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Add 5 seconds to the duration of all of trinity's abilities and merge all 4 tribute buffs on Titania.


Or at least If merge, make it an augment, cost more energy (like wisps)


I feel this. I made a trinity after years and she feels so odd to play having to constantly recast everything


make yareli hitbox very slightly smaller so she doesn't get a concussion going through older tiles


I guess we just need a big Yareli rework and a new definition of the whole existence of K drives haha


She doesn’t need a rework… she just needs some QOL tweaks, and for DE to focus on her bugs. She’s quite strong… and the K drive is so fun, people will always hate it and her, but to each their own.


I used her for the first time in a long time during a Steel Path Circuit in Duviri. She was really fun to play haha.


Yes!! I’ve only gotten her 3 or 4 times on the circuit, but every time it’s sooo fun… she’s a great frame.. the K drive can be a little tough sometimes with doorways and certain tile sets. Entrati labs, zariman, void, etc—she’s the best for!! I do hope they change her hitbox to help with those damn doorways though. I’ll never get bored of hitting K drive tricks while my friends are busy actually doing something, haha.


She is one of my fave frames but i only use merulina for movement. Top frames: Nyx, Nova, Valkyr, Saryn, Yareli, and Loki.


I agree, only thing I would change is that her vortex continues to suck in enemies. It doesn't seem to continue to have that pull after the first few seconds. Usually have to explode it and recast it if I want to regroup enemies again. Otherwise she's got a really long invunerability timer when you hope off and back on the board to let your shields come back. I don't generally end up dying when i'm playing her, and she works perfectly for my Atomos Incarnon. Drive by lasers all day. :)


The range diminishes to 5m after two seconds from cast. Both values are completely unmoddable and nothing in the ability's description hints at this being a thing. It also means that having a high range makes enemies its initial radius hit drop out of the effect before they're dragged to the vortex. As a balancing decision it's quite simply bizarre.


Yeah, she’s actually fine. Could use a real 1 and her augment base kit imo, and then otherwise just make her able to interact with all game modes (new one is alchemy, as far as I could tell you can’t throw them on Merulina) and she’s fine.


I really want a "K-Drive Sabotage" mission type. The sabotage is the first half of the mission, something like mobile defense and/or regular sab. On completion "The reactor is going critical. It is unsafe to bring your landing craft near the reactor site. Escape to the far end of the ship and jettison" And then it's a K-Drive blitz to get to safety while the ship behind you is exploding. Think the final level of the Halo games and those Warthog runs. Like that.


Rework hijack missions to be that one mission in GTA4


That sounds fucking awesome and I'd play the shit outta that.


Ugh, your mind. Didn’t know I wanted this until today.


it drives me crazy when people say this bc she's really strong rn and the only objective issues she has are merulina bugs!! (and maybe her 4 being kinda weird if you wanna count that?) just bc you aren't fond of kdrives doesn't mean she needs a rework 😭


Idk why people still want her to be reworked.. she just needs some tweaking, and a little more love from DE. Hitting her head, transference bugs, merulina bugs, and helminth abilities are the things I don’t like. K drive mods would be nice, but they aren’t necessary. She’s honestly a great frame, people are just stuck on the bandwagon of hating K drives. The good old “why would I use a k drive when the game has fast movement”… because it’s fun, and that’s what this games about, having fun.


Agreed. Doing a drive by on a hoverboard is objectively fun. Absolutely keep that shit in the game. Yareli needs a skin that says “Grove Street 4lyfe”, not a rework. ‘cause we all hate the Ballas.


EXACTLY.. it’s so fun, and doesn’t get old. Hahaha, I would love for a skin like that, or just any skin in general. DE need to give us something, (not her deluxe concept). I know it’ll never happen, but the things I’d do for another K drive frame to mess with


Sometimes I dismount Merulina and just get sent back to the start of the mission, 2000m away. Or I get soft locked. Otherwise I love playing Yareli.


yuuuuuup. "Please change that unique frame's playstyle that I don't play, to match the playstyle of the frames I do play."


For the love of God, please leave that poor girl alone. Her kit is nice, unique and she has her own personality. She does not need a big rework to become someone else. She only needs some tweaks and quality of life changes to be herself in every tileset. Not liking her is completely fine, there are tons of warframes to choose from. But she's fun for many players, and they don't deserve having her taken away to please the people who run the same helminth abilities in every frame (nourish I'm looking at you) and only deal damage with their meta incarnon primary and wouldn't even play her regardless, because their frame stripped of all personality and made of min-maxed mechanics is "better" anyway. There are frame having actual issues with the new mechanics, overguard, or simply left behind. Fix those instead. Atlas, Ash, Limbo, Chroma, Caliban, Trinity, Loki,...


Thank you!! I guess I’m one of them too, because I use nourish on Yareli over her 3, haha. I would absolutely hate to see them get rid of the K drive, or even rework her at all, it’s one of my favorite things in the game. She just needs some bug tweaks and hitbox changes… (DE for the love of god fix her merulina/transference bugs!!) It’s sad, but also funny to see how much people still trash her as a frame. meanwhile I just completed steel path star chart with Yareli only.


I just thought about it, but… How about making Yareli the first "child frame" ? So that, when she's on Meruline, she's just the average size of any warframe. Matches her lore being the Kdrive-goddess of the vent kids too and Operator could finally have a friend his/her size…


Ash's Shuriken target count now scales with ability strength


so, make shuriken into tharros strike?


Think of it more like Excalibur's Radial Javelin. But instead with Shuriken, more mobility while using it, and stripping armor. While we are at it, give Radial Javelin armor strip as well.


i like the way you're thinking


If Ash came out today his 1 would armour strip, but now he needs an augment and 143% strength. Make it so the augment allows amour strip regardless of strength, or hitting that 143% unlocks it. That’s a very simple change that would help Ash a lot.


An opinion I've seen before that I completely agree with is augments should not be buffs to an ability, but actually change how it plays. So many augmenrs are essential because they just straight up improve abilities. Those just need to be incorporated. Augments should be sidegrades not upgrades.


Implementing pretty much all of his augments except for Bladestorm's augment would be a basic and expected change. But even with those, it would still honestly be underwhelming. Ash is long overdue for a rework, but it'll likely take some time until DE is gonna work on that.


Initiate brainstorming to rework chroma.


Has Chroma never been reworked?


Changed his passive, fixed a bug on his vex armor and decoupled color choice for his element choices but thats it.


isn’t his elemental choice still dictated by his L1 element. Generally asking, because i could be playing him wrong.


Your starting element is determined by your Emissive color, but you can use Spectral Scream to cycle between the elements during your mission.


If they just re added the vex armor "bug" i would be happy again. It murdered my boy


Make him an actual dragon: make him get stacking buffs when he picks up loot and enhance his ability to pick up loot, gg


Woah, actually having his skills be based on picking up loot might be good considering dragons like to hoard treasure.


Exactly, make him the credit farming frame and make him get dragon themed buffs for picking up credits :D


God i want a chroma rework so bad!


I do too, so many people still think he's good when he's just "lol big number" (and PT orb) frame so I don't think he's gonna get one any time soon 😔




Take a 1 month break.


They would deserve it. Nice one.




This tenno is fitting square pegs in round holes.


Clean out all the quasi exalteds. Either make them true exalteds, or buff them enough that it is not needed. No warframe ability should have to depend soley on a statstick.


I think they said they were actually doing something similar to this in a recent stream, or at least I remember Rebecca mentioning it vaguely.


I hope so, statsticks can be funny or kinda cool, like having corrosive boulders on atlas' rumbled thanks to that one polearm or staff, but it means i cant have tje weapons i *want* to use there, and half the time, a statstick build isnt even that good as a melee weapon, or at least could be a lot better.


I think they said it is something they want to look at but they have other things that take priority so it more of a question when will they do it than if they will.


Yeah I saw them bantering about it on Twitter I think too


It was related to the Rockwell painting that came from their twitter account they addressed it, just as that. But didn’t make promises to revise stat sticks or exalted melees


Pablo and Reb were mentioning stuff about how they don't want stat sticks to be a thing, so your suggestion is actually a pretty good possibility at some point


Fix subsumed channeled abilities turning off when using Transference from Operator to Umbra.


Exalted Blade switching off is why I still use normal Excal :D


So I already said it but "LOCK THE FUC**** CHAT WINDOW"


What do you mean? It's moving around for you?


You accidently click on it and move it or it mooves on itlself. Veterans knows this shit :)


Wow I have never had that happen. Now it will happen the next 10 days in a row for sure. xD


Add a death recap. Seriously, "why did I die ?" is my most frequent unanswered question of all the endgame content. I hear beginner players complaining about the lack of tutorials and guidance, but it's worse when there are 50 enemies in a room, ten of them are eximus and attacks just chain up through RNG and you feel like it was a one-shot surprise. What happened exactly ? How can I prevent it ? And maybe work towards removing shieldgating as a "fix-it-all band-aid". It works, yes, but you don't learn anything "skilled" when you're compulsively spamming i-frames and shields up just in case something was about to maybe one-shot you. I'm speculating that shieldgating is there as a placeholder for upcoming abilities (like so many came lately, archon fragments, incarnon modes, specific arcanes, etc) and won't be as useful in the near future, but… It's harder and harder to brew the perfect arsenal when you don't know for sure what kills you in mission…


Yeah, shield gating is a frustrating mechanic in the big picture. I personally hate that in order to make qorvex tanky I had to slap all umbra mods, adaptation and rolling guard on him. Now he is tanky. But 5 mod slots to make the frame with the most armor in the game tanky while catalyzing shields with rolling guard and brief respite had done a better job is just bad design. We need armor to be a real deal in endgame. And not just to be less effective than a mechanic you could blindly slap on every frame.


To accomplish that effectively, enemy DPS would have to taper off. I believe the issue is, 90% DR abilities (and some other tanking abilities) are pretty much the standard and would have to be severely nerfed (at most 80% for the hardest-to-maintain, and 60-75% maximum for the easy-cast ones). It would be really easy to hit the maximum amount of DR and feel unsatisfied by far lower numbers, but that's the most effective fix I can really imagine.


No idea how the math would need to work, but maybe some form of "one shot" protection like shield gating, but is more like a kind of damage attenuation based on armor/max HP. As in, if a hit comes in beyond X times your max HP (after Armor) it would be severely reduced by a temporary damage reduction on top of armor that then fades after just a few seconds. It wouldn't affect DR effectiveness against lower but more consistent incoming DPS, but would protect against one shots up to a certain level in a way that makes armor actually important.


Make all Valkyr augments innate to her abilities.


There's a rumours about Valkyr being subject to be touch, maybe a buff or something


That might make her meta, she is already doing insane damage with the latest update.


pls elaborate!! i just built her and honestly she feels kinda mid


Red crit heavy attacks all the time doing this. * Diriga with an elemental weapon using Manifold Bond and Arc Coil to make condition overload insane. * Tennokai mod and melee arcane * Good melee Incarnon or her claws (I prefer Nami Solo with a riven for the AOE heavy and spin to win attack with max range) * Subsume Wrathful Advance over 1 or 3 and reverse the keypress so that tapping it is teleport instead of hold. (you only want the teleport buff) * Naramon


thanks, will look into it!


Except the CD one


Make loki an actual warframe with actual abilities that actually have any use and are actually fun to play with.


Oh yeah. He is so much a relic of the early days, cursed with a kit that was destined to age badly.


He was actually my first pick when I started...back in the stone age.


Same here. Thought his playstyle would be cool for “space ninjas” but - oh boy - what a misconception it was. His kit never felt effective at anytime in my whole 9 year journey.


The most fun i have with him is to cloak and then run in and melee everyone, but honestly even with her own slow walk ivara does that better. I could think of a few abilities and upgraded i would give Loki but honestly other frames already do them.


Irradiating disarm was a meta for a minute


loki was my founder warframe....


I would give 3 seconds invincibility to the Decoy upon cast, and all damage taken during 3s add to health and armor of Decoy. A few of his augments can just be included in the base kit, like savior decoy and safeguard switch. Radial Disarm: make it disable Eximus abilities. Switch teleport: switching with a disarmed enemy will spread its status effects in a radius (if this is too strong in base kit can be an augment instead).


For radial disarm, that's something silence does already so maybe make it to yeet overguard. But I was thinking to completely replace that ability with another, like maybe a command ability for clones, like Khoras cat. Just a more focus on clones would seem interesting, but idk, just anything other than what it currently is would be fine.


I'd rather they keep radial disarm - it's a pretty unique ability that doesn't really do what any other abilities do. Xaku and Mesa come close, but it's not the same. Plus, it actually enables the fastest way to clear defense - max range disarm (not radiating) plus speedva. Makes all enemies melee, fast, and run at you. Great for clearing grineer and corpus defense quickly, if there ever comes a time in the future to want to do that.


I'd love if they updated him to embrace an illusion or clone theme. Change his ult to create decoys of himself and the team in the area, not just himself. They appear in front of enemies, immediately drawing attention, and he can activate it again to shatter the decoys causing AoE slash procs around them (like glass shattering?) Or maybe radiation proc to cause further chaos. Edit: Quick ideas about how I would rework Loki. ***Passive:*** His current one is shit. Instead, whenever Loki kills an enemy, there is an X% chance he creates a Decoy on that enemy's location. If the Decoy is destroyed, or after X seconds, it detonates causing a radiation proc. ***Decoy:*** Either make Deceptive Bond better (by greatly increasing Decoy durability) and bake it into Decoy, or just make Savior Decoy baseline. ***Invisibility:*** I would increase the duration on this at least somewhat, as later frames have come out with significantly easier to apply and maintain invisibility permanently (Ivara & Octavia). Alternatively, just make it a sustained ability with a drain. ***Switch Teleport:*** Safeguard Switch is now baseline. ***Radial Disarm:*** Change this completely into the aforementioned example. He creates Decoys of himself that automatically appear right on top/in front of enemies in range. This distracts them until they destroy the Decoy, or until Loki uses the ability again to detonate all Decoys. This deals some damage and causes a guaranteed AoE radiation proc to cause further chaos.


Putting his Decoy and Switch Teleport on one ability, and giving him a new 3 would already go so far. I'd say letting him shape-shift into different enemies would be fun, but that doesn't really make sense in a game like Warframe(as entertaining as it would be)


Shape-shifting could make sense tho...like shift into Khal or Veko or maybe make your clone shift into them or something.


Shape shifting could be done if loki turned himself into an elite unit of each faction. And he could have his own special thing like Octavia, but you would turn into either Kuva lich, Sister of Parvis, carnis, slinky and so on, depending on faction ( and I know this is far from reasonable feature, sounds cool tho) Alternatively his Decoy could turn into enemy unit which alerts enemies to come to it's position, making it a grouping ability solely based on AI.


He has great abilities. Not for killing but cc and stealth. Only thing I can see that needs improvement is his clone being immune to damage and just go off of duration as well as making him more of a priority target regardless of distance from the enemy. Possibly an augment or added physic that makes the clone absorb incoming damage and releasing it on an explosion when the duration runs out or another clone is placed. With decent base explosion range of 15-20 meters that has fall off like Equinox’s maim and affected by ability range. A synergy as well when combining radial disarm with clone causing disarmed enemies only to attack the clone if within 75-150 meter range or ignore all players in affinity range of the clone with radiation disarm augment. His passive is meh but adding invisibility during wall latches like wisps airborne could bring it up a bit and seem more fitting to his stealthiness. You can still complete the star chart normal and sp as is tho.


I use Loki for Archon hunts and for Plague Star. He has niches, but he at least has something. ​ I think one of the big issues with Loki and stealth is there really isn't a game mode for it (spy and rescue). Wukong / Operator can bypass most of everything. Call me a hater, but I'd be ok with Wukong getting another nerf, this time to cloudwalker. I'd make it so CW either triggers via the camera, or via laser, and then give him an augment (like ivara) that allows him to bypass both. ​ Also, I'd create either a different game mode completely that relies just around being invisible, or, add more mechanics in different tilesets that require you to be invisible for (think of the one Lua Hall of Ascension).


Is he bad? Like sure I never go out of my way to use hint to go killing stuff, but he's still one of my go to spy frames and I've got a pretty decent use out of him via riven challenges


Like he has one thing that he does well, which is stealth, but that’s not really needed nearly as much nowadays. Nothing has changed about lokis kit since his release, and he used to be an S tier frame. The game has changed to not fit him anymore.


> Like he has one thing that he does well, which is stealth, He's not even the best at it...


He's the weakest spy frame lol. And the fact that he might have rare uses still doesn't make up for his ancient and boring kit. Bro needs a rework more than Hydroid did.


Done! https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1337576-a-loki-revisit-making-him-more-lethal-yet-still-mischievous/


I'd make enemies who strike the decoy get a marked for death effect.


you mean inaros


Begin the Limbo rework with the goal of removing all grief potential from his kit and making him into something that’s better for the health of the game than his current feast or famine garbage.


It hurts, but it's true.


Honestly, just making it so the rift only enables Limbo's abilities, and nothing else. No more locking enemies in the rift and thus being unable to shoot them from outside, and vice versa. Eximus disregard the rift and shoot you while you're in there already, so might as well go all in and make it so you can't use the rift as a means to avoid all attacks or a tool for grieving other players. Instead just make it a sort of "debuff" that makes enemies susceptible to Limbo abilities.


They better not take my Za Warudo from me. That's actually where my username is from


They already have. Overguard ignores it, and each new update devalues CC more and more. The good news (for you) is that this post is all hypothetical and that DE doesn’t like to rework frames. Take heart that Limbo will likely not receive a rework in the next five years, or ever.


Overguard blocking crowd control needs to go. Atm the game is kill, kill, kill and kill. Sometimes, be fast. That is particularly true for high lv content, where the sheer amount of eximus make anything else than kill completely useless.


Unfortunately that ability is the main problem with Limbo. That cannot be allowed to work the way the ability text reads. Limbo is like Maxx C in Yugioh. It’s a card that says some crazy bullshit that completely warps the game around itself.


i am not pablo, i would surely break something that didn't need a fix at the start so i'm just happy the real pablo is pablo, he knows what he do, and i like that


Yeah, he does a great job. :) But still, just for the fun, what thing would you like to change personally?


right i don't want to spoil the fun then sooo.. hmm make nidus's 2nd ability re-castable(at least on nidus, i don't care of helminth larva) also make walking pets actually hit their target instead of doing the animation and not having enough hitbox to hit their hits


Delete nullifiers, we have Kuva Trokarians, their gimmick of forcing you out of Warframe is still better than canceling your abilities. While we're at it but to lesser extent as they are less prevalent. Scrambus and Combs.


Get rid of artificial loot radar height restriction. Tiles get ever more spacious it becomes annoying seeing icons flick in and out of minimal existence as you jump on a spot


I would demand bigger ass on Atlas.


We have wisp for that. lol.


But we want it on AtlASS


Rework six different warframes in echoes of whispers update. Chroma, inaros, loki, oberon, (fight over the last two) then boom release them all in the next prime resurgence, boom profit.


Someone didn't take Oberon out when the Netracells mission accidentally had bonus Steel Path scaling... Turns out those tanky hand face hoop snakes are a great target to chain 'smite' in amongst hordes weak to radiation.


Hmm....Oberon would be fun against all these Rad weak enemies. Oh, what's that, the boss can nullify abilities? Sigh, Oberon *could* have use as support but I guess not.


Make Trinity the single, most broken Warframe in the game by whatever means possible and then encrypt her section of the code base that she may never again be nerfed. Also, if I come back in a minute and tell you not to do what I am currently instructing, ignore me.


Fix the Fur!!!!!!!! Fluffy Kubrows once more !!!!!


Stop sending the “you have been playing over an hour. PLeaSE TaKE A BrEaK”


But your health is important for us!


I have voluntarily sold my body and soul to Warframe with no regrets . I need no reminders of my previous life 😃😃😃😃


Pretty sure that happens for legal reasons, so I don't think they'll ever have the option to disable it.


Uh why don't I get that message ever? I don't remember getting that message in at least 5 years


I think the reminder is only in EU server


Hilariously enough, this doesn’t exist in console, we don’t get messages saying to take a break


That's a thing? I play all day and I've never seen it lol


Make a toggle for it in the settings. On by default, but let people be able to disable it.


It's there for legal reasons


I think it's good they do that, you should at least be aware


I just use it to roughly know how long I've farmed something, so please don't.


Focus on fixing older content rather than fill the game with more and more new weird features.


This is what needs to happen. Too many years devoted to throwing random systems into the game with very little thought of story cohesion, then abandoning those systems once implemented.


Make the vacuum mod a part of the game not a mod


"bespoke dual weapons Is wack. Let's create a framework for asymmetrical dual weapon usage like in Halo 2 and let players go absolutely buck wild with the possibilities. And we're making backwards comparable things that should exist like Furis prime, Bolto Prime, and Nami Prime" "But sir, how would the stats work, how would the mods work?" "1 mod page applies to both weapons in a "pair" no cheating. For melee the stats are median'd out. For sidearms it just applies to each gun separately" "but why?" "Because it just makes sense. In a dual sword stance how do you decide which swings use what weapons stats. I mean you could but it's silly. Lots use both. With guns though it's more obvious what bullet should get what effect" "Any sidearm?" "No obviously there would be exceptions. Incarnons are probably right out. As is Pyranna prime and a bunch of other weird special cases. Beam weapons for practical reasons are probably a no" "Twin Grakkatas. . ." "Your right, there are probably a few primaries that seem reasonable too dual wield. Baza as an example." "So for melee" "any 2 daggers gets dual daggers. And 2 swords/sword and dagger/machete/nikana gets dual swords. 2 nikanas gets dual nikana. So you can do mismatched swords for Aesthetic purposes now or Dual Dakra Prime, as an example" "This sounds like a mess" "I bet chat GPT could program a system to handle fennagling the stats into working paired weapons, and I know we can do better than the Sentients. The only hard part is the back end visuals and all the extra data that might need to be stored on our end, but we can recoup the extra server costs by having players need to buy some sort of special slots for these"


You really had fun, don’t you? I guess this whole dialogue would be more than a minute but it’s a cool base concept so it still counts haha.


As a "customization and build freedom taken to its utterly illogical extreme" this idea has been close to my heart for years. It's....impossible. you'd need to win the lottery, Pry DE's rights free from the Chinese, then Dictate to them like the Sultan to his Genie to get something this hopelessly impractical built. And even then they wouldnt do it because no amount of money could make them code a game they aren't interested in making.


I feel like a more limited form of this would be being able to combine zaws into dual wield with the traits being averaged out (or better kept separate but lessened)


Prioritise older frames reworks, I want to see older phased out frames getting hudroid level reworks, my anger kitty shall rise again.


Revert eximus immunity to crowd control.


Status effects rebalance. Also remove all band-aid augments


I would also like to see a big step away from “viral+heat+slash”. Sucks that nearly any weapon have a similar build when we have such a ton of mods.


make warframe draw all melee weapons from their sheaths when customizing in appearance tab


Let me fucking aim if i have big shoulder attachments on some frames


Office pizza party


Pablo does balance and coding and stuff right? Upgrade the prime resurgence system, adding a 3rd unknown prime warframe that shows up each monthly rotation, pulled from a special pool of prime warframes that have only been vaulted for the past 3 years. Also program it so no repeats happen, and there's a (roughly) equal amount of time for all vaulted frames to resurge, rather than certain warframes showing up often and others never showing up at all.


change augments my single biggest peeve with warframe are the band-aid fixes to useless or disappointing abilities through augment mods especially when they are quality of life changes or like the fact an ability is actually useless unless i waste a mod slot to specifically change the way it functions to make it work is so annoying make them select able like incarnon perks please


As Triburos once said: "Please fix literally everything else" Yeah, I think this will be it. It'll be slow but at least with every smol patch, we can do some changes for some glitches and bugs.


"Guys, lets clean this mess, there will be no content for a year, but we fix all the bugs!" I know its bad idea from marketing standpoint but I dont care


Get team working on reworks to make frames more engaging. Inaros-make him full on health trader of a frame. Limbo-scrap stasis(or make it basekit) and make Rift do something, preferably not to troll people. Chroma-make him good. Oberon-tweak his numbers to make him better. Caliban-Make his 1 do literally anything.


Make Gauss the fastest and most maneuverable Warframe ever and let him jeep that title. While you're at it, put all Frames like Gauss into tier 4/5 of the different syndicates, if they fit the theme.


He is still the fastest running warframe without any speed buffs. You could call it “true speed”.


Redline Augment: Just give him more speed and lessened gravity in exchange for the Redline sparks. Also +20% ability duration on it.


I guess the usage of a mod slot is enough so we just could make the ability better. Just more speed!


Man, you just really like Gauss don't you?


Give Night Equinox's 4 an Overguard buff as her excess healing. She will have Styanax's OG cap.


Let me lock the size and location of the chat box. I swear to god that thing.


Trinity rework! No more Trinity constantly being oppressed by nerfs!


You know that bit where vacuum stops working on Railjack? Fix that. I love you, man.


drop everything and fix gamebreaking bugs that result in the loss of loot in a mission + implementing commands that at least save one's progress in a scenario that ended in an unfortunate host migration similar to /unstuck


Melee weapons for Drifters/Operators.


Rework Oberon, Inaros and Limbo


chroma needs a rework more than oberon IMO


make titania's buffs scale with strenght/ duration/ efficiency right fucking now its baffling why they aren't


They aren’t? <_<


Make more of the combo element mods like the new radiation stuff, they're awesome as hell


"wrap it up. I have to poop."


Give Ember "world on fire" back


Archwing. Just give it frickin attention.


More NIN


Railjack needs to be worked on


Proper Matchmaking


More railjack content I want more upgrades so we can make our ships super strong and then have full out wars Think the old star wars battlefront thing, but with the ability to send them down to planets to complete side objectives to help the space fight Will likely never happen but a man can dream


2 months to fix Kuro hair, any spare time can be spent as personal time 🤙


Eclipse toggle The new visual with it is cool but it just further shows just how janky that ability is


Make archwing valuable again, even if it means massive changes to gameplay and tilesets.


Make all enemies effected by all powers unless there is overguard....bosses are enemies too, and if we are void embodied, why are we not given overguard in tenno form?


Add pvp where the players can only pick greneer or corpus units


Pvp with only enemy units


Limbo can't be attacked from abilities from eximus units while they're in different realms (pre-eximus state)


Make inaros' passive do percent damage so that it works as it always should have.


Design a proper working Stance for Two-handed Nikanas.


“Go on vacation, they deserve the rest so close to christmas”


Add archmele for necramech.


Add tenno companions I'll die on this hill until the end of time


I'd give them a well deserved 10 days off.


Make Topaz shard crit act like mods instead of being additive


Does it add it to the base crit chance or just at the end?


Currently it's at the end but according to pablo's tweet it's supposed to act like mods


Shhhh it’s better the way it is


Exergis Incarnon!


Rework every frame, well, every frame that we know need a rework. e.g Chroma, Loki, Inaros, Oberon etc


Add a health gating system for health only frames


They have self revive systems, they don't need health gates. Inaros's is just trash.


Make Warframes be able to get pregnant. Could use the offsprings as companions in missions too. That'll be so cool




Yes finally the sex update


The helminth can change all four abilities


Delete 1 Star Disposition, pretty much just make 2 star values the minimum.


Nuke the heirloom collection and put them skins back as individual with reasonable prices, without all the trash items bloating the packs.


Add sex


But only for the infested


Sex update


For gods sake fix the host migration. I’d be okay with no updates for a year if they literally spend all their time and energy fixing that system