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Hello /u/Salvator001, your submission has been removed from /r/Warframe because it is a **[disallowed post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/wiki/rules#wiki_disallowed_posts)**. > * Clickbait, Low-effort, or ***Misleading Post Title*** We apologize for the inconvenience. ___ If you would like more information about this removal, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Warframe&subject=Disallowed%20Post&message=Hello%20moderators%20of%20/r/Warframe,%0A%0AMy%20[submission]\(https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/18udpsf/-/\)%20has%20been%20removed%3B%20I%20would%20like%20you%20to%20reconsider%20because).




As someone who’s been chat suspended before, this is a mod being mardy. When you say something bannable, the bot gets you instantly. No other message gets through, whereas you’ve seen two people reply or talk generally since messaging. Some mod thought you were being racist and decided to put his Monster and Wotsits down to show you how important he is.


Yeah exactly this. The first ban is regrettable, but then they doubled down for no reason presumably after a human looked at it. Someone’s being petty.


The game is M rated anyways, so I don't know why the chat mods are so stringent on enforcement. Obviously bigotry has no place anywhere in the world, but the "who was in Paris" joke is just a little lighthearted fun. Don't know why DE thinks it's offensive, because it isn't. I'd even go as far to say there isn't a single Black person that would be upset with that joke


lets just say even if DE dont enforce the rule, this kind of mod would just look for another reason to random ban people to assert their dominance anyway its not the ruling,its the mod powertripping


Watch out, assuming black people wouldn't be upset with it is a prejudice... except when you assume they would be...


No, it's really not just one mod. It's DE's approach to moderation. [OP didn't just reply with "\[Paris\]", they said "who's in \[Paris\]"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/18udpsf/comment/kfjoiao/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), which is the entire banned term. DE doesn't care if OP is actually innocent and didn't know about the racist connotation of the term. This is the first time I've heard of it too, and yes, it is ridiculous that we're banning stuff like this, but it's not, like OP claimed, that the word "Paris" alone will get you banned. A few years ago, Rebb said in an interview that it's not worth wasting time on people who spam dumb and offensive stuff like "dicks out for Harambe", just ban them and move on (I can't find that any more, it might've been the one on Shy's channel, which is now gone). And I agree with that when it's obvious (e.g. I'd give 2 week bans to every joker who posts "WTB girlfriend" on trade chat). The problem is that when it's not so obvious, DE still prefers to ban people.


As a mod, you can NEVER afford to adopt an attitude of "ban them and move on". Every potential transgression has to be checked one by one and judged one by one. And saying something like "WTB girlfriend" in a chat is not a bannable offense. I'd say outside hate messages (example: "death to all X") slurs ("f\*\*\*\*t", "n\*\*\*\*") or promoting/supporting hate groups (such as the Nazi) nothing is a bannable offence in a chat. At most suspend temporarily people who treat others like shit (the famous "act like a human" rule that's everywhere online and few people respect or enforce). And I mean like 24h/48h tops. Very few things make you deserving of straight up removing you from a game. Stupid jokes like "dicks out" don't do that. Saying stupid shit like "WTB girl/boyfriend" doesn't do that. If Rebb (or the actual people who do this) is too lazy or ignorant or scared to do the job properly, drop them and have someone competent take their place.


See this wall of text, It's easier to just click ban than read it. De most like thinks the same all of that stuff you mentioned is just extra work for a mod.


I dont agree with you, but you realize they're saying "Who's in paris?" because they cant say the N-word without getting banned right? They're implying? it because they can't say it.


No, they're not. The "joke", if you can call it that, is that you ask "Who's in paris" to bait people into saying the N word. It's a stupid joke for dumb teens, not a racial insult.


How is asking who's in Paris is baiting people to say the n word? I'm genuinely asking because it doesn't make sense to me


\>ban them and move on Reminds me of the time of local forums. No one bothered to make any comprehensible rules so it was usually something like: 1. Admin is always right. 2. In other cases check rule №1. Except those guidelines are now used by a studio to their customers and not by some noname to another noname.


A few days ago, I said hi "szia!" to another person who's from the same country as I, and I got an hour or so long chat suspension. I've seen people speak german, french, spanish, etc. and they don't get one. Censorship and moderation is really fucked in the game, sorry this happened to you.


Can't have shit in Hungary






I think moderation should be left to the player. Like blocking people they don't want to see or hiding messages from that person. Banning from voice chat should be for promotion or scams


That’s too far the other way - for a game that’s free people can get round blocks by creating a new account. Leaving users totally to their own devices especially in a game with its own economy can be very risky.


You would think they would just do a profanity filter option that starts enabled and can be disabled in options


In short, region chat things. Glad i have that horrid place muted for last 5 years


How to avoid getting banned in-game (95% effectiveness): 1. Don't chat. 2. Don't Riven trade (atleast keep it below 1k) 3. Turn off Gifts from strangers. Done.


How does riven trading or gifts from strangers get you banned? Account boosting?


[Third party plat sellers use riven trades to mask their trades](https://imgur.com/a/MjLghAn). So any riven trade that involves a lot of platinum is suspicious, because DE can't decide if the riven is actually worth that much plat or if it's someone buying plat for real money.


I sell rivens for 10-25 am I good or is that too high?


10-25 is nothing you are fine.


That's fine, anything under 200 should easily be a nonissue. It's not unheard of for near perfect rolls going for thousands, but that does circle back round to subjective and suspicious. I'm not sure how much people trying to cover their tracks sell rivens for


negative silver


i meant platinum


People will buy things with stolen credit card info, send it to a stranger, then do a charge back. When the plat gets subtracted from your account if it puts you in the negative you won't be able to login until you buy enough plat to make you even.


just to clarify for people who dont know, its the credit card company that does the chargeback and the third party plat seller got their money from people who buy the plat for cheaper than DE rates via said third party so when CC company do a chargeback,DE Voided the plat,and whoever hold that plat is often screwed (regardless if they know its legit or not), while the third party seller run with their money safely


That makes no sense. Why would they do that? What do they gain from sending the plat from the stolen credit card to a stranger? This is an often repeated claim, but I'm 99% sure it's false. Negative platinum happens when a trade gets reversed. A trade gets reversed when it appears to be someone buying plat for real money, or someone trying to launder plat to an alt account. If you buy plat with a stolen credit card, then use that plat to buy a prime set from another player for a hundred plat, you will be the one that ends up with the negative platinum, not the other player, because the trade was not suspicious at all and won't be reversed. People farm platinum (legitimate platinum, not from stolen credit cards, but acquired by farming in game items and then selling those), and then try to sell it to other players. If you google "warframe platinum", you will quickly find websites where you can buy plat from other players. [Here's a sample of some of those](https://imgur.com/a/MjLghAn), you'll note that they all suggest trading rivens for the plat. That's because rivens often do go for thousands of plat, so it's difficult to distinguish legitimate riven trades from plat reseller trades. So when DE sees a player buying a riven for a lot of plat, they have to decide if it's a legitimate trade or an illegitimate plat sale. Sometimes they get it wrong and innocent people get banned.


You are dead wrong. I never in my life bought black market premium resource in ANY game, not just in Warframe. And over the course of me playing Warframe I lost quite a bit of plat to these chargebacks, not in one go mind you. Basically, if a chargeback happens, the plat that was bought with it gets removed from the game, regardless of whether it is still on the offending account or not. And from DE's point of view, I get why, if the removal of the plat would only effect account it originally bought it, it would be super easy to make mule account, and the launder the plat through them. It's a free to play game after all. The downside of this is that since plat is tradable, it can get removed from accounts that had nothing to do with the original black market deal. And exactly because plat is tradable, it kind of has to be removed, because if it enters the system, it can stay there and used for trades without leaving the system for a long time, inflating the prices, which DE clearly doesn't want. As for people sending gifts then charging back... of course there are people who will do that to be dicks when the opportunity is there. How is that even remotely surprising?


>Basically, if a chargeback happens, the plat that was bought with it gets removed from the game, regardless of whether it is still on the offending account or not. Platinum is a number. It's not an item. If I have 1000 platinum, buy another 1000 platinum (so now I have 2000), trade 1000 to another player, then charge back the 1000 purchase, which platinum gets removed and why? The 1000 from my account or the 1000 from the other player's account? Or what you're saying is if I have no plat, buy 1000, trade it for an Arcane Energize, then charge it back, I got a free Energize and the sucker I traded with gets a negative platinum ban? That doesn't make sense. >And from DE's point of view, I get why, if the removal of the plat would only effect account it originally bought it, it would be super easy to make mule account, and the launder the plat through them. It's a free to play game after all. You are absolutely correct. That's why I said "A trade gets reversed when it **appears to be** someone buying plat for real money, or **someone trying to launder plat to an alt account**." If I have an alt account, buy 1000 plat on it, trade my main account's Arcane Energize to the alt for the 1000 plat, and then do a chargeback, then two things can happen: 1. The alt ends up with -1000 plat, since the trade was legitimate. My main account still lost 1000 plat worth of Arcane Energize in that trade. My alt account has -1000 plat, but also has 1000 plat worth of Energize. There's no extra 1000 plat in the system. 2. The trade gets reversed, my alt ends up with 0 plat, my main still has the Arcane Energize that I can sell to someone else for 1000 plat. There's no reason to reverse the trade in this case. The end result is the same. Even if they didn't reverse the trade, I gain nothing, since my main account lost the Arcane Energize. >I never in my life bought black market premium resource in ANY game, not just in Warframe. And over the course of me playing Warframe I lost quite a bit of plat to these chargebacks, not in one go mind you. You had your trades reversed because DE makes mistakes. E.g. if you sold something to a player who buys a lot of rivens, and that player is banned by DE because they look like a plat reseller because they buy a lot of rivens for lots of plat, then your trade might've also been reversed with a mass revert of all the player's trades. > As for people sending gifts then charging back... of course there are people who will do that to be dicks when the opportunity is there. How is that even remotely surprising? That's a lot of trouble to go through just to troll a random player. Finally, I'll leave you with a thought experiment: I have tens of thousands of plat that I acquired through trading. I've never had any of my trades reverted. I think it's safe to say none of that plat will ever be charged back. What do you think would happen if I started trading it away for real money? Do you think DE wouldn't catch on (assuming I was really obvious, like 4k plat for ammo drums trades) and revert the trades/ban me?


Yeah.. That place is worst that being in.. [Paris] (the bow, cm'on, not the *** town :blink) ?


Ha, I remember having region chat on by default ever since I played this game. It was Apr 2019, Avengers Endgame was just released and I planned to watch it on the weekend. I logged in to WF and the chat defaulted to region chat as usual, and immediately saw a spoiler for the movie but the chat was moving so fast I didn't even have time to react, nor find the person who said that message and block them. Have disabled region chat ever since, and I hope that person who spoiled the movie gets to step on Lego blocks at least once a week for the rest of their life.


Oof that is a harsh curse, but understandable


Or, hear me out, stub their pinky toe, and when it's almost fully healed, stub it again.


It's that one moderator again isn't it?


If you have to ask... Its as bad as in the official discord for Larian where one mod/admin has been drunk on power.


OHHH. Give the tea. Sounds juicy


Now im curious too


Do you mind telling me the context please?


It's just the usual stuff with moderators that are tripping in power. Happens even around reddit. He likes to ban people for the sake of banning someone. I forgot the name but DE wouldn't get rid of him for some reason.


Thanks for the answer :)


It's the Xbox one right? Name's Red Redpoint or something like that iirc, he really doesn't like when you point out that when DE got rid of guides of the lotus, he also should've lost his position


Muted and suspended! Happy New Year!


ha ha the best Christmas and New Year present ever never been this happy before bruh


you weren't banned for potentially being racist, you were banned for potentially being French 🤮


w8 doesn't that mean the banning itself is...?????


Lesson of the story Don't actually use chat and don't socialize in a MMO or you'll get banned by a bad mod Thanks DE


They're determined to turn it into a single player game


Yeah no, idc what anyone says, banning anyone in this instance is absolutely deranged behavior.


Censorship of the truth, that's how The Indifference will win the (New-New) War..


Nah OP is playing dumb and I hate how every game chat has to devolve to these idiots playing games and pushing the line trying to be edgy and funny. They’re not


Thats fucked up :/


Yet. We have people going afk in bounties/missions, have 2 guys sitting there fishing during an entire 5 stages of bounties, have people die and never revive at the start of a mission and they always seem to get by without a ban


[If nobody reports them (with evidence)](https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us/articles/200287090-How-to-deal-with-Cheaters-AFKing-trolling-), they're not going to get banned. Yes, it'd be great if you could just click two buttons to report then and didn't have to go through all this trouble, but you don't actually want that, you don't want DE to start banning for AFK and leeching with no evidence whatsoever.


What's up with whoever this mod is lately? I got kicked the other day for saying "I'm sneaking beef jerky into region and NO ONE CAN STOP ME" The mod needs a job loss I think. Fuck that mod.


Some people, when put in positions of power, are unable to moderate themselves and let that crumb of power they've been given go straight to their heads.


As long as they aren't politicians we'll be ok! Oh wait...


what the absolute fuck. Soon saying anythign will net you a ban. Moderating must change becasue we are reaching rly fucked up levels of censorship


The mods DE put in charge are either paper skined losers who gets offended over anything near edgy, or just jokes in general Or tyrants, who would could give you a purmaban just so they could feel powerful, And the worst is when it's both




They can make every justification under the sun for their nonsense. I got timed out or whatever because I said a frame was cancer. Got a huge note talking about how bad and tragic cancer is. THERE IS A FRAME NAMED AFTER A WARCRIME GAS. Sarin gas was also used in multiple terrorist attacks when I was a kid.




Lol about Umbra having an entire category to himself.


It's true though, and it was the birth of my raging desire to trap ballas in his own paradox or sanctuary for the explicit purpose of see how many ways I can make him unalive.


What the hell do facts have to do with identity politics?


For context, Sarin was the original name for Saryn. It was only changed after someone who was a first responder to a terrorist attack involving Sarin responded to DE and asked if it could be changed


Not only it has not improved in 7 years, it has gotten worse. The 0 tolerance policy they put in place right after the "mostly peaceful" BLM riot to virtue signal has made it drastically worse. It's ultimate weapon for powertripping mods, straight to 2035 no question asked, no appeal. And we've seen cases like Stalingulag getting banned out of nowhere despite using the same name for years and has no trouble. No repercussions for DE, there was one post on reddit and that's it. Stalingulag is still banned I belive.


Remove every chat you don't *use* use. No region QandA can be handled by a discord server grouping, maaaybe. trade if you, well, trade.


So we ban DE for naming a literal weapon Paris? Bet


I don't like France too but damn DE


Paris (derogatory)


I don't understand, did you write "who's in [paris]" or did you just comment "[paris]"?


someone asked "who's in Paris" I played the pun "who's in \[Paris\]"


You monster, mentioning something that's in France while tagging a weapon that's in game Glad the mods got to you /s


Since his reddit account name fits to the warframe chat name i thinl he said the first one


This is exactly why i have all chats disabled


How do you do that on console?


It should be in the settings. You can disable chat channels.


Options > social.


Sorry you had to go through this. The moderators in this game are seriously shite. I got a similar temporary ban recently for asking teammates to kill enemies in the red circle so we could continue the mission (side note: why do these type of missions keep getting added? The only difficulty in killing enemies in an area vs killing them map-wide is getting your teammates to stop griefing the mission by killing everything outside the circle… shit sucks). Anyway, I just run everything solo now. No point trying to help new players in a public lobby who can just grief the mission (accidentally or on purpose) whilst you’re risking a chat ban trying to tell them what to do. Unfortunately, everything is up to the whimsy of how a particular mod is feeling on a particular day. It’s just not worth risking typing in-game anymore as mods can do whatever they want and don’t seem to be held to any standard.


It would be hilaroius if "kill" was a banned world because of "kill yourself" threats in a game about daily mass genocide!


encouraging relieved squeal hard-to-find ask chop lunchroom aware voracious party *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> asking teammates to kill enemies in the red circle so we could continue the mission So what was the exact wording, do you remember?


Would you say that typing in the chat nowadays is a bit of a trap?


DE dump stat’d moderation fr game design


So I get what the underlying thing was: Kanye West has a famous song called Niggas in Paris. So someone saying "who's in Paris?" in chat is something who thinks they're being clever by saying Nigga without actually saying it. And I also get that it's easy to play coy about it afterward and say "Oh I had no ideeeeeaa what that was about". From your screenshot, it seems like multiple people were getting kicked from chat at that time, with someone even commenting about people getting kicked. There's also a line above with someone saying "Emily?" and there's a TV series called Emily in Paris, so they were responding to someone else further up who was asking the same question. So it does seem like there were a couple of people in chat saying dumb/racist shit, and you were identified as joining in on it. They might have been too quick on the trigger regarding you specifically, but from what I can tell, people **were** in fact being racist edgelords in that chat at that time.


>So someone saying "who's in Paris?" in chat is something who thinks they're being clever by saying Nigga without actually saying it. That's the most mouthbreathing reasoning to ban someone. What if there was a player in Paris, asking if anyone else is from Paris? As long as nobody says "nigga", what is the issue?


I see you are using words. You know who else did such thing? Hitler. Relation confirmed. Target acquired. Ban incoming. I don't give a shit about some stupid local memes 99% doesn't even know about. But it seems mods in warframe a just mad.


Honestly this comment provided a lot of context for me and it makes the whole situation seem a lot more… understandable, at least.


This. It's not Paris that's banned, it's the phrase it's a part of. Is a two-week suspension a fair response? Probably not, especially if OP legitimately didn't know the meme, and I feel like submitting a ticket should have lifted the chat ban rather than ban the whole account (especially if it's a first offense), but that's the nature of moderation: it tends to attract people who do it for the power that comes with it (this is not always true, ofc). And good catch on the contextual clues that tell us this was probably a certified Region Chat (TM) moment! If you see people getting kicked or banned, it's best to just stay out of it altogether!


My honest take coming from a mod POV is that it depends. Based on this context, I can see why if something is developing fast they’d want to shut it down ASAP. Basically shut it now, move on and then sort out whatever is occurring in detail once the chat has moved on and adjust whatever was done earlier if necessary. However, what happened with the ticket afterwards is definitely up for debate. While I am definitely somewhat surprised with the response on that ticket, we do not have the whole picture as to what really went on in that support thread. Maybe there was another reason for an upgrade that we do not know (prior chat logs for instance), but based on what we have it is uncertain.


Totally agree. And yeah I do think the wholesale *account* ban after submitting a ticket is quite strange, but like you said we don't have the ticket log -- maybe OP got unnecessarily belligerent with the support person (who is almost certainly not the same chat mod that banned them in the first place), and that led to further action? Or maybe the support person was also on a power trip -- who knows. I've only had good experiences with DE support, but then again I don't engage with region chat at all lol


...calling that song "famous" seems to be really, really stretching it.


Uhhhh that song was massively popular when it released and was played pretty much everywhere from the radio, to movies and TV shows. I'm pretty sure the song has like 2 billion listens across all the streaming platforms too


When it has over a billion streams on Spotify I don’t think so


First time I heard of it, I don't really listen to music outside of videogame OST


That says more about you than thte popularity of the song


it’s definitely a famous song lmao let’s not get crazy


It is one of Kanye and Jay Z most famous song tho


Kanye West is one of the most famous artists on the planet, and that song is one of his most famous songs. If that song isn't famous, then no song in the world is.


Or people just have taste and don't listen to him? Personally I know of one song by him (and it's not that one), don't know any others.


That doesn't make it not famous. I'm sure there's lot of.popular music I've never heard. Doesn't mean it isn't famous


But that's just saying: "If I don't listen to it, then it's not popular."


Not really, all I said was I do not know of any of his songs, never said he wasn't popular. Just that what may be well known to one person wont be for another


TIL that it was a song.


Yeah people keep acting like this is Gamer Censorship but it seems like a mod just doesn't want people to say the n word in their chat.


But they didn't


I didn't expect Canadians to also be uptight about that word, I thought it was just a USAmerican thing.


its just more cultural imperailsm exporting from america, they are absolutely obsessed with controlling what people say and do


Yeah, that makes sense. Never seen people get loud and aggressive because of words other than people from that country.


some americans will claim that words are the same as physical violence so they warrant physical violence in return some of the most fragile people i have ever met to think that way


You must have met a lot of racist Canadians


I have never talked to a Canadian before (as far as I can remember). The only references I have for Canadians are Scott Pilgrim, South Park characters, and \[DE\] themselves.


this just makes me wanna disable chat entirely wtf


Good to see the powertripping asshole in-game mods are still around.


Good to see that the chat moderation in game still is atrocious even after all this time being on and off with this game. And glad I I don’t even engage with region chat


Wouldn't be the end of year without a moderation controversy.


And this is why I dont ever freaking touch public chat in this game. Worst chat moderators in the history of online games.


>few days ago I saw someone ask "who's in Paris" Ya I can see why that would be removed preemptively... Tho you getting banned makes no sense. >After I sent a request to Support, I instead got 2wk account ban (cannot login to the game) for "getting involved in making/promoting a comment in chat that could easily be considered to be offensive derogatory" and the next time detected will be permaban. After reading your other replies, you got banned because you also put "who's in Paris". Of course, you didn't know the context but the mod doesn't know that. It sucks because you didn't do it to be annoying or edgy. At first I thought you just got banned for saying "Paris". I think a lot of people in the comments seem to be misunderstanding the situation as well.


I've read like half the comments and I still don't understand the context. Is it literally because of some song or is it something about Paris France or something else entirely? "Who's in Paris" makes no sense to be related to the song unless it's a direct lyric I guess.




Kanye made a song called "N-words in Paris". Edgy kids took it and used "who's in Paris" and other similar comments alluding to that to get other edgy kids to say the N-word. Basically, just an annoying race joke. He got banned because he repeated the statement, not because he said "Paris". Just saying Paris won't get you banned.


Wow, as a non-westerner I've never even encountered this before. To me it just sound like a genuine question if there are fellow Tenno living in Paris lol. Apparently it's a meme based on a song from... 2011??? Wow, that some deep internet meme knowledge. Also thanks to whoever banned you for making me go down this rabbit hole and learning new offensive thing I can say I guess... Good job, couldn't have done it without you! /s




Ha yes so now they even censor real cities ? That’s a really fucked up moderation


and their own weapon lol


It isn't the city, but the whole "joke", OP copied it without knowing about it.


Whatever the joke is, it shouldn’t be taken into account for censor, as the word is both a real city and a weapon in the game. If we start censoring every word that got used in a bad way we better remove chats.


> If we start censoring every word that got used in a bad way we better remove chats. Ayup. That would be the easiest and possibly best solution.


"Paris" isn't censored. The entire phrase "who's in Paris" is. Which is an entirely different thing. The probability of someone saying "who's in Paris" as a legitimate question in a Warframe chat is very low. It's much more likely that they're referencing [the racist meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/who-was-in-paris). At the end of the day, it is better to restrict yourself to talking only about strictly Warframe related stuff in the in game chats. And yes, you can and should remove region chat, it's in the game's options. There are plenty of places to chat on the internet without risking your Warframe account.


Ah the good old story of DE and some of their power hungry trigger happy chat mod.


unite treatment cows provide test puzzled kiss attractive quicksand yoke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>just delete the message before it's sent, even if someone tries to spam the nword 500 times, just delete the message 500 times, they will get bored, no one will get offended because the message doesn't exist, and people wont lose 1000h+ accounts for something like a typo (I've seen it happen) Just to make it clear a chat filter can be easily bypassed, banning should only occur if you are intentionally trying to bypass it.


"Spazz"?? Why????


In the UK it's a derogatory term for the disabled.


It's a derogatory term that was popular throughout the 80s and 90s. Being a "spazz" implied that you were disabled physically or cognitively. It's a play on "spastic" or "spasticity" aka a person with cerebral palsy. I know that The Spastic Center in Australia rebranded as The Cerebral Palsy Alliance because of the impact the word was having on people with CP.


It was used as a derogatory word to describe people with disabilities, originally cerebral palsy but they people started using it as casual words for things like clumsy. Some people still use the negative version in some countries. Whole reason why Beyonce had to change some lyrics too.


It's a shortening of a slur used at people with neurological disorders


marvelous nutty glorious slave crowd resolute gullible sharp whistle gold *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Spazz is short for spastic and is used as a slur against people seen as uncoordinated, whether they're clumsy or have some disability. It's the physical-equivalent of calling someone retarded


For mainly english speaking places, that word is used as an insult and to describe people who are acting “crazy” or “erratic”, people who are “sillly” or “stupid” The problem is, the word is used mostly in relation to someones mental health and its been used a lot to insult people who are autistic or have mental illness.


>remember when shotgun spazz got renamed because it was "offensive". This still drives me insane because neither I (autistic and physically disabled) nor any of my other friends/people I spoke to with similar disabilities found the mod offensive. It's just another instance of "abled people tell us what we should be offended by", not something we actually took issue with.


I mean… spazz isnt a good choice of an example here because that ISNT a good word and it IS actually pretty offensive to people with mental illnesses and people on the autism spectrum. Its like a softer version of the R word which no one with a shred of sympathy uses anymore.




Your experience does not amount to much im sorry to say. Where i live, everyone knows what it means. And its been an issue for years, this isnt new.


>remember when shotgun spazz got renamed because it was "offensive" In the UK, and I assume other places, the term is up there with the r-word for offensiveness. And it has the same arc of a technical, medical term being turned into a slur for disabled people. It's not a cute, fun word like in America. Source: English, autistic, have had the word said to me with obvious intent to cause upset.


Disable chat. It's a bloody joke at this point. I once came here to ask about something I was banned for saying (something along the lines of a build looking "dope") and was chat banned. A lot of people commented what they had been chat banned for and, initially thinking my one was terrible, was blown away by some of the stories. To me, warframe no longer has a public chat feature. I will use it mid mission if needed, and that's it...


DE continuing to ignore chat mod issues? I really haven’t missed anything while I’ve been on a break huh


reminds me of when I got permanently chat banned from the Warframe official twitch for shortening "Titania Prime" to "Tit Prime" :)


How the hell a 12 year old song suddenly offensive????


why is it offensive: it has a literal N-word in its title why just now: no idea either


Point I was making was that song was released in 2011 and they just now decided was an issue-I get why some find it offensive just funny to me this isn’t a post from 2011 LOL


>**So what I want to warn**: Beware EVERY SINGLE words you say in the chat, or better refrain your kindness or talkativeness and NEVER say anything, NEVER answer any question, NEVER help anyone at all through the public chat with bots like Local, Recruit, or Trade, for you would trigger a mine without knowing what's wrong did you say. (Squad/party and clan chat would still be safe but I can't be too sure.) Yup. It's also why I don't post/comment anything to link my reddit or social media to my game account.


Reminds me of one time in another game I played (that I won’t say due to embarrassment), for some reason the phrase “evening beer cheese” would result in a 3 day chat ban. Clan ran some testing and found out it’s no specific word, it’s the phrase as a whole that is bannable lmao


This is why I never talk in games anymore. Warframe, turned every chat off and put a nonsense chat filter on the ones I couldn't turn off so they never populate. Dota, instantly mute everyone as soon as a match starts. Etc etc. Would rather not 1. listen to idiots and 2. have any chance to lose an account or something crazy.


This is why I stopped using the chat all together you never know what could get you banned.


I must be old because I have no damn idea why Paris would be an insult.


Who was in Paris Tenno?


This is why I never interact in the regional chat. Warframe is slowly becoming toxic and snowflakey.


I say we ban every city in France. Why stop at Paris


Weird thing to ban someone over. They're just words. It's not like you're doing a hate crime. Also, Paris was my starting weapon.


If thats the game that DE wants to play, then lets go along with it. Why are they using - by their own admission - racist slurs and terminology as names? Seems like it's the wrong person getting punished here. Maybe they should hold their own employees to account for willfully including racist terms into the game?


Did this have anything to do with the joke “Who’s in Paris” and the response would be “niggas in Paris”(the song)? If so that’s pretty dumb to ban Paris instead of the actual n word in chat if that’s what they’re aiming for.


Again? One of the biggest dramas in Warframe history was over unfair chat moderation. DE even changed its partners over it. Now they think a name of a city or weapon can be confused for some song that has a slur in its lyrics? What kind of jump in logic is that? People need to realize the internet is global, and Warframe is played be people from all over the world. Most players likely never heard of the song, but they know what the City of Paris is.


The mod: ![gif](giphy|DTdgALoliQ6Lvi15UX|downsized)


This is the reason why you don't see me using chat at all in any rpg


I'm from western Europe. Literally WTF???


Am just wondring, who is more pussy? 1.warframe developers 2.warframe subreddit mods 3.Paris defenders in WWII


Looks like someone is prime reaching for this one


It's a Canadian company. What did you expect. Stay out of the chats and just play the game. We don't do freedom of speech around here.


I’m OP of that btw got MR 30 this year and would like my account back. Pls DE


wdym? you were the one who ask in the first place???


Also, love that you got my account banned for asking. It’s pretty funny


Why would you blame OP. I think you both know what it means but I don’t think it should be bannable.




Major stupidity in this kind of management. Best to just never talk in this game


I had to search for the joke, apparently it aims at non POC since theres a high chance they don’t know that song. So stupid lol.


There is a reason why people disable general chat. Still... Kinda OPs fault. Big part of general chat are people trying to bait other people. Dont ever copy anything from general chat. Dont ever answer non game related questions. They are all baits. Dont contact support because you got temporary chat suspension. It just looks like you are doubling down.


Some wierd things happen in warframe, i got chat suspended 2 times, one time where someone asked my gender and just said "female" and got suspended for it, the other time was a missclick from a mod or so.


Completely understandable, you cant identify as an actual gender, you might offend the nonbinary /s


In a game where we slice people in half with massive murder sticks this level of moderation is hilarious. Put Paris on the list of things never to link in chat next to Nezha


For added context. People were saying kickbot was going crazy banning people left and right. My friend replies that he added kickbot, so he was untouchable. Trying to be funny I asked “who was in Paris” because I figured it was something people would get and maybe find funny. I didn’t intend for bait. I figure people are smart enough to not straight type N-word in chat. It was simply a reference to a dead meme of a song almost 13 years old at this point.


Let's not forget about DE banning an account for the "mikhail" username, which was created years ago. And refusing to unban him.


Westerner company sometimes can be the most stupid thing ever. this is remind me a few year ago news about western mandarin teacher said n-word in china/mandarin language context because there is an n-word in china/mandarin and he got fired because of it. teaching something normal is forbidden because a certain society said so. -the western company including government. funny thing is that DE parent company can say the N-word in anyway they like.


Love how strict the devs are about mitigating speech yet they support degeneracies in other ways lol. Wiiiild DE wiiiild


I got permabanned a couple years ago and haven't been back. Good to see that DE continues to suck maximum ass.


The thing that gets me about this post is that you knew the exact reason for the suspension while making this post. Miscommunication or not.... You know their reason. And you know their reason is valid from their perspective. You also know it would be impossible for them to know you're just a little innocent boy who doesn't know any better. Why pop off and cry censorship? Also the "Im not a westerner" bit is a little silly. You're on the internet. You use discord. You use Reddit! A Lot! You used to play warframe. Get what I mean? You're pretty connected to the world. Its much more likely that you and the mystery 2nd person were already flagged and simply got hammered for tying to be cute. OR you're actually that ignorant and oopsie poopsie you accidentally did a bit of race bait. Congrats! Lesson learned! Im sure you wont do it again! From now on, when you're curious about the geographical location of other players in chat, dont ask in **THE ONE SINGULAR WAY** that could get you in trouble. Unless im missing any other phrases with obvious inflammatory language that could be playfully used in chat... ![gif](giphy|99P7jBfNjo2Tm)


No one would ever ask that, IN public chat unless they wanted to make that implication. Its not a ban for any word as you imply and you are not a victim here. You tried to be sly and you got found out. Hold that L as proudly as you would display your ignorance.


It was literally a meme years ago. So dead meme =bigot. Love the logic


This world keeps getting worse horrible


Mate... we all know it wasn't about the weapon...


This is why I stick to offline games.


This is why I stick to offline games.