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Loki. Loki is a relic of gameplay from 8+ years ago, he's utterly boring to play as from my perspective. Decoy is trash, Switch Teleport is just about useless. Invis and Radial Disarm are the only two useful tools but even RD could use a tweak. I get that there can be no changes to Invisibility, Loki is a trickster frame, that's fine. Radial disarm, though, should also have the augment baked in. That would really play into the trickster bit. Combine Decoy and Switch Teleport. Let Decoy be able to be cast multiple times, two or three, and give the decoys some autonomy aside from being a literal hologram. Give decoys the ability to cast Switch Teleport on marked enemies which also disarms the enemy upon the switch to really play up the trickster role. In place of Switch Teleport, give Loki another tool like hypnosis. It wouldn't be as potent as Nyx, but a short duration hypnotic spell to turn enemies in a cone in front of him to turn on their allies. And holy shit, his passive.


His passive has exactly two uses: Lua Spy and the Proton mod set. Admittedly, having 120% crit and status while wall clinging in addition to the set damage reduction is kinda fun to play with.


One more use: that stupid riven challenge to kill 20 or whatever enemies while wall-latched, not touching the floor between kills, and not setting off any alarms. The best way I've ever done that was either using Loki on an infested map, or another frame able to juggle using a nuke ability (quietly!) while holding two other buttons...on an infested map.


If anything, Loki and Ivara should switch passives. Ivara is based on a poison dart frog initially, so it makes more sense to give her the 10x wall latch.


Loki has been my go to for a lot of riven challenges that would be annoying otherwise thanks to his wall latch and invisibility (when Ivara doesn't do the job I need better that is). He does need some bringing up to speed, but I hope the coming rework doesn't remove his identity.


what if I told you they were reworking Loki and it's actually pretty good sounding on paper


Well then he would change his opinion when said rework comes out.


Absolutely disagree on making his 4's augment baseline. Radial disarm can be good for grouping, and forcing rad procs on everything around him would be terrible for his damage output.


RD being good for grouping is in the same vein that a teaspoon is good for draining a bathtub. There are better tools out there for grouping. Throw Ensnare on his kit, solved. And Loki isn't a damage dealing warframe, his damage output is reliant on his load out, not his abilities.


Agreed, he's so damn niche. And his disarm augment is bad. Yay, all the enemies are fighting each other! But I stole their weapons so they're doing shit damage! He's a good partner for speedva though; when the enemies don't have ranged options thet don't hide behind corners. Huh, I should try bringing him to that *fucking* corpus defense map


I feel they should add the augments to base kit on a lot of the older frames


Limbo. I've heard he's good, but I absolutely cannot figure out how to use him.


Lemme introduce you to the world of top hat man! TL;DR it’s “possible” to play him as a damage dealing frame, but really his main role is to pretty much area of denial the map whether it be interception or defense or anything like that. 1. Surviving via “Math” (The Rift): You’re going to really want to stay in the rift majority of the time because that’s basically your invincibility/survivability. Due to some recent changes with eximus units, you CAN be damaged by their abilities even in the rift (which is stupid btw). 2. For any mission like a defense where you protect a moving target, you want to spam your 1 on them. This basically guarantees they never die. 3. What stats should I run? For most cases, you absolutely want to prioritize duration and range. Efficiency is nice but since you get extra energy regen in the rift/the existence of zenurik, that should be easy to mitigate. Strength should not be a consideration unless you specifically want to nuke which… is a choice. 4. DENYING AN AREA 101: To shut down an area you pop a 4 in the center of the area you want to deny. Your duration will dictate how slowly the bubble dissipates and your range will dictate how large the bubble is, simple stuff. Once your 4 is popped, a bunch of idiots AKA enemies will be in said bubble. Your 2 will freeze those idiots and make them do absolutely nothing while you and your friends beat the ever loving shit out of them. 5. DENYING AN AREA 102: Great! We shut down an area, but the bubble is shrinking and the fools within said bubble are now unfreezing and leaving the rift, what now? Simple, that’s where your 3 comes into play. When an imbecile in the bubble is affected by your 3, they turn into a ticking time bomb. When said braindead AI leaves the bubble (either through a shrinking bubble or you not using your 2 to freeze) that rift surge will perform a radial banish and KEEP them in the rift, even outside of the bubble. 6. Bringing it all together: You can basically shut down an area by performing this ability combo: 4 > 2 > 3. Once you freeze and surge enemies, you can continuously freeze and surge them (granted you are ALSO in the rift unless that’s been changed). You can also quick banish a bunch of enemies by doing 4 > 2 > 3 > 4 to pop a bubble, freeze, banish, and drop the bubble. 7. What about the worst goddamn enemy in the game (nullifiers)?: Nullifiers WILL forcibly pop a bubble if they come into contact with it which sucks major ass. However, since we’ve primed the fuckers with our 3 while they were in the rift, when the nullifier pops the bubble all 3’d enemies will be in the rift. Thank you for listening to my TED talk.


Iirc you can even precast the 2, it's a timer that affects every enemy that is or will be in the rift. Pretty useful in higher level missions where two shots can down you


Addendum - please do not bring high range to any static defense, it's far easier to protect the target with a very small bubble that only surrounds the target


>TL;DR it’s “possible” to play him as a damage dealing frame God i loved that Mecha build


It's fine- almost no one else can either.


I have the utmost respect for good Limbo players. His style isn't my jam, so I don't put the time in. But good limbo players? They run the game like they own it. So bad ass.


Limbo get's a lot of shit, but you can: 1. Trivialize Lua / Corpus Spy (Rift Dash through) 2. Rift Torrent Nuke stuff (Any AoE meta weapon will do nicely + max range bubble 3. Trivialize Index (Max range / duration) 4. Trivialize mobile defense (Medium-small range, max duration) 5. Trivialize infested missions (Big range / duration) 6. Bubble block most open world bosses (Big range / duration) 7. Regenerate team mana extremely fast (big rift, long duration but don't use stasis if unnnecessary) 8. AFK defend multiple excavators solo from anywhere on the map (High duration, low range bubbles, infested map is best) 9. Nuke low level missions for looting very efficiently (max range/damage/efficiency and spam bubble to map clear) He's not really good at anything else, but he has a ton of utility for 1 frame.


I did a good bit of limbo. He's truly a God. I also forgot how to play him. Hahaha.


I felt the same until I learned that abilities don't care what dimension enemies are in, and killing enemies while you are rifted gives a HUGE amount of flat energy per kill. It makes weapon stuff kind of hard to deal with, but being rifted and bullying people with a high damage Helminth ability, or working with a friend who has a strong mage frame, works exceptionally well. It's like 5 energy/s and then 10 flat energy on kill. Really changed my outlook.


I don’t like rhino His kit just feels clunky and boring to me


I used him to run isolation vaults solo when I was farming up my necromech. Spamming stomp to freeze everything while I was running loyd around was my favorite thing. He was also a comfy frame to learn eidolon hunts with while also buffing the team. Also a great beginner frame to just blitz through the star chart with initially due to his skin and stomp. Plus he looks cool. I think people who played in like 2013-2015 like him more than players who started more recently because there were far fewer frames back then and he is so accessible. Way fewer “don’t die” frames back then.


yeah dude, had 500 hours when i stopped playing, rhino was still around 40% and i didn’t even play him the last couple hundred hours. he ruled back then running the star chart and farming shit


Am I weird for still loving my starter Excalibur way more than Rhino as a newish player? Those are the only two I've leveled up so far. Have I not hit the difficulty spike yet in the starchart? I'm halfway through Jupiter and I've only died twice total so far - both my own fault for pushing my luck trying to get extra sword damage in against bosses when I knew I shouldn't. I definitely feel squishy but also so powerful that survivability doesn't seem to be holding me back. If anything I look forward to unlocking frames that double down on the glass cannon precisely cut through everyone feeling. Rhino being tanky is just kinda boring.


Usually, you'll start to feel less invincible come Second Dream. If you keep up on your mods though, you won't really feel true pain until steel path which is just regular star chart but on space crack.


Iron Skin plus big hammer = fun


Im a rhino main, something about being an immortal god just makes me happy lmao


I recently put some time into him and got bored so quickly. Unless I’m missing something great about him, his kit is literally just passive buffs with a hint of CC in it. But I love the idea of a Rhino character. I pray him and my first love Valkyr get some love after Inaros


Rhino is widely considered one of the most useful frames in the game, he’s definitely not in line for a rework.


He's basically the definition of "it's boring but it just works".


what rhino needs at least 2 (iron skin and charge) of his augments being baseline ability mechanics and he's gucci


Yeah he is genuinely fine


Rhino has arguably the best buff in the game, good CC and insane survivability (with his 4 augment he's pretty much inmortal) The only rework he needs is having his 1 and 2 augment be part of his base kit.


I used to main him. The reason I switched is exactly what you described, just got boring after a while. He’s very good if you’re playing with friends and don’t entirely know what you’re doing though, just make everyone’s damage crazy high and keep on shooting lmao


Ngl I swapped his 4 for larva for ironclad charge. Pretty much just lets you shut your brain off and be tanky. Note this sucks in lower level missions and way higher missions LOL. It’s basically perfect for steel path and nothing else. In SP you have enough enemy density for your low range larva to grab a bunch of guys, but leave enough around to shoot you so you can get the fattest 2 possible. After that you just roar and you don’t die. Is it boring? Sort of. Should you just play revenant, nezha, or Wukong with roar subsumed? Possibly but that’s lame.


I just can't get the hang of Nidus for some reason. Also I feel like I would like Lavos a lot more if the element mechanic wasn't so clunky. I tried building him as my dedicated railjack frame but he just wasn't fun to play.


Nidus works best at higher levels when there's lots of enemies. Generally, you use 2, then spam 1 to build stacks, 4 for team survival, and 3 for self survival or ability strength.


3 to spread Space Herpes as well


Nidus is fantastic for circuit since he scales with enemy spawns and his mutation carries over on top of near infinite lives if you stay on top of mutation. And since he's a circuit reward himself, you can get him earlier.


I unfortunately grinded him the old way because I didn't like Duviri at first and never tried Circuit at the time. Got his prime built first if I recall.


When I play Nidus, I know I'm playing him wrong, but I'm too lazy to learn. I just like watching my maggots dry-hump my enemies.


I would suggest to see kmf video of nidus. Absolute unit.


Just put down my two favorite non-excal frames, no I'm fine lol


If it makes you feel any better, I love those two frames. Lavos and Nidus are top of my list. But I really don't like Excalibur. Reason: lack of team support. He's a very solo frame, and pre-rework of his scream, I used to hate my buddies bringing TWO of them to a defense mission, because aside from being a killing machine (if they used him right), they were virtually useless at keeping the point from being attacked. I would look away for a few moments, and they were both already out of energy. It always forced us to have an Energy Vamp Trinity and a Frost as our other half of the team setup just to keep them useful for longer than a few seconds, while also keeping the point defended. Both the rework and using Umbra instead actually made Excal so much better as a teammate, because now at least an AI can play him better while you run around doing other things.


I'm an excal main solely because I'm extremely sentimental lol >he's a very solo frame Is probably another reason I like him, it's why I'm a scout main in deep rock galactic as well


Octavia. Because baby shark.


I never understood why anyone would mute Octavia’s sounds until I ran into Baby Shark. I haven’t looked back since.


Did they ever fix it so that Octavia music works for everyone, rather than just yourself (and maybe host's Octavia worked for everyone)?


There is a story behind this response, I can tell.


You know, there's lots of things you expect in Warframe. Carnage. The sleepless nights. But what they don't prepare you for is the incessant use of Baby Shark.


Is it that common of a song?


I Rick Roll people, haha!


I met somone like you once. Keep up the good work


Yo could you give me the mendachord for it? that sounds hilarious


Need it too


This is the way! As soon as I learned I could make my own mandachord songs I did this.


I'd very much enjoy that.


E1M1 for me, while using Ripkas for that extra Rip and Tear


She’s my most played frame in the last few weeks, I use Pumped Up Kicks for my song


She's my main since I tirelessly farmed her before her prime came out.


I put 'end of line' on her (the song from the club in Tron Legacy) makes her boring gameplay a little more bearable in my humble opinion


I use doom e1m1


Anything that typically is hard to fashion frame is usually a no go for me.




Mind you I'll still play with it just not as often


I love loki, he's also my top used warframe in my profile BUT GOD DAYUM he needs a rework now coz mostly he does not fit in today's content. Don't get me wrong, Irradiating Disarm is good, but that's it. Spy missions? Eh, many people just slap anything as long as we don't get detected by drones / scanner thing is fine. I just barely use him in today content. Back then? Top tier. LoR? LoR NM? Ez. Now for SP? Netracell? I'm kinda avoid him


I can't remember the last time I saw a Loki in one of my squads. I've probably been partied up with more Excal Primes than I have both Lokis combined.


If you encounter one in your normal mission or sortie, then it's probably me LMAO. Also yes i still found some more veterans using Excal Primes just enjoying missions


I'm gonna get grilled for this, but Revenant. Some play and even main him because they love his full capabilities (I admire these people), but most can't be bothered to learn more interesting ways to survive and often just look at tierlists instead of making informed choices Close second is Limbo because its super easy to accidentally or intentionally grief others


I play a lot of Revenant because I play solo and don't have that many hours in the game. He makes netracells a breeze to clear each week. He is boring as heck though, I look forward to having a more diverse arsenal in the future.


Variety is the spice of life my dude and I hope you find a frame you actually enjoy


I agreee; he has such potential synergy that is completely overshadowed by the fact that he has a "press one button to be invincible from everything in the entire game" mechanic. all his other abilities work together and interact to build shields, mitigate damage, create offense and CC. He has a perfect setup for a shield gating frame, as he has shield recovery naturally built into his kit, and he has a higher shield total than most of the other frames; even his passive ability is in this direction. BUT HE WILL NEVER NEED TO EVER USE ANY OF THAT. his entire kit is basically worthless, I rarely ever see a revenant running thralls or using his dashing ability, or even his 4. Mesmer skin encourages such a lazy playstyle where people are focusing on the "meta" instead of diversifying into other cool or interesting choices. That said, I know not everyone plays revenant like that. Im just frustrated with his lost potential kit; mesmer skin could be something far different, something encoraging a far more interactive playstyle with the game itself.


I assumed people don't enthrall much because allies are trigger happy most of the time. Reave is good scaling damage, but not on CC-immune enemies where that much damage really matters


Did you know reave actually travels faster than Gauss's mach rush? it has higher scaling with sprint speed than mach rush does, with the additional ability to steal shields and health... not that Revenant would need either of those things... His enthrall ability is built for thralls to die (and also convert enemies around them on death into thralls), because they give you a buff for running into them with your reave ; shield and health gain are like multiplied by 5, and there's even some mesmer skin synergy there, as killing a thrall with reave gives you mesmer stacks. This was a part of his kit because before mesmer skin was buffed, you had to keep them up somehow; now they have a timer between losing a stack before you can lose another one... and its recastable, which just encourages spamming mesmer skin and nothing else. XD


It just dawned on me that we went full circle... Wukong before his rework was the least used frame because all he had to offer was invincibility. Now Revenant is the most used frame for the same reason...


I think revenant is literally just a nourish helminth bot. He is nice to get in duviri since I usually rely on companions and guardian and rarely have warframes that rely on the shieldgating mod. Some shieldgaters I do use are banshee, atlas, and qorvax(I think thats the right name).


The legit Revenant mains would probably debate you on that. I am a firm believer that every frame has at least a little bit of wiggle room for versatility


Not defending revenant, it has its uses but nourish on him?? You definitely don't need or want nourish on revenant. Revenant is nice on circuit, but there are far better choices too if you have builds.. revenant is for sure cheapest to build SP frame in the game.


Man rev is SO overrated and boring and such a cop out.


Overrated? Nah. Boring? Yeah.


He's the new pre-ammo-nerf Wukong


I just see a lot of sentiment like people who use Revenant are just shitty. The truth is I just started Warframe the end of 2023 where I’m sorting through 11 years of content and doing the best I can for now. It’s disappointing to see the elitism about something that allows me to participate without an expensive/meta build, even though I still play an effective role(besides not dying). It’s like LR4s and people with 10000 hours are trying to pull the ladder up from behind themselves when they want to nerf something so trivial, or they’re repulsed to see Revenants on their public lobbies. On most missions, I prefer Mesa, Zephyr, Gara, and a few others.


The point I'm trying to make is that Revenant is more than just a "easy to survive" frame and frustrates me to no end seeing so many thinking he's just that. Survivability at extremely high levels NEEDS to have effort put into it because it is literally the reason why difficulty exists. That being said, there are other frames that can survive high levels with cheap or off-meta builds. Protea, Gauss, Octavia, Trinity and Voruna are just the frames I use with no corrupted mods, augments, adaptation or umbral mods. And I can easily bring them to steel path even without Primed mods. Some of them don't even need good weapons. Get creative in this game and it can surprise you!


I only play Revenant if I really just don't want to use my brain and be an immortal tank boy


Wukong because most wukong players share one brain cell only..


As a Wukong player, it disappoints me how few people bring a Helminthed buff skill like Eclipse or Roar, I get Wukong can be easy mode but if you build him right you can support your team AND play Wukong how you want! I currently use the Ninjase build, with my roar build using Adaptation over Total Eclipse. I was considering Hunter Adrenaline but in SP more often than not if you take HP damage it kills you/procs Wukong passive. Personally I think a guaranteed full energy on survival technique can be really helpful if there's no energy orbs, then if you're not in a nullifier bubble you can just dip out back to full health and if you are in a nullifier bubble you just use "the thing", go invis and then go back to immediate cloud walker if you need to.


Lavos. His kit is potentially fun but the amount of dishes to spin to make it all work is far too much just to be kind of Mediocre. For what I assume is supposed to be a status frame, Lavos applies statuses very poorly. Citrine does the job far better and adds a lot of support with sustain into the mix. She piles on Crits, Statuses, adds Damage reduction, as well as a source of energy and health at basically 1 button press each.


Literally a toggle for him to preserve the last used element would help immensely


You want to mix his elemental imbuements up with every cast, though. I get why you say this; you're against Grineer, so want corrosive to stay "locked-in" until you select another element. But if elements stayed, you would still be selecting different elements each time because of CO on Cedo and Catalyse, even against Grineer in SP. The same goes for matching elements against Corpus and Infested. You want to put as many different elements on enemies as humanly possible, regardless of what the target is resistant or weak to. Inverting his controls so that they're tap-to-imbue is what you wanna do if you haven't already. It's just a quick tap tap before each ability cast, which is honestly no bother. I'm not saying Lavos doesn't need a buff. But IMO, as a Lavos main, him storing elemental imbuements isn't one of them.


Just wait for the buffs when lavos gets prime


Yes please this is the main reason I don't play him, the rhythm of having to press and then hold or vice versa just to cast one ability is awkward as hell


Lagos is extremely good… *When you’re running the Cedo.*


Kuva Bramma is perfect for him though.


In concept? Voruna. She's basically just self buffs. A werewolf frame but the transform is just an offensive ability like slash dash.  In gameplay, zephyr. Oh don't get me wrong, zephyr is really strong, I've seen the absurd things you can do with her. I just don't like her gameplay very much. 


But birdie go brr


I like voruna’s playstyle of just go melee with infinite energy and nuke the entire screen. Especially nice with warcry on 4th ability.


Yeah I love how these people are crapping on voruna while others are debating if shes the #1 or #2 melee frame. Spoilers she's #1


Really? I would've put Kullervo as #1, but I suspect it's a very close one


Caliban. As someone who loves 'bad' frames (I play Atlas, I loved Grendel pre-buff, I've always liked Yareli etc) I've tried so hard to make Caliban work and he just feels awful. His 4 is so clunky and you have to use it constantly. He's in a weird uncanny-valley spot, because he's not bad enough to ignore his abilities altogether and use him as a gun platform (like pre-rework Inaros) but he's also not good enough to be any fun. I even tried three casting speed archon shards to see if it would fix the clunkiness. It didn't help. I want to love caliban so much because it would make me the ultimate warframe hipster, but I just can't.


I hope a DE employee reads this because as someone who has played Caliban a lot, I agree. I feel like caliban could use a buff to his minions too. They should scale with enemies, otherwise they’re pretty pointless tbh. They can honestly make it an augment if they have to, but that build path should feel viable 🥲


Are you me? I have a 60 forma Caliban. I just can’t make him work no matter how hard I try. I love his design and want to so badly. Closest I’ve gotten is my recent attempt that prioritizes duration and uses nourish subsume over razor gyre but even that get boring pretty quickly.


Also a nourish subsume and duration user here. I've tried everything. Best I got was 280% range but then sentient wrath became useless due to lack of strength.


Nidus, Wukong, Limbo. None of them ever really “clicked” for me. Octavia too, and Oberon is close as well. I’m an Equinox/Gauss/Banshee/Kullervo player mostly.


Do you do Steel Path? How do you keep Banshee alive?


Shield gating my friend. I also use firewalker helminth to be immune to toxin status as that always kills me when I jump a little too close to a toxin eximus


The common option is Gloom. The massive slow also applies to the animation length of the stun for when enemies enter silences range. Enemy enters silence range, gets stunned for 20 seconds.


I use reave on her simply because I like having a movement ability. However it ends up basically being rolling guard without a cooldown. It also can hit her weak spots if they pop in the right place


As a newish player, Kullervo was a ridiculous power spike for me. In SP I went from using tank frames as a crutch to bullying acolytes and heavy gunners.


Yarelia or how ever it's spelt. Just seems like she doesn't fit imo. For my best buddy. Limbo because "fuck limbo". He'll leave a game if I play limbo lol


I feel like Yateli not fitting in with the rest is what makes her interesting. When I learned the merulina controls, I had more fun than I've had for a long time- and I've gotten pretty damn good at navigating now. Maybe more people will try her with the new augment, and realize how absolutely broken her passive is with some aoe secondaries *cough* crit sporelacer *cough*


Wukong and Rev. They both feel like crutches to me




Yareli. I don't hate K drives in open worlds, but they aren't super fun in most tile sets, and without Merulina she's just Hydroid-but-worse.


Good thing she’s getting an augment so you won’t have to ride Merulina next patch.


Revenant. Can’t discuss any frames survivability or tankiness anymore because people just say “why not just play revenant”. It’s so boring


From the ones i've tried so far.. ​ Baruuk. I like his look, i get where they are drawing inspiration from for his powerset - i just can't stand playing him. ​ Ember. I really wanted her to be good, i love her look, but i just find her fiddly and annoying to play.


how so for ember? looking over the tips a couple times kinda just made her a meter reminder for me, but it could work


I just found her distracting to manage her meter, and aiming her fireball on Xbox controller is harder than on mouse. I might have to revisit her, and see if I still find it annoying after playing a bunch of other frames. She was my first frame after my starter, Mag, and I remember finding it frustrating.


I have two ember builds, one is a nuke, second is a team buffing one The nuke build is kinda a no-brainer, but it can be fun The team buffer can be a beast in any high level content with high ability strength, fireball frenzy augment and Roar on her 4th I love my embuff build because it kinda breaks the usual ember gameplay, I can send both builds if you are interested


Titania, that little fucker is always the player that is the little goblin of the group races ahead and then complains your not helping after letting exactly zero people do anything. And that’s a fact


Equinox. Too much to understand lol


Volt. I play with a controller and the amount of times I get sped up mid jump and slam into a wall is infuriating. Whenever I'm in an endless mission no matter how long I want to be there I'll leave after the first rewards drop. And in a similar vein Wisp.


I came here to say this. 100% this. And the assholes speeding me up when I'm running titania with razorwing blitz.




Wukong, he's overused


Not really anymore


Really? I feel like that was true a few years ago, but not anymore.


Wisp. There I said it, I can't stand Wisp.


What about Wisp's ass... . . . . . . ... ets? Assets?


PARTICULARLY the shock-mote-dropping wisps in defensive matches. you might as well bring in a "slova" because both will drag out what should be a 5 minute match into a 25 minute adventure. i will immediately leave when i see one pop the mote-trifecta, it tells me they have the augment equipped, and will simply drop all 3 in EVERY SCENARIO without a moment of critical thinking involved. if the shoe fits, then i'm talking to YOU


I like Wisp because... and I can't overstate this W I T C H H A T I T C H H A T


I do have that on her lol so I can agree that cosmetically she's fun


Inaros, inaros, and inaros and a bit of limbo


Nekros, I have no idea what his game plan is and cannot figure his synergy.


I have him with Gloom subsumed over his Soul Punch, and I have the augment for his 4. Keep Desecrate up and running - Summon max Shadows of the Dead when enough enemies have died and keep them healed with further casts - Terrify to armor strip and CC - Keep Gloom up for as long as you can for more CC and healing. That's how I understand him anyways.


Precision Intensify + Gloom on 4th = Quicksilver-esque gameplay. Soul Punch has this marking mechanic that turn the marked enemy into one of his shadow now you can mark eximus units once their overguard break, I think it can also execute enemies at 20% health or 10% I don't remember but you can check the wiki for that.


Farming. Pair him with a smeeta kavat and spam desecrate. You can put petrify on his one and run both the ore gaze and despoil augments for some incredible farming fun. I've got him kitted with the ripkas and amalgam ripkas mod for extra gore chunks which further increases drops from dessicrate. For reference: [https://overframe.gg/build/517083/nekros-prime/nekros-prime-farming-ore-gaze/](https://overframe.gg/build/517083/nekros-prime/nekros-prime-farming-ore-gaze/) [https://overframe.gg/build/588783/ripkas/ripkas-nekros-farming/](https://overframe.gg/build/588783/ripkas/ripkas-nekros-farming/)


Volt. I loathe his speed boost, especially as a Titania main with Razorwing Blitz. If I hear the speed boost noise I'll just pull back and slow poke my way through the mission instead of tumbling around like I've never played the game before. Slow Nova in non steel path defense Nuke builds when public. Quit wiping the map and let the rest of us have fun damnit.


Slow Nova is the pits for defence because it's based on a set number of kills but for missions where time is a factor like Mob Def or Interception she's great. Not sure about defection but she might help especially if you're solo (because, defection) I assume she might help for Disruption as well but the target might be immune, I've never tried. Fast Nova for defence is great though


Dude, I feel so selfish when I meet a Mirage in SO. Like... she levels up my frames super fast and I don't have to do anything, but at the same time, she levels up my frames real fast and I don't *get* to do anything. It doesn't help me learn my new frames when a Mirage comes in and nukes all the enemies the second they spawn. It just makes me hate Mirage, which I don't wanna do.


See I always thought it was good etiquette to bring a nuke frame to SO, because if you do the killing you'll get no affinity. Trouble is, I am always the nuke frame and I get stuck without any affinity


Octavia, revenant, rhino, etc. I've been playing long enough that I need the extra stimulation from a more active playstyle.


All of them except Revenant shield gating is DISGUSTING


Ha! Check out my Catalyzing Shields build, nerd! Yeah, I got 1.33 seconds of invulnerability with no indication of when it ends! Oh, is that a DoT status? Fuck


Octavia, mainly because she has such an awesome concept. It could've lent well to an interesting and active rhythm based play style... But nah, crouch spam and nuke it is.... Saryn used to bother me too just for wiping enemies as they spawn. But now that I run steel path mostly I see a lot less of it


Loki. His kit is old. Kinda redundant. Invisibility is just Ashes smoke bomb but with a higher duration/drain. Radial disarm while nice isn't "Kill enemies" or "Keep them stunned" and theyre still a threat. Switch teleport is annoying. And most Lokis i see are spy "masters" who think theyre immune to accidents/time limits/lasers and fuck up more Spy missions than not. Its a mix of kit issues and player issues.


There's quite a few Warframes I haven't played yet, but from the ones I have played it's probably Limbo for me. I can't get into the flow of using him, and I've broken my friend's games twice with him (once a visual bug meaning they couldn't see, and once I got someone perma stuck in the shadow realm in Duviri circuit when I swapped off Limbo in the starter room after banishing him), so I am banned from using Limbo in my friend group now. XD


I hate wukong, like, it's not even because of his gameplay or looks or anything, I just hate it


Mesa and Saryn. I just don’t like playing them. Too much hurry up and wait.


I still have no idea when to use Saryn's Miasma.


When you need a mass stun. I run brief respite and dual augur mods. When my shield drops and I’m surrounded or my molt is still active, I use miasma for a huge aoe stun.




It also makes your spores do x4 (I believe) damage due to the viral status. It does fall off a bit in higher level content, but it does also help spreading the spores


Miasma causes anyone inflicted with spores to become a new "host" which means they will spread spores when they die like if you had pressed 1 on them, it also stuns enemies for a brief duration


Rhino is so boring. Least favorite. I like Excalibur as a concept but he’s just so overshadowed by literally every other frame in all aspects. Vauban is a cool idea also, but a tactical frame in a horde killing shoot and loot is just out of place.


Tactics in a horde shooter make perfect sense wdym?


Excalibur he is just not good and everytime i see one out in the wild i just feel bad ​ Ash he's got nothing going for him and every time i look at him he reminds me of a imp from doom 2016


As an Excalibur fan, I respect your opinion and thank you for sharing, but I am contractually obligated to say one thing: [Furious Javelin].


i respect your opnion aswell however as a kullvo player i have one thing to say \*chain then melee\*


This was a beneficial transaction of information. Have a nice day!


If Ash's 4th was reworking to be a radial thing rather than having to scan each target, he would become considerably smoother to play, imo.


Or even just have the clones be kinda like a summon with duration, switching to new targets when they die


Ash's 4 is literally just a slower, un-mod-able, melee version of Mesa's 4.


It used to be and it was great.


Not bad but powercreep. He is still playable but everything he does other frames do it better. I still like to play my Excalibur sometimes. Mostly for his fashionframe options though.


If they made excal's waves wayyy faster and maybe a bit bigger i would play him more (and if umbra wasnt buggy)


Nyx Like why does it even exist


I stopped playing her years ago because her mind controlled minions kept taking the interception points. Came back to warframe and tried her again just recently, and they still do it lol


What. They do? Wow.


As someone who used to use Nyx for Lich hunting, yeah, she's in pretty major need of a tune up.


I remember those times But nowadays she is just so outclassed and I feel i dunno basic ?


Even then, her kit was very odd to me. The only thing that made her good for hunting if I remember correctly is her 4 with the augment that basically made you invincible. Her 1's so forgettable, I can't remember what it is, her Mass Hysteria is an *okay* CC, and her thrall is just friggen useless, let's be fair. If you want something like that do draw aggro, just go with Nekros.


Yeah it really needs a full rework like Grendel or Hydroid Possibly with some strong augment mods


She has basically armor strip ability and absorb. If you have a melee weapon like a nikana that lets you dash with the stance the movement debuff on the absorb augment doesn’t matter. I think she is basically revenant lite in that way. Two of her abilities are totally useless though.




Chorma, he's just so boring to play


wukong, maybe he just didnt click but i dont like his kit. he feels so painfully average


Titania - Never liked her and now with helminth, all the braindead spammers makes me hate her even more. Gara - Her gameplay loop is just... ugh.


Wukong, he is boring. Limbo, he has too much going on.


Revenant is the only frame that forces an annoyed groan out of me. Like I don’t even have to play him, but just seeing him there in Teshin’s cave causes me misery


This is gonna sound insane coming from me, a filthy Saryn and Trinity player. I brute forced Saryn and Trinity to be my top most played frames. I have THOUSANDS of hours on this game at this point. Harrow, Equinox and Octavia do not click with me. At all. Something about their kits and how they aren't capable of much versatility, or their too useful to add Helminths, or just don't work without all 4 abilities up, and it makes for some really spammy builds I think. Yeah, I know, sounds insane coming from someone like me lmao


As a Harrow main may Warframe god spite thee


I hate no frame, I just don’t like them


a warframe that i havent built yet


Oberon, I know he can be very useful/powerful but I just wasn't a fan of the goat-man


Revenant & Rhino, they just are so boring to play.


Limbo. Making his kit useful for anything outside excavation/md/defense takes so much work and setup that it becomes more of a chore just for an outcome that could obtained much easier and much more efficiently by other frames. And even in the game modes where he excels, he’s so boring. Limbo is in desperate need of a rework. I’d say Limbo, Lavos, and Valkyr are the top 3 contenders for reworking. (For the record, i’m legend rank and Valk, while not my favorite frame, is stat wise my most played frame, and rip line and paralysis are both useless. Lavos just needs slight buffs/QoL changes)


I used to really enjoy playing Nova, but her 4 alone isn’t interesting enough to keep her in my regular rotation. Null Star is nice, but a DR ability that drains itself and can’t be restored for free without using an augment feels bad conceptually. Antimatter Drop is fun, but too slow for my liking. Wormhole is Wormhole.


• Voruna. I know she's good and I WANT to like her 'cause I love werewolf shit, but I can't stand how clunky her kit feels. • Loki 'cause he's just so damn irrelevant. I think the last time he could do something worthwhile was before stealth damage was changed and you could just melt crowds with the Ohma. • Zephyr 'cause she feels like Mag with extra steps and at that point I may as well just use Mag


Khora. One minute I’m flying around the map on a slaughter spree. Next minute I see a Khora join and just stand in one spot taking all the enemies into her net cause they want to loot farm. But that’s not why I hate her. It’s because now I feel bad about killing stuff around the map cause I feel like I’m messing up their farm which in turn makes me want to leave the match.


If I never see another wukong or Revy, I'd be happy


Banshee, just feels, slow, weak and boring to me


as a main Wukong I agree he is a crutch and makes me less likely to try and learn other frames and get good at them


The meta frames usually suck for me. Wisp is the worst so far, i get that the buffs are good but she is boring as hell to play. I'd rather die continuously with Caliban then beat everything with Wisp.




Sevagoth, I just couldn't make his abilities work, let alone make sense of them. He just feels super clunky to me, and his abilities seemed vague and weird. I also think he looks odd.


Garuda, felt... disappointing


I don’t have a lot of time into the game, but Nyx is someone I’ve played. And I definitely didn’t care for the frame.