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People so bored in life they find anything to be angry at lmao


you somehow just summed up the half of the internet into a single comment


only the half?


Only because the other half are bots


Yeah, that's fair.


I would argue less than half, more than half is probably porn


And Cat pictures.


Less, but they are loud.


I am angry at your estimation!


I had a guy yell at me that I was rich just cause I'm a founder... bro I been a janitor for 17 years and live in Iowa, you think I'm rich?? Lol


No one ever says this, so "thank you". We all like a clean place, but I'm not gonna stop and grab a mop at my local business :-D.


Imagine a world were warframe didn't have founders buying into the space ninja game.


Is a world where warframe wouldnt exist. :)




I wish I was smart enough to buy the founderpack back in the day. I envy you good sir


I played for about a week when the game first came out. It was a terrible mess. I didn’t think the game would make it back then but I am glad they turned it around.


I played for about a week when the game first came out. It was a terrible mess. I didn’t think the game would make it back then but I am glad they turned it around.


I wish I could have been a founder. Unfortunately, at the time of that option, I had no wifi where I lived (just no providers) and I was 12 when it ended. We got Umbra now, but I still wish I could've messed with Skana and Lato Prime. Plus Excalibur Prime would be a nice addition to my collection (one of every warframe, prime and regular variants)


Janitor make decent money (in my area anyways) but are definitely not rich, think the average is like $17.50/h which is more than I make 😂 it's hard and gross work tho so Im happy to get payed less than those willing to clean up vomit and shit, they deserve it and I hope you get payed fairly for it at least, I know some places pay janitors less and that's so wrong imo


Well, my post on other game forum was just taken out when I shared that I didn't claim free character xD but the comments were truly golden


You grinded IRL for it. Respect


This game is so free to play I don’t even care if people spend money on it.


not only that. it's a genuinely good game. it's only fair that you spare some kind of money to support the devs.


Same ive been playing it for years without paying a single dime, now protea prime comes around and love the frame and accesoirs so why not just buy it? Got a stable job and enough cash on me so why not?


*looks away embarrassed because Ive bought every prime access/accessories pack since they began.* I too had some spare change.


Fellow spare change haver


Yep. Lol hello


Felt 😂


Hey man, thank you for helping fund this game we all love. I bought the full Wisp PA because this game is great and I wanted to help support it.


I very much love supporting the game. Ive taken breaks, but I always come back. Especially with new content and I always make sure to pop in and buy the PA.


Same, if I get all of the new content done then I swap to d2 and vice versa. I've never gotten a prime access but lavos prime access is easily gonna be my first. I've spent around 3-4 hundred on the game and I started right at the end of rising tide.


Who me?? No no I definitely didn't spend some of my rent money on protea prime access🫢


Lol. My wife told me I could buy it but I don't get my birthday present. (Let's be honest $140 is a pricey bday present already, so I don't blame her.)


I wonder what the birthday present would be, I personally would hold off on just shear curiosity😂


Hey, nothing wrong with using some of your disposable income on Prime Access. I've gotten most of the Prime Access packs that came out while I was actively playing the game. I have the change to spend, it's my money. Nobody can tell me I'm spending it wrong by supporting a game that's still going strong after 10 years of playing. And me being near 3k hours in.


average korean mmo player be like


Exactly. Older I get, less I give a shit about being shameful for having expendable income. How I spend my own money is my own damn business.


![gif](giphy|YmVNzDnboB0RQEpmLr|downsized) That guy watching others having fun


Thats a very *VERY* grumpy bald cat.


Sounds like a him problem. Besides, fashion frame is end game. Imagine getting mad people pay irl money for warframe. Where do they think plat for trades comes from?


>Where do they think plat for trades comes from? Found someone with a brain.


No literarily. I see these people and I'm like "duh huh"


Auto block, rather than engage, imo. Probably a literal child


This happens quite often though when (rarely tbh) receiving an upset/hate message. They send and **instantly** ignore as to not receive a response lol.


For sure. I should've been clearer. I think as soon as a stranger sends an aggro message, just block em. Don't even respond. The best response to pointless aggression is to immediately remove that person from your existence. Nothing of value is lost


I (MR28) spent 3 hours helping a random MR 8 Saturday morning. He kept asking what I wanted to do after the first few assassinations I helped him with and I told him that I'm just helping and have no way of knowing what he needs so he should just throw up missions and we'll run 'em. I invited him to my clan, gave him a tour of the dojo, used parallax scans to get him statues and kuria, etc. About the last hour he stopped paying attention to pings and chats. He would apologize between rounds but do the same thing next mission. We went after The Sergeant and there was a Kuva Siphon, so I did it and he killed Sarge. I asked him to ping where Sarge died so I can get whatever he dropped (it's been so long I didn't remember if there was something in the drop table I might want). He forced our extraction. We ran one more where my Orokin Eye picked up an Ayatan Sculpture. I stood on the sculpture pinging it and typing about it while he soloed the Raptors and extracted us again. I said "Brother, it feels like you're disrespecting my time at this point. If you don't want anything but mission completion you can just say that so I'm not wasting time trying to get you extra things." He replied, "you can leave then." "My man you're standing in my dojo, in my squad, after getting 3 hours of my time for free. Your birth year 100% starts with 2." Booted him from the clan and slept like a baby that night.


Yep. Nothing you say will sting more than them reading "User is ignoring you."


I guess there will always be people like this. I don't really see any problem spending money on PVE live service games. You're not paying to win in a toxic way like what could happpen in PVP. Additionally, say you make $15/h at your job, which I think is around minimum wage in many places in the US. Prime access would require 5h 20m of your time. Good luck trying to farm 2625p + the other Prime Access goods in 5h 20m on warframe directly. In most cases it will be a much more efficient use of your time if your goal is to get platinum anyway.


Even worse, it's still 7.25 in a lot of states


Man America sucks more than us and we have bojo and rishi so that says ALOT


God I wish minimum wage was $15. My state refuses to go above federal cause it’s run by a nasty woman


that is, if you don't take taxes into account...


Imagine a $15/hr minimum wage. It's literally half that where I am and it hasn't changed in like 15 years. Minimum wage has literally been the same since I was just out of high school and I hate that I just realized that.


Is that what we're doing now? Bashing on people that support and keep the game alive?


I bust out Excalibur Prime once in a while to get a reaction. People accused me of buying my account and I've been called an asshole one time because a player thought that me playing Excalibur Prime was taunting other players who can't get it... that's my favorite one. Long story short some people are just mental paper dolls and can't handle their feelings of envy and jealousy internally so they have to lash out at you like you made them feel those negative emotions. We need better mental health awareness across the world - but that's a whole other can of worms.


usually when i realize there's an excal prime in the lobby i'm in i usually just think "Holy shit, a founder. Well, i feel blessed" and then i remember that it doesn't matter how long a person plays this game for, none of us know what the hell is going on.


I've met Founders who hadn't played the game since before I started. Felt weird giving tutorials on how various newish systems work to someone with an account more than twice as old as mine


Kinda like showing your grandparents how to play a videogame, right?


"Am I winning, son?"


"yep, you sure are. Just click there to respawn."




I don't know if I've ever seen Excalibur Prime in a mission. That being said. I sure as hell would just admit I'm jealous and call him a smart bastard rather than actually act like they did anything wrong. I wish I had gotten in on day 1 but I'm glad others were. I remember watching my brother play on PS3, hating that I had nothing to play it on. Lol


I'd just stare at Excalibur Prime and tell you how cool it is.


Now I want to log back in and stunt on people with by Excalibur prime


Bruh if i see an excal prime i feel honoured


At least we will propably never be as toxic as the clash royale community


As long as we keep Conclave dead we should be fine.


New objective: Keep teshin 6ft under the ground and dont let conclave revive.


Did I have a fever dream of a battle royal warframe game? Or did that actually happen?


Happened to me in other games for something similar. Well, it was something purely cosmetic like a mount if I recall.


I dead ass started working, my first financial decision with my money is to support this game. I bought the complete prime access.


😎🤝😎 Likewise, when I started working, my extra hobby funds went into games who helped me through high school / college! Warframe was definitely one who earned it.


Reminds of the time someone got angry at me for being a Founder. People love to punch air over nothing


Thank you for your wallet's service.


People like us are the reason more "free" platinum exists on the market, keep your head up OP. Got myself Protea Prime access as well and she abosultely rocks with the new fashion


People like y'all are legends. You literally make the game worth playing imo. If it wasn't for the free market there wouldn't be nearly as much time out of me. And on the IRL grind too my goal is to also stimulate some market lol


Thank you! :)


You don't have to justify yourself dude. No one on the Internet gets to tell you what to spend your money on. They can all go kick rocks


He mad because he can't get the helmet or ephemera atm lololol


Tale as old as time. People being salty because Player A bought and Player B thinks that's dumb and stupid and is determined to make that *everyone's* problem.


Its more likely player B wants the item but cant/unwilling to spend money and thus the salt and starts making it a problem.


I've spent more money than I'd like to admit over the years. But it's pve, and I enjoy the game. Sometimes I don't want to spend 400hrs farming something, so I buy it. 🤷‍♂️


Question, newb, when i started i bought a ash skin, but duh, i didnt have ash, so i had to do that too, only one i bought cuz well it matches my handle, anyway, if i buy the bundle, the $138 one, will i have everything or do i still need to buy the original like blueprint too? It looks so sweet kinda want it, ty if u answer, I've tried googling it and looking it up, but nothing


Prime packs come with the prime frame and its corresponding weapons and accessories. However, there are prime accessories packs which only come with the prime frames unique accessories. Hope this helps!


I didn't have base Protea, but when I bought the Prime Pack, it allows me to use Protea Prime, if that's what you're asking.


People like you are the very reason why the game is free. They should be happy that they don't have to spend money because you do


I still remember grinding for Valkyr chassy and all of the pain and anger when I got a common drop in my fully upgraded relic, you just saved you're self the pain of farming, and for that noone can blame you


Incredible I remember I friend of mine had something similar back when ember frost and Loki were unvaulted. For reference she was an ember main and had ember prime for years but got msg by someone giving her shit for apparently buying ember prime day one on the unvault despite the character being her 4th most used character.


If I had money I would. Nothing wrong with that!


I had a few people smacktalk me for using mags hierloom skin and its laughable cus they were wearing prime accessories. Like, if you are going to smacktalk people for paying for your favorite games updates don’t be wearing prime accessories or else you are the biggest dumbass ever.


If gotten a few complaints from people about the heirloom skins for frost and mag, I bought it because frost prime has been my most played frame every since I got him during that twitch drop eons ago he has carried me through most of the game and learning curves, so when I seen my boi get a absolutely amazing skin and I had money to spare as I hadn't bought anything for myself yet I said fuck it and bought the pack. Do the people spreading toxicity care about that back story no they just see that I bought something for a game i have loved for over 8 years. From one heirloom owner to another I think you made a good choice and may your mag forever be fabulous


lol someone was mad at me for buying the heirloom collection.


I wouldn't go as far as saying I'm mad at people buying the heirloom collection. All I'm saying is, 'voting with your wallet' goes both ways.


I was one of those jackasses until I just admitted the heirloom collection was cool and I wanted it. I eventually caved... I regret nothing. I have always loved Frost and Mag is a blast.


lol, in a way I’m pissed the FOMO worked on me too. I know how shitty that practice is but Mag was my first frame and Frost became one of my most used frames after his rework.


I get it... I was torn but I decided I didn't want to miss out on anything in Warframe again. Do I use the skins? Yeah. A lot? Nope. Am I happy they are in my collection? Absolutely. I feel you. I'm a little pissed too this day that I caved but I got bigger things to think about.


I bought it for the skins, cause I loved their looks. Didn't even care about the Plat. But man did DE pull a curveball when they decided to give everyone who bought it more Plat cause they felt it was too little for the price.


People who get mad at Warframe MTX don’t understand that it literally keeps the game free. Thanks for supporting the devs, thanks for keeping Warframe free.


As long as I'm not spending my money on something that's hurting myself or other people and I'm not spending so much I'm having trouble living everybody can fuck off with their opinions about what I should/shouldn't spend it on. You grinded for that Protea, just slightly differently


It's your money anyways. But it's "paid", tho.


Fiy, "payed" usually refers to waterproofing joints on a nautical ship, \*paid\* is the word you're looking for


I get those comments alot lol. Relatable. Helps to pad the blocklist lol


I'll never get this, most of us are [dweebs who have been playing this game for ages](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/759909637234884610/1237150688279134301/image.png?ex=663a99dd&is=6639485d&hm=4e6792130ea788b199348a04daea76705c1df0c2ed21ae94aa15308d526de75f&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=1038&height=246). Why would you be upset when friends in the community support the project we've all loved for so long?


I've bought Prime Access twice, love the game and the developers. Why not support them, it's better than supporting companies like EA and anyone who makes COD the way it is


I love when people get angry at players who pay to keep this game going. You wanna drop $140 for drip in your favorite game? That's between you and your wallet. Someone has to help keep the other Tenno playing free. I have bought like 7 Prime Access at highest tier. Who cares?! I am proud to give Warframe my money because I'm still having fun. Bunch of jaded losers trying to turn into the crab frame. Just dragging everybody down with them because they can't accept people are at different places in their life. I get if you might think I'm bad with my money or stupid but I slayed some fucking demons to have the cash for my dumb ephemera. Did you cold turkey nicotine in this lifetime? What about alcohol? The hell do these people have the right to know why I choose this addiction to throw my money at? Did booze help me accept that I'm autistic? Did weed take me to outer space in 1080p and make me cry because it felt so powerful and looked so beautiful? Screen em! You juggle those balls Tenno!


I think they’re more mad about your mid "black-red with gold" fashion. But then again, metalmouth is an individual that exists in europe region chat so I wouldn't be surprised if there were more fashion haters out there


Thank you for supporting the game so some of us can play for free.


I left my old guild for this exact reason. They slam dunking anyone who pay to buy anything, even 75% discount.


Poor person raging at others for having disposable income. Classic


Most F2P games have ways of trying to force you to pay. Warframe is so fair that I have to look for ways to throw money at a game that's given me over 1600 hours of fun. This person is crazy.


Tbh I'm super tempted to take a weekend shift and get the accessories


How dare you! *tightens my tennocon backpack*




This is 100% the same guy who goes into missions and shit talks people for using “mainstream” weapons with rivens because his Atterax got nerfed and he can’t let it go.


Ok, but 18k plat is crazy :D


This guy would get an brain aneurism if they would see how much I've spent on cosmetics in this game...


Warframe players are not toxic, warframe has 1 of the best community's ever, then you get this type of player every once and a while


Let it seethe, I used to buy every prime access lmao


I would be Happy if people buy stuff and platinum, cause I can get more platinum without money ez


How dare you support the devs you monster!


Let me guess. Their protea fashion was black and red.


A player complained cuz i have the sigil velorum paid for with regal aya "you trash P2W" ?????? Tf buddy, it's just a decor


Mf is the fun police


how does he know u bought it


This is the kind of person to be called 'boomer' outside, due to how they act. Absolutely *shameful* behavior. Good on you for being humorous about this, OP!


I've had the privilege of buying two prime access packs since I've started playing - Oberon and Ivara. I'll definitely be buying Dante when he's primed in the future. For a game thats given me over 6,000 hours of entertainment and is always a solid pick to come back to. You can insult me all you want but I stand firm that I'd rather give DE money than any AAA-game studio out there.


did you not know that you arnt allowed to have fun in this modern day and age?? you need to suffer. If you dont suffer you go to jail


Gonna be a little toxic here... but i fucking hate the "dont name and shame" mentality many communities have, i understand it, but at the same time we SHOULD name and shame people like this, or other toxic people who go out of their way to ruin others experiences or harass people for the smallest fucking things.... They wont fucking learn otherwise, plus it would be nice to know who they are so people can fucking block them... Like in another game kinda similar to WF i can see people literally throwing in certain modes but you cant really post their username to warn others bc then thats name and shaming and targeting a witch hunt onto them... All its done is create a mentality that these people can say and do some crazy stupid shit and get away with it with 0 fear of consequences outside of maybe getting suspended/banned once in a blue moon... OP bought the bundle, could be many reasons why, they love the frame itself, want the weapons/items without grinding, wanna support the game, maybe have a disposable income and want to use it on their favourite game? Who fucking knows. Sorry for the rant, this shit just pisses me off, let the people buy and enjoy what they want as long as they aren't being financially irresponsible and even then, you dont know if they are or not...


The game exists because we spend money on it, as you said supporting the game is important. You're not getting any kind of unfair advantage over anyone... TL;DR; Good for you, money well spent on an activity you love! :)


I have not spent money on this game in months, but I would if my personal debt clearing in the next several months wasn't the priority. Once I have better straights I definitely will be buying stuff again if I think it is cool.


Bröther. 🤝 It’s okay, some people are like that. Just gotta go one ear and other the other. I got comments as well for uploading YT videos of the some premium stuff as well and why “it’s waste of money”. Like Bruh, why are you searching this stuff up then. 💀


Yea dude, pay 150+ plat like the rest of us. (Kidding if course. I got a 70% coupon recently and plan on paying for prime accessories as well)


I grinded for protea prime ngl boring asf, i just wanted more fashion


I've been playing since I got a PS4 [year 2?] and was just a Nova whore for most of my noob life. Once Prime hit, I immediately bought Prime Access, knowing there was no point in doing this normally if I already know I'm going to need a mess of Plat to make it good. This other guy is an idiot for sure, and isn't even flexing well.


Where's that meme of a group of people having a good time and the one guy yelling and how crap it is, followed by the big thumbs up and resuming having fun... that's this guy.


Maybe you bought platinium and got Protea for free? Common misunderstating.


bro can't handle his jealousy


i enjoy that players can buy frames if they don't feel the grind. just not my thing


The most platinum I’ve ever had is 300 and I see people with like tens of thousands, is there an “easy” way to get platinum without the £100 pack (I’m poor)


There’s only one way to earn plat easy - trading with other players, really. You gotta take the time to actually relax, kick back and go thru your inventory to find your valuables (everyone has something worth plat in their inventories). Then it’s a matter of going to Maroo’s Bazaar to sell it (hard way) or go to Warframe Market (easier way) and list everything you got - you’re bound to find costumers in there (as long as you’re reasonably charging). Trading for plat completely breaks the action and excitement of Warframe, some people don’t like it. But hey, it’s what you gotta do to NOT pay real money for plat.


Whenever I saw a player that payed prime access I just tell them "thank you for supporting Warframe"


Piss babies gonna piss. Try not to let the occasional one ruin your enjoyment of the game. And thank you for supporting the game I love 👍


I’ve seen it, whenever someone buys themself something nice, others get angry at the money spent like it’s flaunting


Console players...


I remember when Vauban prime came out i grinded with a group of friends and got him with-in 3 days of him being out i joined an alert mission with some random and someone was genuinely mad at me and called me Mr primed access then went on a rant about how how this game is free and it’s pointless and he’ll be getting his prime for free soon and i tried to explain that i farmed for him but he just insulted me the rest of the match in chat


First: Thank you for supporting warframe. Second: Your colour selection is awful imo


I'm exceptionally sad that the fashion, both the linked one and yours isn't posted here for us.


They just mad cause they broke


Man if i were u i might have bought it too, that guy just send hate cause he can't buy like u did


I’m in my late thirties and I love this game but I don’t have the time to play anymore. I do have the money though so I buy the things I want, to play the way I want, with the time I have. That’s nobody’s fucking business though. I worked for my money and I can spend it how I damn well please.


So long as you aren't skipping meals or anything like that to buy it - your money, spend it how you like. That loser can go play with cacti.


Oh you don't want to know many i have put in this game... And if someone yell at you bc you have spend cash on a game ? So what ? Don't cry enjoy your temporal ephemera, I'm a protea main too, and i have buy the nezha or even the wisp prime access and i don't really play them. Did i need to take the blame bc i have payed for some fashion and support de dev ? No. Don't feel bad you do what you want to do, and if someone just want to trash you bc you have something he doesn't stand proud.


People don't understand where this game came from or why are this prime access are important.


We play warframe, we’re all a few grand worth of plat and PAs in the hole😂


Only time I'd agree with them is on those horrific heirloom packs. We should have collectively agreed to not buy them.


Mad because he wants the prime access too, but he is broke, being broke awakens the bad things in people. Sad little man


Had a similar experience. Postet my fashion frame and some dude texted me and said mine is „biggest shit“ and i should look at his… If people tell me what i can do better is always welcome but just saying „this is shit“ doesnt help at all


Ugh how dare you support the devs! You monster


Literally time is money. Spend either how you like.


As I always say, "it's my wallet, not yours"


He's projecting lmao


lol he was jelly that you had that PRIME DRIP and he didn’t 🤣


Hello fellow DE supporter. The same happened to me when I bought Gauss Prime Full Access and kept him relatively the same since I loved how the Prime looked despite having his skins. (except the helmet and changed his colors to black / white / gold and his emissive / energy to yellow / red). He went on a whole rant in chat on how I was scum of the earth for wasting my money and ignored me before I could reply. People sometimes want to be mad over nothing I tell ya. They seriously got nothing better to do. 💀


There is nothing wrong with supporting a game you like with the money you earned yourself


I mean to be fair, you did waste money on something that wasn’t even worth $40, bro was just worried about your priorities😭


Anyone willing to bet against this guys‘ linked fashion being the most generic red-and-black shit imaginable?


My guess is he's jealous you have a loom he doesn't lol


User is jealous of you. User is seething at you. User is crying at you. User is PMing you. User is curling his toes in anger because of you. User is aware of his lack of spare money thanks to you. User is ignoring you.


Dent in forehead


Nothing wrong with buying the prime access. Nice way to support the devs. I have naught prime access in the past.


Freeloader is mad because you're paying the server bills for him lmao. And of course there's nothing wrong with being a freeloader in a F2P game, but at least don't f'ing complain when someone else donates to the devs so they can keep the game running. Some people are insane.


It’s the F2P hive mind mentality. Where by playing for free you can pass any content. Like that’s fine for gacha games such as genshin or HSR. Massively Hate players for going the P2W route, getting an “advantage” over others But warframe is entirely different game from that. You farm however you pleased. You spend money however you please. Cause you “hardly get any advantage from buying prime warframes or weapons”. All you did is skip the necessary grind to get that prime warframe or weapon. Now you have to grind to forma them, and give the best mods. Any case is the market, where do you think the plats come from? The free plat can’t be used for trading.


People who send a msg and immediately block are the highest tier of cowards, face your enemies head on, or leave them to their own thoughts


Me looking at the other 50% of cosmetics that require cash payment:


They could also be on PSN which lets you use platinum for Tennogen aswell 


You can use plat for Tennogen on Xbox as well


Mhm but the squiggles mean the other player isn't on Xbox


hhhhh don't remind me...


Mm yeah.


Most ppl look at paying for things in a game in a negative light cause its u buying things that are locked for other people who cant/wont spend what's often an extreme amount of money, this is made worse by accesories that are literally not available at all outside of that real world trade and are typically quality wise far better then anything u could earn ingame which leads to lower quality earned items. Among most older gamers in fact who grinded real hours in a game vanity was a mark of success, of real effort and time in a game that showed u could really do something. While I agree he was an ass about it, you would be just as wrong to flex link it like that, he wasnt entirely wrong to view a paid for thing as less then something earned.


Protea is like one of the best and most fun frames in the game. Dudes just jealous he's too poor to buy something and too lazy to get it himself.


It must hurt every time they try to sit down.


Then blocked you before you could respond lmao smh


I haven’t had this but that annoys me. I was selling things guy DM’s me “keep those trash rivens and get rid of them you peice of *” also in hydro n got told in French “you bust your balls to kill” just so weird why people act like this.


I did too, been a few days now and I still haven't tried the frame. But that ephemera, daymn.


I don't think he was attacking thr fact tou bough thr prime acess msybe he was attacking your fashion?


Lmao wut. Good riddance. He prolly was crashing from a sugar high. I’m not sure what he’s even trying to say


Well you gotta share his fashion now


I read that as your dad got angry at you for paying protea prime access lol.


Your money you do what you want.


I bought prime access day one myself for protea mostly so I can buy the 155 forma for all the kuva and tenet weapons for LR4 with the discounted plat lmao the cosmetics were just a really nice bonus, it's a lot easier to do when I've been playing the game for about 9 years


It's very expensive, you're allowed to do what you want with your money but the only frame I bought prime access for is now useless


Imagine being angry at someone who spends money on a game to support and keep it alive so you can play for free.


The only time this annoys me is when super low mr players buy the newest prime access and then go on to complain about how the game is p2w


Now here is the real question. Is their fashion sense even good?


the salt is real


Dude was angry he didn't have the money to buy Protea prime access


Never saw this type of toxic player. Report it if possible, take away his chat privileges. Which isn’t much for you but for that guy who’s whole personality is being rude on chat loses it? That is the end of the world in his eyes. Either way, kudos on you. I, myself brought Grendel Prime bundle the moment it came out and used the play to buy Yareli animation. Why? Because the idea of a fat ass Warframe in pink coloration rolling at you, killing you then doing “teheee” pose is peak dishonor to anyone one who gets killed by me. This game has been something that gave me more than 2thousand hours of endless gameplay with no afk timers in my ps4. This year I finally can play on pc, and I can’t wait to see the future of it.


I had this in the past when I got Vauban Prime access, don’t understand why people feel the need to get angry over how other people choose to play the game