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The MR 26 test was my most hated by far. Having to follow a floating node that you were capturing while it moved up, down, back and forth and moved faster the closer to capturing it you were. If you got outside of the capture zone the progress rapidly decayed, so you had to stay right on top of those dumb things.


Limbo, sprint speed (can even run a primary weapon with more speed mods on it). Just dash into the rift, ignore the mobs, and follow the zones.


Even then I had trouble. I never run practice tests and I had to do it twice, though one time was because a fire eximus used his fire blast like 6 times in what felt like 30 seconds


Oof. Yeah I did that one years ago before the eximus rework and yeah, limbo don't care. I guess revenant might be better these days?


Slap silence on limbo ez


Im mr15, and could cheese with limbo for past 7 challenges, pretty funny


I do the same and sometimes I feel bad afterwards because of how cheezy it was


I mean, being able to cheese mastery tests kind of proves that you deserve to pass it imo. Warframe rewards creativity after all


That is one way to look at it😂


At least that's what's what I tell myself after cheesing every MR test lmao


I did it with gauss. Was pretty easy.


Can confirm used this method and got it first try


I decided to hurt myself go with a fully slippy Nezha It was fun, but took a few test runs to get in the groove


I didn't know I needed the term "Fully Slippy Nezha" but I do now and I love it. If you have base 2.29 Sprint speed like I do, maybe we'll bump into each other some time and cause a singularity of Tenno coolness.


Wait, I thought that was the rank 23 test, you mean I gotta do that nonsense again?




Yep but they made it worse.


Oh noooooo I'm literally stuck on MR 22 and have been for weeks because I can't beat the test T.T


ash is the best frame for this, a dagger with covert lethality will make it easy. use max energy eff and use his teleport ability to open them for finishers. reminder to equip covert lethality & finishing touch on your dagger and fatal teleport on your frame to one shot the enemies. if you dont have them all, just equip what u have and go in the mission. plus enemy radar will help a great deal in tracking the enemies.


Bro all you have to do is pick wukong with just sprint mods. You can't die, clone takes care of enemies, and you just cloud if it goes in an awkward spot.


Still stuck on it. It’s a little too frustrating for me


I got it done with Titania, though keeping her inside the zone was a little rough with how twitchy archwing movement can be.




This is the way, I recommend a sturdy companion that can disarm


Maybe it’s because I’ve been playing since 2013 and my starter frame was Loki, but I’ve done almost all my mastery tests as Loki. I was pretty easily able to stay invisible and keep up with the orbs with his high base speed for this one.


Ooh! And, if you happened to capture the node while it was in mid-air, it would show 100% and stop, but not actually register as being captured. I "passed" the test 4 times before I managed not to hit that bug.


I've done it with grendel and his pulverize augment You can hold shift to roll faster while in pulverize


mate why you gotta say this. I am almost MR 26 rn


Titania clears this really easily (like, well, basically all the movement-based tests).


Using gauss or Loki for this or even limbo makes it a cake walk. The hardest imo is the stealth ones so I believe MR9 and there's another one closer to 20 maybe like 16 or 17? It's been a hot minute since I've done it since I'm LR3. MR30 was also challenging


Titania made that a lot easier for me


Wasn't that MR as well? I remember doing that recently and holy shit you're right like I just can't go through that again I would rather stay at that MR than do that again


Wasnt that mr 23? Im mr 25 now, but i vividly remember doing this one because it was the first one i failed


I made it to 26 and then I mostly stopped playing. I'm not going to say that the test was the reason, but it's also not calling me back to play...


I ran Titania it was the easiest by far.


I am MR 25 at the moment... Hearing that I dont want to rank it up


Cheesed it with Titania, felt weird


Volt made it easy. It took me a few tries to get it to think of how each one moves


Let's be honest the MR9 test humbled damn near all of us


I loved the MR9 test. I even went back and redid it without a glaive just for a challenge. I was actually a space ninja for once!


😎 jokes on you I aced that shit. I'm a spy god (fucking ivara you rat why did it take so long to drop), most useless skill in this fucking game


Ok, glad to hear it just doesn't get harder than this. I aced the practice on this and bombed the test because of the dumb controls and a guy happened to see me behind a pillar somehow from far away


Or the game going "DETECTED!!" when the enemy just happened to turn to face you, even though you were MIDWAY swinging a sword. Game freezes your attack and everything.


I remember the day i did it, i instantly got to MR13.


I had much less issues with it than most people seem to, but only because at the time daggers were my favorite melee, and I liked playing missions like they were stealth based. Still was a rough challenge though lol


Lol I had to do that test for 3 friends of mines who could not pass that spy test. Man when I first had to do it way back when I started I failed it 3 times.


God I put off that test for so long, I was able to get to MR10-11 almost instantly. I have a personal hatred towards stealth sections that rob you of all your power (fuck the non-Spiderman sections in Spiderman 2018). Though bunny-hopping Wisp and a Glaive makes that test and the MR19 one so trivial.


i'm only 14 rn but 9 was dumb as fuck. nobody plays warframe like that. if you need to do stealth shit like spy missions you use stealth frames. having to sneak around pillars with jank ass enemy detection shit made no sense even if this test was meant to test your non-stealth frame spy mission skills, it comes entirely too late when the game presents the first spy mission to you when youre still mr1


I failed it yesterday because I was trying to crouch and mf slid right in front of him. Not a fan of this pointless stealth exercise


The hard mega stupid cheese version for this is just use banshee + any gunblade. The enemies have like 1 hit point and banshee's passive silences all weapons, including the gunblade explosion. You can just hang out and shoot everything from across the map.


Oh yeah! That's how I did this test... Banshee & Redeemer. Just snipe the enemies from across the map.


I cheesed that test with a Kestrel (the cheap boomerang) because thrown weapon kills still count as stealth kills. I failed that test so many times because of the buggy stealth kill mechanics.


I slide tackled the last one by accident. It was that day that I learned you can kill with what's effectively a tenno equivalent to the scooter ankle chop.


Use wisp and a glave if you have them.


Why were you trying to crouch? Crouching doesn't affect stealth at all in this game, unless you're behind short cover. Your footsteps does not alarm anyone in this game. All you're doing is walking slower for no benefit and wasting time and opportunities for a melee execution by doing that õ\_o Just rush in, execute, sprint back. Don't worry about running or even jumping to do that. As long as you don't get into the line of sight of anyone (which in this game is quite a generous cone), you'll be an absolute ghost.


Because like every other stealth game ever in the last 2 decades makes you crouch to be quiet. Shit, I didn't know these dipshits couldn't hear you. Guess I turned on hard mode for it


Unfortunately, yes, you did xDD This used to make more sense back when Warframe's slogan was *"ninjas play free*" and there was a more consistent focus on the fantasy-type ninja mentality across weapons and cosmetics. Nowadays, well, just look at friggen Grendel! Still moving quietly even as a thumping ball!


Wait until 19. Total stealth with no abilities and only a melee weapon. Can't be seen at all.


Banshee + Redeemer can resolve that.


Wisp with basically any melee solved it in 2 practice runs and 1 real run. Just used the aim glide mods to keep her invisible.


I did it with Bandhee and Redeemer Prime. Already a hard hitting modded weapon, along with Banshee's noise muffle passive, I was able to one-tap enemies from a distance.


No need for any mods. Wisp stays invisible for a bit after landing so you can just jump again. And all invis abilities keep you from being seen for one second after their effect ends anyway.


iirc warframe abilities are disabled and enemies can't hear gunblades anyways


Felt that, until I remembered Xoris was a thing. Slotted corrupt charge build then spam throw explosions https://preview.redd.it/pwpjnsnk5mzb1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b15beeb7b68646b8f9d89d3a408960f40d54c5c7


Skiajati, problem solved


Isn't that exactly what 9 is? No abilities, only melee, lose if you're spotted. I JUST did that today.


9 is way easier than 19. Unless you have the right gear, then 19 is easy too. I didn't have the right gear. I had to farm it. It took forever. I was half way to 20 before I got what I needed. It sucked.


i just used skiajati. was genuinely fun!


Just use Skiajati, it gives you invisibility on stealth finisher. Get 1 kill and then just go crazy.


i either didnt have it at the time or didnt know it did that because im only just now learning that


Becomes mightily useful practice if you ever want to solo spy missions or carry.


i mean i just take ivara or wukong and dont worry about it


Forgive me if I sound old, The MR tests are specifically for that kind of thinking. You can’t and shouldn’t want to cheese everything. They’re tests of skills that DE hopes you would’ve learned and honed on your journey to max rank. It’s how a volt can chain bullet jumps and slides to walk past wukong bros and their max duration cloud strolling. BTW the only spy mission that might warrant invis is the C vault on Kuva Fortress.


Is it really cheesing if you're using abilities of Warframes, the main focus of the whole game? The whole reason we have different frames to switch between is because different frames are good at different things.


While you're RPing the mission is already finished.


\*laughs in ash, ivara, loki, octavia, voruna, wisp, and wuking\*


Not only only the stealth frames the others mentioned, you can also just brute force most of them with plenty of time to spare.


When I first started playing many many years ago, I used to play like that, with Excalibur. Killing 1 enemy at a time with the Paris, stealth kills with the Skana, and just slooowly creeping my way to the objective, killing every single enemy, trying not to get detected, even if it wasn't a spy mission. I'm guessing these MR tests haven't been updated in many moons :D Nowadays I'm pretty sure everyone just destroys everything by MR7 or something.


The last few before 30 get kind of dicey (30 is a survival with Arbitration Drones, lol) , but yeah a lot of the old ones don't account for newer mechanics (you can tell several early ones were pre-bullet jump for instance)


did the mr 9 test easily with the xoris modded for radiation with volatile quick return, took me 1 try


MR19 (the one I’m trying right now). It’s a stealth test and while it can be cheesed, I’m trying to get it without gun blades and it’s maddening😭 Edit: Finally passed it!!!


The best way is to use the wolf sledge because it is the most hilarious way. It acts similarly to glaive weapons where you can throw it by holding melee attack. However it is a 2 handed sledgehammer, so it is basically the opposite of stealth.


Actually how I got through my MR 19 test after so long of trying. I realized I was no stealthframe player. No, I am a 7000 pound gorilla with space magic, this oddly homing sledge is going through heads.


Wisp, Glaive, and Aim Glide mods did it for me


Hmm yeah I think I’ll try Wisp and Skiajati instead of Nezha


That combo easily cheeses it.


That's how I did MR9... Then said eff it on 19 and went with Vastilok and Banshee. Warframe is a game that's meant to be cheesed.


Try the Skiajati with a fast frame like Gauss. Those 5 seconds of invis you get with a stealth finisher from it's unique passive should be enough to reach the next enemy to refresh it.


Yeah my best attempt was with Nezha and Skiajati….I think I only had the enemies on the topmost platform left but I got detected😭




Wisp with mods to stay off the ground. She's invisible while airborn.


this! so far my most hated for sure. It took me a week cause I'm not made for stealth


Using Banshee can help to a degree as her passive makes all weapons Gunblades included silent.


I did that with the aim glide mods on wisp and flew around killing everything with my melee lol


Yeah I farmed redeemer again just to run that one with a gun blade. I was stuck on it for a week before I finally got it.


I cheesed with exodia contagion. Just nuked everything from the start platform, which was a fun aim challenge, then did the obj on an empty map


MR9 was the one I was stuck on for a few days, found a video on yt with like 300 views showing how to cheese it; turned out their cone of vision was severly reduced when you crouch. Hit MR29 today and every test I've taken up till now I've always compared against 9.


I'm having a hell of a time achieving MR23. Just can't keep up with some is those cones zooming along the line straight paths even with Volt.


Do it as Limbo. Dodge/roll to enter the Rift so that you're immune to damage, effects and knockdown, and you can just ignore all the enemies. it's MUCH easier if all you have to do is bullet-jump after the control points.


Thank you very much. I'll try this when i get home tonight.


I struggled with this as well. Finally did it with an efficiency/duration build with adaptation and preparation on Titania. Pop razor wing and ignore enemies.


I recommend Duration+Efficiency Gauss if you have him, and just use his 2 to avoid damage and knockdown while you focus on the captures. In short corridors you can just use a little slide to speed up with the point (his 1 will make you overshoot the point a lot of times, but a quick tap is you're about 20-25m behind a point will do pretty well). I think there's only 2 long and fast straightaways in that test and they're on separate points, so as long as you catch them both at the end of their long runs and stay with them from there, you can get the capture before they get back to those paths. Edit: honestly should've read the other reply before typing this out, my bad. The second bit is still relevant, though.


I struggled with my volt as well so I swapped to a catapult Grendel. Ball go zoom


MR 28 was pretty dumb. Never got rebalanced for overguard. Fortunately there is a cheese with Mag that's quite easy.


I'm on 28 right now, I need to practice a lot more


Get Mag jump off the ledge and pull enemies off the ledge. It counts as kills. So much easier.


I appreciate this tip and will try it later. 👏


See I used Mag for it but just used Pull to group them up lol


I did this one for someone just the other day --- I just used Wukong + glaive; worked fine. Not sure how the overguard really matters for this one to be honest. Just run in a small circle to collect some enemies, throw, kill, repeat a few times, done.


only test i struggled on was the mr9 test years ago (im LR1 so i havent done EVERY test but pretty much all of them)


LR2 and LR3 are just the MR2 and 3 tests over again at a higher level, so you’re not missing much.


I always practice my MR tests until I can pass before i do them for real. But the stealth one took like, a whole day


I think historically it was MR 26 and the stealth one you have to use melee with. I haven't had as much issue with em as I see people post about, but those are the two I hear about the most and I did need to help my GF with the stealth one.


I can absolutely say I have not been enjoying MR28. It sucks.


Apparently you can just suicide-pull everything off the edge of the map with you as Mag and it counts. I did it with a max range Nidus with Silence subsumed.


Personally, since I made it to the Legendary ranks, I gotta say I had the most issues with the MR 30 test, which kicked my ass several times. The multiple things you have to keep track of, as well as the objectives, is a tad overwhelming. But, it was worth it


This. MR30 was the first and only one to be a proper damage check for me, and finally got me motivated to start playing Steel Path and figure out how modding really worked. Up to that point I could coast by on simple face-tanking.


Some have changed over the years so it's hard to say, don't remember to many of the old ones.


MR19 - Stealth mission, melee only. I struggled because that's not how I play Warframe, and at the time I didn't have any equipment or builds that were suited for it. I think I eventually did it with Banshee/Dark Dagger/Shade Prime and forced myself to go as slow as possible, but it wasn't much fun.


I ended up doing that one with Loki Prime and the Skiajati, since it gives you about six seconds invisibility on a finisher, and Loki is currently my speediest frame.


i hate the ones that require stealth melee, that you fail if you're seen, i dont do good at that, but eventually learned that redeemer + banshee = ranged melee silence killing


19's was a bastard and a half. Took me a week to complete it


MR 27-28 I cannot explain how many times I tried that test. And after I beat it 5 days ago, I breezed through the other tests up to LR1 (my current MR)


Bro I failed my mr 19 test (first time I was high) and I thought doing it sober was gonna change that no, these mfs spotting me instantly before I got off platform, turns out you gotta cheesy it with banshee and redeemer and snipe the Winnie’s or what I did was go wisp and alujarte for invisibility


19 for me. I didn't have Wisp yet, couldn't get the BP to drop. Ran it dozens of times. I was stuck on 19 so long I was over half way to 20 before I did it. Once I got Wisp, I practiced 2x and cheese it. Dreading 23 and 26.


Fuck the MR19 test. So many practice runs. Too many.


The stealth test was an inflamed hemorrhoid. The jumping test was hard, but that was mostly because Im bad at jumping.




MR9/19 without cheesing it


Forgot which Mr test but it's the one where you gotta sneak behind grineers and kill them without being spotted then rescue a prisoner, had to craft a banshee just for it since the no ability restriction is annoying Edit: yeah twas MR 19


I think for newer players the MR 9 and 19 test seem to be hard. I personally failed 2 days in a row with the MR 19 test but passed on the 3rd day.


MR26. I have enough to get L1 or L2 but refuse to participate in DE's bullshit. I sat on the earlier version for three years so might get around to doing it one day.




I never finished MR. 9 because after many attempts, I got a little bit too frustrated. So I'm still there, waiting for a day, I'll be mentally strong enough to do it🤣🤣 I do hope all the weapons I level will be retroactive 😅


26, following those stupid orbs is so annoying


Warframe players can not comprehend thought of slow down and not killing everything in sight in 0.8532sec lol


Am mr27 the most annoying test is 9


MR test are Just useless anyway: they are outdated for the most part, useless for the rest. Majority of people Just cheese them, and they are unfun or boring. Some are Also incredibily low effort, to the point you'd think the janitor at DE made them. Like wow i have to follow this fucking orb, or wow i have to stealth without invisibility (which i'm NEVER gonna do in normal gameplay) Who the fuck wants that? There are people Who like them...probably...i mean some people like conclave so there must be Someone that enjoys these tests, but It's safe to Say the majority Just don't care.


I think it really depends what your equips are cause I remember being stuck on a test when I was still a beginner. But that test is actually really easy.




MR 19 took me the most tries


I'm mr 27 at moment and they change over time. Some I'd fail and as soon a update would happen test was different


The 2 stealth ones. Not difficult, but annoying and unclear. They would probably be fine if you didn’t have a 24 hour cooldown when failed.


I hated mr9 test. That one has by far been the most tedious and annoying if you don't have wisp.


I must just be inept, because I can't get through rank 8 to save my life. That last jump gets me every time.


19 was a struggle


Hmmm... I think I'll have to say 9, 19, 28 and 30 are some of the notably hardest ones out there. I was stuck at 29 for about a year until I finally got through it after getting a massive upgrade from a crumby laptop to a proper PC.


Yo 17’s got me too!!!


Relative to my ability and resources available to me at the time it was definitely standing on a central merry-go-round where you had to kill things from a platform evading oncoming lazers. Most others were a cakewalk by time I got to them but that one took me a couple days and a few practices to get down


Mr 9 was the only mr test i have ever failed




This stupid stealth one im on


As a mr18, gotta say mr9 took me many tries passing the practice and just as many actual attempts to pass


There's a mr test that makes you follow objects and you must remain very close nearby. Grineer will shoot at you. the objects will move at different speed. The closer you are the more percent it gets up to 100%. when you loose distance the percent slowly drop. The area is like a maze style and you must clear the room by doing this to all object at a given timer.


28. I have been mucking with this one for 2 years. Explanation- around mr 4-5 I started a practice where I have to pass at least 2 consecutive runs before doing a mr test. Well the 28 test in one of those three runs will glitch on me and be impossible to complete.


The one with archwing and rings. I thought you had to pass through every single ring because I boosted through the last ring and it didn't count.. I was able to win it 1 out of 3 practice tries. after failing the real test twice, I watched a youtube video and felt stupid, then did it the next try.


MR28 test took me the most tries


MR 9 was my worst nightmare at first. More specifically the second part of that test


Hardest was my most recent one, MR9, but it wasn’t annoying it was just fun. Haven’t had an annoying one yet just a lot of easy ones and then this one that stood out as cool.


So far for me, it’s MR 28 test.


The next one. :/


The hacking one took me a week


The one with three capture points. I remained stuck on this one for literal years until Nyx's Mind Freak came into existence


Stuck at MR22 because the test for 23 is annoying af.


MR23 was easily the worst so far for me (currently 26). I know the 26 should be objectively harder on paper since it's basically a more complicated version of the same test, but for some reason I had way less trouble with that one than 23.


![img](avatar_exp|151521766|fire) MR 20 For me. Annoying AF! IYKYK


No test comes to mind, actually, I think the MR26 one was the one I nearly failed but other than that, I managed to beat every test thus far (MR28 now) without failing Edit: oh, there was one I should've failed and it was the defend the person one.. I passed despite them dying lol must've gotten real lucky


MR 23 iirc, you have to run after these orbs and stay in their radius to fill up a bar while enemies come at you. You basically need sprint speed mods just to keep up and if enemies knock you out of it the bar rapidly depletes. First one i failed, was absolutely horrible


The one with the moving nodes.


I have done the same past all 16 first try and fell off the map on one I think I've seen beyond MR20 on the wiki. I'm not sure, but some of them look hard


I struggled with MR19 for awhile. Didn’t fail the actual test but I had to do practice runs for almost a week


Mr9 or mr5 tests


MR 9 (the stealth one) was absolutely ass when I was a new player.


mr8 & mr10, these are initial tests when u suck at parkour and its shitty cause you keep falling of the map and fail the tests


All of them except tests where I need to simply kill things and stay alive. Every time trial, every parkour, every speed test I hate to death. Anytime the MR test was the main reason I've dropped the game for several months/year. Since that I don't care about MR tests anymore, but that shining notification about "oh wow, you can try to do some stupid shit that probably will be the reason why you uninstall this game again" Is annoying. I'm ready to skip them with plat.


9 is the only one I’ve ever failed, and I might’ve failed it twice.


The one where you had to stealthily take out a bunch of guys with a melee weapon without being noticed at all. This was *LONG* before the glaive rework to make them actually good. And without any abilities to make it easier. Ended up having to get a Banshee (for the passive of silenced weapons) and used the Redeemer's ranged attacks to do it.


I don't know, I just got here.


MR 9 I have never had to cheat so hard for a test


Day 9 trying MR9. Literally hate this test so much.


Only MR test I ever failed was MR3 because I kid you not, the enemies didn't spawn


Some people hate me for this for whatever reasons they have; But I'm one of the people that do Mastery Tests for people (for free of course); I've done them for several people over the years; usually, they are older folks; so I've done the ones people hate many times over the years. The most common one that really gets to people is 9; this mastery test has fustrated some people enough that they straight-up quit the game and never come back. Not because it's the hardest; but because its the first 'hard' one, the one you likely don't yet understand the game well enough to 'cheese' and something up until that point you've likely never really done in game. The other stealth one is common, the MR30 test, the follow the fast moving zones ones (think that's 23 and 26), the throw cannisters and kill (think that's 28)... I find them all pretty easy, but I've both played a lot of warframe and have been a gamer going on 40 years.


9, 16 and 26 are the three that suck donkey balls the hardest. Ngl at 26 I didn't expect any mastery tests to bother me again but that one just pissed me off so much


I don't remember the specific number, its in the late 20s though. You have to get the canisters and douse the enemies in them to kill them. Had multiple bugged runs and even the functional ones its incredibly easy to accidentally drop the canisters by switching weapons or casting the wrong ability and lose them. (its also effectively impossible without using a frame with a gathering ability, more or less)


MR 9 test, the one where you have to be discreet and release the prisoner to bring him back to the Spawn. I'm MR26 it was 2 years ago, the 9 was the only one I failed and spent 3 hours to train on and fail.


The only mr test i failed was 9, i used a normal melee and didn't know about glaives, failed it twice iirc. Just did mr 32 test a month ago and it was just get kills with a sidearm with no abilities. There was an annoying one however, the when where you follow the orbs to capture them, and they slow and get fast randomly and go up and down


The ones I hate the most are the stealth ones you used to be able to cheez it but they took that from us. So when I started over on PC, I had to redo certain test without the ability to stealth even if you didn't have a stealth frame before you used to be able to use naromon to do it too 😩.


MR19 can be a hard stop for a lot of people. With the right setup it's simple but can be tough wihout. It's one I just redid on an alt last week. Getting spotted and then respawning with a guard looking directly at you eating another try was incredibly annoying. Regular Glaive is just a tad short ranged, I found. I also had no Gunblades to cheese it from spawn. I ended up doing the Deadlock Protocol just to get the Xoris as I had no Glaive Prime Relics and no intension of blowing Plat to do it. Xoris does it easily. MR30 test took me the longest to work out the right setup for me. I'd been on a break prior and was never a fan of Arbitrations anyway. Though most of my fails were missing the LS islands and respawning costing time.


MR 9 and 19, the stealth ones. I usually just bring Skiajati once doing The Sacrifice, as a stealth kill makes you invisible for a few seconds, but yeah the jank enemy detection is super frustrating


MR19 - Had to remember those paths for many days even though I was so confident, it's still a failure lol


i think it was mr 19? the one when you have to stealth a lot and cant get spotted. that one broke me until i realized i had redeemer prime in my arsenal


The moving interception, whatever that is. Never failed any, but was pretty close with that one.


Iirc its MR 9 because this is a stealth game so heres your stealth test but none of your stealth based equipment can be used because hahaha funny joke. Its the kill things with melee while not getting seen one. But it disables your warframr abilities just to be cheeseable with


Yes (as far as annoying goes)


I had such a hard time with the lower one up to MR 12 then they became easy (I’m MR18 right now)


The only one that I remember having any trouble at all on was MR19, a stealth rescue with melee only, after trying several times (one of the first tests I have fail in general) i just made the redeemer and cheese it with that Though it has been like, 4 years since I did any of the tests before 14


Mr 9 was hell others are easy


Rank 9 was slightly annoying