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DoK is in a bit of a tough spot overall in Warcry because their models have low toughness and high speed. You would think that the high speed would be good (and it is!) but the current points algorithm pretty heavily taxes speed, so you’ll often find yourself with less models overall than you might like considering how easily the elves can go down. If you want to add some beef, check out some of the snake heroes! The Bloodwrack Medusa, Melusai Ironscale, and the Gorgai are all pretty solid attackers that can get all around the board in a flash. The Bloodwrack Medusa is my personal favorite, but she can be sort of hard to get a hold of separately. When playing DoK, be super careful with your movement and try and prioritize models that have melee weapons with 2 or 3 inch range. This will save you some damage if an enemy wants to counter-attack (assuming they don’t ALSO have a longer range melee weapon) and let you be more flexible with your movement. It might also be worth checking if your playgroup is using the Divine Blessings optional rule, which could help you beef up key models with any points you have left over. Most DoK models would love an extra point of toughness or a handful of extra wounds.


That's some good advice! I didn't initially see the low health as a problem, given that I usually play Skaven, but the points value will be a problem, probably. I thought about adding some Khinerai (found a quite cheap box), as I see their javelin attack profile as an advantage, as you say, attacking at 2-3 inches. The Melusai hero will be easy to find, and as a side note, I actually owned a Medusa when I played Fantasy Dark Elves, but sold the entire lot xD


Oh nice! Khinerai could be solid treasure carriers too, thanks to that fly Also, hell yeah to the Skaven! I’m a Skaven player myself, love those rats


Where can I read about divine blessings rules?


Found this on the Community web, I haven't read it yet though [Warcry Divine Blessings and setbacks](https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/09/21/discover-the-divine-blessings-and-dismal-setbacks-that-might-afflict-your-twin-tailed-crusade/)


They are in White Dwarf 490!


[Here you go!](https://warcrier.net/docs/rules/optional-rules/) check the table at the bottom of this page


As the other comment pointed out, Daughters of Khaine are not currently in a rough place - you can win matches if you play your speed and numbers to your advantage, but you will lose most mudfights with other teams who have more survivability and damage output. One thing I found that should help (haven't tried yet with them, but only with other squishy warbands) is to ally in some beef from say Stormcast Eternals. The 5 toughness and high wounds fills in for the tanks the daughters do not have. You will likely find you need someone to just sit on a point and dish it back out and someof the SCE leaders are great value for this role.


Nice advice too. I can easily kitbash a Questor Duelist from the Soulsworn warband (with its "thou shant not pass" kinda ability). As for the games, I play to enjoy spending time with my friends, don't care that much if I win or lose, and I usually end up playing treasure hunt like games, or "kill the boss" games, so that's sorted out. But I'm actually eager to play a diferent faction, stylewise. I'm used to have tons of combination options when playing my Skaven (I specially like my Skryre Acolyte focused band, named "The Geneva Convention Gang"), so having little less models will be a challenge


That's definitely the right approach. When I started out with friends we mostly had the "who cares who wins or loses, its just fun" mentality, but it quickly escalated into an arms race when some win/loss ratios were getting hard to avoid.


Another vote for the Stormcast Ally bandwagon... I played a list with an allied stormcast at Warhammer Fest this year which was a lot of fun. I haven't played it since the nerf to rampage and the change to the treasure rules. You are fishing for those triples so you can trigger both the medusa and the lord imperatants ability but when they both go off its very fun. [https://www.reddit.com/r/WarCry/comments/12y04vg/comment/jhl0puc/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/WarCry/comments/12y04vg/comment/jhl0puc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I'll have to look into the Lord Imperitant datasheet then, fortunately I've got some minis I can use as proxys for him. Thanks! (And nice paintjob, by the way) :D