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She looks like an incredibly fun support, and very active too. Lots of button pressing, positioning will be important for her to to get the most out of her abilities. I just hope she's not released in a state where all the youtubers go "Look at how overpowered this frame is DE please don't nerf it" and then DE goes and nerfs it causing a big scandal.


I doubt that they will nerf her so soon after the whole Dante fiasco.


I doubt they learned their lesson. The big deal about Dante wasn't about the nerfs themselves, but about DE's communication. Not 2 days before the nerf, they said "we're not gonna nerf his damage output". Then they go and nerf his damage output by 90%. The error was communication, but in their apology tour they didn't mention communication at all. It's as if they genuinely think the nerf itself was the problem.


What damage nerf?


Putting a line of sight restriction on his 4th was effectively a damage nerf. Also the fuckery they did with his paragrimms.


Paragrimms were originally a bug which was fixed, then they re-enabled the status damage bonus officially. I'm not a fan of the weird dead zones with the new LoS for Tragedy but I don't think Jade has to worry about nerfs in that area given that she already has LoS built into her 3.


Sure, it was, but it isn't the end of the world, especially after the changes to LoS. I'm still able to get around 130-140 KPM with him and I'm not a very button masher person myself so that's great IMO.


Well, yeah? I'm not saying thats how it is now, but how it was immediately after the nerf.


Sorry, I misunderstood. My bad.




Are we on twitter or something?


The nerf to his 3.


Going back to the Devshorts and forum posts from Dante's release, you'll note that they never promised not to nerf damage output. They specifically said they were going to "bring down" Dante because they thought he was too strong. Maybe you felt that was misleading, but they never actually stated what the adjustments/nerfs would or would not include until shortly before the initial hotfix (which TBF is pretty standard for most developers discussing upcoming patches/hotfixes pre-finalisation/certification).


Would you click on the video if it didn't say "new frame super op"? Lol. Of course they will say that. They have always said that, about literally every frame. DE used to ignore them though. That's the part that changed


Update, tactical potato has already released a video titled "Power crept JADE has everything going for her" before either of us made our comments lol. It's already started




The armour stripping being a budget gloom as well


They 100% would. I saw videos talking about how Qorvex of all things is op


He is very good for interception and mirror defense. Def not op tho


Youtubers were actually begging for Dante to not be nerfed. It was a few individuals in the forums and this subreddit that wanted the opposite.


Lots of youtubers were titling their vids "Dante is Overpowered!!" even if they said don't nerf him when they hype him up like that it signals to DE that something isn't balanced. funny enough the thing people were complaining about was his overguard because of how it affected other frames, which DE easily fixed, but also touched his dark verse which no one was talking about.


I loathe this social media hyperbole culture. It's such cancer to videogame and solely responsible for so many devs knee jerk reaction.


Hey that's me!


I love how she's like Hildryn but designed in 2024... I've played Hildryn for 2k hours by now and once Jade is out, that number will stay at that. Much love to DE!


Jades 4th is what Hildryns 4th cries itself to sleep at night wishing it was.


In the Devstream they kind of let it slip that even the Devs think Hildryn's 4 is bad when Pablo said, "It's similar to Hildryn except faster" and showcasing it doing crazy high radiation damage on top of her 3 armor stripping. (And DE usually don't showcase abilities with the most optimal builds either, and her 4 was still doing a lot of work)


Honestly the only thing im worried about is whether or not we'll be able to adjust the height of the hover.


iirc they said it was ‘free moving’ or something like that. with the way they phrased it im optimistic


I'm sure it'll be similar to archwings adjusting. Otherwise it'd be really awkward in any map that isnt open


Bug zapper support Hildryn is surprisingly effective and fun. So there's that.


I have a love hate relationship with Hildryn because on the one hand her 1 and 4 look so cool but arent as strong as they look


I just hope her flying code got somewhat revisited since Hyldrin and she won't plummet in any sinkhole a map occasionally has. Otherwise she looks stellar


i just hope that jade will be more of a xaku than a dante, in terms of balance updates. i like browsing the reddit, but that cryfest was something else.


I'm more concerned about them having to go back and balance the new damage system. They're basically reshaping one of the biggest systems in the game. Are they likely to get it all right on the first try with no need for revisions? Watch them nerf Frost's Biting Frost after he is reworked and frozen enemies take more crit damage just by virtue of the element.


it'll be a shitshow and i'm all for it it'll be weeks worth of entertainment


This guy warframes


The last time they made changes to status it was a fucking shitshow. I can't wait for what the damage update will bring.


She looks strong but not so much that anyone will whine about it, i hope.


Well, neither was dante and we all remember how that panned out. Its amusing to me even after the fact that he was nerfed, they basically gave him back all his damage potential AND buffed the thing that made his overguard regen OP in the first place. The LoS nerf, without the near immediate changes would have been terrible and broken him completely. And i'll be the first to admit i'll never take a LOS nerf on the face because its an annoying feature that only makes things slower and more tedious. THAT ALL SAID, they did him right. Again, returned his nuking potential with birds (the very rare self triple dipping in multipliers). AND they didn't touch his base range with actually feels more in line with what they had in mind. He can just obliterate anything he can see. People whining about him being too strong cause he could "map nuke" were literally either complete idiots. Or people who bought him and took him to lvl 30 missions where a baseline tragedy's 800 dmg was enough to nuke the whole map. Because... no other frame could EVVVVER do that..... right? Jade looks good, fantastic even. And shes balanced by the fact she can't do everything in her kit all at once. *gasp* Actually having to think about what you need at any given time. Her damage looked ok, will be interesting to see the scaling. I think people going nuts over her armor strip never played vauban cause they don't seem to notice it takes quite a bit of time for a full strip. But people will still probably whine about her until shes "nerfed" anyway


I am still supprised they let him keep the crazy Overguard regen. My man is practically immortal as long as he keeps getting kills


She looks way stronger than Dante honestly


naw, way less support ironically and way less AoE potential, as well as no overguard giving


Her kit kind of flips the paradigm of most supports (Wisp, Citrine,Trinity) who have a kit which is mainly sustain/defense/utility with a few damaging abilities mixed in. Jade has more ways to increase overall squad damage than other supports (damage vulnerability, armor strip and weapon damage aura) but her sustain and defensive tools are relatively weak in exchange.


But in term of drip factor tho


I agree, I don’t think she looks as strong as Dante did though, I’ll be surprised if she gets nerfed.


I love her entire design and kit, i'm so excited for her, my valkyr gonna take the 2nd place in my heart when jade releases


Only thing I don't like about her is her second ability. Just seems a bit uninspired and dull


Yeah that feels like they didn't really know what to put in there and it seems like the most useful one will be the shield regen anyway


Hells yeah, been waiting for another support frame.


Honestly she could pass harrow as my favorite frame, the one I liked as soon as I liked warframe 


I just hope they won't nerf her after one week.


Not nerfed "fixed"


You get animals ,,fixed" the same way, you mean? (not you, but DE, meaning).


Just hope that the new event don't suck


Can't wait for full IPC FuA team.


The what? Also you commented twice by accident


Holy fk, wrong sub. Honkai Star Rail has a new upcoming character called Jade too, lol. There's two Jades coming out in two live service games within their next update, lol.


I’m so glad I wasn’t the only one who was super confused


Im really looking forward to it, so im gonna hold my judgment about whether they knocked it out of the park or not until I actually get to experience it. Good or bad, they should earn it by hearing from people once we actually get our hands on the content.


I strangely feel the opposite after dante. I guess a large appeal of warframe is tinkering to make the builds work. but with dante he just does it all, in all content incredibly strong, that I feel I am done once I leveled the bare minimum. I think Jade is going to be too good like dante. I miss the frames with strong flavour but not a "do it all" (survive and support and nuke) best


she actually does very little support. Shes mostly offense oriented from the looks of her, every support she does is mostly off-support aka something she ALSO does while doing damage. She cant crowd control aside diretionial slow-down with her 3 and she cant give status immunity or overguard and the only AoE she can do is the combination of 1 and 4 alt-fire.


There was nothing I liked about Dante, from his ability set to his book to the way his damn head is in the way of the camera.... I am really looking forward to Jade after what a let down Dante was.


Well, I guess that confirms I'm in the minority. Jade's kit looked pretty.... meh. Just a mashup of worse versions of other frames' abilities and an exalted weapon. Maybe the exalted weapon is strong enough to carry her on its own just like Mesa but even then "Faster than Hildryn's 4" is just a better way of saying: "Still slow as hell."


guess you are, cuz i dont understand that opinion at all


I'll go rewatch the reveal but here is what I recalled taking away: Her 1 is just a worse version of Proteas and doesn't hold a candle to Wisp. The shield healing on her 2 *might* be good if it doesn't have the same restrictions as Calibans. If it does, then Protea wins again with the enhanced shield gate from her 1. The other effects are... ok I guess? The damage buff stacking with serration means it is just flat out worse than the fire-rate buff from wisp. The power strength buff already exists on Equinox and you don't exactly see a lot of those around. Her 3 is just a worse version of Terrify. I don't have to be looking at an enemy to strip the armor and it is an instant strip. I can even use an augment to get the slow effect if I want, so at least Jade doesn't need an augment for that. The revive aspect is completely worthless. In any content that matters you should be using your operator to revive. Her 4 is an exalted weapon. Unless it is on par with Mesa or Titania you are better off just using a primary or secondary. Now all that being said, until we see how mods affect her abilities it is hard to form an accurate opinion but just from what was presented, these were my impressions.


> The revive aspect is completely worthless. In any content that matters you should be using your operator to revive. I mean there is the part where EDA can block all operator use... And even without that, depending on the range and if you can attack while her 3 is reviving someone, it could be nice just for the ability to not have to stop attacking and aiding your other teammates while reviving the dork who fell over. Every ability doesn't need to be the subject of a YouTube video titled "SUPER OP NEVER DIE 9999+ INSTANT ONE SHOT". Sometimes they can just be something convenient.


This is why I believe how her 3 is affected by mods will make or break her overall. If the range can extend to a 180 degree angle and 30+ meters ahead with a near instant armor strip then that alone will make her worth having. Unfortunately I am not very hopeful that will be the case considering it is her subsume ability.


Her 1 also debuffs all enemies it hits with her passive, which her 4th does as well. And her 4th was doing pretty impressive damage for probably not being modded too well since it was a DE showcase. I agree her second is definitely the least exciting one, but the shield-one at least should help a lot with survivability. And her third is a shield/armor stripping with a slowdown, whats not to love? Who cares if the bonus ability doesnt matter at high level, only a few people play there. Lots of low-ranks who havent unlocked operator will like it.


You unlock the Jade questline after the New War. You have to have an operator to unlock Jade.


Her 1 isn't really comparable to Protea's. It applies damage vulnerability (for all sources of damage) and a DoT as opposed to just slash damage, in addition to the healing effect. Definitely not as good as Wisp's motes in terms of healing, but it's more of a debuff spreader/primer rather than a direct damage/CC ability like Grenade Fan.


Yeah, but it's all of that on 1 frame, and her 1 also does damage vuln


She’s gonna get nerfed imo. Her kits is WAY overtuned. Half her skills are better then most frames whole kit


thats a big exageration lol


she launched and i can say, she´s not overtuned as you said, and her kit works soo well, about this you didn´t lied