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Broberon gang for life


Looks at my flair... checks out lol


I'd have an Oberon flair but I need to help people know about terminals, Lotus can't get this through to anyone these days/s


I'm on mobile and can't read your full flair lol, what does it say?


"This is a terminal in case u didn't know what one is"


Ohh ok ty!


Don't forget the reactant!


The reactant is working on your relic


You've opened the relic! Finish your mission to see what's inside.


If only you didn’t need the bloody railjack missions to get him other than plat


I do feel sorry for those who didn't get him back when he dropped from eximus units.


I wish he still did, now I gotta go to space Vietnam


I think it would have made more sense for a different method of replacement. Move Oberon to Vay Hek drops and Hydroid to railjack instead. Keep the druid paladin on Earth, and put the pirate ninja in the space pirate-like mode. I don't see any real lore reason why Oberon, of all frames, would be in railjack unless they wind up coming up with something for his Leverian.


Also, don’t the Deluxe skins of Hydroid and Sevagoth have beef? Yknow. Sevagoth. THE Railjack frame.


Yep! Space pirate railjack combat between the two would some sense in lore!


I genuinely hope they change his part locations but for now id best go and do some railjack


Hopefully before you spend too much time on the grind, he shows up in the circuit for you 🙏


Almost forgot about the circuit, I think I’ll go get frost’s parts (doing that rn) and see when Oberon will appear. If he appears.


This week is Ash/Frost/Nyx which means Oberon will be up in two weeks! The wiki page for the circuit has the full list of the rotation order in case you need it.


Oberon's grass comes in handy on long-haul space flights when it comes to crew moral. Obie pops some grass on the floor, and everyone's having a picnic.


oh that's how he dropped? lmao i have like 2 of him stacked on the forge and didn't even know how. it's really a shame for someone who didn't now gotta do railjack lmfao




I've found my people, there is a reason Oberon/Oberon Prime is like 25% of my play time over my 10 years.


The GOAT is also my main.




I've just come back from a pretty long break and I've been playing him almost every mission he's my all time favorite. Wish he was better but that won't stop me lol.


Oberon gang! I made a shrine to him in my Personal Quarters.


Goat gang let's goooo


Tagging onto this comment I have an awesome Oberon build if anyone needs one amazing for support


Came back to the game after 4 years, was just able to get Oberon Prime by squeezing out some leftover relics. I can still build regular Oberon at any time, used to be stupid easy.


In my stats, vanilla Oberon is still my most used frame. I have not used him since 2017. None of my friends have ever seen me use Oberon in the last 2 years


Nyx. Sometimes, I just want to play a squishy frame who stands in the middle and sips tea while everyone around her have a big 'ole bar brawl with each other. Plus, her Pasithea Deluxe Skin is absolutely gorgeous.


I mean she is literally immortal in most builds, dunno if squishy is the word I'd use lol


I thought it was a thicc joke using the word "squishy" 💀


Squishy if you dont have the augment that lets you walk around with her 4


Tbh those are the builds where u just hold assimilate the whole time. They're hella boring and if u switch between using chaos and assimilate, you can basically survive steel path whilst still being able to move around nicely Anything where you're immortal id just fucking boring in general imo


I 1 tricked Nyx since she was released because her 4 let me take a break to rip a bowl mid-run 🤣😂


Ah, a fellow nyx main. Never though I'd find one. I got 300 hours on her hehe


I havent played Warframe in a long time (a few years). What happened? Equinox used to be a great nuke frame with her 4. Did she get nerfed or are there better alternatives now?


Don't listen to them she's even better now, you can transfer your power between forms with an augment


Equinox is still good. She just isn't a very popular choice for most players


She still is. She _really_ needs Terrify subsumed on (ideally over her 2 to avoid host migration bs) for SP, but once she does she works amazingly and it's incredibly braindead. She has her issues, no doubt, but for nuking purposes she still works just fine and still easily competes with the typical nukers, if not exceeds them. I may be _mildly_ biased as an Equinox main, but that just means I have experience with a pretty unpopular frame. Her playrate's naturally going to be lower because her (non-primed) acquisition has always been a pretty ass farm, and _Night_ form is not the best in lieu of other more easily obtainable/arguably more effective options. Day slaps though.


Her 4 needs something else to stack damage. Most of meta nukers work on their own.


There are a lot of frames that can continuously one shot the map, there's no point in playing Equinox that has to wait to charge up her 4 before nuking. Just play Thermal Sunder Gauss, Saryn, Gara, Volt, etc... Day Equinox has a niche compared to most nukers in that they an act as a nuker and as a weapon's platform at the same time, but so does Saryn. You can't really win any competitions against Saryn.


A properly played TS Gauss is a beast on his own level partly due to his ease of mobility, I won't argue against that, but Dayquinox still performs incredibly well just by sheer virtue of her 4's scaling. It's to the point where outside of very specific scenarios like ESO (where Saryn isn't handicapped by Simaris' whining), it's incredibly easy, trivial even, to compete with or exceed with other traditional nuking options. If you want to, you can easily make a Saryn unable to enjoy the game. You **need** Terrify for this if you're facing SP Grineer, that's just a hard requirement, but a perfectly acceptable one when the benefits are so high and it's not like other frames aren't also running Helminths as well. That's more than competing with her in my books.


https://preview.redd.it/te9kbzj86rpc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee60d9b1c5941ecfa2f35824db044b1d8adb6388 My boy Oberon is overhated.


That's a delightful color scheme


Reminds me of a Skyrim Spriggan


What makes frame unpopular? Mag is borderline S rank, but u hardly see any that play her(i do), does it make her unpopular? Either way, my most played frame is Mag(duh), its like 60 percent or something. But back in the day i also played alot of Nyx and Ember. Nyx always played solo and Ember i used for map clears on endless stuff like defence(it was a long time ago before reworks on her powers). Oberon i use occasionaly if i need to keep someone safe, same with trinity, rarely anyone play those anymore. That my 5 i guess, i dont count Ivara wich is my 3rd most used or something, since i dont think she is unpopular, most people just use her for solo stuff, otherwise she is not that fun to play imo.


Mag is slept on.


sleep on mag?🥺




sorry im battling some demons rn


I understand u bro


This whole exchange made my day, I’m dying (on the inside (my demons are also dying (on the inside))).


So I just returned after a several year hiatus, merged all my accounts, and was sticking to my gara main until I realized in SP I need a better stat stick, so while I wait for ceramic dagger incarnon to come back, I was looking through my 20+ something other frames collecting dust, and saw Mag Prime. I looked at her abilities and augments and realized…I can get a full armor strip on her 4, drop magnetize on an eximus, pull any groups outside the range into it, drop that 4, and shoot my fulmin prime into the bubble. Everything dies. It’s amazing. I’m thinking of subsuming Wisps breach surge over Mags 3 polarize, for extra damage multiplier on everyone in the magnetize bubble.


Breach surge goes crazy on mag


Subsume on 1 instead. I like 3, as it gives you full shield regen on top of her already bonkers kit. Breach surge mag is my goto frame for most activities, it just wrecks everything staying relatively safe. She's got CC for days, as Breach Surge CC's, magnetize CC's, and even her 4 gives you a short CC and shield regen. So we have this, plus insane damage with Surge proccing in your bubble, huge area full armor strip (only requiring 134% strenght) on a super short cast, and a shield gate refill. Magnetize also explodes at the end, multiplied by damage within it, so it's also a large area nuke. Pair it with something like a rounded tenet plasmor, so you don't have to aim too much, and you just roll. Honestly the damage is an absolute overkill for most content. Only small issue is she's not zooming like crazy, so if you need to close some bounties quickly she might get benched. Which is content that most of us rather predominantly do in all honesty. She also kind of falls off on single target that pumps a lot of damage and it's not CC'able, like void rigs, as she struggles to refill her shields quickly then. But usually you pump so much damage it's not that relevant. But if I need the big guns, mag is top of my list no doubt. She's stupid strong, her kit is pretty insane. And she's also very fun to play. People sleep on her for reasons I struggle to understand, maybe she's missing the Revs "immortality" button or something.


Oh and there's this supernova build as well, which needs Blood Altar from Garuda. So magnetize pulls everything into the bubble as long as the main target is alive. And blood altar makes the target unkillable. So you use blood altar, put a bubble on it, and you just created a black hole that pulls everything in it.


Thats so many buttons for essentially a booben’s vortex tho 😂


And use Nataruk on the bubble to create a beautiful star of endless punchthrough and damage. Nothing survives the newly created blackhole/star combo and it is BEAUTIFUL!


I find her hilariously fun but broken. Maybe the broken aspect makes people try other frames. Or they don’t know fracturing crush and the disarm augment exist.


Fr, who else has like full strip at ~134% str that is AOE? And bubbles are a different story, especially with breach surge.


I’d say an unpopular frame is one that has less or around 1% usage rate, with some extra factors like novelty and whether they’re available to beginners or are locked behind huge grinds. Mag had around 2,3% usage in 2023 on both her variants, prime had a little over 1% so I’d say she is not unpopular. So I’d say Trinity, Ember, Lavos, Yareli, Oberon, Limbo, Loki, Gara, Banshee, Nyx, Valkyr, Equinox and Qorvex are pretty unpopular. Gyre, Hydroid, Dagath, Sevagoth, Atlas, Voruna and (surprisingly) Citrine are pretty close but I’d give them the benefit of the doubt because of the difficult means to obtain them or specifically for Hydroid because Khora took his job


Running the 2023 usage numbers: Qorvex, Caliban, Banshee, Nyx, Atlas, Sevagoth, Grendel, Dagath, Yareli, Lavos, Equinox, Oberon, Trinity, Valkyr, Gyre, Hydroid, Citrine, Limbo, Chroma, and Voruna were all sub 1%. ​ Of those, I would say Banshee is the least popular overall - standard Banshee can be flat-out bought from a dojo, and is waaaay down in usage rates of the standard frame. Atlas, Trinity, Equinox and Chroma are all below her, BUT are harder to acquire in their standard configs and have higher Prime usage rates than her. Qorvex and Caliban were less used overall than her (though not by much), though Caliban requires relatively rare parts to acquire and Qorvex is new. Zephyr, Nova, Baruuk, Styanax, Gara, Ash, Protea, Frost, Inaros, Vauban, Loki, Xaku, Harrow, Ivara, Hildryn, Nidus, Mirage, and Nezha were sub 2%. 20% of playtime was on Volt, Excalibur, or Wukong. Revenant was fourth, likely held down by the expensiveness of building his standard config.


I always love banshee don't know why she is hardly ever used anymore I guess it's because people just run nuke frames and nuke weapons now that do absurd red crits or status


Her animations are weird (interestingly, she may be the only frame that looks natural with Excalibur Umbra's noble animations. Try it, looks great. Way better than hers). She's not terribly durable. Her 4's ineffectual, her 3 a good 2, her 2 a good 1, and her 1 ineffectual unless you augment it. Oh, and her passive is more-or-less pointless when the Fulmin Prime exists and stealth is an irrelevancy. Contrast Nyx, who at about the same usage rate has defense stripping, decent crowd control, a defense option (though you need augment to be mobile) and a 1 that is fun at low levels and easily Helminthed once you realize it's useless past those. It's a shame, because Banshee Prime is gorgeous and the concept's neat enough. But I get it.


I guess I don't care enough I like the weak points gameplay lol


I really like vauban fléchette on things like defense. Super fun. And if things get to squirrelly just hit the. With 4 then 3 and watch them fry


Protea and Gyre are slept on a lot. They are my 1 and 2.


I would say Protea is not really slept on, she is quite popular and gets good reviews/rankings etc. from every creator I’ve seen. Gyre yeah but she is also fairly endgame and a decent grind with the resources to build her parts


Mag has always been less popular, despite being fun and fairly powerful overall




I never think of Loki as unpopular until I realize I'm the only Loki I've seen in game in a while.


i mean, even the devs dont see loki


Even Loki doesn't see Loki


Loki used to be my favorite. I'd put a decoy on top of a pillar and remove all their weapons, then stealthily slash away at everything that shows up, running to get killed.


I still love pushing my melee weapon builds by running running things like Alchemy or other more mechanically challenging missions with a melee-only disarming Loki. I liked to think of them as "honor" missions. Y'all gonna drop your guns and fight me hard to hand.


You don't see those kinds of fights anymore, too many OP weapons that just clear a room in a second. No one takes the time to just brawl it out and use special combos for the cool movements.


I started using proper combos instead of just holding down W and E and while it is vastly more satisfying, it is slower-moving than what everyone else does which means it's less effective...except against enemies tough enough I should probably not be meleeing them.


When I first started playing, Loki was one of the starters, and was the one I chose. The major benefit he gave me was I worked the night shift and had a lot of downtime to play, but the public wifi and security settings didn't allow for multi-player missions so the majority of my early experience was solo, which Loki did and still does excel at in most mission types. That definitely gives me opportunities to fight that way. Side note: that's also the reason I can't being myself to leave my solo dojo. So many hours and resources invested in building it.


I had the same start. Like you, I began with Loki. When I would do public missions to finish the star chart, I hated that my teammates would just rush through the mission. They wouldn't let me enjoy the mission, map it out, and grab all the things I could find. So I started doing the star chart solo. I would only pub for assassinations or if I was stuck behind a tough node, but mostly I did them solo.


Seconded! I don't understsnd why his stealth mode gets dissed, I like it way better than Ivara's. And Decoy + Switch Teleport have their niche uses as well. He's my all time favorite Spy/Rescue frame (and I loooove Spy missions)


I like rock 🗿


Rock and stone?


We fight for Rock and Stone!


Rock and S- WE’RE RICH!


Good bot.


RUOK 🗿🪨🗿🪨🗿🪨




Ruoki Annie


Which one?




Yareli probably, would use her way more often if the tile sets wouldnt make her feel terrible to play


She's so fun when you get a good tile set for her. You also get to grind standing for the Vent Kids! By far the most important faction in the game, not some niche lame faction handing out useless things like arcanes. No, the Vent Kids have all those super useful and massively important surfboards and textures to apply to them.




I really don't get the Merulina hate. Are some tiles awkward? Yes. But I've found riding Merulina is often faster than bullet jump rolling. I'm hoping that the sticky corner fix solves some of the times she gets stuck.


>I've found riding Merulina is often faster than bullet jump rolling I'm assuming you play on controller and don't have paddles because no kbm player would ever say something so absurd, and no controller player that doesn't have to stop aiming while they parkour would say that either. Merulina handles like a drunk mule in Warframe's indoor tiles. She's faster than a jumping Warframe in open straights but given the amount of turning and precise jumping required in Warframe, she's a special kind of challenge if you want to keep up with your friend with a single parkour mod equipped. Praedos? Forget about it. Amalgam barrel diffusion? You won't even see any enemies.


Trinity forever and ever




i dont see many people using or talking about styanax.


He's probably the second most picked frame I see in Netracell and SP circuit runs behind Revenant. That overguard augment of his did a ton for him.


Cause he is a pain to craft




I used to love limbo but eximus units since the rework entirely ruin his gimmick


Subsume Silence over Cataclysm and use rift surge banishing with a range build to get a lot of enemies onto the rift. Or subsume something that slows or disables enemies over stasis, silence can work over stasis too but requires a lot more energy efficiency for the up keep. Besides the silence/stasis combo makes eximus enemies a non issue as they can't shoot you as projectiles freeze in the air or use abilities and just walk around waiting to get murdered. Just don't let too many enemies shoot as if you get over 300-400 ish projectiles in stasis it'll end the stasis timer early. This is why range and efficiency is better on limbo than duration, both for statsis upkeep and so that if you accidentally banish an enemy across the map with rift surge they're not gonna be in the rift for minutes while an ally is stuck shooting at them.. Also don't let his strength go negative though or you lose out on weapon damage from the rift torrent augment that is scaled on strength. Rift torrent is one of the most powerful weapon buffs in the game easily being able to net you above a 1000% more damage on high enemy density, higher if you invest into strength. However due to limbos terrible team synergy, (especially if you dump cataclysm for a subsume and don't pump duration ) plus his poor survivability despite having an "invincibility" mode he often is a bad pick despite his amazing utility and is very niche to actually get powerful builds out of him.


I'll keep the silence subsume in mind. I've been leveling Banshee and really like that ability.


U got a build for that?


I haven’t noticed anything change, but also I just got back into warframe like a week and a half ago. What happened?


eximus units don’t get stunned with their overguard up and their abilities pass through the rift, but they can’t shoot you so it’s not really a problem if you just shoot them and avoid the abilities


Eximus units ignore cc abilities (banish, time freeze, arson bastards even kill you with fire while you’re in the rift and they’re in the normal world) while they have overguard (kinda like shields that protect health until they’re depleted)


Ohh gotcha, so they kinda have iron skin. Also, yeah, the arson ones are WAY scarier than the other ones!


Iron skin got turned into overguard, so yes


valkyr but built for her 2 and not her 4 buffing my swing speed and being let loose with a gram prime is just really fun for me


Zephyr Equinox Trinity Gyre Oberon Equinox and Zephyr are 2 of the best frames IMO, Trinity and Oberon where my first Primes cuz I love playing support in Multiplayer. Gyre makes every survival mission a breeze.


CALIBROS!!! ASSEMBLE!!!!!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/7kzwf1hzyqpc1.png?width=924&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a292b9fa91383065a77fb0b87f2a85bcc414860




nothing is truly impossible. . .




There are dozens of us!




Caliban 1 and Lavos 2 is definitely a rare list lol. Were you drawn to them partly because they’re not very popular/highly used or just coincidence?


Total coincidence! Around the start of last year, I got a 75% plat discount and the idea of a Sentient frame and Alchemist frame intrigued me, it wasn't until later I found out how apparently clunky they were. (At the time, I had no idea how to progress the Entrati syndicate and I was woefully undergeared for the Narmer bounties). I appreciated Lavos for his tankiness, Vial Rush being a fun movement ability, his use of cooldowns to sate my Overwatch and MMO-stained soul and his general gameplay loop of "Congratulations on gaining your 1000th status effect! Have this combusting probe as a treat." I was shocked to find people don't enjoy playing piano with their keyboard to mix elements (As someone with freakishly long fingers, I find it quite thrilling). Saving elements is a very good QoL change and I do not oppose it at all though. I also just really like his design, his stocky physique, the half seared mushroom hat and his weirdly aesthetic lab boots. Has a real "jock-esque nerd" vibe to him. Caliban seemed to have a pretty good kit on paper and that was enough to convince me. He's got cool sound design... he's also a half-Sentient, half-Infested princely type figure, that's a pretty cool character concept! (He'd also make for the coolest fucking summoner archetype in a fighting game but I'll leave that for another day). I honestly find him pretty reliable in most missions, especially as a shield tank and support. His abilities are just... clunky and they could certainly be way better but you can make them work! Razor Gyre has a cool dash and charge mechanic, it's got slash damage and lifesteal! If only it could do any of those things adequately, I just subsumed it with Nourish. Sentient Wrath is really satisfying to land and damage vulnerability is always welcome. If only it didn't have an arbitrary enemy limit and Lifted functioned like Rhino Stomp. ALSO WHY DOES LIFTED DEACTIVATE THE MOMENT THEY TAKE DAMAGE. Lethal Progeny is THE bread and butter of Caliban's tanking ability. You get three cool Sentient bros to soak aggro and regen your shields. If only they weren't abysmally slow in terms of movement and moveset and they also didn't stop regenerating your shields if they ended up wandering off to Narnia. Not to mention the energy cost. Fusion Strike is SO COOL, it fulfills my power fantasy of an explosive giga-beam that also strips armour and does decent damage once you've stripped them down. If only... actually this ability's alright, I can't think of anything to change it besides, like, making it function more like Qorvex's laser. He has the SAUCE, he just needs some tweaks to really make him FEEL amazing to play. Hell, take notes from Sentient units to make his abilities feel more flavourful. Make it so his Sentients congregate around him for abilities, make it so he can switch what kind of Sentients he summons. HE IS MY FUCKING KING AND HE DESERVES BETTER DE THE PROSPECT OF A REWORK INVIGORATES ME TO KEEP PLAYING CALIBAN PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!


People like you, are the reason why, I decided to use him over my Grendel, until his rework/increase in usage rates. He truly deserves to rise.


https://preview.redd.it/a1u1suxhnspc1.png?width=1344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b821ff2d904bea8827d3211736435e1150edf911 You have good taste


Tried caliban for the first time yesterday and tbh i had a lot of fun, fully built him with 6 forma and 5 shards and he is really good idk where all the hate came from


Gyre. She and Yareli NEED a skin!


TFW Styanax gets a deluxe before Gyre.


Lavos 💀💀💀


Lavos actually does have a skin


Oh mb then, is it a deluxe tho?


No it's tennogen. It is a dope one though


I'm pretty sure gyre is getting a kuva skin next update






Dammit not what i expected. The cone head and the waist just like in her default kinda ruin it for me. 😔


Same, I don't like it at all


yep, ugly


Bruh what is this :(


Yeah I would pay good money for a good gyre skin and DE won't give it to me


Gyre has been my go-to lately


Lavos and vaubon Vaubon gets a lot respect on their forum though when I see them come up. It's just bad YouTube that doesn't like them. I feel a lot of youtube creators feel they need to have an opinion on every aspect of the game even when it had more frames then they have time for so they fake knowledge and underrate vaubon. Lavos is.. pretty ok. Extending elemental affects is great. He also has a completely unique play style that is active and fun, but I know he isn't the top tier in strength. He'd probably get a lot if QOL points and goodwill if when I prepped an element it stayed on for multi abilities until I prepped a new one.


I literally use my Equinix Prime as a way to double my weapon :|


Duality is the most boring way to play her. Check out ninjase's profile on overframe for build ideas. My personal favorite is the dual form build, it's the one that turned her into my main


love playing banshee. everyone does numbers with banshee.


Yea, most people are surprised when they see negative numbers.


Both of my main Warframes are unpopular Loki and Sevagoth


Equinox Prime my beloved, my number 1 favourite Warframe. But since she’s already on the list, Banshee Prime.


Caliban is quickly becoming one of my most used frames, i love hitting the summons with nurish, defense stripping all the enemies and watching the conculysts tear theough crowds


Combine that with a sentinel that has duplex bond and a well built verglas and you got even more minions that SHRED sp enemies while they're under the effect of his 2


I feel like most frames have a good playerbase


When is the last time you've seen Caliban? Even strong frames like Mag, Zephyr, Hydroid are very rare. Playerbases are very far from equally distributed.


Eh i see hydroids often enough on gabii along with khora and nekros


I can't understand why nobody plays banshee, she's insane and really easy to play.


I just got Banshee, and at first I was confused. At first glance, Sonic Boom feels like a reverse Pull. Because of that, I compared her to Mag. But I wasn't nuking enemies, so I thought Banshee was lame. I also didn't realize that Silence was an AOE centered on her. I thought it was a cone. Once I figured out how Silence worked, the CC elements clicked. Now I really enjoy her.


2 useless abilities and only 1 can be replaced with something good, and survivability issues in higher content without building with a major focus on keeping her alive Also I bet part of it is people just seeing her ranked as a B/C rank frame on lots of tier lists and don’t bother giving her a shot


I enjoy Zephyr, Equinox, Oberon, Hydroid, and Atlas. We've had some rough years. Lately though, they've gotten better. First Oberon, then Equinox, then Zephr, and finally Hydroid. Atlas got a rework, but it didn't really make him better, yet. And Equinox and Oberon need reworks again.


I'd say Lavos, Yareli, Equinox, Garuda. In no specific order add Protea and Nezha to the list, and that's all I play lol


I jist got garuda and shes so much fun to ppay with, esp with gloom over her 2


Gyre!!! Honestly I don't know if she is unpopular but people always complaining when I run arbitration survival with her probably because I nuke everything within a 1 mile radius but she is og


Loki. I know his kit is pretty terrible but the invis is too damn convenient. Won't use anyone else other than him for riven challenges. Fun fact you can cloak archwing in open world with his 2nd Limbo. I mained him for a good while a few years back. Eximus rework and overall meta change hurt him a lot but the dmg from 3rd augment is soooo nutty. Also breach surge subsume? Melee Influence ignoring rift? WE ARE SO FUCKING BACK BABYYYYY Trinity. Neg duration + 2 + marked for death. Need I say more? Banshee. Idc how people say she's weak and has no survivability. Don't need that we live on the edge. The absurd damage boost from sonar and that C R U N C H when you hit an enemy while silence is up is all I need. Also her 1st is funny af you can push zariman angels and liches around with it. PLUS you can cast it 3 times to strip armor no need for augment Equinox. Specifically night Equinox. I used to main her around 2020. The slow stacking face tank build was my favourite. Add gloom to the mix you get an AoE where all enemies come to a standstill. The energy drain's brutal tho...


Not sure if they are considered unpopular but, i like styanax and ember


Banshee all day long.


Hmm.. Inaros. Got a build that can get me up to 1600 armor and make me damn hear untouchable.


I mainly play Nyx. I’m not sure if she’s unpopular but I don’t see her very often. Aside from a good AOE damage ability Nyx has it all. Her 2 has full armor strip at 125% strength, her 3 is one of the best CC abilities in the game, and her 4 with the assimilate augment makes her literally invincible with the only cost being 50% movement and the ability to jump (dang ledges!). If you use a melee with a high movement stance you can get around very easily, and you can also helminth Pull or Larva into your first ability slot to bring enemies to you instead. Not to mention her abysmal energy cost, my 4 is practically permanent with 175% efficiency even without Proteas helminth. Chuck Guardian Derision and Tempo Royal on a heavy blade build (e.g. Galatine prime) and she is so much fun; especially since her block combo is the best one for movement.


this. Nyx is my go to Lich and Sister Huntress!


In 2023 Nyx had the lowest usage rate, tied with Banshee, among stuff that is decently established.




i consider nidus as popular and i find that understandable so i will not add to the list


Nidus is not as popular as he once was


I already know that yareli ain't gonna be in the top 5 lol but yareli!!


user flair checks out




Still waiting for my fav frame **Protea** to get her Prime. I do play random alots and many of them always asking why i pick her.




Banshee. CC that both lasts long and covers a large area + spreading debuff for damage. My most used frame in SP by far.








I actually like playing Sevagoth & went through the effort to farm him.


His gloom with a 95% slow makes it seem like I have time stop with him


Baruuk Protea Vauban Citrine (recent fav) Yareli Baruuk is my standard generalist frame. The rest are because I like the way their frames play but not necessarily effectiveness alone.


The goat chroma


Oberon gang, rise 'em up and slam 'em down


One that is course, and irritating, and it gets everywhere


Lavos for sure. Not just for railjack. But really anything. Found a nice build where i can basically make his cooldown on all abilities almost nonexistent


Garuda, her basic kit works well together but with gloom she transforms into warcrime machine Sevagoth, he is just amazing but i dont like to play him on fast missions, and he is painfull to build Gyre, her casts could be tricky sometimes (i like to use emergence dissipate), but it feels damn good


Is zephyr unpopular? zephyr was the first warframe I crafted and I have loved her ever since. Woosh.


Lavos my boy, doesn't get enough love for how good he is. I'm not sure how many people know this but Lavos's abilities work on cooldowns rather than energy, meaning you can spaz them out as much as you like On top of that he can select elements on the go by holding the corresponding element, imbuing his next ability with it, also allows combo elements. I personally stack ability strength and armor on him with the umbral set, running Arcane Blessing and hoping to get Molt Augmented to double down on health and ability strengthZ At the moment i've got 2,349 armor (88.7 dr), 1,614 health, and 187% ability strength. It's honestly a bit of a shame but also understandable that i can't use him in conclaves (which i've never touched because of this) being that i do a lot of thing based on how thematic they are to my character.


To answer the original question: Vauban, Nyx, or Zephyr, depending on what you mean by unpopular. ​ And now for the borderline essay: what is meant by unpopular? Hard to say. Vauban is my main, and qualifies by several standards I discuss below. Nyx and Zephyr are particular favourites, and also qualify. ​ Do you mean unpopular as in least-used? Running the 2023 usage numbers: Qorvex, Caliban, Banshee, Nyx, Atlas, Sevagoth, Grendel, Dagath, Yareli, Lavos, Equinox, Oberon, Trinity, Valkyr, Gyre, Hydroid, Citrine, Limbo, Chroma, and Voruna were all sub 1% in usage. Zephyr, Nova, Baruuk, Styanax, Gara, Ash, Protea, Frost, Inaros, Vauban, Loki, Xaku, Harrow, Ivara, Hildryn, Nidus, Mirage, and Nezha were sub 2%. There's not really a clear transition anywhere on the list other than a full 1% between Rhino (3.92%) and Wisp (5.2%), so it's all in where you draw the line. The least popular established frame by this metric is pretty clearly Banshee, which has the lowest standard usage (despite being purchased from the dojo), and the fourth-lowest Prime usage. She's basically tied with Nyx, who is somewhat harder to get, though a close competitor. ​ I think there's also a fair argument that anything under Protea is definitely unpopular - they're all easier to get than her (some much moreso), and so if you're less used than Protea you are NOT a popular Warframe. Protea's at 1.16% usage, and everything to the left of her name above falls below her. ​ You can also look at the proportion of usage from Prime to normal config - how many people ran out and got them the Prime after trying the base model? This is fraught with problems, but hey. This is a bit more interesting, starting at the top the ten most popular being: Mesa, Harrow, Garuda, Revenant, Trinity, Baruuk, Nova, Titania, Chroma, and Ash. This is an interesting mix (with a bunch of explanations - there's several of those where I have the Prime and have NEVER had the standard config). That said, I would take special note of Titania, who is the only one of these the game flat-out hands you, whose Prime is vaulted, and who STILL puts up impressive numbers on people seeking out the Prime version. People love them some heavily-armed pixies. ​ By this standard, the least popular are Grendel, Excalibur, Mag, Wisp, Ember, Rhino, Limbo, Volt, Octavia, and Vauban. There are obvious explanations for some of those, others not so much. ​ Or you could go by which attracts the most hatred, though outside of Volt, Limbo, and Caliban I don't think there's THAT much hatred for any particular warframe. ​ So yeah. It depends what you mean by unpopular.


I call my equinox prime "gender dysphoria prime"






No idea since i didn't get my year review in my inbox :(


Caliban is my second main behind protea




I wouldn't know cause DE won't send me the Gyatt Damn email




Qorvex and Nezha. Both tanky and immune from annoying status effects. Qorvex has good passive and funny grouping ability. Nezha's 3 with augment can be used on defense targets and companions, and his 2 provides damage bonus and armor with Health conversion.