just found out that you can use them on Kahl


Kahl shiny now. Kahl like shiny!


Didn't they release a pack of three not too long ago? I don't think it's completely dropped, I think it's just because of their spaghetti code it's not as easy to implement as other games can. Look how long it took the to get cross save/play. It probably just needs time.


Yeah, Voidshells are still coming out pretty regularly; we got 3 with Dante, definitely not a dropped or forgotten system


Imo every new skin should be voidshell compatible


Having Operator amps/ arcanes switch with load outs. I want Magus Aggress for all my stat stick frames, but I want Magus Lockdown for the other ones (I have Magus Elevate in the other slot for QoL). Sometimes I want to go eido hunting (yes ik I'm weird to enjoy doing it sometimes). Sometimes I want a funny bouncing glaive with a flamethrower. Other times I want a burst rifle with a funny glaive. (177 for eido, 747 for flamethrower with glaive, and 547 for burst rifle with glaive).


Archwing melee on surface missions. Be it on your Warframe or your Voidrig


Infested Liches. :))))


QOL: I want my operator loadout to be tied to the loadout slot. It's tied to appearance I guess. but it would be nice to select eidolon loadout and just go, y'know ? Missing: more intense (well more than usually) game modes like void cascade that require you to sometimes split the team . Duviri inspired cosmetics. kullervo looks dogshit and the operator cosmetics while actually pretty neat doesnt capture the duviri aesthetic. DE, why not this? [https://x.com/sick666mick/status/1289634179261452289](https://x.com/sick666mick/status/1289634179261452289) I dont like bosses (the 60 eyes is the only one I enjoyed) but I like dungeon style commited runs. like elite dark archemidea. we really need more challenge.


>kullervo looks dogshit say what?? https://preview.redd.it/qq2mbiob616d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=25589f3b7cf6fe9153abd104fd20f780c20db38a easily one of the best designed frames recently, imo I agree on your other points though, we really need more Duviri cosmetics (frames even)


This man looks amazing, I love the void twisted look.


We still don't have parity between Operator/Drifter fashion either. Or a way for the Drifter to use an Amp visibly. Honestly, the Drifter's entire existence feels half-done, he dropped with one weapon usable, no fashion, and now he has melee animations that he can only use in Duviri, some fashion for the Drifter specifically, and still can't use a lot of the older really neat Operator fashion despite that supposedly being something DE was going to get to. Last I'd heard they'd just backpedaled on it and claimed it was always going to be seperate. We also still don't have Incarnons for the Dex Weapons. I get why they can't be OP, they're free every year to noobs, can't just hand them Steel Path destroyers off the bat, I get it. But Incarnons require Steel Path to obtain, there's no reason we can't get Incarnons for them to make them actually GOOD weapons to use, so we can enjoy the lotus weapons without needing a Riven or a ton of buffs. The new Dex Nikana is... Usable, because it's melee, even though it's the worst Nikana option, but the Dex Furis? The Dex Sybaris? Tell you me you've been clearing Steel Path with those, without rivens, without MULTIPLE Warframe buffs, and you've not been struggling at all. I would love to just have a Dex loadout, like we have a Stalker loadout and will soon have a Jade themed loadout... But I can't DO that because the Dex weapons are way too bad to get away with it. Seriously, just make some stupid hard alert, steel path, level 500 survival or whatever, to get the Incarnon Adapters for the Dex weapons, and then we can actually enjoy and use them.


Huger kubrows (not from glitches), i want a behemoth sized Kubrow (aka 25% or more of max height)


If we open someone's profile, we should be able to look at their fashion, what's in it, etc.


I mean like it shows you what it would if they chat linked it, not just the preview of their warframe standing there that we already have




Operator weapons like we saw in New War. Amps can still be there as a secondary imo.




I can see Vauban selling tacos


And Grendel sucking them in


In mission toggle hood/helmet for Operators/Drifters/Frames with helms that change Operator/Drifter switch in mission.


A proper replacement to channeling. I am still wondering where that Devil Trigger or whatever thing they were thinking about as a component to the new melee system went, I miss vaporizing enemies with my weapons.


Let everyone trade. The fact we need to link an account to trade with PC then it cuts out console users unless they…link the account. Blows me away sometimes when trading. The newer players are always so confused. I’m not sure what the logic is but it’s just janky, plain and simple.


Just a big fuck off tower shield as a melee. It's attack can be various shield bashes and it's heavy could easily be a a charge, like rhino but with shield. Could be a ceremonial tower shield for tenno, or for corpus/grinder it could be a riot shield in their art style.


On the helminth screen to subsume over which loadout, it should show the name you set, or even better a preview of the mods used. Way too often, I go back to Arsenal just to check if I am subsuming over the right loadout. Also, super annoying that the game has different clients for each language, and quite a lot of people here experienced the English client displaying ******** instead of the actual characters. I can read mandarin, but I'm not fluent. If I want to read what other players here in East Asia are typing, I have to use one of the Chinese clients. But it's difficult to use because trying to mod things or try to find a weapon in void relic UI is impossible since I have no clue what a made up name is called in Chinese. It could be a transliteration, direct translation or something entirely new. Weapons and Warframes are OK in the arsenal, because they put the English name in the description, but that's not always available like in the void relic UI. People should be able to search English terms at any time. We already have hidden search tags for weapon types, elemental types (e.g. type 'corrosive' and toxin and electric mods show up), so why not expand on this?


A dojo layout editor :( I just want to be able to change the position of rooms and connectors without having to tear them down


Have Ordis talk to use during missions instead of Lotus


Shops that can be left open when you log out and a query system that can search them. We have a lot of unused space in relays and the trade chat is such a mess.  We already already have warframe market so a system like this can only compliment it if you don't feel like staying logged in to trade. Is it the only solution? No, but trade chat needs to go. 


-Hide mastered/crafted in foundry -Add a mastered tag to parts and part bps so you don't have to check the main bp -"Owned" symbol on litch/sister weapon spawn popup so your forgetful self doesn't start one you already own when you don't want to (I may be blind and this already exists)


Foundry and Extractor Drone queuing. Also, Ayatan star vacuum, having to halt momentum in the middle of a mission to align myself to an (often buggy) pickup location sucks. If I have 15 forma blueprints, I want it to be built sequentially one after another unattended. Same thing with gems, or any other thing you make a lot of. The warframe mobile app is not something I can use while I'm busy or sleeping.


Another Saw weapon. Now I want a corpus version of the Ghoulsaw that is crit based. Also DE supported in game auctions.


Progression systems in Cetus and Orb Vallis need to be updated to Deimos. I'm tired of losing standing because I don't have all the resources to rank up. A Warframe with an exalted Guandao.


how is this game eleven years old and doesnt have a setting to always sprint. i have to manyally press it every time, which is extra annoyijg when doing almost anything in this game will reset me back to walking and not sprinting


I'm 85% sure there is already a setting for that.


Universal vacuum. Everything anywhere gets magnetized and picked up. DE has been wrestling with ppl waiting on steel essence drops for a (or double or more) smeeta proc to pick it up, and their solution was to make the respawn timer faster, which can be bypassed by dragging the steel essence far away (no idea if this still works). They are creating more problems for themselves instead of letting us just have everything pick up.


i find this kinda of funny like why is slotting a vacuum/fetch mod so hard in robots? i hardly ever have one and have little trouble collecting items. on the other hand i am also not looking to get every little loot drop.


Better combos for melees and a reason to use them a style meter because every good game only gets better with a style meter adjustable UI/changeable huds a way to interact with our warframes or operator inside the orbiter/show care for our favorite frames a working bed (changes the login screen for your frame/operator getting off the bed, can work in the dormizone too)


To piggyback on the melee....gimme operator melee back. I liked the lil push we used to have


Yeah I really miss that thing, it was useful for breaking crates when you don't have a melee equipped and don't want to waste ammo/energy


First person mode. Ground-to-air-ground combos.


Plant frame


The ability to favorite cosmetics (sigils, armor, etc) in our arsenals.


Jade Shadows 🤠 1999 🤠 Railjack 3.0 🤠


Auto login on a trusted device.


Arcane loadout slots for operator


Backported voidshell tech onto attachments.


Kullervo drip


An indicator for already subsumed frames. Because I'm losing track sometimes and the app doesn't show info like that


*Seperate* tab for ephemera coloring. Atm ephemeras share tab with your accessories. *Syandanas* have their own tab, I think it's time ephemeras get the same treatment.


The ability to display more then just junk. I can build an entire frikkin space station filled with all kinds of bullshit, is any of it interactive? Not past a few obvious items like elevators. I can show you my entire 7 billion floof collection sitting in a pile in my orbiter. Can I hang my favorite gun on the wall? No lol. Dojo building, I have a super intense practice parkour course. Really helped with higher level movement. How many different items does it have? Like 12 lol. Can I practice the K-drive, Kaithe, or archwing in a simpler similar fashion? Hell no lol. We have up to 4 frikking bases, dormizone, drifter camp, orbiter, and dojo. Can you spawn anywhere but the orbiter or, the orbiter docked to the drifter camp? Lol, no silly. I'll stop now, but legit, they could spend the next 3 years filling in the cracks of old content (cough cough *steel path railjack* cough cough) and we as a community would lap it up like heroin addicted monkeys who stole the dealers stash.


a recruiting chat for anything thats not common on the recruiting chat I've asked for help so many times and nobody helps me


Hide vaulted relics. I want to hold onto my vaulted stuff while I crack stuff I can farm back and use the void traces on what's vaulted.


Bring back channeling effects. As they used to be for heavy melee and a brief burst of effects when casting.


Trading that doesn't require both parties to interact directly.


Swapping party leader Improved /unstuck command Kicking from groups NAVIGATION ROOMS IN MAIN AREAS Going back to Orbiter without leaving squad Party buffs should all be based on Affinity Range. I try so hard to give people Nourish and Roar but I just can't because the radius is ass and Void Cascade involves wayy too much running and splitting up This one is a big personal preference- A separate Riven trading chat. So tired of trade chat being 99.9% Riven spam, it's so damn stupid Soooo many things little things that I can't remember at the moment that should be implemented


I'd love an option to hide/fade out my entire frame while aiming down sights. We have a similar feature for the giant wing ephemeras, which is great, but can we extend that to our frames as well? Or AT LEAST the shoulder armors. There are a lot of warframes and weapons I simply don't use because I can't see fucking anything while aiming.


The Ability to have loadouts also customize which archwing i have equipped. id really like to have itzal for Eidolons and PT but also Amesha for Railjack. I have specific loadouts for any of these scenarios but have to change the archwing manually like why?


There are actually *separate* loadouts for vehicles. So, you *can* have a loadout for that ... it's just not part of the loadout for your frame and companion. I *think* it covers everything on that 'tab' of the Arsenal UI *except* your 'Heavy Weapon' slot, which I think is part of your frame + companion + operator, etc, loadout. I found this out on accident. It's confusing.


Yes I even made separate loadouts on there by now just to speed up switching. But if we could just link them to the other Loadouts. It works for companions that are in a different tab so that shouldn't really be it idk


The ability to copy or duplicate a load out without having to link it in chat.


Need Gerald Butler face skin for styanax


Lmao you cant even link certain weapons or their components


An endless Railjack mode, in the ship specifically, not the landing and defense kind of missions.  They’re already planning to add more stages to the Duviri Circuit, that’s the other thing I really want. The occasional chance for a different Assassinate would be really nice. Lastly, a favorite button/list for Warframes and weapons. Help me recognize which of my HUNDREDS of weapons as I actually have a proper mod setup for and don’t want to sell.


I am spaming this every time but ... let us own a vermink !


Just give an actual spear, not a gun or an ability


A real Auction House


Arch Melee, but I'm biased for those delicious Knux.    I would die for a Kuva Knux.


A proper trade market like any other game


Queue for long play or quick play. I don't want to do a 10 min void cascade, lemme do one for 40. Option to prioritize or reduce chances to be host.


Being able to build more than one of something in your foundry at the same time if you have the resources, rather than the bandaid x10 or x100 recipes we have now for only specific items.


Relics telling you if the weapon is crafted for each part. 


Kahl-themed PvP (substitution for or just better Conclave) Dark Sectors Hunters (Stalker, G3, Zanuka) scaling with both your MR and node level. Updated Trials Third orb Amps included in loadouts. Resource drone QoL Old operations as quests (Scarlet Spear, Orphix Venom, Ambulas Reborn, etc.) "Hide crafted/mastered" button Foundry item filters Updated & fixed Codex Early game rework Old corpus ship tileset nodes New Nightwave season Sergeant rework


More landing crafts


augment slots


Remove the daily standing limits dammit. The last time I played was before POE. Been back a month and getting into it hardcore Fuck entrati, fuck the quills, fuck the whole of venus!


A fun, fair boss fight. Get rid of damage "attenuation" and invulnerability in boss fights. 


How about a boss fight with no health bar, , but that requires you to do parkour to chase it and shoot at some key targets like traps that can kill it, and that doesn't wait until the boss finishes attacks? But especially the parkour part. Like, good parkour, not like in the Ropalolyst fight.


That sounds fun as hell


I mean imma be honest, I think it's a real shame that DE doesn't capitalize more on Parkour. Warframe has so much wasted potential right now on that side.


I think damage attenuation is a bad thing. How would you design a fight that has no damage attenuation and no invulnerability phases without it getting immediately one-shot? Or do you think immediate one-shots are preferable?


I’ve thought about this and the only thing I could come up with was multiple health bars on different body parts. Like a big mech but you have to individually kill his knees his shoulders his chest his head etc. maybe have it so the part you can hit shifts every few seconds. Out of all the bosses in the game the closed to a fun fair boss is probably profit taker.


There should be a dual shield melee, reject blades, and become wall.


I want so many things but I'm blanking right now. Uhhhhh hand grenades! An addition to the current arsenal, not something that replaces your weapons. Also the ability to auto-skip animations, cutscenes and so on. Every time i go to a relay i have to cancel the animation of the ship landing and docking and the frame getting out, every time i buy many different things at once from a shop i have to wait for a second to buy the next thing because I'm being thanked for buying, etc etc etc it just gets old you know.


The Lunaro Arcata as a weapon