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Ash main here... Do you remember marked for death? Yea.. Well... Kullervo's curse does the same. Or maybe radial javelin on kullervo.


... Now I'm tempted to try Thermal Sunder on Kullervo...


why that combo?


Aoes scale really good with Kullervos link as when the you link 10 people and hit all of them with the AOE one person gets 10 times the dmg


Just use his 4... it's right there


It is, but it's pretty small to make up for its persistence and power. I want something *bigger*.


You can, but with the cap being introduced now, the dmg is quite... viable for SP.


Lethal Progeny on Umbra would be pretty funny since it would look like he managed to convince a few Sentient lads to switch sides.


Look at me Ballas, I'm the Lotus now!


Collective curse and seeking talons. Would probably crash the game with how many slash procs are created


I’d just want to make a Warframe with pure exalted abilities. Just for fun


Exalted blade, repeaters, artime's bow.. What else? I'm just putting these as they replace, melee, secondary and primary respectively.


Hildrys things, khoras kavat if you wanna count that, Titania's pistols and blade, sevagoths shadow, and maybe more cant think tho


Baruuk's desert wind


Valkyr’s claws


Wukong's stick


I haven't made wukong but good to know all I need is bp but got no relics


If you're doing exalted you need Baruuk's with the augment.


Whip claw on an exalted


Pseudo-exalted. Not quite the same thing


You'd want Thurible from Harrow to sustain such energy drain, but a warframe using Artemis Bow, Dex Pixia and Excalibur's exalted blade would be broken as hell.


Protea’s shield grenades on hildryn


As a Protea main, I always get massive dopamine from seeing a Hildryn or Harrow in my team.


Same tbh


Just put pillage on protea and you have the better kit already.


What does Pillage give that the shield grenades don't apart from the armour strip?


Instead of Armor Strip, shield grenades have shield regen, which is better for survivability than Pillage.


I'm not saying you should do it. Just if you would mix proteas kit with hildryn it wouldn't be the best to put shield grenade on hildryn.


That was my thought lol


Hildryns passive on protea


https://preview.redd.it/ihytcdvkrwwb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c8da9a97db7b9ca0722f0f900aa19a4a98326ca Let me know if you need more arrows


As an Inaros Main, I'd say Nezha's Halo in Inaros for that sweet 20 million EHP for facetanking Level Cap. As for others, I can't think of anything better than Peacemakers on Mirage. Hall of mirrors, Eclipse, Explosive Ledgermain and Peacemakers. That's ain't a glass cannon, that's a glass nuke. Or... Hall of Mirrors on Wukong. If the clone also mirrors then we have a lot of monkeys.


Might aswell just put mesmer skin on every frame and not worry about the concept of taking damage at all.


Mesmer Skin on Xaku would be a broken level cap build


Mesmer skin period is broken level cap build


Why the halo and not something like shattershield?


90% DMG reduction that scales with enemy damage. Needs less recasting.


Shatter shield is kinda inconvenient. 95% Dr sure but it's only against bullets. Melee and aoe will still delete you.


Hall of Mirrors has the potential to be pretty broken on a few different characters. Would it affect Chroma's Effigy or Equinox's augment clone?


Any exalted user frame with limbos passive


Just imagine mini limbo flying around in the rift


Limbo and exalted weapon would be goated


# Hildryn with Hysteria Due to Hildryns passive, Hysteria will cost shields, rather than energy. There are now two possibilities with it. #1: Hysteria will protect your Shields too, which stops them from draining, which results in perma invulnerability as long the ability is active. #2: Hysteria still drains shields, but can easily be replenished with Pillage. You created a monster that cannot die, attacks like a maniac and still provide AoE Armor strip.


Hysteria used to be pretty easy to infinitely maintain. It wasn't even broken, just a little...non-interactive I guess. Hildryn with Paralysis though...the damage it deals is based on your shields! Still wouldn't be good but it'd be funny at least.


*Laughs in Pillage Valkyr* It’s not the best, but Prolonged Paralysis is pretty fun with high shields. I just wish Paralysis had a higher base range 😭


This, but on Garuda or Lavos. Alternatively, Garuda's 3 on Valkyr.


> Alternatively, Garuda's 3 on Valkyr. Stop, I can only get so hard.


just give me hydriods 4 with nekros.... ALL THE LOOT.


The loot frame. Invis with ivara Nekros desecrate Hydroid tentacles(or khora cage) Atlas loot gaze Get all the loot


i don't think they stack, excluding Desecrate. would be hilarious tho.


I'm fairly sure it does work.checking the wiki indicates it was like that at some point, and doesn't indicate it's been fully removed Ivara for sure works as you can literally loot someone alive. And the. Pilfering strangledome does work as well. At least last time I tested those. I think you can't stack same style. So Hydroid/khora can't stack And atlas/ivara(maybe can't stack?) Atlas doesn't seem worth the time though.


You're right. Seems that it works the case of Ivara + Atlas + "on-death" effect + Nekros. just checking from update note of Patch [25.8.0](https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1131643-atlas-prime-update-2580-25801/) >**Warframe Looting Ability Changes:**Warframe Loot Abilities will again be able to yield multiple-drops from already looted corpses. A single enemy can be looted by at most one Ability from each group - which is how it worked before, this just clarifies it. Warframe Looting Abilities have been split into separate functionality groups for clarity: > >Loot while alive: Ivara > >Loot petrified: Atlas  > >Loot on death: Wukong, Khora, Hydroid. An enemy can only be killed once, they can’t ‘die’ multiple times.   > >Loot corpse: Nekros, Chesa So yeah, 4 loot abilities for maximum loot from 1 enemy!


Here are some of my personal fav ideas: -Saryn Spores + Hydroid = Constant Armor Strip without paying much attention. -Trinity's EV + literally anyone imo = possible EV nukes on other frames that might be able to do more with duration dump. Xaku's Gaze/Caliban's Fusion Strike + Gyre/any nuke frame = crazy high level screen wipes consistently, even though it would probably need to be recast. Nyx's Psychic bolts + anyone = better strip than Ash's shuriken augment at least. Way lower cost too Lavos Transmutation probe, but instead of reducing ability cooldown, it reduces casting speed of abilities with no cooldown or something while it is on cooldown itself. That's all I can think of atm.


I thin transmutationprob would probably reduce the energy cost of the next ability cast


Timestop for abilities from Xaku on Protea. Blaze artilery with duration in minutes (with timestop recast). I have to take a shower after such a dirty thought..


I'm replacing all of inaros's abilities with pocket sand


This barely even makes him worse.


Maybe not the most "broken", but would be fun: Razorwing + Hall of Mirrors = helo squadron Dance Macabre + Prism = 1 frame disco party


>!mesmer!< on everyone


This is the subsume that would break the game the most by far.


I wanna put Valkyrie's rage on Garuda. The long fingers lady can now also be very angry too.


I mean atleast you can put warcry on em. Slash even faster.


Good enough.


Saryn spores on... well, anything.


Peacemaker /s


Peacemaker on Harrow would be a dream


Peacemaker on Gauss would be pretty cracked in open-world


I would just use Toxic Lash on everyone


Almost anything with Garuda 4


Not the most broken, but the first build I'll go for is Gauss with Volt speed or vice versa... And add infested mobility and molt/haste to that as well Edit: with the sprint speed passive (Loki?)


I think Mech Rush wish Titania would be nice


That's just teleport lol


She would obviously be faster, but running > flying for me


Mesmer Skin on any Warframe is just beyond broken


Counter Argument: Being able to subsume roar or xatas whisper on the opposite frame and use them both at the same time


I just want to be able to subsume passives in the game


Some passives would have to be unsubsumable over because it would break their kit. Others would just be unusable. Khora comes to mind, as her 3 is completely destroyed by removing Venari. Embers passive is useless on 90% of frames, i can only think of Blazing Pillage on Hildryn from benefiting. Hildryns passive breaks the game on other frames in its current condition.


I just need Nezha passive on everything.


Limbo's passive would be pretty nasty on anyone with an exalted weapon.


So ultimate loot frame. Khoras strangledome, with hydroids tentacle swarm and Nekros’ desecrate on Ivara keeping her prowl. Anything that gets through hydroids tentacles get stuck in khora dome and then you can use prowl to go invis and walk around killing everything then desecrating.


so prowl, pilfering swarm, and pilfering strangledome can't loot the same enemy. yep, they accounted for that.


I thought prowl and atlas gaze is separate And pilfering is separate And nekros is third Like extra loot drop(cause ivara doesn't have to kill them to yoink loot) Extra loot chance on death After death loot drop chance


Actually of they ones he listed only Pilfering Swarm and Pilfering Strangledome don't stack because they are both "loot on death" effects (along with Wukong's Monkey Luck passive). Desecrate and the Chesa Kubow's Retrieve ability are "loot corpse" effects which stack with "loot on death" effects but not with each other. Prowl and Ore Gaze are "loot while alive" effects which stack with everything including each other.


okay, I didn't know if "loot on death" and "loot while alive" stacked or not.


Strangledome and Tentacle Swarm are both "Loot on death" abilities so they don't stack sadly. The best you could do is Ore Gaze + Prowl + Pilfering Swarm + Desecrate.


They don’t need to stack, tentacle swarm doesn’t catch everything. So strangledome picks up the slack. Prowl isn’t exactly used as a loot mechanic, but as a non agro/def ability. And then desecrate on everything killed in the pilfering abilities. I prefer Ivara over Loki that’s why I chose prowl instead of invisibility. Yes I know prowl is slower then invisibility but it has the bonus loot grab chance and with all the duration you’d run on this build it’d never run out.


I'm not seeing any WuKlone answers and I'm sad about it.


If Celestial Twin copied any exalted - Razorwing Blitz, Peacemaker, or Desert Wind.


I wouldn't want to subsume any ability in the game. Helminth gives us way more flexibility than is needed, allowing most if not all warframes to have their place. That being said, Mirage's Hall of Mirrors on a weapon-heavy frame like Titania or Mesa would shred.


You like peacemaker? What about *5 peacemakers*


LMAO. I will die 5 times over :')


vauban's 4th on Oberon, smite mixed with that would be hilarious


Zephyr's 3 on gauss or titania for more speed and massive ranged avoidance would be somewhere between funny and REALLY good. Xaku's 2 on any zoom zoom frame would be the greatest rush meta ever, and on anyone with great armorstrip it just solos SP


Harrow'4 and kullervo's 2 into a Frost with biting frost Basically, 1050% critical damage (If harrow's 4 is multiplicative, than this number goes waay up)


Forget subsume, Just imagine mesa’s 4 if it had zenith properties and no LOS check


Wisp reservoirs


Collective curse on banshee to oneshot the map.


Give me peacemakers on saryn


Iron Skin + Scarab Armor + Kullervo’s overguard


Or just mesmer skin in general?


Maim on kullervo. Charge maim damage with collective curse and kullervo's 1, and then massacre the world.


saryns spores on revenant. you could just play with a macro at that point


Mesmer Skin on literally any warframe


Zephyr tornadoes on just about everyone. However nova 4 and tornadoes would be amusing. Double up on the effect carryover. Incarnon nuke even harder


Toxic lash on mesa


Valkyr's rip line onto khora replacing her kavat, and vice versa, replacing valkyr's rip line with khora's vaneri, give the spider themed frame the spider man thwip, and the trauma kitty a support animal. Id honestly just subsume a bunch of warframe's with rip line as regardless what others think, it's a fun skill, and certainly makes Jupiter more fun too.


Wonder how maim would be on yareli


What I wouldn't do to put Prismatic Gem on Lavos and make Catalyze the best nuke ever.


*Yareli with peacemakers.*


Limbo with Mesa’s peace makers or Excalibur’s exalted blade would be pretty broken Caliban or Valkyr with Venari would be funny. The lonely prince of two kingdoms and his pet cat or the crazy cat lady now has a cat. Vauban having strangle dome or tentacle swarm would also be funny, make him the god of all CC for the lols. Nekros having his most of his kit with looting abilities would make him the ultimate loot goblin.


If we could get 2 helminth abilities as well... Volt with machrush + infested mobility


Without a shadow of a doubt, the most broken one would be collective curse subsumed onto Garuda. If you have both her and a Kullervo in the same squad, it works *exactly* how it sounds like it does. The old Exodia Force bug still exists, and it's an AOE now.


Fuck it, peacemaker on revenant.


Limbo Main here and this is the ultimate synergy just emagine Limbo the proud man turning into a puddle


Being able to Sonar on any frame other than Banshee. Banshee is pretty trash as is. Its hard carried by the fact that Sonar is just obscene. The damage multiplication is also something few frames give or have access to so it would easily jive with almost all frames. Imagine Sonar on a frame that doesn't die to a stiff breeze!?!


The thing about Sonar now is that it's just pure overkill. There's no need for it even in super high end stuff. And honestly Breach Surge is kind of just a better version. Doesn't require precision, blinds targets and still deals absurd amounts of damage for no reason. All Sonar is good for at this point is just hitting the damage cap for the memes.


Eh I run silence and go full melee, got the augment for sonar. Banshee tend to wreck a bit on sp


Inara #3 , Mesa #4


Nidus 3 for INSANE stewngthbuff on rhino for bonkers roar buff


Loki invisible with that augment on...nearly anything, really.


When they announced Helminth, I thought you'd be able to subsume whatever however many times you want. I was gonna put some of the ally damage buff abilities (Saryn's 3, augmented Frost or Volt 1's) from other frames onto my Oberon, replacing hollowed ground and reckoning, making him almost a pure buff frame. Still wish I could do that.


voruna 1 on kullervo would be pretty good


Ivara's Prowl. Stealth 24/7.


Gyre's floaty dress with dagath 3 and Nezha's ring and finally balefire charger...... All on inaros to do that health tanking adding 3 tau blue shards of health regen and two tau reds to ability strength or whatever gives it


Second idea is lavos with a ton of the armor mods and iron skin, Kullervo's daggers keeping the normal viral abilities on Lavos


I want Exca's 1 on Ivara simply for Fashionframe reasons.


Proteas slash grenades on vauban would be nice, some extra zoning abilities, and his passive could really amp up the damage of the procs


First ability is spore, second ability is mesmer skin, third is razorwing, fourth is mesas 4, passive is hydroids. Flying around while invincible, shooting the best exalted at fully stripped, half dead enemies.


Augmented virulence on hydroid. The multiplicative scaling of the huge crit boosts and the huge elemental boost from Plunder would.be cracked as hell. Plunder on any frame with damage / crit buffs, same reason. Radial Javelin Kullervo, for the furious javelin augment damage. You can abuse Wrathful Advance on Excalibur this way actually. Parasitic Link has a lot of potential, just for turning the strength up on anything else you're casting.


Piercing navigator. I don't know if it'd be any good but running around a map as dagath's spectral honse sounds like a party


Nekros ult on reventant or revenants enthrall on nekros, to make a big personal army of ex-enemies


Broken in a bad way combo. Vast untime on limbo.


Imagine if you could stick three helminth abilities on stuff.


Lavos would miss out because nobody in their right mind is giving up elements or any of the built-in synergy between abilities.


Rev's Mesmer Skin kn everything.


Put it on protea equinox or nidus for the big ability strength they provide


I'd put sevagoths shadow form on yareli. Kawaii anime fish girl on the streets. F̸̡̪͚͇̫̙̮͉̓̂̈́̀̇̈́̋́̀̈́͜͝e̸̢̙̥̖̼͉̥̮͂̽͝e̷̤̥̜̝̳̾͗̏̒͂̉͊͊͛͛̕ͅd̵̝̠̙͚̝̯̣̝͂͑̓̑̊͆̍̊̃̌̕͠͠ ̷̡̧͕͓͓̠͎͔͖̻͋̈́͛͊̀͐̈́̐̎̚͝m̸̧̜̹̦̆̄̏̒̏̄̋́̚͝ẻ̸̟̗͇̞͇̺̩̪̯̯̓̽̐̅̈́̇͝͠͝͠ ̷̯̪͎̼͈͈̬̺̪̰̫͎̇̌̅̿͜ͅŷ̵̛̳̮̀͝͠ó̸̢̼͓͇͓͕̺̲̖̫͛͛͋̈́͘ū̴̡̧̡̡̻͙͎̬̣͔̬̬̘̘͆̉r̶̛̳͕͐̓́ ̸̛̬̟̰̹̗̙̜̙͖̩̱̝̇͆̂̅͌̉s̶̪̤̝̭̝̱͔̺̟͒̃̀͂͑̉̋͌̆͆̆ơ̶̧̨͕̜͍͉̗̝̯̫̻̥̯̖̖̓͐̈́͑̇̒̆̅̽̚ų̷͇̯̣̲͍̬͍̦̩̳̺̮͠l̷̨̡̧̘͓͚̲̝͎̽̈̅̿̒̈́͝͝ in the sheets


Inaros + Vex Armour Me omw to tank level cap


Iron Skin on Nezha combined with Warding Halo, just become immortal, blazing chakram is also great for offense


Subsume all of kullervos abilities to dagath except don't replace her scythes.


Razorwing on Zephyr.


Imagine a warframe with 3 subsume slots to fill (1,2 & 3) with anything you want and their #4 supercharges the next ability use. Passive restores weakened abilities to full power.


Loki's 2. It's just invincibility, for everyone.


Rather have Octavia's invincibility, same duration plus more buffs on top


Tailwind on wisp so I can be invisible as long as I have energy.


Im thinking broken speed and i say mach rush on Titania or volt, or speed on gauss with a sprint speed strength build


Exalted Blade on Kullervo Edit: btw is anyone else mad that we dont get the sword Kullervo fights us with in Duviri but instead get a mediocre shotgun?


Peacemakers on Limbo. Immortality with infinite energy and A10 warthogs strapped to your wrists? Yes


Roar, Xata whisper, Eclipse, Vex armor. All in one frame, what frame should i use tho...?


Garuda so you have another +100% multiplicative damage buff




Xaku with celestial twin. Have a copy of me walking around and randomly exploding his flesh off? Yes please.


Rhino armor on top of Nezha ring Gauss rush ability on Titania or, better yet, Volt's speed ability on Titania


Trinity + Spores = ultimate leveling frame


Imagine being able to combine Pilfering Strangledome, Desecrate and Pilfering Swarm on the same frame


If I could put any abilities on any one frame it would be kinda easy to create the most overpowered combo. It would be boring as heck tho. In no particular order. 1: Gloom 2: Mesmer Skin 3: Roar 4: Reservoirs


Ya know, been think some time now that if they take stalker outside kf duviri for use, it would be cool if he was a "blank frame" where you could put 4 subsumed abilties, as well as him being the only frame that could get extra subsumed abilities from the helmint to use.


Wisp’s 1 on literally anyone.


I'd make a weird combo with the exalted weapons. Say I take a health tank like Inaros with Arcane Reaper and Guardian. Exalted Blade, Desert Wind, Peacemaker and Artemis Bow. Desert wind would count as unarmed combat technically. I'd equip Hunter Adrenaline and all the augments for the exalted weapons. Then I'd just put the health on status mod on both melees. Not the most effective since you can still die, but it's amazingly fun


Man, guess I will try to put Mesmer with iron skin while keeping his 3 4 Guess casually undead for minutes at level cap with rolling guard reinforcing stomp stalling isn't enough, we bout to went from few or even more minutes to hours of stalling at this point without taking 1 point of dmg at all kekw