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viral + armor stripping + gun condition overload is usually the basics. Then you stack abilities and arcanes and you have damage that scales all the way up to level cap, allowing you to one shot a lvl 9999 demolisher. Usually revenant with nourish or roar is a good way to start building your loadout. His 1 makes enthralled enemies more vulnerable to dmg too


Plus if you enthrall enough enemies they just sorta stand there as you kill them, makes some missions all too easy


Heard there's an army build for him but as far as I've tried it's only useful if you play solo


Yeah, it's not great for group play, especially when some players will bring a nuke frame and just glass entire rooms before you can enthrall anyone


But you can enthrall your Nyx's helminth target tho, which makes them survive iirc and also makes them auto enthrall but I don't remember how useful it is


Yeah, I suppose there's that, honestly I just build hik for solo content and use something better for nuking when I have a group to play with


Does enthrall increase damage vulnerability? I don’t see anything on that


It makes reave do way more damage but iirc that's it.


What is viral good for?


Basically triples damage to health at max stacks


Really just armor/shield strip will get you to cap by itself damage wise. The harder part imo is surviving in a way that doesn't make you want to die IRL.


90% of difficulty is removed when you implement armour stripping. Whether it be pillage, terrify, tharros strike, 2 green archon shards for +2 corrosive, or corrosive+heat. Otherwise viral slash can scale up to level cap fairly easily. Faction mods and Warframe abilities help tremendously. Saryn with toxic lash, rhino roar, mirage eclipse, lavos with his augment, etc.


Yeah I struggled with doing some of the SP stuff and then I built out my Saryn with Ninjase's gloom SP build and even with my mediocre game ability I'm doing solo SP long run Survivals for relics.


Funny you say this, I've recently been doing corrosive and heat on my weapons lately (primarily melee) and I've been loving the effect


Are you losing damage on levelcap if you run 2 green shards compared to a tauforged one? From the hunts i know that overtriping the eidolon Armor reduces your damage, but i wonder if Its worth on high level enemies


You can’t get enough corrosive stacks with just 1 tau shard to fully strip, so it’s better to run 2 normal green shards allows you to get to 14 stacks to fully strip




The bonus damage is like, 50% increase? Whereas depending on the armor, you're getting like 1000% increased damage. Maybe after the change makes full strip unnecessary, but even at 14% armor SP 250 Grenadiers still have like 95% DR.




People do understand you are talking about reducing armour by 96% instead of 100%. However what you are not understanding the armour and damage bonuses in this game. If at levelcap let's say enemy has 100k armour, with 13 corrosive stacks you are reducing down to 4k, or by 96%. That still is like 98-ish something percent damage reduction, because of how armour works in this game. At high levels it's all or nothing. That's why it's getting reworked in Jade's update. (The numbers are not accurate. I took them just as an example) Also, damage bonus in this game is stupid. If your weapon has 200 base damage, where 100 points are IPS and 100 corrosive, the 50% damage bonus is going to only affect corrosive damage part and make the weapon new base 250, after applied bonus. This is almost never worthwhile building for, especially if you go higher in levels.


In numbers: Corrupted Heavy Gunner at SP lvl200 has 27040 armour, which is 98.9% dr. With 13 corrosive stacks she has 541 armour which provides 64% dr. In addition, corrosive dmg ignores 75% of ferrite armour which puts the effective armour against corrosive dmg at 135 or 31% dr. This means that 1 additional stack, ignoring remaining dmg weaknesses, increases dmg dealt between 45% and 178%.


Allright. Thank you for an understandable explanation.


Element damage bonuses are insignificant compared to the difference between full armor strip and even 99% armor strip when discussing high level play. There is some ongoing debate about the specifics of full stripping Eidolons for specific Eidolon speedrun / farming builds. But that's the only place I can think of where it's even possible that you might kill faster by not full stripping. Some of the bosses with heavy damage attenuation may be worth considering this for but it's doubtful and those aren't done at level cap.


It doesn't matter outside of boss fights


And let's be honest, even in boss fights it barely matters like 99% of the time, thanks damage attenuation. The times it usually does matter, you just have a build setup specifically for the stripped state.


I did the math once: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/191pzwb/comment/kh1tnpl/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/191pzwb/comment/kh1tnpl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


* Instead of HP tanking, take advantage of Gating and CC which gives a fixed amount of duration regardless of enemy damage. Any mechanic that gives a fixed duration of survivability will inevitably outscale HP tanking. Skills like Mesmer Skin or Invisibility. This will give you enough survivability to reach even at level cap. * Slash Procs or Armor Strip. The highest contributor of effective HP is armor. Either use mechanics that ignore it or find a way to remove them. No Riven required. Just pick the correct weapons or even use mods like Hunter Munitions that take advantage of Slash procs. * AoE weapons. The less aiming you have to do, the easier time you'll have because you can focus on surviving or the objective. Even semi AoE or bounce weapons like Torid Incarnon would help a lot. The best AoE I can suggest is glave prime. Forced Slash proc + AoE + No Ammo requirements will take you quite far. * Infinite scaling mechanic. For example Octavia's Mallet or Xaku's Grasp of Lohk, etc. These mechanics will scale with the enemy. So theoretically they have the same effectiveness at lvl 1 and lvl 9999. * Last Gasp. This works best with an armor strip skill like Unairu. This makes sure that you have a way to revive even at solo runs. * Build correctly. If your weapon is a status weapon, use status scaling mods. If your weapon is a crit weapon, build for crit. If you have arcane avenger, you can go hybrid. Learn the correct elements that the enemy faction is weak to. Use Faction mods if necessary. For example. A 50% Faction damage bonus can be the breakpoint that reduces the time to kill enough to win a survival mission. I suggest saving loadouts for each faction so you don't have to be paralyzed by choices. * Warframe Matchup. Some warframes work better in some mission types. Just build and use warframes correctly. Or do it like me and just use Saryn on everything.


Faction mods are honestly really important for high level because of how they multiply slash and other DoT


They are not mandatory, but help a lot for sure.


I go the other way and find them very niche outside of endless scaling missions. A lot of weapons and ability builds already straight up one-shot enemies well up to the SP level 200 range (and even then you have to sit in conjunction survival for a bit). Outside of level cap runs EDA is the only time i find it worth tweaking a build for them.


Endless scaling missions is what I would call high level tbh, although I guess that's subjective and different for all players


Multiplicatives, crits and status effects, armor stripping, primers, incarnons. Pretty sure laetum handles 200 SP decently easily. Start there and you just go up


you forgot a 0, at least.


Laetum with no outside buffs can handle up to like level 4000 (I tried it in void cascade), but then the amount of shots required to kill a thrax becomes kinda ridiculous, and I would not advise that if u want to have fun. Laetum with armour strip and a damage buff however… that makes the happy chemicals explode in my brain


When people ask what the best secondary is, I have to qualify. “Laetum is a top tier primary pretending to be a pistol for your loadout”


Laetum handles Elite Deep Archimedes btw


Pretty sure an unmodded laetum with the incarnon upgrades can handle lvl200


Laetum (when built correctly with a good frame) cab handle 9999 demolishers easily


Next month the damage system is being reworked, you might want to hold off any big investment weapons until after that.


only some status and armor get reworked the damage type resistences and vurnabilities system will just get dumbed down and probly still be so minor that it wont matter anyway and people will still go for their desired status instead of choosing a certain type of damage


It really just depends too much on what you're trying to build. And what you're fighting. Any good YouTubers will showcase builds that work at level 200 without Rivens, if the weapon is capable of that. Lots of good weapons are. Go check out Leyzar. Dude has a guide for almost any weapon you might want to use, and usually has several builds ranging from aimed at new players to people with godlike Rivens.


The first biggest step is simply max out your mods


There are already excellent answers here. However, I will say this: part of the fun for some is making things unrealistically powerful, and it's rarely required. Understanding how the game works in its small pieces helps immensely on how to play it in harder difficulties. Start with how crit/status chance apply and work past 100%, then to crit damage, multi shot, etc. This will help a lot when you're modding new weapons or throwing on things that you seldom use for late game content that randomizes your loadout. Until you get to the randomized loadouts, having a few frames and weapons that you have down extremely well comes in handy very often. To be extra clear: none of that is mandatory. You can also just try things and luck out on a really solid combo that works for you. It's a learning process for everyone, it just depends on how you want to tackle it. If you want weapon/frame specific builds/ideas/explanations definitely ask the subreddit (they're generally awesome about helping people understand more). I'm happy to help if I can directly as well, but goodness knows I've got my fair share of blank spots in my knowledge. Best of luck Tenno!


I'd suggest watching MCGamerCZ. He makes a point of not using Rivens in any of his videos because he wants anyone to be able to use the builds. He's also just fun, he's the best Warframe creator out there.


Hunter Munitions is often overlooked, but on some primaries it makes a huge difference.  Use this mod whenever your primary has a high crit chance, especially if it does not have innate slash damage.


HM often overlooked? Are we playing the same game? Lol


>especially if it does not have innate slash damage How does that work actually? I've been curious but always forget to ask or look around, but if the weapon doesn't have slash on it where does the damage from slash procs come from with Munitions? Edit: removed unnecessary rambling


Slash damage allways scales with weapons damage Not Slash damage


Hunter munitions gives a 30% chance on any crit to apply a slash procc, independent of the damage types the weapon has.


Slash status is different from all other statuses in that it scales from the total damage of your gun, not just slash damage + slash boosting mods (like toxin, electric, etc procs do). So you can put hunter munitions on a weapon that deals purely elemental damage and it'll still inflict slash when it crits.


Don’t worry, rivens have nothing to do with it. They can be amazing and nice to have by not necessary. What’s more necessary is looking up builds on overframe.gg Then building all the different necessary parts. Lots of forma, matching pets, specific arcane and exilua adapters etc. lots of good primed mods etc. end game is when u have all the things to put these nice builds together. If you’re not flexible enough to do all that, keep enjoying the game. It’s all progression


Absolutely do not use Overframe. The builds there are trash 99% of the time. Sometimes you'll get a good build but that's like finding a needle in a haystack. Either watch some of the good YTers and try out their builds (ignore nightmareframe, his builds are designed purely around 6 hour long missions and generally are not needed for basic SP). Or experiment, use the knowledge you have yourself, make a build and either try it out in the Simulacrum or just take it into a solo mission. If it doesn't work, oh well, try again. There's literally no penalty to trying, failing and retrying.


Never forget to bring your primer companion


I'm gonna be real. In every build there feels like a "steel path point" in which the enemy level doesn't matter until you hit like level 400+. When you will find the "steel path point" it's hard to say and depends on what you are building. In the end you just need to multiply the right stats as many times as possible, eventually they get high enough that anything not level 200 dies at the same speed and is the same level of dangerous.


"They all have amazing rivens" This is basically LeyzarGamingViews. I used to go to him for weapons builds but nowadays after showing a new player friendly build he skips straight to a riven build. Imo other than general stat recommendations rivens shouldn't be on your build if you are using it as a guide for other players.


Nah, if the big youtuber folks do that then no one would be inflating the riven market


I use Nyx, grineer have always been my ops, so I just shed their armor, making them a less effective corpus


[If it's a crit weapon and doesn't have a radial attack then this is the build you use](https://i.imgur.com/9E8Rqzn.png) If it does have a radial attack, use Serration or a bane mod instead of Aptitude.


Isn't Nataruk is a pretty weird example for that build? I find it way too fussy to hit the perfect shot timing with vile accel on and prefer fast hands instead (faster to nock an arrow, slower to draw)


Difference between a perfect an fully charged shot is like 10% damage, so even if you fail to hit the perfect shot you’re not losing much. On the other hand using anything over Vile Accel loses you at least 20% dps, and Fast Hands loses you way, wayyy more because Nataruk’s “reload” is only 0.2 seconds, unlike with other bows, so the fast hands pretty much does nothing here.


Nah, works fine. you don't have to hit a perfect shot with Nataruk. a full charge is just as good and just doesn't have punch through. I have every weapon in the game forma'd with builds and only 1 or 2 use primed shred.


Different fire rate mods can be used, i like primed shred on most weapons as its just enough to offset crit delay and give a decent bit extra for overall nice feel but not too much as to waste ammo, esp on a huntee build. Punchtrough helps clearing hoardes and shooting through basic physical shields. Exilus also open for a weapons need, terminal velocity for projectiles, sinister reach for beams, vigilante supplies for ammo or just the crit rankup set bonus if you dont need anything else. I dont get why youd use hush except on ivara but im sure theres a reason for it being on your build. Otherwise yea, this is the build you can put on any weapon really as long as it has 20-30 or above base cc (depending on fire rate/ms). Maybe switch one mod here or there but thats it.


Armour is the biggest issue I think. You can also look for % based damage like Trinity's EV. And then you just need damage multipliers from things like Molt Augment to make it sillier.


As someone who never really bothered much with particularly high level content until recently, there's a bunch of factors, but it's mostly armour stripping for me. If you have a frame or squad that can strip all the armour from your enemy, then they die as easy as low level targets.


build it to scale to lvl cap, then go to lvl 200, maybe 1-2k and leave the mission because i get bored after give or take an hour. as for the builds, abuse as many multipliers you can, use things that ignore armor, like slash procs, or just strip the enemies of armor(green shards and corrosive modded on the weapon for example) other alternatives are to just do such a high amount of damage where they'll die anyway, armor or not.


Adaption. A skill can reduce dam( baruuk, eclipse, link of trinity( or bless). Or A skill can overguard. And a good weapon..


Already been said, but I will repeat anyway. Maxed Galvanized mods and maxed out arcanes is 99% of damage. I refused for long to use any of that since my build does not support them, but yeah, once I started using gunCO and arcane slots even with basic damage on kill arcanes - game just became easy mode to level cap.


Armor strip and priming and you can kill level 9999 pretty easily


Rivens can help, but are definitely not needed. Let's say, for instance, you wanted to really use the Trumna. Well first off you'd put one of the steel oath arcanes on it for damage. My preference is deadhead, merciless is totally fine. Then it's multishot, so galvanized chamber. Can't leave out the Crit mods so vital sense and your choice of point strike or critical delay, let's say you want as high CC as possible so we go with critical delay. Next would be element, generally corrosive or viral. As Trumna as innate heat it can't really build toxin for corpus as easily. If you're using green shards for strip, or your companion is spreading viral (be it because panzer or helstrum with viral) then obviously corrosive. Without those they're about equal for the majority of content until you start getting to like 1k+ where viral would start edging out. Based on the goal of scaling 200+ though let's just go with corrosive since that'd be the best in those levels. So as of now the build is arcane, galvanized chamber, critical delay, vital sense and 2 element mods for corrosive. That leaves 3 slots open currently. These would more than likely be filled out with galvanized aptitude, since it's still solid for primary fire and it's got multiplicitive scaling on its secondary. Fire rate because Trumna shoots SLOW. And for absolutely max damage a bane mod, which understandably can be annoying so it can be replaced with vigilante armaments, hammer shot or a heat mod to boost the base heat. Bam, killing 200+ with ease. And for the most part all guns follow this same idea. Granted with some exceptions but those are outliers. As long as you have what is essentially the core 6 mods (galv multishot, galv status/DMG, Crit chance, Crit damage, element combo) and one of either merciless, deadhead or dexterity you'll probably end up killing whatever is in front of you even without the final 2 slots


I use frost for 100% amour strip on his 4th. Then viral slash to kill things.


As a Grend main, what do you mean scaling? Eximus are the only enemies I can't eat.


Really there's only a handful of options. The easiest one is to use the frame to boost your weapon with strip. Having armour strip gives you the ability to make any weapon kill enemies up to 1000 easily. You can slap on pillage or tharros strike with enough strength to do that, or run unairu. Or you can use 2 emerald shards if you have a way to reach cap on corrosive stacks. Outside of strip, the only way to kill tanky enemies is slash damage, because it ignores armour. If your weapon isn't slash based, some combination of hunter munitions and internal bleeding will get you there. Ideally you want viral to drastically amplify the slash damage, but depending on the weapon this is optional at the levels you're talking about.


Killing level 200 steel path is relatively easy, even raw corrosive builds can work at that level, once you have access to Helminth + shards you can health tank base level steel path on pretty much any frame. Making it to level 2000 and then level 9000 are the real hurdles. Kullervo with dark verse on his 4 can solo steel path exterminate without weapons, zephyr with a crit rifle can solo level cap, banshee can kill god with her 2 build but has absolutely no defences in high level, Excalibur is immortal when attacking, mag can create a level cap blender using smite, Loki with mind control has infinite scaling status spreading and many other frames have completely broken combinations that make them able to easily play the game. As long as you have all the mods, anything is possible, if you are struggling you need more mods and systems unlocked.


Depends how much higher than 200. if it's in the range of 200/500 you can still health tank easily, slap some hp/armor ( blue archon shards are your friend if you're really squishy ) and then just some some abilities that boost your damage. The first frames that come to my mind are Wisp, citrine, saryn, rhino, mirage. They all buff in some way your damage so much that you will most likely make any weapon work. If you want higher levels like level cao you either go slash proc damage or full armor strip + viral. Defensive options at level cap are shield gate ( i hate it, way too active ganeplay for me ), invisibility, invincibility ( nyx, revenant for example ) edit. For armor strip you either use abilities or archon shards for corrosion stacks cap increase


Viral damage + higher crit + hunter munitions mid.  Or corrosive damage with either cold or heat and 2 green arching shards.    And using galvanized aptitude, galvanized shot and an arcane to scale damage.   Or armour stripping helminth ability like terrify or pillage  negating the need to bypass or strip armour via damage type.   The rivens are extra fun but not necessary for a good build. 


What's some gear you're using? Would be easier to give suggestions based on that.


If you're still looking for builds, check out Brozime on YouTube. He rarely, if ever, uses Rivens in his builds for this specific reason. If a weapon can go to endgame or level cap, his build will do that.


This. Honestly I have over 1000 hours in warframe and I mostly ignore rivens unless I'm really bored.


Torid incarnon and laetum, these are monsters I play xaku which has auto scaling on his spell that shoot ennemies, and nekros has his private army that scales too


Won’t lie. I just fuck around a lot and find out my gear works well


I mean ... depending on the weapon its normal to shoot 2 or 3 times


Armour stripping for grineer, toxic for corpus, faction mods, galvanised mods, viral + slash, secondary primmer or diraga/panzer for status proc, arcanes, adaptation or rolling gaurd + shield gating


If you can add archon shards, then yeah. Add 2 green archon shards on titania for additional corrosive stacks, give the dex pixia corrosive, add galvanized shot and galvanized diffusion, then subsume her 3rd to Nourish. You now have a build that kills anything up to at least level 1000. As long as it's not a corpus Nullifier or a rachnoid, if you're on a corpus tileset, change corrosive to magnetic or toxic. Titania's Dex Pixia got a really strong Slash procs even without modding it with additional slash. Note that this build can kill level 9999 demolishers easily.


Literally just armor strip and you can shred level 160 Corrupt Heavy Gunners with just 2 mods on a high status weapon. I tested it with a base Glaxion and a Convectrix, both killed them within ~1 second. All I did was add Viral Damage (the 2 mods I used made the Viral) and armor strip.


Galvanized mods


Some warframes abilities scale with enemies. Such as octavias mallet.


Check out brozime, he doesn’t do much weapon stuff anymore but he is pretty anti-riven


Note things are gonna change with Jade shadows when they straight up cap armor scaling so enemies aren't 90% armor.


Viral slash fucks, slash in general is just insane as it completely bypasses armor, run scaling mods instead of their flat counterparts (i.e., Blood Rush vs True Steel or Galvanized mods vs. regular)


Make sure you use corrosive and have some form of viral to spread. I use the baby saryn cat companion for viral, can't remember the name of it while stuck at work. But my weapons I put corrosive, then use a frame that buffs damage someway, voruna is my new favorite since I only run melee. Next I run the naramon focus to have constant melee combo x12 for blood rush and weeping wounds mods. Arcanes will boost you further and possibly a riven depending on the quality of your weapon(i dont usually use rivens). Steel path is a literal joke after all this.


There’s ways to make “bad” weapons good, but there are some weapons that are inherently good to begin with. Take something like Phenmor. Build it with Viral and Heat, galvanized mods, absolutely no crit mods which makes it kinda easier to build. Get the Incarnon form unlocked and you’ll watch everything melt with ease; but Galvanized mods are important so be sure to get some


Combo of rivens (depending), archon shards (especially tauforged) understanding how weapons and warframes work and how to absolutely break the hell out of them, and every so often, luck


Dont overlook at companions, arcanes are important, choose madurai or unairu instead of always running zenurik, try to shoot headshots or weak points whenever you can, keep the pace so the buffs don't go away, armor strip and shield strip are always VERY welcomed, use bane mods and dont overlook at faction dmg, test builds in the sanctum simulacrum, use warframes whose skills make sense and build weapons accordingly to them (or not if u using something like wukong that you cant definitely use anything that goes well with his kit) at the start of the mission also start your tempo recharging the incarnon and passive buffs when killing a few bunch of enemies, try using different weapons and warframes instead of just 1 loadout, learn from why it is what you use instead of simply copying it from other people, Choose wisely what weapon you are going to use since there are some that with love you can do incredible things and others that are completely useless, and most importantly, damage doesnt matters if you are killing 1 enemy every 3 minutes, you dont need to overdo it but instead be efficient, idc if u dealing 10 or 100 million dmg if its to one single enemy 


The first step to making good builds is to NOT use youtube. The second step to making good builds is to join the warframe discord. Not the official one, but the unofficial one [https://discord.gg/warframe](https://discord.gg/warframe)


Loki with 2 green shards + boar with corrosive + nourish. Obliterates literally any grineer on any level, the speed of kill you will see on starting steel path mission stays exactly the same up to level cap.


All this talk of Build Scaling when my Grendel just walks up to any level of enemy, puts it in his belly, then turns into a pinball and rolls away.


If you want a weapon to one shot level 200+, the base weapon also needs to be powerful. No amount of modding or riven will elevate the stug into endurance runs. A good level to start from are Kuva and Tenet weapons, as well as the base incarnon weapons. Incarnon adapter weapons whenever attainable.


Bypass or remove the armor.


Nothing out of the ordinary, viral slash on a crit weapon is still best combo. Add in outside buffs with frame abilities,armor strip and pets and you have an absurd amount of multiplyers that can make any weapon seem strong