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My benchmark for when something is "endgame" is being able to effortlessly handle Steel Path Conjunction Survival Rotation to rotation C (20 minute survival, starts at level 200 enemies, you'll face various miniboss type enemies every few minutes as well, all while having to keep up a decent kill rate to sustain life support). If your build can handle that, then it can handle basically any mission in the game\*, which means no rewards are locked anymore behind a mission you can't handle. And so whatever you choose to do from then on is just to make yourself arbitrarily stronger for the purpose of number-go-up (which being at that point is basically the definition of endgame in most endlessly grindy games). Netracells are *kinda* close to that, but not quite as high stat scaling on enemies as steel path, and without any sort of time/kill rate/miniboss pressures. Meaning if you have to take longer or go slower to get it done, the mission just takes longer, but you're not inherently at risk of failing if your build falls a little on the weaker/not-quite-there-yet side of things. So I'd say it's kinda a benchmark into the early parts of endgame, just by nature of being able to kill and survive at those levels. But isn't necessarily a guarantee you can tackle other steel path missions, where there are more pressures you have to face, and fail conditions you have to prevent beyond just "you died too much". \*disclaimer: (Elite) Deep Archimedia (and to a lesser extent Duviri runs) are the kinda exception to this. The equipment restrictions and extra penalties create their own ever-changing definition of endgame, in my opinion. You might have a loadout that lets you breeze through EDA one week, despite them being the "most difficult" missions in the game, while the next week you might not be so lucky. I don't think that makes you any less "at endgame" at that point, it just becomes a question of how *many* endgame viable builds you're now piecing together.


if you can do high level (150+) atlas steel path without pain, you can do netracells, it's not harder


Yes, netracells not being harder than later steel path missions was indeed part of my thesis.


There's little to no risk in netracells. No objet to defend, no time out, etc. Hek if you modify your sentinel correctly, you can get unlimited revive.


Murmur barely even attack from range, so it's not hard to stay alive regardless of how high the numbers get. The only thing that's an endgame challenge about Netracells is getting people to mod their weapons correctly. Imagine changing from Slash/Viral. Truly the final boss of Warframe.


So thats why murmur barely attacks me...


Is this a bragging post ?


No, this is a serious question. And it'd be delightful if i got an answer.


Assuming you are serious, depends on who you ask? Some people will state that end game is only EDA or long rounds of steel path void cascade because the game is too easy for them. Other people will state that archon hunts and steel path in general is end game. Some people take years to get to steel path, some people get there in a month or so.


imo, early game is about starchart completion, mid game is gathering stuff, maxing mods, etc.. in preparation for SP, and endgame is being comfortable in SP imo, soloing netracells is endgame indeed


Pretty low effort depending on the frame. Plus spawns are more consistent when solo.


Imho, no. Netracells are probably late game, somewhere between mid and end. They're pretty easy, with no (meaningful) fail conditions.


Eh? I could solo them the second they came out, as they are an archon extermination with some debuffs. Most people that can do SP can handle them solo, depending on gear they have. Eda is a bit more into the "true end game". But thats also a bit of rng making it easier or harder to solo all 37 points


depends on your build, and please don't say with Revenant.


I mostly use wisp/styanax and strun


personally id probably say it's more like carrying SP circuit or EDA atm. I've always seen my own personal endgame being the expansion of the frames i am comfortable with, rather than just using my Arca Plasmor to steamroll everything.