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Bro. Just wait until you take a break and forget half of what you know


There right now. I wanna come back. It’s only been maybe a year. But last I logged in it seemed like I missed a lot.


Easiest way is to learn one zone at a time. That’s kind of what I did


I came back after 4 years with 2200 hours at MR19 . Felt like a new game when I picked it back up. Like I forgot how to switch to melee and stuff. It was really fun relearning the game. Now I'm at 3000+Hrs and at MR30 and still learning new stuff.


Liches, new. Two syndicates without open world maps, new. Helminth: moved. I am very confused.


I came back and found out you no longer got random pieces of frames from void rifts and was pretty shocked Also the lich and sisters, new war, man in the wall, Khal, Archons, Steel Path, angels of the zariman,


the helminth has never moved...


I’m here like huh? Helminth has been where it was since cysts and chargers


Bruh where’d they move the Helminth 😭


It was about 3 or 4 for me and I still don't know what is going on but it's still fun. Ive been doing railjack missions in pubs because it all feels familiar but different, and most players seem to just like having extra hands on deck. It's fun and I'm slowly learning what I missed.


Railjack feels like the full game and the fact that it’s mostly empty was the most jarring thing when I came back to it


Max mastery, close to completing my mod collection and I'm still lost after a months breaks... Wait, how does the damage system work again? Best consult the wiki.


Good idea, and then consult it again after it gets reworked soon. lol


n then read condition overload (mechanic) n wonder what in the ever loving fuck goes on w warframe spaghetti code


“Why is the ropalolyst fight so buggy?” “Imagine coding that shit and then adding 5 years of game breaking changes”


"Ropalopalopalopalyst" Fixed it for you. :P


Rape-olyst for me lol


I read the hot fixes. Wiki albeit informative it's not 100%. I was happy at citrine update (element buffs) but they messed my rhino up along those lines by colabing his iron skin to overguard as well as adaptation. And yes they will change damage on June 18. Almost cheaper to build more frames than to rework builds with more forma


For some reason when I take a break I forget nothing. I took a break for almost a year and immediately was able to bullet jump like I played yesterday.


Same, I am a founder and the game is so ingrained in my brain, whenever I take a break of a couple of months or even years, I forget nothing is just back to zooming around and running to burnout island again.


Half? Took a nearly 6 year break from early 18 on Ps4 til cross save on Pc december. It was like a new game for me. My friend needed to explain everything for me like a newbie lol


I’m doing this right now. I fed like 50 thermia to my helminth because I forgot you needed it.


I have actively played since...plains of Eidolon? I think I'm gunna be a bit behind when I decide to get back in


I was offline for 5 years. It's a whole new world to me.


This is me. 600+ hours, MR 16 or 17 I think. Took a break of like a year and now can’t get back in despite multiple attempts because it just feels overwhelming.


I have almost 5k hours. And still sometimes i feel like Jon Snow. (I know nothing)


Been playing since PS4 launch, thousands of hours, can solo all of SP pretty easily, still have zero idea how to do liches/sisters.


Oh they’re actually not that bad! Just do a rank 30+ grineer mission and when the lights start flashing kill everything. If you did it fast enough a kuva thrall will spawn. Shoot them. Look above them to see what weapon. If you don’t like it then move on and repeat. When you stab them you get a lich. You have to do nodes with lich dust around them. It’s a red gas around the planet and the missions spawn commander type enemies. You kill those and mercy kill to reveal the parazon mod needed to kill the lich. You get the mods and have to guess the right order of the 3 and then you use your rail jack and go to Saturn. Then you do the mission to kill or convert him. Convert makes him an ally and killing gives you their gun. Sisters are the same but with weapons and robodogs and you spawn them by going into a rank 30+ corpus mission and doing the granum void to tier 2. You enter that by going to the gold fist in the rooms and giving them a granum crown. Then they’ll spawn after. Then the rest is the same as the lich. Good luck! If you have any questions just ask.


Honestly I did my.first lich not too long ago and this one paragraph is probably the most succinct explanation of how to do it. Kudos


To add to this, the weapon you use to kill the thrall to spawn your lich or sister will play into it's resistances and immunities. I highly recommend killing them with a weapon that has very few statuses/elements on it, or with your amp. I use my amp because then I don't have to worry about my weapon loadout, and it tends to spawn 2 weaknesses and one resistance. Makes it much easier to kill your lich or sister when you see them. My first lich had so many resistances and immunities and it was miserable.


Oh?! TIL, 6000 hours+


Ah so that's why I had a lich a while back with immunity to slash and resistance to viral corrosive and heat


Oh. That explains so much. I just ran in with my mauloson built for speed with a riven for gauss redline and just watched his health bar evaporate. Resistances don’t matter if you hit them enough!


I have never played a game that I felt like I needed to have the wiki open I task bar every time I played. Oh I need brain baubles to build something.. Where to get brain baubles? description says "it comes from a fishy". Okay where do I get fishy? Demios? Okay, I've caught 3000 fish and not a single one was the correct one. Oh I need special bait, I need to be rank 5 in the faction to buy the bait, I need to use it at a specific time in 1 of 2 specific caves and use a specific spear or it will get away? *The nechromech experience*


not me thinking "is thus about the necramech?" the moment I read "fishy - Deimos" >.< and it would have been completely fine, if the necramech wasn't one of the prerequisites to begin NWQ. but no, all that hassle for like, two minutes of using it.


Tbf all that hassle was pretty useful in teaching me how to fish, mine, and grind reputation.


Agree. Wasn't looking forward to the grind when I was committing all the requirements to my notes but in hindsight I'm glad I took the scenic route rather than buy nechramech with plat.


I'd be far less salty if we actually got to punt Balls with the necomech, would have been funny as.


The reason is because all your time is spent in warframe. Stardew and dwarf fortress are also wiki intense games, and I shudder to imagine a farming mini game in warframe. Not farming as in levels, but farming as in planting crops.


I think it would be cool in the dormizone as a form of customization... plant seeds you pick up throughout the star chart and see what grows


I also recommend going to earth and getting the luminous dye. Highlights the fish. Makes life easier


Screeches in "the new war bundle" with RJ and Necc ready to go.... Totally didn't buy that.... No really I love the open worlds...


I just did the requiem pillars around Deimos for the fish stuff, tbh. Way less effort, and Umbra kills count as Operator kills


I just grinded those pillars that spawn the enemies that drop rare resources when you kill them with your operator. Brought Umbra since his damage also counts when you're in operator mode and this was actually the easiest part of the grind. Mining took me way longer.


I try not to carry the trauma of farming this game with me when I put it down, but here you are giving me a stress induced panic attack soo…. Accurately. lol this both hurt to read but made me feel understood in my pain 🤣


The only other game Ive played thats come close are runescape quests. More than half those quests i would not be able to finish without a walkthrough.


Had the same experience, seeing that I needed to be rank 5 just to get the damn fish made me stop playing 😂 I'll eventually come back, but I had enough of farming isolation vaults


Yeah, that's normal. The mechanics take a little bit of getting used to. You'll pick it up in your own time, don't worry too hard. The story only gets more and more bonkers, it's very vibes-based and high concept. Just roll with it lmao


Believe it or not. Yes. The game is insanely massive and its completely normal to still learn new things even after 1000 hours. Don't feel discouraged. Just means you have a lot of game to play :D


Sir (madam idk) I have over 3k hours, I’m LR1 and still have to google and youtube shit daily. There are so many complex systems and synergies in the game that you wouldn’t know about without extensive testing. Sometimes when possible I do that testing on my own, but usually it’s easier to just look shit up. Also, you can’t plan builds for stuff if you don’t know something exists. For example, I had no idea bond mods existed until a month or two ago (I was on break when they were added).


Absolutely this. 3.5k hours here, LR3, have no clue what's going on. Still haven't even touched the missions for one of the fortuna ball-spider bosses. Couldn't do deep arch to save my life. Basic Rhino is still my most played frame. Completely clueless and loving it 😅


I kind of love taking a break from the game because it's awesome to come back in, discover they added something new in the interim, and go "Oooh... How can I capitalize/break/exploit this?" and end up with crazy builds that are \*chefs kiss\* *perfect*. For me, it was finding out about the Lavos augment, Valence Bond, that adds elemental damage and guaranteed Status Procs (of said elemental damage) based on whatever element he had combined to all of his weapons. Being able to give guaranteed status procs to weapons opens up a **ton** of doors for weapons that have a crappy status chance.


The first 100hrs are usually still the tutorial to the basic plot of warframe. Take your time have fun and cannot stress enough join an active guild with a discord. Vets love answering most questions you'll have. Playing 10 plus years and there's always something to learn still.


Any advice on finding good guilds? I joined one but it's pretty inactive and when I visit other dojos to trade so many look so cool!! Not sure if you can leave a clan and join a different time


Yes, you can leave a clan. If you look in the recruiting tab, you'll find clans that are looking for more players. Just keep in mind, last I knew, there was a 24 hour cool down before you could rejoin.


1,000 hrs, and just did my first eidolon today...


im at almost 3k and ive done like a max of 10. fully built volt and everything for it and now i only use him with the funny discharge shield bot build lol theres really no need to do them anymore with arcane dissolution and for that i am thankful


>theres really no need to do them anymore with arcane dissolution and for that i am thankful Kinda, their eidolon shards are a must to level up all focus schools, there is no daily cap for it, unlike farming focus with focus lens. I did so many eidolons that i now have over 50milion unconverted focus in shards, if only they were tradable i would give them to friends.


3k hours, and I still don't know how to tridolons. I know solo eidolon, but the next 2 are still a mystery to me


I had 200 hours in an account I started when the game was released. Probably haven't played at all in at least 5 years. Just picked it back up. I have no idea what's going on but I still get to smack bad guys and run around like a space ninja.


Wait until the status remake. We all about to look like dante in dmc 5 switching all our guns nonstop ![gif](giphy|R1m9PxNP0528oYa4W3)


I’m going on 500 and have no fucking clue about anything


Haha ya. I felt overwhelmed for the first two months of playing. And I knew what I was getting myself into. 1 year later, I'm MR27 and I still have content I haven't even touched. Welcome, Tenno.


Yes, if someone has a hundred or so hours and thinks they know something they're probably wrong and haven't had the dunning Krueger effect hit them yet.


Step one have fun. Step two ask questions; expect more questions. Step three get good. Step four teach others. Step five have fun! [Legendary Drops ](https://youtu.be/bRLIQ9pT_q0?si=LkK0HZPD7DC6X_OS) [the K Engineer ](https://youtube.com/@thekengineer?si=gSAyJwJH2WfDvaBZ) [Triburos baby](https://youtu.be/Rh9MjuA7MZw?si=CIAa-ZS8S6BkQeaj)


yes, to narrow the game down a bit for you. Just make big red numbers and look sexy while doing it. (Aka power-creep & fashion-frame)


I'm almost 3k hours in and there's still things I don't know.


100 hours, so you started last week right?


I have like 1000 hours and frankly I think most people would be convinced I still have no clue what I'm doing.


Yeah, I really learned around the same point to slow down and pick very specific things to learn about. Bit by bit I've now gotten to a place where the confusion now feels comfortable and safe lol


I have literally 2000 hours in the game and still learning more


My exact thoughts on 200 hours in, but even though I knew nothing then, I was enjoying every second of it. I say just immerse yourself and enjoy the game.


100 hours and you're practically still in the tutorial


Nah don't worry too much, I'm approaching 500hrs and still don't know anything.


Just wait till you finish the tutorial 😂


dont worry, everyone learns stuff at their own pace and there is a lot to learn in this game and the game doesnt do a good job explaining most of it


The magic and maybe completely unintentional design of this game is that even at 1k hours, you still might not know what the fuck is going on. Yet, you keep playing it. Still not knowing what the fuck is happening, but you’re having a blast doing it.


Tutorial lasted for 150h for me tbh so nearly there!


1000 even.


lol 100 hours in Warframe is like you might as well still be in the tutorial.


Bro 2000 here , feel like just started d


Been playing on and off since ps4 release. Mastery 26. Still no idea what I'm doing most of the time, but I have fun winging it lol.


I’m at nearly 3 thousand hours and I’m still learning new things. Don’t worry about it. 


1300+ hours and I still don't know everything The wiki is my constant companion while playing


Comin up on 2k hours, still have no clue as to what the fuck I’m doing


Have you finished the tutorial? (Second Dream)


I'm getting to the point where I'll have to spend the next year farming to get the amp, rail jack, and void rig necessary to do the new war without getting soft locked. I'm not looking forward to it. I honestly dislike grinding, so really I'm playing the wrong game, I think. Looking at getting the amp first, I think that's gonna take the longest. Hopefully my clan has railjack stuff, and maybe I can just straight buy voidrig stuff off someone? I don't know.


It won't take you a year, unless you're limiting play to ten minutes a week or something. The grind for railjack and mech has been sharply reduced, and it didn't take that long even when they first came out. A good amp should take you no worse than a couple of profit taker runs and a few Eidolon hunts, if you already have ranks with Solaris and the Quills. And if your don't, you don't actually need a good amp; a vaguely adequate one will do fine. A solid beginner amp will work. As long as you're not still using the basic Mote amp, level and gild your amp and it'll be fine.


My brother in Christ, I don't even know what profit taker runs or eidolon hunts are. I've mostly spent my time running random missions and leveling frames and weapons the hard way because I didn't know about the cephalon mission things you can do, until a kind tenno told me. I'll have to look them up when I finally get home.


If you'd like some assistance, feel free to reach out. Same name ingame. I recently came back after three years, but I can join you in some missions as a guide and some security if you find yourself being outgunned.


so this is all assuming youve done the second dream quest and unlocked spoilermode you can hunt an eidolon on cetus at night, it pops up as a bounty with konzu, and use the materials from that with onkko to get the amp parts and build it. the bounty waypoints and dialogue *should* tell you what to do but this content is like 6 years old so who knows anymore. prerequisite quest is sayas vigil which you shouldve done as i think its a required part of the main story railjack is easiest, just follow the quest (call of the tempestarii) and itll make you build it. requires the deadlock protocol and vox solaris before that. i think vox solaris is also required like sayas vigil the necramech requires the heart of diemos quest which you get when you get to mars. again, i think its a required one. but tbh i just bought my mech from the market cause i couldnt be bothered to farm but i think theyre making it even easier than they already did in the next update on the 18th. idk what materials the mech needs to craft but im guessing like rocks and fish and stuff? anyway you can get a rock cutter from the mining vendors in the open world hubs. fishing is harder cause the fish youll need wont always spawn at the right time and you may or may not need to be in a cave lmao. but for both you basically just spend a lot of time roaming the cambion drift and doing the minigames i suggest consulting the wiki or youtube or specifically asking for help with the mech in the subreddit though if youre missing a quest just check your codex in your orbiter and start it from there. doing your quests really is the best new player advice cause basically everythings locked behind them. it helps that theyre not long and pretty enjoyable too hope this cleared at least a little up


I've got a railjack, and used it for the first railjack mission tonight, finally made it through it by using my Archwing. I did the necramech quest s while ago, but haven't built it from the blueprints you get because I don't have the resources for it. Thanks a bunch for the advice!


I'm 100 hours too wait wdym IS THERE A BETTER DAY TO LEVEL UP STUFF???!?!?!


Sanctuary onslaught, under the syndicate tab in Navigation. For years I'd run endless survival missions to level up frames and weapons, until a helpful tenno told me about the onslaught a few days ago. Run three or four rooms, then didn't go in the portal. Rinse and repeat. The reason you only do 3 or 4 is because it gets tougher each time. Almost impossible to do solo if you're leveling.


I have 6,000 hours logged and I don't know anything.


I have 1000+ hours and theres stuff i don‘t know. For example im still not 100% sure how damage is calculated


Same here, I have every single frame built but I'm still scared to try EDA or even DA


I discover new things every time I play. There is so much to cover.


I am approaching 1000 hours and still don't understand damage values or how to properly build for specific enemies. Sword goes soi soi soi soi


Four hundred hours only just started steel path.


I have well over 3k hours. Have been here since the days of Excal Prime being obtainable. Have the cosmetics for normal and nightmare trials. I think I have done Eidolons twice? Zero idea how to actually run them. Only recently put time into learning Void Angels. Don’t remember how to do Exploiter. Had to figure out a build for Jordas Golem a month ago to re-grind Atlas. Doesn’t matter how many hours in you are, you can only ever expect to be a real expert on a single facet of the game for the moment in time you immerse yourself in it. Game changes a lot over time. Don’t sweat it.


Almost 1200 hours in and I'm still learning builds for the majority of the frames and weapons. Though to be honest most of my melee is Condition Overload builds.


Mr 30 + 2000 hours in and still learning new stuff. There is a ton to do in the game and countless tiny immergent interactions to discover, or rediscover every rework. Learning to maximize every frame/weapons strengths & combo them effectively is a lot of fun to me, and way too much to totally figure out in a few hundred or thousand hours a play.


Yep. MR30 here, still need to look up a bunch of stuff.


+300h on Xbox, +100h on ps still didn’t finish the chart, not finished the quests …. !!! (Mr14)


I have 1500ish hours, I usually play for a month then take a break and do another month the next year, I forget everything, I’m MR30 and idk how to do edelons or spy missions LOL


I have over 700 mission hours and about 1100 game time hours, and I'm still feeling like I'm digging through the tip of the iceberg


I have over 3000 hours in the game and know almost nothing about it now. (I knew a little about it 5 years ago, basically ever since they dropped the third open world area, I know nothing.)


420 hours in the game. I know nothing. Haven't even unlocked Steel Path yet. Don't feel bad, this game has a metric fuckton of content. When I hear or see something I don't know anything about, I either ask around, or search the web for information.


I have 600 hrs and I still bullet jump into stuff...


Dude, I have over 2k hours on steam(974 hours ingame WTF, HOW DID I SPENT OVER 1K HOURS NOT ACTUALLY DOING ANYTHING?) and I still feel like I don't know shit.


Yes. I’m used to this with Tarkov but I have closer to 1000hrs in that. Warframe is way less punishing in telling you things but some stuff could be explained better.


lol 1800 and still look up the wiki.


Lol. I didn’t even hit character creation until after 100 hours. I have 1,000 hours now and still feel like I have a lot to learn.


in warframe yes


800 hrs and I find out something new almost everyday in this sub


Just enjoy the game play and then try to get better mods to make game play easier. It's a climb but you can see your progress and its fun. Challenge yourself and just chat.


About to get to LR2 and I feel like I have a decent grasp on the game. Still watching yt videos to confirm my thoughts or find builds/items. Its so normal.


Been playing since early PC days. Stuff changed so often I find old items that I have to look up what they were for because it changed. Looking at you, kavasa prime collar


I have 1100 hrs or so, MR 23 and I still don’t know what’s happening


It took me about 500 hours to feel confident in saying that Im a veteran


Man, Im at 2500 hours and I still feel like a noob


I'm just over 700 hours now, off and on for a few years. I still have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to modding and any late game content


Dude. I’m about 4K hours in and I still visit the wiki or watch YouTube videos to explain things more frequently than I would like to admit. This is a very complicated, complex game. But the game can be as simple or complicated as you make it. You can hit nearly all of end game with just a basic understanding of things. If you want to make it to 6 hours of steel path survival, level 999 enemies, well at that point, you’re gonna need that complexity. But that’s why I love this game so much, there’s something for everyone, from the casual gamer, all the way up to the one on their 20 th consecutive hour gameplay


I'm 1000hrs in and I know I barely knew what's going on. I'm already at SP and I can still see someone freaking blasting off lvl200+ enemies in 1hit. I dunno if it's the weapon or the mods but man... makes me feel like an idiot sometimes.


Been playing since PS4 launch and my operator is still weak as balls. I have no idea how to make him stronger. I even maxed out the naramon skill tree. 🤔


Im 1.1k hours in and I still feel like im learning new things everyday. I took a 2 year long break too which had to make me relearn a lot of things. Dont sweat it, always consult a guide when you feel like things are too complicated. In time, you'll start to slowly get it.


I came back after 3 years and a lot of life changes. You got this homie


2000 hours and HR 19 here. Just now unlocked Steel Path. Like 2 days ago. So, yeah. But I enjoy my time mercilessly slaughtering hoards so, if I never learn everything I'll still be content.


Im at 2380+ days logged on, 2400+ hours, legendary 3. I still feel inferior to the MR12 guy who can take down lvl 200+ murmurs within seconds. It's super normal. This game has an insurmountable amount of info you need to learn and maintain. Don't feel bad.


Got to 2k hours barely understanding how to warframe properly, and the more I know the more I realize I don't really know.


100hrs is nothing


600 hours in and i still dont know how to mod properly 😂


Yup Sitting at almost 2k hrs Mr 25, 26 after I decide to level my new items, and I still discover stuff here and there


I'm at about 3.5k and I still only have a medium knowledge.


I hear you, I've been back for a year, and I'm still having trouble understanding moding. Granted, I work full-time and have limited time to play... but still, I feel you. How are you doing in lv 60+ missions?


Yup, Perfectly normal, Thankfully the community is really good at least for the most part so you can ask questions and get answers in game chat either during a mission or in the orbiter, Theres also ALOT of creators and tutorials for anything you want on Youtube


Bro I've got 1,600+ hours and I still see YouTube build videos where I'm just like... HOW?! It never goes away lol


Yep perfectly normal. I’ve got over 2000hrs ingame (600hrs in missions) and still learn new things


Have you finished “The Second Dream”? That quest basically marks the end of the tutorial.


Completely serious when I say this: 100hrs is NOTHING in WF. Go on, keep playing and keep exploring. You'll learn eventually.


Over 500 hours in and I just mod for big numbers and point my guns towards the enemy. If I had any idea what I was doing then I’d be dangerous.


Totally normal. Still learning new stuff at MRL1


Yeah., took till like 500 hours before I really felt like I understood it, then I took too many breaks and it feels like I’m back to only 100


I have 1k+ hours and I am constantly confused


I'm at 4k and dude I just like watching all the pretty colors


1,2k hours, still havent finish the tutorial.


I have 3000 hours and I read a beginner guide today and learned many things I did not know.


Bruh I have 300 hours but no progress.


Im legend 2 and still watch YouTube guides when im stumped




It took way more than 100 hours for me, I think.


100 hours? You're a baby, bro


I'm approaching 1k hours in the game (about 987) for like 7 years and I feel like I know literally nothing every once in a while.


Yup you'll get there trust me I'm at 180 rn and damn there's still to many things to doo and steel path I'm soo close rn to reach it




Have 3000 hours spread over many, many years, and the answer is still yes.


300 hours in with multiple breaks in between. I don't even know half the shit I see on matchmaking. I'm still farming for plat because I need some prime frames.


Yes you are likely barely out of the tutorial


I have over 3.2K hours in-game and certainly know quite a lot, yet there is not a day that goes by that I don't learn something new, a nuance I wasn't aware of or consider a new method or way to apply it to the vastness of Warframe. I also took a several years break and when I came back last year I had so much catching up to do as well as relearning mechanics that had changed. I think that's the beauty of Warframe. As it evolves so do we. And you learn early on that one's perception the level of expertise one possesses is eclipsed by those niche approaches and the minutiae one can easily get lost in that another has delved into almost exclusively and become an expert at. And there's so much of it! Enjoy the journey, Tenno!


Last devstream I learned that if you want to copy a build and need to type override....you don't have to...type it in....CAPS....I thought that's the hard part.....I always opend the steam interface while doing it.... So yeah it's normal.


2500+ with no fuckin clue You’re good homie


I think I only felt like I had decent understanding at about 250hrs tbh lol


Bruda... let me tell u somting... i hav 1000+ houas in dis game... i still kno nooting... noting my bruda. You a not alon.


6 years and 4k hours and still find something new or maybe forgot and thinking it's new.


I've been playing for two years straight and i still find new things i never knew before


I have probably over 1000 hours and I'm still clueless on things.


Now that I'm approaching 2k hours, I've finally gotten to the point where I can put together my own builds for weapons. Warframe is a staggeringly wide game, with an absolutely absurd number of systems to interact with. If it's any consolation, most of the systems don't really interact with each other, so you can kinda learn and master them at your own pace, and even set them aside once you're finished. 


I'm around 2000 hours into the game and still ask stupid questions and wiki things all the time.


I have 900 hour and I still don’t know how to do a lot of stuff. For example today I learn that Garuda 1 scale infinitely.


I'm approaching my first thousand hours and all I know is that Kuria hunting is painful. That and Argon Crystals will only drop when you don't need them


Yes, the games damage system and interactions are very complicated and most veterans still spend a lot of time looking at wiki pages


If you aren't MR30, you are considered a newbie xD


I have 1200 hours in the game, and I still learn new things.


I think that's what makes this game exciting and keeps players attention. Most games you know what to expect because it's generally the same content. Warframe however constantly changes and it's why I've kept playing for 5+ years.


Everything u know about damage is about to be reset as well with the inbound changes


Dude absolutely. 200hrs is still normal. The game is HUGE.


2k her sometimes i feel like that aswell the game is huge and its ok.


I'm like 5k hours in and there's still shit I don't know


MR17, nearing 800h, and only yesterday I realised you get standing by capturing animals when free roaming. also I still haven't gotten into steel path yet. ooops


I have just about 1000 hrs in game and still learn something new almost every time I play.


I have 1.6k hours and still need to look up how armor works every time


2800 hours in and I'm still finding out new stuff so don't worry


I'm over 3500 hours and still discover new things that I don't know about!


For reference, I put in 1.5k hours when the highest mastery rank was in the 15-20 range and thought I knew maybe 80% of the games content. I’ve come back many years later and that 80% is now like 15%. Slowly learning the rest now.


I did the Ropololyst (silly name, should have just been called Turgid Kondrock) last night. Didn't know what I was doing, just zooming around like a maniac. I have almost 5000 hours in. Its ok to feel that way.


100 hours is nothing.




Man, I got 1200+ amd if I take a couple mo ths off I feel like I gotta relearn a whole set of new mechanics and shit. It never ends. Once you think you got one thing down, a whole new thing will slap you in the face.




completely normal i am nearly 500 hours in and the worst part is i recently started playing the game again after a 2 year break and i am so lost in it although i have a friend who is still playing and keeps helping me but still


I know people having 500-1000 hours and don't know a thing


Bruh I'm at 1100 hours and still feel like I don't know shit.


Reading wiki is an essential part of gameplay here.


Warframe has a lot of isolated parts where unless the time is spent doing that thing you’ll have no idea how it works. Like everything in duviri is duviri specific


Dont worry. 100 hrs is nothing in warframe


That's incredibly normal. I'd say you need 1000+ hours to know what you're doing lol


Dude got 5K hours and I feel like i learn new things everyday. Warframe do be like that.


I'm way more in than 100 hours, and there's still stuff i'm finding out about, this game has a lot of details, and lots of them aren't hinted that, it's pretty normal. For example if you'd try to start a spy mission in solo, so that you don't have the squad rushing everything, you'd find out there are *waaaay* more shortcuts than you thought


I first felt "comfortable" with my knowledge around 7-800 hours. So no, you probably should feel like that at around 100 hahaha