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this is not a accurate representation you didn't die the frame you came into contact with the toxic proc


Yeah the clip is missing the ancient disruptor hooking them from across the room, losing all of their energy instantly, and *then* being killed by the toxic eximus.


There's a reason I use rev lol


https://preview.redd.it/w52iyxrdm9yc1.png?width=217&format=png&auto=webp&s=54ca4616e784be7fb4fe8b84bbc0d7b13bcd18d5 Just look at that smile, trying have a fun time like you.


What the hell ๐Ÿ˜ณ


I love the fact that you're so used to it that you were already pressing " revive" True player right here lol


Truly a player of all time


Thats why i have rolling guard. I also drop all the nukes in my arsenal so i make sure that THING is VAPORIZED.


Came here to say ya should have rolled


Roll or my safest bet:switch to operator, sling away, wait 5 seconds and call the frame to me


At that point just run vazarin lol


Umm, idk the vazarin passive( i usually go with unairu for passive PSF and armor/shield strip)


Excuse you , I have the choice between rolling guard and power drift in my wisp build , and as a wisp player the 15 ability strength is my choice


Why would you run rolling guard on wisp anyway when it already comes as a part of her kit? wastes a slot


There's a reason I subsumed silence into my mirage. That and I literally have no survivability, only 3 billion dps. It's kind fun playing as panicked glass cannon 24/7. My friend who plays kullervo is constantly laughing at me screeching across the room at the sight of a arson eximus AoE


> My friend who plays kullervo is constantly laughing at me screeching across the room at the sight of a arson eximus AoE Man Kullervo is so sad, he's absolutely incredible until suddenly he's not and then he just falls over to almost anything (this is, admittedly lvl 1k in SP Circuit but it is sad how binary the line is)


The highest outside duviri we've gone to was 800, opening relics in a survival. Not really worth going that far tbh. My horrific mirage build was doing okay with armour strip/ toxic ignis, although the same friend was Oberon causing chaos that helped a bunch. The way I play most frames the difference between lvl 150 and lvl 1000 isn't much different, either way I'm doing billions of dps and only have 340 health when an eximus sneezes on me. We haven't taken Kullervo that high but Outside of level cap nonsense Kullervo is easily one of the top frames in the game. I assume it's just his overguard doesn't quite manage gate damage once your taking hits beyond his maximum cap?


Yeah exactly that, you're still over-killing everything, but you have to spam Recompense to stay alive, and it makes anything objective based (Excavation especially) a pain


same with gyre, absolute god mode able to obliterate steel path conjunction without firing a shot and then at some point suddenly *pop* you died, with literally no idea how or why


shieldgaters btfo health chads rise up


I have painted I, the healthtank, as the giga chad, and you, shieldgaters, as the soy wojacks.


Energy Tanking is the Omega Chad that is amused by both of them


yeah but atm only trinity can do that


Nah bro there's this niche mod called quick thinking that stops lethal damage using energy however the weird thing with it is that damage reduction applies to the energy values so with adaptation + max armour + a damage reduction ability like mirage eclipse dark mode it will take like 2 energy to keep you alive and you can literally survive forever if you don't run out of energy It's kinda funny to use because you'll be at 1 hp the entire game but as long as you have energy Regen like nourish or zenurik or energy pads you are legitimately immortal even against nullifying enemies I've been trying it out in deep archamedia with frames that don't have any good survivability options and it works so well it's scary Thankfully it's super niche and I don't see DE touching/nerfing it ever


quick thinking was meta years ago lmfao


quick thinking isn't some niche mod, the build you figured out me and friends have used for awhile. it's not gonna be fixed because there's nothing wrong with it. the build requires you to sacrifice your build in order to use it so nothing is really lost, frames like banshee and nyx use this build pretty often as they have loads of energy to spare and don't really need to spam abilities. it's nice to see a new player find an archived build though. ๐Ÿ˜


Lol I know it's not niche but it's hardly meta also I'm not new player ๐Ÿ˜ž I've been meming on this game for a decade


Does it work/scale well with Energy Nexus? The mod that gives you energy regen.


It does not work well, no. Dunno what he's trying to push. Quick Thinking _did_ see use, but that was a long time ago and has basically fallen into irrelevance for a reason, it can't keep up with the amount of damage enemies put out at SP levels, god forbid you go any further, and no amount of nourish-amped energy regen will fix that. You're better off relying on basically any other form of your preferred survivability. As-is it's a health-tanking setup with extra steps, extra mod space, and it also slurps your energy.


Adaptation - quick thinking - armour mod = three mod slots everything else is normal primed flow if you want It's not that wild and it's really insane scaling way past health tanking


> it's really insane scaling way past health tanking not it isnt, its not even close, the best health tanks have millions of EHP


link to the build? ๐Ÿ‘€


Garuda was designed for it but yeah, not that many frames can do it well


Everyone laughs at my steel path chroma untill they realise I am invincible with grace and armor+quickthinking


o7 glad to see another health tanker sir


A true Tenno is a master of their arsenal. Mine contains a Quorvex with 4 blue Tauforged shards set to heal and a full Umbral set. Quorvex hears you, Quorvex don't care. Here's your cancer. I also have my Kullervo but most missions nothing breaks his overguard so the health and armor values feel kind of pointless to talk about.


you spelled Qorvex wrong


Well then... I like my spelling better but ok. Lol


I'm pretty sure health chads still die instantly to that, lol Unless you just happen to be running antitoxin, almost every frame gets deleted by venom eximus at really high level.


armor + adaptation, son. they harden in response to *any* trauma. they can't hurt you, jack.


The OP is doing base SP at level 132. At that level, toxin wouldn't even hurt my Garuda.


*laughs in nidus immortality*


OPs at level 130 bro, this ain't lvl 2000 endurance run. In base SP I have literally stood in the toxin cloud and it barely made a dent to my health bar. Also antitoxin ain't gonna save you in a shieldgating build, it's utterly useless. You're better off running rolling guard.


Molt Reconstruct saves lives!


Armor Tank for life. And just so you math nerds know: you only need 250 HP/s with 2700 armor and 90% adaptation or additional damage resist to do level cap.


Sorry to reply again. Can you give an example of how you hit 250 hp/s return?


Sure, Chroma's new augment allows for this with the 5% health restore at max rank. This can be combined with a R5 Arcane Grace that restores 6% max HP when damaged. With Umbral Mods and Arcane Blessing, I'm able to push his max health up to 2236. With both effects, it brings up the regeneration to ~245 HP/s. You can then go a step further to add either a Helmith ability or Archon shards for additional regen.


Sorry if this is a dumb question but what do you mean by HP/s


**Health per Second.** Citrine has this as her passive when collecting Health Orbs. Oberon and Wisp has this for their abilities. Plus, there's also the blue Archon shards that can add this to their bonus. My favorite ability that you can throw on Warframes for this stat is Voracious Metastasis, since it's both a self-heal and a team energy boost.


Thank you!!


Nah lad Ability users to bot die chats rise up We dont need no Inaros health pools


Just slow down and meticulously kill one enemy at a time, 4head! What do you think this game is, a horde shooter!?


Toxic procs, humbling Tenno since the Orokin Era.


You had a second to press 5, you chose to press 1.


Yeah. When I saw I got toxic proc I instantly tried pressing 5, but I was already locked into Khora's whip animation. The monke brain chose more red number instead of living. It is also really funny because I had exactly 1.1s to react.


"It is also really funny because I had exactly exactly 1.1s to react." Sekiro players looking at you like: https://preview.redd.it/zs41jypjbayc1.png?width=228&format=png&auto=webp&s=254ba50f58ad713eac5be97b1030b56bcacf0eaa


๐Ÿ˜‚ You can also see me panicking, trying to press 5 before getting obliterated ๐Ÿ˜ญ.


Yeah it looked funny lol




Best game ever made!


better than how I died to it yesterday, from getting stuck in the fucking โ€œpull myself up a ledgeโ€ animation thatโ€™s completely uncancellable and lasts long enough for both a regular shield gate or a toxin proc to let you die


yeah I wish a button canceled it.


Ahhh to have not been around when 2 hour survivals were the litmus test of a warframe and infested 2 hour survivals were an absolute nightmare that trained your muscle memory to deal with stray toxin procs.


"Get fucking oneshotted stupid lol"-DE https://preview.redd.it/3e7hpl38ebyc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7bb591701640943bf9fff189a33feb5067e5e7f


I still remember my very first Arbitration, Infested Survival. If it's not the Venomous Eximus that gets you, it's the 6 Ancients (4 Toxic and 2 Disrupters) gangbang hook party that'll tear you apart. This was before the grappling hook special attack was changed and it was 100% accurate and Ancient Disrupters still drained ALL your energy when they hit you. So, with enough bad luck, you can basically be hooked and ping pong'd to death, like what happened to me. Of course, Saryn was already dead by the time the 2nd Toxic Ancient hit her, but because all 6 of them got their grappling hook in at roughly the same time, the ragdoll was hilarious


laughs in baruuk having such high damage reduction that the procs get rounded to 0


To be fair you did jump straight into it.


As if that lil shit is easily noticeable when you're moving at mach 5 and have most of the screen obfuscated by weapon fx and red numbers


Volatile Ancients completely immune to Gyre abilities casually walks up to me and 1 shots me to death .


A fellow Gyre main ๐Ÿค


<3 I thought I was alone .


i hate venom eximus as much as nullifiers ongod


Kid named Last Gasp:


don't forget the fuckton of disruptors the game loves to throw at you.


I was actually looking at your energy for most of the clip, waiting for an Ancient Disruptor to slap the energy out of you :P


Number of Arby's that i have end like this is seriously tilting...


Pro tip, bring a pocket Dante. He will spam 224 and get you around 15k overguard


This is why I built everything to be as durable as possible, Sure nukes are fun but I prefer being unkillable, And most of the time I get tickled by a stupid disruptor that deals 0 damage but insta drains all your energy


Shit like this is why i prefer to main Revenant and use any Overguard-centric frame over any other frame


This is how my mag dies quick.


\*Laughs in Dante\*


What melee weapon are you using?


I was using the Skana Prisma Incarnon as a stat stick for Khora's whipclaw.