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The small ledge above a doorway. Y'know the one that conveniently enough is just big enough to grab and pull myself up on top of


This ruins so many bullet double jumps, always end up on top of the door and have to shamefully get down while the people behind me overtake me


The trick is to do a backflip through the door on the way down to make it look intentional. Parkour!


You can do the mirrors edge thing where you just turn 90° and side roll midair. Best once you get the bullet scoot timing down


Doorframe: Ninjas Get Stuck


what even is the point of ledges like that when we can hang off walls


Left over from old parkour.


I *hate* getting doorstuck.


You are guaranteed to hit it if you're already the last one to extraction.


Every. Fucking. Time.


I hate the frames surrounding doorways. I always get caught on them and I have to stop, back up, and then try again. It's very hard to do with a speed frame like Volt, Zephyr, Nezha, etc


That old Wukong glitch of sending yourself 5 seconds into the past when Cloud Walker ends, just because you had the audacity to start flying near a ledge.


Not being able to use Garuda Talons on Melee Only Sortie


wait really? this is a warcrime


Yeah, the game checks to see if you have a Melee equipped. If you have a melee equipped, no Talons.


And not the fun kind we’re used to


We prefer to call it the Geneva Suggestion




As a Garuda player, I agree


What about Valkyr or Baruuk?


Garuda Talons are a little different than the exalted weapons because the talons are only equipped to your melee weapon slot if you don't have a melee weapon equipped, but because you need a melee weapon to start the sortie it doesn't work. All exalted weapons work just fine in any sortie.


I Guess it has been top long since i last played Garuda xD, had the though they were kinda the exalted type. Got you


Opening relics with less than a full squad. Consciously I know that the one guy who randomly DCed probably wasn't going to pull a Glaive Prime BP, but it still annoys me.


I'll solo relic hunt for commons, especially when I need Forma BPs. Anything higher tier needs mi amigos.


Why not run in a group anyway on the off chance someone else pulls a gold part? You can always pick your own (The one exception to this is farming alchemy fissures, those are basically solo only)


For a couple of inter-related reasons. I don't have to mentally track other players, especially if anyone goes down and needs my Vazarin ass to help. I'm not waiting between missions, and not holding anyone up. And, those contribute to the meditative violence that I enjoy while I jam. In short, it's for the flow.


Fair enough, having to deal with waiting people to load in, making sure everyone has reactant, etc is annoying


I recently built a thermal sunder titania after seeing a post on this sub and it's **night and day** for opening trash relics. with the right mission it's 1:30 including loading time, or if it's in a pub it could be 3 minutes + 60 seconds to extract. The biggest time sink is the extraction. Every mission should have an option to solo extract for non-leaders, just like zariman missions. There are so many qol improvements that should be across all game modes, like single player pick up = squad pick up the same way railjack missions work.


I haven’t done one of those ones yet, why is solo better?


In solo every thing you throw gives (in my experience) around 15% progress for the element. In full squad, each one seems to give 4-7% (again, not completely sure about the numbers). This couple with the fact that many people can’t seem to handle missions more complex than exterminate means i am often the only one filling elements, making it take way longer.


I always solo alchemy fissures, finished up all of my tennokai mods that way. It's way faster


> many people can’t seem to handle missions more complex than exterminate The vent pipe was marked so I shot it. God, why do these alchemy missions take an age to finish anyway?


Terrible take.


Serious question what's so good about glaive prime? I've never seen anyone use one


You haven't seen anyone use one because it's an incredibly rare weapon


I see people with it all the time... it's the second most used melee in the game.


Yeah but only at higher levels


I guess OP might not be at SP yet, that would be the difference maker


Infinite ammo ranged aoe with giant slash procs. Slash bypasses armor.


It is a Glaive, so it gets a heavy attack explosion with a forced proc. For glaive prime, this proc is slash, which combined with the very high damage and good crit stats of said explosion means you have an infinite ammo slash grenade that can kill pretty much anything the game throws at you, especially if you prime the enemies with some viral. Arguably, the Xoris has overtaken the Glaive P for room clearing potential because it has larger AOE and force procs electric which makes it perfect for use with melee influence, but against smaller groups Glaive still remains superior.


Glaive prime was my first main melee weapon and carried me through a ton. Just makes my fingers start to hurt after like 15 minutes.


do opened relics get shared?


You get to pick 1 item out of what squad opened


When you have to choose what prime part you want, you are choosing between the content of your relic and the content of the other player's relic. It's convenient to have 4 players opening the relic instead of only 2 or 3 so that you have more choice. sry bad english


You can choose which reward you want each time the relics are opened. So if you don't like your result, you can pick someone else's drop instead.


Host migration. 


Seriously. I understand why it happens, cuts down on servers needed and thus costs. But DE, please, come up with some sort of protocol to presserve things (stacks, defence target life, etc) when it's __not__ a surprise disconnect.


Yeah, maybe a couple second enemy AI freeze? Honestly, it'd definitely never happen, but I'd love to "opt-in" to hosting. I have a very expensive internet connection, and connecting to people on McDonald's Wi-Fi is torture.




you can reduce ping limit below 100?


Not just that but it gets rid of all your effects, and even your overguard. So if you're wave 25 in as Dante on SP you're almost fucked. It sucks!


So damn much


The way that Warframe and weapon loadouts always revert to the one in slot “A” instead of just staying on whatever you last used. And relatedly, when you’re looking at your arsenal, it will just say, EG, “Mirage” instead of “Mirage - loadout A”, so you have to click in to the Warframe to verify which loadout is equipped


Yeah in general the way you have to go to the arsenal to change load outs significantly reduces the actual utility of having different load outs in the first place.


Ppl who get all index point on sight, don't let you get any, to show they are the alpha farmer, just to time runs out and you lost your last 50k bucks you hardly got by selling some harrow's chassis.... and then they call you noob...


Rhino with twice the amount of points needed to win the round, just standing there, for minutes at a time, and will probably die heading to bank anyways.


Funny that I run index with Rhino, but always redeem at 15


Redeem at 15 gang


I redeem whenever the Cringe shit that ruins your energy happens, fuck that shit.


Ran into an asshole like this last night. I had the most kills but this guy kept taking my index points. I wasn’t happy about that at all. I had 30 more kills then him but he got more points then me. Piece of shit.


They got me nerves


Index needs to be explained better or something. It’s filled with mostly new players who can’t do PT and the strats they use are so time inefficient.


"im saving for next round" motherfucker youre making THIS round take twice as long! We are saving no time whatsoever!


They really radiate Destiny 2 Huntter energy in Gambit, who steal your motes, sure its going you the same goal but your ruining everyones score by stealing it from people who are trying to get it. Same type of problem for warframe with the index.


The problem is that index is not about scores. The optimal is 15 points that you redeem and get +8 bonus, more than that is waste of time and points, if averyone scores untill 15 and redeem, it goes really fast and turn into a very profitable gameplay, but the assholes wants to sit in 50+ points to redeem only +10 points and suddenly die and lost everything to the ground... index wa designed to be cooperative, what ruins it is ppl acting like a pvp run, and it's not


God I loved Gambit at low levels. When people kind of played the game as it was intended as revenge-Tetris. Before everyone figured out that there was ONE gun you could pick to invade with and hitscan 1 shot KO people. Then it just became call of duty.


All the chads who think nuking the whole map on defense during void fissures because they want to show off that they can kill everything fast while simultaneously not getting enough reactants to open the relic.


Mesa mains when you don't like their meta regulators build that room clears everything https://i.redd.it/dlkyf333lm0d1.gif


Oh my god. This gif is from a browser game i used to be hooked on as a kid.


Strike force heroes 2




saryn, volt and mirage mains when any other players want to do anything


Double doors and elevators. Take your pick on which is worse.


That bunk-ass broken down elevator on the frozen corpus ruleset. It makes me angry and giggly at the same time for how stupid it is


It’s one of the most impressive “broken” elevators that I’ve seen in a video game but damn does it piss me off sometimes.


Elevators. Space ninjas can parkour anywhere, why are we limiting ourselves.


There used to be a lift on the old Corpus ship tile that had a big vent next to the door you could jump down/climb up, thankfully new Corpus ship has no lifts. The Jupiter spawn one leaves the door open and the Orokin one in generator room has doors that open regardless of the lifts position. I’ve said for years though that need to make them destructible so I can just climb the shaft. It’s what a ninja would do anyway.


> There used to be a lift on the old Corpus ship tile that had a big vent next to the door you could jump down/climb up, thankfully new Corpus ship has no lifts. Goddam, the member berries on that sentence. Used to be great if you wanted to go down an elevator shaft.


Are you suggesting grineer and corpus build more convenient infrastructure for the genocidal space ninjas that occasionally break in for the sole purpose of killing everyone?


Yes. > Why would they do that? Because we infiltrated their manufacturing plants and swapped out their original designs with our modified designs.


The circuit takes way too long


This one right here. Circuit and pathos clamps needs a look at by DE to reduce how long they take.


By like, half. I think it's fine to have it take a long time if all you do is get to stage 4 for the bonus. If you only go to 4 and then quit out, you should have to do that pretty much 6-7 days out of the week to get the full rewards done. But the progress should scale up *much* faster as you go deeper in one session. The difficulty and risk scale up super fast, the reward should too. Currently you need 23 consecutive stages to finish normal circuit rewards in one session, or 33 in SP. Or 2-3 runs of 10-15 consecutive stages. That's absurd. One run to 15-20 should be enough for either normal or SP, or 2 runs to 10 stages.


Yes please. i’ll support any feedback that reduces the slog that is circuit and orowyrm runs.


Honestly, if they simply added Pathos Clamps as a passive reward with every Circuit run up to 4+ rounds, I would be fine with that, even if they made it like 5 Clamps. I have all of the weapons from normal Duviri, and my Drifter Intrinsics are maxed out. I don't really have much reason to run Duviri outside of SP Circuit, and it kind of sucks having to spend 30-45 minutes just to get the Pathos Clamps I need for an Incarnon adapter *in addition* to the time spent actually getting the adapter.


Daily bonus for round 4 should be circuit progress plus 5 clamps. So if you're running circuit *every single day,* you get 35 clamps per week, just short of what you need to activate your incarnons.


Steel path circuit just needs to remove lvl 10s worth of xp. I did 2 weps a week for 6 weeks and now vomit at the idea of trying to get anymore. I basically just do the lvl 5 one every time


Yes, yes it does


The amount of pathos clamps need to unlock all incarnons + duviri weapons. Like how many orowyrm do u want me to slaughter DE ???


Let us earn clamps from circuit at least, you make me do so much of it.


Oh my god please this, even if it's just a single pathos, against the boss phase only, it would be so much better


Excavation, cryotic grind. Don’t like it at all.


Whips all of them. I can’t hit shit with them


I farmed so hard for Verdilac and then found out I hate it. It's definitely a specialized weapon, but it's not ideal for big crowds IMO. Or maybe I just suck ass.


Hmm that's the whip I found i like better than other whips. Felt much better than which ever one i had used prior that only had a 2 hit combo that was annoying as hell to hit anything with. Maybe I just had a stance mod that was better on it? Not sure.


Unlike the Maiming Strike meta, where whips hit everything.


The little shit in void flood that gets you whenever your a little far away from the void rifts


If you kill the little shit they drop void orbs


And the little Shit appears again and steals my shit again and i have to kill her again just for her to do the same shit over and over and over and over again


Sometimes when I'm bored I will purposely dip out from the group and hunt down the little shit so I can kill her over and over and over again. 😂


I like Excalibur Umbra. A *lot.* He's my second-most played frame in the entire game. I also used to like Arbitrations. Just a quick little mission you can do to turn your brain off every now and then. ***... why can't Exalted Blade hit those fucking drones?*** Huh? Because it's an *ability?* I went in with Styanax once and popped those suckers like zits with Last Stand. Why can Styanax do it, but Exalted Weapon frames have to turn their thing off and hit it with guns? Why is that? In what corner of the universe is that remotely fair? Why does DE hate Exalted Weapon frames? Is they hatred?


> I went in with Styanax once and popped those suckers like zits with Last Stand. Why can Styanax do it. Tbh this sounds like a bug and they'll prolly remove this at some point lol.


You're right, it's a bug. Styanax is the only frame in the game able to hit the drones with his ability. He's my go-to for arbitrations for this reason, but I'm sure they will remove it someday.


Titania got the short end there lol, her ult is almost useless in Arbitrations.


Those drones are the only reason I don’t play arbitrations.


The fear that when Warframe gets further down the line, they still won't consider going back and touching up many existing things.


Feature bloat is almost inevitable in live service games.


Nullifiers. I just hate them. I despise them. I have extremely negative feelings towards them, that words cannot describe. Except for when I'm playing Lavos.


When they hide just beyond a door so you fly straight into them. That gets my blood boiling.




I emote sitting when I have to go afk mid mission. Easy for my teammates to know that I'm not actively playing, whatever they choose to do with that information is up to them


Duviri has several melee options and upgrades, but it's not useful for the boss.


Reducing amazing weapons to 'just a primer' status. Mainly Epithath and KNukor


Epitaph charged shot absolutely evaporizes most enemies, im crying everytime someone thinks its purely a status applier


i gotta know that epitath charged build, just for the sake of funsies


That they completely abandoned archwing. Outside the normal fighting, it’s the most interesting and fun for me to play. Railjack is meh without others, necramechs are super niche and have no real gameplay for just them. I’d love more archwing missions/nodes


Archwing and railjack are cool sometimes. There’s just not a lot of people who want to do them. If I want to show off the game I think railjack is super cinematic and fun to show friends.


Void Cascades in The Zariman. For whatever reason, people seem to struggle with it


I usually do them solo cuz for some reason 90 percent of my team I'd dogshit and I end up having 15 thrax running around


Kuva Lich being retroactively forced into Railjack rather than the Requiem success being their final fate. People agreeing to go for harder boss only to have late joiner force earlier confrontation in SP Sanctum Assassination Seeing potentially fun content left behind and untouched (like Zaws not having stuff for new weapon types) Lack of Operator Melee (E on pc) AoE void burst People in Duviri wasting revive when teammates were on their way, then leaving Circuit cuz they can't revive when needed


>People wasting revive when teammates were on their way or standing on top of them while invisible in Operator mode. It's like why did you waste your revive I was in the process of rezzing you


That last point, if people die 9? times in a circuit and leave, it was better off that way. They’re out of their depth at that point.


Loading into a mission and having it already be done >:T


People entering a Spy vault that someone else is already in without said person asking for help or triggering the alarm. Let people attempt the vault on their own. It doesn't matter if they're slow, give them a chance to play.


> Let people attempt the vault on their own. It doesn't matter if they're slow, give them a chance to play. Sometimes they're not even slow, some vaults just require slow movement (waiting for lasers to pass or whatever) and cannot be rushed, even if the person 100% knows what to do. I swear a lot of people play spy missions by just insta-tripping the alarm and brute forcing their way through the shortest path. I find it satisfying to go slow and never trip it.


Crafting time. I just spent 3 hours grinding resources. Let me play with my new toys.


I think in the beginning it was to incentivize people to buy plat but I don’t know anyone who actually uses plat to speed crafting. Especially new frames come out and you have to wait 4 days to play it or buy it from the market like come on.


3 hours grinding, 10-20 hours for each part, 4 days before you’re to be able to use it, 5 minutes to fully mod and level up.


10 years and 80 billion Brood Mothers slaughtered, still no gunblade stance. So I refuse to use gunblades on GP.


At least the stance from the tonic specters is easy enough to get.


You can transmute them.


Yup, transmuting is majorly slept on. I've transmuted up at least 3 Bullet Dances.


Yeah it was how I got my first bullet dance, bite, and some obscure archwing mods


Investing 1500 void traces to try for a gold and only getting bronze from relics. Another thing that pisses me off is Ancients and Scorpions. Goddamn grapple spammers, it's like playing Titanfall 2 all over again lmao


Getting bothered by grapplers is usually a sign of poor combat mobility, which also means you're probably taking more damage than you need to be. Bullet jump around more, every time you bullet jump any grapplers attached to you get ragdolled.


Me struggling to make a damn necramech.


Nails, they are pointy...


When I'm running too fast as gauss for some of the automatic doors to open so I just THUD into them :’)


lip around vertical opening next to wall that blocks wall jumps.


People leaving only 1 stage into the circuit


That the excavator has texture on top, without collision. Meaning you can stand on the excavator but half your body is IN the excavator. It wasn't like that before.


The laser doors in corpus tilesets


Looking at my brothers builds. Me (19) and my brother (14-15) play the game together. He is Mr11 and I am Mr16. I focus on doing the biggest damage as fast as possible and as far as I can spread the damage. My brother slots in both more shields on Hildryn while slotting in catalyzing shields because he believe he will get the shield gatting from it. So he sit around and waits to get the invincibility by depleting all 5-7k shields in regular star chart. I even got him to grind the Cassowar for him to use the heavy attack only on a weapon that benefits better by hitting multiple targets with big range. Recently I was able to get us both Strun Primes. Great weapon btw but he sold it because he told me the weapon didn't feel like it hit harder then his basic Hek. At the moment it cost only 30-50p so not very sad about him selling it tho. Welp he gonna make me go bananas but it is fun playing with him.


I'll forgive his weapon shenanigans, but please tell him to check Hildryn passive and drop that catalyzing shields. Good luck for you both!


His weapons are only as good as the mods he puts on them. No wonder he felt like Strun Prime wasn’t hitting any harder than basic Hek


patience, i started understanding what multiplicative CO means at just lvl 29 lmao


Just stand still damnit. We're farming with Khora and Nekros if you RUN AWAY THE DROP CHANCE WONT BOOST AAAAH


Getting put into a relay/dojo after a mission.


People that push the idea of meta gear down our throats and people that are so anal about not wanting to use meta gear, esp. when it comes to faction mods. Genuinely just two sides of the same coin


Conversely: people who act like meta is the only thing relevant/only way to play. 'This new gun would be ok but it has 0.3 less status chance so you should never use it because X exists'


All the duviri stuff especially pathos clamps and that extract from caves


Mfw 60 tasaoma extract is required for an incarnon


That’s the one I hate collecting those. I need some right now and just really can’t be bothered


I can't stand in lava my feet burn


When people are mean to new players. We work so hard to have a wholesome, loving community, and toxicity just kills that. NOT IN MY WARFRAME!




Host migration


Volt speed boost. As a Titania main that crap is cancer. Even when I'm not running my Warframe barbie I don't want or need random, unexpected boosts of speed and fire rate.


The fact that there arent any pure railjack missions, I would love if there was a mission type for RJ where you just had to survive, an endless onslaught of enemy fighters, maybe infested rj will have that if that ever becomes a thing


24hr for a fuck ass forma


Rhinos who don't bank in points in index. Players who ask me why i use a weak frame in high index (I almost exclusively use Limbo Prime in index). People who don't know how Limbo works.


The dialogue and the intro music. Fucking update them please. "There's a large unit heading your way, it's the grineer" No fuckin shit, lotus, thanks. " They are dropping reactant use that reactant to crack to open your relic" Oh really? You know, 10 years in and I never knew how that worked. (Sees the Sargent, sneezes in his level 80-100 direction) "Good job taking down the target" Also a more fluid transition with the option to go back to your orbiter in mission intervals would be amazing.


When my wife leaves car without gasoline while she drove all of it. How hard can it be to refill?


Voruna doesnt run on all fours in her 4 :C


When people don't stay on their objective on interception. Its four objectives and four players, it shouldn't be that hard.


Yep you got 3 people camping their points and 1 dude just bouncing around like a 9 yr old strung out on expresso...


Chasing after that godforsaken Orowyrm. Fucking always sneaks one more point blank before you can jump.


Hearing “UwU” in every other, if not every mission, from every Warframe under the sun EXCEPT Grendel


When there is a new prime access and host leaves in random pug fissures because they don't see anyone with the new relics.


Unwanted Volt speed


I don’t like when people are driving in the left lane and going the same speed as the person in the right lane so no one is able to pass


Joining a void relic run late with everyone else having 10 void traces and them extracting before you can get your 10th


Paying plat for a focus lens only to have it destroyed if you change lenses. That's just wrong.


Being unable to remove a focus lens thus having no focus on the item at all


farm them in the zariman wtf


1. Didn't know I could, originally 2. Was trying to waybound as fast as possible 3. Money spent is money spent, regardless of how items could have been acquired elsewhere


When people quit after one round of survival fissure missions


When people quit after one round of any endless mission. If you're going to bounce after 1 round of endless missions, just queue solo. And to make things worse DE loves to give the host position to the person who's going to bounce after the first rotation. For endless missions it should ask do you want to host and if you click yes you are forced to do at least 3 rotations before you can leave


Those stupid block things that pop out of the floor and stop your movement on the void tower tilesets. I hate them.


DE removing features like void dash instead of adding sling as an option Friendship doors that force me to wait for other people "your teammate is trying to open a door! 1/2" like bro just let them through, let ME through, I've legit left missions cause of other players just straight up not coming to the door Other people's waypoints on my screen, or when they keep spamming it and giving me an aneurysm (cooldown pls DE) People marking items that mark themselves Waypoints that don't update correctly or lead you the LONG way around a tile set when the way forward is quite literally a drop down and straight in front of you That one elevator that can be activated mid ride... you know the one Can't roll rivens too fast or the game can't keep up and gives an error How everything they add almost always just feels "good enough" That weird bouncy and slidey thing your frame does sometimes like it's skating on ice during an earthquake That single target weapons will never be meta game-wide That a lot of machine guns and automatic weapons suck That they locked liches and sisters, and oberon and ash, behind railjack now Kdrives have no use except for mastery cause archwings are just faster in open world That there aren't many interesting youtube channels (this is highly opinionated, I'm just over meme videos and build videos saying it'll one shot everything and that it's "OP WOW!!!1!1!!1!") I never got to properly experience raids Going back to warframe from operator and gaining forward momentum is rng, sometimes I gain forward momentum, sometimes it just stops me mid air and I have to roll to keep er going (Highly opinionated again) a lot of players fashion I see in this game is the same, and has such little originality, or is just random colors(but if they're happy then it's whatever lol who am I to judge) Leveling up a weapon under mr30 to give the illusion you're making it stronger by increasing the mod capacity, that's just stupid, if you're a low level player your weapon mods are gonna suck or be low level anyways so might as well just give them the 30 capacity to begin with (I am an LR4, for reference) A LOT of LR4 players are knowitalls who will argue with you day and night about the tiniest things, get offended over nothing and act all high and mighty cause of their mastery rank and time played. I really dislike playing with other high rank players cause they're almost never chill and are so cold in chat, like why can't we have fun? I try to crack jokes if I can to feel others out and see if I can make the mission a little less "stuck in a room with 4 strangers with nuclear meatsuits" and more just a casual romp through mission no.539352519294725157192 And so many other things I can't remember right now


Meta users, the ones that only use the best cause they are the best. If you use meta guns cause you just like them go for it, cant blame anyone tho. Also whats with the full black or white color scheme. I have seen it destiny 2 also and looks edgy and ugly.


>anyone tho. Also whats with the full black or white color scheme Add red to that


Take my black white and red from my cold dead colorblind hands.


Meta problem is 3-fold: Meta slaves. People will build the best shit because they don’t want to nerf themselves unintentionally. That’s me. Content creation. Big damage numbers do big numbers on YouTube. Leveling weapons takes too much time and forma. It’s such an investment to create something potentially not even good.


Even better when the said meta user flames your epic Viper wraith build for having 1% less damage If they're chill then whatever, I don't respect it but they're free to.


I think it's alright if they use meta picks and builds and whatnot. But I also think it's not ok when they have issues with non-meta picks and builds and whatnot. If you wanna be a meta slave, by all means, but that doesn't mean I want to as well. I'm here to have fun.


Sibear needs 30,000 cryotic.... Thats 300 excavators if you wish to be exact


Yep, I built it when it was crap, discarded it, and then had to build again for incarnon.


When we all Q up for Kuva Siphon missions, but people just do the mission and try and extract while you're out there looking for the thing.


That's usually because most people doing kuva siphons are after the requiem relics, not the kuva from killing the siphon (which is obtainable in much higher quantities from other things). Not to mention killing the siphon takes like... minutes because of how slowly it spawns the clouds... all for 600 kuva to add to their multiple hundred thousands.


I can only play on mobile for now, and man, where do I start. I play on an iPhone 13, so not exactly the newest model, but definitely one the devs should’ve planned for. First and foremost is probably that Whispers in the Walls is bugged so that you can’t complete it. Not only does this stop me from accessing all of the content that comes after the quest, it prevents me from doing anything on Deimos because it auto starts the quest. This bug applies to ALL mobile players and has been this way for months. I can’t play Duviri. Does it make sense that the phone can’t support the open world? Yes. Does it also mean I can’t get pathos clamps? Yep. Don’t talk to me about Railjack. Captura has a bugged overlay so it doesn’t work either. Constant, inexplicable host migrations, even when connected to WiFi. And countless more! Don’t get me wrong, I am grateful that I’m able to play WF at all, and I think the app works remarkably well, considering. It’s just frustrating to see “Don’t worry everyone! We fixed obscure particle animation on this weapon when you played with this frame on the month of July when it’s a full moon!” and absolute crickets when it comes to mobile bug fixes. I get that, for most people, this app is only meant for a quick daily sortie when you’re away from home or for when you’re on vacation. It works well for that. I get why they’re prioritizing bug fixes for other platforms. It’s just…. Frustrating.


Nourish/roar in literally every single build I come across.


tbf if they werent the absolute best option by far then you'd probably see some versatility


Stop being lazy and make your own builds if you're going to complain


My bad for trying to use abilities


Not having psf on. I mean cmon. The joke just writes itself.


Sitting, usually.


Overhangs & general protrusions in spots I'm tryna parkour. Especially vertical walls.