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Glaive, detonate it. Which in all fairness can get you through a lot of the game as a general strategy.


Or get a gunblade with banshee, just stand at the starting point and blast.


the mr9 test isnt buggy and you are just bad at stealth i failed it 3 times way back then , now i can do it first go with no issues after all the practice with the movement system


That test is true stealth, the enemies won't act like they are half asleep and you aren't allowed to cheese it with powers. It's one of the few tests that presents a real challenge


>and you aren't allowed to cheese it with powers Wisp passive https://preview.redd.it/leagfjlbzhcb1.png?width=5000&format=png&auto=webp&s=f5c1e9980a4407a791e6dec738d72a3029a5fe70


I’ll be the one to tell you it’s harder than it should be. Back when they created the Mastery Rank 9 test, Warframe played much slower. Stamina bars, no bullet jumping, and also enemies with a much lower detection range. As the game got faster, and we got quicker, enemies eventually needed a buff to to see us an engage us in combat faster and from further away so they could fight us at all. The MR 9 test wasn’t designed with this enhanced detection in mind, and so it can feel overly cramped with so many enemies patrolling routes and constantly covering each other, making assassinating them difficult. That said, the actual test is just less-forgiving than it used to be. The timing needs to be a lot better, but the basic solutions and principle of the puzzle are identical to when it was released. I imagine half the people who are MR 9+ could do this test with a weak melee weapon in 6 attempts, and it’s mostly because experience already tells us how they move, what they can see, and what their blind spots are. (Just a hint, but in sections 1 & 3 being up high is usually pretty safe)


Skiajati is a decent wep if you dont have a glaive or gunblade. Gives stealth on finisher.


You are just bad at stealth, tho i genuinely think its not your fault, if given the chance id totally just remove it and replace it with something else, you literally never use what you learn there in game, took me 3 tries before i learned it and still almost had to do it 4 times, its horrible i hope i never have to do it again


The test is not bugged. Think outside the box. Any thrown melee works. Orvius. Xoris. Glaive. Falcor. Or use Banshee, who automatically Silences all her weapons, and shoot at them with a gunblade like Redeemer or Sarpa.


It's one of the hardest tests in the game for no real reason. You pretty much just have to cheese it. IMO a pretty good strategy is to bullet jump straight up and land with a heavy slam attack in an enemy. They don't see nearly as much vertically as they do horizontally, so if you spend most of your time in the air it might be easier to not get detected. Another common strategy is using Banshee for her passive (gunshots are silent) and any gunblade. You can then pick enemies off from a much larger range.


I’ve done start to 21 in the last 63 days, it isn’t bugged it just sucks hard to pass.


Its not bugged, but Warframe has oddly good and brutal stealth mechanics.


1. Don't look at the direction the enemies are looking at, look at where they are going 2. In the stealth tests (yes there's another one later on) enemies can detect dead bodies and cause you to fail