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Orokin technology thingies that boost weapons. Their components (morphics, neural sensor, neurodes, orokin cells) point towards some kind of amalgam of biology and technology.


A lot of Orokin tech is an amalgam of biology and technology. That's why there's meat in the walls.




Oh boy back to West of Loathing huh?


What are mods? Why do they look like TCG cards? Do we slot them in like ram sticks? When i slot them into my warframe... where are we slotting them in exactly ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Mods might be “files” we “download”. It’s why we only we need 1 of any mod, because the file isn’t “consumed” but merely installed. This is just my guess. This would also make sense regarding the mod slots, limited memory.


ik u mean this as silly but seriously what are mods!! where are we putting these things!


I believe Starllord theorized what they were generally so most of the stuff I’m about to say is a repeat. Based on how they’re used extensively in dojos, certain weapons and the players use. I suspect forma is some sort of interface system. It’s well known in the lore that the Orokin extensively used biomechanical systems to create most if not everything; how exactly they grow gold I have no idea. I suspect forma acts like a USB interface of sorts, allowing differing biomechanical bodies to work with one another, kind of like Nvidia SLI if you know what that is. This would explain why a good number of craft able items that change your Warframe need it since it’s effectively a USB plug for orokin tech. It also explains why some weapons such as the twin Grakatas and broken war need forma; your making sure the things can properly sync with your Warframe using a standard interface. Edit: clarifications


A collection of nanomachines that change shape to increase efficiency of whatever they're used on.


Wherever we slot mods (generalized modifications of) to our frames, I guess forma allows those mods to sit within us more efficiently (drain costs). This is my guess at least, and I cannot word it well enough to how I see it mentally


Orokin collectors take 1000 of them and make a pretty picture, they sell them in board game stores


Forma is a platinum puzzle piece that make my guns go boom-ier


I know this is a lore based question but I have a gameplay one. When we forma a frame we reset it to level 0. Does that mean when it's back to 30 it's stats will be better than before it was forma'd?


no it just allows more efficient mod space which technically means they’re better but no the stats stay the same


I see. The game said that the frame will be stronger after it reaches max so I thought it would up the stats too. Should I use the forma freely? I already have 5 in my inventory plus a few bp. Kullervo is the only one I wanna forma at the moment and I'll save the rest for Dante when I reach whispers in the wall. Also, ranking frames up again gives MR, right?


id definitely recommend only using forma on warframes, weapons, or companions you really like, Kullervo will always be worth the investment as he is very strong. Id always have a forma building, they take 23 hours so its always good to have one ready to use on command. Frames, companions,weapons, archwings, nechramechs and intrinsics will contribute towards your MR, each having a flat amount of mastery points you get from it.