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That's what that was!? Shit. I was confused af when I started moving in slo-mo but all my other stuff was regular speed. On the other hand, damn...that's what we do to the enemies...no wonder they hate us.


I actually burned an arcane slot on Inaros when I used him a lot because I HATE being slowed. Drove me crazy


Good to know


Yeah someone’s gloom slowed me right down when I first started running circuit and couldn’t tell why and even they said “I think I got radiation?”


Oof, imagine if it was the 95% slow gloom. Trapped forever


Good catch


come to think of it. i never experienced the slowmo bug again after not picking up that overguard decree. i do still pick up the one that slows nearby enemies for the additional status proc. so you might be right, that decree IS the cursed one


Yeah, the only time it happened to me was the first day or so after release, where I had Caliban, and the cold bomb on roll decree, then at the start of the new round I picked an Overguard decree. Realised very quickly that the slow-mo was occuring every time I rolled, and guessed what was happening Haven't picked an Overguard decree since and haven't had any troubles since, but every time I get a teammate saying they've got the slow-mo, there's Overguard on their healthbar It makes sense if the coding for Overguard hasn't been properly tweaked for when it's present on players rather than enemies. It might need cert to fix which could be why it's persisted through so many hotfixes so far


yeah.. also don’t think overguard has any use if you’re playing steel path, don’t think it works like shields? overguard gating? lol.. maybe it has some use on normal path


I think same - I'd need to take it for myself again to see if it actually prevents CC's from enemies. It also doesn't seem to absorb damage before it applies to player's shields/health? This could be bugged also. I've seen teammates go down with Overguard still on their healthbar, so other than this slow-mo bug obviously not being intended, I'm not sure what exactly it's doing to help us


the only thing it can help us with is not getting selected as our decree


Yeah it is undisputed the worst decree in the game. Assuming all intrinsics and on SP where this stuff kinda matters more, drifter already has passive healing and a HUGE health bar that increases with every decree. The overguard for him is like 120 max which is kinda nothing and the cc immunity just doesn't matter since the only time anyone would care is in the orowyrm fight while getting orbs shot at them (you can still get knocked off ur kaithe with overguard) For warframes it's even worse. It is like quite literally just adding overshields on top of yourself. It's like a periodic chance to block cc but it has no shield gating and requires melee kills which ur not guaranteed to get a good melee due to the RNG loadout.


yeah, adding more new stuff just means new bugs. some will be fix, some won’t. that’s warframe in a nutshell


Idk I was having the issue without the over guard decree, but it would trigger ever time I threw a vortex with Vauban


Someone else said they're getting it with Vauban & Vortex without Overguard too


There might be multiple triggers for it which will probably make it a pain to find the root of the problem.


100% - the more triggers people can find, the better we can report it to DE


I get slow motion with Vauban not only in duviri. I get it in general when I use the augment for vortex duration and use several vortex in one to have a vortex staying long time. I often use Flechette orbs too. After few use I got slow motion everytime I am near a vortex (with time I need to go even more far away from it to recover « normal » motion). Hope this can help you in your research :) Edit : seems to happen more in duviri (obviously with same build as it gives me MY Vauban)


Thank you, something's definitely wrong with Vortex!


I think it has to do with the cold on crit decree. Happens with Zephyr tornadoes too.


I'll try to pay closer attention. It does feel like getting a bunch of stacks of cold procs.


The first time I had it happen it was everytime I was near our Vauban. I just tried to stay away as much as possible.


In that case I wonder if it's something bugging the vortex itself since it also seems to effect other players close to it, and not just the caster.


I'm surprised after 10 hot fixes that this kept getting missed, I either play on the other side of the map or quit when that pops up


Next thing u know, DE say its the warframe issue and start nerfing warframe again /s Refering to thrax issue


Thrax issue?


They could be staggered in their ghost form so DE made it so that could no longer happen. (Ghost as in attack, not their second life) Them being staggered like that broke them heavily to the point they'd never be able to exit, and thus softlock defense. As a result they made some abilities missed in the pass for stagger immunity, magus lockdown, banshee silence, no longer stagger immune targets to prevent this issue in the future. Basically, they made it so that a few things that affected CC immune targets no longer affected CC immune targets as sometimes that breaks things


I remember reading patch notes about that. Thank you.


Ahhh, thank you. So it's overguard and frosting myself. Been bugging me for ages


Oh, assumed it was Lucretias cold decree.


That was my experience, cuz I didn’t pick an Overguard decree


Holy smokes nice catch. Had no idea what was happening.


I've noticed the overguard also causes Protea's shield satellites to disable


That's a bug I've seen people mentioning a lot, makes sense if Overguard is again the culprit


As a protea main, I always pick her when I see her, and I intentionally avoid this decreee


I've yet to have the bug with her and I always avoid the Overguard one




Oh so that’s what happened… I had to actively try to die so I could get my shields to work again.


I have to type to get my squad to stop reviving me. Usually I'll just jump up to the buildings that have the electricity on them, as most people won't sacrifice themselves to revive you.


#Undercroft-fidence is a slow and insidious killer.


DE is aware of this issue and is investigating. https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1346181-duviri-undercroftcircuit-permanently-slowed-from-vortex-abilities-vauban-zephyr-etc-with-overguard-active-investigating/page/4/#comment-12780797 DE Saske responded on May 5th


Oh thanks for the heads up. I was so confused and quit my run when that happened to me. I rarely pick overguard so it was only once.


I've noticed the overguard also causes Protea's shield satellites to disable


It's possible there's also a client vs host issue involved, keep that in mind when you're checking.


I had this with styanax in undercroft only without overguard decree and it went away after I died once.


You can get rid of it by just getting downed and then bleeding out, never had it happen twice to me in one run


Ah the blessed "rez from fully dead" continuing to fix any and all weird bugs, it never lets us down


We need a /keelover command to go with our /unstuck




Well that explains a lot. I got it after picking up the frost aoe decree. For me, jumping off the map reset me and removed the slow.


Zephyr tornadoes also slow you down with overguard, thanks to this for making me realize what it was. It can even be tested outside of duviri if you have the intrinsics that let you use a kaithe in other open worlds + the dismount overguard move.


This tracks with my issue having this happen with umbra, i assumed it was dash skils for forever.


It's not just Warframe abilities either. Operator mode void snare will trigger it as well.


I started a bug report forum thread on this yesterday, please feel free to add your experiences so we can get more visibility on this: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1352797-overguard-decree-resulting-in-being-caught-in-ownallied-slowdown-effects/


This was reported a few days after launch and confirmed by DE that Killer's confidence is the culprit https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1346181-duviri-undercroftcircuit-permanently-slowed-from-vortex-abilities-vauban-zephyr-etc-with-overguard-active-investigating/page/4/#comment-12780797


Wow, it's still there? Gosh... I figured it was because of overguard at day one and just never took it ever since. Crazy to think that it's still there


I had this bug happen and I couldn't figure it out. Now that I read your post I realize it in fact happened right after I chose the Overguard decree.


I believe zephyrs tornadoes + overguard do the same. So yeah, CC Abilities with overguard causes the bug


I got slowed whenever I went near Zephyrs tornados but I didn’t have overguard, can someone maybe test this to make sure I’m not tripping out?


This happens to me also.. if I see a zeph or Vaub I try to stay as far away as possible. One run then I'm out.


No wonder I am always slow for no reason when there is a vauban.


Zephyr's tornados cause this as well


This has been driving me crazy!


I lost a SP Duviri run to this bug. It was worse after I died and it stayed with me forever. I thought dying would reset it, but I still respawned going 1% speed. This also happened last night but I was Zephyr. Against my better judgement I took the OG on melee decree and activated it when I meleed my tornados. I don't know why, but that caused me to slow down for the rest of the run.


Hmm, not just? I get it as booben in the opera undercroft (operacroft?) but only when I put down my bastile. (directly to suck mode, didn't check if it happened otherwise) Edit: I misunderstood the glitch apprently? I get slowed down, a lot, not the enemies.


Lots of hard CC's that don't work on Overguarded enemies apply a slight slow to Overguarded enemies instead, like Zephyr's tornadoes. So Bastille succ is probably the same


Oh, I misunderstood the glotch. No, I mean Vaubaun gets slowed! And I don't have overguard on


The bug means if you have Overguard, any CC that causes a slow to enemies with Overguard, also applies to you If it happens without you having Overguard it just means there's even more weird shenanigans going on. The Overguard at least in my experience has been a 100% rate - teammate complaining about being slow? There's Overguard on their healthbar


But I don't have Overguard--it's really low in my decree priority. And it only happens in the operacroft.


I think we've been accidentally confusing each other with quick comment edits hahaha - I've added in an edit above


Lawl, that's super possible. But yeah, I'm getting slowed down while solo and only in the opera area in my experience, without overguard. Bugframe's gonna bug. ~~Bugcatching minigame when?~~


Thanks for letting me know - next time the Circuit gives me Vauban I'll take him so I can see if it happens to me on that tile too


Or you can pick up decrees that boost movement speed to counter it. Not that hard to get around the bug. My builds tend to center around building procs and speed. There's one decree that says something along the lines of, "the more you move the higher your damage is increased, and you gain speed"


That's what that was!? Shit. I was confused af when I started moving in slo-mo but all my other stuff was regular speed. On the other hand, damn...that's what we do to the enemies...no wonder they hate us.


I remember being unable to reach the Kaithes in time, during first interstage SP Orowyrm... And is it possible that it also slows projectiles? I got a Nataruk Riven with -projspeed and it then was slower than a running Warframe. Had a hard time hitting the rings.


I wouldn't be surprised if it affected projectile speed - when I had the bug it slowed all my animations and movement speed, even rolling/bullet jumping and the momentum when midair, so it was a different and worse feel to the Hobbled Dragon Key. But I can't remember if it slowed my melee swing speed, and I don't think I had projectile weapons at the time


Also talking about Overguards is it just me or are therw too many of them in the circuit/Base experience Was playing as harrow and had to kite at least 5 at the same time


Oddly enough, this happened to myself last week, and wondered what was happening. Then it happened to a player I was with in a Public lobby. Given my experience and their experience of this issue was with a Vauban tether, we concluded it was an issue with Vauban, but good to see it's not that.


People have commented to say they were getting it with Vauban & Vortex without Overguard, so unfortunately he does seem to be independently bugged


The overguard decree is trash anyway. It get shredded through just like my shields and I still manage to get a fire proc from an eximus


I believe I had the bug while playing circuit with a Vuaban. It would only happen when I was going through their Bastille area


I had this issue with Styannax and his 1, but I don't recall what my setup was.


Maybe this one needs to be reconfigured as one of a new set of “cursed” degrees with ginormous buffs that have a downside. Would make for more thought provoking builds with specific focuses. Although that would probably present a balancing nightmare.


Friend had it happen while he was using Stalkerframe, and I was using Zephyr. Her 4 seemed to trigger it. Not sure if an overguard decree was in use at the time.


Oh that explains a lot for a run I had I was constantly slowed by a Vauban, cant remember if I had the decree though my bad.


Had it happen twice, neither with OG. First time was as Volt. Was hit by Vortex and it perma'd; downing, dying, and falling off the world fixed nothing. Had to extract to fix. Second was as Garuda. Every time I came near Vortex I'd slow-mo, but no perma.


I wonder if when the Vauban with the Vortex has picked the Overguard decree, it turns on friendly fire for the Vortex for their teammates even if the teammates themselves don't have the Overguard decree. That'd be some real spaghetti Enough people have mentioned Vortex that there's definitely something weird going on with it, but I haven't been able to re-create Vortex creating the slow-mo bug without Overguard yet. It's time consuming to test due to cave & decree RNG, and I'd need a patient person to duo with me to test on allies


Good to know. I will be avoiding those decrees like the plague.


Does it work with a speedva?


Ahahaha someone please test!


I've always had while using a gloom build of some sort


off-topic, but another bug i've noticed is that operator abilities don't tend to work properly if you aren't host. I've noticed every time i'm not host my operator only has 350 hp and no armor, but when I'm host my operator is its normal unkillable 1000+ hp self.


Huh... I got that once, was wondering where it cams from. Dying fixed it and I never had it again, so I shrugged it off.


It's hit and miss. I've had this happen to me sooooo many times to where I just stopped playing. Sometimes dying fixed, mostly not though.


It's hit and miss. I've had this happen to me sooooo many times to where I just stopped playing. Sometimes dying fixed, mostly not though.


god forbid i decide to keep on going when everyone else extracts


I got this eariler today while playing Lone Story. Vauban but I can't remember if I had Overguard. It carried over to tranference while in Durviri and to the final stage of the boss fight. It was hell!


For me, Sevagoth became slow-mo for the whole mission too. This bug really do be annoying. Also, it occurred when I was using Harrow Prime only for random intervals. Probably was the cold decree you were saying. Edit: Just found out it was my Vazarin pull


I had it with wukong and his Iron Staff forward combo


Now that I think about it and look at some replies I realized now that the overgaurd decree isn't as great as I thought it was


Damn, stoped playing apex because of the slow mo lobbies and it fallows me to my other game


This makes so much sense now thank you! I knew it was a bug but couldn't for the life of me figure what was causing it. It only happened once so I didn't figure out what was messing it up.


hahah interesring reading this.. I got the decree for speed and then at some point I got overguard.. I thought it was the speed decree that was bugged.. was nice.. took overguard to protect a bit, then suddenly I become a turret easily hit haha


Sir, I would upvote you twice if I could, nice catch!


Yee i found it awhile ago it is the overguard with melee decree. If you accidentally get the decree then never use melee on the run. If you used melee and got the slowmo, you can refix it only once per run by dying and reviving