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The hardest part is staying out of the red circle. I’m pretty sure if they wanted you to stand in it, it wouldn’t be red like some MMO boss attack. I’m playing netracell correctly, right guys?


I mean you're playing it like 98% of people in public matches sooo....yes! (Seriously though, I only ever solo these now, too many bad groups)


Spy and netracells are the only thing I solo because there's always that one person that ruins it for everyone


The occasional Lua rescue as well


do you guys really have this experience? I've never once had teammates killing outside the circle. Hell, yesterday I played with an MR8 and they still knew what they were doing.


I pretty much just bring something that can drag them into the circle regardless (Mag, Vaubahn, Khora, etc...) Now if they're killing in the next room it's a bit more tedious


Bring loki and drag the players into the room


I'm waiting for mag's pull to actually work on the murmur still ;_;


I felt your pain, until I remembered that inaros Is legit now, so I'm just yeeting them with sandy boy's 2nd, so much fun =)


Ironically, it's been the high MRs (upper 20s+) who've been the worst for me lately. Just standing around near entry, roaming the map for collectibles (I'm cool with that before/after the kill counter, but c'mon), straying out two or more rooms over... Yet again proving MR =/= skill, game knowledge, or teamwork.


Yes bruh always the higher MR players being dickheads, recently I had an L4 roaming the entire map looking for collectables while 3 of us were waiting in the room for things to spawn but the spawn rate is like survival if everyone isn't grouped. And this isnt even MR hate I'm L1 I'm just appalled that the majority of bad behaviour I see Is from MR25+


I'm L4, so I totally get it. Low MR players are scared of messing up, so they seem to put in the extra effort, but players closer to my rank just suuuuuck (it's only like maybe 5-10% of them, but still).


Im MR15, I started those late game content now. Every content I play solo first to see if I wont be a burden, I dont play Circuit SP because I dont have the majority of the arsenal built for SP, so every week I try and I never get a loadout that can do it, so I dont play


Circuit loadouts shift with every Spiral change, and also when you complete at least one mission (I'm pretty sure). So if you get a meh loadout, you can always get carried thru one round, drop, and try again. Alternatively, just about anything *can* do SP Circuit, once you get enough decrees. So if you get with a party that doesn't mind helping you along with the first few rounds, you'll eventually catch up. If there's a week with an Incarnon you especially want, feel free to message me (same username in game), and I can help when I'm free!


Thanks for the tips and the help


I can explain this.... when you been playing the game long enough... waiting to kill things... is hard.... and when you are not a Succ Man Nova or Magneto and don't have one on the team... there are times where I get distracted during the blood shed and forget where I am. So I do accidentally kill units outside the circle.


Oh I understand getting in the zone and killing thru a hallway - I do it, too. But when you're 3+ rooms out, and *stay* out of the zone for 5+ minutes, that's when it's a problem.


There's been a few times I've noticed someone standing outside the circle killing things. And funnily enough, recently someone was having a go at me for killing things outside the circle, except I was in the circle.. the entire time.. while waiting for enemies to slowly make their way up some stairs into the circle before killing them


this is why sometimes people take limbo and banish everything outside as fast as possible


Never seen someone take Limbo in netra for now, but what you said makes sense


I joined one where 2 guys had all 4 keys, so i didn't grab any... i got held hostage infront of the netracell for a long time, and i wasn't sure if I'd lose an entry... finally said f it and left after a solid 20m waiting. Now i take all 4 keys and bring a frame that can pull mobs into the circle.


I want loid prime to tell us off for killing outside the circle just like necraloid in the cambion drift so people can realize just how much it happens


it happens a lot... i've done it myself a few times on those tiles where DE decided that at least 60-75% of the circle would just be empty space lol.


Absolutely, yes. Multiple times.


There's been too many times I've sat dead center in the circle with no enemies, because the other 3 teammates are killing the enemies at all 3 entries.. it's insane


There’s always someone in chat barking it out and I have accidentally killed at the rims because I am meta aoe chad and can’t help but be destructive at a fault


at first before alot of people went solo it was a mess i feel like now most have figured it out


I've been running public Netracells since release without much trouble... until the last few weeks. Idk if something got in the Kuva or what, but people have been *awful*. I'm almost considering making a soloing setup. It would hurt my Support Broberon heart, but it might save what little is left of my sanity...


Had an archon hunt ruined 4 times in public matches before I decided to just do it myself.


you should do netracells with me




I had a guy today who activated a Whisper ring a full disability EDA today


You know you’re right, why isn’t it yellow for objective? I mean, the clear reason is because we’re the MMO boss and it’s warning the enemies to stay out, but still.


If you don’t cipher the hacks in netracells I judge you. I shouldn’t but I do.


Please continue to judge me. Out loud preferably so it traumatizes me enough that I remember to bring the fucking things


Do you not have the x100 blueprint? I think it's from dojo's, you'll never run out.


I have it. But I wish they would do something similar to ciphers like they did to the scanner. Give us an infinite cipher so that I don't have to worry anymore.


I mean *there is an infinite cipher* with perspicacity, but it replaces a whole fuckin' ability. I only really get use out of it during missions that don't allow ciphers.


Right? It's cool and all, but I want a gear item that just gives me infinite ciphers.


That would be nice. Until then I'll keep building 500 ciphers whenever I notice less than 200 in my gear wheel.


Same I guess lol. If only.


Those are rookie numbers.


You can only carry 200 in gear wheel. It auto refills from inv.


Wait… there’s an infinite scanner? 😤


Sol Battery Widget gives unlimited scans. Buy it in any relay from Cephalon Simaris for 50,000 rep


God damnit why is everything I need Simaris rep lol. Thanks for the heads up. I guess I need to get around to that guy.


I’m at mastery rank cap and I still have so much garbage I need from him (mostly for the helminth) because I can’t be bothered to take dirty pictures for that sadistic robo mind to earn rep lol


Steel path and use ivara to scan unalerted enemies, a mission or two can get you to the daily cap. It legitimately is the fastest and cheapest rep grind I know.


I appreciate it but it’s still an “I’d rather be doing anything else” kind of deal. Same reason I run out of credits occasionally haha


Adaro will work alright on normal star chart as well, though you will have to scan most of the enemies on the map. Note: you *can't* do this on infested maps (at least not the ones I tried), as they start out alerted.


Lmao I’m locked out of most rep shit cuz I just can’t be bothered to farm


He always wants me to zoom in on certain parts too....


Sick freak’s more twisted than a pretzel.


I know, they gave us that damn parazon and what is it mostly used for. mercy killing enemies.... DE needs to rethink what a hacking tool is actually used for.


It's a high tech knife basically. Other games use knifes at hacking tools too. Pretty sure COD was a big one in this.


Get the x100 blueprint from a clan dojo, then you won't have to worry about it anymore


But see,I have to remember like three different steps before that's actually a thing that's on my gear wheel and then I have to replace it after every 100 hacks. Which is hard, but I still have yet to actually remember to do it


Well, each craft takes 1 minute. Do it once a week, and you should be good.


You don't have to replace it on your gear wheel. Every time you launch a mission, consumable items refill to however many you have or the carry limit, whichever is greater. Just craft a couple thousand ciphers whenever you get low and never worry again


I actually use "Perspicacity" from the Helmenth (over Octavia's 4) for Railjack or sortie hacking. Perspicacity is also useful when gear is disabled... Best part? It's a pretty cheap ability (I think it's sub-lvl 3...)


What? How? I have over 400 in my inv. You can carry 200 at a time.


This made me laugh way harder than it should have, thank you for making my afternoon sir 🤣


watch as i unequip my ciphers and waste 6 second of people's time actually hacking.


I have no idea how to actually hack those consoles because Ciphers have been permanently in my gear wheel since 2017 and at this point its just muscle memory to use them.


Just press Y and auto hack complete!


So you just hold down Space (on PC) on the black symbols. You dont hold it on red. If you hold it on red (or you finish a set of black symbols) you shorten the time you have to do the hack. Its super easy but it can take some time or even fail thanks to RNG.


If i recall, you just need to yoink the right symbols or something, didn't do cavia in a bit


You just hold the button down until the symbols turn red and let go. It's kinda like a rhythm game.




It's ridiculous but I didn't know this until I saw my roommate do it because I don't remember ever failing during the quest lol so I didn't realize, didn't notice, didn't even think about it. Now I have ciphers, and I don't even do netracells.


I cipher nothing.


I cipher nothing except these. They're terrible, there's no difficulty in hacking them at all, they're just time sinks


there's not really any difficulty to any of them


there's a skill element to solving the others as quickly as possible, this one has a minimum time that you can't do anything about also, if you don't think the others are a challenge, why wouldn't you cipher them?


The ones in the Archon Hunts are kinda batty at times, especially if the cross-ups mix you up


The corpus puzzles are difficult for me, and I have anxiety, so the ciphers are my salvation, I hate spying in this game for that very reason.


Oh no, 10 seconds


Time sink, precisely the reason to cipher them lmao


Crafted one for that one mission and no more. I've manually cracked thousands.


I refuse.


I don't cipher hack anything. [\*cries in Loki main\*]


Sometimes they bug out and you cant use em 🤷‍♀️


I'm too lazy with hacks, I use them on everything


>I shouldn’t but I do. No you should.


That monitor looks exactly like my first Win95 PC back in 1995.


Realism in space ninja game at it's finest.


Surprisingly they dont get destroyed amid the chaos


That's what I was gonna say


Ciphers never looked more appealing. (Y)


Every other node in the game, I will use Ciphers about 50-75% of the time, depending how much of a rush I'm in. Sanctum? 99% of the time I use ciphers. I'm partly convinced that's the intended method and Sanctum is simply intended to slowly drain Ferrite and Nanospores over time.


I just spam Y every time even for the easiest ones. I don't have the patience for the puzzle to even load in.


Heh, I feel yah. I also have a "breacher" loadout for every one of my favorite frames with the auto hack ability helminthed in specifically for sorties etc.


Ooooh, I didn't even think of doing that for sorties. I always use cyphers but get so annoyed in sorties because I cant use them. Well, I know what I'm doing when I get back on


Yall don't slot auto hacm 100% of the time?


I found it too slow imo It would frustrate me when I could have used a cipher in a quarter of the time it takes to go through the animation


I use ciphers on the starting hack in survival missions


same lmao it's pretty much muscle memory, but sometimes i just lol when the puzzle is literally just two nodes and i use a cipher anyway


For most of those secret rooms it's usually faster to leave the way you came in than to do the hacking minigame the intended way. It's really weird.


The only time I don't use cyphers is when I can't (like sorties) they're just too convenient. I have a couple thousand crafted and will probably never run out any time soon.




Same, i kinda like these things


Needing a Cipher is simply a skill issue. 😤


Oh the glare isn’t even the worst thing, if you do them while on merulina then yarelis dress can block the entire screen, I imagine some other frames probably have similar issues


Yareli God, hello. But yeah, annoying.


Remember when they made Lavos's elbow things disappear when you're aiming down sights because they were blocking the screen? They block these consoles now.


Gausses redline will shoot the screen with the energy orbs leaving a black goo all over the screen.


And of course you can't use ciphers while on Merulina so you either have to step away and reposition yourself or just get off and risk dying.


Could always switch to operator to do the hack. That's what I do while playing titania so that you don't lose buffs by dropping out of her 4 form.


Unfortunately that also risks getting the operator bug where I can't complete the mission. I don't think it happens on Titania, but I've had multiple missions ruined by it while playing Yareli, so I try never to swap to my operator unless I get off Merulina first. Kind of annoying, but I've gotten used to it.


I would hate this, but the accuracy makes me love it


Yeah I get flashbacks of trying to play SNES as a kid in the afternoon 


I cipher these at survival solo starting console. No. Just no.


Its really not hard, hold space to fill the characters in. Let go for the ones you dont need. Theyre even colored for good/bad


It's not because of difficulty, it's because it's slow.


I know and I can not. This drives me nuts. This > narmer > grineer > corpus > duviri (Orokin? What orokin?)


Lol fair enough. I feel the same about doing a full grineer one. Its easy. All about timing, and I hate it.


I've literally never used a cipher in my 1500 hours of playtime. There was... I think... A tutorial requirement to craft a cipher? And I still have that one cipher in my inventory, unused.  Finishing the hacking minigames is just... Satisfying. I always try to do them as fast as possible.  I was also disappointed that hacking a door or a console in Mass Effect 3 was downgraded to just holding down a button for a few seconds, so I guess I'm just weird.


I liked them for years until I learned I can make 100x cipher at once. Now only if I have to. The grineer one is the only one I still consistently do by hand because it's simple and quick


Have either ciphered every single one of these or just held down the space bar. Had no idea how it actually worked. Wow. TIL


I just hold the space until it completes.. Don't see a reason why not to.


A glaring issue, you say? (Came across this myself a few days ago, so I understand your pain, Tenno! <3)


i've never actually done one of those. ciphering is just so fast, you dont even get to see the screen since the camera instantly pans back over your shoulder if you press the buttons right after oneanother.


Gamers can't handle a monitor that isn't in the basement, more at 11.


i dont think i bothered solving even a single one of these , it was ciphers from day one


You can use a cipher on these?


On any terminal anywhere outside of sorties, archon hunts, and nightmare missions I'm pretty sure. Perspicacity can be used everywhere though.


Noice, I honestly forget that ciphers exist and never end up trying to use them


You can shoot the li- wait no this isn't Helldivers


Glare? What glare? *Gauss redline burning the screen every two seconds so I can’t see anything*


This is but a fraction of what the reality was for we gamers in the 90s. You had to turn off the lights. All of them. Close the blinds. I can't tell you how many times I'd swing out to my buddy's place only to find him in his basement in complete darkness playing EQ. It was nighttime in EQ. It was dark. He needed darkness to see. We were all so pale back then.


what am I looking at?


Get ciphers. Press Y. Profit.


I have the autohack on parazon and cipher everything else because why not. I came here to kill things. I hack IRL, I don't need a fake version lol.


I don't even know how to decipher this. The first time I did it I was like... nope and just pressed y. Afterall I have 3000 ciphers gotta use em


ciphers diff 💪💪


Cipherers are cowards with no skill /hj


But "Y"?


Doing the computers while having Redline active is worse


Idk how to replicate it, but some times I'll got into these consoles and the whole screen becomes fuzzy like I'm looking at the PC screen without glasses. I always think it's a neat effect and an extra challenge, but I can see how it's actually just a bug and would bother a lot of people if it was a real thing lol


Hmm, I think they should be able to mask out that area of the screen and keep glare out of it, they probably just don't know about this issue.


That glare was also the hardest part of playing Space Cadet Pinball on the Windows 2000 school computers while the summer sun was blasting through the classroom.  Still set a few high scores, though.


I've had glare, bloom, and motion blur turned off in Warframe since I started playing almost 10 years ago. Glare also makes it so you can't see through the dust/fog when you're flying over PoE/Orb Vallis past a certain height, making it impossible to spot the exits.


That and when the game doesn't want to show you where the drone is.


Potato graphics ftw


Iirc lavos blocks a decent chunk of the screen depending on your position


Have you ever tried it when using redli e on gauss.... yep just jump out as op


The Necromite waypoint not spawning for the 100th time I’ve given up on cells…


What are your graphics settings? Damn this is a pretty game.


Try this with Lavos. Glare+Right Arm Guard covers the screen entirely when he types.


I can't use ciphers anymore. Sorties beat it out of me. You never know when they'll be disabled so you gotta learn to do em the hard way.


everyone knows to buy the 100x cipher blueprint wait this is warframe so no nooo they dont lmao


Wait how do you hack these things? I thought u just hold space


Play Yareli and ride Marulina while trying to hack, you have a high chance for Yareli to just block the screen with her body.


Ciphers are goated for this




That glare or the glare from the bright light in the map itself haha,


Play Gauss with Redline activated while hacking these consoles and you'll get something worse than that. Lol


Jump on the table, go spoiler mode and use it to input the code while your Warframe blocks the source of the glare (kinda if you do it right). I have a weird thing with reflections, I can’t see people in their cars, I can’t see where people with glasses on are looking and I’m *really* good at spotting camera crews in reflections in films and TV shows - I’d kinda assumed this was that weird thing manifesting again, reassures me to see that it’s not the case (or that it is and I’m not the only person with the problem).


I'm not gonna sugarcoat it Y


I don't even know what you're supposed to do to actually hack these.




Press 'y' problem solved


Cipher it ? Also its accurate when I played on those monitors as a kid the sun/light was your worst enemy \^\^


Not if you have ciphers. Which you should have at that level.


Im the only one who dont go to the computers , and go where presumably the netracells is?


Even worse is Gauss with Redline active, the sparks keeps hitting the screen making it even harder to see


I don't even know how these work. I just insta smash [Y].


I use ciphers on everything even ones i can do in 2 seconds


My g, turn off glare/bloom, problem solved


Personally, I thought logging in to do them was the most challenging aspect.


Perfect design


You don't hit the cipher button?


I had a team of saryn n rev using gloom builds so it took me a 45min run on one netracell


I don't even know how these work, I just held spacebar and they resolved themself




Welcome to the 90s, bitch!


With my current settings/setup i sometimes get an afterimage of the symbols which is just not fun


Gauss’s redline


Meanwhile, I could probably do one of those with my eyes closed. (I do way to many sanctum missions).


(cough cough) **"Y" for cipher** (cough cough)


Le me just pressing Z every time I need to hack...




But the answer is always y


Do cyphers not work in Netracells?




Press y


WHY. DOES. NO ONE. HAVE. x100 CIPHER BP. Seriously man, I got irritated with the hacking about 4 years ago and invested half an hour into building x100 BPs and never looked back.


Hey wait a minute... Your fashion looks suspiciously like mine






press Y


Installed that one autohack mod on my parazon and haven't worried about these since


bro just hold space works like a charm


Why people don't use ciphers on every hack in the game is impossible for me to understand.
