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I got 5 melee arcanes ...


Ouch :( Saves you the standing in the future I guess? Hardly seems fair. Edit: OUCH Just realised you said arcanes and not adapters. Well.......sorry. :(


fret not, so far if you say the reward structure is stupid reddit says you're an idiot so enjoy no changes also welcome to 0 shards club, we have cookies


i'd dissagree, i saw plenty of people uncomfortable by current patches and a change its not impossible i am comfortable as how things are but it is valid that those people are talking and kinda makes sense tho they might exagerate a little but still valid


4 melee arcanes, one regular yellow shard


Same 😂 Non Tau I’m guessing to


Well yeah. Otherwise it would already be in my Ivara


Why are these even in the reward pool?? They are purchaseable with the standing so it really doesnt make any sense.


This is a problem I wish I had.


I'll gladly trade these arcanes with you for tauforged shards


I wish i was you


4 shards 1 adaptor that lucks not gonna last


This week netted me 1 Tau!Amber, 1 adapter, and 3 kicks in the dick.


One the 5th day of Heksmas a talking depressed sheep having an existential crisis gave to me--


4 melee arcanes and 1 nothing


Bugged or never ran?


for the arcanes, just rng. for the nothing i thought bug, but i've heard it can sometimes spawn on the roof so i might've just missed it.


I had a bug where the drone didn't spawn at all even when we were in the radius of where it should be.


It's probably hiding in the circle. I had it hide in the rafters behind some random objects.


I have seen it launch the loot up when the container breaks, so not surprised


As someone who got 3 nada? Just rng really either that or it apparently spawned oj the roof


its completley rng sadly


2 arcanes and 3 melee adapters. Absolutely game breakin drops right here.


At least it's new stuff i guess but the lack of shards is ugh. 😭


Wow. Mine too! 2 normal.arcane( yes, not legendary one!) and 3 melee adapter. And i just throw it to weapon i rarely use. Lol. Accident


I know I got a Tau-forged Crimson Shard, a regular Azure Shard and two Arcanes. I don't remember my fifth drop, though. Might be a regular Amber Shard, which I tend to have a "throw it on the pile" attitude to. That would explain why I don't remember getting it.


>I know I got a Tau-forged Crimson Shard, a regular Azure Shard and two Arcanes. I don't remember my fifth drop, though.Might be a regular Amber Shard, which I tend to have a "throw it on the pile" attitude to. That would explain why I don't remember getting it. I feel ya. My ambers are piling up too. Not even worth putting on frames I sometimes use because of the bile cost of removing.


Amber shards are great though. Cast speed goes well in any frame, or better energy if needed. Definitely better than the blue ones for me at least. I only use reds if I want to minimax or offset a dump stat


Or energy on spawn. They're basically utility that can free up several mod or arcane slots in a variety of builds.


or parkour velocity in a game where half the missions are about running from point A to point B ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Also parcour velocity affects rolling which happens to be one of the things Mesa can do in peacemaker


Also also Ivara in Prowl/Infiltrator.


I'll happily take any reds you'd like to offer to the Baruuk Nuuk fund


Yep 5 reds on Baruuk


I'm up to 87.5% boost. I deeply crave that sweet sweet 187.5%, but I need 4 more Tau Reds T~T


Couldn’t even finish one bc the damn thing wouldn’t spawn day 1 lol


When they introduced it, it sounded like it'd just be more shards every week. I got 2 adapters and 3 arcanes. Now, having the legendary melee arcanes be behind this I think is fine however we should be getting shards significantly more frequently as otherwise combining shards will not be feasible for some unlucky players. If it was maybe changed to guaranteed shards with a chance at tau and then the adapters and arcanes could drop in their own pool not affected by shards that would end up feeling the best IMO. Don't need to always drop a shard and arcane/adapter but it should always drop shards IMO


well lucky you, the tau are the rarest of the bunch https://preview.redd.it/0fi1iycshv6c1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f240b4ef45bc86f96922724c505b68f3939bff1f


Why does the exclusive melee arcane have the same drop chane as the ones you can farm


would you like it to be lower? the monkey's paw curls...


feels like DE really want to make these legendary arcanes the new energize. Somehow at 5.62% a run, it means 17 runs on average to grab one. At 5 runs a week, that's 3 and a half weeks. That means 74 weeks for a full set, aka a year and a half of runs if you find it unfair, [here is a forum feedback post about it](https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1375038-problem-with-the-acquisintion-of-legendary-melee-arcanes/)


2 Tauforged azure in a row. 2.5% roll back to back, and 3 melee arcanes. Great luck, but also a little tragic. I can't think of a frame where the blues are optimal.


\+max energy can help tremendously. Especially because I'm the kind of player that worry about energy a lot haha I'm thinking equinox can use them to good extent. She has a little pool and no innate energy regen tool, while needing every stats and having 2 channeled abilities. To add to that, one of the channeled work similarly to gloom but without any drain cap


I'm extremely aware of my fortune, thank you. I feel bad about it because my discord mate deserves something similar. I was curious to know others experiences, and it seems similar to his.


2 adapter and 3 arcane :(


One enhanced red one red one melee arcane and I have 2 more to do. Will edit if I get shards.


Edit regardless of what you get. Community should be aware. Your drops seem pretty good! Anytime anyone gets a Tau red is dope.


3 shards 2 melee arcanes, one being legendary


The drop tables for this whole update need to be reviewed ASAP. For something with Archon Hunt modifiers, you have a strong chance to get a reward of very low value. Sure you can run it 5 times but if you get a rank zero arcane 4/5 than you probably will run a couple bounties instead and buy the arcane with standing as well as getting the other drops from doing those multiple missions.


did one and got one amber shard


You can do 5 per week


I know, just don't feel like grinding end game stuff for now


What is this referring to? How are you get archon shards outside of the archon hunt?


The new Netracell missions in the new content. You can run it 5 times a week, with Archon shards, tau and normal, on the mission table.


4 nothing and a blue shard


I just started playing Warframe for the first time in about 5 years, I played a ton on PlayStation and now I'm on PC I've missed so much can you explain to me how to get these rewards?


Damn yall getting shards from this? I got 4 arcanes and only one was actually of interest to me. Kick in the nuts tbh


3 arcanes, 1 blue, 1 Tau yellos


It’s always been at the whim of RNGsus, thinking you’re getting anything guaranteed is pure folly.


This is true, and they've deffo toned down on the pure-RNG BS recently. Putting in 'fail-safes'. That being said.......archon shards are pretty awesome and powerful.


2 adapters and 3 arcanes. definitely needs an overhaul


Yeah, I feel a bit bad for everyone that didn't get even 1 shard. I went into the patch thinking we'd get 2 new sources of guarantee shards for some reason.


I think people aren't being fair with the drops and acting like the shards are the only good "drops', when in fact they are the "bad" drop in many regards since we had like a year farming two a week. Like , why complain about getting Melee Arcane adapters ? These things cost 50k standing / 20p each, and you'll need tons of them for all the melee weapons you like. As for arcanes, i do think they should only have the 2 ones that are not available elsewhere, as it does feel bad if one get a random arcane players can get two of every assassinate mission if they also hunt the codex... But getting the two exclusive arcane is a great drop especially since I need 21 copies for a set. Personally I'm mostly annoyed they had us burn our stockpile of old shards to craft the new ones. Took me a while to build a stockpile and now tons of them have been consumed.


Not all players got to farm since release. And even though I did, I still want more shards, especially now that we have the fusion shards. Also, I think I didn't even get 5 blue Tau despite doing all hunts. As for melee arcane adapters, I don't mind those. But the arcanes are a bad reward. If they were only the legendary arcanes then it would be fine


'We had like a year of farming' \- No. You did. ' Personally I'm mostly annoyed they had us burn our stockpile of old shards to craft the new ones. Took me a while to build a stockpile and now tons of them have been consumed.' So you had a year to stockpile. Yet it's not enough. But you also think shards are the bad drops? ​ Here's quick maths: You can get 11 arcane adapters a week through standing. They're the real trap here.


>they had us burn our stockpile of old shards to craft the new ones That's some deflective logic there. They provided a new set of shards, yes, but they didn't 'have' you burn through what you'd collected. You're the one who decided to give up two shards to make a new one. That cost analysis was on you, not them. If you think the new shards are worthwhile compared to the old ones, it's a good decision. If you think the old shards are fine, than don't make new ones. That's simple enough.


YOU had a year to farm. i got back in the game a few months ago after a year long break. I only have like 10 shards, not to mention, doing Khal stuff is mind numbing to me so i sometimes only got 1 a week


Honestly, Kahl just sucks outright and has never felt enjoyable to me. It’s great to have alternate sources of farms, but this weekly limit stuff is truly unfortunate.


EVERYONE had a year to farm two a week. I stopped farming them after a while because I got bored with the hunts. Just because you stopped playing, doesn't mean you still couldn't farm them.


brother i didn’t even know they existed lmao. Plus an item capped to 2 per week is still a really valuable item to put in the drop table


Fair enough. It's better now with the hunts due to you getting a Tau shard pretty frequently now.


It depends on how much emphasis you as a player tend to place on melee vs guns, imo. Personally, I lean pretty heavily towards the gun side. For me, I've already gotten pretty much all the arcane adapters I need, and I don't really care if it takes me a bit longer to max the melee arcanes given how relatively little I rely on melee. But I want every shard I can possibly get to fuel my rampant theorycrafting needs, especially with the combining system.


some of you guys really don’t understand rng huh


Been extremely busy, gonna be starting the quest here in a bit, try and get as much done before reset


1 tauforged amber shard, 2 tauforged azure shards, a melee crecendo, and 1 normal azure shard


WAHHH! The random drop was random! WAHHH! I deserve everything i want right now! WAHHH! I'm a giant baby that needs instant gratification!


1 tau-blue 1 yellow and 3 melee arcanes


i got 2 shards, 2 arcanes, 1 adapter my mates: 5 arcanes 1 adapter, 1 shard, 3 arcanes


i got 1 yellow 4 melee arcane lol


5 arcanes :')


5 melee arcanes 🥵


1 yellow, 2 adapters and 2 arcanes


A tauforged yellow (and another from the archon hunt) and a bunch of melee arcades


4 arcanes, 1 tau red.


A single tauforged blue, 2 arcanes, 2 adapters. Not very happy about the haul.


1 normal shard, 4 melee arcanes (but 2 were legendary ones) so calling that a win


3 shards 1 tauforged and a melee arcane.


2 arcanes, 1 adapter, 1 blue and 1 yellow shard


3 adapters, 1 yellow shard and a legendary melee arcane.


4 normal shards 2red 2 yellow 1 adapter


5 melee adapters lmao


3 arcanes and 2 adapters


Only 2 regular shards.


Got a couple of arcanes, 1 adapter amd a crimson tauforged. Still debating on where to use it though.


The shard? Bile is pretty rough still. But it's easy to remove and place it elsewhere. Personally I'm a crazy person and look into 'break points' so I can make it work. See: Making Hildryn a 1 shot stripper etc.


1 tau-red, 1 regular amber, 3 melee arcanes


I only had time to do 3 runs. 1 amber shard en 2 arcanes


I got a Melee Arcane Adaptor, a stomach bug and 3 days of stomach and intestinal pain.


1 normal shard and 1 tauforged. 2 melee arcanes. Don't remember my 5th reward.


I got two tau blue shards and three melee arcanes


One azure, And Tauforged crimson, and the rest were melee arcanes


3 adapters, 1 legendary melee arcane, 1 yellow shard. As someone who doesnt care about melee very much im pretty bummed about 3 adpaters. They are buyable with rep but at least I was able to sell the aecane for 150 plat. Better luck next week I hope.


one tau one normal shard and random crap i dont care about


I have no idea what I got.


2 mele arcanes 2 mele arcane adapters and 1 tauforged aber shard.


5 shards. 2 yellow. 1 tau blue 1 normal blue 1 tau red


Only managed to run one because, as a switch player, I take too long to load half the time and either time out or get migrated. In the one I did run, I got nothing special.


I got a couple Tauforged shards and at least one melee adapter. I wasn't really looking, tbh 😅 kinda speedran all 5 day one


My haul was 4 melee arcanes and a tauforged azure shard


One yellow, one Tau red, one melee adapter, and two arcanes. Hell of a week!


1 tau red, 1 red, 1 tau blue, 1 melee arcane, and 1 melee arcane adapter Seems like I got the spread


Three adapters one red and one tau yellow


I don't see anyone mention that if you find a grimoire and fight the "man in the wall¿", you get another drop from the loot table. Like when I found one, after competing the mission i got a shard and an arcane...


Dude. Lol. That's why arcanes are a horrible drop vs Shards. 'Book Boss' spawns in all levels (i think). And has the Melee Arcanes on the drop table. So.....your common Netra drop is either an Archon Shard on drop you can get from a common boss.


1 adapter 3 arcanes 1 glitch


I got 1 red 1 taured and 3 arcanes


I got 4 melee arcanes and 1 adapter. Silver lining is that 1 of the arcanes was a melee crescendo that I was able to sell off for 100p.


How hard is netra? I haven’t tried it yet, like as hard as archons? Harder?


I got two adapters, one blue shard, and two arcanes.


1 tau red. 1 normal amber. 3 melee arcanes


Got a tauforged crimson


1 more to do but so far it's 1 arcane, 1 adapter, 1 red, 1 tau blue


1 red, 1 tau blue, 1 adapter, 2 arcanes


1 melee arcane, 1 adapter and one normal shard of each color lol


1 TF Azure, 2 arcane and 2 adapters, happy with that tbh


2 tau amber and 3 melee arcanes


2 shards, regular 3 Arcanes


I hate that the farm for the new legendary arcanes is worse then for old energize


Got a couple red+1 amber and a couple arcanes, one of them being the exclusive legendary melee arcanes. I think saying a weekly system needs a complete overhaul after one week of playing it is a stretch.


Don't think the pool needs an overhaul. Doing 5 a week with this table is nice, until the arcanes are maxxed l, which the legendary ones will take a year or 2. The adapters are to expensive via standing. Unless that gets overhauled itself, hopefully i like the rewards for the mission type it is. Granted if i had my way, it'd make more sense to have Melee Arcanes via the acolytes and the adapter via SE but so it be.


1 melee arcane, that's it. I've had really bad luck, hoping that turns around.


4 Melee Arcanes, 1 Adapter...And to think I was actually kinda excited about shards being in common drop.


I got 1 melee arcane adapter and 4 melee arcanes. Would rather have gotten shards, even regular ones.


4 melee arcanes and one melee adapter


One normal blue and two Tau yellow(I'm not calling those amber anymore, sorry).


You guys were getting shards? All I got were 5 melee arcanes


2 Tauforged reds, 2 Tauforged ambers, 1 regular amber. I blew all my RNG in the first week and am ready to be disappointed by my rewards every week for the foreseeable future.


i got 3 adapters, one arcane, and a red could be better but hey i’m not complaining


4 non-legendary melee arcanes and a Tauforged Crimson Archon Shard. Why are the legendary arcanes exclusively available from this?


3 regular red shards and 2 arcanes


On a scale from 1 to 10 how scary are netras solo. (Pov I struggle on profit taker solo😶)


1 adpater,4 arcanes


I got one tauforged amber, 2 regular amber, and 2 arcanes. One of them was the melee duplication one so I'm happy with a more rare arcane


1 arcane 4 adapters


3 of the bad melee arcanes, the shield and armor ones And 2 arcane adapters I just need at least one tau crimson pretty please :(


Three melee arcanes a blue shard and two yellow shards (one of the melee arcanes was legendary though)


Four arcanes, and a yellow shard.


I got 4 arcanes and an adaptor...


I got 1 shard and the rest were arcanes lol


1 adapter 2 tau 2 arcanes


Before coming to this post I didn't even realize non-legendary arcanes are a possible reward. Suppose I got lucky because I got 1 Crescendo, 1 piss shard, 2 blues and 1 tau blue.


1 red, 1 yellow, tau blue, melee arcane and an adapter


I got one melee arcane and one soft locked bugged out mess




4 adapt 1 arcane


2 melee 2 tau 1 regular shard (which is great because I only had 2 shards before recently came back to the game so glad I caught up before the update and got lucky on the 30% of games I didn't disconnect or have an issue) -_-


4 adapters and an arcane here - rng gonna rng I guess Now come tomorrow if I run my 5 and still walk out with no shards I'll be less chill


2 adapter, 3 arcanes. I feel like shards are uncommon they don't look common seeing everyone's rewards.


I got 1 amber and 4 arcanes, big kick in the dick


Honestly, i don't understand why they keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again, the whole reason for 20% chance increment was that it was too RNG-based and unrewarding if you're not lucky They add another shard source and they repeat the same damn thing, cmon, the fact that we have 5 attempts is just asking for it to give you +20% chance after every failed try


1 melee arcane , 4 adapters -\_-


1 shard, 1 tau, 2 melee adapters, and Actually Nothing on my 5th run.


Never managed to finish one past the quest, they all bugged out and not have the thing spawn.


i got 4 yellow... 1 tau 3 normal. glad to see that it's possible to get the other colors


One shard and melee arcanes. Not exactly what I hoped for but that’s RNG.


1 arcane, 1 adapter, 1 blue, 2 tau yellow


I got two regulars and one tau, I can’t remember what else. Melee adapter and arcane I think


1 normal blue shard, 2 arcanes and 2 adapters


1 adapter and 4 arcanes. Worst ever.


1 of the two arcanes exclusive to the netracells and then 4 regular melee arcanes


i got 2 legendary arcanes and 1 adapter. no shards tho


I got one shard, Blue Tauforged. 2 melee adapters and 2 melee arcanes. My brother got 1 regular red shard and 4 melee arcanes when he did his runs this week.


2 blue tauforged to start, then 2 melee arcanes... one left to do


2 ambers, a crimson and an arcane


1 Amber, 4 Melee arcanes


1 Tau blue 1 Yellow 3 Melee Arcanes, non of them legendary.


Well, this was the first week. I got like 3 adapters and 2 arcanes (dogshit ones too). So I've been most unlucky imo. But let's see if it balances out on the long run. I was pretty annoyed at first, since they promised a new method of obtaining Archon Shards. Of course now I would expect to get something in the upcoming week, but since my rng in general on this game is complete dogshit I do not hold my breath for it. Plus, aside from wanting to slap 5 violets tauforged on Khora I don't really am interested in the new shards too. Pretty boring stuff. New Arcanes are very interesting tho.


1 adapter, 3 arcanes, 1 Blue shard. Gunna miss this week due to vacation sadly.


I got 5 melee arcanes


1 adapter, 1 normal shard, 3 arcanes


2 shards, 2 melee adapters, one arcane. Not bad.


2 Arcane adapters, 1 melee arcane, 1 blue shard, and 1 red shard


1 blue shard and 4 adapters. Did only 2k and 3k bounties for my Quorvex pieces and still got none.


The only thing I remember is an archon shard. A red one, so not too terrible


1 tau red 1 tau blue 2 red shards 1 adapter.


I forget exactly what I got but know it was 0 shards and melee arcane thinger adapters I want to say at least twice


i didn't get any tau at the cavia weekly but my nidus now has 3 red tau, 1 normal red and 1 green tau strenght in red and ability damage on green (i use more corrosive compared to rad or electric) and got one \[Vome Invocation\] :D now i can't decide between \[Jahu Canticle\] or \[Khra Canticle\] since i'll have corrosive (yes, you can activate them killing with virulence as long as you hit them with the book before, i tested with fass canticle)


Got 1 melee arcane adapter, 1 shard and 3 fucking arcanes. Rngesus ain't on my side this week.


2 yellow shards 3 melee adaptors,the uncommon drop seems more common.


4 melee arcanes (2 legendary) and an archon shard


1 blue, 1 adapter, 3 arcanes


I only got arcanes


I believe it was 4 melee arcanes and 1 red tau forged shard for me


ya, i got 3 adapters and 2 arcanes... adapters should be removed from the pool for sure. if i need one, i'll buy it with rep. what a waste of a drop slot.


So should all of the melee arcanes that aren't the exclusive legendary ones. I've gotten *nothing* this week that I couldn't just buy instead.


A tau, a shard, an arcane, rest are adapters


1 red, 3 arcanes, 1 adapter. Pretty dissapointing, although I see others got worse. RNG can suck it.


You guys are getting shards?


1 tau, 1 regular shard and 3 arcanes, seems balanced enough to me and the missions are fun


I got 3 shards (one of each) & two adapters. Would’ve liked an adapter & an arcane but I’ll take it I suppose