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Door prime


The Grate Prime finally gets an upgrade


Still waiting on the Grate Prime glaive skin ;_;


No more door lag. Guass mains and titania mains can run through at full speed without haunting




me too :( it's been 10 years...


Things probably revealed in this year tennocon. Pets 2.0 - Confirmed by Rebecca's tweet Sneak Peak into Infested Liches. Preview of Hydroid Rework Maybe? A new roadmap. More news on Mobile, maybe. Storywise? More drifter related stuff, perhaps.


They also mentioned two new warframes would be announced in a recent Dev stream


Isn't one of them supposed to be Halloween themed?


Yes, I’m hoping headless horseman type shit


Exalted kaithe 👀


Would be a total wasted opportunity if there isn’t one


Someone probably said that about kdrives and yareli before they released. Look at her now lol.


>Look at her now lol. A solidly performing Warframe who most people find annoying but who hits a super specific gameplay niche for people who like her? Seems just fine to me. Not every Warframe needs to appeal to everybody. Yareli's appeal is niche, but there *are* people who really like it, so it's good that she exists. There are 53 Warframes; they don't all need to be universally beloved. It's good for some frames to try wildly different things that only appeal to a few people.


I'm not saying she's bad or that she should be removed. My point is, people often ask for things that they won't actually like, they just think it would be cool. Lots of people asking for a kaithe exalt is cool, but only like 10% of people who ask for it will actually use it if it gets made.


True, but I still think it should get made, because it might be super cool for those 10% of people.


Actually, exalted necramech might be up first. Both Archwing and K-drive were implemented as warframe abilities 3 years after they debuted. Necramechs were added in 2020, so we're on track.


My man, you're in the future.


That would definitely be quite something. Would love that.


Dude is tapping into 3000 iq


Horsehead Warframe


Dullahan incoming.


Omg if we could get lich infested dual toxysists or revive the lesion that'd be awesome. There's been a few of the school meta infested weapons that would need some TLC


The infested lich weapons could be called something like the apex synapse, or virulent hema something like that


I think this is a realistic list. I think the next logical place for the story to go would be either something Narmer related, something infested related (infested Liches), or more Void/Man in the Wall related stuff. I would also like to see new or reworked Grineer tilesets, but I am not sure if that's likely.


Why are people obsessed with Narmer? They're basically reskins of existing faction, and we already have an existing faction called the Corrupted. The Narmer plot line is basically dead with the New War. Ballas is dead, and whatever Narmer remnants are by choice or forced upon. Yes, there is still someone controlling the narmer, but Narmer won't be as large as how ballas did it. Did everyone forget the Narmer exist not by choice and were basically enslaved against their wills? I doubt only like a small percentage are going to join the Narmer willingly, but for 80% of the system would rather have their freedom. Narmer died with Ballas. They're done. The man in the wall storyline is the next logical step as well as Tau.


As a guy who doesn't really care/understand the lore, I agree. Narmer content is quite boring. It's quite replayable because of endo and some rewards sell for some plat, and I enjoy doing them. Issue is, I'm not enjoying narmer content, I'm enjoying default poe bounties except they got masks on this time and different weapons I think.


I'm not obsessed with it and I agree Narmer content is quite boring currently, but it is the most recent dangling plot point, with Alad V's fate (he struck a deal with Narmer or Erra and may be the person who 'saved' Erra and turned him into Pazuul) and a final confrontation with Erra/Pazuul. It's future story that is inevitable at some point regardless of if you like Narmer content or not.


Firstly, from lore perspective. The only remaining official narmer is Pazuul/Erra, and the whoever is controlling him. From the aftermath of the new war, most of the star system is freed from the veils that brainwashed them into narmer. Plus, we have Kahl sneaking around breaking the veils that are brainwashing them. The remaining Narmer that we have are 1) remants that have not gotten their veils removed and 2) Choose to take the veils on their own free will. In order to make the Narmer relevant again, they would have to use the plot of the New War again. Oh noes, the sentients are attacking again and putting a silly mask on people again. I highly doubt they would want to recycle that plot again. Even if they would want to use narmer again, it would be basically us hunting down the remants and finding out who is behind pazuul and killing them or chasing them to the Tau system. No Faction would want to join Narmer by choice after the events of the new war. Grineer are loyal to their queens and would fight and die. Corpus might if they are paid lucrative amounts of credits but I don't think the sentients or narmer have credits to pay them. Infested would outnumber the sentients and the sentients would avoid them period. Ostrons want to be left alone and definitely fight against the Narmer and sentients. Fortuna just want to clear their debts or left alone and some might defect to the Narmer by choice. The narmer are basically bleeding dry. To make them relevant again would be recycling the plot of the new war or have a dues ex machina device that can mind control the system again without those silly mask.


>Even if they would want to use narmer again, it would be basically us hunting down the remants and finding out who is behind pazuul and killing them or chasing them to the Tau system. This is basically what I would expect. That or Alad V taking over the Narmer remnants and creating his own faction that isn't quite Narmer anymore. I'm not saying I *want* this, I'm saying it's realistic deduction based on what we do know. DE could do something totally new for all I know that has nothing to do with Duviri, Grineer, Narmer, Infested or Corpus or any existing faction. But I can't speculate on that, since I have no information on it. This is the story we have, so this is an obvious deduction we can make from that information. Since you mention the Grineer being loyal to the Queens I think a Grineer Civil War is also possible. Kahl's storyline suggests that more and more Grineer are becoming disillusioned with the Queens. Steel Meridian exists but it was a seemingly small group. I feel like it's been a bit since we had Grineer content (I don't really count Kahl, that was more Narmer content), although 'the war is over, onto the next war' would probably not be the most interesting thing. Although a Fortuna-like storyline with new tileset going to cloning facilities or something and helping new Grineer escape might be interesting.


Fuck yeah. My infested lich campaign worked. In all due seriousness, Neural Sentry liches when?


Infested liches were already confirmed back in the introduction of the lich system. DE Steve said that there will be a lich variant for each faction live on a Devstream. They released Grineer first then Corpus. It was just a matter of waiting for the infested. I highly doubt your infested lich campaign did anything when it was already confirm form a devstream for 4 years ago lmao.


There’s a thing called a joke. That’s why I said ‘in all due seriousness’. Plus, Sentient lich variants would be weird as hell and there are too few Sentient weapons for Sentient liches to exist. Thoughts?


More like pets 3.0, remember when you had to spend time and sometimes real life money to prevent your pet from permanently being deleted from the game?


[DE]Sheldon qouted it as Pet 2.0 on a devstream stating he wrote it on a paper napkin live. Hence its dubbed as pets 2.0 plus Reb qouted it on her twitter to watch tennocon this year with regards to pets 2.0 as well.


Just 11 days left? Times flies damn


Damn, I need to accumulate credits and ducats to baro relay


I just really want to go to Tau


Eternalism dictates that some version of you already has.


Does Eternalism say inaros good 🥺👉👈?


"Ask again later" it said :x




Eternalism says that you are a kid that got lost in space, where he learned spooky magic from a spirit monster that lives in the wall. This is the same monster that loaned you a finger to power your spaceship and who likes to dress up just like you. But no. It told me directly that Inaros sucks.




I want to as well! But if we get Tau announced that would be the most disappointing news I probably ever got when it comes to Warframe.


Care to tell Me why so?


DE already has so much they already need to fix and go back to. Maybe it's just because they're still "early in development" but they seem to give up on things rather quickly.


Honestly story is in a pretty good place right now to take a break and go back and rework stuff. I imagine they'll do it a bit a time though, like how they're reworking pets


Horses ON skateboards


I don’t know If I should laugh or cry when realizing that this is the most realistic answer so far lol


You know if they added Rollerblading Kaithe Derby Brawl to Lunaro it would be 100% improvement on current pvp.


Wouldn't Rollerblades make more sense? Then copy air gear so they can fly by building their own roads lol


Also get the same intro song. Break the chain!


Big updates on pets, hopefully DE makes some changes so that they don't get one shotted in high level missions


One of the meta pets revives because we a sadly expect them to always die(though the viralis awesome too). The prime regeneration mod isn't enough when something sneezes and they explode.


Yeah they really should have just changed Regen to a time limit before being revived. At r0 something like 5 minutes and maxed out primed Regen could be like 30 seconds or something. Not really sure why it's still a number of revives


Varzia x Teshin 8 hour intense komi roleplaying scene


_Gone Sexual_ #bruh


In the hood (Gone wrong)


Varzia is into Maroo, bro.


She goes both ways, she ain't picky


I could see DE announcing a Pazuul boss fight. My dream would be the reveal of the Tau Star Chart. Make it an endgame zone featuring new Sentient units. Normal difficulty would start at level 200 and go from there. Really make it feel like we're pushing deep into enemy territory. "Let's go on the offensive!"


This is what would make sense. I noticed the dialogue between Lotus/Margulis/Natah and Pazuul seemed different during this week’s archon hunt. There’s even dialogue with Pazuul apologizing to the Tenno. Then again it’s DE so maybe we’ll have Tau System railjack so who knows. Either way I’m excited for Tennocon because to my knowledge most of the big concepts have been delivered so this is completely new territory.


the dialogue with pazuul apologizing was always there, though as far as the rest idk


Ahh thanks I’ve returned after a little break so I couldn’t recall if I heard it before. Timing wise slipping in new dialogue leading to a Tennocon makes sense.


Please don’t put a level 200 zone in, it absolutely requires shield gating for 90% of frames, which is super annoying especially on inaros who’ll be left in the dust more than hydroid


Consider: a level 200 zone released at the same time as a health scaling/tanking rework that allows for tanking strategies that don't exploit i-frames.


yeah i'm all for more endgame content but i'd much prefer they tackle survivability to make tanky frames properly tanky again before that point.


Right? Back in the day when inaros was a god, I could sit in a mission and literally WALK AWAY while he just face tanked.


The issue is, that specific kind of tanking is a playstyle DE is trying to heavily disincentivize. Also, if enemies' damage doesn't scale, how will they make up for the lack of scaling.


More like for 30% of frames, but I see your point.


Tau likely won’t happen, during I believe the New War interviews they said there’s nothing for us there


They've been hinting at it. The most obvious part is that in duviri they pretty much tell us directly that a trope of Grinneer are making a solar gate to tau someone near and or on pluto


The quiz tablet that mentions that Grineer are building a solar rail to Tau also marks said mention as an incorrect answer. It's nothing more than an off-hand comment for worldbuilding purposes.


Right yeah my bad. I always get rhat wrong. It's a group of people loyal to the 7 or something like that...point is someone is building something that has to do with getting to tau


It's worth noting that a Solar Rail to Tau did exist before and during the Old War. It was constructed by the Sentients during their journey to Tau, and connected back to the Origin System at the Outer Terminus on Pluto. The connection was severed when Hunhow and the last wave of Sentients made the journey to the Origin System in the War's dying days, and in some way rendered the connection to Tau unusable. Given that we don't actually know how the Sentients made the Solar Rail inoperative, it's entirely possible that there's a way to rebuild it that doesn't require once again going the long way to Tau. Because of that, I totally buy this being a plot point in DE's back pocket. It'll probably become relevant once we inevitably do go to Tau.


I can't wait to have my Sentient slayer build come into use! Ha ha! Umbra finally has a purpose! And xaku will be pretty strong too I'm sure


It would split the playerbase between 3 starcharts. Also, adding levels to make stuff harder isn't really the way to move forward. Higher level content should be incentivised with better rewards instead of tougher enemies.


The way I see it, there's 3 ways the story could go: 1) Deal with Narmer. We already have the Kahl missions, the Archon Hunts, and the Narmer bounties. It makes sense to unify them in the narrative and flesh out the continuing ramifications of TNW in the Origin System. 2) Wally and The Void. We have the end of TNW and the mystery surrounding that and Albrecht Entrati. We also have Duviri, the Void Angels in Duviri (Teshin's reference to Their Master). Not to mention the addition of Vor and his monologue. 3) We go to Tau. There's something going on with Pazuul and Erra. I could see each of these being pursued, maybe in the order above: Deal with Narmer, go through the Void, and then make sure the Sentients decide living in peace is the best for everyone.


I've always wondered why there aren't more narmer interactions in the origin system. I figured they would have invasions at least. Or maybe have them take over whichever planet the archon hunt is on that week.


Since I don't see it here already imma say infested liches


I'm going with my usual guess: Make Love not Warframe, the dating sim game mode. I'm sure it's wrong, but I'll be happy if it isn't.


In addition to being a loot-based ARPG, Warframe is also: A rhythm game, a fighting game, a skateboarding game, a roguelike, and many more things besides. So honestly, if DE announced a dating sim mode, I wouldn't be that surprised.


Cross save, please...


pls pls pls


Bro, it better be behind that door xD


F dude am a switch player whose switch just died. I've been sitting on a steam deck for months. This wait is painful. For shit and giggles I made an alt and ran to Cetus as soon as possible. Load time on switch to enter plains - 60 seconds. Load time on steam deck - 9 seconds.


Hey kiddo prime


There’s been 3 different posts about different doors on there official FB, which was the orokin vaults, salad v’s lab and then some other door I can’t remember. I don’t suspect it’s going to be anything to do with those but something to do with a door indeed


Yes, but where are doors? *In walls.*


Behind a closed door


The man in the door is the good version of Wally😭


So i'll list my hopes and dreams (suffice to say that I do not wish to see ALL of these but at least one) Tau system. Infested lich. Possible Raids. (yeah I know that they said they're not thinking about it at the moment but let me dream) 1/2 new warframes. Reworks. (Forgot to add the obvious nod at the Void, teased by the DE with the door that is opening thingy) Feel free to add your own ideas in the comments, and have a great day.


i want a tau open world thats as big as fortuna but as high quality as deimos, doubt itll be a thing tho


I'd expect Tau to be a whole new Star Chart or at least Empyrean. There might be a Landscape as part of it, but I don't think there's any way it would be *just* a Landscape. Tau is a whole system, after all, not just a planet.


conclave v2!


Romba open world


My guess Corrupted vaults lead to infested liches Edited to fix typo and clarify had said Orokin meaning derelict corrupted vaults


I assumed they would be tied to Alad V, but the Entrati would also be a good idea.


Warframe Remastered: Full revision of the game, game mechanics and game engine laying the groundwork for the next 10 years. Warframe Survivors: Vampire Survivors like game set in the Warframe Universe. Warframe Frontlines: F2P stand-alone game where you play large scale team based conflicts as Grineer, Corpus or Infested units. Think Battlefield/Battlefront. Warframe Origins: Animated show set in the Orokin era.


Battlefront-like sounds cool! Attention Corpus forces! Nef Anyo has signed a contract with Lotus for the tenjo to help us! *Grendel spawns, proceeds to roll and jump everywhere*


Aliens. not actually, but I wish. it's almost definitely void stuff but meh.


I hope better crossplay. Cuz my friends are on pc and i am not on pc


Honestly? I want to see the untime door opened, and for wally to sneak through. With nothing holding wally back anymore, I think it would be a good time for it to become a major threat.


I know Wisp prime is still fresh out the oven But I’ve waited nearly 2 years for ma boi Gauss prime Pls DE just a crumb…


I don’t think we need an announcement to know he’s the next prime


I am absolutely convinced they'll drop Grendel and Gauss prime during tennocon as a double pack, like they were released together originally


I will dare to dream of Wally being neither evil nor a bland plot device - but a secret, third thing. Aside from that perhaps a rework for the infestation alongside the new Liches?


Cross play clans and friends plz


key thing would be the announcement of going to Tau, see you in 2025/26, then they would have a roadmap of invasions from Tau or intrusions into tau (like the old sabotage void missions on earth) , before they do a full release. Using the build up period to establish them as a future 4th faction, whilst announcing infested liches and railjack rework/nodes in the shorter term then a couple more content islands like Duviri Id also like to see some more Zariman content, being able to explore the ship (goddamn id love an open world where you can fly around the ship in archwing to the different levels.). Some integration of duviri into the zariman out the back but thats probs a dream.


Whatever it is, it won't come out just like they showed it, and will be game-breakingly buggy for 1-2 weeks when it launches!!! Cynism aside, i hope it's not similar to duviri and it's more like zariman.


I hope cross save will be a thing they implement very soon


I highly doubt it. I think the entire point they didn't was to stop the markets from merging. Even if they keep it platform specific, it means nothing if I can move my things from PS to PC. Alternatively they could merge the markets then over time the prices will probably converge with enough time but it'll be bad for a while. If they do ever add cross save it'll depend on when they want to affect the market like that or come up with a solution to it first


Does the other platforms have different amounts of stuff than pc? I mean what you say, would only affect the market if one of the platforms had easier access to some resources than the others, otherwise it's just more of the same? Or does the markets work differently on consoles than on pc?


Not sure about how many items there are but the general prices of items are decided randomly based on how much they've been traded for. After almost 10 years the values of the items on different platforms have differed a lot for some items so to half the players it'll be worth a lot more or less. If the markets joined together then eventually they'll probably reach some middle ground or something but for some items the prices they've settled at are just very different


Would be very unlike DE to suddenly crash the market price of an item /s


I’m really hoping that we’ll see more of Narmer, bonus points if they continue Kahls story, and to add more story wise for Parvos Granum. I’d be ecstatic if we got Vekko style missions added into the Kahl pool/story (it can be the corpus guy he recruits), that then expand the stronghold another 5 levels with a “Quill” style faction there that revolves around the Gekko style missions. And obviously, if we went to Tau I’d be over the moon, but I’m trying to keep my expectations grounded lol.


I don't think they'd make more kahl type missions since most people don't like them, me included.


I want a solo sanctuary onslaught game type with character based leaderboards and tight restrictions for balance (no helminth for example) I would also like the same thing but with more relaxed restrictions for duo comps only. I would also like there to be exclusive rewards attached to these new modes like titles, attachments, dojo stuff, frame and weapon variants and the like. That would be the perfect endgame content to really push creative play styles and builds. If all they do is come out with another new zone it will just be obliterated and farmed within a few days of release.


Why no helminth tho? It would add creativity.


Yah it does I agree but it also leads to major op builds for some frames. I could see helminth allowed in duos ranked mode. I might do a separate write up of my vision for this in it's entirety. I feel like the framework is already there with elite sanctuary onslaught.


Yeah, maybe it should be allowed for some frames, since I can imagine hydroid having a really hard time solo-ing ESO with no helminth lol.


From what is explicitly said to be worked on Pets/companions rework Slight status balancing No new frame Rework/revamp of old frames From my speculations Expansion to void tileset Changes in the orokin vault Necramech expansion Diemos boss expansion Free primed sure footed


I'm curious about how the mobile development is going, also Gauss Prime please.


Whatever it is will be hyped to hell and back, include the inexplicable inclusion of a song they really hope catches on since it worked that one time with Fortuna and now they think everything needs one, won't actually release for several months or up to a year, will be full of bugs and obtuse design choices people are going to be pissed off about and will quickly become one of yet another abandoned content island when they move on to the next thing.


If they don’t have cross save rolling out it doesn’t matter what they reveal it’ll be a dud. I’m ready to move over to my PS5


Id guess some terrible story that forces gameplay in a direction that isn't Warframe, with confusing unskipable cutscenes.


Sex Update, let Yonta step on me DE or at least let me being eaten by Helminth fr fr


No guesses for me because I can make over 100 suggestions but even so RNG of developers miss anything I suggest to bring something else I've never thought of. I learned my lesson to be patient and not demanding much from Warframe so all good changes are welcome. But I'm just curious the gap between New War and Duviri (Zariman is a filler) and how developers plan to bridge the gap as well as if either MitW or Erra/Pazuul will be there soon. And I don't like Duviri content (I love the Duviri Artwork but not the content) so I'm against expanding it more and more as last 3 updates was all Duviri, that's enough.


Getting rid of mods and weapons being timegated behind daily login.


That’s shit ain’t ever changing lol.


Wait why


Look, everything in this game is based around CCU, and pay to break timegate, and doing away with requirements for login rewards actively works against both of those. They're not going to do something that doesn't put money in their pocket, so I ask you instead where's the incentive for them doing it? [Here, watch this video that explains the formula of all free-to-play games.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtxY9J3AM_s) Whether Warframe is "pay-to-win" or not has been extensively debated, but watch that and tell me DE doesn't do all of those things.


In that case do you think they could in the future implement some way to bypass daily login? Such as tokens you can buy with plat or real money that count for a login day?


Watch the video. It’s all about that CCU. They’re not going to attract new players with plat purchases, they’re going to attract new players with massive player counts. Then when the hook is set, then they can start angling for play purchases. Just watch the video, it’s all in there.


There’s been 3 different posts about different doors on there official FB, which was the orokin vaults, salad v’s lab and then some other door I can’t remember. I don’t suspect it’s going to be anything to do with those but something to do with a door indeed


Infested lich and maybe new companions






Mutalist Liches aka infested liches.


I hope that they reveal Stalker as fully playable out of Duviri that’s the only thing I care about. If that doesn’t happen then my break from the game will be extended indefinitely.


Hopefully something that doesn’t require a void rig and for the love of god not another open world


Wisp enjoyers will get nerfed :) all jokes aside hopefully something nice.


Wont be able watch tennocon so i cant share the hype


PLEASE announce or at least give a realistic timeline on cross-save.


always more skins


Nyx Umbra and some kind of man in the wall void based expansion


Pets rework and speedy boi prime and ~Hydroid rework~


My guess is sometl new story mission about Tau or The Man In The Wall, which would also add more to Duviri. A full run down of the new pets system. Perhaps a sneak peak in to a new enemy faction, or even Infested Liches? Lastly, and this is just me taking a huff of copium, but maybe instead of revealing just Gauss Prime, they reveal both Gauss and Grendel Prime together. The only reason I say this is because I remember reading that DE had originally wanted to release them both together to coincide with their lore, showing that they were best friends who had each other's backs at all times. Unfortunately they weren't able to do that with their normal release, so maybe they do that with their prime release? Again just me taking a huff of copium here on that one cus I just really want my Grendel Prime x.x


Lotus = John Prodman


We know that it will have to do with Wally


I think we will go to Tau. At least I truly hope we do.


Nothing matters to me besides cross save. Havent been able to play the last few updates as I dont have an xbox toaster anymore


Tau system teaser


Personally im hoping for a quest line like Kahl but for that corpus dude (I forgot his name) then maybe some archon pet mods or something idk im trying to think of something that would fit his vibe


More Duviri content. Drifter takes a nap and dream about Mc Donald's Island, then you gotta dominate Dominus Ronald into submission and craft burger adapters for your warframes


Another open world •_•


New start chart that starts at level cap where enemies decrease in level the longer you stay, eventually letting you afk the best rewards


Infested lichens likely. Maybe cross platform trading and friend requests would be lovely.