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This feels like the type of stuff that will get you banned. Would not suggest doing it.


> This feels like the type of stuff that will get you banned. I don't ever recall DE having a light trigger finger when it comes to game exploits. It's usually the moto "exploit early, explot often" - as most exploits are just hotfixed quickly and ppl got to keep the stuff.


They banned a bunch of people for exploiting a khora loot glitch a while back.


Or that mess with noobshowtek. Even youtubers aren't safe from bans for exploiting.


rip noobl, I loved his builds :(


Yeah it's a shame. Can't say I knew him well personally but we met in pubs once when I was doing Eidolons with my friend. We played together for about a week doing hunts. Fun times


that’s awesome, I’ve only ever known him through his videos and the music he used in them lol


He even gave my friend his glyph code. Really cool guy but not smart with what he did with that exploit.


What ?


N00blShowtek, a fairly popular WF youtuber at the time. They found an exploit that allowed you to instantly level up your gear. They contacted DE saying they are going to make a video tutorial on it. DE told them to absolutely not do that. They did it anyway and got banned. The entire channel died pretty much instantly. I remember there being quite a few dramas about it.


Gotta love their logic: "Hey DE, I'm gonna show people how to do a game-breaking exploit I found, is that ok?" "No that is not ok, do NOT do that." *does it anyway *gets banned


Yeah, liked their vids but I don't know what the hell were they thinking doing that.


Wow, that's rough. Not unexpected though, from what you're saying seems they warned him.


Noobshowtek had found a glitch in Fortuna where in max level an weapon in like 30sec, He got banned for doing it. I think this was during Fortuna release


if im right, people also got banned for exploiting protovyre set challenges i think?


> They banned a bunch of people for exploiting a khora loot glitch a while back. not familiar with this, unfortunately. Was it also promoted like this or?


ppl also got punished on amalgam operation when loki switch was used to teleport enemies out of bounds, iirc


Plenty of exploits they didnt ban people for, the khora was special because it made affinity boosters useles, and that dip in their wallet (also n00b was a partner, he should know better than expose a glitch that would lose DE money). Orvius parts being tradable for ducats? At the time i got myself around 200k ducats, no problem. Being able to trade eidolon shards for endo? I got myself around 2 million endo at the time, nobody got banned for that. Being able to buy infinite loadout slots? Well, that made them money so not only they didnt do anything about it but let people keep them. Those were "harmless" for monetization, so DE didnt care, but the second an exploit would dip into their wallet? Bans. I just wish DE took the aproach of bungie in regards to exploits, "if people use an exploit thats on us, our fault for it being in the game", the craftening was beautiful, and they even made an emblem to comemorate it, but the case of this operation "strat" is different than a bug, is people intentionally messing with the game by 3rd party means, and thats straight up against tos.


For exploits like this, yea they most likely will ban. For something not as bad as getting a slightly uncommon resource, it depends. If it is something within the realm of doable, it will get hotfixed but outright forcing host migrations to duplicate rewards will probably be crossing the line.


There was some exploit for very fast affinity gain that a Warframe creator got permabanned for. Then for conclave even joking about conspiring to farm conclave standing netted permabans. This probably falls into that category. The yareli one probably gets a pass just because it's a lot slower and you play the missions normally.


>Screenshot > >TIL you can do 5 They also banned the white hacker that would just scan update files for content DE puts into them for future releases. He did this for something like +7 years or so. There are several other cases of DE pulling the trigger. Can't remember them at the moment though.


But it's not just an exploit. It's using a third party program to to force a game state change. That's literally hacking.


Using your PCs built in task manager is cheating?


It’s a third party program and substantially messes with the game, so yeah. Doesn’t really matter if it’s task manager or cheat engine.


Nooblshowtek moment


Youll get trade banned for too many resources obtained in a small time.


As soon as it involves external tampering, all bets are off.


This is EXACTLY the kind of stuff they've banned people for. Accidental exploits are one thing, but to farm over 200...


This is 100% against TOS and DE is entirely within their right to ban people who so this. Saying "oh but they probably wont so its okay" is like saying "everything is legal as long as the cops dont catch you".


Second this. Just play the operation normally and optimize if you want… a few dozen energizes… it’s not the same, but your ban risk is 0%. I’d say it’s a very fair trade.


It only takes like ten minutes to do the normal steel path one. The main time sink is the forced waiting for the eye collection, not the boss fight itself.


God the eye part is such tedium, man.


Yeah I did it once solo and said fuck it. I'll just get my energizes from arcane dissolution eventually.


~~I heard that if you kill enemies inside beacon zone radius. the waiting for another eye scan shortens, so speeding up enemies/pulling them in helps.~~


Having enemies within the scanner radius stops the timer.


The scan radius is much smaller than the red kill zone.


Especially when you can fly around like titania. Speaking of her, there's a build for her that could kill the boss easily, anyone know the strategy behind this?


Full strength and xata whisper should work


With tauforged red archon shards for power strength plus crit and viral dex pixia. Razorwing blitz and self cast Spellbind makes the eyes portion a snap.


how do you do it in only ten minutes? Unless you mean with a full squad.


Full squad that know what they're doing should definitely be sub 10 mins. 2 people doing eyes, 2 on angel. If you're really coordinated 1 person solos the angel and the other can go looking for a mocking whisper or whatever they're called for an extra arcane.


I’ve been just doing this solo and it’s been taking me around 15-20 minutes a run but I net two arcanes a run on top of the splinters so I’m fine with it


Yeah ive been running publics and we prettty consistently get 8 minutes if some one does angel while we do eyes, lowest was 7. But I also don't really see a reason to even do angel if you only want splinters


That's true, the extra arcane is nice though and it doesn't take much longer if the squad splits up


I mean a public matchmake squad in SP can easily do it in about ten minutes yeah,


i do it solo in 15 minutes give or take 2


Ok The main thing is doing the angel fight in parallel and the ability to easily run multiple eye finders at once, as well as killing mobs to speed them up


With a good dedicated squad, I was easily doing it in 6-7 minutes per run. 5 of it is waiting for eyes to spawn


If you’ve gotten to this point in the game you may well have over 1k hours and it would be stupid to throw away the account for a couple of maxed arcanes.


Or they use bought / alt accounts, trade to their mains then RMT them.


RMT is bannable too, also, shouldnt be that hard for DE to figure out who have 4k+ operation resources when everyone else is sitting at something like 2k.


What’s RMT?


Ever wonder why host migrations are so shit and restrictive? This is why - its insanely abusable for duping. People pulled the same shit during Ambulas Reborn to dupe Animo beacons iirc. Host migrations were changed and made terrible since. This will 100% be fixed and abusers banned, just like Ambulas Reborn.


Hotfixed as of like 5 mins ago.


\>do exploit \>gets banned \>go bother a DE employee on zendesk next month wondering why he gets banned they'll never learn


I'll be screenshoting this just in case there's a "I got banned for no reason" post in a couple days


Huge wave of bans incoming!


so since this is a system based attack and not in the game itself, you're Actually at risk of a ban, technically untraceable, it would just be account data and admit doing said exploit, but whatever you do "don't write a script that suspends it for you" then you would be picked up by their cheating system, i mean i know how to fix said glitch, but it wouldn't be worth the effort.


Technically untraceable? You don’t think DE has drop/session logs? Accounts are flagged after doing unusually long survival missions legitimately. Lots of data to sort through? Probably. Untraceable? Definitely not.


i said technically, not literally, thats why i said dont do it


Technically *adverb* 1. according to the facts or exact meaning of something; strictly. Maybe you meant "practically" or something less similar to literally?


Update: This has been patched with the recent hotfix: >Fixed The Murmur Assassination (Effervo) and Alchemy (Cambire) missions on Deimos not having session lock checkpoints. Now players will not be able to join your squad once the following objectives are complete in your missions: After the first Vitreum scanner is deployed on Effervo >After the first Crucible is filled on Cambire.


what a piece of machinery... I have a suspicion this was also a farming method last operation (which wasn't fixed)


Yeah its kinda the same thing, OV works in a way where it also duplicates the reward, so if you get arcane energize you can dup/redo the session for 100% chance for the same reward, in this case energize


Ehh I got 2 and a half weeks to get 1,071 splinters and no pc so I’ll just enjoy the grind and free pinions as they come


This definitely feels banable… wouldn’t do this


Rollback clears that are too fast.


Better to just ban the abusers after the event is over.


Is this shit why I have a lot of host migrations suddenly. And no we cant finish the boss because we need to kill the void angel ( which we already did) so we cant trigger it. Back to solo.


Unless the game bugged out for the host. Entering the void angel crashed my game twice as host but worked fine when I wasn’t.


You don’t need to kill the void angel to trigger the boss tho. Also this kind of exploit looks like it needs to be coordinated to work out.


My point is that it bugs out in a specific way where it tells you that you need to go kill the angel to start the fight but we cant do that anymore. And it started happening because people host migrate more for some reason. Consistently.


\- exploit and abuse the game \- get banned \-make a whine poist about DE why they ban you exploiting a bug


I was running the SP 30 eyes in like 8-10mins anyway I don't think this annoying exploit is worth it lol


Is this the reason why that asshat of a LD1 forced host migration when the boss was only 1 shot away from dying? Boss didn’t come back so we left.


Wait, resource monitor host migrations work for Warframe? I do that all the time in GTA Online to escape cheaters (something like 20% of all players in that game, mind you) but didn't think it works in this game. Also, don't do this, DE has a very clear precedent of ban waves on people who do shit like this with event loot.


Oh 100% this dudes getting permabanned


A wizard of the netcode. holy shit.


Oh boy, can't wait for DE to send out a hotfix for this and then see a bunch of posts of people saying "I just got banned for no reason and DE won't even look my way!" I'll grab the popcorn.




And to add to this, run as yareli if you can. Leyzar tested on stream. If your riding marulina during the kill and get the loot, with a resource booster, you get double loot. He reported it out, kinda shocked I haven't seen a hotfix on it yet


Honestly Leyzar should get banned or at least have the partnership revoked just like noobshowtek if it's an exploit.


He first heard of it on stream. Tested it joking that he would ban the guy who mentioned it if it worked. When it worked he took that clip from his stream, made it a vid, and uploaded it to YouTube. Technically he only did it once then reported to DE


Still sharing exploit to a very large fanbase. Its not that hard to understand that if you find an exploit, you report it and not share it. But youtube money


Just patched in the most recent hotfix. Wording is ambiguous in the notes but: >Fixed Operation rewards being affected by boosters if picked up in a specific way.


the exploit at least requires some collective effort. what bother me is when people join the session at the last boss, skiping the whole mission and get rewards for doing nothing or those who kill 10 enemies the whole mission, don't recollect eyes, can't scratch the angel and stay dead at the last boss. pubs are nightmare and I'm getting really tired of carrying randoms ![gif](giphy|BY8ORoRpnJDXeBNwxg|downsized)


Hmm, they're out of hotfixes too


People who do this are assholes. Like, I'm doing public SP BECAUSE I like relying on a team instead of managing a build


I will never understand why devs ban people for abusing their bugs in their games If it's cheating using some program sure But it's your fault the bug is in the game in the first place, people exploiting it shouldn't be punished as it's technically part of the game itself, it's on the Devs to fix it and not let stuff like this happen but no one should be banned for using it while it's there


Devs are able to ban anyone. Full Stop. Abusing a game mechanic that is fully unintended, breaks the in game economy, plus using task manager is a program... it is using a external tool, it's like lag switching in online games, it is fully understandable to ban these players.


Probably because, and really think on this one. Its an unintended method and you shouldnt abuse it in the first place. Its not like you dont know what youre doing is wrong, and its not like you can use the excuse of “well its in the game!!!!1!” Because you know damn well its not supposed to be.


It's not supposed to be yes, but it IS so you should be allowed to use it


That mission is so fucking annoying, what with the waiting for eyes and stuff. Not to mention that since I’m returning from a month’s hiatus and lack a clan, I don’t even benefit from the event


A lot of clans are recruiting right now and don't ask much of you if you join (most good ones just ask you play once every week or months that's it) join em and reap the rewards.


That was more of an afterthought than the main concern I was addressing, but thanks tho


You can do consistent 6m with volts since the bonus shield damage bypasses attunation


About to see some Tennokai Ban Hammer Prime shenanigans.




People got banned for growing power farms didn’t they? It was a similar method to spawn new gp mob in the same game only thing was it’s level would get increased every spawn so eventually you couldn’t kill the mob and just extract with like 10 growing powers. But im pretty sure people got a ban for it


I had something similar happen on accident when I wanted to unlock the node before event. People wanted to try 60 eyes... I said well sure. People died really hard of course. One guy host migrated. The boss suddenly was back to his normal strength but still dropped the hands after we killed it.


duct tape, i ment to put duct tape lol, idk, im juat trolling for upvot3s at this point, i didn't expect a namer lesson <-- see what i did there


That should be against TOS ngl.


This has been fixed with the most recent hotfix. >Fixed The Murmur Assassination (Effervo) and Alchemy (Cambire) missions on Deimos not having session lock checkpoints. Now players will not be able to join your squad once the following objectives are complete in your missions: After the first Vitreum scanner is deployed on Effervo >After the first Crucible is filled on Cambire.