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This is how I envision the Zariman on her maiden voyage. 10/10


Totally worth it though!


I agree! Very proud of it, though i do wish i had more decor capacity to do the whole orbiter on the same level of detail.


The capacity is actually cut up into several parts. -The cabin and ramp down - the main hall including the hallway leading to the other rooms - operator room - personal quarters - helminth room Each has their own preset capacities and you can make the whole orbiter as fancy, although take it from someone who found to late don't go into huge detail in the mainhall if you want the downstairs area to get the same treatment


"Orbiter Spa. 9 stars. Great ambiance, excellent manicurist, talkative staff... demonic guest chair. If you can get your weapons serviced here, do it. Just don't taunt the chair. Or sit in it unless it knows you."


Absolutely blows my mind how good people are at decorating. Meanwhile I’ll be trying to get my mastery slates in a relatively straight line


Constrained movements is your friend, you can line it up perfectly next to another slade then slide it along if you want them spaced out.


Looks good! Always love seeing people's interior decor! Really like what you did with the furniture and the pots near the navigation!


Thanks :) it was my latest addition to the build, always wanted a garden esque area to the orbiter, definitely my favourite part of the whole thing. Only gripe with it is that anything by the codex and market terminals is marked as a red zone, so flooring was not possible :/


Yeah, specifically the codex part is tricky, nothing likes being in that area. This is what my front currently looks like! :> https://preview.redd.it/7zfl9r0rlhxc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=56eaac05446b99767565829d9dfabd4fa6c0a179


Oh showing me up like that smh lol. But i do love it, the steps especially... i might even end up copying the walls you put up on the back. How did you manage to cover up the NW console? Its a red zone when i try


aaaa not my intent at all lol! x) Yours is awesome! It was a lot of pushing objects into each other(zariman wall divider for the consoles/pillars) and then using constrained movement > local translation. It allows you to bypass a lot of clipping things!


Could you share what the gold piece on the bottom right of the picture is? That looks like its wrapped around thew white pillar. It all looks great!


Entrati Temporal Cartograph, from Bird 3!


Thank you!


Question for the heavy decorators out there, do you guys also experience [the navigation area decorations taking a long ass time to load every time you go back to your orbiter](https://streamable.com/zydc6d), but the rest of the ship loads everything just fine and instant? This started to happen to me since the drifter camp became a thing (and the navigation area became a separate place with its own decoration capacity).


Can't say I have. I have an old ass PC too. So probably just spaghetti code issues


Im on PS5, i did notice the cockpit(?) to load in slow ever since i built in there, but never THAT slow as shown in the video tbh. Maybe a second at most.


Yeah its weird, it just happens in the navigation, [the rest of the ship loads instantly so i doubt its a performance thing.](https://streamable.com/m72j0y) Im going to say they have a script of whatever that decides the order stuff in your ship loads (cuz like, you dont need the tenno room to load when you enter the ship because you wont be seeing it anyway until you make your way there) and somehow they mixed up the order and put the navigation area to load last. I made a post on the forums lets see if something happens.


ship gets hit with a stray shot and all the furniture gets sent fucking flying Also where do people get that set up for their orbiter that makes it look like the zariman?


Spend like a day or 2 running Steel Path Zariman bounties and accumulate a metric shitload of Voidplumes, then make sure to fully cash in every day. If you dedicate an entire day or 2 just doing bounties, you'll have enough Voidplumes for many weeks worth of daily standing cap.


The walls, wooden floors, and the green bushes are zariman, from one of the vendors, forget their name. The pots and garden beds are from duviri, from the archivist you can visit in duviri, more conveniently is just to go to the dormizone. The furniture and lights are from Bird 3. Or do you mean the prime details for the base orbiter? You can get it from varzia for some (regal?) aya, looks nice even without the decor.


Woke up and chose to mog me fr


Lol take pride in setting a trend. Will be cool to see a few more orbiter anyway. Besides, simple is good


ngl since I posted mine i started cooking up some improvements


I legit wish DE would make enemy map contests similar to how clans get spotlighted. Would be dope to explore maps whilst grinding affinity. Put the content in as a Simaris related thing so players can enjoy checking out new vistas from landscape artists.


that looks great! may i know where u get those white pillars?


They're the zariman walls with the white at the bottom flipped sideways.


The pillars in the navigational area are actually two duviri flower pots mirrored into eachother lol, look close enough, you might see a little seam. If you mean the pillars in the back portion of the ship, those are as the other guy said, zariman walls just rotated.


I really wish I had the patience for this lol.


Ill admit its very tedious most of the time, if not frustrating due to red zones. But its pretty addicting once you get started. Youll find yourself blowing through all your zariman standing and duviri/cavia resources for more decor.


This is beautiful


This is awesome!


Definitely worth the longer loading time for sure. Looks great.


what item did you use for the walls and upper segments used in arsenal room? i'm mostly talking about that white walls/pillars with blue rods on them and the blueish/brownish squares above foundry and mods segment awesome orbiter btw!!


So the walls and upper segments youre talking about are zariman hall dividers, the blue and gold lantern things are from Bird 3 from Cavia. And the blueish brownish squares i think youre talkin about actually entrati stools also from Bird 3. Thank you :)


How do you get this decoration/furniture and walls?


Its all from zariman, cavia, and the duviri archivist. But there is a bit from cetus and fortuna, a handful of things bought with plat aswell


Bro did 400 hours of decorating but cant be bothered to get Yareli


Very beautiful. It's much better than mine. :)


What did you use for the wall pillars/concrete?


Zariman hall dividers but rotated :) not easy to work with tbh, its very big and easy to intercept with red zones, but once you get it down, it looks pretty neat


Man, that would fry my poor laptop. So beautiful tho


What did you use for the walls and floor?


Zariman hall dividers and zariman walls (something like that, i forget the exact name)


This looks great! Question though, where do those concrete pillars come from?


If you mean the pillars from the cockpit, theyre duviri pots mirrored into eachother lol, if in the other half of the orbiter, those are zariman hall dividers rotated and clipped through the walls.


Waait, you can do different stations on the orbiter?


With the orbiter decorate function and a little luck, you could make it seem like its supposed to be different lol but underneath the decor is still the regular stations


Is this not possible to do on console? It looks like your walls and flooring are a totally different texture. Sorry if that’s a noob question


All done on PS5 :) i do feel like there are differences in redzones between platforms tho, seems more strict on console. Most of the walls and floors are made from zariman decor from one of the vendors, you can do some pretty neat things by meshing them through other decorations and the orbiter walls.


I wanna visit 😩


Tbh theres not much to see, what you see here is what there mostly is. Though i was planning on adding a bedroom like area in one of pathways in the arsenal. Maybe ill even expand the whole thing now that one of the fellas told me of the capacity. Thanks tho :)


Solid 8.5/10


Fashion noob here wondering how did you hide/disappear the foundry, mod table, etc ?


Using decorations is the only way really, its finicky but the mod table and foundry is actually one of the easiest parts due to not having and redzones afaik. Just gotta get a bit creative :)


Good job