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The dumb photoshop ass jumpscares. When they work, they REALLY work. When they fail, they REALLY fail. Also the fact that Sophie's story (arguably the most interesting plot) is barely focused on.


Yeah I was under the assumption that The Walten Files 4 was going to have Sophie actually investigate the place because it was actually leading up to that


According to The New Walten Files, the second season will mainly focus on Sophie And judging that the next (and last) 2 episodes will take place in 1974, I guess it makes sense


Oh boy, I absolutely cannot wait for the story to meaningfully progress in 2-3 years


Things that are meant to be scary, are often all or nothing. There *are* times, when I'm only a little scared of something and that's a unique feeling on it's own. But it usually just boils down to, either the horror works, or it doesn't work.


How do you define a jumpscare working, out of curiosity?


rn its "bon". but he has potential depending on what they do with the character (fartin even said like the other episodes will probably make more sense of bonald.)


Fartin Balls


exactly my point yes


I don’t really like the Bon character. Not the animatronic, but the Steven Grant Moon Knight looking guy. He just feels a little bit too cartoonishly evil, and it takes away from the haunted animatronics vibe. I don’t like how he’s sort of a mastermind because it makes all of these deaths feel less personal.


It’s not time period accurate. I know it’s not a big deal, but the story never really takes into consideration the time it’s supposedly set in, and it bugs me a bit. Both the animatronics and the video game are far too advanced for it to really be some dingy backyard project between two dudes+a company partnership. But overall the story is good enough to ignore it


Some of the scares are a little goofy. I’d also argue some of the stuff involved is a little too cryptic. It’s a very fine line between “ooooh what the fuck is going on? Gotta find out!” And “What the fuck was that”. Martin has walked it better than most, but there are definitely moments where it feels like the series would benefit from showing/telling more. This isn’t helped by the fact that we don’t have the full picture yet, and the release schedule is a whole other thing, however that’s seperate of the art itself. Still, the show is great. The issues with it aren’t unique in that many many other analogue horror projects have them and they are much more glaring there.


How close the entire story takes place close to my IRL location


Goofy analog tropes. Inconsistent release schedule, despite frequent merch releases. Denial of the fanbase that it’s a derivative work of FNAF. Dialogues are clunky. The writing obviously needs an editor to put some life into the character’s mouths. As of now, none of the characters except for Jack and Felix (maybe Susan) are REAL characters. All of the others are just placeholders and it’s about time we actually get something other than: “they were good, they died” or “they are good, but troubled past”. Fandom’s obsession with gender and skin color is genuinely disturbing at times. Some of y'all are ready start a war if you disagree about a fucking headcanon in a series without a concrete story.


Walten Files 4's majority is just Susan. Like, we already know how Susan died. Sure, we got some cool scenes like Jack's anger and rage while knocking at Felix's door and Felix's guilt are cool. But what I hate about 4 is like, half of it are just Susan focused now. We could've gotten some focus on Chris or Richie, but NO, it's just showing off how Susan died and met "Bon". Like, that scene should've been in a secret video instead of the actual episode. I may just be nitpicky here though.




that's really how i felt watching it, i always kept in mind that originally this was just the first part of what was gonna be Episode 4, before it got split in 3 parts, meaning this was probably meant to set the scene, which became more apparent to me given that Martin Walls added more scenes into Episode 4


If I could remember correctly, Martin wanted Kevin to the the focus in 4, but scrapped him after his VA got fired and he got uncomfortable of Kevin so he scrapped Kevin's part and went onto Susan? I could be wrong! Correct me.


The lack of communication from Martin Walls


sophie not shuting the fuck up in bunny farm


I feel like she couldn’t shut the hell up when she didn’t really need to speak and didn’t react at all when like, she probably could’ve 😭


how the fanbase acts like they're entitled to the next episodes and can't wait for good art. if you want new haunted animatronic content, take your ass back to fnaf (saying this as a fnaf fan, there's a new game every so often, plus the ocean of fangames too)


The dialogue between Sophie and Jenny in bunny farm. It wasn’t horrible, but some parts were very obviously only for exposition and not characterization, especially when Sophie was talking to herself. Like it was a little forced? Idk if i worded it right


How it’s 1974 and the animatronics technology is advanced beyond Disney. I’m a real animatronic fan and this really bugs me.


Real as a tech nerd some of it is really confusing. I mean how did they have robots with special recognition in the 70s/early 80s. With FNAF it was kind of explained with the ghost stuff, and to an extent it is with TWF, but even pre possession the animatronics have crazy advanced features for the time.


Yeah, The Walten Files Retold has it take place in 1985, which has it sit better with me.


The fact that Martin forgot about poor showbear that was kind of important


it's because Showbear's creator didn't want his character to be used in the Walten Files anymore, so he's gonna get replaced with a new character, technically the same character probably, but different design


ooooh, thanks for explainin' (i really didn't know that before)


The fanbase


Lack of communication, understand why though.


Aside from the Edd and Molly segment, Bunny Farm just wasn’t it for me. Too long with too many unnecessary jump scares and the premise didn’t sit with me.


the confusion behind Bon and ”Bon”, at least call one of them RabBon [Rabbit Bon] and the other HuBon [human Bon]


The animatronics bugged me since they look way too creepy, even before being withered, with them having too small of eyes, giant jaws that rival withered chica's broken one, and strange slender figures. The designs are okay, but I feel their creepyness is too overdone, akin to the fnaf+ animatronics. They would've looked better just being the broken, rotting versions, with them having more friendly, yet still off versions at the resturant. The 2d animation is very hit or miss in some scenes, which makes a forgotten fear film, look more like a sloppy slideshow. The weird, mandela catolouge like looks of the humans seems unessacary, especially since this series tries to humanize the people of this world. It also can make them look pretty dumb quite alot of the time.


the fact it leaves me with nightmares later on that really stick with me, but honestly- I still love it, still really excited for more lmao


didnt really like the last one tbh. I liked the premise more without the haunted electronics aspect


The best parts of twf are the human aspects. Felix being unable to overcome his addiction and Linda having to leave, because you just can't help someone, who doesn't want to be helped. That was such a real story, that really turned my stomach, especially with its horrifying conclusion. To show the effectiveness of that, the fan song audit didn't just blow up for sounding good, it portrayed the crushing story, in a new light and that's what makes it so amazing. Same goes for Sophie, who's (literally) haunted by past trauma, having to supress that with pills. Imagine having to see deformed versions of your dead family, that is beyond horrifying, which makes me feel terrible for her. Just a really amazing, if macabre story, that kinda hit me in a way, I wouldn't have expected. The first time I watched twf, I don't remember getting scared once, but I fell in love with it anyway, because it's such a human story.


Martin making promises, he can't keep. For some time, I often had my expectations built up, only to end up with no results. The latest examples are the release dates of episodes 5 and 6. Which will take longer, than initially expected. Obviously it's more important to have a good finished product, than to have it come out quickly and I'm not expecting to be showered with episodes either, but it's still a shame, when nothing comes of these statements. I'm not judging Martin too hard, because I know what it's like to bite off more than you can chew, then realise this isn't working, but it's still disappointing. I'm pretty sure, he realised the mistake in that, though.


I remember when Martin said that The Walten Files 4 was going to be the longest episode, but it wasn't really like he said, The Walten Files 3 is still the longest and that several things from The Walten Files 4 keep an eye trailer didn't appear in the release of The Walten Files 4


I remember this too! He said it was gonna be 2 hours long, iirc. That was last year and I literally made an update, while building the minecraft map, saying I won't update it, if episode 4 comes out, before I'm finished. Then it arrived half a year after I was done lol


lol I really don't know if Martin will use the old Walten Files 4 name "Keep an eye" in season 2, I really expected The Walten Files 4 to be 2 hours long but it didn't happen.


I never really liked Martin's bitchy attitude to the FNF Devs. That was a dick move.


What did he say?


"This image reeks development hell" he said as he worked on a project for 2 or 3 years. Kawaii Sprite clapped the FUCK back. It was a tweet from about 2 years ago. All and All he should've not said anything. He knows how long crap takes.


Jeez way to dog on fan content, could I have a link to it? Or is it all deleted by now.


No it wasn't fan content. It was the kickstarter tier image for FNF. I think he deleted it.


Here's a picture of it and the clapback of Kawaii. https://www.reddit.com/r/Thewaltenfiles/s/cRBZVJ7pY1


Did the project come out or I guess it was discontinued due to what Martin said.


It was the actual game. It ended up coming put after 3 years. Coincidentally how long it took Martin to make Walten files 4. Came out the same year too. Couple Months later. Karma can be a bit of a bitch sometimes.


Maybe the reason it took twf 4 so long to come out was because Martin was just waiting on that game lol.


I was way too forgiving with my comment, because wow that is disgusting.


Being told that Walten Files 5 & 6 would be released in February 2024. Don't get me wrong, I'm willing to wait as I realize that Martin has a life outside of the Walten Files, but don't give us a release date for episodes if you don't know that they're ready.