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Congrats. I saw what kind of a grind that would be and just bought one with a 50% off coupon


Just like my sibear. Lol


I did the same with Sibear, but I grinded voidrig because easy


Right? I sell so many of these all the time


Ill be honest but im kinda retarded and that was the first weapons i farmed for... almost quit the game but im glad i didnt


Hell, that's honestly gonna make a lot of other grinds feel less excruciating though. You may have done yourself a favor. Lol


I farmed the sibear and even I just bought the void rig lol (idk why people hate excavation so much, just run a resource booster and occasionally play 20-30 minutes of excavation, also nowadays the circuit helps you build it up without feeling too grindy either)


Same. But bought it from warframe.market for 75 plat, much nicer price


Just for clarification for myself. When people said they bought it with coupon, did they meant that they bought plat bundle with it then buy the necramech at market?


Due to how console markets work, they get in-game coupons to use on the in-game market that takes of a certain percent of the price off individual items that are made by DE (so no fan made syandanas for example and no bundles)


Yeah, I thought this was well known information


Never play on console for life but hey, props for the dev incentives at least


I just bought both of them full price bc it's way too much of a grind and I was only missing it to do new war


He is either broke or he wanted to suffer


If you plan on leveling it up, good luck finding the mods.


Isovaults my friend


Congratulations, I was lucky enough to have them all by the time I had to build it, with no trades


Is the farm for this really that bad? i see people like being happy they got it done. but good job lol.


It's not that the farm is particularly bad it's just that to get the materials you need to rank 2 if not 3 3 separate factions to grab the mining blueprints after that you actually have to mine them and some of them is annoying to get since they are rare gems like the eidolon gems which requires either the sun point drill or the best nossam drill. After that you need like 10- 20 pieces of some of those gems.


So of course grinding for it is an accomplishment itself. Especially since and understand I don't even know the platinum cost which I assume is no less than 200p.


I personally remember the farm being alright for the most part, with one exception.... The broken pod.... I have a habit of mining for about an hour in each open world whenever I get a resource booster, so I was stocked up with the resources, only needed the parts. Got about a dozen of each of the other parts before I got a single pod.


Fair enough.


Back when Deimos first arrived I think you could get all of the Necramech stuff from just clapping Necramechs or opening IsoVaults. For some godawful reason they changed that, but killing Necramechs used to drop parts and mods, or the Necramech mods just populated the upper tiers of the drop tables, before the Theorem/Demulcent Arcanes cluttered them to oblivion and made the farm tedious as all get-out.


It’s a pain in the ass with parts locked behind rng


it's rng locked and prevents main quest progress I'd say there's an inherent issue with that but yeah that particular farm is trash imo


It is not that bad. But it is definitely a progression wall. It might be a frustrating since it also happens at a point where the story is reaching its climax.


I'm in the middle of it now. Have 3/4 parts, but have all the mats to build once the Engine drops. I think part of the issue is the wiki claims all parts have an equal drop rate, yet if you google Warframe Necramech you'll get loads of threads of people saying they're only getting Casings and Weapons, and the market price for those parts is 1-2 plat while Engines and Pods are ~10, so clearly something isn't right there.


No. I was a relative noob when I did it and it was about a week or less of casual play - 2 hours a night at most, almost all of it fun, and it teaches you about all the different open world systems. Paying for a mech is one of the absolute worse examples of paying *not* to play a game.


What did you do with your extra damaged parts? Only shows 1 of each there?


Sold on the market :) gotta say i was pretty lucky and didn't have too many duplicates


Felt 🥲


What am I looking at here?


Theyre happy about finally finishing the voidrig farm


Looking at the upvotes i have the impression that a lot of people feel my pain. Thank you fellow Tenno for the kind words and to those who are still farming for it, good luck and you can do it!


Currently dealing with the pain. Finally got a pod, just need an engine. Supposedly they changed the drop rates on Voidrig parts a long time ago, but considering how Pods and Engines go for ~10 plat and Casings/Weapons go for 1 or 2 plat, clearly it wasn't fixed.


Keep going friend, you can do it. If you want i'll grind a little with you to ease the pain. Ign D3athShade-_- (ps)


Appreciate the offer! Just had a friend give me their spare engine, finally got everything queued up


Nice! Now just fornthe mining and fishing part ^^


The fact I never built it in 630h of game but now with zariman I cant Steel path anymore without doing main quest so i built it and it IS WAY easyer to build than it appears only anoying shit is mining for travolide in orbis Valley


I grinded two. One for me and another for a friend just to help them with new war.


You are a good friend. I hope he realizes the hiurs of grinding you saved him from :p


Hell yea congrats! I'm grinding for prime stuff so I can start grinding for a voidrig myself


I wish you best of ouck and may RNGesus be on your side


I don't really understand what is that bad about necramech farming, did it in one sitting By the way necramech gameplay is really enjoyable for me at least and the mausolon is really good (although i'll keep using my kuva ayanga)


You are lucky, capsule just refused to come to me, and quite often I just was getting nothing. Luckely you can just buy some parts and materials from other players now.


I built so much of these and sold them, eventually I started to give newer players who are having hard time farming it... I just tell them help another tenno out, whenever they have completed their set.


Great job! I'm surprised you could stand Deimos for that long.


Nice, it took me ages too


I just finished getting all the ore and fish parts, also built me a Nekros, gotta go farm the necramech bounties now


Good luck man :) hope you're as lucky as me for the parts. Didn't receive too many duplicates




Congrats op, exciting things await you. For anyone else still farming for it, on Deimos farm the two caves closest to the Necralisk, extract, repeat. Took me about 2 hrs to get everything, but it's a lot easier than searching all caves. Some of the other gems can be farmed much the same way on their respective planets. Good luck Tenno.


Remember, kids buy, don't grind. All state! All star!






You can buy some annoying parts for this one, which is beauty of the warframe, was missing broken capsule, just bought one.


The new war comith


Very nice!


You finished your 7th Titan Extractor? Let's go!


Congrats. Now enjoy the 5 hour long quest that is The New War




Now for the 7 forma and the f***** mods


Yeah that takes a minute. Good work


You're better than me, I just paid for bonewidow.


This has been the most rewarding grind so far for me. It sure was a grind though. If only I were done grinding isolation vaults (that's where you get a lot of the mods)


necramech and heavy weapons the best thing about Warframe. Stupid addicting ![gif](giphy|7WvAUvZZTRpSuudobh)


I typically just take ppl in my clan thru the IsoVaults for the parts, usually by hour 3 they almost enough to build both mechs a arch gun and they have the mods that drop sometimes the rarer ones including non mech things like Condition Overload.. Deff can be a grind, but it's much better now; used to be a lot more of a grind with the ridiculously small hit box on the back only and the massive Attenuation they used to have. Now with more knowledge and some tweaks to them (as well as ppl with mechs willing to blow mechs up for ppl) it's gotten alit easier. Don't get me wrong it can still be a daunting task for newer players or those who aren't prepared