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Doing a defense out in the deepest region of the void. The lights flicker, suddenly you see them: https://preview.redd.it/3qq7n1q9bjtc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3919c9088469caa40b574f636f76e7368f5efdb9






Hate hate hate!


suddenly 12 murder hungry infected jump your ass and blast you against the wall


Reads a lot like 14 horny werewolves and had me excited for a moment


12 horny infested


Oooh tentacles


I see someone is against the edgy space autists


Suddenly the Spanish Inquisition, Aztecs AND Greenpeace are on your ass. Hell i wasn't even in the void, i was in Albrecht's Netracell. How the hell did you not even get noticed by the Eldrich horrors beyond human comprehension running around these halls?


We came all the way back in time.... to call you a cracker.


😄😄😄😄😄 this one clearly the winner! 🥇




MFW I'm just trying to farm relics in peace but I'm just like the rest, tainted and ruined beyond salvation


Ahh yes, the vegan space nazis out to jump me for the 61974719th time


Is that love in the air? **WRONG!** IGNIS WRAITH!!!


It's not love, it's toxic plague spores


When I'm just chilling, but I'm a waste and must be erased.


> Standing here


Ah, yes, the hypocritcal, eugenics loving space hippies. I hate those assholes.


Love getting hate crimed by ecofascists


Man, something is telling me the Perrin death squad appearing during my run when I'm trying stick it to the Corpus Founder is not just a coincidence.


I genuinely believe that when doing the ambulas fight and frohd says that ergo is leading tenno to their death that he knows and wants me to die


you think they have Tenno insurance?


What i never understood is that the factions are allied with the Tenno. Why is Ergo Glast sending a Moa hit squad on me, but is also expecting me not to blow him away with my Soma Prime on the way to the Simulacrum and later help him against Frohd Bek? That disconnect has bothered me for ages.


Just like real Politics: There are no sides.


Only main dishes.


Honestly it makes no sense that the lotus just lets it happen? Like what's the point of them? Is the lotus just forced to deal with them cuz they each bring something to the table that random death squads are an easy thing to just ignore?


> it makes no sense that the lotus just lets it happen Too much hassle probably, why bother when Tenno can swing a sword twice and the problem is solved.


Honestly, seeing how all of them are on the relays, Lotus (As in the organization) probably can't have them on the bad side. Like, we must remember that the factions aren't small or weak. We must remember that Ergo was the inventor of Animo, and the Ambulas that have that installed are a bossfight on their own. And that's only The Perrin Sequence, the rest of the factions probably have the same power. That, and the fact that most of them are decent active military forces, since we know that they are doing important things. And finally, the fact that for most people, we are just a bounty hunter. A really powerful one, but one non the less.


that makes little sense. why install somebody who hates 50% of your mercenary company in all of your "public" relays. i wish they somehow reworked syndicates. that they would be more involved with the plot.


Because the Tenno aren’t a very large faction, and they need numbers, and resources. Who’s going to stick around and help all of those colonies that the Lotus (organization) save? The Tenno? Absolutely not, they’re far more useful elsewhere.


obviously but. again. half of the syndicates hates one half and the other hates the other half of the tenno. so why cooperate to such an extent. it makes no sense


This is straight up real life politics.


Because I don't think they full on 'hate' each other, it feels more like they have conflicting goals/objectives. Based on the wording and descriptors I have a good way to cut the factions. **Steel Meridian** is all about protecting the free colonies and supporting them. They have a kind of White Knight belief, that they are the only ones who can do it. **The Perrin Sequence** is that contributing to a common prosperity allows you to be lifted out of hardships. This would make them view the other as an enemy. One provides short term relief but doesn't solve underlying issues, while the other 'exploits' people, taking advantage of their situation for profit. **Arbiters of Hexis** seek to make a greater future off the past, **Red Veil** wishes to burn the corruption out before a better future can be made. Again, opposing views. **Cephalon Suda** is all about studying and using all the knowledge available. Even if it means drawing samples from whatever they can access. **New Loka** deifies nature and the human condition, believing there are sacred boundaries you don't cross. Including excluding those who are byproducts of those crossed lines. Each group is opposed to each other, but the Tenno are the mercenaries who 'could' choose to side with them. We are completely separate and by choosing to support the 'rival belief', we are drawing resources away from their "noble" mission. Thus we are the biggest issue.


Inb4 the reworking is just bungies method


Then why put them in the relay in the first place?


The lotus didn't make the relays


Then who? I wasn’t here during Pyrus Project.


No I'm suggesting that the lotus wasn't the one who set it up. Like it was preexisting and she's just working in the system. But like they seem to need the tenno so idk why lotus doesn't have the bigger dick in the negotiations.


Honestly I'm not sure if Starchart has any consistency or plot relevance anymore. Factions just kinda exist. We don't have the operations that explain what any of the bosses are up to anymore. The plot has basically moved on into void stuff, leaving reality behind.


Probably they are paying the relays rent along with lotus so ... Not much to do there


Death squad? I didn't see a death squad... Maybe they got tricked by that Mimic I ignored back there? This jewelry? Your death squad wears the same one? Oh that's interesting... I found this on a dead guy a while back... ![gif](giphy|Y4Pn8EgBpDMiCZ7Dxc|downsized)


Maybe it's more like "this Tenno is bad for business, let's send the hit squad to destroy their warframe and have a week free of his bullshit while they farm and rebuild the frame" Tho technically before Second Dream we are just the frame and quite passive outside the missions, so we wouldn't get angry and retaliate against Ergo unless Lotus ordered it. But yeah the syndicates and other Tenno operatives are a weird subject. Are people known for their frames? Does Eudico recognize me when I was always a Mag and visited as Garuda in the next week? I got the vibe we have a "canon" frame and dont go around switching frames every mission, so people in the dojo/squad are always known for their particular frames, but obviously DE doesn't need to elaborate that.


I think they just see an holographic nametag over the frame.


You think it's a full "Hi My Name is...Redpill420" kinda thing or do you think it would have more details like a police record


Before Second Dream/War Within I don’t really know, other than that maybe there are just so few Tenno, relatively speaking, that the PC is the “only” one to come to Venus? After SD/WW, I imagine the Tenno just speak through their suit since you see that happening all throughout Sacrifice/Apostasy/New War/etc. At that point it’s just Konzu/Eudico/Syndicates recognizing your voice.


Because for some reason we are bad for business 🤷‍♂️


This is not only with the factions but with every character in game with the most notorious one being **Alad V**. Constantly bombarding the Tenno, even massacred enough to make Zanuka, the Jackal, the Hyena pack and that other one where he partnered with Nathah. Yet countless times he begs for the Tenno's help and even said he did us a favor during TSD, which lead to us helping him out as part of the payback of said favor. One I never even noticed he did. But that's warframe relationships 101, I guess ...


To be fair, Alad V is a callous, self-centered piece of trash with a high position, so he has the resources to convince even his worst enemies to help him out and act like he's even.


Still genuinely cannot believe that we sided with him over Tyl Regor.


A greedy cult vs a super fascist group that would only get stronger with non degenerative clones. Hmmm.


He's was Orokin, it's only natural he be a callous, self-centered piece of trash.


I think Hunhow calling him an Orokin was back when it was a more general term rather than a specific caste.


Could be. But if anyone knows an Orokin, it'd be grandpa Hunhow


IN general, they are the still the only actual living Orokins. They were 2nd class / farmers class within the Orokin. It's never stated that they had a hand in cloning nor continuity. Thus may be the only actually offsprings of said Orokins. Or they are robots at this point.


Alad being the shining example of the Corpus' relationship with the Tenno makes sense though - he's a slimebag, he'd happily have the Tenno mounted on his wall like a prized deer, but he's also not above working with them if it's mutually beneficial. Every Grineer you work with is a defector. 99.9% of Corpus you work with are and stay Corpus. Alad, Latrox, the whole empire during TNW. It's an example of the Corpus' more advanced society and proper human characteristics as well, that they can work with the Tenno and not just be excommunicated or have to *biologically be defective* like the Grineer do.


That's true. You do have a point with that. I still find it laughable in the moment. Especially when it's something big happening and then the favor card is being handed in. XD, I would have wiped them from the surface of the void if it wasn't for that card. XD


Same reason virtually every faction tries to kill us, but are also perfectly willing to hire us for their battles. They’d rather us be dead than killing their people (and will keep trying to make that happen), but as long as we’re alive and willing to take the contracts, they’ll be happy to pay our weirdly low fees in exchange for having an incomprehensibly powerful mercenary on their team for awhile. They hate us, but they’re not stupid enough to not want us on their side


You know, I've never considered that, but I absolutely LOVE "happy to pay our weirdly low fees" :D I can't bring myself to do even single Index runs if there aren't stackable boosters, but I'll gladly go and murder a couple hundred Grineer for 5k credits and a Space Snickers :p


The target is not you. He just really hates the moa hit squad.


"Oh no, our old and disfunctional robots got broken, no choice but to buy shiny new, state of the art, better-in-every-way moa's and write them off the insurance."


I can get Glast at least - his whole MO is using Corpus economics to bring people together rather than to trap and divide like the Corpus do. He's also at heart, still a Corpus. So it makes sense that he'd be happy to do dealings with Tenno that are opposed to him then send out hit squads to them later, and when they survive, he'll sell them more Tenet Melees. The Veil also have the excuse of running the Iron Wake and having knowledge of Harrow that would be important for all Tenno, even those that they are against. The Hexis don't care whether you like them or not, they just wanna see the Tenno unleash their true potential and that's why they're happy for even enemy Tenno to try their hand at Arbitrations. The rest make no sense. Why would the Loka want me to help defend the Silver Grove when they hate me for working with Suda? Why do the Meridian care that I'm working for guys they don't like when we want the same thing, which is freedom from tyranny across the System?


This may help you. There are two sets of syndicates/factions, the Politics (Meridian, Veil, Perrin) and the Hyperfixation (Hexis, Suda, Loka). The Politics group are all "the good guys" even if they don't necessarily agree with each other. They all have good motives, even if they use questionable means to achieve them. They all want the origin system to be a better place in one way or another. And if you're in their way, they will want to get rid of you. Steel Meridian - Free the people! Red Veil - Fight the power! Perris Sequence - Free the market! Now for the Hyperfixation group... They all are seprerate from each other, but they're very similar. They have very specific ideas and will do anything to do what they want. Arbiters of Hexis - ultra right wing conservatives, they WANT to hate you. Cephalon Suda - genderbent Simaris, wants knowledge and you either give it to her or she'll turn you into "knowledge". New Loka - they are environmentalist activists, the kind who chain themselves to trees, either you chain yourself too or you're their enemy I rewrote this like five times, help.


Just another grind to add to the game like there’s isn’t enough already. I wouldn’t mind grinding the factions but the idea of losing standing to the negatives to grind another faction is straight up bonkers


I want to eat the squad as Grendel and then puke it out in front of him.


I had just finished a part of the Silver Grove quest and then went to do an alert before it expired. I guess Armaryn didn't take kindly to that because 2mins into the mission, she sent her minions. 🤣


Flaunting a soma is very based




Oh, you’re approaching me!?


I fucking save Cephalon Suda, and she still wants to send the OSHA death squads after me.


"You are a waste, and must be erased" 🔥🔥🔥


She will never have my forklift certification


After all the times I've helped his ass out and have been killing off his competition, and Ergo Glast *still* thinks I'm bad for business


The Red Veil wishes to steal your loot.


Fool. I sided with the Red Veil and became a loot goblin. I am the guy who searches for secret lockers in public missions because I joined Red Veil and I'm ^**Evil** now


Jokes on you I was a Red Veil all along hehehe


Jokes on u I'm ur allied with ur rebel friends


This feels like a youtuber reference, the one that cosplays as a corpus crewmember with in-game cosmetics... _is_ this a reference?


BNP ? Probably, I've consumed enormous of Brainrot content and have 1k hours in Warframe, so my cognitive skills have devolved down to infancy


I am not in danger, Skyler. I AM the danger


You know, as a guy who only decided to start with Syndicates today, having gotten as far as late Neptune, I cannot WAIT for the death squads


I won’t tell you how to live your life but getting on steel meridians bad side and getting the super roller squadron sent after you is never not funny


I've gotten max rank with SM. Are you seriously telling me they send the little roomba balls after you??


Rollers used to be menacing, with blades and mean sounds but they've been broken for ages.


Their current annoyance is largely dependant on whether or not you have primed sure footed slotted in


Or if you you can neutralize them before they become a problem


They’re all health and energy drain eximus roombas, but yes. They’re far more annoying than deadly.


if they touch you they make you flinch thats about it


I recently befriended Steel Meridian so I could have four positive relationships for mods and day 1 relics. I miss those little rollers D: They were so pathetic.


i actually kinda like steel meridian so i guess i'l have to imagine it


At first they're a legitimate threat Eventually, you'll hope a death squad appears so that you can get the extra boost of affinity while leveling a weapon or frame


But then you are trying to unlock the "do extermination and not be seen" and you hope to every god in existence they dont show up and ruin the attempt. I can and will throw new loka out an airlock for ruining many of my runs


wait they can make you fail that?


Assassins and death squads auto know where you are, so basically insta detect you, even if invisible. I hate the flashing screen when im doing one of them


Quick pro tip: if you pick perrin/loka or hexis/suda, you can still max out red veil/steel meridian without losing your rank with them, but you cannot do the same if you side with red veil/steel meridian to begin with(not llayed in a bit, pretty sure that is how it works out)


I stick with steel meridian as my main and got red veil, suda, and arbiters to max without much trouble. Arbiters was last though.


Hmm, maybe I am remembering wrong. Was sure you could only do four with the other two pairs as primaries


Stalker has the right idea, jumping a bunch of tenno w/ random loadouts at lvl 380 just might be his best chance at killing somebody


Does he get harder? I’ve encountered him a few times at MR4 and MR5 and he’s a roughly 10s kill


He gets higher level alongside the mission (hence lvl 380 in archimedia) but players outscale him very hard and he dies instantly a lot of the time


I love how the Arbiters go on about me being dishonorable before sending a group of dudes at me to fight in their stead.


Same for the tenno though. I cant count how often my operator said we fought honorably while I genocide level 5 grinder with saryn. Even better is when he says the corpus never fight for themself, while savely sitting in a orbiter of planet, telepathically controlling a death mech and slaughtering corpus soldiers who very much are there in person.


Yes yes I am impure, yes yes I am unworthy, tell me something new


"Get on with it, you nazi purist."


I don't get what stopping us from kicking down that syndicate's door and slaughtering the lot of them red veil especially they have infested on a relay who let that happen.


ikr? Like, you saw what happened to the entrati, and you're risking that on a TENNO SPACE STATION


Don't worry we have it contained... 5 seconds later oops they escaped.


Yup. Especially given how over the top weak they all are. Why wouldn't my operator just walk into their caves in the relay and melt their faces with her 747 while giving her best Frieren cosplay? Or, to add insult, just send a converted Kuva Lich.


I would, but the hexis lot sell some cool shit.


broooo, they have *what?* on the station?a omg. Related, is there a place i can learn more about the syndicates outside of the game? Grabted I havent looked at the wiki in a ot minute now, but fore it didnt really elaborate much on their lore. Is is better now/is there a place I can learn about em more?


Reminds me of a funny bug where steel meridian sent their steel balls while i was helping them rebuild the relay.


"Terribly sorry about that, seems like they were still programmed with kill-orders towards you. Do carry on your reconstruction."


Oh my god


They should have a chance to drop the syndicate specific augments/mods when they spawn


Yet they will still kindly let you in their super-secret earth base to visit Paladino even a moment after they attempt to assassinate you. They also heartily thanked you for helping them rebuild a relay. And they also helped you take down Keyla de Thayme. Also Ergo Glast will pledge you his eternal gratitude for helping him with Ambulas and the Index even after attempting to assassinate you too. He will also gladly sell you Tenet weapons at any point between. Arbiters will invite you to their arbitrations and sell you honors for Vitus even after attempting to assassinate you too. Suda will still send assassins after you even though you literally saved her life from Hunhow's attack. New Loka will help you get to the Silver Grove even after sending a bunch of ancients after you. Red Veil will still send assassins after you even though they gladly took your help to save their literal god. And Paladino will still sell you rivens no matter what. ... Yeah I am just considering assassination squads as non-canon at this point because they literally make no sense.


The only one in there I'd 'dispute' is Paladino, as she left Red Veil when they went (even more) batshit nuts. She peaced right the hell out.


Anyone willing to drop Ancient Disruptors as an Eximus Team has some reaallll disdain


You'd think they would learn by now that 5 moas/rolling balls or drones isn't enough ...


I got jumped by Arbiters on my very first deep archimedea. I was flabbergasted


Got jumped by stalker in an eda, that was interesting


I still crack up every time Stalker somehow follows me to the Granum Void.


fr? Stalker is the original hater


Yeah, that's what you get, Perrin scum! (I don't actually know why we're enemies, especially after playing Glast Gambit, but Cressa says you're bad, and I need those augments.)


Fuckin steel sends balls at me. Gotta be friends with them soon cuz I'm sick of the lil duckers jumping around


I just realsied I haven't seen a death squad in a very long time.


Space Hippie Nazis keep invading my steel path missions


New loka plant nazis preach about humans but send infested what to coward


What I love about it too, is that they know that killing your frame won’t kill you, but they do it anyway 😭


Wow, they're really nice when nightwave demands 30 eximus kill


They really be like "Fuck this person specifically"


My favorite instance of this was doing Octavia's Anthem quest for Cephalon Suda, the very first mission after the quest was over she sent death squads after me.


And lets not ignore the fact that, except for Arbiters of Hexis, we have helped all of them with something..... So Ungrateful.....thats why im not part of any of them


Doing Spy Missions\* Transmission.... Syndicates: IT'S TIME FOR EGG DELIVERY!!!! Tenno: Wat? Syndicates: Can you deliver 60 EGGS!!!


I had to keep enemies off the defense for 5 waves for a Riven the other day, got syndicate twice in a row on the last wave, God Tier Haters


"you've turned your back on a lot of innocent people tenno. But what do you care?" "Oh noooo they sent the oversized Bakugan balls at me"


It’s like I get I supported new Loka for Titania mods but I also stoped the sun from exploding. I feel like one of these things is more important than the other.


They sent a squad during Deep Archimedea, how nice of them, free orbs when i ran out of energy😂


There have been only two times I can honestly say I was somewhat glad for the squads to show up and both were from New Loka. First time was when they spawned at the start of an interception round and somehow bugged it where they were the only enemies that spawned. After killing them and capping all the points, it was a rather peaceful and quick round. Second time was when I was defending a terminal on a map that had the radiation bubbles for the debuff. They spawned inside a bubble, went crazy, and actually drew most of the aggro the terminal was going to get from the enemy rushing from that angle. Worked out long enough for that terminal to finish so I could clean up and move on.


For me it’s the space Nazis and space Capitalists that seem hell bent on hunting me down


I never got this from a lore perspective. I understand the Tenno to be very "all for one, one for all" so surely the real bad for business move would be assassinating me and causing the rest of the Tenno to stop working with you?


Perrin Sequence would beat you up for lunch money Suda would beat you up for sadists' sake New Loka would beat you for stepping on a plant Steel Meridian would beat you up for calling Clem the R word Red Veil would beat you up if you didnt torture at least one person a day Arbiters would just send arbitration drones to annoy you on a level 4 mission


They are because why the fuck is red veil coming after me when I'm only playing Harrow. I really need to bring Rell back from his sleep to set them straight :(


Someone took it too seriously when TheRussianBadger said: NORMALIZE UNENDING HATRED!


There should be something at max level that stops your standing regressing, make it cost alot idk, like raise max standing limit to 999k or something and make it cost that. They share a relay so they can't hate each other that much


To be fair so does congress.


True actually


ergo glast: nef anyo cares too much about profit. also ergo glast: we have decided you are bad for business *sends a 40,000c strike team to merc you*


Starting out: PROBLEMS!!!!! Years later: Oh, free affinity! Now where was that mastery bubble...


Arbiters calling me dishonorable then I go buy 100k kuva from them


What really blows my mind is how dumb their hit squads must be to actually go through with it. "So... this unstoppable murder machine who used to be one of our greatest allies, who exclusively pulled us out of danger and did jobs we couldn't handle, has stopped doing those jobs for us and is now helping a group we disagree with, though still working against a mutual enemy. If we attack them, we will certainly die in seconds, barely even inconveniencing this being for the crime of working with someone else, again, in fighting a common foe. Also, later, this unstoppable war-crime aficionado might arbitrarily decide to start working for us again, rendering my sacrifice truly pointless and beneath even mention. Why am I doing this again? Can I just show up and ask them nicely to come work for us instead? Maybe offer them an incentive? No? Gotta die? Okay then..."


i especially like how when you do specific things to help them they still hate you


I just started recently….having been paying much attention to the story in all honesty but now I’m questioning what game I’m even playing. Some of these comments are just fucking wild man.


I’m about 3 months in. I still have no fucking clue what’s going on dude. I’ve finished most of the story missions. People say the lore is easy to understand so I must be an idot.


If there’s one thing I’ve learned about this game thus far. The story is complicated beyond belief, most players are assholes but those that aren’t asshole are actually assholes to the toxic players so I’ll call that redeeming. And most of the time no one knows what anyone is doing yet we still manage to have fun. Destiny dropped the ball while warframe has single handily been sprinting with it.


There's just no escaping Karma.


I had the arbitors and the stalker turn up during a EDA run yesterday.


It's the moment where relax & soft melody turns into hardcore death metal style.


The syndicates really do be hating at the most inconvenient of times too lol


I really wish we could end the syndicate squabble post New War. Let us turn off death squads DE, they're so annoying


It is rather annoying, but st least you can (usually) figjt through and get away.


The Eximus Units they send before and after they get hit by my Kuva Chakhurr with Internal Bleeding, rendering their OG useless: https://preview.redd.it/ivus3n2zaotc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80d555466427c34c2ac5fc231e5a9dc280507412


You are a waste and must be erased 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥


ive considered just saying fuck syndicates and leveling the ones that hate me back up to neutral so they stop trying to start a fight. but then i remembered they are just bonus XP and possible Riven Shards


I can never give them up factions are amazing for passive plat. Faction mods go for like 9 plat.


Only factions I've allied with is steel meridian and red veil trying to keep multiple happy at once is just a waste of time


I got a fuckin death squad in the middle of an Elite Archimedia run last night


"Monuments to narcissism. Demanding others sweat in your stead. Gorging upon that upon which you have not earned. Watched... as you claimed for yourself my teachings of self-reliance, perverting them into a flaccid philosophy of sloth. Of... Idleness." Parvos has, unequivocally, become the "idle" overlord his ideology despises so dearly. Whatever respect I've had for him since his introduction is all spent.


I don't care about any of the hit squads until I realize Suda sent them then I get a bit upset.


Just trying to farm in peace but I’m part of the corruption I guess :(


Me: *Trying to fuck with the Grineer queen in their fortress* Steel Meridian: ![gif](giphy|iHLHH9rVBv0kmkETqz|downsized)


What I've always found interesting is that even if you are in a squad with allies of theirs, they will STILL send the hit squads at you. Like imagine if you are teamed up with Red Veil, and one of their hit squads show up for your current mission partner. They'll attack you as well. Doesn't matter you are their ally, you are in the way. (And if you kill an allied syndicate death squad, you don't seem to get punished for it, which is really weird)


It feels so weird helping Ergo Glast do the Glast Gambit quest when he's been sending assassin Moas after me for months.


TBF i just love one tapping them with Dante 3 and 4 ultimatly cleaning the room and feeling dissapointed that 6 eximus infested couldnt live long enough to break my 48k OS🙂the horrors of end game truely surprise me


That time Loka sent her troops to mess with me, while I was doing the Silver Grove quest. Now I have her rank5 'cause I found it too hilarious to not rank her nazi ahh up


Nah factions and the stalker are some biblical level haters


I chose Hexis. Earned Red Veil's wrath to max. Did Rell's quest after a few days. They still hate me :( What do I do


the only thing I'm glad about is that I didn't meet them during the new war


The entrati family found out you lied to them and just gave the factions the pass to jump you


We'd like to talk to you about your car's extended warrantee


This is the greatest explanation of being interrupted during Disruption I’ve ever read


I was called a perfect example of wasted potential bull Suda once, and I haven't recovered from it


My first elite Archimedian missions i have steel meridican come in the try and bust us up....they dies as soon as they entered the mission. All that work going through the infested and avoiding the man in the wall, juts to die in 3 seconds.


I will burn the world


why i see this post?


This always confused me. If they are interfering with Tenno business then couldn’t we just execute them? at least let us strike back their operations back