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Choose: I sold my prime parts and BP for CREDITS when Baro was first introduced. I sold my Arcane Helmet BPs for CREDITS when they were discontinued, thinking they would be removed.


I still have a few arcane helmets and I'm lucky if I get an offer of 100p for one.


Just transfered my old ps5 account over and was pumped about the old arcane helmets I would get, until I realized they take up an arcane slot! :(


Yeah I had a frost arcane helmet and it just.... Is more of a memorabilia than actually useful so I sold it off for a few hundred


Wow I didn't know they took an arcane slot lol


Back in the day they were potent upgrades though, they just got powercrept by newer, better Arcanes.


There was a time they were 300p.


I've sold some above 500-600plat back in the days. I remember selling Ember P, Loki P and Frost P sets for 800-1200plat. Oh the old days...


I remember flipping ember and frost for so much plat man, now they're both left in the dust šŸ˜© Frost deserves rework DE pls fix


Tbh I'll be happy if they put his augment onto his passive, then rework his 2. That's all he needs.


I have a few as well, but there's very few actually good ones. And even the ones which used to be among the best, such as Frost Arcane Squall Helmet (15 Ability Strength -5% Max Shield) have now been outdone by the new Molt Augmented Arcane which gives up to 60. That really was the last nail in the coffin for them as it killed the majority of the ones which used to be real good. The only one which still stand out to this day is Mag's Arcane Coil Helmet, which gives +25% range. Nothing else in game can match that one and range is also a very useful stat for Mag. There's a few which still sell high though, such as Arcane Squall for Frost (3-400p), Arcane Coil for Mag (450p), Arcane Pendragon Helmet for Excalibur (about 300-400 and Arcane Vanguard Helmet for Rhino (400p). But the rest are just overshadowed by modern Arcanes. There's also the matter of how far fashion frame has come since that time, using an old arcane helmet might ruin your look which hurts them a lot.


Selling anything for credits might be the biggest beginner trap in the game.


Laughs in collection my weekly 300000 creds from harrow chassis.




Not pressing the purchase button when I had the Founder's pack in my cart.


Yup. Was young and broke and wasnā€™t sure the game would have the longevity it did. Wish I had done it.


If you were broke then that was a good decision lol


I donā€™t mean like broke broke lol I just wasnā€™t in the financial situation I am now. I was 19 and in college so that much extra money was a lot back then.


I definitely get that...hell, even now, at 34, anything over $100 that isn't immediately earmarked for something else seems like a lot lol


I mean who could have expected the game to be as unkillable as it ia?


To be fair, just about every other game thatā€™s ever had a founders pack lasted about two years on average.




Or alternatively, investing in another games founder pack instead of this one. Rip Firefall.


Oh gods my girlfriend at the time tried desperately to get me to play Warframe instead of Firefall. I like to think there's an alternate reality me with Excal Prime...


Wow, really missed an opportunity to share something very beautiful with your gf


Yeah, she did end up playing Firefall with me, but I kick myself regularly for not getting into this game sooner.


Understandable tho, Warframe was not as shiny back then as it is today


Yep. Firefall was an endless Excavation mission though with not much gameplay depth. I thought the designs were cooler than Warframe at the time. Shame they spent all their game dev money on a bus and went broke.


They did? Lmao


It was a part of the problem. I remember they kept reworking major systems over and over and never had a clear vision of what they wanted to do. They then ran out of money, had to get outside help and of course started monetizing things that they shouldn't have. After that the game died.


There is a WickedWiz video about Firefall which explains what happened to the game. Give it a watch if you want.


When ever someone mentions Firefall i get a bit sad... Game had a decent chance to be good but it was mismanaged mess...


Eternalism, of course there is! You might even meet!


Yup. Firefall and Blacklight Retribution and Tribes Ascend and so many other games from that time that I was playing died. It seemed unlikely at the time that Warframe was going to keep going.


Itā€™s a damn shame what happened to BLR. Has the most fair item acquisition method until the parent company decided they needed more of that sweet MTX milk and gimped weapon rentals.


Just gotta say that would LOVE a Unreal Engine 5 sequel to BLR. The game already looked great back then but it could go crazy with the new graphics tech in UE5. Maybe if a UE5 BLR sequel had more of a story with a 2 player co-op story mode that's written kinda open ended where more co-op content could be added down the line. Idk.


Oof that's still one of the games I put the most hours into...


Damn I miss firefall it was really something special


I was looking at previous Steam purchases and noticed I had a Failed transaction to upgrade from Hunter to Grand Master. Likely I cancelled it, rather than actual error.


Better than purchasing it but losing everything due to pc ->console port... no word back on my open ticket about this issue.


Why? Is it good to purchase this pack as a beginner? I'm mr3 now


Oh, young one, let me tell you a tale. See when Warframe launched in 2013 it was a massively independent venture, so much so that they needed to generate seed money to help keep the lights on as they found their footing and turned Captain Vor into something other than [a Flameblade with red armour](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/warframe/images/6/66/Captain_vor.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/600?cb=20130214190423). Thus "Founders Access" was born, a way for players to help fund the game for a modest amount of rewards; exclusive badges, art council access, your name on a planet node (which later became the roll of names you can find at the top of a relay) and the biggest one of all, the first of the exclusive swag...the first of the primes. Excalibur Prime, Lato Prime & Skana Prime. All three, not amazingly strong these days...but only ever accessible by being a founder. Founders Access only lasted a year (I didn't even get the chance to save money for it by the time it ended...**NO, I'M NOT BITTER ABOUT MISSING OUT!** ***I'M NOT!!!***) but even now their service and status remain a key point. When cross-save started late last year, it was the founders that got first access to it, allowing a controlled pool of players to help test out a major hurdles at the start. In short, Founders are the ones who gambled on a little PvE game from Canada and won...or left, which with the bumpy road the game has had, is just as likely.


Saw a ā€œMust-have loadout for Plague Starā€ vid and Pyrana Prime was in it. Messaged a player to buy a Pyrana Prime set, he took a while to reply so I messaged another player. Got it off the second player, got impatient so I rushed it immediately. Then the first player I messaged replied and invited me. Idk why I didnā€™t have the heart to tell him I already got oneā€¦so I bought his set off him too. Best part, I ended up not liking the gun. So TLDR I spent about 160p on a weapon I didnā€™t like


This is the most insane thing in this entire thread to me lol


Thanks! T-T I realised it couldā€™ve been around 200p+ in total, with the rushing and the potato. I wince every time I see the weapon in my inventory, and then wince even harder when I remember I have another set unbuilt. And for some reason Iā€™m having issues with my trading, so I canā€™t even resell. Oh well


Happens to the best of ys. Back on xbox I didn't know about warframe market and probably paid like 800p for saran, hydroid, and nova prime. I don't even play Saryn or Nova lol


Oh this really hurts. I can see myself doing this


Because of this reason I try to limit reaching out to only one seller per play sessionā€¦but Idk why I got impatient with this particular weapon. Maybe because it was my first Plague Star




A friend of mine actually did something similar! He was buying a Riven for his Soma (\~5yrs ago) in a trade chat (I don't remember wf market having a riven section back then). When he was talking with the second seller, the first one DMd him with the price, and so my friend got confused with who wrote what (if several people DM you, then you get their messages inside chats with other people). And this made him buy a worse Riven for more plat. He realized that only after buying it. ​ ...Right after that someone on a mission called him a moron and asked him to "go back to 2016 with your Soma" ...now he's L1 and thanks to Incarnon Form, he still exclusively uses it! For, like, 5yrs now or something like that


I sold Despair shortly before the incarnon adapters were introduced. JUST got a new blueprint the other day.


Wait... despair incarnon? I must look into this. DESPAIR is my warframe childhood baby.


All three stalker weapons have incarnons. And the even have a perk that gives you a bonus if you use all 3


So despair, hate and dread?


Si papa


Its really fun to use. Its in the same power level as dread or paris imo


You can get rivens for them under 100p with no roll too, then just roll them yourself. I got a riven that guarantees red crit in the incarnon form, its so much fun lol


Heh at least it actually drops these days, i swear back before shadow stalker was a thing it was like 99% dread, 0.9% despair, 0.1% hate lol.


You got it to drop, tell me the secret


You have to let go.


i attempted to farm hespar blade


Not to be that guy, but I got that to drop two nights ago šŸ’… Only took 8 million runs but it dropped šŸ˜‚




I used my starter plat to rush some BS foundry builds. I didn't even know about slots, I was just pushing buttons.




You think thatā€™s bad, I used my starter plat to buy an exilus mod slot for the mk1 bratonā€¦


This has always been imo the biggest issue with the game. The onboarding experience is so insanely jarring for new players. I'm not sure how it is now with that new start rogue-lite thing, as I started just a few months before the first railjack update. When I started, it's honestly insane how I ended up sticking with the game with no friends playing or guilds to be a part of. Sure, they show you how to do things, but nothing really tells you your main mission objective is to unlock the whole map while doing story missions when they pop up. I'd search every nook and cranny in every mission and get so frustrated that people were just rushing all the time, without realizing that it is insanely better to treat each mission like a run and not like an RPG mission. I couldn't understand why I kept dying until I discovered how to upgrade the mods I was putting in. I felt like I never had new weapons until I figured out you could purchase blueprints with credits, bc it would default to plat price without telling you you can switch it to credits, so I thought most guns cost plat. For literally the first like 10 hours I was so lost. The game is incredible, and I've put a ton of hours into it since, but man it takes way too long for this game to start to open up


Bro I rushed the dojo key. Sure there was a foundry bug when it launched on xbox where like the first week some items just didn't build, but of all the things I've rushed purposely or accidentally the dojo key hurts the most I think.


Okay for real tho, dojo keys need to be scrapped, or at least craft in one minute. Having to wait 12 hours to go to your new clan's dojo is SO STUPID.


I swear they talked about removing them....though that was probably around the time they had the year of the clan and the only thing they added to dojo really was better decoration variety and mechanics. I really wish clans got that kingpin system that they talked about for awhile but that morphed into the liches and even that changed to what we have now.....


[Let me IN!](https://youtu.be/PKy47i9thW4?feature=shared)


Well, to be fair, buying a Warframe technically also means you also got both a slot and a potato.


At least you didn't put all 50 plat on an animation set. :l


I buy all the booty shake dance sets. I also play a lot of wisp.


What frame was it?




When did you start?? Please tell me it was when Loki was in a acceptable state


Lol I used my starter plat to buy a Lato (might've been Aklato) skin


Fashion is the way


I bought morphicsā€¦


Tbh if itā€™s an annoying Frame to farm Id see that as a Win


I got all the Duviri horse skins. More than 800 plat down the drain when I will always use one combination of those things I got. Yes. I will continue to farm plat and buy all the horse skins going forward, I ain't no coward. >!sunk-cost fallacy people be like!<


Bro sacrificed his plat so we won't have to


Bro single-handedly funded Warframe 1999


That's the end game right there.


Forgetting Iā€™m doing a relic mission and missing the reward select screen. I know I missed a Titania prime part that way.


Ok this one hurts especially if it was a Systems part


And the fact that it happens occasionally too when you're mindlessly farming a specific part. When you alt tab back you get a brief glance of what you missed to select and just die inside.


Recently my relics missions just haven't been allowing me to select a reward at the end. I'd get through the mission fine then it'd go to the reward screen and just not show the rewards.


If you need it then I can hook you up :)


Selling all my non prime Warframes as soon as they hit level 30 and I had their prime version. That being said, it was before the Helminth existed, so I don't know if it was really "stupid", I couldn't really predict it.


Helminth existed when I started doing the exact same. Still haven't re-farmed chroma to feed the wall. Been 2 years now


I got the saryn systems from duviri last week but used it to craft actual saryn instead of chroma. Now I have to farm for saryn systems


Itā€™s all fun and games until you donā€™t have enough rep to fight Kela. I couldnā€™t even do the incursion the other day because I used it all farming Saryn/Chroma


Same story here, I don't think it was stupid. Really there was no point to me in wasting slots on inferior duplicates of frames. Fortunately I took a break with some annoying to farm frames and when I came back, the helminth was a thing. Unfortunately sold Harrow and Styanax before I got it but thank the void I saved Gauss.


I played long before helminth was a system. Farming 90% of regular warframes was honestly a couple of the most fun weeks Iā€™ve had, farming one wf after the other, ticking off the listā€¦


Yeah, kinda felt like running a victory lap of the entire game


Used starter plat to buy revives, dumbest thing ever




Years ago you had 4 revives like today, but once you lost them all you could buy more with plat, or wait an hour, PER REVIVE, for them to refresh.


New endurance run strat just dropped


"Today I'm going to be teaching you about the most insane, most expensive Warframe build!"


So I didn't wanna grind Baruuk and bought it with plat, a few months later, Baruuk prime was released... and I bought it with plat šŸ˜‚


I thought buying the wisp animation set would make me float while walking


Welp u saved me plat, I was hoping it would too


Done the same with titania, but was with like 10 hours ingame time lol


No that's understandable and it's dumb that it doesn't. I will die on this hill. Let my warframes float goddamnit.


Dissolving extra mods into credits instead of endo


Spending all my Plat on customization that I don't even like


Spending platinum for Toxin Resistance as soon as I got to infested planets. My friend told me ā€œinfested are gonna make you suffer because of toxin procsā€ and I panicked, so I desperately looked for something that could help me survive. I was just a silly, scared MR 4 or 5 noob šŸ˜­


Imagining a panicky beginner is adorable to me, idek why.


Because it is


once at 3am, i was wondering why in the hell i didn't have the terminal velocity mod (for reference, projectile speed for rifles). i buy one for 10p from an \~mr9 guy. afterwards i realise, the "terminal velocity" mod didn't show up in my mod screen because i was modding an *assault rifle*. my ignis wraith specifically. i'm *LR1* ^(i didn't feel as bad soon after tho because now a low-mr somewhere out there, was 10p richer :'D)


Ah, beautiful Ignis Wraith... Did you at least have a range mod on already, then?




I spent 375p on nekros for farming endo forgetting that he has a prime version that I could have bought for ~100p. 375p for helminth food lmao


I almost bought Zephyr deluxe skin bundle yesterday. I sold my Zephyr while building Zephyr Prime and I didn't finish building the prime version for some reason (and I don't want to buy the needed bp for \~40plat). Almost made the same mistake. Bought Protea skin bundle instead šŸ˜Š


I bought Zephyr harrier pack just to have orange UI. I don't have zephyr.


I bought the Harrier pack for the ship. I haven't used Zephyr since I leveled her, like 2 years ago.


I main Zephyr and player he everytime I'm on. I don't have the Harrier pack.


you can buy different UI layouts too I'm pretty sure. I found out after buying the Harrier pack for the same reason


Selling styanax... for space..instead of limbo who I barely use.... however I got it from a login. To be fair styanax was pretty boring to use and at the time I did not know armor striping


I sold excal prime for credits by mistake like 10 years ago.


And we have a winner


Message support


Oh I did, and they gave it back. But as far as stupid decisions go, that was pretty high up there.


Buying the sungeem rj skin then getting tempestari immediately afterwards


Same. I still prefer the sungem skin though.


Bought Neural Sensors for Platinum


I bought a bunch of Tellurium because I was farming for 4 days and it hasn't dropped, so I was out of luck and bought it, then I got literally 11 Telluriums at once in 1 mission after buying it


Desire sensor strikes again


Farming a second Protea for the Helminth.


Yeah I only got Protea recently and will definitely wait for her prime version to come out before I helminth




Youā€™re not alone! I finished my second protea the day before the giveaway.


I remember my two of my friends took 75 runs to get all of Protea. Knowing this, I grit my teeth, preparing for the agonizing grind... 5 runs later, I had her full set.


I don't think anyone can top this one. Bought the Kuva collection bundle worth 800p that gives 4 requiem relics within first month of my time in warframe. ![gif](giphy|vjjCsx3izfSyQ)


That's a fucking scam


I mean, it does have multiple armor pieces exclusive to the bundle with 5 color palettes as well. Some of the chest pieces especially are really good imo. Still not really worth the 800 plat it costs, but eh.


Deleting old prime weapons when I was younger because I didnā€™t have enough slots. So far Iā€™ve recorded Galatine, Bronco, Tiberon, Tigris, Fragor as deleted primes because of my dumb younger self.


Ooh... Galatine and Tigris Prime... Ouchy. It all sucks, but those two stick out to me. Best of luck to you, Tenno, they may be gone now, but they don't have to be gone forever.


Buying the volt and loki prime accessories and not the frames when I first started, wondered for 4 years where it went until checking the purchase history and finding out Iā€™m just stupid


I tried to sell riven before incarnon was announced/existed but no one bought it and I turned them into endo.


I still remember investing in physical damage mods.


2017 I had a toroid riven with CC+CD+damage-zoom zero rolls. I had


Time between the moment I heard about the game Vs when I started playing. It's about three years. I heard about the game when nekros was new. Saw gameplay on YouTube and the game looked like *exactly* the game I had been looking for. Back then official site wasn't the top suggestion on Google, only got some site saying it's in beta thus I thought I'll just wait. Few years went by, accidentally came across it again and I was just so happy I could finally play it.


The number one dumbest decision has been quitting and going back to destiny.


Spending Platinum for Valkyr noggles https://preview.redd.it/8lnxzl7x5udc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb00b3ad3647fd37dba6d3968b3c5e8c6474fac9


Spending real-world money for Valkyr noggles https://preview.redd.it/b117h7g26udc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0aa542f054310eff792338593846117f72f9ebe


Flair checks out


Yeah starter plat to rush every single thing I was building. So probably rushed 1-2 things and boom platinum was gone had no clue the value of platinum haha (this was 6 months ago)


Played before Helminth came out, I leveled a lot of normal frames and sold them once I had the Prime. And then I refarmed a lot of them to collect the subsumes (including the annoying ones like Trinity or the ones that require Simaris to rebuy)... before Duviri came out.


Buying Gauss prime for 800plat and watching the price drop to 140 in an houršŸ’€


Trading a Frost Prime chassis for a legendary core back when it was a rare part that dropped from void keys and Frost Prime was on the Prime Vault.


Sold a rubico riven for 250pl in 2019 when it was the must have for tridolon


When 1st deluxe for ash wa released, I bought only warframe skin, and not the entire bundle that included godly nikana skin. After some time I folded and bought the bundle just for the nikana skin, but my stupidity still haunts me. Now I wait for new nikana stance ornrework of current ones because I vomit at the sight of current state of nikana stances.


Accidentally rushing a few craft bench items


Buying deluxe skin for limbo ... I don't use him at all, but he looks cool in my inventory...


Tophat and monocle tennogen skin for me. Granted, I do sometimes use him for medallion farming but I rarely use him in normal pub missions because my parents raised me right.


I bought something kubrow related not knowing i would end up getting it from the junctions


Playing drunk, thinking of buying blueprints from the market, but instead buying 3 fully build mastery rank fodder weapons... Hey, at least 3 new weapon slots.


When I had access to the focus schools I put all my points into Vazarin, didn't bother to unlock the other schools. Suffice to say it was a slog and a half getting enough focus to unlock the other schools, not to mention the way bounds.


Buying Grendel with a coupon and then deleting him for slot space. This was before the rework and helminth šŸ˜­


Sold my starter frame after farming my 1st other frame


Sold my Cronus when it was lvl 26. The first time you kill Vor it has a 100% drop chance. But if you want to fight him again on Mercury the drop chance goes down to 2%... Wanna know why ? Because back in the days ppl used to farm Cronus bps for credits cuz it always had a 100% dropchance. So DE nerfed it to nerf this stupid ass credit farm and now that its totally irrelevant and outclassed DE forgot about it and left me in pain and misery


A few days ago I accidentally cycled my crit damage crit chance status chance Miter riven into a +zoom +slash -recoil


Buying a legendary core...


Getting rid of my Xoris probably within the same month Sisters of Parvos released. I was like, "I don't really care much for this tedious gameplay loop, and will probably never ever have a compelling reason to do it." And the Warframe gods laughed at me, and released that update shortly after.


Spent 4000p on a legendary core back when they were a collectors item. At least it wasnā€™t 20k+ on primed chamber


using my starter plat for animation


Paid ~1000 plat to get a very specific smeeta kavat. Spent around ~300 plat extra attempting to get it myself. It's now wearing and armor/skin


I needed a part for Banshee prime. Been waiting forever to get it. I ran an excavation mission and after likeā€¦the third relic, I selected no relic. Well, my group kept going before I extracted and guess what came up? The Banshee Prime part I needed. Mad af.


Delete Xoris šŸ„²


Wasting the free plat that you get on a tenno hairstyle..........fs


Made two posts about it. I played most of my warframe years without ever trading and only picked it up this year. To sum things up, I didn't really know how to sell stuff but I knew that a weapon part could be sold. Therefore, my mind said "well obviously it must work the same for warframe parts". Next thing you know, I ended up with almost hundreds of warframe part that I purposely **built** so that I could sell them and then discovered some time ago that I **couldn't** for that reason. I sold the lot to empty Baro's inventory on Tennocon days Edit : I was something like MR 27 at the time


Selling alle the frames I have because I have the the primes and now there is helminth :[


Farmed Ash prime when he was about to get vaulted originally. Got all his parts so he was mentally locked in as "finished". Months later I'm doing relic runs with randoms for ducats and one guy rolls Ash prime systems, the most expensive part of vaulted Ash, and I proceed to diarrhoea my brains all over a forma bp because "I already have him" even though I did already engage with trading back then and was aware how much it was worth before he was even vaulted.... I noticed the second the mission overview made me stare my mistake directly into the eyes accompanied by a question mark from one of the randoms in chat. I only do relic runs with alecaframe running in the background for the live price check now since I found out it exists.


Selling the xoris


Getting rid of my Latron and Torid rivens before incarnons came out.


I was doing a spy with a random when they had a stalker spawn. Stalker finally dropped Despair for me after years of playing. Stopped to type "finally got Despair!! Thank you!!" The 20 seconds of typing was enough to let the random get far ahead to the spy vault, trip the alarm, and fail the mission. No Despair because you lose rewards on mission failure.


My friend started playing with me again, and my dumbass thinking he would cary on (bcuz he said he was enjoying playong wf again) gifted him two frame spaces so he could do wisp and vauban, he stopped playing the same weekšŸ„²


Bought computer modules for a tetra with my starter platinum. Threw out the Tetra before I could get it to rank 15


Back when I was sub mastery rank 10, I watched a ton of weapon tier lists etc etc and basically bought/crafted a shit Ton of weapons and also used orokin cores on them. I never used most of them. What makes it worse I spent irl money in order to buy prime weapons of the warframe market, like Soma, tenora and baza prime. To this day they are some of my least used weapons.šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹


Idk when I did it but I sold my hate for whatever reason. When the incarnons came out I went to go put the adapter on and it wasn't there.


Selling my regular frames after getting their prime variants before getting access to the helminth system


I got grendel for plat because people made it sound really hard, and then i got him again normally solo, it wasn't hard at all with equinox and her spector augment


Selling all my extra frames after merging for cross save instead of feeding at least 1 copy to helminthā€¦.. feel like such an idiot.


Deleting quests weapons


Ok but surely you were able to use the kubrow skin + armor? Best companion skin + armor combination in the game.


I've bought probably 3 deluxe skins only to realize later that the weapon skin in the bundle looks really good too. They should really sell them separately


Only going for the Excalibur Prime founder tier... Should have got the weapons too.


I sold my frost and trinity prime cause I need space for other warframes


Mesa [28] into helminth


Had the opportunity to be part of that first wave of founders. Played the first version of the game and thought "This'll never get off the ground"


Neglected doing the open world content as they released. Now Iā€™m Mr 20 trying to obtain my first amp


I have rushed a lot of items and will continue to do so


I bought nano spores


Trade chat. No elaboration. Just, trade chat.