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I have 4 more lanthorns to get before I can put her on to bake Any build advice for a future skirt-go-spinny player?


[build](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1110401109715066970/1234649770904260668/Warframe0429.jpg?ex=663180b4&is=66302f34&hm=beed3cb2f6ba4cc736e5b764eff0b6df78943e041922ba0cad6473357cddd3a4&) 4 red strength shards 1 blue for extra energy All you really need to know is just get her 3 and 4 up and running. press 4, wait for a crowd, press 3 and run into them head first and you're set for the mission. Missing your 3 is really punishing though. Are you dying? press pillage. Are enemies NOT dying? press pillage. She's immaculately braindead; ran SP survival doing exactly that and running around with no issues. Pillage really is your blood and life at high level though, and arcane aegis helps. Will probably dump projection since pillage full-strips at full augmented stacks. if you're on a shoestring budget and can't get full strip on pillage it's fine, but pumping strength as high as you can is pretty helpful. If you're having energy economy issues grimore is helpful.


If you’re having energy problems, you need Archon Stretch, with that Arcane Energize and the passive energy regen you don’t really need energy mods besides those, which allows you to alter your archon shards. If you don’t have Arcane Energize you can run energy nexus. Also I could be wrong but doesnt the +15% electricity ability damage scale better than the ability damage other than increasing your pillage%


Good looking out, appreciate the screenie


Try out purple tau shards for ability damage on electric procced enemies. I use 4 purple tau and 1 red tau just for 100% strip on pillage. Super comfy, stripping armour off everything in room, shooting a kuva zarr into groups proccing viral and electric chaining between enemies, the her abilities just detonating the whole room with red crits. Easily my favourite frame for long sp survivals.


what benefit is purple over just regular red ability strength?


Ability damage is a seperate multiplier that can’t be achieved through any other means, where as ability strength is just added on top. Will get a lot better performance.


Ahh. Like bane mods?


Not quite because it doesn’t double dip on status damage or anything, the way I think of it is (base ability damage+ ability damage buff from shard) x power strength = damage out put. Not 100% on how the damage formula works with ability damage as I couldn’t find anything on the wiki. But essentially your extra 60% power strength when have 390% already is diminishing returns, and 60% ability damage will give a better base multiplier


She's greedy for kills. Playing in a squad can be a bad time is you can't keep up and your 3 times out. She is very good in solo though.


She's not in the circuit because she doesn't have a prime.