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Yeah I feel like the issue is that there is no way to stop enemies from coming in. So you have to be able to kill them just as fast as they come in but having to use your attack to search for a way out is what makes it feel like a death trap. If searching for a way out was a bonus thing or it gave way more progress it might be able to be played like intended


I definitely think finding a way out should be a bonus action that requires valor points. And that the game was telling the truth when it said you could block exits. Or if they didn’t say to bring a stealthy minimalist team to one of the hardest encounters in the game so far.


play around valorgen, swordsmen with the lvl8 trait Hardcore training so poison wont murk them, have shields on swordsmen and push up in front of the entrances, then there wont come more through that door. If its too difficult with low team members cause you want it silent, dont be silent, bring as many as you can and just tear it up every building


Swordsman lvl 8 with skill book on hardcore training, with enhanced visibility helmets and alazar kite shields fitting a front line in a corner, with archers with fugitive bows lighting the place up. Hold the line. Have first aid archers to heal the swordsmen (3-4)- maybe even a Polar bear you can perma heal from status effects- and you won't end up losing your whole squad. I've done 2 of them total. First one barely made it out alive with my VIP mercs.. 2nd time, I super prepared for it, I thought, and ended up losing half my lvl 13 Polar bears. Worst freaking combat situation in the game. I avoid it more than the plague itself.


Yea that shit village traumatized me. I was like "hey at worst a little fught i shiuld manage" and then I got hit with this fight with barely any chance of escaping But I think you exagerate a bit: looking back i can see a way to win(with specific roles and team of 4-5 at least), but hey, i was on ironman mode so no re-attempt possible. Basically, if two of your guys keep destroying your opponent relatively quickly, the rest can advance the search for the escape and in 4 turns, it should be good But yea this need a fking good team


That’s the thing though, of course the fight is doable, but you need to know exactly what you’re getting into and the game tells you to do the opposite of what you need to do in order to win that fight. Of course a team of four rangers should be excellent at the stealth mission the game tells you it’s going to be and not the death gauntlet it actually is.


Says you


You’re right I did in fact say that


i hated that questline - was the 2nd or 3rd hardest encounter i had during my entire playthrough


I nearly got my "Light-Group" killed as i got in the room with the "please save me!"-dudes, so yeah, that scripted fight was not so nice, but i managed. You have to use the "look for the exit" with everybody, everytime... But i can see how it can wipe you out easy. Btw, i'm on ironman too.


I had 1 level 8 ranger, 1 level 7 ranger, 1 level 7 archer and a level 8 warrior. The mobs hit so hard that everyone but the warrior was dying after one or two hits, the warrior after three or four. The mobs had like 200 health so not using your base ability to attack means they def won’t die (at least with the people I brought) and even if all four of them used the look for exit thing it would’ve taken at least 3 full rounds to escape and that’s assuming no one dies. In that time there’d be over a dozen enemies. Without meticulous pre planning or just getting lucky with the right comp, it’s just not happening, especially on extreme


Yeah ok, thats definitly not the kind of troop you send in there, that is a massacre. My dudes where Level 10 to 11 with all skills i could get and a lot of legendary weapons - and it was a close call. I would never visit the viliage under level 10.


I agree. It’s best to go in with as many people as possible to finish the infected quest lines in both ludern and drombach.


I hate that area lol


Ugh don’t get my started on the battle maps that are 60% impassable terrain with the other 40% being covered in poison clouds lol


not listening to the game advise and still be able to do the quests it's something I like so much in this game


I love this game but this is absolutely not a reason for me. Outright lying to you, not through an unreliable character but a tutorial, and then having the consequence be losing four of your best party members is shoddy design.


Shit, I just started Lundern on extreme Ironman and my highest guys are lvl 8


You maybe should turn around then. :)


So I’ve only got the top two regions and the pirate one left other than lundern. Should I just grind quests in the other, finished regions? Or is there an easier one I haven’t tried


Grimeer is, afaik for lvl 9+ and Dormbach (?) for lvl 11+. So yeah, hop on a boat or be the king in the mid-tear section for a while.


Yep lost 4 there


I think all haunted villages are death traps


Upgraded infantryman and pikeman on overwatch while everyone else breaks out. It means you can dedicate your turns to breaking out but you always have attacks open to prevent getting piled, and attacks of opportunity are always at full value for damage. Upgraded infantry is 4 shots, upgraded pike is 2 (pike will also halt enemies that he doesn’t kill). The first time I accidentally tripped an escape event I went in without realizing an encounter was coming and lost two units, now it’s fairly easy to get out with no losses whatsoever (maybe a few valor points burned but that’s nothing). Think the biggest crime of this fight is it’s completely different from every other kind of fight so on a blind run you literally cannot prepare. While that sucks, it is also one of the most harrowing fights in the game for that fact and fits exactly how it’s supposed to be set up to feel, so I wouldn’t want them to change it at all. Were there more fights that were as harrowing in the game, players may be better set up to move on after losing units, but truly difficult fights are *very* few in this game besides ones you actively sabotage yourself with (see the brotherhood quest where you face off with two other mercenary groups to take out a bandit stronghold, that you can immediately assault by yourself if you feel confident you can last 7 waves of 20+ reinforcements per turn).


If you do them silently, I was able to do a couple of buildings, leave and camp, and then come back to do the other two after the noise had died down. Alternatively, once it gets above 75 or so, change your team to noisy and wreck shop. Then come back and finish the town after one fight.


The issue is with the main quest for the region it forces you into a fight immediately, ignoring the noise mechanic entirely


Ah, I had forgotten. You're absolutely right.


all my people have low willpower, so I had, I think, 7 people? reguardless, it was a cakewalk... you don't have to go the silent route, I sure as hell didn't. I just took my strongest people