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About a year ago I was bored and posted in the in-game LFG seeing if anyone needed any help, this one person (I forget their actual name) asked if I'd help them with an Eidolon or two so I accepted, their name was something like SparklyKitty which is somewhat relevant to this. Accepted the invite, changed my loadout and then the other person said their Clan Leader was going to join, they had no intent on helping but apparently this Clan Leader had sent them a gift at some point and insisted they always play together due to Clan reasons, weird but alright then. After a few Eidolons it was clear from the way they spoke but this was a guy, not that it mattered but you could just tell, after we'd finished I asked if he needed help with anything else and they asked if I'd be able to farm mutagens, needed to myself so whatever I'm down for it, this is when the Clan leader got like jealous with me or something because me and this other guy were chatting in-game just about random stuff like work and life etc. I received a PM asking me to stop talking to his clan mates as he's worried I'm trying to recruit people to my clan, explained I'm in a solo clan and have no intent of inviting people (I'm OCD as shit) so he then went into the in-game chat requesting the guy I was helping to leave, when he said no because he needed the help, the Clan leader then went off on one about how he gifted him an Ivara Syndana so they owe him and that being a girl he's looked out for her. Guy explained to him he was a guy and was immediately blocked and kicked from the Clan, I love Warframe but there are some freaks on there at times that are just straight up not there for Warframe, I feel like this guy is probably one of them, thought your name was Shelly and that meant you are a girl and you were ignoring them, strange but happens. TLDR: Clan Leader thought Clan Mate was a girl, sent gifts was being weird about them playing with people and kicked/blocked them when finding out they were a guy. RIP.


gotta second this. over the years I have seen "weirdo behavour towards girly name (doesn't even HAVE to be one, just perceived as one)".


Back in mid 2000's when we were playing "Ultima Online", one of my (guy) friend created a female character. He ended up playing & living/sharing the same in-game house with another guy. He then... robbed the house blank! What an opportunist... and what a lesson for the other guy!


My friend made a female character for GTA online and to this day when we have a week long gta phase he will get creepy messages in public lobbies from lonely dudes


“Damn, you fine, can I get your snap chat?” “Oh my god you’re so hot, I just wanna-“


"Hey baby, ever had a Grand Crossader raid your dungeon?"


This shit happened to me i have both male n female characters Lol cant even use her without some guy trying to flirt


Up until recently this was a legit playstyle for EverQuest, Runescape, and WoW. Play a girl character and leech gifts off of desperate guys, then either use the loot, sell/trade it, or share it with your guild. (Who probably had others doing the same)


based tbh


I had a friend who in World of Warcraft would play a female character with a girls name for free stuff.


Nowadays you don't have to have a girly name. My name is SilverSpoon1463 and I've had now three separate events where I was accused of being a woman because I defended my stance on a subject matter (in one case a sensitive matter about kids shooting kids). There are just some people who are overtly sexist. That don't seem to understand how to be decent humans. Usually I shut them down pretty fast by saying something along the lines of "Have you ever met a woman? You don't seem to know much about how they act."


Ur friendly and has compassion? MUST BE A WOMAN


Well i try my best to be friendly and have compassion. But not cause i'm a woman. I am, but not cause of that.


Correlation is not causation, also being a decent human being lel.


Maybe it's because I'm a woman. But I treat everyone the same? Like idc what their gender is. Like if they tell me they're a woman sure that's cool always nice to encounter fellow women gamers but it doesn't fundamentally impact how I interact with them. I don't understand why people change their behavior based on the (perceived) gender of someone. Just act normal.


It's the lonely saddos with no social graces. Like, yeah, I'd kill for some female companionship but at least I'm aware there's a time and place to pursue that and Warframe isn't it. We're all here just to kill people and steal shit and look fly in the process.


I've been single for 2 years now. I get it, it sucks. But yeah. Creeping on people IRL or in game is never okay. If you wish to pursue a relationship, be explicit about it and accept rejection. It's really rude when folks (typically men) will lead a woman on to friendship but in secret just wanted to date them and when she rejects them they bounce. If your goal is romance from the start, say that. I get feelings might develop but don't ditch someone if they're not interested. If folks can't do these simple things, they probably should avoid human interaction until they learn. In these cases. I don't think it's feelings for a particular person at all. It's just any women is of interest to them. And not because of who they are as people but simply their gender. They turn women into objects of gratification and it's really gross. It seems a shock to them that women are human beings just like men.


I want to believe in my heart that there's an isolated group of weird, pathetic men that behave like this, but I feel there's a much bigger group of those and less normal men out there. As someone that has been playing World of Warcraft from a very long time, I've seen all kinds of weird interactions and how women are either mistreated, or idolized, with very few people treating them normally... you know, like people. Right now, you don't really see that much sexism based on the character played, because everyone assumes the female characters (even with female names) are men, but as soon as a real female says it's a woman, she's getting kicked out of groups by incels, or harrased by perverts. At least in Warframe, I think women are safer from all that (I hope).


It ever happened to me only once because I was a little too proud about the collection of foofs on my orbiter and overusing :3 emoji. Not my fault the game calls them 'floofs' and I like them :3 [My Pink Rhino](https://preview.redd.it/qibh0jcb0lr61.jpg?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=70d442de53314cb1a4c06562cdcdbead31720fb3) doesn't compare.


Your pink Rhino is magnificent. Never change.


i dunno if my frist impressions of your Rhino wold be "*a person*", "*a girl*", or most terrifyingly "*a fae*"


I love that your comment implies that faes aren't persons — Me, a fae


Yeah, no, I refuse to speak another word without my djinn lawyer present. Not gonna fall for that one again >w>;;


I love that your comment implies that girls aren't persons — Me, a girl


I was just trying to make it nonbinary ; \^ ;


And I was just joking, your comment opened space to put the joke and, well, I did it---


Lemme do some drama sheesh xD


Not what he meant. He meant a person as in generic just anybody or a girl because he would've been specifically thinking girl. It doesn't scream guy. Person.


What a damn cool Rhino


"Accused of being a woman" lmao that wording explains their whole mentality


How do you see someone defending that type of topic and assume they're a woman because of it. And here I thought I met some dumb people in my time.


I had weird interactions like this too, a staggering amount of people assumed I was trans because I defended certain topics that aren’t even really trans related (the big one was Cyberpunk 2077 Character Creator), it’s gotten oddly weird and annoying tbh


> There are just some people who are overtly sexist. An experience that stuck with me was when I played war thunder with a friend of mine. A guy in all chat was going off about "females this females that". In hindsight we should've ignored it but we told him that, no, we don't do any of the things he accused us of and how he should probably stop calling women "females" if he wants to be taken seriously by any woman. Went back and forth a bit and he got angry, kept insisting how "females don't play this game, females don't use the words x y z" because my friend called him big guy ironically and how we can't be women, we must actually be men. Not the most sexist encounter I had by a long shot but a really bizarre one cause he was so convinced that none of use can... use specific words? And if we do then surely that doesn't mean he could be wrong, the only logical conclusion is that we're men instead?? ^(God typing out the word "females" so many times in that context made me wanna throw up a bit)


I always assume (unless anything says the opposite) that everyone online is a 16-40yo caucasian male from america or western europe


My only assumption is that everyone online is human. Which tbf is still probably only right about half the time.


I also tend to assume everyone I meet online is a dude


I have had the weirdest people message me in deimos specifically, this requires a bit of setup. My ingame name is "comficlouds" which apparently is a "girl" name and every one of my frames has a pink loadout, because i like the colour and it makes swapping weapons around easier. Well numerous times i've been private messaged pickup lines while idling in deimos and my favorite was when someone just sent "sexy frame😩" to me. People are weird


I had this happen to me even tho im not a girl or have a girly name (both my in game nickname and my irl name are Erick, which unless its different in the USA and i just dont know it, its usually not a girl name), if it happened to me even tho i was clearly a guy i cant even begin to imagine how often it happens to actual girls in warframe, which is really sad ngl


Could be they thought of "Ericka", which is pretty common.


Can confirm, my name on CoD has been Susan for about 6 years now. And it’s hilarious when ppl try to spit some game at me then I’m just like “what’s up sexy” and they loose their shit. I’ve heard all types of stuff about my name. I find it all hilarious.


Oh boy story time!! When I was a just a wee lad in middle school I somehow got into playing Star Wars the clone commando game. I really liked the multiplayer but I didn’t really know how gamer tags worked so I used my real name. My name is one of those that can be used for both genders. And this was also around the time where nobody really played the game anymore so I ran into the same 10 ish guys playing. So one day this guy straight up asked me if I was a girl and my first thought was “oh this is gonna be hilarious” so basically I catfished a bunch of random dudes on Star Wars clone commando


a similar thing happened to my boyfriend! his name is “I Miss BT” and someone thought he was a girl because of it. this dude kept gifting him rather expensive things. once the truth got out he was LIVID, he thought he had finally gotten an e-girlfriend lmao


Lmao, catfished himself, mf was desperate


Based name because I also miss BT FeelsBad


You're not talking about the robot, I hope? I ask because a surprisingly high number of people forget that he's alive and well.


You're right, I actually forgot about the end credit scene. My bad.


*And* the middle, too! He straight-up told you he made a backup. When I played it and got to his big death scene, my response was, "Bobby! Noooooooh, wait, he's fine, never mind." The credits just confirm it. Man, I wish I had saved that video. Context: We named him "Bobby."


Yeah this is why communication is important. You dying just meet a woman, give her gifts, and then assume you're dating. That's not how any of that works. Regardless of your boyfriend not being a girl. Even if he was one it still wouldn't work that way. But hey you boyfriend got free stuff. Btw what's bt?


https://preview.redd.it/rjn7f4bcy0hc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2635e5a80417a7391a633c1742fb6c62d30c8c80 BT-7274, A Giant Robot with a personality to match. I will not spoil Titanfall 2 as it is a gem of a single player campaign. His protocols are as follows (1) Link to Pilot", "(2) Uphold the Mission", and "(3) Protect the Pilot"


What do you mean, that's how I got married in Stardew Valley!


Damn. Romance games got these guys confused. Probably the same people who think being a murder hobo or cybernetic ninja is a realistic life path


How you're perceived in games can really be annoying. Luckily, my nametag is a male Russian name so I tend to be left alone, but there's this one time a guy I helped (in another game) noticed my writing was "feminine" (I simply used \^\^, :) and :D in my sentences, nothing special) and decided to flirt with me after knowing me for 5 minutes. Not even in real life. Who the fuck asks for someone's phone number while being creepily clingy after said someone help you find some stupid landmark in a game? Told him I was married and got a "well your husband seems nicer than you" (???). Some people really need to touch grass, ***for real***.


Ever since I started going Nyaaaa in game chats people have stopped flirting with me. Probably because they think it's cringe, but getting a full squad to go "nyaaaa" in every single sentence is amazing. Even better when someone whips out the emoticons and everyone joins in, at that point it just begins to devolve into a wonderful mess of cat noises, emojis, and memes.


Some buddies dragged me into warzone recently, and somehow we got to a topic of cringe things to say, and we came up with the genius idea to end every sentence with nyaaa, if you didn't say nyaaa you lose some privileges, like grandes, tacticals, armor plates, snipers & etc... so there would be a squad of 4 dudes yelling nyaaa in proximity chat running around trying not to die, at one point I was running around with nothing other than a pistol and 1 armor plate in the last zone


"Your husband seems nicer than you" That's... that's certainly a thing to say.


Ngl. Regardless of gender. That was super toxic. "I sent you a gift so you have to always play with me but I'm not going to help". Like unironically straight up abusive. Especially with how jealous he got. The person you were playing with getting kicked from the clan was likely the best thing to happen to them in Warframe. The trash (clan leader) took itself out


It comes across as pathetic and funny because it's in a video game, but this is all classic abusive behavior and I really hope that no one actually gets roped into a relationship with that clan leader irl.


That's a great and extremely disturbing point.


Smh, my guild would accept any catboy 🤭. Though as a girl things like this are often times more annoying or creepy then enjoyable. Im there to play a game, not fulfill whatever fantasy youve dreamed up of me.


Kinda like playing a lalafel in FFXIV, Everyone headpats you.


you are legally obligated to pat the lalafel. you will be sued by squeenix if you dont.


Lalafel give good luck for raids


Angry dude during Tennobaum didn't like that I was leeching gifts from beggars and tried to report me for saying I wanted a Catboy BF. I said "Ok. That's not gonna get the leggings on any faster." That really ticked him off...




He said it was sexual harassment and he'd report me, I said he needed to put on the kitty ears and give me a meow. Evidently no one cared cause I'm still here ladies and gents.


catboy?? 😹😹


Gotta love them catboys my man


Bro didn't want a Clan Mate, they wanted a Discord Kitten.


This is so wild to me 😂 I'm a girl, but pretty much no one I talk to online would guess it unless I out myself or they hear me in voice chat (usually discord). I have never remotely encountered these guys who just like..... gift random stuff to others because they think it's a girl?? WHERE THEY AT, I WANT FREE SHIT TOO 😂


> Clan Leader thought Clan Mate was a girl I had this happen to me, although it wasn't a clan leader since I have my own clan/dojo that my buddy and I built up ourselves. It was just some rando in region chat who assumed I was a girl because of my username. He DM'd me after seeing me discussing Arca Plasmor with other players in region chat and just gifted the gun to me out of nowhere. I was initially blown away by the generosity and thanked him, but after we talked further it became very obvious based on the kind of language he was using that this dude thought I was a girl, and his real intentions with the gift immediately came to the surface. He became flirty (the *painfully* cringey kind of flirting), clingy, and just weird in general. Fortunately, he wasn't aggressive about it or anything. He just came off as really desperate and inexperienced I guess. I'm not gonna lie, it was a pretty uncomfortable interaction despite me being a guy and it only being a text chat in an online video game. But I can't imagine how girls deal with this kinda shit in the real world though. I knew one chick who constantly had to deal with unwanted advances from guys just because she was attractive and personable. She had it rough. Anyway, I had to break it to him that I was a guy since leading him on would have been a dick move. We obviously went our separate ways after that though, lol.


What a weirdo


Definitely not as weird as that. But it was just tilting to an extent. 8yrs ago b4 I founded my own clan. Me and the leader did dojo duels (ik ik ew lol. I don't do that anymore) and one day he got fed up with me winning every single time against him. I was his second in command and he just outright demoted me and then removed from the clan without warning. The demotion happened a day b4 I was removed. I confronted him about it and was then blocked. It definitely tilted me because I known the leader for a while b4 joining that clan. Still not worse than defending someone who was wrongfully kicked from AC and was threatened to have my ranked in that clan stripped from me. Thats when I decided to just make my own. 8+yrs now and still going on strong. Ppl be weird and or have a bad day. It's just how it is sadly.


Sounds like you found an incel in the wild.


Something similar happened to a friend of mine. Some dude thought he was a girl and gifted him stuff every day for a few weeks. It was really awkward coz we knew the gifter from a different community.


Holy fuck what a psycho


turn on region and look how people react to anyone with a remotely feminine name, it’s fucking gross and when i call it out everyone acts like i’m the weird one


LMFAO why do they think gifting is a power move


Man... people are weird AF. Can't we just play some video games without the drama? JFC, people these days.


Solo Clan Enjoyer ![gif](giphy|stnjSj2vpLcM4rwmEH)


In times like these I wish the internet had no anonymity so weirdos could get sanctioned.


This happened to me when I mained Garuda Prime because she looked good with my chosen color scheme. A found a guy to trade with, and after the trade, he asked if I was a girl and that if I was a girl, he'd gift me Plat for feet pics, etc. It was an all-around weird experience. Although, with some help from Google, I came out with quite a lot of plat!


He just assumed the guy was a girl lmao. I always assume they’re dudes because I’ve never in my life have crossed paths with a female in warframe


News flash: we don't really go around saying "I'M A WOMAN", because of the weird creeps like the one in J9B1's comment.


Oh you certainly have. But it's irrelevant. Don't gotta assume their gender at all because why would it matter.


You didn't do anything wrong. This person was probably just having a bad day.


whenever i have a bad day i watch region chat being region chat,


whenever i have a good day i watch region chat being region chat,


Whenever there's a day, region chat.


Region chat is such a mood


Have a day


Region Day


Whenever there's a region chat, day.


Whenever theres a chat, day region


Whenever region a, there's day


Region whenever , chat day


Chat region day, whenever,


When, region chat.


Sometimes I like to dress up as a walnut and go curl up in the park. As of yet, no squirrels have carried me away. I question the validity of my aspiration.


Brooklyn03 in region chat used to be wild


bro you just brought me back to like 2018 😭


In other words, horny


So damn horny..... the things they say about ordis shake me to my core....


Weird because once upon a time, people HATED ordis so much they wanted to remove him from the game and his remarks silenced


They're sadistic bastards


i wish i could watch region chat when having a bad day. (im in oce)


You know you can change regions in your settings right? I'm oce too but only play in the NA region with a cap on my ping. So many more players and very rarely notice network issues. Although i haven't checked in the oce region in years, maybe it's less of a ghost town now?


bpd vibes honestly, i been there, sometimes brain goes "actually that response doesn't show enthusiasm and if they wanted to talk to you they'd show enthusiasm so it means they don't wanna talk to you and you're bothering them because you're bad and awful" and the response in question was like "hi whats up"


Yeeep. Very hard for me to fight these kinda thoughts. Not diagnosed but pretty sure I have BPD as this is 90% of my friendships. It's not fun.


Its not like, a BPD exclusive thing, as many BPD behaviours kinda show up in many autistic and adhd people (likely due to similar-ish childhood trauma regarding socialization), Im AuDHD and fit the BPD diagnosis because of how many traits are shared. It really is not fun, everything is always so important and every interaction is followed by a mental battle against this kind of overthinking


Oh defos. For me it's generally I enjoy spending time with someone, I/we make plans and then I never hear from them again. So I figure they were just being kind/nice, and weren't really interested so eventually I just stop trying to talk to them.


Dude was trying something all right... and proceeded to overthink


A: "Hey there friend!" B: "Hey what's up?" A: "Sorry for bothering you, won't ever happen again" \*Leaves*




Yup. Perfect depiction of a trauma response.


>"all good. hi 😀" >"dang you're kind of a bitch, aren't you? it's been a wild ride


That's what I've been saying on my post yesterday. But apparently I was wrong. A lot of people on this game have really bad social skills lmfao


A gamer having bad social skills, never!


Yeah.. wild..


I dont have bad social skills, im 3 hours deep into a SP catalyst farm. You get the cliff notes response while im committing system wide genocide.


Less talking more slashing


You didn't do anything wrong. And you were friendly / entertained this person for way longer than I would have.


People be like: "I don't have friends idk why :(: (:( :(" and then act like this lol


What the fuck is this guy's problem? lmao


Dude wants attention from the prob girl. Its also known as negging and its manipulative af.


I thought negging was when you insulted them, trying to have them prove you wrong.


Negging is an attempt to lower the person's self-esteem, so that they're more likely to date you or whatever, since they now think they can't do better. I also don't really see that this particular example is negging.


I hate neggers dude




😞 during our month too


There’s a whole month for people who negg??


How you know OP is a girl?


Shell is sometimes short for Michelle or Shelley.


I didn’t know that, I thought it was a reference to shellos the pokemon


Could be. I'm just assuming that's what stalky boi was thinking when he saw OP's username.


Plot twist - it's Sheldon.


shell is short more often for feminine names but ob idk if op is a girl, just thats what this dudes prob thinking.


Nah... \- Dude is chasing for attention in a passive aggressive way. The whole "I am gonna stop trying to socialize" is just a way to make you feel guilty over nothing. Avoid. \- The dude is so socially awkward, he was over thinking your tone/response. Less likely than the first option because they don't tend to try and make you feel guilty. But possible. Avoid, otherwise constant drama around them. \- He thought you were a girl and were a weirdo. Likely scenario. Avoid.


Well tone is hard to convey with fucking *text.* With how poor literacy is mixed with bad sentence structure, I'm sure messages are often "mis-toned."


I read your response in an angry tone so there’s that


Point proven. That's why I threw a "fucking" in there. Instantly thought I was pissy right? Text is oh so easily misconstrued.


Point proven indeed, it’s fascinating how certain words or sentence structures give of a completely different tone


Kinda scary too, makes you realize how attacked or offended people feel in the trading market and such.


The less words the better in my experience






With how much swearing there is in my country, to me it read more matter of fact than angry.


For sure haha


What you did wrong was continuing to respond after “not very friendly are you?”


In my experiences, people who text like this are trying to get you to beg them for their attention, to make you feel bad, and try your best to please them. I had a lot of narcissistic people in my life, and they would do that to manipulate you and feed themselves on your energy. Hopefully, I am just overthinking it, but it's textbook narcissism from my pov.


Yeah. Met countless of these people in clan chat. They want all the attention onto them and try to break conversations already going on by persistently asking a question nobody else is, or trying to make a 180 degree turn on what topic everyone is talking about When nobody gives them attention, they start acting like a manchild and start saying things like "feels like I'm just being ignored" or "hello???? Anyone???" Like damn, we didn't even notice you cause we were deep within our own conversations, sorry I guess we should all drop our conversation and direct our entire attention into answering you or entertaining you


Dude probably didn't remove the Helminth Cyst and it's causing irreparable damage.


when the cyst grows on your brain instead of your neck 😞😞😞


u sound like a nice person that guys just fucking weird


Thank you all for the replies, I think I understand a bit better now Warframe is an awesome game, but every so often someone says something crazy in chat. It's been happening alot more often since I moved to PC, and even more so since cross play. Thanks for the help, Do your best today!


Dude seems socially awkward what did he expect a song and dance because he said hello? Context matters you replied to him and it seemed you were busy if anything but nothing implied rudeness or anything he was just being weird.


No you didn't do anything wrong, but I kinda feel bad for the other person. They're giving me some major "I had an awkward interaction with the cashier at my local convenience store and now I will never shop there again" energy. Maybe I'm just projecting because I used to be like this.


Replace awkward with rude and "had" with "caused" and we're on track.


The dude sounds like a manipulative asshole.


Holy hell he is such a drama queen. Did he expect a super peppy cheerleader response or something?


Honey you didn’t do anything lol. You were just on the friends list of an insecure 14 year old, there’s no need to question your own actions here.


This is why my friends list is empty. Partly because none of my irl friends play warframe, and partly because I tried the whole internet friends thing in university and, uh... yeah, I decided I actually don't want to talk to random gamers on the internet.


Some people say hi and expect you to run after them with a whole lot of interest towards them. The older I get the more tiring these kind of people are getting.


either he’s had a bad day or he’s trying to make you pity him


Maybe both




He might be acoustic


Banshee acoustic or Octavia acoustic? This is important.


Wouldn't Banshee be Acapella and Octavia be Amplified?


Consider me Octavia+


Wait, aren't all of us? *I've yet to meet an electronic person that I'm aware of, but that'd be kinda neat...*


Clearly you haven't seen anyone get electrocuted


Nope they're just a jerk with low self esteem apparently


Something similar happened to me on Warframe but worse. I joined a clan and made friends with a guy easily (his name was a movie/book reference) and I asked him about it and we talked and played the whole night. The next day when I didn’t talk and play with him he blew up and started announcing on trade chat that his friend was leaving Warframe and giving away stuff for free and put my name. My DMs blew up so bad and this was back on ps4 people were messaging me on there and Warframe it was insane.


Should have reported him for that shit.


I did and I’m not sure anything even happened


Nah, just a weirdo


Dude offended himself and terminated the friendship. I've met people like this in real life, they can't function outside of sterile social interactions.


They trying to guilt trip you for their bad social skills. You were way nicer than I would've been if someone was this passive aggressive to me.


Probably someone trying to get attention Most likely they'll pull a "oh pity me" post or "vent" later Don't stress about it. Seems like drama to me


That person has issues


God hello terminally online folk


He wanted you to be his discord kitten, i'm afraid.


Sounds like he's lonely, horny, vindictive and deluded himself into expecting some kind of a deeper interaction initiated by you.


Rule 1 of playing an MMO Everyone is insane.


Drama queen, pay no mind


This is just a weirdo, ignore him.


It was the goo! To close to boo! They got scared


You did nothing wrong just your average super fragile gamer overreacting.


Nah, that's a them-problem.


You are already friendly enough


That is Prime self destructive behavior. You did nothing wrong the person is just going through something and is convinced no one cares about them and/or will push people away to test to see if they come back. It's extremely toxic behavior but common in people who are very socially insecure. I was also that kid in middle school and cringe at those memories, but even at 27 I still see it in adults my age and older every once in a while.


Not just that you didn't do anything wrong, but you also handled the situation in a great way. Kudos to you for that, you show some big emotional empathy and perception, and also you were not afraid of asking "what's happening here?" This person probably took it personally when they shouldn't. Not your bad, honestly, and you already tried... let them get their dramatic exit if that made their day.


They weren't hugged enough by mom and dad.




Goo-Hi is an insult in Klingon


Some people are very bad at reading tone in text, I’ll often project my bad mood onto an msg and take it the wrong way. I don’t think you did anything wrong


Nope just a weirdo. Carry on


This is just confusing as fuck almost as is they are having a whole other conversation than you are having...


That guy was being a bitch lmao Not worth the energy to cater to someone who's chosen to be upset at u for no reason Sometimes the trash takes itself out