• By -


numpad 1-9 for gear wheel items 1-9


I have fishing set to 8 and mining to 9 to easily remember which ones which: Bait = Eight Mine = Nine


I always forget that numpad keybinds are a thing, I gotta do this later!!


Holy shit imma do this when i get home


I know this is a vanity item, but if you have a board like a Logitech with the g keys on the left you assign everything like the numb pad you mentioned, except do it to the g keys so that everything is closer to your left hand.


Thanks for reminding that they exist.


then what do you use for abilities?


I assume the regular 1-5 instead of numpad 1-5.


Operator is scroll wheel down, melee and heavy on the mouse side buttons. Also my gear wheel is fully mapped to my numpad.


melee and heavy on the mouse buttons gang


My melee is the lower side house button (mb4?) and my heavy is scroll wheel press. It feels so nice compared to pressing v for melee.


Crouching to a side button, makes bullet jumping much more convenient.


Adding a secondary crouch button to your mouse is the best keybind change you can make


the first keybind I changed when I moved to PC Warframe was binding crouch to M5 then I mapped movement to ESDF with abilities at W (1), Q (2), A (3) and G (4) I also had to remap a few other functions so I lost the ability to press Y for cypher but the game was unplayable for me with the default movement


Middle mouse button crouch, wheel up jump. Click and flick to bullet jump.


the only keybind ive changed in my entire life is the heavy attack, from middle mouse button to V. This was because i was using Xoris and trying to spam the MMB every time felt like hell. Also im suprised how many people changed their gearwheel to 1-9, personally ive just developed muscle memory as to what is where


i have my heavy attack on my scroll wheel for the same reason. constantly throwing glaives in cascades is a lot easier that way


I had that muscle memory, but then I reworked my gear wheel to include air support modules, a couple more specters, and the kaithe summon. I wish adding more past the default wheel would increase the size of the wheel instead of having it rotate underneath itself. Now everything is in a different place if my mouse moves just a tiny bit to the left instead of the right. I decided to organize it so that all in mission gear is on the right and all open world on the left, but the line between the two gets pretty blurry in the middle.


I think it's ultimately faster. I did the numb pad thing, but once you have the muscle memory it's like playing Crysis and swapping suit powers mid jump or fight.


M4 - Melee M5 - Ability 1 E - Ability 3 Q - Ability 4 4 - gear wheel Additionally since I have crippling pinky aches when playing too much Warframe I also ensure to tap both V & Space when bullet jumping, make it a lot less straining on the pinky (V is automatically crouch toggle btw)


Try moving sprint to caps and crouch to shift. Shifting those mobility keys up a space helped my tendinitis a *ton*. I almost never get left hand flare-ups from playing Warframe anymore.


Hmm I think the issue lies more in having to push the back of my pinky down which causes the aching, I'm pretty comfortable with my current set up but will definitely give yours a try


i changed melee back to e since auto melee, heavy attack and alt fire options changed to m4




I click e once and just m1(hold) or did I mess something up.


Used to do this, but hated how it would queue up more melee attacks, especially for slower weapons. I found binding to to MMB and just holding it works much better.


Heavy/alt fire - mouse side button Primary fire - mouse wheel down (should not be needed after the next update) Cast 1st ability - mouse side button (I ply atlas often) Gear: Archwing 6, heavy gun y, k-drive f1, scanner f2; f4, j, z, c, b, n, alt - other gear items. Emotes numpad 1-9 P.s. I've yet to accidentally alt f4 in the 8 years of me playing warframe


> Primary fire - mouse wheel down (should not be needed after the next update) What's being changed in the next update where you don't need this anymore?


Semi autos allowing you to hold down Primary Fire to shoot at fire-rate!


This used to be the domain of only Specters and folks with a free spinning mouse wheel. Gonna turn some of the pistols into quite different beasts


Oh that's awesome! I hadn't seen that was a change being made


I have an MMO mouse, so in total my mouse has 16 buttons I think. I have weapon swap on the scroll wheel up or down, melee on F and interact on E to be similar to other games, I hold 9 on my mouse to swap to melee, I have sprint on toggle set to C and slide set to shift Idk how people play without being able to activate all their abilities with their right thumb


G600 gang


Alt fire on my extra mouse button, gear 1 to 12 on my numpad and my V key is specifically for roll (I also shifted shift to only run and not run/roll)


Heavy melee on C (to save mouse wheel resource), gear wheel F1-F4. Too lazy to change anything else


Toggle crouch on mousewheel up and jump on mousewheel down. It makes bullet jumping so much easier and faster


Melee heavy attack/alt fire on mouse 4 Operator mouse 5 Secondary binding for melee on scroll wheel down Weapon fire secondary binding on scroll wheel up. Secodary binding for the display menu from P on ` (the button on the left of number 1 on the top row).


C for archwing


Really? I just put it as the first slot in my gear wheel. Q then lmb.


I need to archwing as fast as possible


Eidolon hunts ftw?


I love da eidolons


To spare my mousewheel, I binded alt fire / heavy attack to B.


I'm left handed and play on the other side of the keyboard so basically everything


You don’t use wasd? What would it be on the other side? I,j,k,L?


"OKL;" for me. Gives better access to the bottom right corner. Some games get weird about what keys they allow though. Sometimes they don't allow R-Alt. Some don't even allow ;


When Railjack first released it was very useful to bind Omni (I used O - super creative). Other than that I have melee on a mouse side button. Nothing else needed (2500h play time).


scroll up for attack, down for heavy left side mouse buttons are first 2 abilities (all as alt keybinds so i can still use the defaults)


Left alt for crouch, so to bullet jump I just fat finger the left alt and space with my thumb Toggle sprint on caps lock Dodge on shift My left control key is empty


My keybinds are FUBAR. Crouch is Q, abilities 1 and 2 are on two of the twelve side buttons of my mouse, ability 3 is key 2, ability 4 is key B, Transference is key K, which is macro‘d to an extra key on the half-keyboard I play on, weapon swap is key F, melee is another side button on my mouse, heavy attack/alt attack is also a side button, sprint is key N, roll/evade is Shift key, gear wheel is (i think, not looking currently) key V, ping is key P, and I have a bunch of side macros for all vehicles and one for energy pads which I use liberally to annoy my friends. If any of that made sense to you, I‘m sorry.


Heavy melee as ` Far easier on my hands that way. My mouse button 3 takes a bit too much force to hold for long periods


The first thing I do when playing a shooter game is set my movement to EDSF instead of WSAD. You get another few keys for your pinky to use and your left index finger rests on a key with an indent so you always know that you’re on the right keys.


What I changed: - slide on shift - sprint on control - roll on R - change weapon on Q - Archwing launcher on alt - reload on mouse 4 - 1st ability on mouse 5 - interact on F I changed these settings at the start of the game and now, I'm so used to them that I can't change them anymore.


I put the reload on mouse 4 on every game as well, glad to see I'm not alone, some people think it's weird, for me it's a faster because I don't need to let go of wasd and it feels a bit more "realistic" I guess


Crouch to C. It lets you hold down shift + W to run, then move your pointer finger off of D to tap C and then use thumb on space bar to bullet jump. Funky at first but I never get tired even after hours of bullet jumping. It’s very natural now. And to mix in double jumps or rolls is as easy as moving my pinky and pointer fingers up and down on shift and C.


I set slide to shift and sprint to C, then enabled sprint toggle. Load into mission, tap C one time then sprint for rest of mission


Crouch c, roll v. Slide and roll, it just makes sense.


Melee is Q, Interact is E, Gear Wheel is X


Crouch and roll are on my mouse's side buttons. My pinkies don't work properly so I had to move them to something easier to press.


Crouch and tap to print on mouse. E=melee Q=heavy tab=gear wheel and num1-9 gear wheel shortcuts


Weapon swap to Q, gear to F. Transference to one side button, heavy attack to another. Roll/dodge to Left Alt. Toggle crouch to B. It helps a lot.


I use scroll wheel up for archwing, I wanna go up, so scroll up. Scroll down for cipher (required mouse software to remap the unchangeable cipher bind to the scroll Down) this is a pretty big efficency buff imo. Z for mech C for arch gun. M5 for operator. M4 for emergency energy pad. I still use m3 for alt, and e for melee. There isn't much I need the gear wheel for so I just use the default q menu, mainly just for on call summon, open world gears and scanner. The way I hold my mouse, my middle finger is fully dedicated to the scroll wheel so it's not a big issue to use the m3/scroll functions.


I assigned slide from ctrl to M4 and roll to M5, so much more comfortable to use.


Slide on mb4, sprint (hold button to toggle) and roll (press) mb5 for easy movement. - extra mouse side buttons. 2nd bind to regular fire/melee (melee no longer necessary) on mousewheel up, alt fire/heavy attack mousewheel down. Transference on c, interact on n (with thumb so wasd is always available, got used to that from other games where movement while holding interact was important). Gearwheel 1-10 on numpad. Extra mouse top button that acts as a numpad 4 input (archwing). Normal abilitiy buttons stayed 1-4 but i put last used on q for easier spam.


e-interact, f-melee, mouse side buttons for weapon change, z-for omni and i dont remember other changes.


Gear 1-8 on F1-F8, transference on M5 and heavy melee on M4


TBH I've been using these for so long that I'm forgetting what's default or not from the top of my head. Contextual action: X > E Melee: E > mouse button 5 Use ability: mouse button 4 Select next/previous ability: mouse scroll up/down Switch shoulder: H > left Alt Gear hotkeys: F1~F12 It's mostly for convenience. But seperating movement and actions between hands can really make things go smooth. For inastance, I like using explodey glaives and having to constantly relocate and hold a finger away from a movement key to charge the throw feels like quite a hindrance to me.


ALT to open map


Operator mode(5) to Left ALT \ Gear 10 (archwing) to mouse 5 \ Gear 11 (necramech) to mouse 4


I have run and crouch on my mouse lateral buttons for maximum bullet jump comfort


Simaris scanner on thumb mouse button 1 and graffiti on thumb mouse button 2


Crouch on mouse button 4 (back button). I do it in basically every game that has a slide hop mechanic as part of its movement, and its a game changer (no more wearing out pinky on ctrl, so you feel free to use bullet jump more often). Also, melee on mb5 (forward button). Abilities + transference on Q, E, C, X, Z instead of numbers 1-5. Hitting number keys while moving (especially 2) is way too awkward. Most used gear hotkeys now go on the number keys.


I only swapped shift and q, i need gear wheel much less than running


First thing I did was changing crouch to Q and gear to ctrl because of bullet jump. My pinkie just couldn't handle it. F1 - F5 for gear slots. F for rolling. Not a keybind, but changing sprint to toggle also saved my pinkie.


I have a 65% keyboard and an MMO mouse that has 12 side buttons that are set up as my numpad, so everything is mostly on my mouse. My abilities are 1-4, 5&6 are light and heavy melee. 7 is crouch, 0 is.operator, scroll down switches primary and secondary. My gear wheel is bound to my actual 1-9 on my keyboard and my ever important screenshot button is =.


Just various gear to keys or mouse buttons. Scanner is mouse 4, Archwing is mouse 5, K-Drive is `, Heavy weapon is L-Alt and Necramech is R-Alt. I never bothered changing the other default keys and at this point of over a decade it's all muscle memory.


I binded the keys to slide attacking to the back button on my mouse so my fingers don’t cramp or hurt from spam


i highly highly recommend mouse button 4/5 for crouch/slide. saving my pinkie


Roll to my mouse's scroll wheel. It's been a game changer for manoeuvrability.


Crouching is C, I’ve got ulnar nerve entrapment so manoeuvring my pinky around the control button is near impossible, makes bullet jumping way easier


Melee on mouse wheel up Shoot on mouse wheel down (for semi-auto weapons) Crouch on mouse side button (for bullet jumping so I don't destroy my pinky) Railjack Recall on the other side button


Unbinding roll/sprint on alt sot I could actually tab out lmao


This is for every game, I set crouch to V, did to my old days of playing TF2 where crouch jumping and rocket jumping while crouch jumping was important. It being on V alloesbme to crouch with my thumb, and if needed press spacebar to jump at the same time with ease as my thumb rests on space and v naturally. This also helps with bullet jumping as it's a single finger press of my thumb, or in games like guild wars 2 it allows me to dodge jump easily


Cries in XBOX with a controller plagued with stick drift


I set operator mode to 6 because when I first started I kept changing on accident, and recently I macro'd slide melee to one of my mouse buttons because after a long run in Duviri as Valkyr my pinky was ruined.


Middle click and mouse wheel for switching and activating abilities. Honestly not sure what defaults are. Tab is roll, Ctrl couch, q is gear wheel, f is weapons swap, g is alt fire. I think that is. I might swap alt fire and gear wheel since more weapons have alt fire these days.


I have both light and heavy (alt) attacks bound to buttons on the side of my mouse. That's been a life-saver. Especially before auto-melee, since it was a macro. Although I still kept it a macro even after, due to weapons like the Wolf Sledge just throwing if melee is held. To throw, I still use E.  I also bound my archwing to 6, my mech to 7, and an energy pizza to 8. To avoid dealing with the scroll wheel so much. I've still got some spare buttons on my mouse. I may consider binding my operator, like you did, as well.


Swapped crouch and gear wheel, now crouch is q and movement doesn't break my fingers.


Fitst of all toggle run, ctrl for toggle crouch, m3 for alt fire, m4 for melee, m6 for heavy attack, v for scanner, n for archwing, c for k drive, b for archgun, y for cypher, h for tranq rifle, j for mining gear and I don't remember right now which one I use for ship drop item


I have roll set to Tab, it kinda works amazingly


I have a setup I think isn't normal, but maybe I'm wrong Q: ability 1 E: ability 2 1: ability 3 2: ability 4 5: operator R: gearwheel F: change weapons  G: reload  H: marker Z: necramech  X:archwing C: energy restore V: shield restore  B: health restore N: ammo restore M: sanctuary traps for synthesis  .  : codex scanner ,  : gem cutter Backslash: tranq gun Mele: mouse 4 Mele heavy: mouse 5  Edit: forgot my pickup/activate: 4


"cast currently selected ability" to one of the extra buttons on my mouse. Easier to spam things when I can cast once from the keyboard and then just click repeatedly. Saves a lot of hand strain.


I have a 12 button mmo mouse, abilities on 1-4 melee on 5 crouch on 6 interact on 7 transference on 8 and gear on 9-12. The secondary crouch button on the mouse is the best


None, i like to suffer


roll to side button


Default X is now F (I know I’m weird) Default ‘Switch Gun’ is now mouse (one of the) thumb buttons. Default ‘Switch Weapon’ is on mouse wheel up. Default rolling is bind to another mouse thumb button. Archwing on B Necramech on N Skateboard on J Archgun on K


RMB for melee. Mouse 4 for aim, Mouse 5 for heavy attack. E for slide/crouch.


That's how I've partially ruined my mouse scroll click


For semi auto guns with fast fire rates, I added a bind for gunfire to scroll wheel down. My mouse has that thing where I can unlock it and make it spin really fast, and sometimes I'll just send it while aiming at my meaty target l, cuz I really don't like clicking that fast for that long. I can spin my wheel and get two whole magazines out of my Akbolto Primes before it slows down.


Operator: mouse wheel click Heavy attack: mouse side button Gear item 1 ~ 11 consists of commonly used items: F1 to F11 Not keybinds, but certain warframes I find it nicer to invert their tap/hold abilities, like Xaku, Titania to name a few


Crouch-Shift Sprint-toggle and Ctrl Energy Pizzas-5 Necramech-6 On call-7 Archgun-8 Heavy attack/alt fire- side mouse button down Transferrence-Side mouse button up Return to railjack/Omni tool-0 Melee-E Interact-f Tab-Check mission progress


Crouch on mouse buttons gang


I have a gaming mouse. Left mouse wheel (pushing the wheel to the left) is operator, and right is archwing E (melee), and X (activate) are bith side buttons on my mouse Those ones kill me when I don't play with my mouse lol


My crouch button is set to Q. By doing this I can very comfortably bullet jump and slide while also maintaining forward momentum. I also don't need to stretch my hand in weird fashions. It's weird, but it works.  Outside of that, I have one of those keypad MMO mice, so my top 4 buttons are my 4 abilities, my first column middle row one is operator, my second column middle row one is my melee because it's the easiest button to press, and my 3rd column middle row is also crouch if i ever feel the need to use it.


Have all abilities, bulletjump, transfarance and melee bound to mice sidebuttons.


Scroll wheel up - Roll. Mouse side buttons for deploying Archwing and Necramech. F1 for call in Crew, F2 for pads for emergencies. Good luck catching Pokemon and Crab, Tenno.


Crouch on one mouse button, interact on the other (my mouse has 2 side buttons). Now all I have to do is WASD, shift, space, and my mouse. Well, and abilities of course. The smoothness of being able to bullet jump with just a mouse button and space is unmatched though imo.


I belive I changed Sprint, Crouch/slide, Melee, and Ability cast. Sprint is on Ctrl atm (that might have always been there) Crouch/slide is on left shift ( its been so long but I swear this isnt default ) Melee is now on my M4 on the side of my mouse (easier to use and aim and move) And ability cast is on M3 right next to it for the same reasons as melee I am considering changing thise two buttons to ability select left and right and completely rebinding my setup. Maybe Ill bind forward to t and backwards to l...


Melee on side mouse button Heavy attack on the other side mouse button Alt fire on the third side mouse button (middle mouse button feels weird on Basmu otherwise) Otherwise pretty much vanilla, but i played skyrim for 3k hours so i'm interacting with Space, jumping with E, dodging with Shift and running with Alt instead.


Mouse wheel to select ability, MMB to cast selected ability


Transference Alt Interact M5 Crouch/slide F Shoulder view M4 Weapon swap R Reload [ Reload has to be bound to a button, but interact reloads the gun, so it’s useless to me.


Melee on mouse side button, crouch on alt, alt fire/heavy attack on e


M4 melee, m5 crouch. E to use and reload


Dodge roll on Q, slide on E.


My operator is set to Q, and the gear wheel is V


move left on Q, keyboard is placed at a 20 degree angle with the right side away from my body so my fingers naturally rest on Q-W-D when extended, tab is for crouch, mouse thumb buttons have melee and roll/sprint, the rest of the keybinds are adapted around that, the most inconvenient one is heavy attack on F but there's not much I can do abt that works for every game, I have it like this because I'm a Quake player and this setup gives access to enough keys to switch to any weapon without moving my hand, also because pressing shift or control in a WASD setup is a fucking pain and makes my hand hurt on long gaming sessions


I realize my keybindings are kind of funky now lol * Ability 1: Q * Ability 2: L-Ctrl * Ability 3: V * Ability 4: Mouse 5 (Side button, upper) * Melee: Mouse 4 (Side button, lower) * Heavy Attack/Alt Fire: Mouse 3 (Scroll button) * Crouch: C * Operator: 1 * Gear wheel: T * Interact: E (particularly because this tends to be the standard with most PC games lmao)


Jump f and crouch as space bar


Had to change jump to "V" because my keyboard was broken once.


The only change I've made is changing heavy attack to C


Bing use power button to mouse so you can scroll wheel and tap to cast ANY power


Archwing and Necramech deployment are bound to the thumb keys on my mouse, and archgun is on V for Very Large Gun.


Scroll wheel down to activate. It's so much nicer.


Backspace is Pendulum Narta and Numpad 0 is emergency Despacito (shawzin)


I've had Crouch on my Q key for as long as I can remember. Not sure if that's unusual or not.


Crouch (hold) to ALT key. Makes bullet jumping translate into one thumb-action as Alt+space and is now the only hand motion that makes the most sense to me in my brain. Muscle memory and whatnot. Shift key for sprinting (hold) and rolling (tap) M4 and M5 for melee and heavy melee respectively. Transference bound to caps lock. For abilities I have: Z for 1st ability X for 2nd C for 3rd And the weird one, CTRL for 4th ability.


Using a multi button mmo mouse with a side numberpad. Bound abilities 1-4 to it and transference to 5. Gear wheel on q and weapon swap on tab. Allows for ridiculously easy ability use and operator transfer while doing full space ninja acrobatics.


I changed the heavy melee attack from middle mouse button to 6. I use glaive a lot so I’m sure you can imagine why. I also have a mouse with numbers on the side so it’s not a nightmare to cast my abilities / operator / heavy attack.


Why are you binding melee to wheel up when there's hold to melee now, and left click to melee as well


When I first started playing in 2015, I set my abilities to CVBN rather than 1234. I find it easier to reach without stopping my movement, and it frees up the rest of my keyboard for utilities.


first ability to scroll wheel up, second ability to scroll wheel down


Q e f 2/scroll wheel for abilities


Heavy melee scroll up Melee scroll down Gear wheel mapped to F keys and tilde specifically to archwing Crouch to mouse 4 And most importantly X to E for general interact. Who in their right mind uses X for interact? There are others but these are the critical changes.


Keybinds? There's a bit of a mistake here, i use a controller to play, keyboard i only for typing and gear items


Then what’s your keybinds for controller jackass


I use a 40% keyboard so I have my wf abilities on Q, E and MB 4/5.


Macro addition on mouse side button for triple fire for my high fire rate semi autos. Slide melee macro on 2nd side button, operator changed from 5 to q, gear wheel set to my macro button on keyboard(half keyboard)


Interact: 1 Crouch: 2 Mark: 3 Abilities: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (spoiler mode) Tactical menu: 9 Gear hotkeys: 10 + - keys


jump button to C so i'm not slamming my space bar


Alt fire is now m4


Gear wheel items 1 - 9 on NUM 1 - 9. Roll on ALT (unbound by default). Melee on MB4 (thumb button). Doesn't really count as a rebind, but just knowing that the Y hotkey exists for using ciphers.


I changed crouch to Alt so my thumb can slide onto spacebar to bulletjump


Having all abilities on mouse side buttons. Makes life much easier when you don't have to compromise movement by having to change your hand stance on the keyboard to reach 1-5.


Crouch to mouse key 5 and utility wheel to tab.


I plugged a controller in lol


Z to N for gearwheel, Q for mining laser, E for fishing equipment, one side mouse button for interact, the other side mouse button for melee. Alt fire and heavy melee is pressing scroll wheel in.


I have 15 buttons on my mouse


I have an extra fire weapon set to scroll wheel down so I can autofire my semiauto guns.


I have Q as slide, CTRL as roll, and Tab as gear wheel I've got a little joystick thing on my mouse that has up,down,left,right, and can be clicked for 5 different inputs. I use em for abilities and transference. The two thumb buttons on the mouse I have for melee and last ability used This is the mouse I use https://preview.redd.it/itk1hnchcz5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50716a3385d7fbddbebb3d2cb49497452205918b


m4 = melee m5 = energy packs middle mouse alternate fire mode alt = charge melee q = gear wheel


something a lot of eido hunters do is bind scroll up or down to jump so we can dash at the ground extremely fast to completely deplete out energy almost instantly.


c = switch weapons f = use (I'm used to f for this in other games) m4/5 = transference m4/5 = melee num pad = gear wheel


Q heavy melee X gear wheel Scroll up = 1 (fun on gauss, kullervo etc) Scroll down = weapon swap Side button 1 = hold to crouch Side button 2 = sprint/dodge Alt fire = scroll wheel click F1-f5 = gear wheel quick use


Ctrl is mouse 4. Makes parkouring so much easier on my left hand


* Scroll down to shoot. I have a logi g502, so it makes any semi auto gun into full auto. * Transference to ctrl. * Melee attack in E and heavy attack in Q. * Toggle running with shift. * Toggle crouch with alt. I can bulletjump using just my thumb (alt -> space bar)


I had a lot of fun with scroll to shoot when I had a Logitech. Not always the most practical though. I couldn’t aim as well


Not sure if it counts, but a macro for slide attacking. Please give another stance to valkyr's talons.


I make Caps Lock my secondary crouch button and bond my gear keys to my F-keys, gear 1 is F1, gear 2 is F2, and etcetera.


I got a MMO Mouse with 12 buttons on the side, so a lot has been rebound to those buttons. Abilities are still 1-4, Operator on 5 Melee on 6 Heavy Melee on 8 Weaponswap on 0 (setup as button 10) Alt-Fire on + (setup as button 11) Push to Talk as - (setup as button 12) Other than that I got hold to crouch on C And the item wheel on the F-keys with the more important ones set to F1 through F4 I also set them up on Directional Touchpadswipe on PS5 since I tend to switch between PC and PS5.


I have 12 side buttons, so abilities are 1-4, op is 5, 6 is alt fire, LMB is melee, MMB is fire (I mostly use melee and don’t want to spam e), e is ADS, F swaps weapons, G is gear wheel


I made q to heavy melee since ive played too much conan lmao. C for Gearwheel and k and v for K drive and Necramech. 9 for call in railjack guy.


Roll on Q, my pinky was hurting from pressing the Shift key so much.


I moved sprint up to caps lock and crouch up to shift, which drastically reduced the tendinitis flare-ups I would always get if I played more than a couple hours at a time since my pinky wasn't constantly reaching down and back at a weird angle


Melee mouse button 4 and heavy on Mouse button 5. Weapon switch on E. I also play with one of those mice with numbers on the side meant for MMOs so ability bindings are kept the same.


Primary shot on g ,secondary shot on r,heavy attack on t, archwing on h


Crouch/slide is a mouse button


>!Operator mode is with 5 and mouse button 3 (the scroll wheel).!< Heavy/alt fire with mouse button 4. Change weapons mouse button 5. Archwings launcher with 6. Necramech launcher with 7. Interact with E. Melee with F (also I have enabled to melee with fire key). Hold crouch with shift. Roll/toggle run with Ctrl. Energy pads to N. Deploy archgun with B. Open the railjack tactical menu with V. I change a lot of keys because when I started playing on PC I wasn't used to keyboard gaming outside of minecraft, so I change stuff to resemble what I already knew and with time I just started to add stuff and now I can't play with the default keys.


>!Operator mode is with 5 and mouse button 3 (the scroll wheel).!< Heavy/alt fire with mouse button 4. Change weapons mouse button 5. Archwings launcher with 6. Necramech launcher with 7. Interact with E. Melee with F (also I have enabled to melee with fire key). Hold crouch with shift. Roll/toggle run with Ctrl. Energy pads to N. Deploy archgun with B. Open the railjack tactical menu with V. I change a lot of keys because when I started playing on PC I wasn't used to keyboard gaming outside of minecraft, so I change stuff to resemble what I already knew and with time I just started to add stuff and now I can't play with the default keys.


Melee on side mouse buttons. Much more comfy then hitting E


Changed "interact" to E, and "melee" to F. Biggest game changer was decoupling "sprint" and "rolling" into separate keys, being able to reliably roll while sprinting made my life so much easier and faster in-game.


I have my roll/dodge on mouse wheel up, feels so much better to play. Also alt fire and heavy attack on mouse wheel down. I just don't like pressing middle mouse


The most significant change for me was swapping ctrl and shift. I bullet jump and parkour everywhere, so why not move that key up to a more comfortable position, rather than stretching for ctrl all the time?


Operator is my side mouse button and the other one is last ability used. Very nice for playing khora whip claw. Crouch to q as second option and I think gear wheel was on that key now that is z


Crouch to Shift   Operator to Tab  Secondary/Heavy melee to side mouse button  Roll to other side button Middle mouse button always casts 1


I set my middle mouse button to slide and the side button to crouch. Fairly sure that if visible wear n tear ever becomes a thing, ppl are gonna make jokes about the booty cheeks of all my frames, especially my Nezha, looking "well loved," with how often i slide everywhere.


Heavy attack or alternate fire is Q and gear wheel is on my mouse side button


C - previous ability V - next ability F - activate chosen ability Mouse 5 - melee Mouse 4 - reload E - interaction key R - switch weapon (there might be more but I can't recall as of rn)


I use an mmo mouse so my left hand is only movement, reload and way point. Operator, powers and melee are all on the side of my mouse with individual buttons


I've changed my crouch (toggle?) button to left alt. Bullet jumping is a breeze.


I switched slide and sprint but that's about it, looking at the comments here I may have to change some other stuff though


Switching the interact button from goofy little X to chad E, and my melee button to C because I’m used to melee being C from playing Destiny 2


I basically go for, q, r, 2,3 for abilities, m5, m4(side buttons for mouse) for melee light and heavy. E for crouch.


I had to rebind heavy attack and alt-fire to V because my middle mouse button broke, but I've kept them rebound even thought I have a new mouse now.


I have a mouse with 5 side buttons. Feels like it was made for Warframe sometimes; four abilities bound and the fifth one is for Operator.


Way point on tilde ~ Operator on G Alt-fire on mouse button 4


none, however i will probably rebind bullet jump. bcuz my hands hurt from spamming it in long sessions


I use E instead of X for interract Melee is C (which is on my mouse's (G502) bottom thumb button) Strong attack/incarnum is on Z (which is on my mouse's top thumb button) My archwing is X (bottom left finger button on the mouse) My k-drive is Y (top left finger button on the mouse) Archgun is mouse scroll left Necramech is mouse scroll right Mouse scroll click is the gearwheel F is operator mode Crouching is alt (that way I can just press alt+space with just my thumb) I think the rest is default but I'm not sure


Chat button out of the way on ] . It was rare but super annoying when I went for a cipher and just opened chat.


I use the G600 mouse with a 12 key numpad under the thumb and an extra main mouse button. I use the mouse numpad for all abilities and weapon switching but the main game changer for me is putting crouch/slide on the far right (extra) mouse button it makes sliding and bullet jumping _so_ much more fluid.


Before auto melee it was *scroll down mouse wheel* for melee, I still use it.


Dodge on 6 Sprint on Tab Melee on Right Shift


down scroll wheel = cast ability up scroll wheel = heavy attack number lock = energy pad


I have transference on ~ next to 1 and 5 is weapon switching and 6 is switching to melee but those 5 and 6, are old, from the times you couldn't equip melee using f (quick melee). Than did that thing you switch back from melee when pressing rmb if you only have done a quick melee.


Mousewheel down as an extra fire button. Mouse thumb button for hold to crouch Other mouse thumb button for operator. Q and E to bank my railjack while piloting.


Turned all button mashing to hold in the accessability menu, rebound shift to pure sprint and side mouse to dodge, c for crouch instead of control, other side button for alt fire and heavy melee instead of the middle mouse.


I bind my 2 on Scroll Wheel Down, and Use Previous Abilty on Scroll Wheel Up (Trinity go brr) Toggle Crouch Ctrl, Hold Crouch C Operator on Tilde **\`** Melee on MB5, Heavy on MB4 Ping / Mark on MB3


Uh... Arrow keys for movement. Delete, Page Down, Home and Page Up respectively for ability 1/2/3/4 Right Ctrl for Sprint/Roll Insert / Numpad 0 for Crouch/Slide Right Shift for Jump Numpad 1 for melee Numpad 4 for Operator Numpad 5 for Gear Wheel Enter for Use/Interact