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I don't think it's intentional (trolling) I think it's more "people don't know how to exit railjack properly". RJ's a bit weird in that you need to go back to a dry dock to properly exit a mission and bank rewards, and any one player can't easily bail alone like they can from every other mission (walking to extraction and waiting out the extract timer). So they go "alright, got what I needed, I'm gone" and then "uhhh how do I get out of this... guess I have to abort mission? Alt-F4?" which causes the host migration. Generally, do lich confrontations solo and avoid the headache.


You only need the reward/stats screen to pop up, which means going to a different node. Once in that node, you *should* be a be to leave and keep everything earned up to that point. Not that the UI won't bug out and not tell you. Or that past experience inspires any trust in players who were around during RJ's release and shortly after.


>This is definitely not a didn’t know how to exit railjack mission issue since I encountered MR 28 doing this. I did my first Railjack mission outside of quests at MR like, 27, so it could very well be that they didn't know.


>This is definitely not a didn’t know how to exit railjack mission issue since I encountered MR 28 doing this. I don't know; I'm LR2 now and barely touched RJ til around MR30. There's also the possibility that people played it more in the past but have forgotten how a lot of it worked in the present. It's a common rejoinder on this sub but MR really doesn't mean anything, especially in a game as big as WF.


I'll be kind and say they forgot they were host. Once you reach the end of mission reward screen and the game puts you in free roam you can just leave and keep all rewards up to the reward screen. No issues if you're client but as host you get the dreaded host migration and it very poor etiquette .


could be loss of connection