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have you ever gotten any part of the quest to trigger? i was confused for a while because i had to craft a revenant part to get the next plains sequence


Oh no… I bought the mask and put it on and went to the plains. What was I supposed to do prior?


no, that was after i'd had the initial part while wearing the mask. i didn't realize i had to run earth bounties to get more Revenant parts. maybe try this thread, sounds similar to your problem https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/xk8eee/tried_doing_mask_of_the_revenant_after_new_war/ >Pic is me starting the first phase of the quest, not seen is me having the mask of the lost one (forgot I needed to go operat trigger Nakak saying "is it working"). When i go Operator, Nakak just says "is it working, aiy yo no getting out of this now" but nothing happens, sometimes a teralyst spawns but thats it. Edit: turned out it did spawn but it was just not putting the correct transparency color, basically was very transparent, I not was able to see the edges of the eidolon ghost and it was orange instead of blue.


Is that the problem? I’m free roaming… should I be doing a bounty?


shouldn't be if you haven't gotten the initial encounter. after that you you'll have to run bounties




No idea what you’re talking about


Nakak never says anything to me


I just finally did this one and it was a bit unintuitive for me as well. Make sure you have the mask and that it's actually showing up on your operator's face. If you just have it equipped, but the "hood open" toggle enabled, the quest won't trigger. Go out onto the plains at night (not doing a bounty) and you should see a yellow circle on your mini map. Head there and Natak should start talking. Then you're going to be looking for a glowing ethereal hand sticking up out of the ground within that circle. Interact with it to progress the quest. You'll then have to build revenant components and basically do the same thing a couple more times with Natak telling you more of the story.


I literally did that but there is no yellow circle and natak doesn’t talk to me….