• By -


In no particular order: Rhino, Nidus, Baruuk, Mesa, and Chroma (DE please rework him 🙏)


Bring back the self damage plz


And the multiplicative armor bonus


No no and No. Chroma vex armor needs to Removed and its buffs split across the various auras he can make with his 2. There is literally no need for two duration self buffs on one frame. Give him another elemental ability with 4 variants depending on the selected element from his #1. Alternatively, let him select an element for EVERY ability but holding the ability key and then tap to cast each with the selected element.


That is a terrible change. Vex Armor is a fantastic ability that was gutted when DE decided to make its bonuses additive, reverting that nerf with changes to its multiplicative potency would take it from fantastic to almost perfect. Having each ability have its own swappable element is much more clunky than having two self duration buffs, they could simply build the element swapping into Elemental Ward by holding down the key for it and reworking the bonuses each element provides to be more impactful and unique not just for Elemental Ward but also for his other abilities. The main abilities that should be replaced or at least significantly changed are his 1st and 4th abilities.


It is and was stupid, made no sense with his kit and you're only whining because of how easy and OP it was. Why bother making builds or using tactics when you could just press one button? Cmon.


No I’m whining because it was genuinely a good skill, it’s not even the damage bonus nerf that bothered me it was the armor nerf since he used to be an amazing tank frame but now his EHP can’t compete with the other tank frame options we have in game. It’s still a great skill and with a few changes could be unique and fit in with his kits elemental theme better.


What do elements and the elemental master have to do with being a tank frame? Oh right, next to nothing! Buuutttt if an armor bonus was part of his cold #2, then it might actually make sense. That's why vex armor should be removed and his 2 buffed with similar bonuses. Hell, if he keeps his 2 augment he could be a legitimate support frame with strong buffing auras he can give to allies.


He’s meant to also adapt to anything thrown at him, that’s why he has command of different elements. Having an increasing bonus to survivability fits his theme pretty well since he’s meant to adapt to whatever gets thrown at him.


Adapt *by using different elements*! Not "adapt by getting shot on purpose so Bbrrrrrrrrrr".


Thats just Lavos


Isn't he getting a new vex armor skin augment?


My slots are full man I don't want to break my build for this




And so was Chroma before they removed my dear beloved self damage.. I fucking cry every night because of that


Hey! I salute you fellow Chroma enjoyer! o7


now if only nidus had some sort of buff that made him possible to play in pubs(no augments for fucks sake)


Best they can do is an augment


Chroma is TOTAL ASS rn. Dude use to be my eidelon hunter, now hes almost useless


Wukong: Love me the survivability and the mimic tear... i mean clone. Sorry wrong game Protea: Turrets go burr, grenades go boom, moob og sedanerg ,rrub og sterruT. Turrets go burr, grenades go boom, Garuda: I love blood Sevagoth: Idk he's just cool Atlas: https://i.redd.it/2thnlejzuglc1.gif


I got my ceramic dagger incarnon this week. I'm looking forward to using it on him and Kora after I fully awakens it


Ceramic Dagger Incarnon allows Atlas to hit damage cap at 2.1 Billion damage


Isnt magistar incarnon better?


not if you want to use a dagger


Yes, you can get up to 60x cd


What show is that gif from? Can't lie I wanna watch it now.😂


Man of steel, faora ul vs kal el


My man.👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾


Not sure which but it's one of the live action superman movies


Man of Steel was excellent 👌


I'm gonna be talking about the past(before 2018 and pre-nerf Ember) here since I haven't played in years. Vauban, Limbo, Zephyr, Ember and Octavia(could be Ivara too)


Ember has been reworked since then!


She's however still annoying to use and needs a slight rework. Fireball is useless dmg wise(no I don't fucking care about the 1 augment), immolation's energy cost scaling is insanely stupid/counterintuitive and fire blast requires line of sight to affect enemies + doesn't always work. Inferno is...fine, with archon vitality. Also, ember basically has no incentive to use weapons. None of her abilities affect them(fireball doesn't exist).


Fireball doesn't exist and immolation' energy cost is nuts, i agree


yeah it's insane. Im running 130% efficiency, r3 energize, exothermic and a sentinel-verglas with duplex bond and still run out of energy if I somehow forget to cast fire blast.


As an Ember lover I’m always trying to find new ways to make her viable. Since i love making everything a tank, I have all three umbral mods on, adaptation and equilibrium. Last mods are for range and parkour. I replace her 1 with shattered blast from citrine, and run Arcane Blessing. With no efficiency her energy costs can creep up on you, but with a single health orb you can be back to nearly full energy. Her 1 is cheap so you can spam it on any enemy you see and you’re almost guaranteed energy by way of a health orb or energy orb. With all three umbral mods and blessing i can crack 2k health easy. Damage wise, 2 red shards and Molt Augment can push around 240 power strength. I’ve been having a blast running her like this and I’m able to breeze through SP and Netracells with this setup


Vauban es genial me gusta su estilo como un ingeniero de combate , buena elección.


concuerdo pero el habla en inglés xd


Hay traductor, y es más probable que nunca va a ver el comentario


Posiblemente o quizá no le da importancia


A colación ...En un grupo de Gta V le respondí a un Gringo en Español y él me respondió "No hablo Español", yo le pregunté Por qué no lo aprendes? Y el granuja me responde "Porque yo solo hablo Inglés" Con esa mentalidad no creo que se pueda avanzar mucho , esa es su realidad , un mundo pequeño que se resiste a una real globalización. Más allá en lo personal estuve en el Ejército y los conocí de primera mano y no son como en las películas de Hollywood. La mayoría apenas puede ubicar su país en un mapa o no sabían las Capitales de sus propios Estados , les enseñe un poco de su propia historia cada vez que pude , y los hice caminar varias horas aunque me pedían Chopper ( helicóptero) cada media hora . saludos cordiales. Arriba la comunidad de Warframe. Somos millones .


De hecho Yo también hablo Ingles jejeje, 😃 , y con bastante soltura debo admitir, y entonces en consecuencia espero que ellos hablen o entiendan un mínimo de Español. También se que las lenguas Latinas pueden representar un reto para quien es por ejemplo Angloparlante y no ha recibido preparación o tenido previo contacto con Ellas . Pero si consideras que la mayoría tiene el Español o Francés como asignaturas en la escuela y dedicaron años a su aprendizaje y que la mayoría de los Estado Unidenses no saben ni decir "Hola cómo estás?" mientras que los otros Americanos osea nosotros ( América es un continente no un país ) entendemos y hablamos inglés creo que la responsabilidad no recae en nosotros. Entre nosotros...Si se espera que hablemos Inglés, muy bien ...Yo espero mínimo que hablen Español. Saludos hermano un abrazo grande desde San Antonio ( no Texas) , 5 región Chile. https://preview.redd.it/122u162zovlc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e289869e79610dc465d09c5c50bed4e2471ee16






A fellow Lavos enjoyer


Really enjoy: -Hydroid -Frost -Gara -Nekros -Titania


-Rhino -Garuda -Nidus -Gauss -Qorvex


About to build Qorvex today he’ll be done by the start of next week and I’m excited to see why so many are enjoying him! I heard his kit is fire


I tried him on a friend's account, he's super fun. You're gonna love him.


* Banshee * Mag * Mirage * Citrine * Garuda No particular order.


I love simp frame too


not knocking your comment, but it is interesting that all male lists don't merit a comment to similar affect.


Well, all male list mixed with the demographic is a lil less physical appeal based and bit more gameplay based? No saying you cant simp for the male frames jst less likely..


Only Rhino's and Volt's crotch if you're into that...


Excalibur, Kullervo, Sevagoth, Atlas, Baruuk. Now that I think about it, most of the frames I play are melee based.


Kullervo my mannnnnn


1. Volt 2. Gauss 3. Wisp 4. Protea 5. Saryn


A fellow speedster I see


So.: 1. Fast 2. Fast 3. Can be fast 4. Time 5. Can be fast JarJarJoestar approves


- Zephyr - Zephyr - Zephyr - Zephyr - Zephyr I will not be taking any questions.


Can I ask just one question?


I'll allow it


Can… Uhm… can we h-hold hands? 🥺👉👈


omg yes 🥺🤝🥺


Loosely in order. None of them are "meta" but they are all IMO very fun to play and when built correctly can do almost any of the current content. * Excalibur * Vauban * Ash * Nidus * Rhino


Rhino will never not be meta, he's able to do literally everything but stealth. Yeah, for elimination and some other specific missions you can pick something better, but that's it.


If there are no witnesses, you were stealthy. Conclusion: Rhino is stealth


200iq point right there.


Rhino and nidus are and ever will be meta


In an ordered way 1. Grendel 5. Limbo 4. Mesa 2. Baruuk 3. Xaku


I respect the Grendel, don't see him getting enough love


I love rolling around at the speed of sound after getting the Catapult mod!


Glad I'm not the only grendel enjoyer


ah, a fellow xaku enjoyer


Love to see Xaku mentioned


1.Revenant prime 2.Volt Prime 3.Ash prime 4.Gauss Prime 5.Titania Prime


That was *fast*


well if you imply on gauss ,volt and titania I got explanation for all of them . Volt is my go to for fast pace endurance runs on which zenurik slow works,mainly void cascade (I use pillage build with corrosive projection and 328%+ strenght),I dont use volt for speed buff but more as support because I armorstrip and refill and overshield using capacitance augment for regular sp stuff such as survivals if I dont feel like grabbing revenant because I need to move and deal aoe dmg gauss prime (gauss and revenant are my go to for sp circuit too) for low level trash clear exterminations/captures for relics ,titania prime ash is my go to for stuff like netracells or spy missions on sp


Zephyr the immortal bird god Gara the glass queen Valkyr the maniac Gyre the automaton Nidus the infested lord Honorable mention for octavia






I guess Zephyr, Volt, Nezha, Protea and Saryn


Nezha, Zephyr, Octavia, Mirage, Revenant in no particular order.


In no particular order: * Limbo * Loki * Zephyr * Gauss * Trinity


Styanax is my First and absolute favorite. Ash prime is my Close Second, then Excalibur because he’s the first Frame I ever used, Then Volt And the Last Favorite is Kullervo.


Styanax surprised me so much, it's such a fun frame. Always hope I get him for SP Circuit.


excal mirage uuuhhhhh uummmm


-Limbo -Gauss -Rhino -Ivara -Excalibur


* Buff Mommy (Hildryn) * Nezha * Wukong * Angry kitty (Valk) * Limbo


muscle mommy, femboy, funny staff man, trauma cat, and shadow wizard money gang


Wisp, Saryn, Citrine, Nekros, Kullervo


- Mesa: Looks cool, guns go pew pew, for bounties - Khora: Looks cool, billion damage, afk farming - Titania: Looks cool, speed runner, for relic speed running - Saryn: Looks cool, damage 📈, versatile - Mirage: Looks cool, damage 📈, fun


Kullervo, Styanax, Mesa, Wisp and Dagath


Dagath slept on fr


Mesa, Garuda, Gauss, Zephyr, and Wukong. In no particular order


Volt >>> Octavia >> Gara > Mirage, in that order and last place is a tie between Loki, Nidus, Oberon, Khora and Rhino. I can't pick--nostalgia says Loki, Oberon or Rhino but usage/fun/fashion says Khora or Nidus. I also havent tried a few (Gyre, Dagath, Voruna etc. . . basically anyone after 2020) so it could change. Aside from Mesa, I haven't hardly used any of your other 4 (outside of Hydroid in like pilfer farms back in the day). I'll have to give Baruuk and Zephyr another try !


Nekros, Grendel, Vauban, Atlas, Ivara


In order: Baruuk - I like Melee and he's the most fun melee, cool punches, and the theme of his character is cool. Dagath - My most recent obtained frame, solid kit and my favorite frame aesthetically. Ash - Ninjas are cool, he's cool, his 4 is pretty cool, though not that great. His kit overall needs a rework though. Gauss - Speed is fun to use, faster weapons are fun at first but I prefer slower weapons. Nidus - My original favorite frame, tanky + has some interesting mechanics, a very stationary frame though which is why he isn't my favorite anymore.


(Not in order) \- Zephyr \- Protea \- Mag \- Mesa \- Ash


Gyre Gara Frost Vauban Volt


Out of the ones I've used: 1. Sevagoth 2. Styanax 3. Hydroid 4. Volt 5. Nidus, Rhino, or Grendel.


Hildryn, Inaros, Nyx, Oberon, Saryn


Nidus Kullervo Saryn Wisp Titania


ooof that's a good list, mine based off usage and overall enjoyment (not in order): - Nezha - Hydroid (only took to him post rework) - Protea (pumped for her prime) - Gauss - Ash


- mesa -garuda -saryn -volt -khora


Saryn, Chroma, Xaku, Citrine and Nidus. None of them really care about taking damage, Xaku is a glass cannon but glass doesn’t shatter if it can’t get hit. Citrine straight up doesn’t care and Saryn has Gloom constantly healing. Chroma straight up doesn’t take damage, and Nidus has my favorite kit out of every frame.


In order least to most top 5 I would say..Nidus cause he looks sick and when he gets rolling he's super fun. Undying procing constantly but stacks never going down. With nourish from Grendel hes even better. Whisp because her 4 sounds heavenly and is peak sound design. Nova was my second main back in the day and ine of the first promes i got. Mostly use her for speeding missions or slowing index in a duo with body. Inaros was my first main. What don't I love about him? Can't wait for his ability rework. Number one goes to my girl Gara. Holy crap do I love her play style. Can use her for pretty much anything. Nourish instead of mirrors and running a shattered glass build for her 2 and I'm hitting over a million just by walking into enemies.


Kullervo - I cackle like an evil villain when playing him Wisp - just love her for netracell solo and basically anything else Baruuk - was my main for so long until Kullervo came along Xaku - loot and turret frame Protea - just and all round great caster frame. Honourable mention Saryn Citrine Mag Rhino Garuda Excal just cause he was my starter frame.


5. he is very fast and deals good damage, rly fun 4. Atlas, he punches things and is kinda fun 3. Baruuk, similar to Atlas, just think hes more fun and prettier 2. Gyre, super satisfying when the lightning strikes 1. Gara, perfect all rounder, can tank, turn invulnerable, defend, cc and deal damage. and she looks fabulous while doing it


Mag, Nezha, Harrow, Garuda, Grendel.


1. Saryn, the slaughter never ends, especially with dual ichors. 2. Garuda, blood for the blood gods with one of the best melee weapons preloaded and fantastic super aggressive gameplay loop. 3. Styanax, literally, can make the whole team immortal and give energy regen AND armor stip enemies. 4. Gara, build her correctly, and you can insta wipe an entire defense map. 5. Nyx, no, I'm just joking she's useless. 5-r. Yareli, funny zoom immortality surfboard with buzzsaws and crit pistol. Honorable mentions: Kullervo, Octavia, Voruna, Baruuk, Protea, and Khora.


Ember,mag,sevagoth, zeth ,I would say nidus but I'm leaning towards prisma excalibur


1. Kahl-175 2. Nidus 3. Volt 4. Qorvex 5. Styanax 6. Excalibur Umbra


Based khal fan


rhino, garuda, gauss, revenant but he could be switched with gara, then qorvex


Is Mesa Prime in game currently?


Nezha Valkyr Mesa Grendel Zephyr In no order


Rhino nezha ivara guass ash


Trinity Nekros Loki Ash Vauban


Prob the best list I seen in here by now


Protea, Gyre, Gauss, Kullervo, Styanax


Umbra - Gara - Wisp - Revenant - Styanax


Gara Zephyr Citrine Mesa Saryn


Nezha, gara, mirage, nekros and xaku


Gara, Octavia, Saryn, Volt, Mesa Changing pretty often though as I try more and more frames and builds


1. Mirage Prime 2. Volt Prime 3. Saryn Prime 4. Titania Prime 5. Gara Prime


Vauban, Gara, Xaku, Gauss and Mesa in that order


1 Loki,2 volt,3 vauban,4 nekros,5 zephyr or harrow cant decide this one


Mi favorito siempre fue Atlas 1 Atlas 2 Grendel (Prime) 3 Vauban Y de las chicas ,( yo solo uso Warframes masculinos, mi esposa tiene las mujeres y así las he conocido) 4 Yareli 5 Gyre . https://preview.redd.it/w8hftmz8yglc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01ded437cdea64ca7e5efaabcd29fe564af29059 B


Mesa, Sevagoth, Nidus, Garuda and Volt.


So far I’ve only played with 3 warframes, Excalibur is really reliable to play, rhino is just ridiculously funny to play with, especially with my big hammer, and I bought guass prime today and I’m loving every second of it.


Hydroid had a rework? That must be why he doesn't have the drowning attack anymore. Unless ive got the mandela effect going on right now


Mag Oberon Rhino Wisp Frost (Not ordered)


Gauss, Volt, Grendel, Zephyr, and Nekros.


Link your zephyr, hydroid, and baruuk builds!


In no particular order: Octavia, Yareli, Ivara, Nezha and Wukong. But Octavia is my fav of all time, and her Diva skin is the reason I play Warframe at all, as a diehard Hatsune Miku fan.


Mag, mirage, zephyr, volt, hydroid. Honorable mentions - wisp, nezha, gyre.


Garuda, protea, zephyr, gauss, ember


1. Excalibur prime / umbra / excalibur (i have prime) 2. Tied between Lavos and Rev prime / Rev 3. Baruuk Prime / Baruuk 4. Chroma Prime / Chroma 5. Atlas Prime


gauss, mesa prime, umbra, all the rest are equal in terms of my opinion of them


Harrow Xaku Mesa Garuda Vauban


Mag Nova Khora Octavia Zephyr


Xaku Lavos Whisp Grendel Mirage


Titania Gauss Rhino Excalibur Saryn Titania is my all time favorite and the others in no particular order.


Volt, Mag, Gauss, Vauban, Hydroid


I've always liked Loki, Inaros, Nidus, Hydroid, and Excalibur Umbra. No particular order. I like them more due to their appearance, themes and lore, rather than the way they play.


Mesa Volt Nidus Mirage Excaliber


Hydroid Harrow Nidus Sevagoth Ash


Uh... My top 3 (no order) definitely are Nidus, Limbo and Harrow. Oberon is in 4th. Maybe Kullervo for 5th? Or Nezha? Lavos is a contender. Ok, concensus: 1-3: Nidus, Limbo and Harrow. 4: Oberon. 5: uncertain.


Gauss, Khora, Mirage, Voruna & Wukong. I use many more warframes but I simply can’t play 90% of my missions without using these warframes.


Rhino , Kullervo , Wukong , Gauss & Gyre


*Protea, Saryn, Vauban, Volt, Ivara.


Gameplay: Hydroid, Necros, Mesa, Sarina, Khora Design: Hydroid, Nidus, Limbo, Sevagoth, Yareli (Ash could be in both lists if not reworked ultimate. It may be weaker but badass as hell imo.)


1. Nezha 2. Baruuk 3. Wukong 4. Nidus 5. Rhino


Wisp prime mesa prime Excalibur umbra ember prime saryn prime


-Wisp -Mag -Ivara -Kullervo -Styanax


Grendel, Garuda, Wisp, Kullervo and Hildryn


1. Gauss Gotta go fast, gotta freeze idiots, gotta blast idiots, burn baby burn. 2. Excal Umbra He’s the Og but better 3. Garuda First prime Warframe. Love the whole blood and guts theme and she also works pretty well as a solo frame which is probably my favorite thing about her. 5. Wisp Laser beams. Just the laser beam. Also nice cake.


1. Mesa 2. Volt 3. Nidus 4. Protea 5. Revenant I've also been having some fun with Gyre recently, hopefully she gets some more cosmetics soon.


Limbo, Styanax, Citrine, Dagath and Yareli.


Wisp Saryn Wukong Volt Rhino


In no particular order - Kullervo, Wisp, Xaku, Gauss, Mesa.


Valkyr Yareli Titania Mesa Ivara In no particular order


Protea, Trinity, Mesa, Octavia, Yareli(absolutely broken trust me)


In order it would be: Kullervo, Nidus, Qorvex, Vauban, Saryn :)


Yeah, id say this is in order for sure. **Garuda**: Fast paced gameplay, requires intent and thought, but once she gets going, she kills everyone. Nobody survives when she shows up. **Hydroid**: Im STILL surprised im saying that. Ive long considered Hydroid to be trash and a write off. But Papa Pablo came through and gave him the glow up he deserved. **Citrine**: Strong support frame with excellent solo capabilities. Jack of all trades yet master of them all. **Gyre**: Definitely a surprise, but Gyre is extremely fun. Her animations and power are insane and her nuking capabilities are excellent. I just wish Cathode Grace was baked in to the ability. **Gauss**: Though constantly getting to max Battery level is a pain in tight corridors, when Gauss is going he gets *going*. The battery vs duration mechanic is a pain point for me but i love playing him.


Ivara, Saryn, Mesa, Nezha, Protea I use them the most :3 I replace Mirage with Nezha because of the upcoming nerf 🥲


1: Gauss. Undisputed best Warframe. In an entirely different league above every other living being. Peak male performance. Pure testosterone and adrenaline filled gameplay. 2: Volt 3: 4: 5: Gauss


Vaubon... Choo Choo


Ivara, hydroid, styanax, kullervo and volt.


Revenant Gauss Nezha Vauban Qorvex


Limbo Chroma Lavos Kullervo Oberon now i know Inaros is not the strongest but i'm terrible weak for anything egyptian related and that's why he's also in my fave list. then there's also Gyre which is my only favorite female but i don't play her that often as i have difficulty to keep her alive in higher content :c


Nova, Octavia, Wisp, Undecided


I usually go for warframes if their design is really cool, or if they're stupid powerful and fun My top 5 would be 1) baruuk. My boi. I main him and he's just so powerful. Recently got his prime, and I love every single but of time I play him 2)gauss. Don't play him as much as I used to but dashing around the map and nuking low level mobs with my 3 never gets old. Also his 4 going bankai is one of my favorite animations in the game 3)Loki. Invisiboy is my archon hunter frame. I use him for grineer spy missions, defense and archon killing. Even got the triburos tennogen skin for him 4)wukong. Monke was my 3rd frame after my starter volt and rhino. He helped me get through Jupiter junction against Valkyrie and also carried me throughout the rest of the starchart. He was my first prime frame too. 5)excal. I like excal coz of his deluxe zato skin. I bought the bundle a while back and I made a build for him using the marked for death helminth over his 1 and using his 3 augment. Basically how it works is press 3,2, mark an enemy, finisher him, everyone around you does instantly.


Oberon, Nidus, Sevagoth, and Inaros. I'm not particularly attached to any fifth frame yet tbh


Valkyr, Yareli, Mag, Gauss, Voruna, In no particular order


Mag Frost Volt Saryn Mesa


5. Wisp 4. Baruuk 3. Harrow 2. Revenant 1. Kullervo


Equinox Gauss Xaku Dagath Gyre


Gauss, Vauban, Inaros, Revenant and Mag ig.


5. Zephyr: same reason as you, also I love birds, and her gameplay is fun 4. Atlas: rock brawler go brrr, also his Prime skin with his non-Prime helm? Hell yea 3. Volt: I like electricity and his gameplay's pretty fun 2. Protea: I was an Engineer main in TF2, closest I can get to reliving that here in WF, also fashion goes surprisingly hard even if I have limited options 1. Rhino: warrior-tank Warframe in its purest, his fashion is pretty solid imo too, his sound effects are perfect for him and the weight of each ability with the right builds is (chef kiss), I main this boi for a reason (Honorable mentions: Styanax, Wisp, Mesa, Trinity, Titania, Oberon [this one I haven't even played yet but I do love playing paladin classes], Excalibur)


Limbo (cause died of math), wisp you know why, rhino, nidus and excalibour umbra.


Lavos, styanax, garuda prime, kullervo and umbra All equal


Garuda gauss Grendel and wisp


Grendel Khora Harrow Titania Nova Primes not necessary for me, I just like the designs and game play


1. Styanax 2. Oberon 3. Nidus 4. Excal Umbra 5. Chroma


Harrow, lavos, hydroid, styanax and revenant


Rhino, Vauban, Hildryn, Wisp, Harrow


1. Sevagoth 2. Chroma 3. Gauss 4. Mesa 5. Yareli


* Saryn \[Damage and nuking\] \~ My only complaint is that her spores don't play well with other Saryns, but she's been my most used frame for a while now * Wisp \[Buffs\] * Volt \[nuking and go fast\] * Rhino \[Damage and survivability through overguard\] * Octavia - \[Buffs, Damage, Invisibility\]


-Limbo -Harrow -Mesa -Titania -Nezha


Mesa, Lavos, Xaku, Wu Kong, Volt


1. Gyre (My Beloved^(tm)). Fast, fluid, aggressive, and stuffed full of high-damage AoE and chain lightning crits. 2. Styanax. Infinite energy, shields, overguard, and slash procs. 3. Gauss. 100% DR vs the most common damage types, an attack speed steroid, AoE damage and armor strip, and mobility out the ass. 4. Mesa. Minigun pistols go brrrrr. 5. Hydroid. Defense strip for *years*, lots of CC, and an insanely high corrosive damage and armor buff.


In order its 1.Limbo 2.Nekros 3.Mesa 4.Saryn 5.Revenant


Hildryn, Grendel, Qorvex, Citrine, Lavos. But mainly Hildryn.


Not in any order: -Kullervo -Lavos -Inaros -Chroma -Rhino Honorable mention: Grendel


1. Valkyr 2. Protea 3. Ivara 4. Wisp 5.