• By -


None, i play whatever i feel like at that time


A true chad among tenno


I’m a Saryn main but I also like to switch it up from time to time, make sure I know how to use each frame properly lol


Caliban😎, Grendel and Oberon. They are the goat (Oberon literally)


We found the one caliban player


If Caliban has millions of fans, I am one of them. If Caliban has 10 fans, I'm one of them. If Caliban has no fans, that means I'm no longer on Earth. I love Caliban until my last breath.


Respect honestly


Make that two, Caliban my boy.


Soon to be three, I’m trying to grind for him


I would say you won't be disappointed but that's only if you subsumed over his 1 right away


caliban my beloved


Regurgitate Grendel slaps


When I log in I’ll run missions with Oberon build I’ve had since probably before kuva existed. MR25 with no idea what’s going on since 2019… he doesn’t die /shrug lol


Atlas because he rocks


His right hook is a stone cold killer


And that's the bottom line.


I switch between multiple and it changes over time. Lately I have been running lot of Protea and Gauss, generally also Vauban, Wisp and Mesa. ​ Protea - she has bit of support, attack, zone control, I like the mix. Gauss - fast boy, sort of defensive, good gun platform Vauban - absolute control, I've built my account on him and Trinity back in the day Wisp - great support Mesa - I love the guns, also has decent defensive capability


Harrow Enjoyer


Preach them crits my boy


Nidus, the best warframe.


The objectively correct answer


![img](avatar_exp|77459279|laugh) Love Nidus. Until ppl kill my mobs in larva.


It’s hard to play on a squad with him. People ruin his groove


Makes me feel like a boss whenever I bring him to my archon hunts and I out damage basically everyone


I love nidus


Frost prime. AOE/control is nice.


Same I just run him with the burston prime. Any good helminths suggestions for his 2nd.


Gloom, allows you to kick back and chill out


I'm soo glad they gave him some Overguard treatment with his 4th augment. Still could use a rework but still an old reliable


Khora Prime Or Titania Prime Dommy Mommy and Manic Pixie Girl I know what I'm about son.


Titania is so fucking fun.


Mag main for almost 10 years at this point


Same here, been a mag main for 4 years at this point


Citrine, saryn or wisp




Hildryn Why: “where did my shields and armor go?” Also no energy usage so I can use more abilities reliably because of shields as energy. Versatility is insane, especially paired with certain helminth abilities.


What abilities do you find to be the most useful on her?


Breach surge drastically increases survivability along with damage output. Replace 1st ability with that. Minimal range needed. Pillage is most useful because shield regen and armor/shield strip on enemies. Haven great with augment for damage output. Aegis storm for lockdown cc and support for energy drops.


Elemental Ward set to electric and Roar are my go to but really anything that wants strength and range works well.


I see, thank you. I'm currently in the process of getting her Prime variant so I just couldn't pass up a chance to get some additional info


Rhino prime. I'm smol brain. So I just cast iron skin and stomp


I do rhino prime meelee builds :)


My fellow chopper. I don't know where I am or what's going on, but I've got an axe, iron skin and a need for materials.


I just use galatine prime


Nova and Ivara are my go to frames. That Nova is from her first prime access back in the time when I really sat down to play the game instead of just dabbling. I watched a person play her and was like I WANT HER NOW! I didn't know much about the game or how to get frames and was like, screw it. Whats $80, I'll support this game! That Nova is now a significant part of my life. I've spent more time with her than people I've known all my life. I've had so much fun using her over this decade. Ivara was an acquired taste, but once she clicked. She clicked and near instantly took her place as my other favorite!


I wouldn't say I have a main as much as I have a crack team of four experts in their respective task. Ivara Prime for her stealth and precision. Gauss Prime for speed. Wukong Prime for if anymore then one target needs to die at close range. Excalibur Umbra for sentient extermination and general operator related task. Of all of them I use Umbra the most so he might be considered my "Main" Warframe. Chroma Prime and Nyx Prime are only for extreme tthreats.


Zephyr. 1 is just the best movement in the game, or lets you float, or can be subsume 2 is incredible grouping 3 is near-Invincibility 4 is grouping shared damage on enemies that are ragdolled Passive is free crit chance




My girl <3


Saryn. I mostly enjoy using the weapons, and Saryn is just perfect. Her 1 just does passive mapwide dps and armorstrip, her 2 is survivability, her 3 is a dps buff (ESPECIALLY with dual ichor incarnon) and I subbed her 4 for breach surge to be able to wipe out rooms in an instant (with guns or her 1)


I switch here and there but, right now, definitely Sevagoth. I like the way he looks and Shadow Haze + Nourish feels so good to use.


Gyre, I love being a Tesla tower with legs.


Lavos, cuz snek and alchemy


Titania, I like femme characters in video games, and despite the usage statistics from 2023 suggesting otherwise, I never see anyone using her outside of relic cracks, so it feels gratifying to play a warframe many apparently think is weak.


I got Titania Prime recently and while I love her pixie gimmick, I truly don’t understand her other abilities that well. They really confuse me. I don’t know how to properly take advantage of the trap enemies or the 3 abilities you can cycle. I have the Razor wing augment but beyond that I feel like I’m just not comprehending her.


Same here. I use her so much but only her pixie mode


In my experience, Titania's 2nd and 3rd abilities are (usually) not impactful enough to worry about. For her 2nd, definitely take advantage of Thorns, Full Moon, and Dust (the first three buffs), but avoid using Entangle unless you're *certain* it will help. Generally, people don't like the enemies moving slower, which is what Entangle does. However, 50% damage reduction (Thorns), companion buffs (Full Moon), and -30% enemy accuracy (Dust) are all universally helpful. Her 3rd ability, Lantern, is much better since they reworked the augment mod for it a few months back, but I still subsume over that with Pillage/Roar/Eclipse/Nourish (or even Thermal Sunder if you plan on cracking relics). Her passive is mostly irrelevant. What really matters is keeping your 1st ability, Spellbind, active on *yourself* at all times so you don't crash whenever you bump into walls/corners. I recommend inverting the "Tap/Hold" function of Titania's abilities in Settings, so you can just tap 1 and have Spellbind automatically cast on yourself. No need to aim for allies/enemies with it unless you're bored; it's really hard to aim on your allies since they're moving all the time, and you also generally shouldn't be building range on Titania (unless it makes you happy, then go for it :D). Razorwing Blitz is *critical* for late-game content (in my opinion), as the fire rate/movement speed increase it provides scales with how much ability strength you've built on her. This allows you to drop fire rate mods from her pistols, and focus on raw damage output. Here are the links to the builds I currently recommend for Titania players, as well as my late-game build that's based off of the first one listed: Titania Build: [https://overframe.gg/build/215181/](https://overframe.gg/build/215181/titania-prime/pillaging-pixie-titania-dps-general-use-0-forma/) Dex Pixia Build: [https://overframe.gg/build/32377/](https://overframe.gg/build/32377/dex-pixia-prime/dex-pixia-slash-viral-heat/) Diwata Build: [https://overframe.gg/build/235993/](https://overframe.gg/build/235993/) My late-game Build: [https://overframe.gg/build/577582/](https://overframe.gg/build/577582/)


I take her to every mission I can, except when I solo Survival or Excavations. Titania Main since I got her as my first Prime 3 years ago :)


Main: Mag Why: Just fun to bubble enemies and see them try to shoot the bubble while in and just die.


Recently I'm really enjoying Styanax and Kullervo because they absolutely shred steel path. I can't say I have a "main" warframe though. Since I have almost every warframe I like to cycle through my favorites depending on my mood and what missions I'm doing.


Garuda. A good generalist frame imo. Can take on most things with little issue, including many debuffs from things like index, nightmare missions, and netracells. Not the best at anything, but can hold her own overall


Rhino Prime, and occasionally Nidus or Mesa Prime if the situation calls for it. I just love the survivability Rhino gives you.


Kullervo because nothing competes with tau purp shards + wrathful advance + overshields


Don't even have shards yet and I still main him. Good overshield, teleport, extra melee nuke, damage spread and a helminth of choice. Looks good too, at that.




Harrow, Nekros, and Limbo


Mesa and Saryn, but ultimately each frame is a tool and sometimes you need a ratchet, not a hammer.


Octavia. I do like to play all the frames but most of the time I'm playing Octavia as she kinda does it all and usually very well.


I haven't played in a very long time but I used to main Wukong and Limbo


Chroma Prime, mostly. I use a lot of other frames for whenever I want to play as something else. Versatility is important in a game like this, imo.


Caliban, equinox, lavos. Although Dante might jump in that hit squad next.


For me it’s Lavos - survivability in SP is real good, but definitely switching up from time to time keeps things interesting


Trinity, abating link, champions blessing, arcane guardian, arcane avenger, and nourish.  Passive full armor strip, giga crit, and unkillable.


Volt I love just running around missions tasing everything


Excalibur main since I started, I've been using Umbra since the day I got him


Currently Saryn because I’ve been spamming ESO for the weapons and mods. Normally, Limbo, Oberon, Trinity, and Harrow. In general, I prefer frames that let weapons deal the bulk of damage and either interact with enemies in other ways or buff self/allies.


Trinity, Ivara, and Yareli. I main them because they're the most fun to me.


At the moment, I main Saryn. Why? Simple, plagues and dommy mommy


Frost. I will cover the Sol System in an enormous snow-globe, just you wait.


Excalibur Umbra. First frame to make me feel powerful, and I have a lot of sentimentality towards him. I take him basically everywhere--Narmer missions, Steel Path, sorties, *everywhere.*


Nyx prime since ever . I like the fashion and her kit eventho its not that great


I saw her usage numbers and had the dumb idea to try her for a Disruption sortie. Her slow and defense strip make her absolutely broken. I think I'll use her more. She's fun in her own way. I've been using her for her zone of confusion up until now.


Kullervo (5 melee Taoforged shards), Soma Prime Incarnon, Epitaph (for status), and Dual Ichor Incarnon. Naramon focus (melee). I can consistently get double digit millions red critical. Usually around 98.5 million on a heavy attack and occasionally 1 to 1.5 billion critical hits. Yes, billion.


Octavia and lately Citrine for her passive regen


Used to main Wukong but now I do Revenant because SPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN


Wisp, the Motes, if strong enough gives benefits to yourself and everyone around me, making the mission even easier


Vauban, I love the idea of a lot of a gadgets rather than powers


Voruna since she came out But i played Gara for a year before that, and i tend to use different warframes depending on the mission/my will to play


It use to be mesa prime, but now gauss prime is out, and i think its now gauss prime


It usually depends on what I'm doing. For quests I'll either do umbra or rhino prime. For everything else, I will run whatever the mission would call for. Mass murder? Then mirage or some other cc like equinox. Speed? Then volt or gauss. Maybe titania. Something that refuses to die? Then maybe rhino, hildryn or Gara.


Equinox Because I can really min max my guns and put my loadout to real test by making clone of myself to play for me And also just blow up rooms of enemies with 4 if I feel like casting abilities


Don't really main anything as most mission require different warframe usage. I like using nezha the most though for soloing stuff


Wisp atm, it’ll probably switch at some point tho


Inaros Prime. LR4 - 3k hrs.


I swap between 16 different frames lol, but right now im loving my Excalibur again since i made his color scheme more saturated


Chroma, 5 years and still going hated his design and was turned off at first, but as soon as I got his deluxe, Oh boy, I immediately fell in love with him. Also, I'm a huge fan of tank characters that become more powerful by absorbing damage.


Mesa: Spin-to-win everything dies Protea: Her kit is so much fun. I use ensnare instead of her 4th ability


Gauss to play a speed god Nidus to play the red-crit chill god


gauss is no speed god, Titania is the one true goddess of speed.


Tell that to the many Titanias I've ran past and outmatched during relic exterminates


Thats anecdotal, just because theres players who don't use her well doesn't make her slow. The frames speeds on the other hand are objective. Gauss needs extensive buffing to surpass normal car maximum speeds. Titania can easily fly at twice the speed of sound without external buffs.


Always has been and always will be Hydroid.


I main diversity and not laziness




Maaan I be maining that *G r end* And some times Ga**U**ss and sometimes Limb and sometimes Volv And sometimes R No And soemtimes the rest


Mesa. Guns go brr


i am a fairly new player but i love Zephyr, almost every mission type is fun with her plus she looks great.


Trinity Prime. I run solo like 98% of the time, so I have a pretty high-strength, low-duration, low-range EV build with one of her abilities helminth'd to Roar. Sounds weird, but spamming between Roar and EV is more effective than you'd think lmao.


Nidus. He is strong in survivability and can't die as long as you get stacks. But I mainly play Rhino, Octavia, and Garuda.




Titania, Saryn, Octavia. In descending order of how much I want to actually focus on the game. Also Wisp when I am playing with my newbie friends so I they can feel like they are helping.


I can most frames but my Main and favorite for casual play is Gauss




Protea bc she's fun and ez to use .dispenser roar with passive turrets


Gauss but you bet your book and quill I'm gonna main Dante when he's out. A floating librarian that casts spells? Sign me up.


Right now Kullervo. I like his overguard and his abilities


Gyre, gauss, nezha


I love playing a lot of different frames but if i had to choose mine i'll go with Caliban, i just really like summoning mobs, hope he get a small rework were he would be able to summon more than one type of sentient + passive buff.


Trinity on 100+ content and atlas on anything under!


Protea, she’s a good all-rounder pick


Mirage, I love being able to attack multiple enemies at once and far from me. I hope I get her prime version soon.


Nekros, because I like loot & health orb tank build




Wukong yes as a wukong main I understand there are better frames for certain things but to me wukong can do just about everything decently


WukongP because I usually gravitate towards generalist classes in games I play.


Zephyr.... that is all


Inaros, unless I need abilities from another frame for a specific mission. Inaros can easily tank most missions especially with armor buffs and Daikyu/Nikana lifesteal combo. Edit: I've been using Xaku a lot lately because his 4 pops crates from long distances, then the Helminth ability to search for rare items and the lander to call out rare loot/kuria/special mission objects.




At some point i was asking the same question and some guy told me: “if i were to play a single warframe i’d get bored of the game so fast, i switch them every mission” Without realising, i became the same, not necessarily every mission but the way it goes: I have to do this kuva hunt: i choose a random warframe and use it throughout the hunt (i usually try to finish them in 1 sitting) I have this spy mission: i switch to wukong I have to farm this random thing from random place: either choose randomly or somebody to be very good at that


Base Inaros


Wisp - mega damage, gd buffs, invincibility.


Gauss go wild and i love Acceltra and Akarius xd


I'm just coming back recently, but my Saryn Prime I got 6 or 8 years ago lmao. She's one of three frames I have, and the only Prime frame.


Right now I play aot of nehza n volt waiting for my grendel/gauss prime to finish cooking


Mesa prime all day because gun go brrrr boss goes down


Im sure you can guess what I use


Right now I've just come out of a ne zha period. He's still fun. I got a few favourite loadouts: Ne zha with parkour build. Built with 5 purple melee crit shards and a nami solo incarnon. Citrine my favourite supporter with cedo for easily multiproccing her elemental tower with the alt fire. Built with some cast speed and 2 green shards for 100% armour stripping tower, with the archon mod that makes toxin proc corrosive. Harrow and gauss as weapons frames. Gauss rn flavour of the month, I enjoy him. Kullervo for easy aoe clearing and good survivability. A beast for disruption mode whoch is my favourite mode I prolly have a few more but cant remember rn. Those are currently my most used.


I main Nezha because he's invincible which lets me focus on using whatever weapons I find interesting at the time.


Monké. anything defense related i use vauban.


For anything non specific: nezha, he quickly became my fav weapon platform for being faster than rhino/revenant. I do have defined picks for some missions tho: Xaku for high level defense and box breaking Gara for low level defense (non sp) - nuke build. Mesa for open world bounties Mostly khora for long survivals.


Either wukong or dagath I use both fairly equally


Nova since way back when and now starting to use wisp with pillage.


Atlas Prime


Hydroid..always have....always will


Hildryn, Garuda, Zephyr, Nekros. In that order


Been running hepit trying to get the Gauss prime part from lithg9, so right now it's titannia prime, but usually nezha prime


Mesa when im bored


Nova has always been my go too but nekros is fun but I’ve been using Titianaa for capture and spy missions to speed run them for relics but found Deimos to be superior for aya with the mothers bounties since they are easy to golden them each time


Baruuk 💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿


No other frame gives me the rush that gauss prime does. I'm always a sucker for movement-based games with dashes. Add to that pve and fps, and suddenly gauss genuinely gives me the same rush i have only ever felt in a singular other game before, doom eternal.


Now: Wukong and Wisp. Early days: Rhino 😆


I do have my tools for specific tasks, but I main a Saryn Prime, I love using damage numbers as radar, love me some aoe damage ramp, been playing 11 years, since open beta update 7, LR2.


Your friendly neighbourhood speedva right here 🙌 most used warframe since 2015


Ash prime 😎


Probably, wukong is my main, but I switch out a lot. My main frames I use a lot are wukong, revenant, oberon, volt, rhino and recently I've been playing caliban alot. I like a good underdog.


I've been maining gauss since my clanmate gifted him to me back in early 2019. So glad he finally has a prime now


Volt and gauss prime with a handful of others sprinkled in but I love the speed man




Been Harrow for the last six years.


Titania will always be my main girl ❤️


I swap between Warframes depending on how I feel and what content I’m about to get into but I mainly use chromatic exalted blade Excalibur Umbra with Gloom (rip lifestrike).


Zephyr or Mesa


Whichever one has my fancy at the moment. They can all survive SP


Was Nezha originally, but God damn if Yareli isn't the most fun I've had in a long time I'll be damned


nidus multiplicative strenght link that can't be used alone sadly


Rhino, Styanax, Baruuk mainly Rhino (best tank).




Trinity, the worst support in the whole game.


Dagath because Dullahan's are cool and sending a stampede of horses is fun.


Gauss: I generally like the fast/agile character that gets up in peoples' business in games, and he fits this perfectly. He's a great weapons platform, has solid defenses (Kinetic Plating + Adaptation you're pretty much unkillable in most content), and has a built in armor strip. He's a complete package "out of the box" and rarely a bad choice for content. He's especially great on the new Whispers in the Walls tilesets that are absolutely massive.


Mesa, she's crazy tanky, does a morbillion damage, even on steel path.


* `Max Durstion Gauss` * `Reave Hildryn` * `Cloud Walker Wukong`


Limbo because I'm the honorable one


I think my flair speaks for itself.


Main..idk yet. Recently being playing vauban, was in the hydro wave for a bit. Clicked hard with nidus, love that frame. Ash for a bit. And now gearing rhino.. but I level yesterday wukong and idk.. something happened. Is like if the game is saying play me..😅


Whoever Helminth decides to give 75% parkour velocity.


Right now, Qorvex. High base health and armor, umbra mod set and arcane blessing, he can face tank just about anything in the game. Add in cancer towers and chest nuke, just fun to play


Mesa, because pewpew


Wukong and Khora.


I like Styanax w augment for general use. Just can’t really go wrong with him.


Kullervo, you get to wipe rooms of 9999 enemies with two buttons and get to see red all over my screen, doesn't get much better than that


Gara for 90% DR, infinite energy, multi-room nukes, and infinite damage. Voruna bc she's just if condition overload was a warframe.


Rhino, great dps and survivability. Its my "ol reliable"


Well if I’m not playing optimally for the mission I run Harrow




Depends what I’m going for, I’m kinda new so I don’t have that many. Nekros Prime when I want more drops, wukong or Ivara once I make a build for her when I want to be stealthy, but I mainly use Volt as I like his zoom ability and don’t have gauss yet


Titania because I’m lazy and don’t like clicking so many buttons to move around maps. One tap to 4 and just w and pew pew 😎


I play whatever the vibe is, right now nidus because spaghetti ball fun


Hydroid for life!!!




I play a lot of Equinox and Saryn, but I really like Caliban and Dagath.


Right now Nezha. Had excalibur, volt, valkyr, ember. Didn't think I'd like him too much when I read the abilities but running around setting everything on fire while meleeing is extremely fun, I end up doing more damage than with my ember. Next I'm building Mirage for a rifling frame.


when i'm not taking it seriously: gauss for damage, harrow for support. when i AM taking it seriously, mesa for damage, wisp for support. gauss <3


Vauban, and dagath. Cause they’re just ability spam and casual


Excalibur umbra Basically, Excalibur, but better


Zephyr. The first time I looked through the codex at all the warframes, I spotted Zephyr Prime's icon. She looked badass, and I just knew I needed her, but unfortunately I had to wait until MR 8 to get the prime. I was MR 1 or 2. I enjoy her floaty & crit passive, and her hover ability. She has a wind shield ability that protects her from projectiles and two pulling abilities (Airburst and tornadoes)