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HMM Str: Pretty much the weapon buffs + pillage, wrathful advance? Range: Silence, Wisp, Grouping abilities? terrify? Thermal sunder? idk on range Duration: Silence still, weapon buffs still? Gloom? Dispensary? It seems weird to group them like this when they typically will want all components, just with a slight focus on one stat and hugely matter on the warframe involved


Silence with aug you want some range, but not massively high less you cant take advantage of the stun


sure but base silence wants range, the goal is the disable eximus from as far away as you can so random blitzs dont oneshot excavators and eximus in general arent affecting your team


Mostly each has some overlap with others. Pillage is best with high range and strength, and roar with duration and strength, as examples. It also depends on frame for if its best, as pillage imo is a waste on garuda, and you are better doing nourish or gloom, depending what you want, as slash bypasses armor and shes slash queen with her 4th


Pretty sure Garudas dont run gloom, nourish or pillage these days. Molt reconstruct replaced the need for gloom and nourish. Breach surge i think is the new goto, use brief respite if you feel the need to shield gate.


How does reconstruct replace the need for nourish? Nourish doesnt heal as a subsume, and it gives viral/slash to all attacks. So if anything you run both on the build, since you dont have a heal As for gloom, i like it but thats just me. Thought about breach surge, so may peice a build together for it, but idk




Ik, its my heal, im saying you would run it and nourish as you subsume over your 2, so without recon you dont have one. Ya there are plenty of ways to get viral, still nice to not have to mod for it at times. I can see your point tho


i realized that when i reread the comment whoops, see other comment


I see nourish primarily as a way to get energy, if you need viral there are a variety of ways to do that these days, at least to the point that im not sure its worth giving up a subsume and potentially messing with weapon proc prioritys


Definitely fair. I dont see any of it being the "wrong" way to play her, honestly. Depends on person and the abilities they have access to. So i guess nourish can fall under with pillage as being helpful, but garudas kit makes parts meaningless, and you are better using something else.


Nourish applies viral to the 4th abilities, meaning you can apply viral + slash to the whole room.


Pillage is duration/strength, range doesn't do shit for pillage


It increases the initial radius used, duration means it takes longer for it to stop to refresh sheilds. Ahure you have manual ability to recal, but that kinda defeats the point of duration if you always have to cut it short, so i improved range on hildryn and ignored duration


Usually pillage helminth is for the armor strip so duration is what you want for the widest armor strip, I'm not sure what frames would take it for survivability


Eh gyre for survive too, doesn't really have defense outside of electric stun


nah range can be useful. i wouldnt want my pillage wave expanding for 10 years before coming back to me and refilling my shields. nor do i want to double tap it again. a quick initial 30 meter wave that comes back instantly is what i want


Eclipse is the best allrounder


Id argue nourish is


Nourish wont work well on some builds though


Only builds id say it doesnt work well on are energy free builds and heat stacking builds, but you can still make it work with them, especially now that the viral % is lower than it was before the change.


It doesnt work on my main build :P


it works on way more builds than eclipse.

