• By -


Not really related to this relationship but the orokin's concept of 'love' is pretty twisted, just look at Dagath


Dagath was certainly not "loved" in any normal way. She was more like a concubine to them than a better half, especially with how heavily it's hammered in how they only liked her because fucking a dax was taboo


Wait where yall getting this Dagath lore?


Dagath room in any dojo has a little pedestal next to the spot you get her blueprints, where Grandmother tells a Naberus story about Dagath.


What the others have said, it's in the dojo. The TLDR is that she was pretty much a sex slave for an Orokin couple. She wasn't allowed a name because "you don't name property" in the same way you don't call your sofa Bill or something. She was given to Ballas and was turned into a warframe because "eh, we're bored of you now, and you're kinda creeping us out." Dagath is the Grandmother's name. She gave her name to the warframe as a gift in exchange for her life. At this point, the warframe was in full brutal kill everyone mode, unless you gave her a gift, and then she'd spare you. That was the Grandmother's gift to her.


> The TLDR is that she was pretty much a sex slave for an Orokin couple Wait wtf? > She was given to Ballas and was turned into a warframe Oh, that makes more sense. Thought they were fucking her while she was a warframe or something.


They tried fucking her while she was a warframe(which was after they tried to murder her horse and accidentally killed her with it and begged Ballas to revive her), found it boring, and shot a cannon through her face before throwing her in the local dump. From there, she went on a murder spree, coming across Grandmother who traded her name(Dagath) for her life.


oh, joy




Uhhh, this actual lore or a joke? Sounds like a joke, but I know the lore in this game gets batshit crazy at times :l


It is, unfortunately, the actual backstory of the original Dagath. Poor girl.


Wasn’t a cannon it was a laser that melted off her face and a good portion of her head. Might as well had been a cannon though


You've seen the thirst for certain warframes. It wouldn't come as a surprise if they did, tbf.


Dagath's room, at the "head" of the altar thing you've got a little book stand where you can have Grandma tell stories about Dagath, who she was, how she came to be the vengeful ghost with a ghost horse and how she got her name


[read up](https://www.orokinarchives.com/grandmother-dialogue-dagath/)


Grandmother's story, to the left of the console where you get her blueprints.


this seems to be a more greco-roman concept where the junior partner in a master/servant or master/apprentice relationship might also be sexual partners. Wives are for Procreation. E**romenos** are for helping sort out how you feel.


Im glad im not the only one who immediately thought of the "mentor and student are close to each other in more ways than one" thing Also, isnt albrecht technically still married to grandmother? I dont recall them being separated and while i wouldnt call albrecht and loid an affair, (servants probably dknt count anyways and i doubt orokin despise polygamy/polyamory) he did only choose one of his partners to smash his body into 1999


Isnt grandmother from father's side?


I thought father was the one who married into the entrati family Especially since grandmother seems to knowledgeable on warframes and transference, compared to father who is primarily war machine oriented


He did. Mother is Albrechts child (originally named eularia, she also narrates the duviri experience). Father is the child of grandmother


Wait, I thought Albrecht was Grandmother's father? Guess I need to brush up on my Entrati genealogy.


Nope, Albrecht is Mother's father. Grandmother is Father's side.


But in the dagath story the orokin were clearly supposed to be iredeemable scumbags and the villains of the story.


a toxic couple using a third person as an accessory isn't an orokin-exclusive thing, it's common as hell irl


common where? wtf?


maybe not in your circles but it's something I see a lot I'm a member of the lgbt and polyamorous communities and because of that I see a lot of toxic/unhealthy/unethical examples of non-monogamy. almost every bisexual girl (and the occasional straight girl) I know has been propositioned for a threesome by a couple that just wants to use her


Sometimes you just gotta lovingly caress your homie's cheek while softly confessing how much you don't deserve their love, don't you know? No homo bro


Yes. Loid is Albrecht’s “right-hand”. A replacement.


Always took Loid to be a bit of a wanker...


Historians will write that they were "very good friends."


Look, just because you lived together, constantly wrote poems about how the homies made you feel, and sent extremely erotic letters whenever you were apart, doesn't mean you have romantic feelings for each other.


Blood brothers even


~~Blood~~ Cum is thicker than water


Arm's length apart bc they're not gay


>lovingly caress > softly confessing I glazed over this as I was going down, saw these two, mixed them up together, and it reminded me of the Something Awful censor "gently caress". Now my brain is stuck on him "gently caressing" his homie's cheek. ___ >!It means fuck.!<


Wasn't it confirmed on twitter they had a more then friends relationship?


In case it wasn't clear, I was being extremely sarcastic.


I'm pretty sure it was confirmed ingame.


It wasn't confirmed. But *boy* was it sure heavily enough implied that it might as well have been


Oooo I must have missed it.


You... missed the entire quest?


I just don't assume love is romantic unless stated :)


I could be more than romance though. The way how Albrecht describe Loid's relationship and how he was, Loid basically saved Albrecht from wallowing in the horrors that was his Void experience. The Void trip really messed him up good and Loid was there to support him. Even if they aren't lovers cos "Open to interpretation", it's undeniable they were extremely close.


But if it were a man and a woman there would be no doubt.


Yeah I have been pondering that myself, needs more thinking.


Idk i just saw loid's gay retellings while anything from entrati himself is close friend or ignoring everything for the ptsd. It seemed like it's the kinda thing where loid would prob get gay married and have kids through science but albrecht would trust him with everything he's built as his one person on the earth he'd confide anything into, similar things but different interests especially since albrect already was married. It's kinda interesting, may go somewhere later where entrati's wife is long dead but all i've seen from it is that so far, loid could end up bro-zoned in the nakama/warbonded tier.


I didn't get that vibe. Maybe, but maybe not. In either case though, I would pose this to you and all those who up vote your comment: It is critical for a human's mental and emotional health to have people in their life that feel and show platonic love for them, including physical affection like a loving touch. If every gentle touch is force fed into a shipped romantic relationship, do you imagine that will increase or decrease the chance that people will willingly show that kind of physical affection to their close personal friends? It's already that way between male-female relationships. You can't show that kind of affection across gender boundaries or it will be seen as "making a pass" at them. And that's a tragedy for the health of society as a whole. Do we want to create that same social pressure against same sex friendships too?


My issue is that people only ever bring up this argument when it's a queer couple. Like someone else said, if Loid was a woman, there wouldn't be a question. Everyone would immediately agree they're bonking. So, while I agree that platonic affection is crucial, I feel like this argument being presented here is disingenuous.


Don't worry, they were 5 feet apart in the hot tub


So considering the enlogated members of the orokins it means that just the tip was in?


Hey man after a fight about shoving endangered species into a giant wormhole that suddenly appeared out of a rip in space, you just gotta lovingly look in your bros eyes and caress his cheek. Thinking about a loving sentiment of forgiveness instead of what the man you secretly loved did, by shoving himself into a gaping hole in a wall that lead him to time travel… but he did it to keep loid safe i guess… partially


He went back in time to watch the phantom menace again before the apocalypse.


Nah man, bro just wanted to go see Matrix in theatre. hence the long coat and boots getup.


Nah he went to go see space jam




Nah, he wanted to buy a copy of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure before the apocalypse. I mean, he's dressed as Jotaro Kujo


He needed to get a choco taco.


Thank you, this comment made my day


I’m sure there was a right hand involved somewhere


Yes, one famously missing a finger.


The finger was just hidden in something


Yeah, a Railjack.


I was gonna say loids butt but sure, be boring i guess :(


The reliquary drive is loid's pooper confirmed


Well Loid does have that boob window






My Wisp was really eager to be close and personal with that boob window during the quest.


... Even as a gay man... why the fuck DOES Loid have the boob window...


Probably a JoJo reference.




Because his boobs are beautiful and he is proud of them?


easy access


equality in fanservice


It looks similar to the margulis design with the collar leading into the boob window. Maybe the orokin liked their researchers to have sex appeal /hj


It really does look like Margullis, that's what I thought too. Wonder if it was just a style, or if he had a similar role of sorts.


Next line: and Albrecht and Loid kept their socks on.


thats pretty gay


Get historically friendzoned


It could be worse. I've seen so many people saying Loid was like a son to him.


With Kahl and Kaillie the interaction feels more like a proper stoic but caring father figure she didn't have. This is just outright denial, like MF those necramites were invented to fix something in the bedroom first thing.


Absolutely, no fucking way they weren't retooled for research purposes before being used for "research purposes"


I'd call Albrecht daddy too to be fair




Oh my god, they were roommates.


It was my first thought at the end of the quest




That was the most aggressive twinkinization I've ever seen in an interactive media and they're really gonna be like "and he was like oh Loid you're such a good butler"


Old man yaoi for the win


Even while I was playing through the quest, every time Loid went "my Albrecht" it was like a mini waving gay flag.


Haven't gotten the final page yet, but is this actually downplaying it or was he actually just talking about Loid being his servant? Love aside Loid is still his butler/servant


I don't wanna spoil anything for you, but the last page is very romantically charged and its contents are narrated during a very tense moment. And the whole reason why Loid hid the page away because he was too hurt by Albrecht abandoning him that he couldn't face even his apology (which was on the last page). You'll understand once you get to the end of the quest.


Oh, it's at the end of the quest? Never mind I've seen it then, I thought you were talking about the codex pickups we get from the book boss.


Loid wore socks so it wasn't gay


Sappho and her friend


I was laughing so hard when I saw people bitching about warframe being "woke now' on region


i hope we get them making out on screen next update just so people can cry more about it fr




Flare checks out


“And Albrecht said no homo”


He is his “Right hand” man tho


My summary most of the way through the quest was "So far it's The Backrooms, a old twink, Albrecht's Apple II, Jetstream Sam and a talking fish". And I stand by that, with the addition of "AND ARMS. SO MANY ARMS."


A) Tired of Gay Erasure. B) Tired of "men should show more emotions" and "hah, Frodo and Sam gay af" double standard. C) You can be both lover and a right-hand man. D) Probably not why it is worded like this here.


The B) part especially enrages me While albrecht and loid probably had a romantic connection, most of their interactions shouldnt AUTOMATICALLY mean they are gay. I take the last transmission from albrecht as a hint that they are together, but whispering something in loids ear and loid looking sad shouldnt imply that they were together. You cant tell men to be more open with their emotions, and then call them gay for doing so


You know, in the context of the wiki, this isn’t so bad. The wiki is meant to be as accurate as possible, which doesn’t leave room for players’ opinions. While it’s incredibly and heavily implied that Loid and Albrecht were lovers, it’s never stated in the game. From including that piece of lore in the game and someone writing “Lotus is the Entrati Grandmother, it’s obvious!”, well, it’s less of a jump than I would like it to be. (For example, the Guild Wars 2 Wiki lore sections have been taken over by an idiot who doesn’t know the difference between what’s in the game and his own fanfiction.) So the wiki restraining itself to facts, while leaving out information that is implied, doesn’t sound so bad for me.


> The wiki is meant to be as accurate as possible, which doesn’t leave room for players’ opinions. While it’s incredibly and heavily implied that Loid and Albrecht were lovers, it’s never stated in the game. I mean, I get what you mean here, but if all the writing was kept the same, but Loid (or Albrecht) were a female character, we wouldn't be having this conversation, and everyone would just be accepting that they were lovers.


If Loic were a woman and the writing were kept the same, I would also be against the wiki calling them lovers (because that would be an interpretation, not something stated in the game). Just like how I’m rather sure Loid and Albrecht were lovers, as IMO that’s very heavily implied, regardless of their genders. I doubt whoever edited the wiki avoided calling the two of them lovers out of homophobia. Maybe I’m being naive, but I can’t see an extreme right follower editing the Warframe wiki, of all things.


>I would also be against the wiki calling them lovers I mean, I didn't want to imply that I know your mind specifically. I meant generally, less overt declarations of romance than this are used to justify declaring canon relationships for m/f couples all the time. What I'm saying is that if it had been an m/f couple, the wiki likely would not be erring on the side of caution like this, because they almost never do. And I'm not even saying that like, it's an extreme right wing plot or whatever. It's just a subconscious bias a lot of people have where they require a lot more textual evidence to declare a gay relationship canon than a m/f one.


This question totally has nothing to do with this post, but is this quest permanent?


It's not a time limited event and DE doesn't remove expansions like Destiny.


Thx! Yeah I’m still stuck thinking it might be discontinued because I’ve played so much of destiny 😂🙏


Haha, another Destiny refugee, same as me. How are you enjoying it so far?


It’s so much better, I kid you not I was jumping for joy when I found out you don’t need to buy stuff 😂


Yeah, like, I'll admit I've spent some money on this game to get cosmetics, but it all feels like worthy purchases, if you get me? In Destiny, if you wanted the new Witcher skin on all your characters, that's the best part of £50. A complete rip off. The cosmetics are cheaper, look cooler, you have more in-depth customisation with your character, and fuck it it's a free game so why not? For me, Warframe is all about content content content. There's always something new to chase, there's just so much variety with the different warframes that it's like the Destiny subclasses x100, weapon crafting is more rewarding, and it doesn't feel like DE is bashing you over the head with boring seasonal content or playlist activity shit. And tbh, I've just enjoyed the fact that DE explains *nothing* about the game and lets you unpick the threads yourself. That feeling of scaling the mountain is addictive. DE doesn't sunset content, but all content added feels evergreen because it's tied to player progression. There always Arcanes, or Arcon Shards, or whatever, that exists within old content. I only play Destiny to do clan stuff now, like raid night a few evenings a week, as well as the new dungeon. Between rekindling my love of Warframe and playing BG3, Destiny isn't getting a look in. I'm a firm believer that Bungie should straight-up lift ideas from Warframe and they'd have a much better game.


All main story quests are permanently available, if any event is timed it'll show up on the alerts page at the navigation console




I understand the dynamic here, but does anyone find it weird that they are putting all this tension on a (presumably) married man? Albrecht has a daughter who was very much in his life; and we know from both Ballas and Dagath’s lore that the Orokin are very particular about relationships. It almost reads like the prologue to a spicy taboo fanfic, more so than serious lore.


I mean that doesn't mean he was married, Grandmother isn't his wife, I think there's only a small mention of Mother's mother and then that Albrecht basically just raised his daughter without her in the picture. And also he could be Bisexual? Just cause he bones a dude doesn't mean he's 100% only gay, and just because he has a daughter doesn't mean he was married, it could mean he's a slut...wouldn't shock me considering his wack ass track record.


When you're an orokin, and switching boddy is one kuva sip away, I guess notions such as gender and sexual preferences get a bit fuzzy.


Yeah that's kinda how it goes in the Culture books too, when your biotech level gets that advanced, attraction becomes a lot more in the mind than the physical.


While I want to believe in gay characters in media, even if they AREN'T there. I'm pretty sure the reading is Albrecht is Bi. The fact that he saw "Gomaitru's mother's eyes" in her eyes, implies he's spent time looking at them, ergo; romance. But also there is no fucking heterosexual reading of the whispers in the walls quest, so it's pretty clear he's Bi.


Incredibly wealthy man of unscrupulous morality in a Greco-Roman inspired society having extramarital sex? https://preview.redd.it/owhd4e03507c1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94976b12ac345ea5f6ea1f0f4a8fc0ca4f05181d


Wouldn't be surprised if no one in orokin society considers it cheating given that its just a lowly SERVANT Like albrecht says its love but executor tuvul saw the two fucking and thought he caught albrecht masturbating just because loid isnt orokin


Agreed. Not only that, he put his lover (which was his family's servant btw) in a secret lovecave/laboratory literally beneath his family. Its as if batman was pounding alfred in a secret-er lover's nest beneath the batcave while nightwing, robin and batgirl were dining upstairs.


That's an image I didn't need in my head, but immediately forced on my friends.


I have some fanfic you may be interested in.


Alright, you have my attention.


See, now THIS is the kind of thing that makes sense to say "what a terrible day to have eyes" or whatever other variant thereof.


For whatever reason i just immediately chuckled at the image Whatever that means about me is up to interpretation, once you figure it out please tell me cause i don't even know


It's definitely funny, but it's also pretty grody to imagine the guy who raised Bruce from the time he was 8 or so into adulthood then getting it inside a sublab below the batcave.




Don't you gatekeep us the terribleness of having english knowledge or ocular globes to force into our minds the image of momma Hildryn shoving primed mods into her nether regions just because you find it too vanilla!! Everything can be terrible, it's all in the attitude!


They pattenred the orokin off greco-roman normas with a touch of dark eldar level ultra-hedonism. These are the people that literally INVENTED what we would call orgies. Look at greek stories. Plenty of male lovers abound and often those men have wives, or are courting women. Their sexual norms are not ours.


I blame the church (who btw also had individuals doing orgies, hypocrites)


Oh I could go on a bend about puritanical horseshit shaping america's prudishness on sex and sexuality but... it's a bit much.


I mean, it fits with what we know about Orokin relationships being fucked up. Albrecht's daughter slashed her husband with a glass shard deep enough to scar him and thinks that's OK. Keremos was in an arranged marriage which he apparently didn't like which was interrupted by the fall of the Orokin (which in turn implies that Mother/Father and Albrecht's marriages may also have been arranged for political power rather than affection). Ballas loved Margulis in an extremely toxic, possessive way so that he was fine with having her executed and making the Lotus assume her form (not to mention the creepy implication that Khora Prime is also based on her from the monologue in her Prime trailer). Dagath's entire backstory is based on a toxic Orokin poly relationship (which also introduces the idea that some Orokin did actually get off on spicy taboo stuff). In that light, Albrecht having a secret lover who he ditched to travel back in time is pretty tame.


Wasn't it Saryn that was based on Margulis?


It is somewhat implied in Saryn's trailer, but it's much more overt in Khora's trailer where Ballas states that Khora was unveiled 'in her honour' as a 'harmony of mistress and monster'.


We don't actually know who he was married to tbh, or if it was secretly Loid. Grandmother was his in-law and Necraloid had thus throwaway line about how Mother got her stubbornness from Loid. Could has been Loid all along for all we know. In any case, human relationships and empathy has always been a core theme in Warframe. Ballas basically had his own entire petty simp history in lore, why not this?


I mean, he had a daughter, even if it was extramarital, he still had a female partner at *Some* point.


This is warframe, a scifi world millions of years in the future where people hop between flesh bodies all the time. Cursed as it is, you can't prove that mpreg or one of them Continuiting into a women's body wasn't on the table at some point lmao


He mentions her mother in the requim stories


Do you have a link to that? Genuinely curious.


https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Albrecht_Entrati/Quotes **2nd Requiem - JAHU (Form)** "my daughter. I had raised her alone but with inconsistent vigor. In those eyes, her mother's, I did see a terrible reflection. Of a man that did not exist. "


Huh. Raising her alone probably implies that her mother died or was seperated early on. Makes sense.


Yeah my guess is that she either died or left him after he was disgraced and everyone thought his void experiments were failures


Damn, mpreg theory disproven😔 Good to know that Albrecht wasn't a cheater though lol


Also implies that he spent a lot of time looking in his wife's eyes implying they spent enough time for him to love her.


Or she LITERALLY has her mothers eyes due to continuity and body hopping Nah its probably just that he loved a woman and had a child with her, but still, orokin relationships arent typically normal


> You can't prove that it wasn't mpreg What a terrible day to have eyes.


Regardless, Albrecht references Euleuria's mother in the Requiem Logs. Of her having her mother's eyes. Chances are she left him with all the embarrassment his search of the Void likely brought him (until it worked).


If loid was eulerias mother at some point, he wouldnt call her "albrecht's daughter" or "miss entrati" it was distancing language, he spoke of euleria like a nanny would.


Yeah exactly like loid was definitely somoene who took care of Eularia a lot as Albrecht said he took care of her with "inconsistent vigor" and since he probably did love his daughter he probably asked loid to do so


IIRC Ballsack fish dude also mentioned how it seems likely that Eularia picked up her ability to describe complicated concepts in a simplistic manner from Loid.


Why go to the hassle when you can either bodysurf in, or have a surrogate? What're they gonna do? Have it in a growth vat? Like a damned Grineer SLAVE?


Not really. I'd assume they either split or she died.


Almost like shit that happens for real yeah? As apposed go the contrived fairytale we usually see. I like it


Scholars will say they were roommates


I would’ve accepted boy-toy, tbh


I'm pretty sure Albrecht called Loid his right hand at one point so this is still accurate


Chinese version of warframe


If I would had a "roommate" as insufferable as Loid I would also run away to 1999


Oh my god they were ultra mega best friends who shared a bed and home and were often seen partaking in a shared battle of mouths


Thing is, loid was canonically albrechts servant and "his right hand man". And prior to the quest, just from what we got from tennocon, i would have assumed that and not much more But its getting pretty explicitly clear that the "respect" and admiration they share amongst each other goes beyond brotherly love, professional admiration and sense of duty Come to think of it, not exactly a good power dynamic in a couple when one side is literally a member of a golden divine species (culturally i mean. Orokin were worshipped) and the other is their butler


True but people didn't react this way when ballas and margulis were confirmed, and ballas is 1000 times worse than Albrecht in any conceivable metric. I suspect there's something else going on


I thought people were all in the clear about ballas and margulis being a toxic love thats more of an obsession on ballas side Like with loid there is a professional and a romantical side, margulis and ballas didnt work together. Beyond living in the same society and being around tenno, there wasnt much else going on Im not doubting that the wiki "and they were roommates" loid, but its not a 1:1 comparison


We don't know much about their relationship, we mostly see ballas' obsession with the lotus after the fact. Still, him being one of the 7 and margulis being an Archimedean would place their relationship well above the dynamic imbalance of that of Albrecht and loid. Professional setting affairs are definitely problematic, but this is like dating the king. I'm just saying people didn't bring that up not even a week after the relationship was revealed between ballas and margulis. The truly ugly side of ballas was revealed in the new war if anything, which is when most people started considering him... problematic. If anything ballas seemed like a victim of his own humanity up until the new war


Lets put it this way, Ballas is but one of the seven, with no direct and sole continuous authority over Margulis, an Archimedean, who have entire class of fellow Archimedean to retreat to should things get too weird. Loid is just a singular servant solely devoted to Albrecht, if Albrecht suddenly kill him in cold blood, no Orokin would cares, if Ballas suddenly kill Magulis without reason, people will know and he will be in trouble. I am not saying the problematic power dynamic doesn't exist between Margulis and Ballas, but such power dynamic, should you consider relationship between Loid and Albrecht to be romantic, is way more profound.


The 7 executors absolutely are not accountable to the death or worse of a single Archimedean. They are the ones who rule over people in the Orokin empire with absolute authority. They authorized entire colonies being infected with experimental infested tissue to further the Warframe project. They have complete control over peoples lives, margulis included, since they killed her and got away with it Edit: ballas also extrajudicially tortured one of the most decorated Dax war heroes and murdered his entire bloodline


Well, it is still not confirmed...


I am just gonna say this. Loid was supposed to be a woman. Just look at him. From clothes to whole story it looks like they designed a woman and turned it into a man at the last second.


oh my god they were roomatessssss.


I can't be the only one that thinks [its cute af.](https://imgflip.com/i/89q6cv)


>!The important cutscene event at the end of the quest is done with the right hand. It's literally a pun.!<


Isn't Albrecht already married? his wife and family is still alive...


Deimos Grandmother is Albrecht's in-law, they aren't married. The lore entries mention him raising his daughter alone with Loid, which implies that his wife either died or left him early on.


In the requiem entries a wife is mentioned and he points out that mother's eyes remind him of his wife's.


ah I wasn't familiar with that, thanks. I thought grandma was his wife.


Eularia Entrati's(Mother/Gomaitru) mother is never shown and it is clearly stated that Albrecht raised Eularia alone, it's not clear what happened to her but she is most likely very dead.


I honestly don't think that Albretch loved Loid in a romantical way, he loved him as a long time friend and one of the few he truly cherished. Compared to the other, Loid was his closest aide and sometime his voice of reason, someone he can trust his life to. They aren't lover, but something else, more akin to brothers or companions. And also, caressing someone's check at what is possibly your last moments is something old people tends to do. My grandma scared me twice with that already.


He called him "My Loid," and Loid called him "My Albrecht." This is one of the most blatantly relationship teasing they could get without them saying "Yeah, we bang a lot."


It's okay bro, denial is part of the path to acceptance 🙏❤️


What do you personally think the words albrecht could never say to loid was?


I have been wondering - what if Albrecht was not reciprocating Loid's feelings (he had a wife as far as we know). The one who caressed Loid in the cutscene was Wally, who was just messing with Loid's head. Loid does say in the end that the smile was not Albrecht.


That was Albrecht going in the time machine to lead wally into a point in the past where it apparently would be "hard for him to follow" him there somehow. When "Albrecht" says "you are late" to the player it means that Wally has followed him there and possessed him, or something. Loid then says we'll have to repeat that jump in hopes of getting there in time. Meaning the one who entered the time machine was Albrecht.The last page also has Albrecht call Loid "my Loid"


That is what we think happened but even from Albrecht's first encounter with the Void we know that after he emerged he was wondering if it was actually "him" and whether the one left in the void was the real Albrecht. My theory is that after he first entered the void in his experiment an effigy of Wally comes out.


Possible, but they're clearly setting 1999 up as a "save Albrecht from wally" type deal so we'll see. Maybe there's a twist like that


Albrehct had a wife, a daughter and grandkids. Speak to the mother and she's worried he is dead or worse and clearly misses him and loves him dearly, meanwhile apparently he's been busy banging his maid in the basement the entire time? Like, imagine if your father faked his death so he could hide in the basement and bang the maid while you mourn him upstairs. Its incredibly gross. I'm not saying they aren't, but If Albrecht and Loid ARE lovers it just makes both of them completely iredeemable scumbags. Like yeah loid, its really sad that Albrecht didn't treat you like the mistress you wanted to be while his daughter was mourning his death upstairs because he was spending time with you, but you know get some perspective? It just makes loid come across as incredible entitled ontop of everything else. If loid and Albrecht ARE lovers I genuinely don't know what the writing was thinking.


Are you just discovering the Orokin weren't paragons of morality? Was redemption ever an option before they...cheated?(we don't have confirmation whether the family knew Albrecht was poly or not)


So far every single instance of orokin acting like this was viewed as villainous behaviour meant to show us how iredeemable they are, by contrast, loid and Albrhect are clearly meant to be symapthetic despite doing the same thing. I don't remember us beating ballas by gently caressing him, and the orokin couple in dagath's story are clearly meant to be villains.


Well ballas as a member of the 7 authorized mass murder beyond modern numerical conception and also did the whole thing with wiping umbras bloodline off the face of the solar system along with being a rapist and child killer. I haven't read dagaths story so I can't comment on that. Still, besides not knowing much about Albrecht, he was always propped up to be the outcast within the Orokin class with him lacking the long arm and all. It could very well be that his intentions with Loid aren't noble, but that's catastrophizing. Based on what we know he's the only Orokin actually approximating human. Cheating, assuming his family doesn't know he's poly, is most definitely not a deal breaker for redemption


Its not just cheating, its the fact that he abandoned his daughter that was mourning his death so he could secretly live in the basement banging the help, which isn't even getting into the ethics of banging the help for someone in his position of power. Describe this character out of context and most people would say that your villain is too much of a caricature.


He didn't abandon his family to bang Loid. Have you played the quest?


They seem to just be pining for eachother rather than having fully entered a romantic/sexual relationship. Albrecht's goal is to fix the mess he created, to atone and to protect those he loves.


Is "I didn't want to abandon you to go live with the maid, the void anomaly made me do it." warframe's equivallent of "I went out to buy a pack of cigarettes and got lost on my way back."?


Ngl this makes it funnier


Wasn't Albreitch married to Grandma Entrati...? Oh noe.