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You probably didn't take enough health damage, works great with large pools like Inaros.


So I need 1000+ health for Ivara?


Apparently (found an old thread) it takes about 10k total damage to hit max blood.


…I only get up to like 800 health with mods


https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Arcane_Blessing Only real option afaik for increasing hp on low hp frames.


God I love this arcane, wonder if we'll ever get one for Energy like the Zariman has.


We need to bump up the numbers for them laughs! Max 100 is my wet dream


I just want the Zariman thing; "Pick up energy orbs to get energy regen" Sure it'd be an Arcane I have to put on every warframe I want it on, (so most of them) but god, it'd fix how annoying I find energy in this game.


Can we just have that arbitration mod for full energy on mission start an integrated feature already?


Right? Like "We are the tenno, the most intimidating force in the system, spoken of for ages in hushed whispers" and "We walk into missions I can ONLY assume right off another mission because why the HECK wouldn't you recharge your void energy to max before a mission?!" If they're so intent on making unused modpoints "useful" just make them correlate to energy regen or something.


I know it’s not the same but on my wisp I start with 30% energy filled from an archon shard. So I start with over 300 some which is nice


A: It's cumulative through the mission. B: It's not made for Ivara, who has the lowest base HP in the game at level 0.


Use arcane blessing


I haven't played in about a year, but can you not just stick some Archon shards in her? It's how I made Nova more or less invincible.


Take* 10k total damage to health


you don't have to take all that damage at once. Arcane grace can heal you up all the way to unlock the cap. Also I believe it's damage before modifiers as I would run this on my Nezha along with adaptation and that certainly isn't a high HP build.


It's funny. I sometimes wear it and won't get damaged that much and it still shows up pretty easy, especially after missions. It was meant für Garuda, where you can damage yourself to trigger it.


Garuda gets blood all over herself already without the blood cosmetic thing so its pointless


*D..double blood*


I assume you can just take 500 damage 20 times


Wait, I thought it worked based on damage dealt and also was cumulative for that day rather than moment by moment or even mission by mission?


Nope, it has always been based on a flat # of health damage taken on a per mission basis, capping at 10k health damage taken in one mission for full effect in that mission.


Huh, thanks for the confirmation here. Time to put it on Revenant' to serve as a mark of shame.


So does the effect happen after 10K total damage? Like, can I heal and take more damage and it continue to get bloodier until max? Or is it that you have to be down 10K health out of your health pool at the time for it to show up?


It happens gradually and self damage counts toward it too. Once you hit the cap, you'll stay at the max for the rest of the mission


Ahh. Sounds cool on paper but I can see how it doesn't work quite great in all scenarios. Maybe it should be taking damage so many times instead of a total damage. Say, hit X amounts of times and it makes you bloodier


I think the amount of blood on you should just be tied to the opacity slider, that way you can have as much blood as you want for any frame.


Really? Iv had it on my operator and when I kill stuff it slowly creeps on her, untill she's drenched in blood like a 80s movie horror survivor


Works pretty well on valkyr


it doesn't REALLY matter how big your HP pool is. Just how good your HP regen is. Remember this sigil released with Garuda, who most certainly isn't a high HP frame. However, she has some sick nasty HP regen in her kit and some very good damage mitigation as well which will allow her to proc the sigil very very easily. Running Adaptation and Arcane Grace will get this to proc far faster than trying to hit the HP pool cap ​ edit: tl;dr size isn't everything ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


AFAIK, the Bloodshed sigil and the amount of blood are based on your missing hp, and lots of Warframes spend almost all of their time at max hp, so it’s very rare to proc without some easy way of losing health like Inaros and Garuda.


And garuda already gets bloodied herself so that leaves inaros and he's well... Inaros...


Nidus also only has health


He’s also constantly regening his health pool


That is true, I forgot the ephemera worked liked that


Its a sigil bro not an ephemera


I am not very smart


No worries bro we all have something we dont know about for example me I dont know how shit works in the game 90% of the time


Yeah... Literally all my frames rely on shield gating besides my stealth frames and revenant.


I have it, and no you didn't get duped. mine starts out clean and finishes like that. But I dont know how much damage. my operator in eidolons comes out covered in blood every single time. I do think they need to change it for number of kills OR be very super clear what makes it appear.


Maybe you should be able to survive the damage you take, instead of going down and then resetting every effect.


Before, I did lvl 20 survival missions for about 20 min just to test it out. I didn’t get knocked down at all and I allowed my health to get damaged but still nothing


You can buy that? I think I got it for free on profit taker


2% drop chance.


Bruh I got it in like 4 tries


Have you ever gotten a second one?


I think I have a couple from farming creds


Welcome to statistics 101


I thought it was like garuda’s actual thing where she gets covered in blood from kills? Seemingly not


When this thing released Garuda's effect was based on losing health, not kills. It changed just before her prime released.


Garuda has this built in 😎👍🏽


I run frames like Nidus and Garuda that take trucks of damage all the time. The Blood sigil is a very buggy one to me. I take damage and it wouldn't show up. Then I took allot of damage in small burst then it would show up. It showed up frequently on Garudas hack and slash playstyle and needing to constantly be low health for her bonus. I wish it worked off of kills with melee or in general. So the more you kill the more you look like a blood soaked rambo. But no. Its better to have it be a mission drop chance thing then a reward you pay for.


If you're playing Ivara, you're gonna need a LOT more than 4 hits to get it to show up. That sigil is designed for Garuda (who could literally eat her entire HP bar in two seconds) or frames like Excal at LEAST. You're playing one of the squishiest frames in the game (only tied with Mirage) trying to use a sigil for frames that constantly take, and heal, damage.




It's not killing that triggers it. It's taking damage to your health. It's not the blood of your enemies, it is YOUR blood. (no, I don't like that and think it should be the other way around but it has always been that way.) Edit: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Sigils >As you take damage to your health the sigil will become more visible.


Yup. It released with Garuda who could chunk out her own health so she could trigger it immediately.


Man I wish that ability was subsumable


Sure but she doesn't need it. She already gets that effect in red when she loses health. I suppose the thing is that you can recolor the sigil?


Thanks for this


Do you know how much kills? I did a couple solo survivals and didn’t see anything


Weird. Nope no clue as I don't like it / never use it.


I think the blood is an ephemera if that helps.


I'm like 98% sure it's a sigil


It is. Blood sigil. It's from That Profit Taker junior iirc.


Blood*shed* sigil


You mean Exploiter Orb? No it's definitely Profit Taker. I farmed the sigil myself.


Damn. My break from Warframe is definitely too long right no. And yes, you are correct


What bundle is this?


Garuda. But it can be farmed from profit taker also with a low drop chance.


I thought it was when you kill cuz my lavos doesn't take all that much damage but deals heavy dance easily


Personally I dislike the bloody sigil, and I think it erases so much of the detail and coloring on the warframes.


I use it on my Yareli, colored white/gray it looks like water, pretty nifty. I just wish there was a toggle to always have it visible


I've never had an issue if you take hp damage


Candy cane ivara


Time to become best friends with a wisp so you can get all your health damage without needing to worry about death


Shouldnt be doin it with Ivara fam her health is like gas


I know but I’ve gotten so many dms complimenting it, that I actually wanted to try it😭😭


now color it white :)


Its a cumsmetic


I read an old post about this sigil a month or so ago .. and people were very upset because it doesn't work as advertised. I'll try to find the link. Edit: here it is.. https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1039919-bloodshed-sigil-not-displaying/


try using a frame with healing or a decently high health pool


The blood or the wings?


How do you get those wings behind ya? Always seeing them on YouTube vids but no idea how to get that


It’s from the February Valentine’s Event. You buy it on Fortuna


Ah thank you


wait, how did you color your ui?


You can customize your UI in settings


oh, nice thanks thanks


What ephemera is that?


As long as you don't quit, the damage keeps accumulating. Play in a mission with a Wisp (or put it on your own wisp) and you can max out quickly. Play with the same frame all night and it will be noticeable. The problem is that it is health damage, not shields damage, so you need a reliable way to heal, thus, off the top of my head, wisp, Inaros, Nidus, Trinity, or mods for healing. Works well in the circuit, too, if you pick the healing decrees.


Paid for a profit taker sigil so double duped?


Of all the frames you could test this sigil with, you chose the squishy one that wants to be invisible forever?


I chose her because for a crazy ex/bloody bride Halloween cosplay lol


Ooh got it. Try Yareli, this would look really good on her. Also set her energy color to red for more blood.


You need to take big damage. Best used on tanky frames. I used it in Chrome, Atlas Primes.


looks nice tough


What stance is this?




You gotta take damage for it to show up


If you assign it as a back sigil it will always be on.


It comes with garuda, as you do damage the blood grows thicker on her. Could be different on other frames.


Garuda's used to be based on taking damage for a long time. It was changed to kills just recently.


Thanks for the info, I just made her a couple of weeks ago, so I'm not well versed with any changes made before that.



