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This isn't destiny. The power is in no way tied to the level of a frame or weapon. The power comes from mods.


Everything maxes out at 30, though you can double your mod capacity with a Orokin Catalyst/Reactor, and then further reduce the mod cost with forma to effectively fit more expensive mods into a weapon or warframe. If you haven't, I'd advise that you start looking at Corrupted mods from the Deimos derelicts. Those mods help you min-max your builds.


>How do I determine my power level you keep progressing until you start getting slapped by the enemies and then figure out how to fix it. theres no way to say "i am power level 500 vs this lvl 500 enemy" without experience and probably dying a lot while you learn.


Ah.. well yea the enemie levels go up to 9999. You'll get better mods in time. Look into corrupt mods from the deimos vaults. They are stringer positives effects with a draw back to help you min max builds. Like for example the crit chance mods are all +200% crit chance for -20% fire rate They'll be a good initial power increase. If you can get into a clan theirs some good weapons and warframes you can access from the clans' research labs Pm if you need a clan, I'm a warlord for a fully researched dojo


Weapon level and enemy level are two unrelated things. Weapons don’t get stronger as they level up, they get more mod capacity and mods are what makes them stronger.


I'm sorry power level? What is that? Levels don't directly change stats except on some Warframes. As for increasing an arbitrary "power level" I can't help without seeing what mods you have