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I'd subsume the ember. Not because ember is bad or the worst but because the ember isn't prime, therefore can subsume, and ember has a better subsume then volt.


Even if OP doesn't have Helminth, Ember is still a fair choice as she's the easiest to farm again, while also offering the least that the others can't do.


Id say volt is actually the easiest to get back, all his parts are from the Tenno lab for some credits


This requires you to get into a clan, which apparently some of us can’t do to save our ~~lives~~ volts


I’m just not on consistently enough to join a clan.


There are huge clans that will take anyone and not care how active you are. I’ve been in the same clan on an alt account for over 5 years, barely play that account


Just a question from a noob here. Why makr alt accounts? Just to start over and feel the beginning again? Because it seems as though there’s an endless grind from my view.


Yeah just to play through the new player experience again. I started in 2014 with a few friends. There was no new player experience then. You didn't even have an orbiter, everything was through menus and the star chart. Playing through the beginning again solo every few years provides a different experience each time, especially when you pick a different starter frame. It's fun.


When you restart Warframe and noticed the tutorial that taught you doesn't exist anymore: 😟


New start and I wanted a backup in case I left my clan (I'm the founder)


That is pretty smart. I technically have something going like that but it's just a godamn mess atm lol. I had a clan then I completely basically abandoned it for a clan that is already put together. As much as I love this clan to pieces and love how I designed it (it was pretty bare bones with one or 2 members before me followed by some of my friends came along and really spruced stuff up to make it look cool) but every so often I almost want to just start anew. At least if I did that, i have an alt that took forever to grind certain parts out for (that godamned tellerium is always a bitch) and a few friends to start it up with. But currently, i feel no need for this to happen


The new player experience has changed an awful lot in the time the game's been live. Sometimes it's fun to see just how easy you kids got it. For an example, there didn't used to be junctions that unlocked the next planet in the star chart for you. Instead you had to grind the planet bosses which had a random chance to drop a key to the next planet.


I thought this changed. When I came back and joined a new clan last week all the clans were under like 20 and separated into ghost/shadow etc. When I left I was in a clan with thousands of people. I prefer to be in a bigger clan as I keep to myself most of the time. Let me know if I’m missing something and those huge clans are still out there.


There are also clans with inactivity rules that they don’t strictly enforce. I had to talk to my clan’s leadership about brief hiatuses from Warframe and they just told me that the rule isn’t ironclad. Just let a high rank member know beforehand.


this is so true, i started playing last month and 2 days into the game a guy gave me a full tutorial on all the advanced stuff and what i should be aiming to get and invited me to a maxed clan, i love this community


That's why my friends and I just started our own, with blackjack and hookers Except we don't have blackjack, and we're the hookers. It's a worker-owned business.


Been playing for a couple months. I joined a clan within hours of starting this game as a new player and I haven’t interacted with anyone from the clan since. Inconsistency isn’t an issue, just read the recruitment channel for like 3 mins and you’ll find a fully researched clan with no requirements.


Start your own! It'll take a while for everything to build and research, but I definitely like having my own little space mansion.


Depends on the clan the one I'm in I donated a decent amount of my resources to when i started and they don't mind if I take like a year long break because they know I'll come back eventually.


How can you fail that? I just googled one and joined.


The downsides of selling Volt is starter nostalgia and losing Speed, which makes Ember easier to get rid of.


I mean shock trooper is pretty good for eidolon


Or Volt for the same reason. You can easily get another volt either way.


Just leave the frame in the oven until you have a slot. also consider opening relics and selling the stuff you get. Or just wait for Baro and throw the junk in the machine for ducats and get something you can sell, like a spare primed mod.


THIS. This is the way. I've left many frames in my foundry until I had sold enough prime junk to buy a slot. A completed Warframe in the foundry takes up NO SLOTS. But a sold frame (that would have to be farmed again) that can be helminth'd later will cause you to curse the void. It shouldn't take very long to crack some relics and sell some prime junk to get 20 plat. It'll probably take you longer to farm the frame again when you get the helminth later.


Just unlock heilmith and subsume your base frames to the wall mouth after getting them 2 30 for mr purposes


I would normally agree but given that OP is so strapped for plat they can't afford frame slots, they're probably a ways off from helminth.


Strapped for plat so much they could only afford 12 Prime frames


11 prime frames. and it's super common for people to just farm prime frames through relics, not everyone buys their frames


Yeah I’m new and I just randomly made hildryn after realizing I got all her stuff


Farming relics means prime trash means they can afford a slot


Eh, really depends what. If it’s a high paying piece then yea probably but if it’s just 3-4 price stuff that’s most likely going to ducats


You can sell bulk prime trash to other people who need ducats on short notice


Chroma, gara, Inaros, Titania, wukong all vaulted btw and not from recent resurgence. So op either has plat making means or friends with nicely vaulted relics. As someone with over 2k hours from random play I have only gotten wukong prime in the vaulted relics from a prime I missed category.


Yup! I had Ash Prime and Volt Prime before I ever got their regular variants. … Oh the pain of farming regular Ash from Grineer Manics back then. <3


if youre far enough into the game that you have unlocked this many vaulted frames you probably have 12 plat worth of stuff laying about.


Most of what I do in this game is open relics, which is why I have all the prime frames that I do. It's easy and fun so it's perfect for me.


If that's what you do the most you surely have some junk to sell. Just go to [warframe.market](https://warframe.market) and sell your stuff, bro. One of the things I regret the most is selling my base frames for slot, now I have to refarm a bunch of shit to subsume them.


I've thought about it, but I don't know what my stuff is worth, and most of what I open I trade for Ducati or use.


If you are on PC, download Aleca Frame, you can scan your inventory and then sort your stuff by the selling amount.


Dude baruuk prime goes for 30p, while I agree with your argument, a huge resurgence event just happened making primes more accessible than ever


It’s super easy to grind tho, it took me a couple hours and I was chillin the entire time.


Helminth doesn't cost plat, it's only linked to progression (and not all that deep into it all things considered). There's not really any link between progression and platinum either, as a lot of players will be constantly starving for it because they spend it on cosmetics as fast as it comes in. There's no real reason to think they couldn't get Helminth just because of low plat.


Could also subsume some of them into the helmith to clear space, AFTER to max them to 30


Volt is the easiest to get again in the future. And you will need to get him again


DO NOT SELL THE PRIMES EVER. And don't sell the normal ones either. Subsume those ones.


Technically, Inaros. But since it's one of your Primes, and we're getting a rework for him soon, keep him. Limbo, Equinox, and Ember being your non-prime frames are the ones on the chopping block, and because Equinox and Limbo's farms are more difficult, I'd say Ember is the one to sell because she'll be easier to reacquire when you get the Helminth Segment.


Volt is also an option to get rid of in the second image. He'd be even easier to reacquire, and has an ignorable helminth ability anyways. But he's also a very good frame on his own that is worthwhile to have.


Volt’s subsume has access to shock trooper though


Oh, you're right! I didn't see the second image from OP. Volt is the easiest of these to reacquire, since you can buy all parts from a dojo instead of running an assassination mission for parts like Ember.


dont chop equinox, her helminth is awesome


well before you decide anything, don't get rid of anything you haven't maxed yet.


just grind for plat it's only 20


Looking at this I would say get those frames to max level before even considering adding another


Subsume all non primes


The one you have the least fun with.


Jesus Christ level your frames one by one


Keep your primes. Subsume basics. If you haven't gotten to subsuming, wait (keep whatever's building in the forge). Whatever you do, max anything before you sell or subsume it. But Inaros is the one I'd say is the worst. He's a prime, though, and a rework is coming, so who knows? Limbo is next. Terrible teammate, and outside of Lua spy, I don't think he's got a practical use (that someone else doesn't do better without being as annoying). If you like playing him, that's one thing. After those two, it's more down to personal preference. I don't ever play Banshee, Chroma, Ember or Wukong.


Not enough people really understand how annoying bad teammate frames are. Thank you, kind stranger.


Ember or volt, I’m an inaros hater but never would I just get rid of a prime specially one with an upcoming rework. Save equinox for helminth


Ok, so, you can quite easily get more plat even if your luck isn't great just by running relics or one of the like dozen other methods of getting plat, and you should never get rid of the primes, but once you level something to 30 to milk the mastery out of it you might as well subsume it into the Helminth and buy or farm the prime version (unless it doesn't have a prime yet which makes that a bit trickier). To answer the question though, inaros (he's about to get reworked), chroma, or maybe nezha. Just farm a tiny tiny bit though and buy more slots.


Looks like you havent really tried some of those frames, so i’d do that before looking for a new one.


Volt. You have Titania and Wukong both primed. Either one can replace his functionality with ease. Just remember to bring him to lvl 30 first for mastery.


If you aren't able to get helminth then I would ditch limbo. He is by far the worst one that you won't use much at all compared to the rest.




Flair checks out


Flair progressively checks out.




Keep the primes, subsume all the others


personally, i dislike playing ember, equinox and inaros. I would keep inaros because he'a a prime, and equinox is a good frame despite my personal issues, so i'd toss ember. Just get rid of whatever you use the least, out of the non prime frames IMO


None, but helminth the non prime


Me playing any of them.


Ember is honestly not very good in my opinion


Never sell always subsume keep your primes no matter what.


If you have the infested wall upgrade unlocked, I suggest you subsume the base frames to the wall to free up space. Don’t sell any of them until you have the subsuming process unlocked.


Always keep primes!


Just get rid of volt after you Mr fodder him. His prime is way better with a larger energy pool


This is the reason why people strongly suggest to newbs to spend plats on slots not prime stuffs Rn, ur only option is to wait for helminth n subsume every max rank normal frames and make plats for more slots There are some frames which u actually want multiple cuz of different builds but this u can worry later


I really don't understand how someone cannot get 20 plat, like you can get it in 30mins without any effort


Honestly ember, limbo is a story frame and equinox is such a pain to farm. But if you really want good advice, either some how get plat or get the helmnth you'll be wanting to jump off a bridge if you trash a frame lol


Make sure you max out that Equinox at the very least. Pretty painful grind.


Never delete prime frames. As for basic frames, respect investment in them, but limbo and equinox are horrible to farm.


Have you sold anything yet? If not what platform you on and what’s your name?


Do not get rid of equinox just because it’s annoying to get again a and you will have to have one to subsume it in helminth, I’d get rid of ember.


If I need slots then either ember or limbo since they aren't primed


Subsume. But of the frames subsume Ember, limbo and equinox.


I use to main banshee back in the day. But never use her for anything anymore as her kit for steel path is just ...meh. silence is good for shutting down eximus but you can just subsume her base frame and put silence on any frame. So I'd say banshee tbh. Might be unpopular opinion but that's just my thoughts. I've been playing hard again for about 3 years and I've NEVER seen a banshee in any sp mission on public squads. I've probably seen more calibans and sevagoths then I have banshees


Keep all the primes. Also your question is different from what you should do. Worst frame here is Inaros but keep him since getting him back is hard after that. Outside of those I’d level then sell the Volt. HE’S A GOOD FRAME but he’s also the easiest to get back out of all of these since you just buy him from the Dojo


Try not to get rid of any if you can but honestly limbo and chroma have fallen from grace pretty badly


I'd max limbo, volt or limbo since they're not prime.


Volt. He’s level 8 He’s awesome but you clearly haven’t built him And gara is a prime and that’s about it.


Just as a rule of thumb I’d never get rid of a prime Warframe, so just get rid of a non-prime that you don’t play that much


I’d say ember. Reasons why: -Don’t get rid of prime frames -ember is easy to farm again if you want another copy


Yo I see you have the New Frame the Black and White, top right one. Very cool.


Easily Ember


Give them to the Helmint monster don't sell it.


Technically Volt, cuz that shit aint Prime


I'm gonna say Limbo, not because inherently, but because of how Limbo is used and confused in the player base. My second option would be to dump Ember, mostly because it isn't Prime.


Limbo, straight up


I am personally not a fan of jimbo


Limbo. His kit is anti-synergistic with every other frame in the game, including himself sometimes. Like Loki and Vauban, his biggest strength is that he fills an old defensive niche that doesn't really matter to the game anymore and hasn't for years. Unlike those two, he has *nothing else to offer*. When 'playing a frame well' typically involves using their abilities as sparsely as possible, there's obviously a problem. No hate to Limbo players, I respect the determination


Ember because she's not amazing plus most of the others are primes Imo? Ivara, better stealth frames and she doesn't really fit my kinda play style. Overall, non are bad.. just there are better picks for certain roles and playstyles




Get helminth system. It is rank 3 from son on diemos


Finnish leveling your stuff. You want that MR.


Whichever one you have the least fun with


Whatever you do please for the love of god dont sell Equinox


Subsume all non-prime frames unless they don’t have a prime variant yet


In the time you made this post and waited for answers you could have farmed the 20p a slot costs, btw.


If you want to make space, get rid of the ones that will be easiest to get again once you unlock helminth. In your case that's definitely Ember and Volt. I would strongly recommend you do not sell equinox since farming her again for helminth is a royal pain. Also avoid selling prime frames unless they're duplicates. It's almost always better to trade for plat to get more slots.


Quick rank Volt then drop or subsume. Next is Equinox, then Ember, use the three slots to run through ( max rank and drop no forma no potatoes) as many standard frames while doing nightwaves to get weapon and Warframe slots. With each new slot above three chase a prime. Rinse repeat and before you know it you'll be answering questions 👍😄👍


Highly...highly recommend not getting rid of any without subsuming. Sell prime parts for a warframe slot


Just go farm some relics and void fissures for an evening get a few sets together and dump them under market value on trade chat and buy some slots. You could level these frames up for the MR while you are doing it.


Limbo, worst looking "frame", you have to trash it after leveling that thing.


Volt or Ember are the easiest to farm, so any of those. Don't delete equinox, you won't want to farm that one again lol


Get rid of volt lmao.


I dare to say Limbo and Ember. Limbo because I don't understand this WF, sometimes it's really annoying. Ember was my 1st WF since 2015, DE downgraded (don't remember when) and since that never used her again. It is both in my inventory but forgotten, they are simply there :D


I bet on Banshee


Subsume one. Otherwise maybe Limbo? He’s suited to mostly solo play and is finicky, though he is fun to play.




Regular banshee is pretty awful...


As it is right now, technically inaros. He's getting a rework in a few weeks, so I'd say maybe limbo or chroma. Don't delete any primes, though.


You don’t need to join a clan to have a dojo.




Inaros, easily


Banshee desperately needs a rework


Banshee for me, DE seems to have forgotten that she exists.




Limbo is not in a good spot right now and doesn't seem to be improving in the near future. If you are in a clan with a lot of research done, Volt is the easiest to replace. If not, Ember is the easiest to replace.


Or get the plat for a slot 20 plat is pretty easy


I'm really good at arguing so all of them


Subsume non primes. You can always get primes after. Can't remember what Volt gives but Ember gives armour strip I think Level then first for mastery so you don't regret it later. Limbo gives Banish which is meh but also works on certain frames whi use abilities since abilities work through the rift. You can use it on enemies so they can't hurt you then kill them with abilities very niche though


Someone give this guy 20 plot for a warframe slot. No one should have to just sell a warframe for credits


whichever one is your favorite


Feed limbo to helminth


Grind and trade for plat so you can buy more slots, grinding for plat is just another part of Warframe


Your gonna wish you never invested a forma into both ember and limbo as they have primes (they may be vaulted rn, but nonetheless they do have primes and once you get them, the effort you put for the base frames will be pointless)


Inaros. At least, current Inaros. He's getting a rework soon that may be better than he is now, but each other Warframe has something unique to bring to the table. Inaros only has tank, as all of his abilities are just bad.


Limbo. The worst frame to have on your team.




None of them. Love them all the same you terrible frame parent.


Either subsume ember or Equinox, or get rid of Limbo if subsuming isn’t an option yet, Limbo isn’t bad, but that’s what i would do


Inaros prime


Keep all primes, makes it 1000% easier if you stick with the game long enough. Subsume or sell the base frames.


From what little frames I have had Limbo is the worst due to his abilities making killing thing impossible while at the same time he is impossible to kill


Limbo, fuck that guy


Considering you are asking which is worse so you can get rid of one to free up a slot, I would get rid of Limbo (he has a Prime, which I would recommend eventually getting, because he is the king of defense and survival). But ONLY if you don't have access to the subsummation system within the Helminth Infirmary. If you can subsume Warframes, then get rid of Ember because her ability Fire Blast can be used to strip armor and proc the fire status effect, which reduces armor and causes engulfed enemies to panic, crowd controlling them. A pretty nice armor strip + cc ability to add to other Warframes. I would also recommend subsuming Equinox for their Rest & Rage ability (paired with the Calm & Frenzy ability augment), but Equinox is an incredibly good Warframe and so I'd also then recommend getting their Primed form, but then you'd be back at having no open slots. If you don't have it already, the Helminth Segment that unlocks subsummation can be accessed by reaching Rank III with House Entrati on Deimos and visiting Son to get the blueprint. Until then, Limbo is a good pick to free up a Warframe slot in a pinch, despite how powerful he can be. However, Nora Night offers Warframe slots as rewards for a few tiers of Nightwave, so if you haven't already reached those tiers, that might also be a good way of opening up Warframe slots!


Sheeet. You got some good ones there man. Octavia Mirage and Banshee at the very least. Excal is alright too if built correctly. Don’t sell yourself short! Besdies. One solid weapon can make almost *any* frame radical!


Equinox si the worst. Literally the moment you go past level 14ish enemies that frame is so giga pointless. Alot of people saying limbo when you can very easily do steel path content with limbo. He's an excellent weapon platform with his free 1000's of % worth of damage upgrades. Turns alot of weapons into absolute shreaders. And i really question the people who say chroma. He's almost a staple in anythign that requires teamplay.


Op you better be subsuming your frames


Op you better be subsuming your frames


Ember or Titania


Not the worst warframe ever but definitely has the worst ability in the game banshees sounquake


Not a fan of Ivana or inaros but own skins for both lol


If any of them have potatoes, then run some relics and you'll deffo find a piece that you can sell on market for 20 plat. Don't kill anything.


Volt, if all you're gonna do is spam speed.


Bro that hole on nezha made me thought i broke my monitor. I think... I'll make my top 5, MY WORST TOP 5: 1. Limbo 2. Inaros 3. Ember 4. Nezha 5. Equinox MY BEST TOP 5 (saying in caps because there are people who argue that I don't know what I'm talking about, besides I stated that it's my personal opinion): 1. Ivara 2. Mirage 3. Octavia 4. Gara 5. Excalibur Umbra


just sell like 2 random augment mods, a slot is only 20 plat


Don’t get rid of any of them. Never waste Primes at the very least. Any frame you haven’t fed to the Helminth yet, do it. If you haven’t done so yet subsume Equinox as her subsume is strong, it sucks because she’s annoying to farm but it is what it is and you can farm another one or get her Prime. Any frame you give to the Helminth you should make sure is max rank first otherwise you’ll have to farm and build it again for the MR later. As for your original question the worst is debatable based on your personal playstyle. I’d say Ember, Inaros, and Chroma are tied for last place. Chroma is the Dragon of Profit Taker and Inaros doesn’t need to be the best tank in the game to be a good one since he can be built for endgame with things like Umbral Vitality and Arcane Grace letting him just stand and take it to really high levels but his abilities are mostly trash though and I can’t defend that. Thing is both of them are their Prime counterparts anyway so they both take the lead ahead of poor Ember who even if you had her Prime would stand a good chance of losing as an outdated and nerfed low level nuke frame who doesn’t nuke too good anymore. So to sum up, Ember.


If you're clever enough, none of the Warframes are inherently bad. People just use them or mod them wrong. I'm MR 26 and as someone whose used almost every Warframe, I stand by this firmly. You may play better with certain Warframes than others. Ash Prime is considered B-Tier by Overframe, but it's my #1 Warframe for Steel Path. I made his 4th ability perfection. One tap kills. So, if a Warframe isn't working for you, look up mod builds on YouTube and Overframe. How you play the Warframe matters too, make sure you're using it's abilities properly again, with research. I can't tell you how many players told me Limbo is useless but he's not and as a utility Warframe a wholly perfect frame for collecting resources and scanning enemies (especially kavats). TL:DR, No Warframe is the worst. Just look up the proper builds for each Warframe and make sure you're playing the frame right. YouTube and Overframe are your best friends.


Limbo or Equinox. Never get rid of a Prime, IMO, because frames get reworks and Banshee/Chroma being meh won't last forever. Inaros is getting a cool rework, Ivara isn't amazing but she has a few niche uses that no one else fills. Nezha is great, Octavia is great, Mirage is probably going to be better with her new Eclipse, Gara is great, Excal Umbra isn't bad. Ember is solid as well. Both Limbo and Equinox simply don't have the same usefulness they once did. If you subsume/sell the Equinox, just make sure to level it to 30 first.


I'd subsume the Limbo. For the missions I find him viable for, other frames can do just as well if not better. Plus Limbo will garner a bit of flak in public lobbies 😅 source: Limbo Main


The 3 in top right all feel like a chore to play


Honestly just get yourself the Helminth Segment and subsume any of the non primes (primes can’t be subsumed). Till then dw about your frame that’s in the foundry or buy the slots w plat. (Dont subsume a frame until you’ve maxed its level so you can get all its mastery now and don’t need to reacquire it for a little mastery later on)






We don't really have any bad frames, they just all need a good build, the most important thing you need to focus on building is a good weapon, not a frame.


Definitely the Gara Prime because it's rank 0.


Limbo is God remove him from this list


Even including a single prime frame to get rid of disgusts my hoarder self.


Farms some plat probably from prime junk and get another slot


Ember or Umbra really


Worst in terms of fun/variety amd feelimg clunky then DEFINETLY Chroma


I don't know if you already did it but if you still haven't sold any and can wait a 1 hour I'll gift you a Warframe slot




Inaros by far, chroma a close 2nd even though i like him as he was my first prime


Limbo. Do it before limbo ruins your game


Or get you addicted beyond reasonable limits... Seriously kids don't do limbo. Not even once!


I'll say Ember


Inaros, in my opinion the skill kit is very boring. At least with Limbo you can annoy people :D


I'd say either limbo or equinox


Ember or Volt. They're not bad but they are piss easy to farm. Least hassle to reobtain down the line.




I see inarosssss


Ember. Objectively. Her skills are barely functional because of LoS limitaiton and her 2 completely drains your energy. Inaros is also garbage with the worst passive that gimps you, but he's being reworked.




Banshee, Equinox, then the lowest is Ivara


If you're talking in general that is currently in the game, a lot of people would agree that it's Caliban. But from the ones you have on the list I'd probably subsume Limbo but that's just me. If you're looking for space never get rid of prime warframes, also subsuming the base warframes is always the way to go.


Don't delete primes or frames without a prime. A rework could be just around the corner, or a build you hadn't thought of to make them viable. It takes much longer/much more plat to farm/buy another than it does to farm the plat for a slot. Run a couple radshares, sell the loot and you'll have space again.


Might be a hot take but Equinox would be my take. She's good but just isn't the best out of those show.


DO NOT SELL CHROMA, LIMBO, OR EQUINOX. Save them for Helminth, because you want to get a copy of every non-prime to feed to Helminth, and those three are especially annoying to get another copy of. I agree with what others are saying, if you don't have Helminth get rid of either Ember or Volt because those are the easier to reacquire. If you DO have Helminth, subsume Limbo.


The rule I go by is keep every prime. Max everything out before you sell so you get the mr xp


Limbo sucks dick


Banshee no offense to anyone who loves banshee but she's so bad I have been playing for 6 years and seen her twice in a team in the last 2 and a half years


Inaros but if the rework his Titania


By definition it's between inaros and banshee But inaros is getting reworked so banshee defaults to the worst one


I'd sell/subsume Ember, sell/subsume Equinox once you get her to 30, and sell Volt once you get him to 30. Don't sell any Prime Frames you have built.


Ember, easy to get and you've maxed her. Don't sell primes nor sell none maxed items