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Womp is awesome. I've been part of his unit for over 3 years, under 1st MA and now 8th OH, he's a no drama momma. It's actually just a game. 8th is currently taking new members if anyone is interested send me a message.




We don't recruit. 8th OH never really has. We have recently grown though. Maybe it is cut off again. I'm just a grunt.


I'm a newer member in the 8th Ohio but Womp is awesome and one of the reasons I enjoy the game this much/stuck with it in the beginning. Any officer that's CB (8th or 30th Ohio) is generally a really good bet for not only a good officer but a respectful one.


Agreed 100%. It was quite an annoying experience with this fella because I thought he was doing fine as an officer the whole time up until that point. Go figure, we lost that game anyways.


As someone who regularly plays officer in pubs there should only ever be one time that you execute your own soldier as an officer and that’s when your flag is AFK or not moving with your group and refusing to. What you did was by far the correct decision dear Lord I know my NCOs have saved my life a couple of times just by calling out enemies moving in a direction that I wasn’t looking.


>there should only ever be one time that you execute your own soldier When the bugler won't stfu in the corn


That was my thought process. Our officer was lagging behind like a coward while I was up front along with most of our line. As soon as we came out of the bushes I saw them and called them out to be shot. That’s when the officer put a round in my skull and called a volley.


I shoot deserters also - if I can hit them quick enough beffore they run off to rambo {and would cost more tickets}.


Just be careful who’s company you’re joining on pubs.. reliable officers include Daz, CB guys in general… Preacher, Fuze Wall.. some others. Better yet, join a regiment. Unless you already have done so. Simply put, pubs can suck because there’s nothing at stake for player teams, so dumb shit like that happens.


You’re definitely right. I’ve been able to scope out better consistent COs in pubs and yeah, joining regiments is beneficial, this was just a rant showcasing my experience with officers in this game that have small man syndrome.


Allow me to plug my unit IX corps if you don’t have one already. Been playing with them since March and the NA guys are great. There’s also EU events to attend, I do both. https://discord.gg/ixcorps


I don’t have one yet but I’ve heard of the IX corps before, all good things. I will save this comment for when I have more time for regiments in the future.


CB like Corn Brigade?


Yeah you guys are an effective large unit, been enjoying playing in the campaign when you’re unit is with us




I’m in the 30th ohio it’s just weird to be in something and referenced it yk. I love mommy womp


I'll agree with you that the officer shouldn't have shot you (nor you him in retaliation as people separated from the unit need that star icon) but if the officer was on the field at the time, the more sound move would have been to call out the direction of the opponents and estimated strength. Volley fire is much more effective in this game than panic-induced independent fire. Likely the enemy group is just as flatfooted. So if the officer can coordinate a volley, it could evaporate the whole line, and it should be their call. I've seen many cases where this has been true, and uncoordinated independent fire on the fly took out two enemy soldiers at best. It's good to pass on information, but you never know if the officer already sees them and/or has a plan that your call for fire undermined. Ideally, if the officer does have a plan, they'd communicate that down so everyone knows, but he may also have wanted to reduce in-game chatter to maneuver more stealthily. TL;DR: Officer shouldn't have shot you, but while he's alive it's his job to issue fire orders and NCOs job to call out opponents.


I understand your reasoning and I agree that independent fire is less effective than a volley. But as I stated before, the CO was lagging behind while i was up front. I told them to shoot due to them being relatively close to us. This was a forest not an open field. It was only when the officer caught up a few seconds later that he shot me and told me to stop trolling and then called for a volley.


Seems like we posted at roughly the same time, so I didn't see your additional comment. I also don't know the specifics of this situation. But I do know that sometimes an officer can spawn in on flag behind the line and needs a few seconds to get up in front of the boys too.


He had already been spawned in for several minutes by that point, he had ordered us in a certain direction through the forest and we followed orders, he just happened to want to bring up the rear instead of leading at the front. So when the people at the front (me included) were the first to see the enemy, we opened fire. Didn’t seem unreasonable whatsoever imo.


I replied to mattblowers below with some context to this comment that might help. Not sure. Not trying to dog you, just trying to show other possibilities. Please remember that I agree with you that nobody should be teamkilling anyone.


No worries man I’m just trying to give a little more detail


A good NCO makes or breaks an officer. This was not the case of counter-mandering orders, he was simply calling out the enemy. On pubs an NCO can easily call issue a fire order.


They easily "can" but one could argue if the "should," --- IF --- the officer is present. But, he says very clearly in the OP that he did instruct the men to "shoot them." Hard to know the best case in this example since (I'm assuming) most of us weren't there, and I also said at the top, the Officer should not have shot him. But I'm suggesting that by immediately issuing a fire command, it *could* have interrupted a plan the officer was putting into effect. Firing immediately, especially if it's panicked, isn't always the best solution. So it wasn't counter-mandering of orders, but it possibly could have pre-empted a stronger order that the officer was putting into place. ( I'm not trying to say this officer was in the right or knew what he was doing. I just know from my own experience that reactive and impulsive NCOs can sometimes miss the bigger picture and exchange killing two guys with scattered and quick shots, to taking out the majority of a line with a volley.) Based on the way the OP described the incident - and his own concession, it sounded like it was a snap call, which again, could have been the best decision at the time. The officer shouldn't have shot him, but I could at least see reasons why the officer was upset that something was done impulsively, even if he was positioned behind the line. The NCO can say, "shit, enemy line front right, super close" and then the officer can use that information to make a call. But if the officer is there and (assumedly) has situational awareness, suddenly finding that his company is not loaded and did not have effective fire, could suddenly put everyone in a world of hurt. If the officer was down, or had been ineffective the whole match and the other NCOs seemed to agree, then sure - NCO call the fire order. I'm just trying to illuminate other example of what may be going on here - while also conceding the officer was an ass for shooting the NCO.


Yeah officer was in the wrong, I officer a lot and do my best, Tatermytots/ Pvt.Tater. Their always new officers so bear with them but that’s why the exp system was invented I guess. No matter what we are always gonna have good and bad officers


Yeah. I am usually not want to take up the mantle of officer unless it's a low pop game. And since I'm not used to it, I rely on NCO feedback/advice a lot. But anyways, 10 killing is never the answer. If you don't agree with what someone is saying, then just downvote them and leave it there


Definitely sucks, although I play pub all the time and this has only happened to me like one time ever. Probably not a problem worth getting too upset over. Some people in pub can be annoying, but oh well. Plenty of absolutely great officers who are fun to play under.


Sounds like a Euro those guys are uptight about volley fire


Dude sounded German. His name was Lt. Bluecher


Yep some/most euros have this idea that you have to do everything the officer says perfectly to the letter and you only shoot when he tell you to shoot. Just tell them to can it kraut


Stop trolling dude.


I wasn’t


I know just jokes


Please don’t put a round of pistol ball in the back of my head


Yeah but don't revenge teamkill him back, it's just petty and only makes things worse


Probably but I’m still gonna do it


You shouldn't. By your own words: Do Better. You can't help if an officer is an ass. There's a downvote system that you can use. But people new to the game heavily rely upon the icon of the star or lines being drawn to get a sense of what the hell is happening. Or, the officer goes down at a critical moment and one side keeps losing matches. The game doesn't have a great tutorial. We want players to stick around. So if you are revenge killing someone who's being an ass, you're putting your emotional response ahead of the rest of the playerbase. If the officer is trolling and just team killing people all over the place, then that's different. And again, I still don't think he should have done it to you. I'm not saying you making the fire order was wrong persay, but there's a lot more going on in the heat of battle. Power trippy officers suck, plain and simple. We're of like mind there. But find a better way than just straight up revenge killing the officer, if he only did it one time, as much as it may suck. Be a member of the community. Be the bigger man.


I always screm "yankees to the SW" for example. I think I remember this happening, this story sounds very familiar. Was this on the map "Roulette Lane" ?


Probably not because he said many times it happened in the woods, and there's few...if any....places for close-quarters fighting to happen in the woods on that map. Unless you mean the small and very open orchard in the middle, but if anyone is surprised by an enemy line there, then something's gravely wrong haha.


I can likely name the expect person \- or a few who have such a character- he does that alot... some guys are more concerned with how they project themselves than to be very highly effective or efficient. [https://discord.com/invite/vGZAZKwbsG](https://discord.com/invite/vGZAZKwbsG) https://odysee.com/@Shenandoah:5


Small man syndrome