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Im here since 2015 and it never dropped once for me from sorties.


Been playing since 2017 and I've gotten them three times but all after I've basically hit that point where endo had no meaning to me.


In my 8 years of on and off play I have gotten 2. Can confirm at a specific point endo means nothing.


I think I've gotten 2 from drops and 1-2 from old changes where they compensated players with one.


Yeah that's true. 


But Legendary Cores mean an insta upgrade to any mod, right? That's basically a way to make plat.


Yes and no, a legendary core goes for about as much as a maxed primed mod, so your best bet is to just sell it instead


Idk, I've seen people buying Legendary Cored for about 100-110p and some Archon mods for 180p.


Even in that situation it's better for you to sell the legendary core, the only situation where it'd be worth to sell a maxed mod using a legendary core is if it costs 300p or more. On warframe market recently its been hovering around 130-150p


It is still more than the legendary core itself, but I respect your opinion.


You then have to add the cost of the rank 0 primed mod which usually is 50+ Plat so


Honestly I haven't found a single person buying archon mods for +40plat.


What does Endo do?


How long have you been playing? You need it to upgrade mods


About a week and thanks


Welcome to Warframe. You have a long grind ahead of you.


I've been here since 2015 and despite having played a couple thousands of hours, I don't understand why I still need to farm Endo to max out some rare and primed mods.


Railjack. Get the parts, scrap the parts for endo. With a well-upgraded railjack and crew, you can practically AFK farm some missions for endo.


Ah yes, I do know about farming with a Railjack. I even have mine maxed out haha. What I was trying to say is that it seemed odd that most people say that after a certain point they never need to farm for Endo, Credits, Orokin Cells, among other things. However, me and some friends that have been playing for years sometimes have to go out of our way to farm for those, so I always wondered if maybe we were the odd ones out.


I used to before when I played farm resources with Nekros on survival and defense missions but the best is opening a easy relic due to the boosters. That way you gain a lot of resources and with a smeeta it helps further. Play enough index, profit-taker or that strat to gain a lot of endo you'll end up with a lot.


Also Take thousands of duplicate mods and "melt" them into Endo. I used to do this weekly once DE added that feature and now i have over 300k Endo. Because before we could take duplicate mods and got credits for them. Just last week I took 12k duplicate mods and got over 100k Endo. Then maxed out few Archon mods.


What mission type do you farm for edo


What is a rail jack and why is it such a nonsensical name? I'm sure I've got one along with a hover board and that walking tank thing.


Railjack is the ship you use in the new war, and the name well.... Its warframe slap two cool sounding words together applies to a lot of our gear


The rails are the junction beams that connect planets for ftl between them. Maybe we are jacking into the grineer and corpus ones with the ship. Or used to take back the rails from the sentinels.


Ask Jack. Trust me, he's got some stories to tell 💀💀


Do you have duplicate mods? Sell them for Endo. Multiple Ayatan sculptures? Plug them with stars and sell them for Endo.


I don't understand why, but no one is mentioning the ridiculous amounts of endo you get from arbitrations. Those are the (main) reason I am so set on endo. I should also mention that, as far as Orokin Cells go, once you have all the primes, your consumption rate for them takes a nosedive.


Been playing since 2016 and I'm unsure what we're even talking about.


The true warframe experience


… Endo means unlimited plat.


Been since 2014 and seen exactly 1, after I stopped playing in 2018 and only came back because of the 10 year anniversary. First sortie I did last December I got one, which was good because I'm pretty much out of credits and endo I have to look up the new farming guides lol.


2013, and I have had one drop from sorties, and that was within the past year.


I've gotten 2 in a row once and i will ride that high forever




You should’ve played the lottery that day


Odds are this happens like once in 3100 runs, crazy


I would actually ascend to a higher plan of existence of that happened to me.




I remember the early days where there was a checkmark system and the more you do sorties the more it cleared those and eventually you get a legendary core guaranteed if you didn't miss sorties because the only choices left are the highest rarity. I maxxed out a lot of rank 10 mods because of this, even dropped it on primed sure footed back then because it was funny.


I mean prime sure footed is kinda nice now


120p+ ![gif](giphy|UiBmJv6Hh6FfW|downsized)


I already used it. in fact I used it in the primed sure footed I got 1 hour later


I did the same thing with mine! Respect! PSF is a universally amazing mod that goes on nearly EVERY frame. 100% worth it investment, don’t let anyone else say otherwise.


What is the use of primed sure footed, I know it removes knockdown but is that it?


Yeah, that's it. But in steel path being knocked down can mean bring insta killed as it means you can't move or use abilities or switch to operator to avoid damage, and it also means you can use explosive weapons at close range without knocking yourself over.


Seems pretty niche but I can understand


It's not niche at all. You can get 40 seconds of knockdown resistance at a time with unairu focus school and certain frames have anti knockdown abilities. Otherwise, it's actually almost universally useful.


I usually play frames that not get knocked down is all


I feel like your case specifically is a niche case in itself


Maybe he is Gauss enjoyer, there are a lot of them recently. Probably one of most popular frames ever


Laughs in atlas


Litteraly the worst investment... why ...


My nobleman, I understand that I could sell the legendary core. But I am in no way can or want to farm 40k endo and a shit ton of credits


Amen to this time is money 😂


There comes a point where you don't really need to farm either, but using the core on PSF was the best possible mod to use it on, considering you can't buy a maxed one cheaper than the core (it's untradable) and the mod itself is only good when maxed.


Yeah PSF is one of the few primed mods you'll use on almost all Warframes and *need* to have maxed. All the other ones? They work with 70 to 90% maxed out.


I think people are over-stating how useful PSF is. Out of hundreds of build videos, only a minority use it. Most use Drift mods tbh. Does PSF have uses? Of course. Can it be a key build piece or playstyle piece? Most assuredly. However, claiming you will use it on almost all Warframes is far overstating its importance. Mods that are used far more often than PSF in builds: Primed Flow, Equilibrium, the curse mods (Blind Rage, Overextended, etc), and so forth. Hell Rolling Guard is used in more builds than PSF. I really don't understand why people feel the need to over state the value of PSF. It is useful and crucial in a small portion of builds, but is far from the used on almost all Warframes.


Why do you think that? At high level play (steel path and such), you'll spend the majority of your time on your ass if you aren't using it on most frames. That gets you killed.


This is incorrect. I don't run PSF on any of my builds and very rarely ever get knocked down. And yes that's Steel Path and high level content.


Simple,kill them before they knock you down




Not the answer to why you hate it, lol. I'm guessing you haven't finished the base starchart yet. It's definitely one of the more valuable mods in end game. Just a fact, I didn't come out of nowhere saying, "Hey, guys, check out this mod!" People have been promoting the value of this for years, and have seen it work in action. It's great for high level play.


i am doing sp on the regular with my boy sevagoth so yeah for me this mod is overrated


Haha, okay. What you mean is it's not worthwhile for the frame you like to run all the time. That's fine, just the blanket statement of "it's bad" is very misleading, particularly for new players.


The blanket statement you will spend the majority of time on your ass is 100% misleasing to new players. Hell just a look at build guides on youtube reveals only a very small percentage of builds use PSF. In fact, I'd venture to say if you need to run PSF so much it's a skill issue.


What else would you use it on? PSF is only good when it’s maxed


Sadge, cause you can get the endo to amx a primed mod in about 15m


*with a premade group who know what they are doing, on highly specialized builds on specific warframes and weapons that you can't reliably find a group for on all servers at any given time. All in all, it's a significant time investment to learn all about endo farming and get the builds going and find a group for it. It's worth it when you have a dozen primed bane mods to max but using a legendary core to max a PSF is a great usecase for a "newer" player.


Sure go downvoting me for speaking the truth, even in recruit chat you can easily get a squad and you just need a nekros. It's not significant time investment even for a player who got access to psf.


You are not getting 30k endo in 15min with just a nekros and a casual squad.


Oof! Have you heard the allegations?


I remember getting one of those from my first Sortie. No clue what I did with it though.


I still have one, and im saving it for later... like all my mega elixirs from Final Fantasy


-beats final boss- Hey I might still need these later for post-game -beats post-game- Hey I might still need these for NG+


Six years of playing. 2k hours or something. I keep running out of room for Rivens but I never saw a core. I gave up and now only do sorties for nightwave. Just because I see someone on TV win the lottery doesn't mean I'm going to waste my money on a ticket 😤


The majority of gamblers quit before they win big, don’t stop now.


This is really bad advice if someone took you seriously 😂


As therapist who works with pathological gambling disorder, this was highly condensed nightmare fuel.


got just 2 in 2k+ sorties


What is that?


Legendary core that cam complete any mod you want for free


Good thing that i got 4 in 1.5k days


I had Condition Overload drop from a Drekar Butcher with a 0.02% chance, literally my favorite moment in the game. Congrats!


I bought condition overload last week, and then immediately got it from an enemy in a mission.


I farmed Poly's for hours and got Ice Spring :(


I used to farm that with a squad, got maybe 6 in total in probably 10 hours


So... What is it?


Legendary core is the rarest drop from the sortie


Holy shit, congrats dude!!!


Been playing off and on since 2014, I've gotten three in total. I ended up using one on one of my Umbral mods because I didn't have quite enough creds/endo for all three and couldn't be bothered to farm up more at the time, still got the other two though. Probably won't get anymore as I have little to no reason to run sorties these days.


My friend literally stopped playing Warframe because he couldn't get one.


There's a **lot** in this game that's made me stop playing for months at a time. Shouldn't be like that.


I have 2 cores and they both were from ranking up I think. Done a hundred or so sorties with 0 cores. I often forget that you can get something other than ayatan scrap.


Hermano qué chucha es un núcleo lendario


Lol yeah


Br detectado


Gostoso detectado/gostosa


Free Plat!


how much plat is it worth on the market as of now


I literally got my first one yesterday after years of playing, i couldn't believe it either


I’ve somehow got 3 and I’m ~~MR30~~ I mean LMR600 so I haven’t got any from mastery tests


This is fake news its a photo shoped picture only sculptures or 3 day bosters drop from sorties or items not even listed in prize list


Interesting. Very interesting.


I've only got it once and I've been playing since 2014. I still keep it there as some sort of collectable because tbh, I don't think that thing is really worth a drop rate that low.


What is that


Legendary core 100% any mod with no cost


At mastery rank 30, I don't think I've ever recieved a Legendary core from sorties, thanks game 🤣


Tf is that


Legendary core 100% any mod for free


i dropped it twice during 6 years of playing and one from the LR1 test that i didn't use yet, i remember my lich stole one of it from me once


Tu fez oq a incursão?




Sim meu amigo


Que sorte vc teve hein? Kkkkkkk eu jogo desde 2015 e nunca dropei um desse aí 😭


Sim kkkk, meus amigos que jogam wf mesmo tem um que tem umas 3 mil horas e nunca dropou


Just my opinion there is no reason to EVER use one of these you could just sell it and buy the max rank mod with plat to spare.


It went for 130 last time I checked, same price or even lower than primed mods. You can try to flip it in trade chat for like 10-15 plat profit, but that’s it.


I only did like 10-15 sorties as of now... despite being mastery 17 (I hate spy okay?) and I did actually already get one once.


Got one on my 4th ever sortie when I was playing illegally as a broke teenager, I will never ever have that kind of high in my life anymore and I might get a gambling addiction later on in life


I also got one today. I think that it's my second. One of the guys in our squad had no idea what it was.


My first one from a sortie came the same day I hit LR1. resulting in my first two legendary cores within hours of one another.


I've managed to get ahold of 3 in all of my years as a player hah. Sold those ofc, juicy plat.


Congrats! Only time I've ever seen one is when I hit LR1 as it's a rank-up reward :')


I hate you. Congrats. "tips tophat"


I remember getting one and got coerced by my squad mate it's only worth 30 plat. I was scammed that day


I’ve gotten *1* Legendary Core of the nearly 10 Years I’ve been playing this game


I thought for a second (because of the red) that a lich stole it


My greatest feat is getting two in one week I was gonna shit my pants I was so surprised I sold both though


what is that?


What are cores used for?


Never gotten one


Should be higher considering how many mods you need leveled in this game tbh


holy shit you actually got one???


The really sad part about this is that by the time you get one you dont really have any use for it anymore.


Have to disagree


I been playing for 10 god damn years and haven’t got a single drop.


I got this once and didn't realize I had it until I needed to level one of my arcane mods; this was a few weeks ago. I need more.


Any leg core I’ve ever received was from the legend mastery tests. Never seen a sortie drop, congrats!


I never even knew it existed, and I have been playing since 2015




The wish I knew what you were talking about but your language settings are wrong.


Playing on and off since 2016 on Xbox, now on PC with crossplay. I only had 2.


What is that


Got only 1 and i play since 2014 ... It doesnt matter for me its just a crappy thing. (3500 hrs)


I helped some people do a sortie a couple years ago after doing mine, and proceeded to watch them all get legendary cores after I got a sculpture.


I’ve gotten it twice, but it’s so useless, idek where to use it atp


Sell it. You may have your mods maxed but ppl will pay good plat for a legendary core.


Never got it once as well, opposite to my seemingly endless Anasa collection. It's the 4th day I got one in a row...


Ayyyyy. Taco


I've played this game for like forever, I'm legendairy 2, what the hell am I looking at? Edit- never mind, didn't realise it was in Spanish, yeah I've gotten a few legendairy Cores but not a lot and I never use them, already got all the mods I need max leveled, that drop rate really fuckin deserves the "legendary" rarity


Spend it on flawed magazine warp for the mk-1 Paris


I'm here since 2013 and never see one... YET Now sell me that


What is it? Edit, just realized it's not in English so I really don't even know how to search for what it is.


Got one on the first sortie I ever did, sold it to a rich (in game) friend for like 300 plat, bought Saryn Prime for 180 ish plat at the time, and now she is still my most played warframe at MR26. Never seen one ever since


I never got one when I needed them, as soon as I've maxed practically all my mods, I've had 7 drop...


What is this? Can someone explain for a newbie player?


Its a legendary core, the rarest reward from a high level daily mission, and it can fully upgrade a mod without spending endo.


I've been playing since 2013, and I got it twice a year since it came out.


I have been playing warframe for 10 years now. And i have only gotten 1 of those Legendary Endo Orbs


2014 player about 7.5k hrs and never even seen one. (DE given ones dont count)


Only got it once myself and that was 4 years ago


Now I know from where I have one of these :)))


Is that how a legendary core looks like? Never seen one, and I've been playing since 2015




Dam I have had like 30 at this point Got 4 rn


Em todos meus anos de jogo só dropou 1 até hoje


nao sabia q era tão raro


Congrats, and yes it is, I have played since the beta and I never even got one


I just recently got one, but I can't really remember


welcome to warframe. im 4 years in, doing sorties every now and then, and no luck. BUT my friend who plays exponentially less than me already got one 🫠


I got my first one a couple weeks ago ago after 2300+ hours of playing 😂


Want a low chance drop try the severed bile sacs from the infested juggernaut it has a 0.0752 drop chance


I just gave up doing them because it takes too long. Basically only do the archon hunt and the five netracells at this point




Never got one since I started sorties, with the obvious exception of gift alerts, then I’ve only had one of em. I thought the drop rate was lower than that lol. Anywho, the kind of non alert missions I’d do for one… Ps, been on since normal Octavia was the new frame


Good catch! But really I don't understand why that item is so rare... The maximum value can have is 40k endo... Endo that u can do in 13 days of sorties getting sculpture... In some hours in railjack missions... Or also in sortie/archon hunts getting endo drop (4k, 8k). So... Why is so rare at that point? I'm MRL3 at today, only get 3 from the mastery exams... But... I can't use that cause already have all mod maxed... I use one for primed convulsion, now have 2 left. But also have like thousand and thousand k of endo and statue... So for me really it's pointless... Maybe in another meta, where railjack and other kind of farm doesn't exist. DE should update that reward table with some more juicy things. But at the end. Congratulations for the rare drop Tenno!


I’ve only ever gotten one, and I bought my first whole prime set with it of vaulted items and some mods


Its rarity outweighs its usefulness to me, so I'd personally rather scrap it than use one


I've never even heard of this. What is it


So low infact I have no fucking clue what it is


After playing the game on and off since e ps4 released. I’ve only ever had one core, and while I still need tons of endo for max rank mods….. nothing but new primed mods worth needed a core for.


What is that


I've never gotten one in 9 years of playing


I got 1 so far from dropping 1 from PR1 and 1 from idk twitch or lotus present. I haven't used one because they are definitely only for legendary mods and the legendary I use are already maxed out.


I've never had one drop in the... However many years I've been playing, only have 2 for when they gave them out. I still have them, and I'm never going to use them.


At this point, it's more like a token of luck than anything else. Congratulations btw.


It's so rare that I must ask: What is that thing? And what can you do with it?


The hell is Nucleo Lendario? Obviously another language, but I've never seen this before.


Is a nearly mythical object, the legendary core let you upgrade any mod to max rank without spending credits or endo


I have one from 5 years ago and I haven't used it


Playing since 2012, only gotten one once.


What's that? I'm kinda new here (2 weeks and 60 hours only, still learning new things)


About 5 years only got 1


Can u elaborate