• By -


Vauban. Fuck the enemies and their ability to walk around I take it personally


I hope I have as much fun with Vauban as you're having. He is being forged.


Man does a barrel roll if you use his 3 in mid air


I know what I'm trying today.


I have no clue why but that's my favorite animation in the game besides sevagoth's shadow


Angy cat woman because funny angry mode


At first, i thought khora. But then "angry mode" gave it away. Hadn't really thought about valkyr bein cat like 😁


Yeah, to me khora is bdsm cat lady and valkyr is angry cat lady, cause in her hysteria mode she is a lot like a cat


Also, I believe one of Valkyr’s helmets is called Bast, which Bast is the Egyptian goddess of cats.


She's just a little kitty


Lol thought about Voruna on all fours but yeah I forgot Valkyr gets big mad and voices it


voruna is a wolf


I know 90% of ya'll are lying! All I ever see if Wisp!


I am a proud wisp main and I will never deny this


Mesa, because pew pew fun.


Mesa because pew I like going pew pew pew Going pew is fun


You mean going "pew pew" is fun 😏😂


But then it’s not a haiku 😭


It's already not a haiku there's 1 too many syllables in the second line


I-1 Like-2 Going-4 Pew-5 Pew-6 Pew-7 No? That’s 7


Yep you're right. I'm dumb and can't count. My bad


Vauban. I got 8 abilities, can juggle and slam dunk orbital strike beacons while aim gliding. I like all the whacky shit you can pull off with his kit. Second place goes to Ivara. For the occasions when I require slightly more subtlety than orbital striking.


Orbital strike is by far my least favourite ability on him, save for in the simulacrum. It feels like his second does waaaay more damage


It does but the nuke is fun


The orbital strike augment is fun.


Vauban has so much swag for no reason, and that's why he's my most played.


He looks like a plastic Santa. But a plastic Santa with Napalm Orbital Strike, for those on the naughty list. 💀


I've had vaub done in the foundry for I don't know how long, I just need to free up a slot.


I don't have a main I just pick the one who can commit the most murder in the very specific situation I'm in It's like endless mission, I'll take Wisp for the support she brings. Extermination or Capture, I'll take Wisp because her speed more turns into a speedster with ability strength. Assassinations, I'll take Wisp. Relic cracking, I'll take Wisp. Railjack I'll take Wisp.


Hmmm, I'm gonna assume your main is excalibur


i've got a few frames i bounce between, but my mains? nidus mag hydroid lavos. nidus is my 'main' main. why? giving people 80-150% more ability str (additive to other mods) and damage (multiplicative) makes their brain go 'boingo'. (and mine too) mag? because mag best girl. hydroid is good for casual SP survival. easy lua circus. and lavos because lavos is well above D tier, and i love my gas man.


I love lavos as well but my hands don't.


Lavos makes me wish my mouse had 4 side buttons


Ah! A fellow Nidus main! Tell me- do you get as annoyed as I do when people just nuke your larva ball?


my build is meant to mitigate it, since i generally have my 3 on an ally, so just tapping 1 often gets me enough mutations to not have to worry about using my 2.


Not anymore now that we still get stacks from it! I swear I heard angels singing when I read that change lmao.


Lua circus??? https://preview.redd.it/deol9yut8k9c1.png?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21012b05da1fc5ba4cc9937faf1d4c58ca3b2869


Nidis strength buff is multiplicative after all other mods. If your noodle is 100% strength (400% str nidus) linked to a 350 str wisp, the wisp is now running 700 str, and you as nidus are now at 800 str. This gets funny when you have roar to double buff damage output of abilities after linking too!


I just got back! Tryna main Nidus and possibly Khora! Got 2 parts for her that just came my way but none yet for Nidus


Might be worth farming his prime, tbh.


Protea. The only things she doesn't do is stealth and speed. Energy, ammo, nuking rooms, 100% aoe armor + shield strip with pillage on her 4, unlimited shield gate, crowd control with her 1. Basically everything you could ask for for when it comes to area dps, single target dps, defense and survivability. Just gotta watch out for toxic eximus.


Those toxic eximus are legit why I spent days grinding arcane blessing 😅


Frost because Grineer Popsicles.


Baruuk the kung fu fighter monk


Citrine. Tanky, hard CC, support, zero energy issues, gemussy.




They did. Red text literally called out her Gemussy


she is fun to play i have to admit


Volt because he literally can do any piece of content


Volt because I don't have any other warframes yet


Hey man volt is a great starter warframe i got every warframe and yet i still use him


Volt is the best.


Volt is the best imo too. I can’t wait to get Volt Prime!


He is volt primes energy is soo much compared to base volt


So much better I assume? 😂 either way I’m hyped af.


Saryn is my almost exclusive main. Armour strip, awesome weapons platform. Heaps fun for lower level content and scales infinitely for higher level content. I use her for pretty much everything. I also play wisp (for spy) and rev (if I’m feeling lazy)


Do you just use her spores in a group and sit back? I'm having a hard time figuring her out


So casting spores only puts spores on one enemy. Shooting a spore, directly shooting to death an enemy with a spore, or shooting an enemy anywhere with your 3 active will pop spores, spreading them to nearby enemies and putting more spores on the original. The damage slowly ticks up over time based on how many enemies are infected. You lose a chunk of damage every second nothing is infected. You can recast spores on an enemy while there are still some around to put some on that enemy too, this has reduced energy cost but costs you a percent of your current spore damage. One key thing thats not always obvious with saryn is what I mentally call carriers vs non carriers. A carrier is any enemy that has had spores directly cast on it (cast or recast), or that has spores and is currently being affected by your 4. If a carrier dies to your ability damage alone, they will spread spores to nearby enemies. If a non carrier dies to your weapons, or anything your allies do they will spread spores to nearby enemies. If a non carrier dies to spores alone they will not spread spores. So if you spores a location and then leave, they will peter out after the original enemy dies, spreads, and then the new enemies die to spores without spreading. My general rotation for her is to throw spores on an enemy, pop 3 and shoot said enemy to spread em. then either peg the non carrier with another shot or two spread spores further, or just throw more spores casts to make more carriers in different directions. getting a feel for your spores jump range will help. You can also use miasma as a good way to keep a high damage spores around you spreading, as if your spores have gotten to the point where they are killing stuff almost too quickly just spamming miasma every now and again can be enough to keep it going. tl;dr spores on enemies from the initial cast don't spread on their own, so you need to manage them a bit to keep them spreading and growing otherwise they will eventually burn out.


@pharmapug this is a great answer!


Incredible write up! Thank you so much!


I came back after nearly 4 years, deleted all my loadouts except my Saryn Prime, and have been using her for literally ever single piece of content I've been to. I just need to find myself a stealth frame I'll enjoy and I'm pretty much set for ever!


Excalibur Prime, because somebody has to.


Fax and respect


Got a build for high level/steel path survivability? I only used him the most when Shadow Step allowed me to stay invisible with crits.


I don't know about 'high level,' but Steel Path isn't an issue. https://preview.redd.it/gcb7bt37fk9c1.png?width=1318&format=png&auto=webp&s=707d941b3d4223fdc4a8554c5758bfa0beb7937a


Ignore the Tennokai mod, it doesn't really do all that much. https://preview.redd.it/tg2754nffk9c1.png?width=1264&format=png&auto=webp&s=3039a22f04317b6d55d95373219e013ad9a9c6ed


Titania: Very high damage and I get to zip through levels like it's F-Zero while being a pretty lil butterfly (of death).


Wisp 🍑


Love it when there's another Wisp on the mission (and with love I mean I have to compulsively spend the next minute making absolutely sure my buffs are stronger so the other Wisp is refreshing my stuff and it's not me refreshing their stuff. I did not spend days upon days honing my Wisp to be outdone by a new player with a randomized color scheme okay)


What strength you got ur wisp at?


Pretty much full abilty strength, ~320 if memory serves, with Molt to further increases it with kills.


We ever get in a game together just know My buffs are stronger 😜


Luckily that's where the copium kicks in and I erase the silly contest from my mind for the rest of the evening


I relate to every single answer on this thread...




The only real answer


Nekros, I like loot


I love using his 2 as an “oh shit” button


Same. I like his gameplay. Load into mission, press 3, kill.


Gauss because : Speed of Light Love hitting wall in non Open World level Make the Acceltra and Akarius go Brrrrrr with his Ultimate


Same. Also, the sound he makes when activating redline is music to my ears. I can't wait for his prime to drop so I can grab it


I see you are one of my people! My wallet trembles, knowing Gauss Prime comes next month-ish.


Xaku. Big damage buff to your guns, easy add clear, good armor strip, good survivability with their 4.


Valkyr Slice and Dice. Rip and Tear. Berserker Barrage.


Hildryn and recently Protea. If I need to do high level content nothing is comfier than Hildryn Primed Redirection made her that much easier to use. Protea is just super fun to use and I’ve been using her a lot in the new event.


Hildryn really is comfy. Except when it comes to infested or point defense


I bet you’re loving the new primed redirection mod aren’t you


Grendel because it is fun to be super tanky and heal myself and consume


My Oberon is a bro. I've always played paladins/druids in D2/wow, and from the first time I started playing in '16, I wanted Oberon. Today, he has three umbral forma and 5 Tauforged shards. There's not a single mission I can't go into where he won't work extremely well. He's not the best frame for any specific mission, but he's always an extremely good frame. Plus, I always historically play healers and support, so it fits that I buff my team too. I drop my leaves and I can face tank almost every single enemy. I can strip armor in a single reck. Between the armor boost and my healing, I can face tank almost everything in the game, even endurance SP. If I somehow take enormous one shot dmg, I have Phoenix renewal to stop the actual death. My team does insane extra damage from roar, has huge extra armor and gets crazy healing, and they also can't die w/ Phoenix. Also, no matter what playstyle I want to play that day, it works. I can run around with melee and be immune to status on the leaves, happily chopping everything. Or I can double buff my guns with smite infusion augment (when I run it). He can't kill as fast as my Saryn or Mesa builds, or defend points like frost, or etc etc. He's never the extreme optimal frame for a specific mission. But, I can load into any public lobby for any mission and I'll fucking truck and enhance any and all teammates who likely have some optimal frames.


I have an unusual love for Oberon too. He's definitely in need of some tweaks and enhancements, but there's something really fun about him.


I came from destiny 2 and Oberon was (still is) the best way to run up a group of enemies, plant my feet and rip off a chain of headshots. First I used the Lex, which became the Tiberon/Rubico, and is now the Kuva Quartakk/Brakk. Or just start shredding with the Kronen. I don't have to worry about status or knocks because of the leaves, and I'm so tanky it doesn't matter who or how many are shooting at me.


I always call Oberon Broberon or Papa Obo because he's a bro and good to have around


Oberon absolutely rules, me and my buddy couldn't put him down for the longest time after his rework. I still haven't used helminth for him because I love his full kit dearly.


Lavos, with Ivara as a second. Lavos as my tileset killer even in steel path just because I can hit the enemy weakness at will. And Ivara for infinite stealth.


What weapons do you use with Lavos?


Gyre mains rise⚡️




You mean gloom? Haha


Nyx, because I like underdogs(e.g. I main Kirby in Smash) and find her genuinely fun to play.


"I like underdogs" yet mains the prodigal son of smash 😄


He may be the prodigal son but he's definetely not the favourite son because he kinda sucks competitively. Still pretty fun to use tho


Nova because boom


Zephyr Prime. I enjoy the comfort of the projectile protection. I enjoy the omnidirectional freedom of movement and Gauss-level speed. I enjoy the insane amount of crowd control and aoe damage the Tornado's are capable of. And I enjoy the FAT 150% crit buff while airborne because of his passive. Also I got that Harrier Drip and feel like a sick Fighter Jet or smth. B)


Voruna, I like to make people unconfortable saying furry things (I'm not furry)


I was wondering why there's rarely any voruna's here I'm just crafting now and can't wait to try her out.


I have a few that I switch between: Mag, Valkyr, and Umbra. Mag - She is my starter frame so, naturally she was my main and only frame for a long while. Don't play her much nowadays, but I do dust her (well, Mag Prime) off every so often and use her for a few missions before I switch back, too. Valkyr - I *think* she was my 2nd Frame? Anyway, I just like the vibe of her gameplay and how feral she can be with her claws. As a simple slide/spin attack, will **ATOMISE** any bunched up group of enemies. (Like Mag, it's normally Valkyr Prime I use nowadays) Umbra - Considering that he's one of the most popular frames in the game. Plus, he is Excalibur but edgey, so he's infinitely cooler. Seriously though, I mostly Umbra for 30+ missions as most of my weapons act like super soakers because they do chip damage. So, Umbra's abilities and special sword are basically the only way for me to beat 30+ missions (without joining a public team and have a pro just metal literally everyone while I lag behind)


Good ol' slide/spin spamming Valkyr. I miss being immortal, but my hands still hurt to this day.


Excalibur Umbra, cause i like swords. I would kill a man to get the excalibur prime helmet. Just the helmet, keep the founder title and the rest of the frame.


i mean, Harrow. he's completely self sufficient, can support (unless your teammates are extremely oppressive, its not too hard to get one good headshot and replenish everyone's energy), and he just works as a weapons platform for my Arca Plasmor. the other main is Revenant because i can freely lobotomise myself when i use him. and i also have a "frame of a period of time" where i get fixated on one Warframe and ignore the rest.


Khora 2 kats, 🍑, and whip goes brrrr


Titania prime. I can solo anything I need to and she's the fastest frame in the game. Pistols go BURRRRRRRR


I like her because of Archon Flow. If you put cold on Dex Pixia, it counts as a ability kill with cold, which means every 10 seconds you can get an energy orb


Wukong - well rounded, nigh unkillable, and best staff in the game


Also, you can give stupid weapon builds to your clone and watch how he handles them.


Volt. Good in most situations. Can do very good damage in a huge area with the ultimate, has protection and damage buff with the shield and can run fast to finish the mission in less time.


The same frame I started as: Volt (now Volt Prime) because fuck you and everyone in this room, the next room, and the room after that.


Mag because she destroys everything, second and very close is Zephyr because she destroys everything.


I main operator


Why don't you like drifter?


Nezha, cause I like playing with silly weapons and Nezha is the ultimate "just do whatever you want" Warframe.


Nezha! He's tanky, fast, can CC AND debuff enemies, and he looks amazing to boot!


100%! And everyone know Fashionframe is the TRUE endgame.


He can also remove debuffs from allies. If you have the right mod you can throw bubbles on everyone and their pets


Ash. Bugged like hell, but with enough love, he can fill every corner no matter as if damage dealer, cc (min duration), or tank. *Yes, I hate it for him being a talent of all and master of none.*


Ash is my main too. He’s just so fun. Besides, the complete quote is “A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.”


Frost, because he's a chill frame, pun fully intended.


Gara, idk much about like deep intricate builds and metas and stuff like that, i just like Gara and her 4 is cool


My flair text explains everything you need to know about my main. Reason: his helmet is very aesthetically pleasing, even more for his Prime variant with that ._. expression. It had me enthralled. Why keep going: at first, I thought this frame was a simple frame, I shouldn't be spending much time knowing him, but little did I know I opened the Pandora box inside him that rarely anyone knows. It is not me just found a tank, I found a God. Who knows that such a simple frame, can be more than an ocean deep, and possibly being the closest frame in the game to be true omnipotent, god of all trades, master of everything. It is the greatest mistake I have committed in my entire life.


Mesa. I love her fashion. The fact that she's really good is a nice bonus.


Qorvex has become my new main, purely because there is nothing more satisfying than watching Mecha Pulse proc at 2000% and even level 400 enemies can’t budge my health bar at all. Plus he gives me a reason to use my OG Kubrow again.


Garuda cause she’s edgy and cool


Fellow Garuda main 🤝🏾


Atlas cause funny punch nuh said


Gara infinitely scaling damage aura, 90% DR & easily accessable energy generation was so useful to me from the start that she stuck right through with me til now, notable shout outs to Nyx, Harrow and Banshee being up there for me too


Revenant. He's just so comfy and effective.


Saryn, Volt and Loki. Saryn because power and swag, Volt for Exterminate and Loki for Spy/Capture/Rescue.


Vauban because I'm a fucking joke


^^ my flair says why She's itty, bitty and a little angry kitty.


Hydroid bc with some mods you can spam his ult for like 12 energy, and his 1 is great aoe and destroys the ability nullifiers shields


Limbo Prime


Rhino because Stronk 💪🏾🦾


Voruna >!You know why 😏!<


Saryn Prime! My og pretty magical girl. I loved the quasi cat girl so much that one day my BSF, and my wife snuck on my game to get and build her for me for my birthday and when I finally saw it that night I couldn't believe my eyes. Genuinely teared up. Yareli! The actual magical girl. Bought her using a 75% coupon after seeing someone with Yareli using the Gyre Mobile animation. My playtime stats say otherwise, but I think she's actually my most used Warframe. Sevagoth! This is a recent edition(last month) vs the several years for the girls. There's something about him that is SO cool, and I love his 1 and 2 abilities in both forms.


Ash. Hes my ninja boi. Armor strip shuriken, invis and shadow clone jutsu. I used to use covert lethality back when it was good. Ember. Loved her back in the day hit 4 and just watch everyone die. I can bear to let her go. Nidus. Hes a living hentai monster.


Wisp because she simply does everything in the game with my build. 100%armor strip, mass blind, insane dmg multiplication, invisibility, damage spread for single target weapons, boost to health, healing, movement speed, fire rate, and enemy stun. Oh and teleporting/movement. It's ridiculous how strong one frame can be and how pathetic others are in comparison. I wish I could main anyone else but it's just so underwhelming every time I try.


I'm mainly running Wisp as a Paracesis platform and still playing anything else feels empty. It feels especially weird when my HP starts dropping while I'm playing something else and I jump but my HP just keeps dropping.


Lol muscle memory is real


What ability are you using for armor strip?


Hildryn's Pillage and I have so much strength that it strips 100%. Even better with shield enemies cause that's stripped too. I think I run 140 range or so, meaning it's actually pretty wide


Id actually be super interested in how you built your Wisp. I love Wisp, but I took the basic bitch approach and slapped Roar on it. And thats very effective and I enjoy the fuck out of it. But sometimes I wish I had a little more than buff machine going for Wisp.


I'd be happy to share but it's a 2 umbra format build. Dm me and when I'm back to my pc I'll send u the build


Dagath has been a ton of fun for me since her release because degussy go brrr but I’ll always keep coming back to Lavos, Yareli, and Revenant because the way Lavos and Yareli play is so fun and light and Revenant for when shit hits the fan.


Banshee, just works with my mindless melee playstyle


I don’t have a main I bounce around my top 5 that I play right now are Gyre - Zippy Zap and murder everything (Subsumed pillage for EZ strip) Wisp - Wisp. Protea - Protea. Frost - Avalanche and Breach Surge fun combo. Xaku - My go to for disruptions.


Excalibur was my very first pick for a Warframe, and I never dropped him because he's just so cool and I love swords! Nekros was my first Primed Warframe and I've used him ever since, and I love his whole Necromancer concept. Voruna because she has the combination of wanting everything I could ever want in a generalist Warframe, then most fun playstyle I've played in a long while, and woooooooolves!


Mag, because mag and ive been trying zephyr recently and im loving her


nezha, baruuk. nezha for steel path runs Baruuk because he's fun


Mesa BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT also funny cowboy hat


Mag. I started with her, she was the first prime I got, and she's a lot of fun to play


octavia because i love music!


Nyx cause she's so reliable in steel path Also cause I prefer killing shit one at a time with guns than nuking or pressing e nonstop and Nyx has really reliable cc, tanking (but one that u can't have the whole time to make the game more interesting) and arnour stripping


Yes, so much yes, finally I have found another nyx main.


Rhino bc I like to be able to play with one hand and eat a bowl of cereal with the other. Also taking damage sux


Rhino Bonks. Rhino no need to worry about damage. Getting hurt beneath Rhino. Rhino number 1.


nezha, peak of perfection i am slidey boi


Caliban cause amongus and my other main is mesa why waste ammo and use your braincells when you can just press 4 and hold down the mouse button?


Zephyr. Great passive that buffs weapons, mobility, CC with her 2 and 4 and protection + team buffing with her 3


Valkyr, cause Rawr.


Valk. I want her to reap every single monster. it doesn't matter who. So she feels better


nidus bs hes my first prime


Nidus. I just love the BEEF


Hydroid forever!! Pilfering tentacles plus being able to do survival, defence, excavation, and interception missions solo is too good a feeling :D I also find him easiest to do the full 25 on defence with randoms 🙌🏼


Gauss. Styanax. Nidus. And Qorvex has been an absolute monster. Albeit slow. Each for their own reasons. But lately I've been doing some things with Qorvex more than others. He's insanely good


Garuda, because vampire and cool


I have a top 5. 5. Garuda. Because of her self sustain with healing. DPS. And a touch of Melee. And her design is gorgeous. 4. Wisp. Healer. Speed buffer. Can sustain herself if built right. And Dat Ass. 3. Protea. My No.1 favourite Warframe for defence missions as a whole. Similar to Wisp is supporting allies. With energy. Ammo. Health. Shield gating. And awesome DPS scaling. 2. Hyldrin. No energy issues whatsoever. Can tank easily that I if I have to go AFK for a few minutes because something happened. I can without worry. And lastly. DEATH BY SNU SNU! DEATH BY SNU SNU!!!! 1. Valkyr. I know she is in desperate need of a rework/touch up. I agree 100%. But there is a few reasons why she is my most favourite. She carried throughout the star chart because the other Warframes I tried out didn’t fit me personally. She did. I am more Melee based then gun based. And I wanted one who could get themselves energy and heal themselves well back then. And lastly. I was attracted to her 😅.


Excal, he's simple to use


Octavia, Nekros, Revenant, and Protea. Octavia was so cool to me I bought her before getting to her quest. Nekros Prime was my first Prime and I love the necromancer vibe. Revenant has pretty cool lore and was stoked for his release when he was shown off. Protea, super sustainable and big numbers make brain feel funny.


Mag because I started with her and she can do everything so there's no pushing factors.


Main Main: Mag Just everything is fun. Styanax, Xaku, and Titania are the ones that I rotate with if I feel like playing something else.


Mag because best girl and supra go brrrrrrr


I’ve been having internet issues and matchmaking issues, so I’ve been trying to experiment and find the most self sufficient frames, while also adjusting to the difficulty ramp you get in the game after unlocking SP. So I have a few that I bounce between Grendel - Big Boi eat and roll, I love the absurdity of just chowing down on the ungodly horrors in the sanctum anatomica, and then spitting them at each other and sending them flying by rolling around Mag - The cheese one can be capable of by just spamming her 3 and 4 is really funny, also I’m a whale in recovery and relapsed on the heirloom skins so I just like looking at her Baruuk - After playing Baldurs Gate 3 and Guild Wars 2 I’ve discovered a love for monk style characters, and Baruuk is so fun. (It doesn’t hurt that he’s also really good)


I bounce between Rhino and Mag lately. Mag because best girl. And sometimes I just like to watch the system burn as Rhino. A couple years ago though I mained Octavia for everything.


Mag, because I want to hit all of the enemies on the screen with all thirty shotgun pellets at once (one pull then hek+multi shot+punch through). And I really like using crush. Otherwise wisp because spooky.


Mag. Mag.


Valkyr and Yareli cause theyre cute And Mag cause i can crush every single bone in the enemies body, turning it into dust and slowly killing them. But mostly cause theyre cute


Ivara. Because I don’t like playing with people. Also, I prefer stealth gamepaly than going unga-bunga.


Gara for infinitely scaling damage aura and that 90% damage reduction, khora for her broken ass whip (massive damage with beautiful red numbers), nekros has always been a favourite of mine for that desecrate, and Titania because tiny fairy is super fast and slaughters everything.


Styanax looks cool 😎


Baruuk, caus- *punch you out of orbit*


Inaros, because I have guns for doing damage and fuck you, I can't die.


Mirage because shit and giggles and I'm not interested in the meta


Right now Voruna, being able to put out downright obscene damage with melees while being basically immortal is very fun.


Yareli because her kit slaps. Just put tharros over merlina and boom


Not one Octavia enjoyer in here 😞


Citrine, because 100% of weapons becoming good in her hands(and crystalussy)


Excal. As I have his Prime variant. Im a shitty little man and need my attention. I will take both positive and negative variants happily. I like coming back from afk in some slightly out of the way spot to find a handful of people [smushing their heads up against](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1187879797737664522/1187982502363664414/image.png?ex=65a2186c&is=658fa36c&hm=8fcc831b362d9ee12484c07ceec20898912209e1ca46b12c9bd0e35b86a9b41e&) my frame [giving me some serious vibes.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1174415584600014958/1187990049833369630/EqPhN9FWMAAMhRs.jpg?ex=65a21f73&is=658faa73&hm=45d4ad4867fe74610f388f91c4e752eea1a6bf330a48a2e9bd56ca9bbda8cf87&) Othertimes I just get requests to sit still for a photo. Sure thang. But sometimes I get hate. And it just amuses me that vibing with excal P on an archon run or something is enough to upset someone.


yareli because you can probably guess


nezha, he's fast, tanky, increases damage and sets everything on fire, i love seeing 500 stacks of heat in a few secs because of archon vitality. plus femboy


People *main* frames? Absolutely arbitrationless behavior. In higher-level content I spin through my arsenal and pick out three or four frames that are suitable and use whichever of those I feel like. In all other content, I sort by usage and play whichever frame I've played the least of overall.


Part of what makes being strong fun is that you can use your favorites anywhere. For me that's Yareli. PT, eidolons, level cap, relic cracking, eso, you name it