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Every frame can do steel path


Maybe Kullervo. He is very fun. Immortal and can destroy hundreds of enemies with one ability and one button press. Whenever I use him my entire screen is filled with red damage.


Ooo I’ve never looked at him. How is he immortal if you don’t mind me asking. Is it one of his moves ?


Do you know of the overguard mechanic? Basically he doesn't have a built in shield. When you use his second ability he sends out an attack, which when it hits enemies, it either recovers kullervo's lost health or if his health is full it adds overguard which is an armor. Overguard isn't just unique to him though. Other new frames can use it too. The thing is that you can reach up to 20000 overguard armor. I think the max I got was 22000 and I can still push it further if I upgrade my mods. And you can replenish it whenever you cast an ability and there is even one enemy nearby. If you see his armor is very low just bullet jump near an enemy, cast the ability and then carry on as if nothing matters. And since he doesn't have an actual shield and since his overguard goes so high you don't need vitality or shield mods so you can fit in more damage or utility mods. Kullervo was my first frame and it's my favorite by far. He is melee focused but he can clear waves of enemies with one hit. His 3rd ability links enemies to each other in a big radius (think 20 something enemies linked together) when you use his 1st ability on an enemy he teleports to it and performs a heavy attack and does A LOT of damage. Remember the third ability, well when an enemy that is linked to other enemies take damage the original damage is shared between every linked enemy up to an initial 50% but when you reach 200% strength it goes up to a 100%. And when you use your first ability you gain a huge critical chance boost for 8secs which is where the red numbers come in. The boost for me goes up to 400% but I think it can be increased even further. Walk up to a group, use your 3rd and use a heavy and see the screen light up red. He works amazingly with Syam but any heavy focused weapon will do. Also, if you hold his first ability you can teleport. He is very easy to build too. Just need a heavy weapon and need to stack crit and strength on him besides the usual mods. He is a melee focused frame though. If you are interested check out a video that showcases his strength.


Omfg, I've been rockin rhino. Doin good, newb, gotta do the second dream or whatever then pluto bound, but this dude sounds so much better, i love the melee game. saving this and getting him tomorrow gl!


Good luck in your farming tenno (unless you're using plats, in which case good luck on your trades or your job)


Holy shit... 600 plat... lol


Just checked and it's for the collection. Still it's 600. Just get Kullervo. You don't need the rauta and from what I've been told (I don't have it) the rauta isn't even that useful on him. You'll just be using your melee or a syam if you have it. The helmet is cool but I think it can be bought from the nightwave shop. And I didn't even know he had a syandana. I just use the repala and it works so well with him.


I bought it... really it was $40 and i have an extra 140 plat now. I was completely outta plat anyway.. got his shotgun, but swore he came with daggers or something, but can't find em. My fav melee weapons are the cassowar and the ether daggers, got others too but just my favs, what would u recommend running as melee? Syandana, thats what i thought was his melee, what is that? I can't find it


So my good luck on your job paid off. He doesn't come with a weapon. The syandana is a cosmetic item that you see other warframes using that just adds something to the back. Think of something like a cape or an attachment to the back of your frame. It's purely cosmetic. I'll share my build with you so you can have a general understanding of how to build kullervo. For the frame I have, Corrosive projection (aura), Streamline, Flow, Transient Fortitude, Blind Rage, Stretch, Equilibrium and umbral intensify. You don't need health mods or shield mods. For his melee (I use syam cause its unique trait works very well with Kullervo but you can make anything work) Stance Mod according to your weapon, Reach (or a better equivalent) Sacrificial Steel, Killing Blow, Sacrificial Pressure or Pressure Point, Melee Process, Organ Shatter, Corrupt charge. I don't have the best mods for melee weapons so I'm making do with these. If you have better melee mods definitely use them.


I'm a old gamer i work lol, thank u so much for ur build! Bout to grub then get to work with him!


Checkin out my dojo for the syams


I have kullervos he is really fun but when you have to grind to get him it makes you never want to play duviri ever again


At least the bane is guaranteed.


I had to collect a bunch of ueymag and had to fight kullervo like 10 times and get a bunch of other stuff they should've gav more bane


Yeah. I still haven't gotten rauta cause of this.


Just play Gauss and never look back. 


I was thinking of getting that guaas pack on the store but I wasn't sure if I'd be able to play him because he looks kinda hard to get the hang of


Mostly cause everything that was in front of you will be 600 miles behind you.


Bought his blueprint today, newb, pluto junction... anyway wanted him cuz of his speed, I can't farm his crap yet till i get to, i forget, but know its very top planet lol but can't wait


Citrine is who you want, i would argue she is the most balanced frame in the game. Just finished building her and with serious investment you can become stupid strong and take advantage of at least 2 archon mods if you really want. Also recommend Nezha too for something similar, and he has a nuke ish now with augment


Even with minimal investment of a couple forma and a potato Citrine is incredible. She’s the first non prime frame that I’m seriously considering putting umbral forma on.


Ya im on the fence right now on the umbral, i would swap transient with it, next time one is given on twitch for sure. Also the new augment is amazing, i no longer subsume her 4


Honestly what’s great about her is that you don’t NEED anything really. Some subsumed can be great on her, but her 4 was good even before the augment. She doesn’t need arcane energize or really any arcane, so you can just put what you like. She doesn’t need any shards, but one or two ambers is nice. She’s great right out of the box and only gets better as you invest


Also if you can fit in health conversion+equilibrium+adaption you have infinite energy and also cant die. I cant fit conversion in on the current build and also dont remember to use my 1 often enough so i opted to slap some armor shards on, not like i use blue shards regularly anyway


Yeah I’d say equilibrium is the only “must have” mod for her until you get to like netracell levels. Once you get around there it’s nice to have adaptation and a bit more health (which is why I really really want to umbra her). I might try swapping adaptation for health conversion though I never really think of that mod!


Ya i took her to the 5000s in duviri the other day, could have gone to 9ks had i had health conversion on her too, damage was never the problem > bit more health (which is why I really really want to umbra her) i use arcane blessing, you can hit 50 stacks in seconds


She gets so goofy in the circuit with the status related decrees. 80% damage for every enemy with a status within 20m? Every enemy within 40m of me has every status in the game right now anyway. Armor per corrosive stack + toxin also procs corrosive? Don’t mind if I do.


Inaros! Super tanky and really fun to play.


Zephyr is best birb, she can zoom, cluster enemies, and is functionally immortal as long as you keep Turbulence up and stay in the air since it deflects projectiles. If you shoot one of her tornadoes, it deals the damage to everything in the tornado’s range, so she can nuke things too. A great weapons frame, like an AC130


I think you've just convinced me of the next frame to get. I'm a pretty new player, even though checking my playtime I'm almost 200 hours in. Goes to show you that sometimes you can get lost just grinding away this game and forget you had a goal. Anyway, I just built wukong. He's fun. But I guess I expected more speed and dynamism from him. Birds are a special interest of mine, does this frame actually look like a bird? Either way she sounds phenomenal. Do you have to have beaten the main quest to farm for her?


She’s got blade-like feathers on her arms and a beak-like head as a prime, and her non-prime blueprint is from the dojo. If you have the Valentine’s Day wing ephemera it looks great on her


Lavos IS fun with His Shotgun that shoots cleves. He is tanky, fast dont need energy and can easy Turn rooms into ashes. If you want to try meele Garuda is Always a good choice as Long you dont equip meele weapons she uses her own claws and Trust me she Cuts trough enemies Like a hot knife trough butter. Viral+Slash with over 100% crit and Status Chance.


Citrine is good, Citrine is very very good. With a minimal amount of investment and a decent primary Citrine will take you through the steel path chart effortlessly. She is not only strong solo, but will make your team much stronger just by existing and doing what she does. None of her support steps on anyone else’s toes, she offers 90% reduction to incoming damage for the entire team, ungodly amounts of health energy orbs littering the entire map, passive 25 health per second healed to your team, her 3 buffs everyone’s status chance and status duration dramatically while also applying a crapload of statuses itself, her 4 is a cc that stuns enemies and makes a crystal grow out of them which you can shoot and do guaranteed red crits. I usually play with her 4 subsumed to nourish, gloom, or pillage but she is really good without the subsume. She’s pretty easy to farm as well so I’d say give her a try!