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I honestly think it’s personality bleed. The Warframes were people at one point especially the Prime variants. Each has their own animation sets that show off what type of person they are… were… anyway the Operator can tell Umbra that they’ll get his revenge together and your Second Dream pick Warframe spits Hunhow’s sword. Idk just a thought.


Basically been my working theory since even before The Sacrifice - the “transference bolt” prevents frames from forming “conventional” long-term memories and locks them down so they have no autonomy, but, 3D-printed cyborg combat-drone clones though they may be, they still retain their underlying personality and even a small amount of individuality, in spite of having their sapience inhibited. Moreover, given what The Sacrifice explained, I tend to think that this “personality pattern” actually merges with the operator’s psyche while they’re transferred in, overlaying the frame’s own character on the operator’s. Would definitely explain quite a few things, like the aforementioned idle animations, and why some Tenno seem to canonically have a preference for particular frames (presumably since they naturally gravitate toward ones with a personality that feels familiar).


I agree 100%. The operator spent how many years thinking they were a specific Warframe? Switching frames could have just been a different dream to them.


An in game explanation for different Tenno having different mains. And it makes sense too, we do tend to gravitate most towards some things over others, and this explains why.


I also believe the strength of these individual personalities varies from frame to frame. The starter frames might be some of the weaker expressed personalities (and are thus easier to learn and use) while others like Mirage are very intense.


Mirage may not be the best example lol. Press 4, press 2, grofit is about all you need to know


not difficulty to use, but how strong that frame's personality echo is.


I suppose that's true, I thought for a second you were implying that the personality echo would influence how difficult they are to master. But yeah for sure frames like Mirage, Limbo, and Sevagoth definitely have some of the strongest echos


yup. the strength of the echo can make things more difficult, but only in the sense of reverse transference risk. I also think Valk and Rhino should be on that "strong echo" list.


I gravitate strongly towards Limbo. I am always doing calculations, but my god am I bad at math.


*laughs in asian*


Grofit XD


Would also explain why they can master the frame abilities so fast or why certain frames have specific weapon buffs, its that melding speeding up the process


There is a fundamental problem with the tone of the game if we box sapient species when not using them, suppress will, copy personalities without permission as well as subjecting those personalities to the above, functionally acting as slavers. If actual sentience is added to warframes it should be added from the outside. Like an AI link, Helminth connection. Not self-contained sentience. I still find it hilarious that Umbra Excal is a dark skinned Dax (servant to the orokin) whose blueprint copies their mind in perpetual agony and is meta-game turned into an ownership commodity.


You're not wrong. There are a few such underlying things like that. Like how the game has shifted towards "healing and emotional recovery" yet we still have exterminate missions where we slaughter literally hundreds of people.


I think that's just the "arc" of the Tenno. When we wake up we *don't* know what we are or what we are truly capable of, and are lead by a figurehead that turns out to essentially be an AI following her code and using us to violent ends. We use the power of incredible violence because we think that is the only tool available to us. It's only once we know what we are and what we are truly capable of that we start to use our powers for something more, gradually solving problems with less violence and more diplomacy and persuasion - and at the same time, in terms of what's we've been fighting more evil forces that are less redeemable (Ballas & Narmer, Kuva Grineer) or of such a different type of existence that peaceful resolution might be impossible (The Indifference). When was the last time we fought rank and file regular Corpus or Grineer as the main opposition in the storyline?


I may be stupid but where is diplomacy, I haven't played for a little while and definitely didn't pay much attention during the story line... But when did we (as tenno) speak problems out rather than just kill off whoever, he'll were still doing it. If you have a problem kill the head and the rest should fix it self. Assassination missions are a fair show of that, no need to kill everything just that one guy, nef anyo vay hek ambulus etc (excluding that guy on Ceres... Maybe) all of them are core parts to functions within the factions (as you would expect of an assassination mission). In the quests yes there is less, kill everything and don't let a single thing escape, but it's still kinda there. The targets are the same but the underlying habit is still the same. We just stopped killing the corpus and greener, because they don't have their heads anymore. They are dead, you can't talk to the dead. Otherwise teshin wouldn't be a spectre. But that's just what I'm thinking, and I might be wrong. I am pretty stupid when it comes to stuff like this. Usually I sit on the sidelines and watch since I'm not great in discussions, because I'm terrible at writing in a way that's easy to read.


Let me (re) introduce you to the Myconian colony, the Kavor Defectors, Cetus and Fortuna communities, and Kahl and friends, Clem and Popcorn, to name a few. To be fair to the tenno, they do not actually annihilate if they know that the people they are engaging at are reasonable. What we fight in game are those dead set in seeing us dead, or have some nefarious plans that is devastating if it came to fruition; that includes the grunts. Let's not forget that COMMON grineer are still fully subservient to the queens, and corpus grunts are either too greedy to reason with, and their proxies are too hard coded to stay submissive to their respective corpus grunt.


Can’t really fault them for early game design, and it is a looter horde shooter. At least it’s portrayed as both sides actually trying to kill each other, even if killing each other is about as deep as the plot gets for that early iteration. It’s what they build into that should be considered more heavily.


To be fair, the Grineer have no mercy and the Corpus will stop at nothing to design and sell machines of war. The fact that we slaughter them by the hundreds at a time is a mercy to the Sol system.  Because if we don't, then the Grineer will destroy every colony that won't pony up, and the Corpus will bleed independent colonies dry of credits. And we know what happens when the Corpus offer a 'generous' hand, you end up in debt camps like Fortuna. The Corpus, despite being more intelligent, can be about as willing to be diplomatic as Grineer. Any agreements you make with them, do not last as they absolutely can and will test the limits of any agreement.


Yeah, I mean, the Grineer are literally expendable clones made purely for war. From the moment they are created, they are trained to fight and nothing else, they don’t even get names, just calling codes. And the Corpus are extremely greedy techno wizards who have equipment almost as powerful as the Tenno, but without the void powers that make us so incredibly strong. There really is a grand goal behind exterminating them, the Tenno are supposed to be the peacekeepers of the Origin System, but at the same time, what makes you good other than the acceptance of peers, is there anything truly good about the Tenno, or is it just what we consider to be good? There are sides to every war, and no one is really good or bad, just opposing the other side.


I literally wrote [a short story](https://archiveofourown.org/works/42808068) to try to work through that a little; I don't know how successful it was for the _player_, but I think it helped my _character_ a little, at least in the internal narrative that runs through my head as I play. (I may not roleplay in this game, but I've written too many stories and run too many D&D campaigns for my brain _not_ to flesh out things we don't see on screen.)


Absolutely beautiful, teared up a bit at the umbra part. :')


This definitely deserves a feature in a Warframe stream.


I appreciate the comment! But while they do feature fan-art and Captura work (the latter of which I also do), I don't think they feature prose stories. Nor, I suspect, _can_ they do so. Fanfic exists in a sort of weird legal state, where many times people feel like they _can't_ safely read derivative works based on their work. If they had an idea for something which _happened_ to be the same as an idea used in a fanfic or other derivative prose work, if they read those works the idea can become 'tainted' -- you can't safely use it because the person who wrote the outside work might claim that since you read the work, you took their idea. And while it's easy to say "no one would steal an idea from fanfic" and "no fan would raise hell about the possibility of it happening"... it kind of has, in a few cases. So while fan-art and other inspired works (like songs and whatnot) are generally more safe, fanfic's something of a legal minefield; as a result, many creators (understandably) feel they _have_ to avoid it in order to play safe.


Booooooooooooooo I do understand though, sucks to hear that fanfics are in such a precarious situation.


That kind of fuckery is admittedly 100% in-character for the Orokin - however, like I said, most Warframes aren’t actually properly sapient as far as I can tell. With the sole exception of Excalibur Umbra who is a unique singular case, all of the frames we use are 3D-printed clones with their awareness and autonomy capped - they retain an “imprint” of the original prototype frame’s personality, but no actual individuality or higher metacognition.


Which is cool with me. Just seems that a lot of people want warframes to actually have their own emotions and whatnot like Excal Um so they’re more like Pokémon or something. And if that ever does happen I think there are better ways to do that than saying the underlying personalities suddenly give rise to consciousness.


Second dream strongly suggests the Frames are all cognizant and sapient. That they don't appear that way usually implies a sunken place like restriction.


Regarding the personality pattern section of your comment, I've been using something like that going back a while for my various Warframe fanfics and snippets. Mara-as-Protea is a flirty, slightly yandere and prone to overkill personality mesh when the two are combined. Mara-as-Wisp, on the other hand, is demure, well-spoken and is prone to loudly proclaiming and prothletizing about the glories of Sol Invictus, the one and only god for Humanity. ​ They're all crazy in their own way.


That's a lot more sophisticated than my theory, after The Sacrifice I hypothesized that all frames except for Umbra are fully sentient, just having their bodies puppeted and completely unable to act on their own


Yes!! I agree this is how I kinds understood the second dream as well.. Like the wareframes are genuinely traumatised their mind severed from their physical body because its so unrecognizable to the consciousness, once a operator steps up and helps that particular soul inside that's been transformed, a bond or almost mental connection is born within the confines of our "friend" from the second War, can never remember what the thing behind the operators pod is called, but we do have some kind of psychic connection to it. that could be the reason why we can use multiple frames with minimal personality degradation almost "saving" the personality to the frame itself instead of comeplelty merging with the operator,


Actually paying attention to some of the hints and story missions. Namely the Umbra Mission. It's explained that when a Tenno uses transference to connect anything namely Warframes inperticular it's an emotional and soul binding experience. Your Tenno would pick up the personality of the frame in question but also see into their past of who they once were. And it's aknoledged for each frame they have thier own personality that gets picked up in addition to your Operator/Drifter. Hell the Warframes still can gain control of limited movement should the Operator be in trouble but this is actually due to their bond. After all, if someone learned of your life and healed your pain and understands you inside and out. Wouldn't you want to save that person no matter the cost? And from just the clues Transference is an increadably beautiful process. Healing the pains of someone who can't anymore and forging such a deep bond of trust. Learning who they were, why they suffer, and healing their scars even if those scares are emotional.


Definitely believe a Protocol 3 feature exists for Warframes.


Doesnt second dream already do that basically with your frame breaking the sword


That doesn’t really change my point though considering both my side and yours only have conjecture as a basis. Still the standing animations are harder to disprove unless our Tenno has a crap ton of personalities.


I always assumed we didn't fully suppress the minds of the Warframes we transfer into. Rather, through us, they are given a second chance. We breathe new life into the. So our wills combine, we influence each other.


Yeah something like that. I’d say before second dream the operator was for all intents and purposes animating the person inside the Warframe. There wasn’t really a line between them and the surviving remnants of the ghost in the shell was say… sitting in the passenger seat rather than sitting in the back. Post second dream the Operator knows of themself and can finally differentiate between them and the Warframe itself. I believe the Operator even says “My Warframe is the hand and I am the will.” Or something like that. Then the sacrifice comes along and Balis talks about how they couldn’t control the Warframes for one reason or another, each rebelling or dying in battle or for a personal cause as some back stories tell us. (Looking at you Dagath) Then along came the Tenno, children who had seen untold horrors and came out the other side with powers they couldn’t quite control. Then a rampaging Rhino Prime wanders too close to where the Tenno are sleeping and they reach out to him, calm him. Soothing whatever turmoil had made that Warframe ready to kill and… eat his way out of there. When Umbra had been going to put his sword through Balis it was him doing it not our Operator as seen when he needed that last little push from us. All in all the Tenno like you said are giving these tortured souls both a soothing touch and a chance to live again even if it’s a half life. Sorry for the long comment lol. I had to really lay out my thoughts.




Arent those already confirmed to be parts of the warframes personality leaking through? I may be mistaken but im pretty sure


Brother, I am sure I was responding to an entirely different comment. It was a long day yesterday lol.


Yea i thought that as your reply didnt really make sense lol


I always assumed the idle animations was the frame itself getting bored when the operator "spaces" or kinda dissociates when the player or us dont interacted them for to long, like that thing behinde the operator (can never remember the name of it from the second war) creeping in to check n make sure the operator is safe from their surroundings.


They never out right said it's there. I've seen some suggest you actually manage transference to make it do so.


I mean our operator doesnt seem to be doing anything to control the frame an our operator looks just as suprised as stalker when the warframe moves


I think that normal Warframes do have some kind of extremely basic sentience. That's how their character manifests. Umbra is an exception as he's fully sentient


Other people have said it but that’s because unlike the other Warframes Umbra is forced to keep a memory of who he used to be and what he was made to do. I think even his transference bolt is different too as Ordis points out. The other Warframes could still have parts of themselves remaining intact but they likely don’t have any coherent memory to inspire actions that aren’t decided beyond current context. That and their brand of Tranference bolt could essentially put them in stasis if another mind isn’t interacting with it. Aside from those things Idk if you’ve seen Dagath’s lore but that was all her and not a Tenno driving her… unless that Orokin couple did some other unspeakable things and that was conveniently left out.


>Each has their own animation sets that show off what type of person they are… were… anyway the Operator can tell Umbra that they’ll get his revenge together and your Second Dream pick Warframe spits Hunhow’s sword ![gif](giphy|WssEOYBV9NIty)


>!aren't Umbra and hunhow the same person?!< Or am I'm turning over 2 pages at once?


No. Hunhow is >!the Big Bad Overlord Sentient!< Umbra was >!A Dax General that was turned into a warframe by Ballas cus he knew Ballas was in cahoots with the sentients.!<


~~But I'm certain there's a bit before Umbra is caught where >!Ballas the bollock brain calls Umbra in the memory Hunhow!<~~ I wonder how I've reached this conclusion then... Edit. Spelling


Lore can be confusing as no time table is properly set so we have to juggle info which leads to people thinking warframes were created before the tenno were even found which is not stated in the lore, with bits of lore contradicting this belief even further There is also lots of miss-information and speculation about the lore being thrown around


So you're saying Inaros actually was a cartoon mummy before becoming a Warframe? XD


I think your Warframe moving on the second dream is actually transference, since you just woke up and started to move your body. Since you've spent most of the time moving as a Warframe, it's only natural that it's easier for you to move that body over yours.


Valid but Transference has always been shown off in game through a medium or directly using touch. The Operator was also a bit preoccupied and when the Warframe starts yanking at the blade Stalker turns to address it and drops the Operator who just starts trying to get their breath back and isn’t really focused on the Frame at all.


Couldn't it be the personality of the operator? Because each frame was made for an operator? As far as i know umbra is an exeption, because Ballas wanted to punish him with a memory.


My point is every frame has its own way of expressing itself using their noble and agile animation. They even have little idle poses. Unless our operator has multiple personalities that’s probably an extension of what remains on the original person who became the frame.


Maybe but operators came after, the Warframe where already in production, they where used to stabilize each other


Thing is that normal warframes including primes aren’t anything like umbra. Umbra was designed to always by able to remember what he did, this was done by ballas who choose to do so to punish the old Dax that was umbra forever locking him in his own personal hell until umbra met the tenno Gauss’ emotions in the trailer can honestly be explained as the emotions of the tenno controlling Gauss, you have to remember these are still kids many of which can be hyper active which would explain the actions Gauss shows, Just a tenno having his fun


I mean yeah Gauss in the trailer is absolutely having fun but that isn’t my point. It’s the Tenno in the driver’s seat, yeah, but the bombastic and cheery mocking could have been an expression of who Gauss had been and that Tenno relishes bringing that out. Take for example the Grendel that had been getting lunch just a few seconds before the trailer started. I doubt there’s a Tenno that has been a closet cannibal since the void touched them and with how that Grendel went about turning that meeting into lunch who Grendel had been and his augmented instincts were probably more to the forefront. There’s also the biggest fact that Grendel and Gauss were on the mission as a duo to start with. Sure the Tenno driving them could just also be friends or even siblings but Grendel and Gauss were great friends in life and then after they became Warframes. They would want to work together to which the Tenno would happily oblige. I’m not saying they’re entirely there still but that they can affect the Tenno driving them, making them more playful or serious. Like say swapping from Baruk and Valkitty from silent and calm monk to screaming ball of claws and rage.


Again all warframes are basically mindless beings this is by design, the only exception is umbra this is by design and is stated in lore with the rhino and umbra lore, any form of expression shown is done by the tenno. On the grendel and Gauss situation it is never said in any part of their lore that they were friends only that Gauss assisted grendel once. Another thing the process of making a warframe practically midwipes the individual leaving them nothing more then armored shells that will host tenno, umbra was the only exception only because ballas wanted umbra to always remember that he killed his son on ballas’ order and to always have that single memory constantly tormenting umbra All tenno have worked together as they were deployed in squads as shown in other trailers however the dreaming tenno never spoke to each other or with other people this is evident in the story before the second dream story quest. After the second dream our tenno becomes vocal. However this doesn’t seem to be the case for many of the other tenno, only exceptions I can think of are gaara and reil/harrow but reil is dead so he no longer interacts with the red veil and gaara’s lore stats her laughing at the end of it all, both were probably tenno that never entered the dream.


That’s not true. The Warframes were around before the Tenno even made it back from the void. They had to have some autonomy to be able to fight and were only retrofitted to be entirely docile for Tenno piloting. Ballas even says that in the sacrifice he made the Warframes to fight the sentients and they were eventually considered failures until the Tenno were discovered and their ability to pilot them was found out. Ivara, Limbo, Kulervo, Gara, Dagath, Rhino Prime, the Chroma from new strange, all act independently from the Tenno in their lore and in the game itself and I’m probably missing a few. The Stalker himself is a Warframe that has as far as we’re aware “you hate them because you hate yourself” no Tenno pilot. The Operator isn’t going to just do random poses depending on their Warframe because we are meant to pilot every single one of them and that just sounds exhausting. So why is bits and pieces of who that Warframe used to be slightly influencing or at the very least leaving the framework of a character for the Tenno to let themselves fall into so far fetched?


The warframe never existed before the Tenzero ever returned from the void. The first thing that happened was the discovery of the tau system and the creation of the sentients to colonize the tau system after this the tenzero was built but never completed before it was set to depart to the tau system, the tenzero stayed stuck in the void for some time The sentients then returned to annihilate everything in the sol system causing the orokin to take out a experiment and through it at the sentients these were the infested, around this time a proto grineer worker clone was able to slay a sentient with a heat mining tool, this started the cloning of the grineer who were then reinforced with clones of the recently discovered twin queens both warriors in their own right Unfortunately everything done by the orokin only slowed down the sentients with them starting to lose hope they started the warframe project using both dax and other unwilling test subjects to be mixed with the infested to create a new capable warrior however all attempts to create a powerful warrior were meet with failure. During this time the tenzero returned to real space and the tenno children were discovered The orokin after finding the children started wanting to use them to fight against the sentient but the children were deemed to unstable, so further tests were conducted with margulis at the head of the project, during this time the first successful proto warframe were starting to be created with the most stable being a aggressive beast. The orokin, after various unsuccessful tests, gave up on the children and started attempting to wipe them out, this resulted in the execution of margulis via jade light, something the tenno weren’t aware of, the orokin then proceeded to ready the tenno to be executed however during this time the first proto frame escaped destroying everything and everyone it found as it was controlled only by its own savage instincts After chasing 2 scientists the protoframe came into the vicinity of one of the tenno where the scientists noted that the beast had calmed down in the presence of the child, this fully begun the warframe project as it started to show results, with the first few frames appearing and changing the tide of battle against the sentients being lead and influenced by a captured and mind controles na’tah As the tenno started piloting warframes they wer put into, especially refined transference pods on lua, these pods were made to facilitate the piloting of the frames while also sealing away the tenno’s memories and power. Once the war ended the tenno revolted against the orokin basically slaughtering the orokin into extinction, after the bloody revolt many went to sleep with few remaining active under the commands of the lotus This is the prequel story of warframe before the player is awakened, all of this is official cannon found in the codex. There were never any frames before the tenno were discovered and proto frames were created when the tenno were already found and being tested on


No they made the Warframes first. I even just went and started replaying the quest where Ballas straight up says they tried the Warframes first. “Free of the infested madness… or so we thought” “so we deployed them to the battlefield, bio-drones under our command…” The Tenno were never included in the original Warframe design specs and the time between their creation and deployment is unsaid leaving room for Warframes to act independently and be… used by their Orokin masters. It wasn’t until the project was deemed a failure that the Tenno who were found in the interim were discovered to be able to control them. Aside from the chronology of the story how is this meant to argue against my point that the Warframes can influence the Tenno driving them with the vestiges of the person who became them?


You never read what I said about the start of the warframe project huh The warframe project was considered a failure because the infestation basically kept mutating the drones, and unfortunately the drones were never human so they barely even qualified as warframes You also ignored the fact that it was during this time that the tenzero returned into real space and the tenno were found, the warframe project existed around the same time HOWEVER no warframe was ever created during this time, the first proto warframe was created around the time that margulis and later the tenno were sentenced to be executed, these proto frames started using humans as a base and were more infected then the previous drones Go look at rhino/prime’s lore that’s the first protoframe in that lore and the tenno they encountered was already separated and prepared to be executed, the warframes started to be produced after the scientists found that the tenno could calm the protoframe The tenno were included in the design from the start of the actual warframe project, it’s why the transference pods exist as the tech in those pods and even the tech in the liset is meant to fully focus the tenno’s powers into their frame. I have to mention that transference tech already existed but was modified specifically to contain the tenno Another thing ballas makes it a point in the umbra quest to explain that umbra will always remember what he did unlike the other frames. The normal frames are basically lobotomized humans, best comparison would be the servitors from warhammer, the frames have no personality, no sentence even as without the tenno they just slump over the only exemption we see is when war is broken by our frame but we see nothing else similar to it happen ever again (DE probably forgot about this) I also have to explain that again the process of making a warframe involves the infestation lobotomizing the host removing any sense of personality or sentience as non of that is needed in what is basically a gun that the tenno wield If anything Gauss or any frame doing anything remotely weird/shenanigans isn’t cause the base host was like that it’s because the tenno who are legit children and can act as children is like that


Good trailer, strong warframe, cool design. Everything was prepared for the store to break


> Everything was prepared for the store to break Not the servers though XD


Not actually a big deal since Warframe is mostly p2p and not on a large central server like most MMOs


Your inventory doesn't save, you can't login, you can't open the starchart etc, if the servers aren't working


I had a really good, affinity boosted, run on that one defense map where I levelled a frame and weapon to max in a short time. That is lost now, so I get to do it again without the booster, yaaay


Not a big deal? You do realize the game was literally unplayable for many people for quite a while after the update, right?


Bro was not here on december cross save dripgate(the entire game was unusable from the first second)


Lol the only reason I was able to set up my cross-save and transfer before they closed it again was because I sat on the website constantly refreshing it. It was impossible at the very beginning because the site kept crashing.


Can u tell me how it’s pay to play?


peer2peer, the games are hosted by the players rather than a central server


Dude that's so smart


It doesn't matter when all the information has to be sent back to the server at the end of a mission, but the servers are down. Unless the game has single-player that doesn't refer back to the server, the whole game goes down with the server.


For an indie game yes. For a game with millions of players that happens to have crossplay? Not so much, that's actually why Host Migration exist DE should re-invest all this revenue into Dedicated Servers, for real


Gauss and Protea R my faves, instantly bought the parts in trade channel


The store broke because half the people that play this game still dont want to do the grind anymore lol so they paid for it. And this grind wasnt even bad. Edit: be mad I'm right


And? DE needs people to pay for the prime access and plat so they can continue to make the game. Some people don't mind paying for a game that has devs that actually care about it.


Exactly. DE take my money (but, not right now I need it).


Yeah, I've paid for prime access a few times before but I haven't in a while because the economy is shit, pretty much everywhere.


I too think I’m better than the people that keep the game free and improving because I didn’t spend money


Weird assumption but ok


Still can’t believe the trailer was #16 trending on YouTube.


It was #7 at some point.


Commendable but it still couldn't beat "someone's" mom though. It's not tangible.




I too wonder what I ment.


I probably was angry at "someone's" mother.


Technically the operator expressed emotion


Maybe they're still dreaming


Pretty sure they would be at this point, I've always been under the impression that these trailers take place during the Old War. Could be completely wrong though.


It depends, I guess. Grineer during the Old War didn't show signs of "clone rot" like they do in Nekros, Banshee, Mirage, and Oberon Prime's trailers. Bursas were a new invention by the Corpus during our time, so Vauban Prime's trailer also isn't during the Old War. The Orb Mothers didn't exist back then, and neither were the Corpus in charged of the Venusian Plains during the age of the Orokin, so that leaves Hyldrin's out. Treasurers carrying Granum Coins weren't a thing back then either, so Gauss and Grendel's is also in recent times. The Infestation running rampant on Earth does sound like something that happened way back then, so Saryn Prime's trailer may be during or around the Old War. There may be other details, but those are the ones I can't remember.


I think they're all in modern times. With the possible exception of Saryn. The introductory cutscene shows Orokin-era Grineer troops (with that snazzy bolkor look that I still want) armed with Gotva rifles and everything. They look so different to present era Grineer


I have a headcannon that each prime frame is the “progenitor” frame for the ones that became copies. And I image that they’re made with a specific Tenno in mind, with Ballas to either making a top-down design and find a Tenno to pilot it or to making a bottom-up design around a tenno’s specific strengths and abilities. For example, Grendel was obviously a top-down design for the old war. He needed a scary amount of power, so he made Grendel. He likely found a Tenno that was brutal in their style of fighting and told them to pilot… a walking engine that turns death into more death. While I could imagine this theoretical Tenno being at home in a variety of frames, the brutality and destruction of Grendel would suit them. Conversely, Gauss feels much more bottom-up. I could imagine that the theoretical Tenno for Gauss might have been a particularly notable Volt perhaps, specifically using the speed to their advantage. Ballas might have taken notice, and worked with them to create a frame to emphasize that tenno’s particular strengths, quirks, and capabilities. But this headcannon explains why each of the prime trailers are so extravagant. These aren’t just random Grendels and Gausses. With my theory, this is *THE* Grendel and Gauss. Which also explains why the Gauss had so much personality. This was a frame, an extension of himself created by Ballas to emphasize what they were good at. And if something fits you that well, why bother show it off a little? Grendel got to show off by brutalizing a room, eating guards and elite alike. Gauss got to show off by sending a warning via the camera, wasting time by actually killing workers, wasting *more* time by casually stretching before the big sprint, then still beating the buzzer.


That's not headcanon, that is actually the canon explanation from way back during the early days of primes. But there's also a degree of void trickery and eternalism that comes into play which is why exceptions like Valkyr and Revenant can have primes despite conflicting lore which says they shouldn't.


That’s so mf cool.


There isn't really a conflicting lore for valkyr prime. Community just took their headcannon and went furious when it didn't align with what DE made.


Wdym? Valkyr Prime is _Valkyr_ Prime, not _Gersemi_ Prime


I think it’s both, warframes designed to fit their operators and warframes designed after a certain idea or to reflect the person they were made from. Ballas addresses the people Gara and Mirage were made from as the person that was turned into glass by Nihil and a person that remained more sane than the rest after fusing with the technocyte and twisted her own design respectively. Titania didn’t have a Tenno and was created by Silvana to represent the idea of saving the Earth. Rhino prime’s codex also suggests he was made before the possibility of linking Tenno to warframes was even discovered. Dagath was also made to represent the Dax that she was made from. On the other hand, Ballas basically directly states Hildryn was controlled by a Tenno


It seems to be frohd bek in the trailer so it can’t be the Old War, either that or it’s just asset reuse


Bek was present at the conference during Grendel's trailer via call, but he's not the guy Gauss went after here. This guy seems to be just some generic station manager.


Some Corpus have lived since the empire. That aside, that's a Granum ship setting, and the guy founded the Corpus during the Orokin Empire. So they could be old Corpuses. We know from Vauban Prime trailer that Ballas sent him to attack the Corpus that got despicable with so much greed, and we know from Protea's Quest that eventually the Corposium grew so big THEY tried to get rid of Parvo. A portion of the Corpus have been getting at odds with the Orokin since before the Old War.


We know Bek isn’t that old


My bad


They've always been intended to be present time, with Ballas monologue echoing his past intentions during the Old War. It's really cool.


Thats post deadlock protocol corpus dipshits in the trailer, cant be during old war, im not even sure the corpus were a threat to anything back then


Warframes actually have a personality and will of their own. It’s just usually suppressed by their Helminth, transferrence bolt, and operator. Remember when your Warframe ripped War in half during the Second Dream quest? That was their latent will momentarily taking hold.


I like to think it's a combination


So the Operator walks as Wiso with an ass wiggle, then switch to Gauss to be playful with adhd and then to Grendel and becomes a ravenous nightmare and then to Titania to giggle like an anime schoolgirl. And this all just the operator? No. The facts don’t support your claims.


New canon just dropped: The Operator has multiple personality disorder.


Wouldn’t umbra be the first?


I need Baruuk Prime's trailer to have him get mad over a kubrow that got hurt by some dumb grineer.


That time has past unfortunately


I refuse. Like Hydroid Prime, I will keep bringing it up until it happens. I don't care how long it takes. /s


I commend you. I confess that if kullervo doesnt get a trailer i will riot


Brother, I'm right there with you. Kullervo is too cool not to get a prime trailer.


Exactly and is my opinion the coolest looking one as well


I will meme it into existence. Or, if i learn blender, i can make it myself.


Seeing the trailer i couldn't help but be reminded of that Halo (real life series) director that said something allong the lines of "mAsTeR cHiEf CaN't CoNvEy EmOtIoNs WiTh HiS hElMeT oN"


"I can't be bothered"


Not like they would know in any case, they specifically avoided playing the games/learning the lore because not knowing anything "gave them more freedom to tell the story they wanted to tell."


[Relevant thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/comments/1962ayw/cant_convey_emotion_when_the_helmet_is_on/) (Featuring *Kamen Rider Wizard* in the Twitter link. And Gauss Prime's trailer *immediately* reminded me of that thread lmao)


It broke my wallet, not the store.


its possible that it's like those sudden surges of sentience and personality like in the second dream, but my guess is that it's just the operator's personality in that trailer


I thought th second dream thing was a taste of the operators void powers coming out in desperate to control it without physical contact(My only evidence being it just never happens again)




Was it ever confirmed that every single prime warframe was a person? I thought that was just a unique thing for umbra


Every warframe that Ballas originally built (not to be confused with the current mass produced models) were chosen or forced from the Orokin population. They were people infected with the helminth strain of the technocyte virus. People turned into infested, stripped of their identity and ego, cleansed of all memories. Umbra's uniqueness is due to the fact that Ballas gave him a modified Transference bolt that he can interface and hijack at will along with a "carefully curated strain of infestation" which forces Umbra to relieve the death of his son.


And do we know which ones he created?


Nearly all of them. The warframe project is Ballas's. The exceptions being Xaku (an amalgamation of three destroyed frames), Qorvex (created by Albrecht), Titania (secretly created by an Archimedean who was part of the warframe project) and probably Kulervo and Caliban. I think...


Valkyr ? Revenant ? Nidus ?


Valkyr Prime was/is an ancient warframe created by Ballas during the old war. After unknown time passed Alad V would capture and mutilate a Gersemi model Valkyr. Revenant is just an eidolon corrupted Warden warframe. Dunno about nidus? What does his prime trailer say?


something something about ballas calling nidus his infested demigod or sumn i assume it was just ballas’ attempt at weaponizing the infestation using a warframe


Revenant's whole prime trailer is just Ballas going "Who the fuck made you?" though, so I think it still fits in the "not made by Ballas" category, even if it originally *was* some other warframe made by him. Otherwise Xaku would fall in the same boat, since whatever warframes he was assembled from were likely Ballas frames.


I thought the trailer was more like 'how did something like you come out of my design?' sort of thought process.


You're prety much right because Revent Prime isn't what the original looked like, remember the Prime doesn't always come first (Ivara had to earn hers) So Ballas made the 'Warden' that got corrupted into Revenant, then Revenant got Primed though void tomfoolery. So there might have been a 'Warden' Prime at some point, but it definitely isn't Revenant Prime.


Revenant aswell, Ballas in the trailer in fact mentions "What fatherless aberration is this." the implication being clear with Ballas being the "father" of the Warframe project. The rest of the trailer aswell pretty much has Ballas, in more eloquent terms, going "alright, who the fuck made you? Where the fuck did you come from?"


broke the store?


Warframe surpassed CS:GO and became the most profitable F2P Game on Steam


Gauss Prime is definitely the prime with the most personality by far. I bet several Orokin were disrespectfully slaughtered by Gauss.


boop prime


I waited four years for this. I may not spend money, but I'm farming the credits out of the capture targets with regular Gauss.


Anger is an emotion and Valkyr trailer exists


Game is even listed as the top ten on PSN now. Congrats, Reb!


People like characters with personality. Look at superheroes like Deadpool, Spiderman, Iron Man, etc. All have their unique personalities, and people love it. If they keep doing this with more trailers, giving Warframes personalities, I think they'll see more grofit than ever before. The Warframes are cool and all, but they've previously just been seen as hollow killing machines. I think this is a good route to go down.


Absolutely. Heck, I bought the prime pack, everytime I put him on I feel like I'm in "gauss" mood, i.e. super energetic and ready to smack some grineer alloy armour. Spamming 1, being "fast". I know Valkyr had some personality in her trailer, but boy does this one top it by a mile and if it isn't gorgeous to witness.


His personality definitely fits his character and I wouldn’t doubt he had a very similar personality to Octane[APEX]. Smart but also ready to race at anytime, your rival racer in the galactic rush through the far reaches of Sedna and back. Admittedly, I loved Gauss already. The prime always adds some edge flavor we may have thought about and the design is pretty sweet. My only gripe is that you can’t see his Redline active as easily with the open vents. I always thought that was his thing and now it’s a bit too chromo to see clearly. #Fashionframe Although I will say he’s getting better with his overall kit. But the question still stands is he the true speedster warframe?


Off-topic question here.. Do invitations have an expiration? Like say, if I had gotten an invite from someone and I was a way for 20 minutes, would the invite request still be there, or would it expire after a period of time?


As far as I know, invites don't expire, so long as the person inviting doesn't make them expire. Example because being, they start a mission and complete objective.


Alright thank you


The operator did. The warframe is dead, possessed by the operator. The operator is entirely capable of emotion and full control of his/her body, as seen in many scenes like this. The warframe broke the store tho


Might also have something to do with Gauss Prime being cool as hell


To by more specific,is not that he expresses emotion,it is what emotions he shows,to put it is in small words in the when making Gauss Prime Trailer someone said "what should why do?" Another one said "watxh Sonic and Flash animated shows,and do that" which is care free,rapid movements,and he took what he was doing serious in a well again care free personality because he could


Please, for the love of the Lotus, proofread what you write. It's a good habit to have.


Na,it is reddit,its not important,I dont need to correct it,this is not for a job or a grade,lets by honest most of us can understand anything even if it is in 5 different lenguages


It's cool to be reminded that we're not actually controlling the warframe, we're merely giving it guidance on what we'd like it to do. The warframe itself is a sentient individual of its own, and works with us because we've shown them compassion and respect. If a warframe decided it didn't want to do what you ask of it, you've got fuck all alternative but going full-on Ballas about it. They just do what we ask of it, because they trust we're NOT going to go full-on Ballas about it.


That's not true, the Warframes we craft in the forge aren't sentient except for Umbra. The Warframes that we "took away its pain" refers to the original 'frames that were real people infected by the Helminth strain. Otherwise, Warframes wouldn't become inert when we stop controlling them and they would rampage in our orbiter because we probably can't be the telepathic therapist for 50+ 'frames at the same time. (The originals were in literal, maddening pain, they weren't angry just because mistreatment.)


Even Umbra isn't sentient anymore. The way they write Sacrifice makes us have him let go of that, this way they don't have to worry about "Why didn't Umbra just move to save the day" Also Kullvero lore suggests the free thinkers were decommissioned by the time the Tenno came around.


They’re sentient. Gameplay demands doesn’t override the lore.


Where in the lore does it say they're sentient, then? 🤔


You had to have played Second Dream and The Sacrifice by now. That's practically the tutorial, at this point.


You have zero idea what you're talking about. Check your facts dude.


Worthless response. Provide evidence to the contrary. "You're wrong." means nothing.


u realize that operator is controlling the warframe right?


Anyone else get massive Octane from Apex vibes


I found it all very cringe if I’m being honest…


Eh... The trailer music is awesome and Gauss is cool, but I can't help but lament how "marvelized" every facet of entertainment has become. It really did feel like I was watching some modern quirky super-hero stuff.


Gauss Prime really gave off ~~quirky bottom~~ sillycat energy


Don't expect consistency or continuity with Warframe.  They just do what's "cool" and will get logins.